#the immortal;enchcntd
Send me 👥 + the name or role of another person in my muse’s life... | @enchcntd
INFAUSTUS belonging to FELIX
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“Felix is the messiest and loneliest person I know and I must say, I’ve met a lot - and I truly mean a lot - of people in the last six to seven hundred years. I’ve been all around the world and a bunch of others, so I mean that. But, but, we’re not here to talk about me.
“We’re here to talk about Felix! First up, I consider him my baby brother, emphasis on the baby, because he’s adorable and kind of tiny - even though he’s almost 6 feet tall, his personality doesn’t really show that, does it?He’s got this habit of appearing smaller than he is, both physically and especially mentally. He’s young, he looks young, even though he’s a good 600 years old and counting. And yet, just how he can’t age physically, he doesn’t seem to really grow internally either. He’s always got this youthful look in this eyes, as if rather than being a centuries-old immortal, he turned 25 yesterday!”
He lifts both his shoulders and his eyebrows when he exclaims that, the wonder and joy of it all clear in his open gaze and open smile as he continues to talk.But his smile takes a solemn turn as he takes to glance off to the side somewhere.
“I know a lot about Felix he himself doesn’t know. I saw him, when Maletto dragged him into the laboratory, when he dragged his body into the laboratory. I saw the file Maletto compiled on him, the patient report. I even saw the house he used to live in, saw the woman who was most likely his mother or his older sister or anyone that might have had his same surname which I also know.”
His lips twitch, but he doesn’t seem to have the courage to let his smile fade. He’s got little else going on.
“Felix is... Felix was a shell. Nowadays he’s desperate to not be one, and he does all these things just for some semblance of... of continuity? Of belonging? I've told him time and time again that if he wants something to hold onto, he can see me or Deditio or Scelus as... as family. And he says okay every time. And every time without fail he doesn’t look me in the eyes when he says it.”
A heavy sigh, a glance to the Heavens.
“Felix is falling apart and he doesn’t want to be helped. He hates what methods he uses to feel alive but he’s so deeply rooted in them that he’d fight tooth and nail if you tried to take them away from him. He’s got no way out and instead of being like me and trying to look for one anyway, he turns his back to the door and continues to sit in his corner.”
His gaze falls to the ground again, he shakes his head pensively, he’s stopped smiling.
“He’s so youthful, that he refuses to become an adult and face his existence head on.”
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mythvoiced · 4 years
Character Interview: @enchcntd​ Connie & Felix
( repost, don’t reblog )
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NAME: Lee Connie NICKNAME: Con, Con-con, Connifer AGE: 25 SPECIES: Human
MORALITY: Chaotic Good RELIGION: Agnostic SINS: greed / gluttony / sloth / lust / pride / envy /  wrath VIRTUES: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE: Initially, to just make enough money that he doesn’t ever have to worry about anything in his life again. Initially, his goal was a bit on the... shallow side of things. He wanted a heckton of cash, a big mansion, and five cars, just so he could shove it into his parents’ face, so he could prove to the world and himself that he is who and what he is and owns more than most could make in twelve years. But meeting Devon took him off that slippery slope before he could fully put his entire foot on it. Now, he just wants peace. He wants to be at Devon’s side and make the most of what they have. KNOWN LANGUAGES: Korean (fluent), English (fluent), Spanish (he used to watch way too many telenovelas, he’s picked up a few lines) PHYSICAL BUILD: scrawny  / bony /  slender  / fit / athletic  /  curvy  /  herculean  /  pudgy  /  average HEIGHT: 6′ because we love one tall boi with baby energy WEIGHT: n/a bc meh SCARS  /  BIRTHMARKS: He has a few moles here and there, namely on his shoulders, his nape, collarbone, waist, and inner thigh, but no noteworthy scars. As a child, he never got to play outside with the other children, also because there weren’t any other children, since he grew up in a rich neighbourhood where you’d get yelled at for breathing like a commoner. As an information broker, he’s had some close calls, but he’s always been a fast runner and avoided most conflicts. ABILITIES  / POWERS: No supernatural abilities/powers available RESTRICTIONS: N/a
FOOD: His love for Korean food only seemed to grow after he left South Korea and especially after he settled down indefinitely with Devon, but he’s also really, really fond of the spiciest Indian food you can find on the market DRINK: He’s one pristine binch so he loves his white wine, but when it comes to casual non-alcoholic drinking, he really likes sodas and surprisingly, really loves orange juice PIZZA TOPPING: A good ol’ margherita is good for him, with extra cheese please. Or one without cheese, but a heckton of garlic to compensate. COLOR(S): He’s very fond of green tones, but also light blue and auburn MUSIC GENRE: Likes Kpop, but only if he can bop his head to it; Latin music, because he likes to dance to it (he’s no dancer, really, but enjoys himself), and any summer hit currently playing on the radio (no matter the language, really). BOOK GENRE: He really likes to use his brain and gather information with it, and he’s interested in history, but then again he’s a bit of a crackhead, so you can find him reading Spider-Man (he’s especially fond of the Miles Morales ones) comics one moment, the next a biography on Nikola Tesla, enjoying them both equally MOVIE GENRE: He likes action packed things that will keep him at the edge of his seat, but he isn’t too opposed to the occasional romcom (and his fricking telenovelas). He loves sitcoms because they’re perfect to sit in front of and unwind in front of, without having to use too much brain power SEASON: Summer CURSE WORD: All of them SCENTS: Anything that smells like fresh take-out, he’s a foodie and not keeping it a secret
BOTTOM OR TOP: Le Bottòm SINGS IN THE SHOWER?: Nah, he gets in, gets wet, gets out, gets dry
Felix under the cut
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NAME: Arthus ap Bledig Felix NICKNAME: Anything Roman wants to call him AGE: 25 at the time of his death 738 SPECIES: Deceased human; walking dead; revenant
MORALITY: Chaotic Neutral RELIGION: Atheist SINS: greed / gluttony / sloth / lust / pride / envy /  wrath VIRTUES: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE: To end it, for a very long time. There is no point to his existence KNOWN LANGUAGES: Korean (fluent), English (fluent), Spanish (he used to watch way too many telenovelas, he’s picked up a few lines) PHYSICAL BUILD: scrawny  / bony /  slender  / fit / athletic  /  curvy  /  herculean  /  pudgy  /  average HEIGHT: 6′ because we love one tall boi with sub energy WEIGHT: n/a bc meh SCARS  /  BIRTHMARKS: He is missing one nail from his fingers (specifically his left pinky); also if were to run your fingers over his chest, specifically his left peck, you’ll be able to feel a slight bump from a scar, although the scar itself is no longer visible ABILITIES  / POWERS: Can travel through time and dimensions through interdimensional riffs; immortality, although to define it more accurately: it’s not that Felix can’t die, he’s already dead, and his body is stuck in the state it was in at the moment of his death, his heart (what’s left of it, anyway, part of it is in Scelus) doesn’t beat, he doesn’t need to breathe (although, he does out of habit), he doesn’t bleed, if you injure him his body/skin will always return to the state it was in before RESTRICTIONS: He can’t open any riffs; he has no control over when he’ll be pulled through one of those riffs or where/when he’ll end up; due to the inchangeability of his body neither his nails nor his hair grow; he cannot see the riffs when they open, he’s only able to vaguely sense he’s being pulled away by suddenly smelling, hearing, or seeing things that don’t belong to the world/space he’s in; 
FOOD: He loves sweet pastries, anything strawberry flavoured, and strawberry and cream DRINK: The stronger the alcoholic drink the better, although it wouldn’t be recommended because his liver hardly works and the alcohol stays in his system longer due to that (his organs do not work, it has to be a conscious choice on his part) PIZZA TOPPING: He doesn’t eat pizza a lot, he prefers sweet things COLOR(S): Dark blue, preferably anything that resembles the night sky;  MUSIC GENRE: Orchestra, classical music, or anything with no singing/instrumental BOOK GENRE: Not much of a reader (it took him a while to learn how to read in the first place) MOVIE GENRE: He doesn’t like watching movies SEASON: None CURSE WORD: As many as he can fit into one sentence SCENTS: Anything flowery and sweet, anything that smells alive
BOTTOM OR TOP: Le Sùb SINGS IN THE SHOWER?: Nope, not really his thing, he has an existential crisis instead
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mythvoiced · 5 years
@enchcntd | sc. ちるちる - reol
Millions of dimensions apart or merely a few feet, and yet there will always be moments in which Felix can’t see Roman in a way not quite akin to how he can’t ever see Felix. He sees his silhouette, the colour of his eyes reflected on the surroundings, and he sees distance, sees miles upon miles stretching on between the few centimetres that actually separate them.
Even now, and especially now, as they're outside for once, walking side by side and hardly keeping pace with the seemingly thousands of cars rushing by at this hour of the night, all drenched by the golden light of the streetlamps, and what little water continues to pitter-patter down from the sky and onto their chrome roofs, Felix can’t connect the scent of unmade sheets and the touch of expert hands, to the man next to him.
Nevermind his distant unseeing gaze he can stare at as much as he wants before Roman will inevitably notice. It’s the surrealism of having someone like him in his meaningless existence, familiarity in the taste of his lips and the sensation of his skin against his, being held gently as if worthy of such treatment, that makes each minute he spends simply staring at the reality of the man Roman is beyond that feel like another step he’s taking away from him.
And it shows, in the painful crease of his brows, the teeth gnawing at the inside of his bottom lip, worried gaze scanning the other’s figure as if desperately trying to discover any method at all that would allow him to reach out once more, underline what love he’s so ready to portray each and every single night to drive the point of its existence home. But there’s nothing that his mind can conjure, nothing a creature as dried of love as he’d been before meeting Roman, could think of.
So instead of taking the other’s hand, he moves away at the first brush of knuckles against knuckles and looks up. “Do you want to go somewhere else tonight? I’m feeling a pub, to be honest. If we have the money for it. If not, I think a bit of flirting would get us enough free drinks to make due.”
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mythvoiced · 5 years
-. psa
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FELIX is officially SINGLESHIP & TAKEN by @enchcntd​ ‘s ROMAN.
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mythvoiced · 5 years
@enchcntd - “Go, I’ll be fine!” roman @ felix ?? 👀 Forever — New York Kids  {Sentence Starters}
There’s something about humans that is quite... odd, isn’t it. To be fair, the list with elements as the one about to be described is rather... long. There seem to be more oddities in the human race than the ‘normalcy’ they’re so intent on pursuing, be it for their own sense of mind, or for the greater goal that is pleasing an unprotective society.
One of these oddities is the inability to make rational decisions when a loved one is in danger. Or a loved thing. Anything that might be considered someone or something the human wouldn’t be able to live without, and all rational thinking flies right out the window. Thinking itself doesn’t stop. No, it’s just that... the thoughts seem to follow... a completely different logic than moments prior.
Rather than considering the situation and recognising the truth in Roman’s voice, for example, one prefers to remember one’s inability to die, and the willingness to suffer invisible wounds if it meant staying by someone’s side. And it’s not like he could help either, the human that is no longer all that human - a genetic experiment, a monster if you fancy Mary Shelley’s outlook on it, a ghost if you’re a little more romantic - he’d be useless, not harbouring a single useful skill that would aid him in fighting at his side, against a coven of angry and powerful witches.
And still, he finds the very idea of running through the door he’s been pushed towards, abhorrent. He’d rather stay here, be in Roman’s way, feel pain he wouldn’t keep traces of, than live with the idea of having turned his back on the man he l... the man he lo... when he is facing uncertain death.
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Staying by his side is useless. And yet, it’s everything to Felix. “So will I!” He shouts back, eyebrows furrowed, eyes panicked and wide. This is the loudest he’s ever spoken to Roman, the harshest he’s ever dared to be. There’s no room for objection in the words he’s about to yell next, as he wraps his hand around Roman’s arm. “I won’t die! I can’t die, Roman, I can’t even... I can’t even scar, my skin just... goes back to what it was, there’s nothing in this world that can kill me, so I won’t leave you alone here to figure out what in it can kill YOU!”
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mythvoiced · 5 years
@enchcntd -   “you can’t think about saving the world. you have to think about saving one person” roman @ felix !!! -.  spider-man: into the spider-verse
“I want that person to be you.”
It sounds like a mistake.
A slip-up, like someone walking against a table and knocking the vase on it over, like throwing a ball and breaking someone’s window, like dropping an earring and watching it fall into the sink; something small, something sudden, and something that could have been prevented so easily, had he been paying attention to every sign that lead up to it.
But Felix has never been particularly good at aiming or catching things when they fall. He’s never been particularly good at fixing problems either since he lives so far away from any kind of companionship that he often doesn’t need to worry about the consequences of his actions affecting those he loves.
Here, though, his words not only have the potential to affect Roman, they’re also directly related to him and, more importantly, find their source directly in the hands of the little child in his chest holding so jealously onto his feelings, keeping him from looking at them, understanding them. As there’s a dragonfly in it and the voice keeps whispering it’s a tarantula.
Now he’s spilt it, removed the lid, pried those dirty, broken fingers open, and he’s blurted those words at Roman’s back and can now only helplessly watch as the vase shatters into pieces. He covers his mouth with his hand, breathes against it for a moment, looks like a lover watching who they love be burnt alive. He mumbles something against his palm, a quiet cuss maybe, a quiet ‘oh god’, a quiet ‘why did I say that’.
Then the hand drops, slowly falls from his lips as Felix begins to suffocate under the silence in the room. So he fills it with a whisper. “I want... I want you to trust me, with... everything you feel, with... everything.”
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mythvoiced · 5 years
@enchcntd - “Is he bothering you? ‘Cause I can him removed… forcibly.” roman @ felix :') -. Stargate: Atlantis — Tracker  {Sentence Starters}
It takes Felix a hot minute to start protesting and the reason for that might be the strange emphasis on the word ‘hot’ in ‘hot minute’.
Slack-jawed, almost, lips parted, eyes widened, clear interest and a certain appreciation for the situation at hand, Felix subconsciously takes the time to savour the moment, the new albeit highly welcomed feeling of being protected washing over him like a warm shower after a day spent out in the cold.
Although, the warmth doesn’t derive solely from the giddy skip of his heart revealing how exciting exactly it is, to have someone who’d even think of saying something like that, let alone mean it the way he assumes Roman is. That warmth, the other, the one placed slightly lower than his heart, burning into his cheeks, causing his tongue to flicker past his lips and disappear back inside, followed by his bottom lip as it wedges itself between his teeth, that warmth... is a promise for later, warmth.
A thought-consuming one, just enough that Felix almost forgets the other person in the formula. The stranger he couldn’t give a rat’s ass about, with or without Roman around.
He places a hand on Roman’s arm and pushes just slightly, enough to be a request more than an actual attempt at moving him. “No, it’s okay,” a smile, sultry, almost. “Leave him. Let’s go.”
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