#the intention was for this to be like 30k-ish
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littlespoonevan · 4 months ago
Princess Diaries 2 au!
not me already cheating askdjfhsa so i actually have the first chapter of this fic written but i never got any further than that so i never posted it. but!!! that means you are in luck bc i can offer you 3.5k almost immediately lmao
i had a lot of fun rereading this though so hopefully this might give me some motivation to keep going with it 🤞✨
“You want to do what?”
Buck’s parents regard him with identical disdainful looks. It’d almost be intimidating if he wasn’t on the receiving end of looks like that from both of them at least once a day.
“Evan, this doesn’t concern you,” his mother sighs.
“Like hell it doesn’t!” he exclaims, looking wildly between his parents and his sister. “Aren’t you forgetting what happened the last time you tried to stick Maddie in an arranged marriage-“
“Evan,” Maddie cuts in, voice gentle but firm enough for Buck to deflate. The smile she offers him is resigned. “It’s alright.”
“It’s not alright,” he protests weakly.
“Maddie understands the responsibilities she has as our daughter,” his father says, the, you don’t, heavily implied.
“Regardless, she’s far too old to be concerning herself with something as trivial as a love match,” his mother scoffs and Maddie’s mouth tightens into a thin line.
His parents love to bring up that Maddie is in her late thirties and still single. As if the whole reason for that isn’t because the last person they set up her up with tried to kill her – a trauma from which she’s obviously still recovering. Buck’s not about to let it happen again, not on his watch.
“Do you understand what a match like this could do for our family?” Margaret continues. Buck’s never understood his parents’ obsession with titles and social climbing. He would’ve figured still being a viscount and viscountess would be enough for anyone when, y’know, no one gives a shit about the monarchy nowadays.
“Besides, lord knows the Diazes would be indebted to us for even agreeing to it,” Philip adds with a derisive snort.
“I’ve heard Prince Edmundo is very pleasant,” Maddie offers, clearly trying to placate Buck and possibly trying to convince herself also. She’s putting on a brave face but Buck knows she’s nervous after Doug. It’s been years but Maddie still jumps at shadows.
Buck rolls his eyes. He may never have met him before but Buck has heard the scandal surrounding Prince Edmundo. He fell in love with a commoner and tried to marry her but his parents refused the match. Then, four years ago, a child was left at the palace gates with a letter addressed to Prince Edmundo. Apparently before they were forced apart Edmundo had gotten her pregnant and she was no longer in a position to take care of the child. Within hours, the whole world knew.
The Diazes had hired an entire new security team after that.
Buck hasn’t heard much since but he does know the potential marriage King Ramon and Queen Helena had been arranging for Edmundo completely fell through with the reveal of the child and he hasn’t publicly dated anyone since.
So now they’re here: a proposed match between Maddie and Edmundo so Edmundo can ascend the throne in the fall like he’s supposed to.
 “I still don’t like it,” Buck mutters.
“How about a compromise?” Maddie suggests then. “We have a trial period.
“I personally have no desire to get married to a stranger – I would, at least, like to know the man’s favourite food or his hobbies – so why don’t we see if Prince Edmundo would be agreeable to my coming to stay at the palace? Six months. A proper courtship. And, if anything untoward happens or I suspect something isn’t right, the union is ended.”
Their parents share a look, conversing only with their eyes and pinched mouths. Eventually their father looks back to them. “If the Diazes agree, then fine. But Maddie, you are running out of time. If Prince Edmundo doesn’t marry you then you can’t protest whoever else we choose. You’ve put it off long enough.”
Buck wants to protest but he knows this isn’t his fight. He’ll get his turn whenever they decide to turn his attention to him. He watches Maddie take a measured breath and is, once again, in awe of his sister’s ability to keep her composure. He can never do that. He always feels too much.
She looks their parents dead in the eye and nods. “I understand.”
“I’ll write to Helena then,” Margaret sighs.
“I don’t like it.”
Eddie just about refrains from rolling his eyes. He suspects the hand he has braced against his temple is just about the only thing preventing his parents from seeing the exasperation on his face.
“It sounds perfectly reasonable to me,” Eddie says and his mother clucks her tongue.
“Of course it does, Eddie. You’re just looking for a way to get out of this.”
“No, I’m not,” he exhales. He’s long since given up on trying to get out of this marriage. Any hope he had of marrying for love ended when his parents forced him to kick Shannon to the curb. Christopher arriving on his doorstep a few years ago left that hope buried six feet beneath the ground.
Truthfully, he doesn’t care anymore. His priority is Christopher now. He doesn’t need romantic love; all he needs is a political match with someone who will, at best, be decent to his son or, at worst, ignore Eddie and Christopher except for public appearances.  
He understands Maddie’s reticence though.
“Maddie’s last fiancé tried to murder her, Mother,” Eddie points out. “She doesn’t know me. Of course she’d be hesitant to marry immediately.”
“Philip and Margaret never mentioned this when we were making the arrangements though,” his father cuts in and Eddie does roll his eyes this time.
“They probably hadn’t told her yet,” he says. “Really, I don’t mind.” If anything, six months in which his parents fixate on someone else besides him sounds like a dream come true.
His parents whisper to each other but Eddie doesn’t bother trying to listen in. Instead he glances out the window to where Chimney is training in their new security hire, Ravi. The kid looks fresh out of high school and like he spooks way too easily but Eddie still wishes he was out there with them. Or in the playroom with Carla and Christopher.
Or anywhere that isn’t here.
“Fine,” Helena says, snapping him back into reality. “We’ll allow it. But you are to be on your best behaviour, Eddie. Do you understand how difficult it was for us to find you a match after your indiscretions-“
“You mean my son?”
His mother huffs. “You know we love Christopher. But people talk and you must admit your actions with that woman were completely reckless. Just like always.”
Eddie ducks his head, fists clenching in frustration. “Mom, it’s been nearly ten years since I last even saw Shannon. I was a kid. I was stupid. But I’m not going to apologise for it. Not when it gave me my son.”
“Don’t speak to your mother like that,” Ramon commands but then he folds, just slightly, and rubs at his forehead. “This is a good thing, Edmundo. It’s almost time for you to ascend the throne. It is your turn to honour this family; try to see that.”
Eddie doesn’t think there’s a single word in the English language he hates more than honour. Rolling his shoulders, he lowers his gaze and nods in acquiescence.
Eddie spends the rest of the day preparing for the Buckleys’ arrival with Hen, taking the chance to duck away to his room when she gets a phone call. She scowls at him and flaps her hand in a gesture that clearly indicates she doesn’t want him to go anywhere but he pretends not to understand and gets out of reach before she can grab him.
She’s confirmed Maddie’s brother, Evan, will be coming with her as well as Maddie’s personal security guard, Athena Grant. Eddie wasn’t aware the children of viscounts needed their own security detail but he guesses for Maddie it might be an extra precaution.
He’s heard the story, of course. How she and her previous husband had beaten the odds. Arranged marriages were common in their world but one that was also a love match was all but unheard of for people like them.
But Maddie and her fiancé, Doug, had seemed like the real thing. Their lavish wedding had been the talk of royal enthusiasts everywhere – the only people who actually pay attention to high society weddings. Then, a little over a year ago, Maddie was brutally attacked and almost killed.
Her husband had been the culprit.
And if Eddie’s sources are to be believed, Doug had been beating her the entire time they were together. Honestly, Eddie’s surprised she even agreed to the match. Though, if her parents are anything like his own, he doubts she had any say in the matter.
It makes him feel only the tiniest bit better about his own situation.
Losing Shannon is a pain that still aches deep inside of him but at least he’d loved her and she’d loved him back. And if nothing else, she’d given him Christopher, the most precious gift of Eddie’s life.
With him and Maddie…well. He doesn’t think they’ll fall in love but maybe they can be friends. After all, isn’t that what marriage is? Companionship? Eddie’s had love now; he knows what it felt like. Once is more than enough for him. He can be grateful for that – it’s more than most people get in his line of work.
A knock at his open door rouses him from his reverie and he looks up to find his abuela standing at the threshold, a mischievous sort of smile on her face.
“Abuela,” he says warmly.
“I hear we have visitors coming?” she says, crossing into his room and coming to rest at the chaise longue near his writing desk.
“I’m pretty sure Mom’s arranging a car as we speak,” he says, flashing a fake smile.
Abuela hums, regarding him with an appraising look as if she’s trying to read everything he’s not saying in the set of his shoulders or the slant of his eyebrows. She’s always been far too perceptive when it comes to him.
“How are you really feeling, Eddito?” she asks. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
Eddie hangs his head, letting out a weary sigh, before coming to sit beside her. “Do I have much of a choice?”
“You always have a choice,” she tuts. “Don’t let your parents make you think you don’t.”
“I always knew what my life would be. This isn’t some cruel twist of fate handed down by the universe. It’s my duty – to my family, to this kingdom.”
“And what about your duty to yourself?” she asks quietly and Eddie looks away.
He takes a moment to rally himself before he can manage to smile at her again. “I’ve gotten everything I want from life already. Christopher is enough. I don’t need anything else.”
Abuela watches him with something that could be pity on anyone else. From her, it’s just an overwhelming sense of empathy and love. She reaches out to pat his cheek and Eddie marvels – as he always does – at the way the casual affection he shares with her and his aunt never comes as easily with his parents.
“Protect yourself, Eddie,” she murmurs, a quiet request. “Please. For me. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
He swallows, emotion he doesn’t expect clogging his throat. “You had an arranged marriage. So did Mom and Dad. I’ll be fine,” he promises, lifting a hand to cover Abuela’s with his own where it still rests on his cheek.
“I know,” she says, smiling in a way that doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “And I was very happy with your abuelo. But you, mi ángel, have always dreamed of love. I want that for you.”
Tears burn behind his eyes but he blinks them away and forces a bright smile onto his face.
“I’m sure the Maddie will be a perfectly good match.”
It sounds like a lie even to himself.
Buck yanks at his tie for the sixth time since they got out of the car and Maddie slaps his hand away.
“Relax,” she mutters. “I feel like you’re more nervous than I am.”
He lets his hand drop with a sigh, shooting Athena a winning grin when she casts them both a sidelong glance. She rolls her eyes before turning back to talking to the Diaz chief of staff, Bobby Nash, as they make their way up the steps of the palace. Henrietta Wilson, who is Bobby’s second in command and evidently personally responsible for Prince Edmundo, keeps pace with him and Maddie.
“How are you feeling?” he asks under his breath and Maddie gives him an exasperated smile.
“I’m fine,” she insists, reaching out to latch onto his pinkie finger with her own and giving it a quick squeeze. “You don’t need to worry.”
“I can’t help it,” he mutters.
Up until now Buck has been able to pretend this is all some farcical plan or- or a vacation for him and Maddie! But now they’re here and they’re about to have a formal introduction with the royal family and it suddenly feels real. Maddie’s getting married. Courtship or not, that’s the end goal in all this and she’s not going to be able to say no unless Buck can find a legitimate reason why.
And maybe it’s not Prince Edmundo’s fault and maybe he’s just as helpless in all of this as Maddie is but Buck’s still ready to hate him on sight.
This whole thing feels wrong, out of place. Maddie shouldn’t have to get married again if she doesn’t want to. And she sure as hell shouldn’t have to marry someone just to satisfy their parents’ need for social climbing. It’s not fair. She’s been through enough and he can’t believe their parents are willing to put her through another potential trauma by forcing her into an arranged marriage.
Well, not if Buck has anything to say about it.
He’s older now than he was when she and Doug first met and he’s determined to do whatever it takes to protect her. He even convinced his parents to let him be Maddie and Prince Edmundo’s chaperone during their courtship. (Not in an official capacity but still.)
It’s not much but if it lets him keep Maddie’s safe, it’s worth it.
They reach the main entryway and Buck grinds to an abrupt halt, just stopping short of barrelling straight into Athena. She gives him a look like she knows that’s exactly what he was about to do and he ducks his head, chagrined.
Henrietta clears her throat, clearly attempting to bite back a smirk when Buck looks up at her. “Ready?”
She’s talking to Maddie but Buck still has to tamp down on the urge to say no.
“Of course,” Maddie breathes and the doors open.
One of the other staff members introduces them. Buck hears it just as they step inside.
“Presenting the honourable Madeleine Buckley and her brother, Evan Buckley.”
The royal family are waiting by the staircase for them, their expressions ranging from eager to cordial.
And well. Prince Edmundo is exceedingly handsome, he’ll give him that.
He’s tall, though not quite as tall as Buck, dressed in formal attire with his hair swept back off his face in a way that looks seemingly effortless – unlike the fifteen minutes Buck spends in front of the mirror in the morning trying to make his curls sit just right. His tanned skin and big brown eyes, coupled with the affable smile make him seem…
Charming. He is, quite frankly, the fairy-tale definition of a Prince Charming and Buck feels himself seethe with something that’s not quite jealousy but maybe somewhere adjacent to that.
Prince Edmundo steps forward and, for the first time, Buck notices the little boy behind him. That must be his son, Christopher. He’s got crutches under his arms to keep him steady and one of the Diaz’s staff stands beside him – a kindly looking woman that keeps her hand protectively on his shoulder.
“Miss Buckley,” Prince Edmundo greets, stepping forward to take Maddie’s hand. He presses a faint kiss to the back of it and Buck bites the inside of his cheek so hard he’s pretty sure he draws blood. “It’s an honour to meet you.”
“And you as well, your highness,” Maddie replies, offering up a curtsy and a careful smile. And if nothing else, Buck will admit the smile Prince Edmundo offers in response seems more sincere than Doug’s ever was.
He turns to Buck then, extending a hand to shake.
“Your highness,” Buck greets before Prince Edmundo gets a chance to, giving his hand a too-tight shake and finishing it off with a half-assed smile.
Prince Edmundo raises an eyebrow but decorum wins out above anything else. “Mr Buckley,” he returns, his own hand tightening for a moment around Buck’s. If Buck didn’t know any better he’d almost think he was amused.
Queen Helena interrupts then, gliding forward to take Maddie’s hand. “Madeleine. It’s so lovely to finally meet you.”
Maddie bows again, greeting the queen with a, “Your majesty,” that betrays none of the unease she might be feeling. One thing’s for sure, their parents trained her well.
“Welcome to our home,” King Ramon adds, coming to stand beside his wife and offering Maddie a greeting of his own.
They greet Buck and Athena next, completely pleasant and completely perfunctory. Their focus is on Maddie and that’s abundantly clear. Well, that’s fine with Buck. It’ll make it a hell of a lot easier for him to poke holes in this whole match if no one’s paying attention to him.
“We hope your journey was pleasant?” Helena says, eyebrows raised expectantly.
“It was very comfortable,” Maddie assures. “It was so generous of you to send a car.”
“It was our pleasure,” Helena says then and she looks like she means it. “Well, we’d love to stay and chat a bit more but I’m afraid the king and I have a very important meeting we must attend to.”
“The work never stops,” Ramon jokes. “Eddie will show you to your living quarters and we’ll see you at dinner tonight.”
With that, they take their leave and Buck lets out the breath he’s been holding this entire time.
If he didn’t know any better, he’d say Prince Edmundo does the same. But then he turns to them with a beatific smile and gestures to the staircase.
“You must be tired after your journey. I can show you to your rooms and give you some time to get settled?”
The car ride had only been a couple of hours but Buck’s not gonna complain. Standing on ceremony is exhausting.
“Thank you, Prince Edmundo,” Maddie says because Buck might’ve used up all his manners by now but she clearly hasn’t. “That’s very kind of you.”
For the first time, there’s something almost awkward in the prince’s demeanour. Buck doesn’t understand what it is until he says, “Please, call me Eddie. I don’t see any reason why we should have to stick to formalities if we’re going to be getting to know each other as we are over the next few months.”
Maddie’s shoulders drop where she stands beside him and Buck is begrudgingly impressed Prince Edmundo – Eddie – has managed to put his sister at ease.
“In that case, please call me Maddie,” she says. “I don’t need any titles. And Evan-“
“Goes by Buck,” he cuts in, flashing Eddie a closed-lip smile.
“Buck,” Eddie repeats, as if testing the name out.
Buck hates that he actually likes how it sounds coming from him.
“I’ll remember that,” Eddie says before glancing over his shoulder. “And um, if we’re still making introductions, I’d like you to meet our chaperone.”
He steps aside and Buck watches as the little boy takes three tentative steps forward to stand at his father’s side. Eddie immediately crouches down to his level once he does, wrapping a comforting arm around him and Buck hates his own traitorous heart for melting a little at the sight. “This is my son, Christopher.”
“Hi, Christopher,” Maddie says, voice warm and welcoming, as she holds out a hand for him to shake. She always was amazing with kids. “It’s so nice to meet you.”
Christopher takes her hand after a moment’s hesitation and stutters out a soft, “Miss Buckley,” that has Buck biting his lip so he can maintain his composure.
Why did Eddie have to have such a cute kid?
“You don’t have to call me that,” Maddie says with a chuckle. “You can just call me Maddie if you like.”
Christopher nods and lets go of her hand and then Maddie is reaching back for Buck. “This is my brother, Evan.”
Buck huffs at his given name but obediently steps forward, crouching down in the same manner Eddie had to get on Christopher’s level.
“My friends call me Buck,” he tells Christopher with a wink, offering him a hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Christopher.”
“Nice to meet you too, Buck,” Christopher says with a bashful smile as he fits his tiny hand in Buck’s to shake it.
Eddie clears his throat and there’s something inscrutable in his expression when Buck looks at him. “How about we show you to your room?”
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lookingseeing · 11 months ago
Fics Masterpost
Ello! Here's the things i've written so far! It's way past time to make a pinned post hehe... These are all rated T-M, none get explicit, they all have dark sinister themes. I put the archivist in a jar and i shake him.
Note that my ao3 username is Agentaace. That's also the name of my main blog! This is my magnus blog for organizational purposes.
Over Your Head: Jonelias, s2, canon divergent, 30k
Elias decides to help with Jon's paranoia by keeping him at Elias's house semi-unwillingly. Now they're kind of dating? Fucked up dynamics, victim blaming, happy-ish ending with some Jonmartin thrown in
You Can Be Mine Like That: Jonelias, s2 finale, canon compliant, 2.7k
Stand-alone sequel/epilogue for Over Your Head. Jon doesn't know what to do after finding the body of Jurgen Leitner, so he goes to his favorite evil employer for comfort, even though he definitely did the murder. Fluff
It's Our Secret: Jonelias, jonmartin, Dracula AU, 2.1k
Part one of Dracula AU, featuring Jon as both Lucy Westenra and Jonathan Harker, and Elias as the evil vampire tormenting him without anyone else knowing.
What a Fine Meal You Make: Jonelias, jonmartin, Dracula AU, 2.9k
Part two of Dracula AU, based on the part of the book where Dracula attacks Jonathan (Jon) and Mina (Martin), and he bites Martin with the intention of turning him into a vampire as well.
Not Quite What I Expected: Jonelias, Regency AU, post-canon, 3.1k
One-shot, Jon wakes up in Jonah Magnus's bed in 1826, and learns that they are married. Fucked up if true.
Dreams and Nightmares: Jonelias, Fae/fantasy AU, 7.7k, in progress
Elias the Dark Sorcerer purchases a marriage contract with a little moth fairy that he names Jon. Elias POV
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reggieblk · 1 year ago
hi guys <3 i need ur opinion on something :
if we were lovers, the fic I'll be posting around December, is 260 ish thousand words. It's long, but it's written in 6 parts, there will only be 6 uploads, here's the break down:
Act I : around 30k words Act II : around 50k words Act III : around 60k words Act IV : around 40k words Intermission : 8k/9k Act V : around 80k words
you might be thinking : "that's crazy" but each Act is broken down into 12 scenes so it's not too insane (I say, insanely). I do not want to post scene by scene because they range from under 1k to over 15k, I'm really intent on only having 6 "chapters"
now my dilemma is this : i would like to post bi-weekly so the fic would be posted every like monday and friday, let's say, so over a time span of 3 weeks. however, would it be better to post only once a week? with the uploads being so long, realistically most people won't read as soon as they come out, and won't read all in one go
i'm not saying I'll 100% go with what you'll pick lmao, bc I would much rather post twice a week to get it all out as soon as possible, but I love having that proximity with readers who comment after every upload, and I don't want people to feel left out simply bc they don't have time to read a 60k word update in 3 days (which is normal, i'm the irrational one for having 60k word updates)
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sometimes-i-write-4-you · 5 years ago
will u do number 19 off the romantic prompts for jj from outer banks 🥺🥺
thank you - JJ x reader
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a\n: idk about this one but i hope you’ll enjoy it. it ended up shorter then the first one, but the first one is the longest fanfic i ever wrote so i was’nt expecting this one to be that long anyways.
trigger warnings: cursing, undeage drinking
19: “there’s… there’s only one bed”
word count: 1678
"this sucks" JJ sighed. We were all sitting on the beach: JJ, Kiara, Pope and me. "John B would want us to enjoy the beach" Pope insisted, and so we are going through with this stupid picknick". Kiara looked at him, "yeah, Pope's right" she said and took out of the freezer 4 beers. Each one of us took one can, "to John B" JJ said. "and Sarah Kamron" I added, clinging cans with him.
"yeah, and her, whatever" Pope said, chugging his beer. The moonlight made the sea look like a hole of death. I never liked the way the beach looked at night, but this summer made me hate it even more. "hey guys" I said, "my parents have this house, not too far. We can go there on the weekend, they'll agree. We can drink, and smoke, and let out everything we feel". I stood up and kept talking as I cleaned the sand off my butt with my free hand. "plus, I think we have internet there, so…" I said, sipping on my beer. "yeah, sounds cool" Kie sighed. "it can be nice to have a weekend away" Pope agreed, but JJ had a different opinion. "guys, we can't go and have fun when our friend is dead!" he said, getting up. "and you'd rather stay here, where people ask you how are and the man who has John's blood on his hands pretends like he cares?" I asked, a bit upset to hear him resisting. "yeah, did you hear he declared on a prize to get the shipwrecks?" Kie asked. "he wants their bodies, promised to bury them together. 30K for the whole thing, 1000 for any clue if it leads to something, maybe even more" I contributed. "how come we didn't hear about this?" Pope asked. "it was on the Outer Banks Newspaper" I said, just as confused. "you mean, the one you get, and we don't?" JJ asks, bitter. "right, yeah" I say. Just like Kiara, I was technically a Kook, but I never got along with any of them. The only tolerable one was Sarah, and she's gone now. She's the only reason her brother's friends stayed away from me, but now they give me dirty looks every time we cross paths, and so me and Kiara stick together.
"so what do you think JJ, you in?" I ask, "we have a boat, we can look around, maybe we can get some money to pay your Compensation fees". He looks at me. "yeah, whatever" he gives up, and I knew a part of it was to be away from his dad.
The weekend is finally here. The Twinkie was now under JJ's possession, and he would often sleep in the house where John used to live. JJ was always a mess of a person – his moods, anger management issues, tendency to be irrational and irresponsible… always in the name of his friend and always with good intentions, but ever since John disappeared and presumed dead, it got worse. He became a bit colder, quieter. I missed the old JJ, but I knew his head was somewhere else.
We finally arrived at the beach house after a short drive. JJ would use any excuse to drive the twinkie, even though the beach house was close. My family is not Kamron rich, so it's a pretty simple place, half on the pogue side of the beach, which is why he wasn't that expensive.
"this place is nice" Pope said. "this place is crap" JJ corrected him. "hey, we're not the Kamron's, JJ" I said, a bit offended. "well, time for a tour" I say, ignoring JJ's comment. I know he's having a hard time, but come on, I am his… what am I to him?
"JJ, you're the best" I said, hugging him, "the fact you stole your dad's boat for John…" I laugh. I pull away from the hug, but our hands still hold one another. "well, yeah, he's my best friend" he says, smiling down at me. Pope and Kie are talking too. "Kie told me she's gonna go for it with Pope" I say. "really?" JJ asks. "yeah" I laugh, "I always thought she'd end up with you" I admit, my focus and my fingers travel to the collar of his shirt and fidgeting with the fabric. "I always thought we'd end up together" he confessed. "what?" I ask, and my eyes move from his shirt to his face. He leans down, but I didn't even realize the situation until his lips left mine. I looked at him, and I swear I've never seen him that red. I pull him back down and myself up with some help from his shirt, kissing him, and this time we get to feel the kiss. His lips moved against mine. "cool" he whispered, refusing to pull away until we have too. I peep behind his shoulder to see Kie and Pope kissing. "copycats" I whisper, pointing my chin at them.
Ever since the day John B left, JJ and I barley talked. Only when we were all together, but even then, he barley said anything, and when he did it was mean or rude.
"common" I say and start showing them around. "this is the kitchen, living room, and the rooms are down the hallway. My dad asked that we'll use the room that I sleep in and the room my brother sleeps in – their room is out of limit, it's on second floor" I said as I walked toward the rooms. "I figured Kei and I can sleep at my room, and you boys-"
"actually, I was hoping to share a room with Pope" Kei said, "if that's-". "no yeah, understandable" I smile at her, even though I really don't want to share a room with JJ. "My room had an extra bed for when I bring friends, so I can just share the room with JJ" I say, insisting it's fine and convincing myself while I'm at it. "well Pope, Kei, that's your room-" I said, pointing at the door, but before I finished my sentence they were already inside the room.
I walked into my regular room, but something was missing. "there's- there's only one bed" JJ pointed out. "yeah, no shit sherlock" I sigh. "I can just sleep on the couch" he says, "I left my bag in the living room anyway". "sure, yeah" I say. Normally I'd argue, but I'm not in the mood. He was being a dick for weeks now, so I don't mind. he can sleep on the couch. he left the room, avoiding being alone with me any longer. What a bitch. I should have invited Pope and Kiara and leave his ass back in John B's house.
I open the international paper on the computer in my room, hoping to hear something nice like, maybe somewhere in the world they found a cure for cancer or 2 specific teens alive. "Milkshakes with zero calories turns out as lie" I read the title. It's about this couple in Nassau that scammed people into buying their calories free milkshakes, but the reason they were so good were because they in fact included a lot of calories. "this is stupid" I think to myself, and just as I'm about to click of the report, the picture catcher my eye. "no way" I whisper to myself. Behind the couple there's a boy and girl. The boy has some familiar features, like long-ish brown hair, shorts paired with a button-down mostly open, jaw line. The girl looks like non-other than Sarah with her blond hair, short summer dress and the fact she was holding hands with a guy who looks so much like John B…
"guys!" I called, and they hurried to follow my voice. "look!" I point at the screen. "really? Wow, my family traveled from Georgia to taste that" Kie said. "no, I don't care about that, look!" I smile, zooming in on the mysteries couple. JJ's hand reaches for the desk, leaning over my shoulder. I'm trying not to blush. "no way" Pope says, looking at the picture. "(y\n), that's amazing" Kie says. "that's…" JJ starts, and the smile I missed so much appears on his face. I spin around in the chair to face them, and JJ grabs my hand to pull me up, right into his arms. I return the hug. "thank you, thank you so much" he whispers, and I swear I fell his warm tears against my skin. He kisses my forehead, and Kei pokes Pope and drags him away to leave us alone.
JJ's hands get comfortable around my waist as he pulled away. My hand stayed around his neck, and I looked at him, waiting to hear what he has to say. "I'm sorry I was a dick" he finally says. "it's okay" I whisper, but he doesn't let me talk, "you were nothing but nice to me since we met, and instead of letting you help me I pushed you away, and it wasn't very boyfriend of me".
"since when are you my boyfriend?" I ask, and he smiles awkwardly. "since this very moment, if you'll have me" he replies, removing my hands from his neck to take them in his. "are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I ask him, laughing, "what are we, 12?". "shut up" he laughs.
"sure, yeah" I say. "sure, yeah what?" he asks, pretending to be naïve. "yes I will be your girlfriend" I say, "you happy?". "very happy, yeah. Actually, as your boyfriend, I'm gonna kiss you now" he says, and as he talked his hands cupped my cheeks, and the moment the last word left his mouth his lips crushed against mine, almost making me fall back into the chair. He spins me around to escort me to the bed and we break the kiss for a moment to sit down. The moment we're on the bed, his lips find mine again.
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dcubang · 5 years ago
Summary Writing Tips
These summaries are what will help an artist determine if they want to work with your story! Please read through these do's and don'ts, to help sell your fic! It’s important to know that this is a summary written for an artist, not for a reader. You’ll want to include more visual information that will attract an artist, versus what you would write to attract a reader. Some of these “don’ts” are fine for attracting a reader, but aren’t as helpful for an artist!
Please take your time when writing your summary and ask for help if you need it!
Things not to do:
Don't just give a quote from the story! A quote probably won't tell the artist enough about your story as a whole, just one specific point. It doesn't give the artist a clear picture about what they are claiming, so they may pass your story for another one that has more information.
“Clark was starting to feel he was choking on the air, but he pushed away such thoughts. It’s not like some incense smoke could hardly suffocate him, after all.”
“Sigyn… The woman Loki could have loved for an eternity, were it not for Thor…”
While a quote such as these might draw in a potential reader, it doesn’t give enough information to an artist for them to make a decision and know what they are working with.
Don't turn in a wall of text! It's good to give potential artists plenty of information, but a full, lengthy story summary is more likely to cause people to tune out. Strike a balance between giving enough information, but also keep it focused. I recommend no more than 3 reasonably sized paragraphs.
Don't list every character that appears in your fic. You want to keep the focus on your main characters and/or pairings, and including all your background or minor characters/pairings could get an artist's hope up for that character/pairing being more prominent than they are.
Things to do:
Do make sure that your summary is edited! A summary that has typos and bad grammar is less likely to inspire an artists in your writing abilities. This goes back to taking your time with your summary and asking for help, if you need it!
Do give a well-thought out summary. If you put time into your summary, it's more likely to show. Ask for help if you need to! A good summary gives a clear idea of what your story is about. If you have an outline for your story, consider working from it to develop your summary.
While in search of a missing Batman, Clark lets his closeness and feelings for Bruce get himself caught. Now both Superman and Batman are in the clutches of Hell Mistress Tala, and she's intent on causing as much chaos as she possibly can, and what better way than invading the minds of the two most powerful members of the Justice League? She is well on her way to chaos, but no plan can ever go smoothly; Batman has lost his memories due to her efforts, and invading Superman's mind is not as easy as she had thought. But, how long can Superman hold out before she fully invades his mind, and just what sort of information and truths will she uncover while in there?
The bitterness inside of Loki has been bubbling and growing for millennia. A prophecy is on the verge of being fulfilled and Loki must tread lightly, or all the centuries of careful planning will be undone, but if he can keep his tongue silver and lie well, he will come out of this conflict with the final pieces required to move his plans for revenge forward.
Do give some visual information of places or time periods, if appropriate or applicable to your story! For instance, if your story involves taking a trip to Rome, an artist who loves the idea of drawing Roman architecture, may want to pick your story! A good way to do this is to include a second paragraph, with a few artist notes.
The story is set in multiple different locations, definite locations include Metropolis and Gotham, as well as Wayne Manor or the Batcave. Primarily it is set in an alternate dimension/cave-like setting or in the mind.
This story takes place partly in Ásgarðr, and partly in Avengers Tower and New York, where a large battle with Fenrir and Jörmungandr will take place.
Do be clear about warnings! If your story contains things that need warnings, you can choose to take a little extra space by explaining what your artist might encounter. For example, if your story has dubcon in the final version, an explanation in your summary can help artists decide whether or not they will be comfortable working with your story.
The noncon parts are frequent throughout, with Tala nonconning Superman and mind raping him. Graphic violence occurs, but in less detail than the noncon.
Pseudo-sibling incest between Thor and Loki. Graphic violence in the form of battle and torment happen, Loki’s children are murdered in some detail, as are torture methods. Mpreg mentioned, but no graphic details.
Put it all together and this is what your summary form should look like:
Username: LuciferxDamien Word Count: Around 30k total, 28k written Completed Percentage: 93% Title: The Smoke in Your Eyes Genre: Drama, Action, Romance Fandom/Universe: Superman and Batman, no particular canon, but I am more partial to the Animated Series Characters/Pairings: Clark/Bruce; Tala Warnings: Noncon, graphic violence, mind rape Rating: NC-17 Summary: While in search of a missing Batman, Clark lets his closeness and feelings for Bruce get himself caught. Now both Superman and Batman are in the clutches of Hell Mistress Tala, and she's intent on causing as much chaos as she possibly can, and what better way than invading the minds of the two most powerful members of the Justice League? She is well on her way to chaos, but no plan can ever go smoothly; Batman has lost his memories due to her efforts, and invading Superman's mind is not as easy as she had thought. But, how long can Superman hold out before she fully invades his mind, and just what sort of information and truths will she uncover while in there?
The story is set in multiple different locations, definite locations include Metropolis and Gotham, as well as Wayne Manor or the Batcave. Primarily it is set in an alternate dimension/cave-like setting or in the mind.
The noncon parts are frequent throughout, with Tala nonconning Superman and mind raping him. Graphic violence occurs, but in less detail than the noncon.
Username: LuciferxDamien Word Count: 30k-ish Completed Percentage: 80% (25k written, a few scenes to finish) Title: To Lie and Wait Genre: Drama, Action, Romance Fandom/Universe: MCU with a heavy Norse Myth twist Characters/Pairings: Thor/Loki; Doctor Doom, Heimdallr, Óðinn, the Avengers Warnings: Incest, mpreg, graphic violence, torture, death Rating: NC-17 Summary: The bitterness inside of Loki has been bubbling and growing for millennia. A prophecy is on the verge of being fulfilled and Loki must tread lightly, or all the centuries of careful planning will be undone, but if he can keep his tongue silver and lie well, he will come out of this conflict with the final pieces required to move his plans for revenge forward.
This story takes place partly in Ásgarðr, and partly in Avengers Tower and New York, where a large battle with Fenrir and Jörmungandr will take place.
Pseudo-sibling incest between Thor and Loki. Graphic violence in the form of battle and torment happen, Loki’s children are murdered in some detail, as are torture methods. Mpreg mentioned, but no graphic details.
~ ~ ~
Remember! This summary does not have to be the summary you use when posting your story. This summary should be designed to catch an artist's eye! You are more than welcome to change and/or tweak things to catch a reader's eye. For example, you can remove visual information about time periods and locations, and more the detailed information on warnings/triggers, if you so choose when writing your summary for a reader!
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allwaswell16 · 5 years ago
hello? assassin louis fic? talk me through it pleeeasee
hiiii! I’m gonna go ahead and ramble on a bit, since you’ve opened the door, anon.
So, here’s the thing. My friend, Laura, on twitter is super sweet and so incredibly supportive of my fics. And one day she asked me if I accept prompts. Well, the answer to that question is actually no. BUT I was like...well, I don’t accept prompts, but maybe I accept a prompt from you. What’s the prompt? lol. So her only wish for it was that Louis is an assassin and Harry’s a sweetheart. This greatly intrigued me because I’ve never written anything like that before. So I told her a tentative yes. 
As I’ve been writing a rather fluffy bit for my proposal fic for the 28proposalsfest, in the words of @taggiecb “you were writing fluff so naturally your mind turned to murder.” So she and I began brainstorming for it a bit. And we actually took some of the plot from a movie trailer we watched. I can’t remember the name of the movie but Anna Kendrick is in it. Neither of us watched the movie LOL, but we just took some of the elements from the trailor to make a story from it. 
Louis is a reformed assassin. He no longer kills people for money. Instead, when evil people attempt to buy his services, he eliminates them instead of their targets. He inadvertently meets Harry, and they have an instant connection. Of course there’s the not so small matter of keeping Harry safe from the world Louis is a part of. 
So that’s basically the premise! I have more than that brainstormed, but I can’t give it all away before I write it. It’s the fic I’m going to work on next. But I’m still finishing the one I’m working on now which turned into a 30k-ish fic instead of a 10k one. 
Hope you end up enjoying it! I’m not the best with estimating lol, but my intention is to be done with it by the end of the year. The proposal one I’m working on now is due at the end of November. So I guess we’ll see!
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poundfooolish · 5 years ago
Meaghan showed me an article about how Democrats are putting forth a pandemic relief motion that will forgive like $10-$30k per borrower in student loan debt and it’s causing me to go absolutely feral CAUSE LIKE!!
Okay my loans are a bit Odd cause I say that I had 6-digit debt but the truth is, I had about 40k debt and the other 80k was in my mother’s name. I was still responsible for paying it off tho, and so I have been for the past 7 years.
Three loans in my name, one paid off, two being aggressively paid forward still, with intent to have one paid off this July and one paid of next September, and in the past 4 years-ish I’ve managed to wring those my personal total down to 16k.
If even just 10k is forgiven... I’m basically done! I could have both of those loans paid off before the year is out, and then I only need to worry about the 60k loan (Maybe 50k? If my mom counts as a second borrower???) Shit, in the best case scenario my loans are wiped and my mom’s is halved, and I can have that bitch paid off by the end of 2023. 2022 if I’m very good and dedicated. My current best-case scenario is a late 2025. 
I just... I don’t expect anything. I’m not going to pin any plans on this panning out. But god. It’s nice to dream.
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evak-fic-rec-turtleanon · 6 years ago
Evak Fics - Enemies to Lovers
Enemies to lovers, Enemies to friends to lovers. Hate/angry. Smut and no smut. And WIPs. Under a read more:
********** SMUT **********
The lie I didn't have to tell. by verlore_poplap (orphan_account) (925 words) - Isak has an adultery kink that Even is happy to oblige. 
Chapter 2 of Smutty Tumblr Prompts and Drabbles by isaksforelsket (2k words - It’s not that Even hated Isak Valtersen; he just strongly disliked him and his face, his attitude, his personality, and… okay so maybe he does hate him. Whatever. 
I'm all yours by Skamtrash (2.7k words) - hate/jealous. - bad boy even+ rough sex. 
Blood Rushed by folerdetdufoler (3.6k words) - Linn moved out of their flat a couple of months ago, and Isak and Eskild have been looking for someone to replace her. They were running out of money and options, so Eskild made a decision for the both of them. Isak was not happy when Even showed up in his hallway with five suitcases and his own key. 
a little something (to make me sweeter) by verlore_poplap (orphan_account) (4.5k words) - I wouldn't call it a feud exactly," Isak says and tries not to shift uncomfortably in his seat. It's one of his obvious tells and one that Sana has been trying to train him out of for quite some time. 
lucky strike by Skamtrash (5.5k words) - Isak has hated Even the first day he met him on campus. And apparently Even is the new kid his friends are obsessed with.
New Perceptions by Skamtrash (9k words) - Isak hates frat boys. Even is in a frat and wants Isak. 
A Thin Line Between Hate and… Other Stuff by TheFilthWithin (Flatfootmonster) (14k words) - Isak is studying while working at a coffee shop. His life is Ok... ish. Filled with lies, mocchiato's, and hook ups, fate storms in and lends a hand in the shape of Mr Spielberg, AKA film director Even. 
I call'em as I see'em...But Sometimes I Don't See So Well by HazyCosmicJive (16k words) - Isak just wants to study, he doesn't want a new roommate who walks around naked all the time and constantly tests his patience 
take my hand, take my whole life too by shadesofcool (16k words) - "Isak Valtersen?" Even snorts, shaking his head. "He's the most arrogant asshole I've ever met." 
Hail Mary Pass by thekardemomme (20k words) - the term hail mary pass has become generalized to refer to any last-ditch effort with little chance of success. sleeping with isak valtersen until time starts running out is what causes even to realize just how vital these passes can be. 
I Can't Fall In Love With Him, Stop Me From Falling by bashfulisak (25k words) - Prince Isak of Norway is set to be married to Princess Eva in three weeks time, with the proposal happening only days after the announcement. When Princess Eva and her family arrive with their gardener, Even, Isak can barely stand him strutting around his palace, getting in the way of the gardening work his friend Jonas has already done. 
Not in the stars to hold our destiny by Stria (Asia117) (30k words) - “What the fuck,” Even murmurs, and Isak almost wants to mock him, but he refrains. He’s not 16 anymore. “Everything okay, Isak?” “Peachy.” Isak doesn’t look at him. “Go find someone else to talk to.” 
An Officer And A Gentleman by Jamz24 (34k words) - Isak Valtersen and Even Bech Naesheim are the two best cadets at Oslo Military Academy - but they hate each other's guts. When they're stranded together in a snowy wilderness they have to work together to survive - but CAN they? 
what i like about you by cammm (44k words) - might be mild smut. Insane infatuations turns into a short lived mutual distaste. Until that mutual distaste quickly shifts into something more. 
For His Love to Flee by wyoheartsmusic (48k words) - in a world where vampires hide, two lost souls find each other. 
Masquerade by Sabeley (53k words) - Isak and Even were best friends before one botched mission tore them apart. When they are assigned to go undercover as newlyweds at an oceanside resort where couples are going missing, can they put their differences aside for long enough to solve the case?
Red roses & cotton candy by dantetrieswriting (56k words) - A rose. He gave Isak a fucking red rose. Doesn't matter, Isak was still not interested. Or at least that's what he kept telling himself. 
Legitimate Expectations by champagneleftie (57k words) - might be mild smut. It's a good time to be Isak Valtersen. The up-and-coming Norwegian authority on matters of freedom of press, several Supreme Court wins already on his resume - and still barely thirty. He's carved out a place in the world that he never thought he'd reach, but sometimes that place just feels a little too small and rigid. Enter Even.
mørketid by panshambles (61k words) -  DELETED
717 Miles by MermaidsandMermen (SophiaSoames) (114k words) - Isak Valtersen has 3 weeks left of school. He has to survive 3 more weeks. Make it through 21 more days of hell. Then he is going to hide out in his room for the rest of the summer until he can figure out how to get his life back on track. Find a school far far away where he can start over. Not make mistakes. He doesn't need a fucking babysitter. He just doesn't. His life is fucked up enough as it is.
The trip to you by charlyflowers (148k words) - Isak hates Even. He hates him with all his heart. What a pity the art class is also coming to the trip to Germany.
Checking From Behind by DickAnderton (156k words) - Isak is to captain his hockey team this season which means he has to somehow learn to cooperate with the newest addition to their team: Even Bech Næsheim. This proofs to be impossible, especially when nothing about Even's mysterious transfer adds up and his moods are just too frustrating. 
(WIP - Smut)
Magic Eight Ball by folerdetdufoler (22k words) - first update in Aug 2019. His cubicle is in the bullpen, but at the edge, across from the offices along one wall. When the Chief makes his announcements Isak stands near the middle, leaning against someone else's cube, reading emails on his phone instead of paying attention. This time, though, the Chief is introducing some new hires to the office: a sports editor, a city editor, and a marketing head. When Isak looks up to finally acknowledge the new team members, he gets a good look at the guy who is going to make his life a living hell. 
.. to the next universe. by xoxoxo333 (27k words) - last update Sept 2019. Isak thinks Even is just a stupid bad boy until they meet more often and each of them tells the other more about his life, his secrets and fears. 
The Naked Cleaner by MermaidsandMermen (SophiaSoames) (38k words) - last update July 2019. It’s always been a thing, the gag joke gift Isak’s so called friends present him with on his birthday. Not that people care much about birthdays these days, all of them being all grown up and sensible and mature and…. Adult. Isak hates that word. The not so Adult story of when Isak get's a cleaner. 
I Want To Love You But I Don't Know How by Skamzombie (41k words) - 11/12 chapters posted. Isak and Even do not get along. In fact they hate each other. But when Even finds dirt on Isak, well it is almost too good to not use it to his advantage. And then somehow Isak finds himself in the drama club...with Even where drama is definitely promised.  
put me in a movie by Evenbechbaesheim (42k words) - last update Jan 2018. Isak wants to be an actor, Even wants to be a director and they don’t quite get it right the first few times, but , like any good NRK drama- they can’t keep away from each other for very long. A story told through the months of the year. 
If You Don't Love Me, Don't Tell Me by orphan_account (44k words) - 4/5 chapters posted. Even's two sided personality is what drives Isak's hatred towards him. An asshole frat boy at night while he parties, then a top student by day who charms everyone with his bright smile. Except, Isak doesn't believe that Even has any good intentions. 
If You Love Me, If You Hate Me by MacksDramaticShenanigans (44k words) - last update March 2018. Isak could be chill. He was the chillest. He was a mature, reasonable adult that was perfectly capable of controlling his emotions. Not even Even could ruin that. 
take me to the stars by iriswests (230k words) - last update Aug 2017. Isak thinks Even is pretentious and impractical. Even thinks Isak is arrogant and uptight. They’re not each other’s biggest fans, even if they do happen to have spectacular sex on a very, very drunken night. And Isak doesn’t mean to do it again, but he does, anyway, so now they’re establishing ground rules and deciding that maybe they can keep doing this, no strings attached, no commitments, no feelings, and, most importantly, no need to stop disliking each other. And then it’s not quite that simple anymore. 
********** MILD or NO SMUT **********
Waking Up with Your Enemy by evak1isak (1.6k words) - Isak can't remember what he did last night, but he's woken up with a hangover, in his underwear and in the bed of the boy he loathes the most: Even Bech Næsheim. 
black hearted angels sunk me (with kisses on my mouth) by traumatic (1.8k words) - A costume contest goes horribly, horribly right. 
When I Kiss Your Soul by jinglebin  (2.5k words) - Even's soulmate wasn't who he had expected or hoped it would be. 
I like my sugar with coffee and cream by imminentinertia (4k words) - 5 times Even buys a coffee +1 time Isak buys a shirt. 
Handcuff Your Way To My Heart by sugarbeat24 (4.3k words) - Isak and Even work at Buzzfeed and are roped into doing a video together. Lots of "oh my gods" and eyerolls ensue. 
How Gay Culture Liberated the Modern World by panshambles (6k words) -  DELETED
I'm Stuck on You by Twinklylightseverywhere (6k words) - Jonas lets out another nervous laugh. Isak wishes his best friend would shut up. “You two will take the spare room. Uh… with one bed.” “ONE BED?” Isak and Even both shout at the exact same time. “Merry Christmas!” 
Hjerterum by littlemovie (Lejla) (6.3k words) - Isak cleared his throat. “Hi,” he tried again looking at who, he gathered, was the ever-elusive third roommate. Even walked to the fridge, keeping his eyes glued to his feet. He took two cans of coke from his shelve and a bag of chips from the counter before making his way down to the basement again, shutting the door behind him. Isak huffed out a breath. “Well, that’s rude,” he mumbled to himself.
thought i had you in the palm of my hand that night by hippopotamus (6.6k words) - They're roommates, and they don't get on at all. Until they do, at which point Even decides to develop a useless crush. 
you call me lavender, you call me sunshine by aestheticzjm (8.4k words) - the one in which isak is forced to look over a friend's tattoo parlor and even works at the flower shop across the street. 
Good Roast by lovelycarcass  (9k words) - Even is a rising filmmaker and Isak is a cynical, sharp-tongued film critic. 
Is This What You Wanted? by cuteandtwisted (10k words) - Isak is filthy rich and Even is a hardworking male model who just got signed to his father's agency. Even gets an awful offer from Isak: one night with him in exchange for money, and begins to despise him. 
in the morning you'll dance with all the headache by bluesterek (19k words) - “Why do you hate me? Is it still about that kiss in first grade?” “You kissed my crush in front of me, Even.” “Yeah well, sorry about that, but that was like a century ago. Besides, you don’t even like girls.” “Excuse me, what?” 
en passant by peachbombs (21k words) - The first time Isak and Even had gone up against each other at a competition, the judges had declared a tie. Newspapers covered the occurrence as an unusual feat—it was a debate competition; one side had to win over another. That was the whole point. But it kept happening. Candy jar au. 
i didn't mean to kiss you (you didn't mean to fall in love) by shadesofcool (24k words) - football/cheerleader au with not much football and cheerleading because i only know the basics 
Dear Friend by bri_ness (26k words) - Isak and Even work together in a failing video store, and they cannot stand each other. Isak and Even both signed up for the Love Letters dating service, and they’re both falling for their anonymous pen pal. She Loves Me AU 
through these dark days by hippopotamus (29k words) - This is the world Isak lives in, half dead, half empty, half wild. A makeshift camp in a dying forest with twe- eleven other people, salvaging anything they can to make it easier, hunting any animal they can find to make it survivable. 
hearts a mess by slvtherxn (31k words) - Jonas takes the new kid at school under his wing, and everyone instantly loves him... everyone but Isak. He’s cool, and older, and funny, but whenever he talks, Isak gets the weirdest nauseating feeling in his stomach. He thinks he might hate him. 
Come On, Set the Tone by boxesofflowers, Eeyoreneedsahug (57k words) - Isak is a recently out popstar who wants to prove that he is not just another pretty face in pop music. Even is a self contained, indie singer songwriter who takes shit from nobody. Shortly after a public feud between the two begins, they’re forced together for a nationwide tour. 
Blood vs. Water by bri_ness (100k words) - Survivor au. Isak and Even become become rivals very early on and they constantly mess with each other. 
You Don't Even Know Me! by cuteandtwisted  (101k words) - "Let's keep our daddy issues out of work," said Even. "Excuse me?!" The one in which Isak and Even are interns who got off the wrong foot and don't like each other at all (except that they do). 
(WIP - No smut)
I hate that I want you by daisysmalia (17k words) - last update Jan 2017. Isak hates Even. He hates him so much that he even wrote a list. A list of everything to hate about the idiot. From his stupid smile to his windswept hair. From his random flirting with everyone to the fact he knows his name. To that feeling Isak gets when Even is around. 
i hate your face, it makes my heart skip a beat by Bellakitse (20k words) - last update Sept 2017. Isak is failing History and his friends have the great idea that their new friend Even should tutor him. It's perfect except Isak doesn't like Even or the way his stupid face makes his stomach flip. 
helium hearts (we're on fire) by itjustkindahappened (27k words) - last update May 2019. 10 Things I Hate About You!AU. Eva enrolls at Hartvig Nissens VGS in Oslo and falls headfirst for the popular and pretty Vilde Lien. Vilde, however, is not allowed to date until Isak—her sarcastic, misantropic introvert of a step brother—does. Together with her new group of friends, Eva comes up with a plan to set Isak up with the school's rumor-ridden bad boy Even Bech Næsheim so she can take her crush out.
we are made up of love and hate by everythingislove (straykid), puddingandpie (42k words) - last update July 2018. the one where Isak joins his best friends on their first North American tour and definitely does not fall for Even Bech Næsheim, their infuriating(ly handsome) opening act. 
a careful hypothesis of the heart by StMisery (87k words) - 12/13 chapters posted. "The boss' fucking son got the job. Out of a pool of dedicated applicants. You can't just deny nepotism like that," he said. "I'm Isak, by the way. I didn't catch your name?" Leaning against the metal banister in the elevator, the other man was the picture of calm. "I'm the boss' fucking son," he said. 
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ecisythcrub1975-blog · 6 years ago
Update: So uhhhhh. That didn go so well. They couldn get a vein, then the vein guy came over and found one he said would be fine. If I say "nothing", it means nothing. I ended up having to lie to him to get some quite and peace. He was always trying to hug me and to talk to me and got excited at the slightest thing like a puppy. I had recently moved to San Francisco. Managed to find a decent 1B/1BR in Oakland on my own. Came to the realization that recreational marijuana is not only legal here, but there delivery! So I get some edibles, and for several months I enjoyed using small doses for better sleep with no issues.. The pain. This man suffers no pain. No one not stupidly high on drugs could just utterly casually suffer a 1/2 hole in their forearm. In TLJ he 경산출장샵 looks just so unstable. It all plays into this immensly powerful and unpredictable character. Even when he seems composed it hard to tell if he is actually calm or about to blowup.. The veritable attractions of South India Tours include the many delightful hill stations that are tucked away along the Western Ghats, which make perfect places of retreat during the scorching summer in the plains. Some of the popular South India hill stations include Ooty, Munnar, Horsley hills, Kodaikanal and Coorg just to list a few. The verdant green valleys, endless expanses of tea and spice gardens dotted with cascading waterfalls and infringed with mist clad mountains, the hill stations make great holiday options for adventure lovers, fun seekers and families alike. 3) Mascaras dry vs. Wet. I like dry mascaras. I think my accent is a really odd mix of Kiwi/German/British, and it gets worse the less I am in touch with real native speakers. I try to control it as best as I can, but usually can sustain it throughout an episode, so in the beginning my voice always sounds better than towards the end. :D. I COULD in theory use that shade as a contour, but I no idea why I want to. The foundation formula itself seems very nice, however. If it were 경산출장샵 the right shade I think I would really like it.. The holographic plate, resting where the two wave fronts collide, captures a cross section, or a thin slice, of these three dimensional shapes. If this sounds confusing, just imagine looking through the side of a clear aquarium full of water. If you drop two stones into the water at opposite ends of the aquarium, waves will spread toward the center in concentric rings. But through it all, we have seen the beauty of America's soul, and the steel in America's spine. "The president praised the "Cajun Navy " that helped save lives in the wake of Hurricane Harvey last year. President Trump is entering the House chamber and shaking hands with lawmakers standing in the aisle. Mrs. Eustace Macallan had heard of the remedy, and had received the book. But of her own intentions in the future she had not said one word. It would be nice to have a separate rotating format restricted to sets that were in Standard together at a particular time. Like one month you could play in the UnGoro meta, and another month in Witchwood. But that sort of thing is bad for new players, so we'll probably never see it.. Check into the new(ish) alesis mesh sets. I used to playing a Roland TD 30k at church once a week for the last few years and got the Nitro Mesh set for christmas. I haven had a set at all at home in over 10 years. Yeah, I found of all cotton petti pants in SE Asia where I lived and bought several pairs as I lived in skirts. The key is getting them long enough to be past the "high rub" zone, but not too long. So really just past mid upper thigh.
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eloarei · 7 years ago
WIP Game
List the things you’re excited to work on this year in as little or as much detail as you like, and then tag some friends!
Tagged by @enchantedtalisman (and again it won’t tag you. Tch. Sorry. But thanks for the tag!)
(Behind a cut, because you don’t want to read all that. ...Or maybe you do?)
In no particular order, because my level of excitement changes at the drop of a hat: 6 BNHA fics, and one each FFXV and FO4. 1700 words of synopses and babbling.  (Friends who read my stuff: if you wanna skim through these and tell me which one(s) (if any) you’d most want to read, that’d be rad. =D Will it influence what I work on? Who knows? My inspiration is fickle as shit. But it couldn’t hurt.) 
1. “Touch2” -- current WIP, 10k + notes. BNHA. Dekumight. Estimated total: 20k?      Picking up right where “Touch” left off, this fic is a slightly more detailed/slow/slice-of-life story than its predecessor. The 10k I’ve written so far takes place over the course of only 2 days, and it’s mostly Toshi and Izuku getting to know each other, and Toshi being yelled at by his manager (an OC called Suzuki). The general plot of the story doesn’t deviate very far from canon, as far as I’ve planned. “Touch2” will probably cover at least up to the entrance exam, but I’m not entirely sure. Given that leisurely pace, there’ll probably have to be a Touch3 and 4 as well, if not even more.       I’ve been slowly hacking away at this one since the start of December, just in between whatever else I might be working on. Kind of got to a point where I need to actually think about what happens next? ^^; Also, it’s gotten too long to be a one-shot, I think, but I’m going to have to be careful how I split it up. It’s not written for splitting… Well, I’ll figure it out. Just gotta keep writing first.
2. “Make the Most sequel, and side stories” -- only notes. BNHA. Dekumight. Estimated total: lots???      I’m lumping these all together, but this includes quite a few stories, some of which I have plans/notes for, some only ideas. One of the first is a fic that might be, at most, half the length of MtM, which is the events of MtM from Toshi’s POV. This was actually requested by a friend, but it was something I kind of already wanted to do, which is cool. Other side stories include perspectives from other characters, some things like dates and vacations, Izuku learning to use his powers, and some extra NSFW scenes, because why not? After all of those, I intend for there to be an ‘official sequel’, taking place towards the end of Izuku’s college run, which might function as more of an epilogue than a sequel, due to the potential lack of actual plot.      Geez there is just so much potential for this series to go on in side-stories and extras and etc. I actually get a little mad at myself whenever I neglect to continue it, because it’s sort of my main, well, IP, I guess you’d say. It’s my kudos breadwinner. XD I should just do it!
3. “Loveless epilogue” -- only notes. BNHA. Dekumight. Estimated total: 7k?      A short...er sequel/epilogue, taking place roughly a year (I might change that) after the main story, revolving (spoiler alert) around Toshi figuring out if/when/how to propose to Izuku, and summing up how things have gone in the past year. Mushy because I love marriage, okay guys, I just love it so much, and also a little bit morbid because of an in-universe tradition that could be considered either romantic or creepy, depending on your views. =D      I actually ought to write this one like… immediately, while the main fic is still fresh in my mind. It’s extremely self-indulgent, maybe more than just, y’know, my normal writing. But I think at least some of the people who read LOVELESS will like it. ^^ And I will, I think. And that’s all that really matters, right?! *shakes head ‘no’*
4. “Waste” -- current WIP, 1k + notes. BNHA. Dekumight(-ish?), and Deku+friends. Estimated total: 15k???? No. Probably more.      A Fallout fusion. Vault 211 (21-1 or twenty-one one) has been carefully breeding superpowers into its population for the past 200 years, but if yours doesn’t show up by your 18th birthday, prepare to be kicked out on your ass into the unforgiving wasteland. Guess who’s the newest resident of the wastes? Lucky for Izuku, he meets a frightening creature who takes to looking out for him. ‘Human’ under some description, he’s sure, this guy has radiation levels through the roof. Burly super-mutant by day, gangly rotting ghoul by night, he doesn’t exactly have a lot of friends, but boy is he good at surviving in the hellscape that the world has become.      I freaking love Fallout a whole lot, and look, Toshi/All Might is so very much a ghoul/super mutant, and vaults just give you so much free reign to give people powers and etc etc, look, it just seemed like something that would work. Not sure really how it’s going to go, but we’ll see. =]
5. “Nana/Toshi darkfic” -- only notes. BNHA. Nana/Toshi (probably NSFW) and Dekumight. Estimated total: 20k???       His mentor was beautiful, kind, strong-- perfect. He didn’t realize she was being eaten away by a dark pit in her heart. He didn’t know if leaving her alone would help it. He just wanted to be with her so badly, to please her, to make that smile real, and she lacked the fortitude to refuse him anything that would make him happy. A fic about Nana and Toshi becoming perhaps too close, and Nana struggling with depression. Following the canon timeline moderately closely, it shouldn’t be a surprise that it will include a major character death, and the fallout surrounding it.      Hoo boy did the desire to write this fic just hit me like a ton of bricks a few weeks ago. This is going to be a dark, sad, uncomfortable story, most likely. And although it will end with Dekumight, the large part of the plot will still revolve around Nana/Toshi, so I’m not sure most of my normal readers will want to touch it. XD;;; I think the inspiration to write this came somewhat from the feeling that the ending to LOVELESS was not nearly as dark as it could have been, haha. Every so often I just want to challenge myself and see how many boundaries I can push. ^^;
6. “Feed” -- only notes. BNHA. Dekumight. Estimated total: 15k?      In a world ruled by a vampiric shadow known as All for One, Izuku’s group has been trying to find ways to fight him. Nearly everyone is of this man’s blood now, since he started handing out powers to gain followers. But it’s said that an artifact of some sort exists still which can give the power to defeat him. Izuku, with the purest blood of his group, is chosen to seek it out. But the artifact is a vampire, the last of AfO’s first ‘children’, frozen and starving after failing to defeat his ‘father’, and Izuku almost doesn’t survive the encounter.      I want to write this fic, and I think I should do it while it’s still cold and gloomy, because that’s the feel of the setting, but if I get distracted and don’t get around to it, I probably won’t be too upset.
7. “Parents AU” -- current WIP, 6k + notes. FFXV. Gladnis + Ignis&Noctis. Estimated total: 40k?       Teenage Ignis and Gladio happen to be babysitting the toddler prince when the Empire attacks, and in the chaos they manage to get safely mixed into the crowd of civilians fleeing the city. They decide to treat him as their own until they can be sure it’s safe to return him to someone with more seniority. But will it ever be safe? Fifteen years in hiding says no, and even when Noct is old  enough to be asked to save the world, there’s no way in hell his parents are going to let him go it alone.       I tried to continue writing this the other day and it was terrible. Painful. I almost cried. Literally every word of the 30 or so I managed before I gave up were the hardest things I’ve ever written. I think if I go back and play the game again (which I’d like to, since there’ve been updates and DLC), I think it will be easier. Honestly though, this is one of my favorite things I’ve yet written, so if I don’t see it to fruition, I will be moderately pissed.
8. “Same Heart” -- current WIP, 30k + notes. FO4. Estimated total: 90k (35k for act 1)      The great synth detective Nick Valentine is recaptured by the Institute, remade and reset. He awakes to his new life underground, unaware that he ever roamed the wasteland-- except for the rare moments when they plug in his old memories so they can grill him for info. Though the memories are gone again after every session, they leave an aftertaste of distrust for the people he’s working with, until it’s too much to ignore. Meanwhile, he finds himself as the only person who seems to truly care about the little boy they’re all calling their savior, doing his best to help him grow up with some modicum of love in this sterile environment. When Nick finally decides to break out of their fancy little prison, it’s not a question whether he’ll take Shaun with him, and it’s obvious where they’ll go: to find the parents the Institute stole him from.      This one haunts me, because I spent like 3 months doing practically nothing but writing this last year. I got almost, almost all the way through the first act (out of 3), and then… stopped. Now I know it’s going to be impossible to get back into. And this is already a very different story for me, because it’s essentially a gen fic. The intention is for acts 2 and 3 to focus on Nick and the ‘sole survivor’ Nora, but the whole first act is about him half-raising her son, Shaun. I really want to finish this, or geez, at least the first act! Because it is painful having 30k sitting around that nobody has ever seen. And it’s pretty decent! But even though I have 6 chapters done, I don’t want to start posting it until it has a halfway decent ‘conclusion’, so I need to finish the act. I have to.
And I’ll tag… uh… @oldseablues, @braincoins, @thenightisdarkandfullofbooty, @orionskingdom, @animeuzumaki7, @blessedblooduniverse, @rangrids, and anyone else who’s reading this and is also a writer. =] Tag me back so I can see it, please! ^^
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fmabigbang · 8 years ago
Summaries for mobile, as the link doesn’t work:
Looking for ships?
Roy/Ed: #1, #2, #3, #6, #7, #14, #17, #19, #22, #23
Roy/Riza: #8, #9, #16, #20, #21
Al/Mei: #8, #12, #17, #21
Ed/Winry: #8, #12, #18
Al/Wrath: #18
Greed/Ling: #23
Havoc/Fuery: #23
Ling/Lan Fan: #8
Maes/Gracia: #4
Olivier/Roy: #5
Riza/Rebecca Catalina: #10
Russell Tringham/Belsio: #2
(Please note that only main/major ships are included in this list)
Fic #1: Dead Ringer
Summary:  Love, as fleeting as it is sweet. After a single date, Roy Mustang is left with only funeral flowers and the memory of a guy who could have been The One.  A few months later, he finds himself introduced to a friend of a friend who looks eerily familiar. Second chances come from unexpected places, he knows, but—Ed’s cousin?
Author: Xyriath Continuity: Modern Amestris AU Length: Roughly 20k Pairings: Roy/Ed, Ling/Lan Fan (background) Rating: T or E (depends on age of artist) Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Amestris, Alchemy, Hijinks, Humor, Lan Fan you had one job, A Comedy of Intrusive Thoughts Major warnings: No
Fic #2
Summary: Centuries after faery-kind disappeared from the planet—in part due to humanity’s fear and hatred of them—their part-human descendants continue to face discrimination, particularly in Amestris, where Lord Selim the Prideful has recently inherited his father’s power. Lord Selim wishes for a nation that adequately reflects his own greatness, and thus seeks to purge it of anything nonindicative of that, “halflings” included, starting with a widespread movement to identify and relocate them to designated areas throughout the country. John Belsio, a halfling farmer and hunter, wouldn’t be bothered, but Lord Selim chooses his extensive plot of land as one such relocation area for part-humans throughout Eastern Amestris. His precious privacy infringed upon, Belsio travels to Central City to confront Selim, who makes a deal with him: if Belsio completes a quest for him, Selim will gladly move the halflings elsewhere and leave Belsio in peace. With former politician and fugitive Roy Mustang at his side, whether he likes it or not, Belsio sets out to complete Selim’s task, which, between discovering a decades-long conspiracy and the burgeoning revolution, turns out to be more than he bargained for—and maybe exactly what he needed.
Author: geichang Continuity: total AU featuring characters from both versions Length: 40k ish. EXTREME emphasis on the ‘ish’ Pairings: Belsio/Russell Tringham, Roy/Edward (side) Rating: T (teen) Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Part-Human Characters, Fantastic Racism, Minor Character Focus, Autistic Protagonist, Friends to Lovers Major warnings:  No
Fic #3
Summary: Roy Mustang was born, saved a kingdom and its prince, and died of old age, the love of his life by his side. And then he wakes, Edward nowhere in sight. By some twist of fate, Roy lives again. And again. And again. His existence, he finds, is part of a prophecy; a plan set out by the gods to combat that great evil he thought he had conquered all those years ago. Roy has decided he hates the gods. Not only can he have no rest, but neither can those he loves - Roy is haunted constantly by familiar faces, who no longer even know his name. So, Roy deigns to live a life of solitude - if he is to be forced to give his attachments up after every lifetime, then it would be better for him to never have attached himself in the first place. The gods, it seems, won’t even let him have that. With each life, that Great Evil twists and grows, finding new ways to wreak havoc across Hyrule, and it should be easy for Roy to lose himself in his duty - the thing the gods chose him to do. His life, however, is tied to Hyrule - particularly, its leader. When all attempts to push away one princely figure in particular fail spectacularly, Roy is dragged kicking and screaming into loving again, and with every life, with every goodbye followed be Edward’s unrecognizing eyes at their next meeting, Roy wonders how much of this he can take. (Legend of Zelda AU, with no prior knowledge of the source material needed whatsoever.)
Author: fishingclocks Continuity: Both Length: 30,000 Pairings: Roy/Ed Rating: T (teen) Tags: Legend of Zelda AU,  Reincarnation, Romance, monster-killing at any and all ages, so i suppose child endangerment, incorporates nearly any zelda game you can think of, Angst, yet surprising amounts of fluff, and humor because my Roy is a snarky little loser, will you ever see anything nerdier?, the world will never know Major warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Fic #4
Summary: When Maes Hughes’ body arrives into Central City Morgue, Dr. Knox and his assistant are shocked to find him barely alive inside the body bag. Working quickly, they manage to save him, only for Maes to awaken and nearly re-injure himself in his desperation to get vital information to Roy Mustang. Using a network of underground informants and smugglers, Maes manages to escape Amestris- but at what cost? And can he still manage to alert Roy to the plans of the people who tried to assassinate him? Follow along as Maes becomes one of the living dead and travels out of the country, to save himself- and all of Amestris- from whatever is making that giant transmutation circle.
Author: SonjaJade Continuity: Brotherhood/Manga Length: 34000 Pairings: Maes/Gracia, Maes/Roy (past), Roy/Riza (background), Ed/Winry (background) Rating: T (teen) Tags: Blood, surgical situations, disguises, hideouts, on the run, coded messages, Maes lives AU Major warnings: No
Fic #5
Summary: After an incident with a rogue alchemist, Roy and Olivier find themselves in a strange place and in need of a way back. Their misadventure will open the door to some of the greatest changes Amestris has seen in a long time.
Author: MaiKusakabe Continuity: Brotherhood/Manga Length: 40-50k Pairings: Roy/Olivier, Ed/Winry (background), pre-Al/Mei (background) Rating: E (explicit) Tags: (possible) explicit sexual content, crossover with Harry Potter, language Major warnings: No
Fic #6: The Devil in the Desert Sun
Summary: Roy Mustang is stuck in a rut. And by “a rut,” he explicitly means Cameron, the Eastern ghost town wherein he is investigating his latest story. After he is so rudely ousted from his job as Editor-In-Chief of the Central times on the Führer’s executive order, all he can do is hope to redeem himself to the public by solving a case that has eluded federal and local investigators for years. And so Roy hunts for the Alchemist, a serial killer with a habit of leaving things called “transmutation circles” on the bodies of their victims. When he makes the acquaintance of an activist with a missing best friend and a strange knack for the Alchemist’s own state-restricted secrets, Roy’s suspicions that the Amestrian Military has something to do with the murders are only furthered. Conspiratorial leanings aside, Roy has to get to the bottom of the truth before the case can upend the lives of the very people he’s trying so hard to protect. If only he were as good at keeping everyone safe as he was at starting wildfires.
Author: asonohara Continuity: Brotherhood/Manga Length: 40-50K Pairings: Roy/Ed Rating: E (explicit) Tags: violence, graphic descriptions of death/murder, mentions of past suicidal attempts/ideation, character death, prescription drug abuse, smut, bottom!roy, journalist!roy, activist!ed, modern au, alternate universe-canon divergence, modern brotherhood au Major warnings: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Fic #7: A Lesson in Distraction
Summary: His goals hadn’t, and would never be without trials. Mistakes had, and would be made; he was only human after all, but he had no intention of ever letting it stop him. Roy hadn’t done the things he had, come this far, to back out now or ever. No Alpha would cow him, no amount of gossip or derisive opinion would sway him. If a megalomaniacal pseudo God and his menagerie of unnatural ‘offspring’ hadn’t been enough to deter him, then nothing would. Roy Mustang would bow out only when he himself was ready to; when he’d deemed his goals accomplished sufficiently. Only then would he step back and let everything else fall where it may. And, so close to the top seat, the last thing he needed was a distraction. It was decidedly unfortunate that he neglected to take into account nature’s tendency to overrule the paltry decisions of man, and throw troublesome Elric’s at him. Alternatively: Roy gets blindsided by his biology, and Ed really isn’t helping.
Author: Fullmetalflame Continuity: Post Brotherhood Canon Length: Estimated at 25-30k (May exceed) Pairings: Roy/Ed, Riza/Sheska (background), Alphonse/Fuery (background) Rating: E (explicit) Tags: (Ooh boy) My entry for the 2k17 FMA big bang, Alpha/Beta/Omega, and everything that entails including, knotting, mpreg, it’s not overly graphic, but it is sort of a big thing though, post Brotherhood canon, coarse language, on account of Ed’s potty-mouth, Roy pov, Omega Roy Mustang, Alpha Edward Elric, NSFW, protective!Team Mustang, no angst, light hearted fic, I promise, Alphonse is a little shit, minor background relationships, slash, smut, lots of smut, pwp, porn with plot, Roy’s a strong proud Omega who don’t need no Alpha, but he’ll take Ed anyway, because he’s a dork, the author regrets nothing, what are tags, bonding, marking, smug Omega, seriously, strut your stuff Roy, Madame Christmas knows, seriously, she knows, what else, uh, that’s it I guess? Major warnings: No
Fic #8: Under the same roof
Summary: “This is bound to be a disaster!” Ed muttered under his breath, hoping that no one would hear him but just wanting to get it out of his system. He was setting the table for his guests: ‘and what guests!’ he thought ironically. Ten years have passed since the Promised Day, and many things have changed. Finally, the friends have time to reunite in Resembool and old stories are dug up, secrets are disclosed and hilarity ensues.
Author: ionica01 Continuity: Brotherhood/Manga Length: 75k Pairings: Ed/Winry, Roy/Riza, Ling/Lan Fan, Al/Mei Rating: T (teen) Tags: Fluff, Romance, Funny, Couples, Usual Ed-Roy Bickering, Embarrassing Stories, Politics, World-Building, Character Development, Visit (and Ed isn’t happy), Bonding Time, Families Major warnings: No
Fic #9
Summary: The Illumination is a phenomenon that makes the wounds people bear visible to all in a ray of light. It is completely harmless to human health aside from making one acknowledge it. It started on the third of October 1910 and everyone remembers it very well. Follow the story as Roy, Edward, Alphonse, and the rest of the team experience the illumination to see just how far some might go to douse the lights of another’s pain. Inspired by the Illumination by Kevin Brockmeier.
Author: Literatureworks Continuity: Brotherhood/Manga Length: 50,000 Pairings: Roy/Riza Rating: T (teen) Tags: illuminationAU, Everyday life, pain, Hurt/comfort, Parental, Just an all-around good feeling sappy story of everyday emotions and circumstances, stressbaking Major warnings: No
Fic #10
Summary: Riza Hawkeye knew that her father would die, but she never thought she’d miss him. She also didn’t anticipate his apprentice, a young man named Roy Mustang. And she never thought she’d take up the alchemy tattooed onto her back, but apparently life was full of surprises. Asking Mustang to mentor her, she begins her journey down the alchemic path. She becomes close, and eventually trusts him enough to see the tattoos on her back. Apparently that was all Roy wanted, and soon after seeing her at her most vulnerable, disappears. She finds him a week later in a motel, poring over her most guarded secret and forgetting that Riza even existed. Heartbroken, she decides to continue on her path, except now not content with just being Roy’s equal. She’ll surpass him now, she swears it. Apparently, others want the same for her, and help her along the way—but at what cost?
Author: Veilrony Continuity: Brotherhood/Manga Length: 55 000 words Pairings: Riza/Rebecca (main), Roy/Riza (main for 10 chapters, not “endgame”) Rating: T (teen) Tags: Unhealthy Royai, Alchemist!Riza, Fic Spans 10 Years Major warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Fic #11: Consigned to Oblivion
Summary: Memory is powerful, but easy to fabricate. When Edward Elric has to choose between his brother’s life and his own, he decides to make a sacrifice far greater than he anticipated. The Gate waits for him, and with only a week to live the life he longed for, time is the greatest enemy of all.
Author: wrongnote Continuity: Brotherhood/Manga Length: 25k to 35k, most likely. (maybe longer) Pairings: Ed/Winry (background), Roy/Riza (background) Rating: T (teen) Tags: Parental Roy & Ed Major warnings: No
Fic #12
Summary: Edward enters the Far West, searching for new forms of alchemy. In the red dustbowl of the western lands, he meets with a man that many claims can perform miracles, but Edward’s past experiences with both Dr. Marcoh and Father Cornello told him he was going to find a Philosopher’s Stone behind these so-called “miracles”. During his meeting with Don Paco, Edward learns about magick: an ancient mystic art of Don Paco’s people. Edward takes a gamble when Don Paco offered him the possibility of restoring his Gate of Truth and thus restoring his ability to use alchemy. Little did he know that this “Miracle Man” had a hidden agenda, so on the morning after Don Paco performs the Ritual of Transcendence, the former State Alchemist finds himself trapped in the body of a cat. When all seemed lost, Edward finds an ally in Matilde, Don Paco’s wife. Thanks to Matilde, Edward learns that Don Paco had stolen his body and is heading to Resembool to find Winry. What he wants with the automail mechanic remains a mystery. Armed with the knowledge that the Ritual Transcendence can be reversed, Edward heads East to stop Don Paco and keep Winry from harm.
Author: hirstories Continuity: Brotherhood/Manga Length: 30,000+ Pairings: Ed/Winry, Al/Mei Rating: T (teen) Tags: Canon compliant AU, Canon relationships, Implied relationships, Multiple OCs, Humor, Supernatural, Adventure, Mild violence, Cursing Major warnings: No
Fic #13: sicut in caelo et in terra
Summary: A series of shorter stories set in a world where canon alchemists are not scientists, but deities: making up a Pantheon of gods and goddesses, with Truth and Hohenheim at their helm. The series details scenes along the boys’ journey to harnessing their inherited powers and locating their father, trying to restore balance to the world of deities and discovering what he left the Pantheon to do.
Author: miraculous-stardust Continuity: Brotherhood/Manga Length: >15k Pairings: Roy/Riza (background), Maes/Gracia (background) - pairings exist but the fic is gen Rating: T (teen) Tags: fmabb 17, deity au, basically alchemists +homunculi and gracia are deities, a series of smaller fics bc this got out of hand, inspired by the fma prototype chapter and greek mythology Major warnings: No
Fic #14
Summary: If there is one universal truth, it is that Edward Elric will do anything for his little brother…right? Yet Al is sick and Ed refuses to consider magic as a possible cause or cure. With the best intentions, Al goes behind Ed’s back to pursue the possibility, requesting assistance from Detective Roy Mustang—the only State recognized civilian Mage.  Roy reluctantly agrees, positive that doing so is about as smart as hugging a live grenade but curious because of, both the large disparity in mindsets of the brothers, and his rocky history with Ed. It predictably explodes in his face. Meanwhile, Roy has his hands full trying to protect those few magic users he’s able to track down within the confines of his profession from a world no one believes in (all the while assisting Al where he can and sidestepping explosive interactions with Ed).  He finds himself missing patterns, falling a step behind when he should be a step ahead and his past catches him unaware. Despite Ed’s protests that magic is just a flashy form of alchemy, it exists and it’s coming for him in a very real way. And when handed a decision, Ed makes the worst possible one. Tldr: Everyone: Ed, no!        Ed: Ed, FUCKIN’ yes!
Author: Catie-brie Continuity: AU that pulls from both Length: 40-50k-ish ?? Pairings: Roy/Ed (main) Ling/Lan Fan (background), Havoc/Breda/Rebecca (background), Ed/Ling (past), Roy/Kimblee (past) Can’t think of any others but ships kind of just happen when I write Rating: M (mature) Tags: Urban Fantasy AU, Modern!Amestris, with magic!, Dark, watch out for the fae, fae and faeries, '03 flavored ending, Ed will do stupid things to protect his brother, angst, enemies to lovers to friends to better lovers, UST, RST, unhealthy depictions of sex (magic), other depictions of sex, canon typical violence Major warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Fic #15: Careful what you wish for
Summary: The homunculi each had a desire.  Friends, family, love, and they got what they wanted. Just not in the way they would have wanted it. Envy has abusive relatives, lust falls in love with almost every man, greed has all the possessions he could want,  but not in the prime of conditions. Edward and three others have to go into this world, similar to 03 but is brotherhood,  and collect all the homunculi and take them back to truth, as to have their current lives, they took a piece of him each that has to be recovered. Warning, this story will be very trigger sensitive. It deals with abusive relatives, mental and physical disorders. It can be fairly gory and depressive at parts. If you are sensitive to any of those things. Please do not read.
Author: Homunculus101 Continuity: Brotherhood/Manga Length: 20k or above. Pairings: N/A Rating: T (teen) Tags: Mental disorder, physical disorders, gore, real life issues Major warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Fic #16:
Summary: While people fear the monsters they’ve read in children’s stories or even see in movies, the real monsters within humans can be even more horrifying. How does Edward contend with what’s killing people all over the world? How does Roy contend with the monster that is slowly growing from the military?  Everyone has a demon, a personal monster, how does humanity deal with a threat like that?
Author: YYLoverGirl1 Continuity: An AU inspired by Blassreiter while still keeping elements from Brotherhood Length: 15k+ Pairings: Roy/Riza Rating: T (teen)   Tags: (none) Major warnings: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Fic #17: Bringing the Fight to You
Summary: Story so far:
Edward and Alphonse were born a few years earlier, so Edward is 21 at the beginning of this story. Edward never became a State Alchemist, instead, he and Alphonse train with Izumi Curtis and travel the world, learning as much as they can. Alphonse is now a doctor, and Edward has multiple PhDs in the fields of Alchemy and Languages, and is a professor at Central University. He also helps out at the hospital whenever he has spare time, using Alchehestry to increase people’s chances of survival until the doctors (and Alphonse) can get to them. They saved Maes Hughes, who set up Edward as Roy Mustang’s escort to a military ball.
Edward and Alphonse learn of the conspiracy involving the Promised Day.
This fic:
In order to prevent the scheme of the military high command to use all of Amestris to become immortal, Edward and Alphonse join forces with Mustang. They gather allies and prepare as best they can for the fight to come. Along the way, Roy and Ed have to hide their relationship, in order to tempt the senior staff into thinking they can gain Ed as an ally for their schemes. This doesn’t stop their romance from blooming, but many obstacles are put in their path. This is the story of how the Promised Day, and the year leading up to it, would have gone, had Edward stayed out of the military, and Hughes survived to tell the tale of a nationwide transmutation circle.
Author: caraakame Continuity: Brotherhood/Manga Length: 20k - 30k Pairings: Roy/Ed, Al/May, Greed/Ling (background) Rating: M (mature) Tags: AU, Angst, So much angst, some fluff, possible smut, Hughes survives, Doctor!Al, Professor!Ed, Alternate Timeline Major warnings: Major Character Death
Fic #18: Dante’s Divine Comedy
Summary: Edward Elric has never met the host of tonight’s dinner party. In fact the only thing he truly knows about them is that they are offering key information regarding the disappearance of his father. He would have never have come here with his fiancé otherwise. Upon arrival, Edward is surprised to see that there a quite a few familiar faces among the guests. Even more so when he realizes just how similar their motivations are for attending. Though the night quickly turns for the worst as more guests begin to disappear causing Edward to realize that some things are better left buried and forgotten.
Author: totallynotmyfanfiction Continuity: FMA 2003 Length: 20,000 (in the end) Pairings: Al/Wrath, Ed/Winry, Winry/Paninya (past), Dante/Hohenheim (background), Greed/Envy (background), Dante/Greed (background), Lust/Scar (background) Rating: T (teen) Tags: Murder Mystery, Human AU, Slightly Older Characters, Some Humor, Tragedy, Major warnings: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Fic #19
Summary: In a world where the Gate works on different principles, the price Ed pays for Al’s soul isn’t an arm, but his humanity. Turned into a strange and unnatural beast, he and Al run away, and end up settling in an old castle ruin. Hiding from sight, they spend years searching for a way to get their true bodies back. But then the military shows up, and Roy ends up as Ed’s “hostage”. Though it’s hard to tell who’s the more unwilling party. Well, at first, anyway.
Author: Spuri Continuity: AU (possible vague mention of some Brotherhood details) Length: 46000 Pairings: Roy/Ed Rating: M (mature) Tags: AU - Beauty and the Beast, fluff, crack, slight angst, mention of non-trans related dysphoria, (aka Ed is Beast and understandably has issues), Major warnings: No
Fic #20
Summary: He hates being reduced to the role of civilian – a convalescing civilian, even more. He hates the red tape that surrounds his recovery; hates that Riza still hasn’t come out of her coma like the doctors said she would.
The aftermath of the Promised Day isn’t pleasant for anybody involved.
Author: Tsaritsa Continuity: Brotherhood/Manga Length: 15k Pairings: Roy/Riza, Ed/Winry (background) Rating: T (teen) Tags: (none) Major warnings: No
Fic #21: The Wilderness
Summary: Amestris becomes a harrowingly silent place on the afternoon of the Promised Day and only the survivors at the center are left to tread over it. Within a few hours, they won’t be the only ones wandering.
Author: haganenobeato Continuity: Brotherhood/Manga Length: 25,000+ Pairings: Roy/Riza (main), Al/Mei, Ed/Winry (background) Rating: M (mature) Tags: Horror, Dark, Psychological distress, Zombies, Kinda gorey, Lots of things happen REAL QUICK, some light moments to help Major warnings: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Fic #22: Heathens
Summary: Central City has never been a quiet city. Sex and drugs—the currency of choice in the criminal underground—overflow in the streets leaving fear and unrest in its wake. Obsidian Inferno, the most exclusive club in Central, caters to an exclusive clientele with the most notorious playboy,Roy Mustang, on its throne.  However when a recent string of murders and drug overdoses takes the city by storm, the evidence starts to point to the Inferno. Detective Edward Elric must go undercover to solve the case, but discovers that not everything is what it seems. As the pressure mounts, his discovery threatens to tear apart everything he loves.
Author: Stargazerlilith Continuity: AU with a mix of both worlds Length: 25,000 - 30,000 ish Pairings: Roy/Ed, Ed/Russell (past) Rating: E (explicit) Tags: Drug abuse, gang violence, alcohol abuse, possible kink, sexual content, graphic murders, Schizophrenic characters. Major warnings: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Fic #23: Antebellum Innocence
Summary: The year is 1922, and New York City has never been more rife with drama, drugs, conflict, and crime. It’s a dangerous place for a couple of immigrants, but Ed and Al have always been good at toughing it out. However, dangers can lurk even in the most well-lit corners, and the shadows can hold some of the best friends they’ll ever meet.
Author: the-redheaded-potato Continuity: Brotherhood/Manga Length: 40k Pairings: Roy/Ed, Greed/Ling, Fuery/Havoc Rating: M (mature) Tags: aged-up character, mafia!au, mob boss Roy, trans Havoc, nb Breda, nb Envy, disability, officer Hughes, the homunculi are a rival gang, period-typical racism, tho I downsized it significantly, mentions of ableism Major warnings: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence
13 notes · View notes
resbang-bookclub · 8 years ago
AMA Transcript: A Lack of Armor
Last week, we held our first AMA in the discord chat with @amberlehcar​, @peregr1ne​ and @thesockswhowearsfox​, where lots of people stopped in to ask about their work on A Lack of Armor! Here’s some of what went down:
Q: Amber, could you take me through your process of conceiving/planning out this fic? What inspired it originally?
AmberLehcar: Oh man okay, so there was a post floating around that was like "I headcanon Soul as trans and here's why" and I just really dug it. 
Peregrine: Wait, was it mine? 
AmberLehcar: I don't remember who it was, but they said things like him being hypermasculine to appear more "manly." 
Peregrine: I did say that in mine. That's crazy. 
AmberLehcar: This was supposed to be for last year's Resbang, so I've kinda forgotten exactly what was all there, but it probably was yours.
Q: So what you are saying is that you and Pere were destined to work together?
AmberLehcar: Pere claimed me last year too! I had to back out after fic claims because life was becoming too much. 
 Peregrine: I mean you did come to me before that. 
AmberLehcar: I did ask Pere a lot of questions. I'm cis/het, so I had a lot to learn and was really lucky that Pere was open and willing to teach me along with being an overall great partner. 
Peregrine: I tried my best ^^; It's not like it was hard, just talking about myself pfft.
AmberLehcar: It was helpful though! 
Peregrine: I'm glad it was. Was there more you wanted to say about the process? 
AmberLehcar: I did a ton of research and was really invested in it. I see a lot of posts about the lack of representation for the LGBT+ community and really felt like I wanted to add. 
Peregrine: Yeah, lack of representation really gets to me, especially because what representation there is is highly fetishized and honestly i'd rather have no rep than fetish rep.
Q: For all parties involved, where/how do you feel like you grew the most during this Resbang?
Peregrine: This was my first event where I did more than one fic, so working through that was hard, but I'm glad I did because I really wanted both. 
AmberLehcar: I think when I've written in the past, I've been really "this happened then this happened" etc. It was a lot more introspective this time around, so I focused a lot more on the feelings of the characters and evoking feelings in the reader. When I tried to enter this last year, I got to like 6k words but really struggled to get there. With a new direction, I got to 30k fairly easily. 
Sox: Well, it was my first Resbang and the first song I'd written since I was....18 I think. Just managing to write and record the song was a lot of growth for me.
Q: Amber, I am always interested in fic titles. Did you come up with the title of your fic beforehand, or did it develop as the story was created?
AmberLehcar: Okay, so I take all my chapter and fic titles from songs or lyrics. But A Lack of Armor made perfect sense to me because of my therapy. A few times in therapy we'd talked about putting on armor that was representative of support and good things in my life. The song "A Lack of Armor" has a line that says "like a knight without his armor I don't know who I am" and this all kinda spoke to me and fit really well with Soul and his depression/anxiety. I came up with the idea pretty much from the start and it's been with me since.
Q: You said it was a Motion City Soundtrack song, right?
AmberLehcar: All the chapter titles are from MCS songs, because I am trash lol. But they sorta go with the mood of each chapter if you go back and look at them. 
Sox: Can confirm Amber is MCS trash.
Q: There's a sick playlist somewhere right?
AmberLehcar: I do have a playlist! https://open.spotify.com/user/1266385830/playlist/3xN37XwvUGsVqZNuhpRtng
Q: Most of the time it seems the usual characterization for the Evans fam is for Soul's father to be the 'worse' parent, either that or both of them being equally bad. (At least that's my view.) So I am wondering: was your decision to make Soul's dad the more accepting one an intentional subversion or did it just happen? 
AmberLehcar: It just sorta happened? I am not a Mama Albarn fan. Aside from Marie, there are no good mamas in the series, so I just kinda went with that. 
Sox: Blair begs your pardon. 
[insert chorus of screaming about everyone's love for Blair] 
AmberLehcar: Blair takes such good care of her kittens. Okay I lied, Blair and Marie are good. But yeah, I didn't want him to have absolutely no support from parents, and someone had to have taught Wes to be a good person. So Papa Evans eventually came around. 
Q: For Pere: was there a scene that you knew immediately you wanted to illustrate and/or was it difficult to choose scenes to draw? 
Peregrine: I definitely wanted to draw the first hug scene when I read it, when Maka was accepting, because the feelies. And then later Amber had mentioned how there was going to be a scene where soul plays his song for Maka, and I knew I really wanted to draw that too, but it wasn't written yet, so I asked her to describe the scene more for me in advance so i could draw it. She didn't have a solid idea though, so some stuff I made up, and she wrote the scene to fit my picture later actually ^^; 
AmberLehcar: Your art definitely helped flesh out the scene there, thank you. 
Sox: I love when Pete draws things. 
Sox: *Pere 
[Lots of people yelling about Pete] 
Sox: God damn it. 
Peregrine: The first pic with the hair I also just thought would be cute to draw, and then just for visual concepts, I wanted to draw the different stages of Soul as a bonus even if they didn't actually ever appear in the story ^^; 
AmberLehcar: That first pic with the hair cutting is probably my favorite. I love them all, but that just made my heart flutter. 
Q: Sox I have sort of the same question for you, did certain scenes inspire certain lyrics? 
Sox: Uhhhh no not so much. I tried to write around the Mood of the fic and I talked to a local Atlanta musician about her experiences being trans with a bad family as a kid and tried to fit those to where Amber had Soul coming from. (Originally I was trying to write a SoMa Romance song but then... it came out as a Self Love Fuck you Mom song). 
AmberLehcar: I'm glad it changed. At some point when writing I realized the fic was more focused on their relationship than him, so I tried to change it up. I'm glad the song evolved that way too. After I got one of the last drafts of the song, I included it in chapter 8 in case people were wondering. 
Q: For Amber: what made you want to put Kim as Soul's neighbor out of any other character? What made you want to do the neighbor sub plot in the first place? 
AmberLehcar: Representation mostly. I love me some JacKim and thought that having a grump next door that Soul ends up kinda befriending and/or helping would be interesting. Kim was kinda a weird facet for me to write through. As someone who feels everything 110%, being in love can be kinda scary sometimes, so her thoughts on love are pretty darn close to my own: wanting to love someone wholeheartedly but being afraid of exactly how deeply you can really love someone. 
Sox: I FEEL. 
Q: There's a scene where they're watching a Youtube video. Is that video significant to you in some way, Amber? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wWBLbQInqk) 
AmberLehcar: Not at all. I was talking with Brian about assignments for the first day of class, and he mentioned he had to do that exact assignment and chose that exact video. The song's not bad and the video is... interesting? 
Q: For Pere: What program do you use and whats your general process for art? 
Peregrine: I use FireAlpaca because it's free lol. I usually do like, a base sketch that's really scribbly and focuses on like motion lines, if that makes sense. And then i decrease the opacity of that one and draw the actual lineart on a different layer on top, and then colour. Very rarely I'll keep drawing on the base sketch and just clean it a little but that's mostly for more actiony gestural stuff, or highly detailed things where I'm not bothered about solid lineart. 
Q: How long-ish did each of your drawings take? Do you tend to draw faster when you're feeling inspired, do you have a creative process or anything? 
Peregrine: Ah, I never know what to say when someone asks how long it takes, because it varies so much. But yeah, usually a drawing will take a few days if it's something average and not like the fricking Pacific Rim art I did way back when, which took like a month. I can do most pieces in a day if i'm properly inspired but it's like: yes, I can get this done in only a few hours, but those are completely straight drawing hours - no food or bathroom breaks or chit chats to be had. Honestly the longest part of the drawing process is actually the sketchy first part because I need to plan it out perfectly until i can see the end product in my head and then i can start actually working, and that can take weeks. 
[insert group yelling about how great Pere's art is] 
AmberLehcar: The boys brought me to literal tears every time they updated me. 
Sox: Lies. 
AmberLehcar: EVERY TIME. 
Peregrine: I spent 5 hours drawing Soul's hair even though I finished the entire rest of the picture in 2. 
Sox: I just had a mental image of Pere screaming the lyrics to Maroon 5's "Misery" while drawing. 
Peregrine: That's me. 
Q: For Amber: what were your easiest/hardest scenes to write & why?? Were there any that were easier/trickier to write than you expected? Bonus: favorite scene to write? 
AmberLehcar: All of chapter 4 is crap and I'll fight anyone who disagrees with me. For some reason writing just general happy, normal life was really hard. The pain though, that was kiddy stuff. The first full scene I wrote was Soul's accidental confession. The idea just messed me up and I couldn't stop writing until it was all done. It's probably my favorite scene too, followed closely by Maka's acceptance. 
Q: You super did not write linearly. That's so cool, I have to go in order. 
AmberLehcar: No, I rarely do. 
Peregrine: Man it was kind of tough reading your drafts, tbh. 
AmberLehcar: I'm so sorry!! 
Sox: "How am I gonna write a song none of this is in order" XD 
AmberLehcar: I need to give people an instruction manual for how to read my WIPs. 
Peregrine: There were so many scenes that were like, great scenes on their own, but then I'm like wait, how did we get from point A to point ? Also, reading updates was hard because everyone else I've fic'd with was like 'oh just scroll down to wear you last read' but in this fic it was like... I know something was added... but where tho... 
Sox: Slide to the left 
Sox: Slide to the right 
AmberLehcar: Never beta for me, it's a nightmare. 
AmberLehcar: (That's a lie, please always beta for me, I need all the help I can get.) 
Sox: Yeah but working with you is a dream tbh. 
AmberLehcar: The nice thing about not writing linearly is that I could really easily work with my partners to add in ideas they had. I don't know that it was easy for them, but making it more of a collab that way was really neat for me. 
Q: Do you outline everything out beforehand? 
AmberLehcar: As much as I can. I derail if I don't.
Q: AmberLehcar, how did you decided where to put scenes/order them? 
AmberLehcar: I have an outline template I wrote up based on a youtuber's outlining method! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eP73LMnphqEUn20mKd78_EB_qPlbXjklvkXLknxl5R0/edit?usp=sharing. This is the outline that I've been using recently, it's been really helpful. You guys are welcome to use it! 
Q: Amber, would you say this outlining method helped? Just in comparison to past fics etc. 
AmberLehcar: Definitely. I have so many incomplete fics simply because I didn't outline or didn't outline enough. 
Q: So was the end planned? That is the hardest part for me. 
AmberLehcar: More or less. It definitely changed a lot. I don't have any versions of the original ending, and there's still stuff from the finished product I don't remember because I literally finished at 3 a.m. the day of posting. I always have a very clear image of how the opening to any chapter or fic goes, but the end is always weird. 
Q: Do you remember anything from the first version? How'd they differ? 
AmberLehcar: I know the first half was a little different at the start of Resbang last year, but I have the worst memory... There was definitely supposed to be more NB Crona. Crona was supposed to be kinda the comic relief, making comments about their computer sciences classes that Soul does not understand. They named their laptop Nora and talk about it like it's a person. "Sometimes when Nora doesn't do what I want, I have to hit her" or something like that, make Soul concerned for this poor child. The "octagonal day" joke made it to the final cut. I think there was a scene at the end where Crona and Soul were supposed to be good friends after the "there's 10 kinds of people in this world, those who understand binary and those who don't." Because it's a math joke and a binary joke.
Sox: Amber Sox: Is Sox: A Sox: NERD 
Q: What was the funnest part of the fic for you to write, Amber? Or the part you were looking forward to the most? 
AmberLehcar: Writing Black Star was fun. There's a few one liners that I love. My favorite bit is when Maka asks for his name and the next bit is "Nervous. Stupid. Sweating." I needed that smooch like life itself. I played with them kissing when Maka apologizes and they made up, but it didn't feel right. So I saved a sweet normal smooch for the end scene. 
Sox: I literally cackled out loud on a train reading "no party like a floor meeting party because a floor meeting party is MANDATORY." 
AmberLehcar: That was one of my other fave lines. My goals for the fic were representation, make it as realistic as possible, and make people feel things. I like to think I did a good job? 
Sox: You accomplished all. 
Peregrine: Man the parents thing hit me so hard, you did a good job. 
Q: I'd love to hear about your process/writing rituals? 
AmberLehcar: When it was a scene I was particularly excited to write or just suddenly inspired, I can just sit and write. But most of the time it's me sitting at the computer with tea asking myself why I do this to myself and then I just make myself write. 
Q: Is there anything else you wanted to add other than more NB Crona, Amber? 
AmberLehcar: When Pere showed me art of Soul's physical progression, I kinda wanted an epilogue of Soul post surgery, but time and lack of confidence in writing it well... I don't think anyone understands exactly how nervous I was to write this. I waffled a while with "you have no business writing this, you are cis, please stop." 
Peregrine: Nooo it's cool because you asked. I definitely didn't think I could write trans Soul but I hoped someone would, if they asked and did it right. Which you did. 
Sox: One of my close friends is trans, and when I sent him Eden, I thought he was going to tell me he hated me. And then he didn't and I was v relieved. 
AmberLehcar: I definitely wanted to be as respectful and real as possible. Again, representation matters, and I wanted to help create a thing I hadn't seen done in our fandom. 
Sox: You did good. 
AmberLehcar: I'm really glad. I stalked the boys' tags on their work along with my own, and someone had reblogged Pere's art and was really grateful for trans Soul. I was glad to be a part of that. 
Q: Did you make any playlists or anything like that to get into the writing mood? Or headspace of a character? 
AmberLehcar: For headspace, Soul and I are very similar. I too am a bag of anxiety and depression trying to pass as a human. A lot of my college and therapy experience went into the fic. There's little bits of me in pretty much everyone. 
Peregrine: I have my trans boy song i listened to a lot pfft. It's from Treasure Planet. 
Q: Ooo which song Pere? 
Peregrine: I'm Still Here. If you look at it through a trans lens its super fitting. It's like my fave song ever.
Some additional post-AMA discussion: 
Q: Amber, I think that's a sign of a good writer, to take from one's own experiences and such. 
AmberLehcar: Write what you know, right? And what you don't know, you find out. The whole experience definitely gave me a new appreciation for the LGBT+ community, that's for sure. I knew some stuff, but I learned so much. 
AmberLehcar: To go back and slightly change my answer for difficult scene to write, while all of ch4 was like swimming in syrup to get written, Mama Evans outburst was so difficult to write. There was just so much anger and I felt icky writing a lot of that chapter in general. Writing Maka having to purposely misgender him hurt. 
Peregrine: I really liked the parents thing actually even though i hated it. It felt raw and real. 
AmberLehcar: So much pain, the whole time I'm just like "why would I hurt my son like this???" 
Q: Noticed you guys were still talking and guh I loved your collective art/story!!! I now know the gap between dimensions can't be breached because if it could I'd have reached through the screen and force-choked Mama Evans. I was kind of mad at Maka too though like... I can understand that Soul needed some time to himself, away from her, to really figure things out, but ;-; 
AmberLehcar: Yes! Maka was an interesting situation to figure out. 
Peregrine: Yeah I loved what you did there actually, because as much as I wanted her to be perfect, she wasn't perfect. 
AmberLehcar: I didn't want her to just immediately come back like "sorry you startled me, let's get married." 
Peregrine: As much as I want people to immediately accept me, they don't, even if they do eventually. It wasn't fantasy perfect world, it was real world. 
Q: I think... that's good. At first I thought Maka would be more likely to start off rough around the edges and then end the story gracefully. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that if you're going to relate realistic stories about trans people/anyone in a similar situation, you probably have to... I don't want to say "break the reader's heart" because that would imply that those stories can't have happy endings, which they can and should at least as often as any other kind of story, but it put me in Soul's shoes and made me accept how likely it is that someone who is trans/lgbt/otherwise oppressed will be badly hurt by someone they think the world of, someone who's hard to leave behind. I dunno if I spoke out of turn there, but i think it was an empathically-written story. In my inexperienced opinion. 
AmberLehcar: That's definitely what I was going for. I wanted Maka to be his closest friend, for his sake and for my shipping heart's sake. But she was just too good to be true when I was writing her, so her running away happened. I was so stuck after I wrote his confession, I didn't know how to have her react. But when I thought about some of the internalized transphobia I know I've been guilty of, it made sense to add for her. It felt real. 
Look out for some more transcripts, coming soon!! Thanks again to Amber, Pere and Sox for their awesome AMA <3
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