#the illegal watching has been marred by internet issues
cylonbarnes · 2 years
one of the best parts of stargirl season 2 is cindy going up to cameron w the intention of getting him in her Bad Kid Squad and he almost completely unprompted is just like You are the worst and I hate you and No One likes you and You said some fucked up shit in the 4th grade Leave me Alone. and she was like okay and just went welp i guess he's out
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eglantinian · 7 years
So i got tagged by @eponineinthebarricade, @bisexual-eponine, @kugirocks, @eponinexenjolras​ for this, and i decided i’ll just drop them all here for fun. i put in all my questions and those i tagged above, so if it’s not their thing to read the answers of other people, they don’t need to check mine out.
answer 11 questions
create 11 questions (for those i’ll be tagging) 1. What can cheer you up no matter how sad you are feeling? 2. How are you, really? (if you’re up for sharing, go ahead. if not, well, then, just say pass, and move on from this one) 3. Whose face do you think of when you hear the word humble? 4. What do you generally dislike about a certain fandom you are in? 5. If you can create a word, what would that be? 6. Was there something you said that you wish you could take back? 7. What irritates you? 8. What cultural norm do you wish wasn’the norm? 9. What’s one thing you would sacrifice everything for? 10. Would you want to die in Mars? 11. If you were in a zombie apocalypse, what weapon would you use, and why?
tag 11 persons: 1/ @ladywolfmd, 2/ @tomorrowatdawn, 3/ @xreyoflight, 4/ @skip-is-tired, 5/ @astoryinred, 6/ @courageandbravery 7/ @thesovereignempress, 8/ @eponinetdaae, 9/ @eponniia, 10/ @encarnalise, & 11/ @kotagula
questions from eponineinthebarricade:
What would you do if you went to space?
Probably spend gawking at Earth from the space station for a bit before bonding with other astronauts/cosmonauts over our mutual love for space. I’d probably be a space liaison.
What is “love” to you? Reason and passion entwined.
What is your hobby? Writing. Editing some photos. Reading. Watching videos about film and script analyses.
A food one must taste before they die? There’s this noodle we call palabok in my country, and it’s really filling. It has shrimp, eggs, and some vegetables thrown in, and the sauce in it is just… ah-mazing. I love this food.
Your way of coping with stress? I sometimes sing all the stress out. Or sleep. I like sleeping. Sometimes, I write. Or exercise eskrima.
What do you think would happen if music was not invented ever? Life would go on, albeit a little less interestingly. We’d make certain sounds from objects and we’d use our voice for purely practical reasons, but always wonder why is there something missing. We’d wonder why is spending time on this earth always a little empty. Literature would be less potent, less inspiring, even if it maintains a certain beauty with how it’s written. Any song would just be mostly poetry read aloud. Political propaganda as well as the market would use more visuals. Films and anything on screen would lack the drama and vividness of our imagination. Basically, our life would remain the same, but we’d have more boring lives.
Sleeping all day or being productive the moment you wake up? I prefer sleeping all day, but reality often denies it, so by circumstance and by duty, I am inclined to chooose to be productive. It makes me feel like I have a purpose, anyway.
Coffee or tea? I like both, but tend to buy more coffee because tea is a tad bit pricier.
What is your favourite literature movement? Realist and transcentalist movements.
Your favourite author? I have a ton, but for this one, I’ll say Sylvia Plath (for fiction) and Nick Joaquin (for non-fiction).
A line from your favourite poem and why you chose that line? ‘The night wind revolves in the sky and sings.’ - Tonight, I Can Write the Saddest Lines, Pablo Neruda It’s one of the most visually appealing and symbolic lines ever. And I memorise this poem a lot, but I keep forgetting this line. It’s the most different one from the whole set, and it joggles my pattern of recollection. But I really like it a lot.
questions from kugirocks: 
Favorite T.V show? I don’t have one I particularly like, but for the moment I am invested in watching The Flash.
Favorite movie? For this one, I’ll say Trance (2013) and Inglorious Basterds.
Favorite book? For this one, I’ll say Jonathan Tepperman’s The Fix.
Dogs or cats? Both are adorable, but I’m not inclined to adopt either.
An actor/actress you wish to meet? Leonardo DiCaprio because of his advocacy for the environment. Or, hmm, Asia Argento. She’s vastly underrated, and I’d really like to say she did amazing as Éponine in the 2000/2001 French mini series of Les Mis.
Grab the closest book to you. Turn to page 11. Read the first line from that page. What is it? ‘The Atoan system four days later.’ - Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command, Issue #1 (2011) Written by: W. Haden Blackman; Atist: Rick Leonardi
Favorite sport? Eskrima/Arnis. Savate.
Favorite musical artist? Too many. But I’ll say Freddie Mercury for this one.
Color or no color? Colour.
Favorite season? Autumn.
Favorite musical? LES MISÉRABLES
questions from eponinexenjolras: 
Are you afraid to die? No.
Introvert or extrovert? I’m an ambivert.
Dream job? Consul general / Human Rights Commissioner / Writer
What would you do with 1 million dollars? Keep half in bank. The other, I’ll divide to pay for my family’s needs, while some shall go to a select chairty, and a bit for some business.
Imagine you’re a celebrity. Would you want to be married to another star or rather to someone ordinary? I don’t like sharing, but I’d learn to make sure I could make that someone ordinary feel happy, safe, and never doubtful of my relationship with them.
Which royal person would you want to be (past or present)? Rajah Soliman. Or Nefertiti.
Where do you want to travel? Everywhere.
In which era would you like to live? Every era has its harms, but if I could visit a particular era, I’d want to see pre-WW1 or pre-WW2..
Favorite hobby? Making art.
Have you ever done something illegal? Yup. But would I tell? No.
questions from bisexual-eponine (who tagged me thrice lol)
set 1:
favourite musical? LES MISÉRABLES
what is the worst thing that’s ever happened to you? A shit ton that I’m not ready to share, but I’ll settle to oversimplify it with traumatic childhood episodes and psychologically being manipulated by people I thought I could trust.
“Thinking Out Loud” or “Perfect”? I’m inclined to be partial to Perfect. I understand that TOL is sweet, but this one is just more poignant for me.
most embarrassing childhood memory? I had a fistfight with a guy playmate in front of the church when I was ten. I won. But I suffered quite the embarrassment.
have you ever been in a serious accident? Mild opening of the scalp because I was reckless once. Got 2-3 stitches. I can’t fall asleep unless it’s sideways, but I’m trying to sleep on my back more.
Bill Skarsgård: smash or pass? I didn’t know who this guy was, so when I searched who he acted as, I just can’t. I’ll pass.
do you think people can get too old for Halloween? Nah.
how often do you sin? Everyday………..
are pandas useless? (trying to prove a point to my friend philip) No. There is such a thing as Panda Diplomacy by China, who owns all the pandas in the world, so they get a lot of cash and ‘fans’ because they are adorable af.
are you flexible? To a certain degree.
if you wanted to get married, where would you do it? If. Well, there’s a beautiful place up north in my country. I’d pick that.
set 2:
what’s one headcanon you’ve always had for your otp? Okay, I have a lot, and some of my otps aren’t here, but here are some I’d like to share my thoughts on. Enjonine: They always don’t fall in love right away. It’s like the lowest priority they could ever have, and when they do, it’s one amazing collision. Anidala: They would have ruled the galaxy well. Anakin is a genius, and Padme is one feisty diplomat. They would have motivated more to know more about the balance of the Force, and ended slavery (gradually). Ugh. They could have had it all. Sifki: They brought out so much growth from each other. In ALL aspects. Seriously. Sif would be nearly invincible in wars with Loki’s help, but she would temper his… well, mischief. Dramione: Same thing with Sifki, but they would be more amazing role models, especially with being intellectual equals. They would show the younger generation what Sirius really meant about being people with a little bit of light and darkness within. Carl Jung’s Animus/Anima plays in a lot here.
did you ever have that one teacher that just hated your guts for seemingly no particular reason? My general psych prof. Ah well, the feeling is mutual.
on a scale of 1-10, how strict are/were your parents? A mild 8 on a daily basis because of how fucked up my country is, a strong 15 when anyone in my family fucks up.
what do you think will finally break the internet? The moment Harambe returns.
which fictional character would you most like to marry and why? Enjolras. He is reason and passion entwined. Certainly imperfect in his own ways, but I feel like I could bring out his empathy in a more grounded way while he would make sure to challenge me to be better without making me feel a lesser person. 
what’s the worst purchase you’ve ever made and why? Hmm. SOME BLACK SHOES WITH CRISS-CROSS BINDINGS. It does more damage for my feet.
which character did you hate at first but don’t anymore? Sansa Stark. I didn’t realise I had too much internalised misogyny until I analysed her character, and finally realised that one could be dainty yet deadly. She’s an amazing character.
which character did you like at first but don’t anymore? Dumbledore. Look, he’s great and all, but he had a lot of mistakes that usually go unnoticed because of his Wizengamot status. He compromised a lot of things.
what’s the craziest thing you’ve ever gotten away with? I’d rather not speak of it.
who’s the messiest person you know? That would be… me.
what quote or saying do people spout but is complete bullshit? ‘Someone may have it worse than you. Please try to understand whoever did this to you.’ Casse-toi. Who, then, would understand me? Must I deny my own pain to give way for others so they could feel less guilty? Or you could feel better? Fuck off.
set 3:
what do you consider to be the three best things about yourself? Uh… curiosity. Ingenuity. Feeling too much.
if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why? Caring too much.
what’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been to? The Venetian.
what do you think is the “right age” to get married? 30-35 years old.
opinions on the concept of marriage? It’s how state and the market exploits love.
what are three things you’d ask your pet if they could talk? - what do you really call yourself? - do you have a nickname for me? - what is really your favourite thing to do with me?
when should we get a great comet revival? 2 years from now. They need to re-organise, re-plan their marketing strategy without sacrificing their cast, and re-structure their management model.
do you have a poor relationship with your family? (i sure do) i love my family, and they love me too, but sometimes they can be a little insufferable.
favourite time of day? 3 am. 7 am. 3 pm. 12 mn.
favourite person (real or fictional, dead or alive)? my guy bff. we argue once in a while, but i’m so fond of him a lot. i literally relax more when i see him.
favourite movie quote? ' Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to. It's the only way to become what you were meant to be.' - Kylo Ren/Ben Solo Star Wars: The Last Jedi
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addictionfreedom · 6 years
Crack Addiction Facts
Get the facts
Her involvement with cps
California because they
Requires putting together
Just like her mother
Mar 17, 2016 … Fact One: 85 percent to 90 percent of people who use even heroin, crack or meth don't become addicted. If you go into a crowded bar tonight …
I should point out as well that incarceration either exacerbates or has no effect on addiction — so drug-war policy cannot be credited with the decline in crack use that has occurred in recent years. Rather, that was largely due to what some have called …
Watch Truth About Drugs Documentary Video & Learn About Substance Addiction. get the facts About Painkillers, Marijuana, Cocaine, Meth & Other Illegal Drugs.
Apr 21, 2004 … The hard facts about Drugs – Cocaine and Crack Cocaine …. compared to the physical addiction symptoms which can often accompany opiate …
Crack is considered to be the most addictive form of cocaine leading to substantial crack addiction rates in those who try the drug. Some experts also believe that …
EDITOR’S NOTE: The Facts annually partners with the Brazoria County Children … She continued to use drugs, including crack cocaine and marijuana, in an effort to medicate herself. her involvement with cps as a parent began about 10 years ago when …
Tumblr media
While no government-approved medicines are currently available to treat cocaine addiction, … Another popular method of use is to smoke Crack cocaine.
Read about symptoms and signs of cocaine and crack abuse and addiction. Plus, learn about treatment, prevention, and the physical and psychological effects of cocaine and crack abuse.
Discover the true crack facts and statistics. Discover why crack was invented, where crack came from, and if crack addiction is getting better or worse.
Find out the effects of crack, signs of addiction, withdrawal symptoms and rates of abuse.
Smoking crack brings a short, intense high, making the substance more addictive than powdered cocaine. Crack was also a lot cheaper than cocaine powder.
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Take a look at the crack addiction statistics below, and decide whether or not it's time for crack rehab for you or someone you love.
Watch Truth About Drugs Documentary Video & Learn About Substance Addiction. Get The Facts About Painkillers, Marijuana, Cocaine, Meth & Other Illegal Drugs.
“Internet Addiction,” by Sam Wolff, via Wikipedia. Understanding Trueman’s point requires putting together two emerging facts about American sexual … have the last word on liquor licensing laws or crack addicts on drug policy.
[ Rehabilitation Facts ] !!! … Drug Addiction Clinics In New Jersey Rehabilitation Facts; Crack Addiction; Avrt5; Refuge Recovery …
If you're struggling with crack addiction, don't wait until it's too late. Our detox … You are here: Home · Addiction Resources · Substance Abuse Facts; Crack …
Addiction Treatment Seattle Contents Seattle are filing lawsuits against several Treatment for drugs and Right step dallas Seven overpowering innings Hospital near seattle The greater seattle Addiction Treatment Seattle – Explore treatment options and professional care for addiction [ Addiction Treatment Seattle ] !!! The drug agency is "still waiting for analysis" before taking that step, special …
Vicky is president of an elementary school PTA these days, but four years ago she was selling her body and stealing to feed her addiction to crack. Central Florida’s crack cocaine problem is no longer a front-burner issue. It has been …
Suboxone Treatment Albuquerque Contents Year. …. the maintenance drug Still waiting for analysis Vegas contents treatment program includes Program features 12 weeks Treatment rehab center. the A list of Suboxone (buprenorphine) prescribers and treatment programs in New Mexico. Each listing includes contact information (address, phone number, website). Suboxone Treatment Tucson – Top Addiction Rehab Program [ Suboxone Treatment
The way that crack works in the brain and the body of a user ages them incredibly fast. Crack users …
COCAINE addiction is listed as number 5, with 821,000 addicts. The rate of this drug is slowly declining. Crack cocaine is cheaper and is also highly addictive. Cocaine is followed by HEROIN (426,000), but heroin’s severe withdrawal symptoms made …
There are no exclusive Crack Addiction Symptoms or single test that clearly indicates that someone has crack addiction
The details of his crime outlined in an agreed statement of facts are as terrifying as they are confounding … who worked the streets to pay for her addiction to crack and heroin. He lured her to the red brick house with an …
Cocaine, Crack, Coke: Abuse, Addiction, Withdrawal, Post-Acute Withdrawal, Treatment, Recovery – Balanced and authoritative
Facts. Many myths surround cocaine and crack cocaine use. Despite media reports claiming crack to be addictive with a single use, the best data, …
When Ellison tweeted that he intends to be “the People’s Lawyer,” he may well have had these facts in mind. Today I am announcing … known for …
Home › Facts & Myths › Drug Myths … Crack is more addicting than cocaine powder. While there are more “crack” “addicts” observed on the streets, this is …
who said he was struggling with an addiction to drugs and alcohol at the time. Foerster first got drunk at age 14 and soon proceeded to smoking …
Crack Cocaine Addiction Facts are what you need to understand to really appreciate how much drugs and addiction effect all of us.
Crack cocaine addiction treatment is available to a person who desires to recover from crack cocaine addiction and obtain sobriety. call addiction solutions behavior.
Cocaine (Coke, Crack) Facts. … Stacey is recovering from her cocaine addiction. She's thankful that her life is different now than it was before. Read Stacey's story.
With that truth emblazoned across America’s landscape, the language has changed, the problem has been rebranded, …
Seek answers to drug abuse questions or help those in need.
Brief Description Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant drug made from the leaves of the coca plant native to South America. Although health care providers can use it for valid medical purposes, such as local anesthesia for some surgeries, cocaine is an illegal drug.
If the feds crack down on kratom, users suffering chronic pain could be forced to seek out opioids for relief. "It’s outrageous that this is happening now at a time when we really need innovative solutions to deal with overdose and addiction right …
Police found drugs at the scene, and rumor has it that Bobbi was addicted to heroin and crack, just like her mother, Whitney Houston. And just like her mother, it will inevitably lead to her death. An unnamed source who reportedly took drugs with …
Key Facts About Crack Abuse What Is Crack? Crack cocaine is the freebase form of cocaine. Crack's popularity, … Crack addiction is a powerful motivator, …
As a highly addictive and destructive drug, cocaine is an illegal Schedule II substance created from a South … The Statistical Facts About Crack Cocaine.
But Romero’s participation in “Operation Smack City” reignited a previous crack addiction as he became a victim of recklessness on behalf of DEA agents, causing severe emotional and physical harm, the lawsuit said. “The United …
Lengthy documentary-style films have been produced detailing his addiction, not unlike that of former boxer Dick Eklund. The "Pride of Lowell’s" battle with crack cocaine may have been more serious, but Odom’s obsession is just as …
The post Crack Addiction Facts appeared first on Freedom From Addiction II.
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thewebofslime · 6 years
ARCHIVE ED MORRISSEY SHOW NEWSLETTERS × About that Podesta ‘underage sex-slaves’ Tweet from Andrew BreitbartSHARE ON FACEBOOKSHARE ON TWITTER About That Podesta ‘Underage Sex-Slaves’ Tweet From Andrew Breitbart LARRY O'CONNORPosted at 10:01 am on December 5, 2016 SHARE ON FACEBOOK SHARE ON TWITTER 0 Nefarious operators on the Internet (as well as some innocent, misinformed individuals) have been freaking out over a Tweet from the late Andrew Breitbart connecting John Podesta to a “underage sex slave” operation. SEE ALSO: Captain Marvel isn’t awful but it’s not top-tier Marvel either (some spoilers) TRENDING: Justice Alito shatters glass before Congressional testimony The reason this Tweet is suddenly getting responded to and re-tweeted thousands of times is because a recent conspiracy theory making the rounds about Podesta and the Clintons accuses the Democrat power-players of running an underage sex operation out of a pizza joint in DC. It’s the kind of story you’d find on the cover of Weekly World News (think “Bat Boy” and “Aliens visit Ross Perot before election” kind of stories) and other supermarket tabloids before the advent of the Internet. There are tons of websites who make a lot of money doing pretty odious things. One of those odious things is to purposely pass along fake stories to suck people in and make them think that even though a story seems completely unbelievable on its face, it’s true because it appears to have a legitimate news organization behind it. I know because once I was faked out for about 45 minutes by a story that I discovered on the Boston Globe’s website. (It had apparently originated on a satirical site) Another odious thing many websites do is to make money speculating about Andrew Breitbart. Some of them pass false conspiracy theories about Andrew being murdered by government operatives. Others spend thousands and thousands of words speculating about what Andrew would have thought, said or done about something happening in the current news cycle. The last thing I want to do is be that guy who tells you what Andrew thought or meant back when he was alive because everyone who interacted with him at the time has their own personal experience and not one of them is the whole truth. However, because of the confusion over this Tweet, I think some context and an explanation is called for. And, for some reason, Breitbart News has not stepped up and delivered it themselves. (I searched, if they have, I will update this column post haste.) Here is the text of Andrew’s Tweet, again: How prog-guru John Podesta isn’t household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me. It’s a classic Andrew Tweet. His abbreviations, his invention of words (“cover-upperer”) tells me that this was probably Andrew’s work. I never really knew him to allow anyone to Tweet on his behalf but I suppose it’s possible at some point he did so without my knowledge. So, for our discussion let’s stipulate that it was Andrew who sent this out. What is he talking about? Anyone who knew Andrew well and worked closely in his sphere and knew what he would talk and Tweet about with regard to “underage sex slave(s)” and John Podesta, knows exactly what he is referring to: ACORN If you don’t remember James O’Keefe, Hanna Giles and the ACORN story that broke on Andrew’s Big Government website in 2009, here’s a quick description via Wikipedia,which has a lot of bogus takes on the story, but this brief description is correct: In July and August 2009, Giles and O’Keefe visited ACORN offices in Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Brooklyn, San Bernardino, San Diego, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Miami. Giles dressed as a prostitute, while O’Keefe wore white khakis with a blue dress shirt and/or tie and claimed to be her boyfriend. Giles and O’Keefe recorded the encounters using hidden cameras and pretended to be seeking advice on how to run an illegal business that included the use of underage girls in the sex trade. So the ACORN story that Andrew was intimately involved with, helped define his brand, and catapulted him into the media spotlight was a story about an underage sex slave operation. OK? So how does Podesta factor in as a “cover-upperer” of the ACORN sex slave story? Here’s the explanation from liberal Think Progress in 2009, a site overseen by John Podesta at that time as he was the head of Center for American Progress (CAP): In response to recently released videos of ACORN staff engaging in inappropriate and potentially unlawful activity, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said today that “the conduct you see on those tapes is completely unacceptable.” ACORN President Bertha Lewis released a statement explaining that the advocacy group for low- and moderate-income Americans will now conduct a “thorough review” of the organizations’ operation. CAP President John Podesta, who also sits on ACORN’s Advisory Council, said, “Accountability starts with knowing all the facts. ACORN, which is doing important work in advocating for lower-income Americans all across this country, is taking an important step today by acknowledging its need for reform and demonstrating its desire to take corrective action.” Yeah, talk about the fox watching the hen house. To prove ACORN did nothing wrong in the O’Keefe/Giles videos presented on Andrew’s website they asked Podesta, a partisan hack who sat on their own Advisory Council to investigate them. Here was Andrew’s take at the time in his Washington Times column: The next day, Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta, the Democratic Party’s top fix-it guy with control over much of the left’s well-funded vast attack machinery (think George Soros, the Tides Foundation, et al.), was among a small advisory group placed in charge of investigating the matter. With the mainstream media continuing to ignore the evidence on the tapes, Mr. Podesta is now clearly in charge of feeding them information about his well-structured investigation into the investigators. The ACORN internal probe is a “war room” aimed at destroying the messengers and is not meant to clean up major corruption. Since Mr. Podesta was appointed to investigate ACORN, the only thing investigated has been the investigators, Mr. O’Keefe, Ms. Giles and the publisher of the journalism behind it, yours truly. Of course, his conclusions were that ACORN did nothing wrong and all the fault in the story lay at the feet of Breitbart. A conclusion picked up by Media Matters for America, a left-wing activist site that made it their goal in life to destroy Andrew Breitbart. MMfA turned the ACORN story into a cudgel with which to beat Andrew over the head, and did so hundreds of times, in an attempt to discredit anything he did. When the Anthony Weiner story first broke it was MMfA who pointed to ACORN as a reason why he should not be trusted and they pointed to the Podesta report as “evidence” for that theory. MMfA, not coincidentally, began their operations in office space borrowed from… wait for it…. John Podesta. So, who is John Podesta? He runs the Center for American Progress think tank, which in 2004 helped launch Media Matters for America, the well-funded watchdog outfit run by ex-conservative journalist David Brock, which feeds the media reams of anti-conservative documents that attempt to diminish the credibility of alternative media outlets. Here are Andrew’s words, again, from 2009: Both the CAP and Media Matters sites are focusing their attention on Ms. Giles, Mr. O’Keefe and me. Does anyone really think Mr. Podesta is investigating ACORN, when his well-greased external machinery is so blatantly investigating us? So get into Andrew’s head for a moment circa Feb, 2011. His entire sphere of reference at that time with regard to Podesta was in the context of his role creating left wing activist groups like CAP, ACORN and MMfA. Podesta had just joined the Obama Administration. Andrew was tweaking the media for giving Podesta a pass and celebrating the man who Andrew saw as his bete noir. And one of the most outrageous things Podesta did to Andrew, that the media never scrutinized, was his white-washing of the ACORN scandal. In other words, from Andrew’s perspective, Podesta was a “world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs .” That’s what the Tweet means, and anyone who tells you otherwise is up to something. TAGS:ACORNANDREW BREITBARTJOHN PODESTASEX SLAVETWEETTWITTERUNDERAGE SEX SHARE ON FACEBOOK SHARE ON TWITTER RELATED STORIES Eric Holder: Maybe we should pack the Supreme Court with two new Democratic justices in 2021 ALLAHPUNDIT Mar 09, 2019 2:31 PM Here we go. 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The people who eat the same meal every day Maryland Democratic leader calls for doxxing of gun rights activist “terrorists” JAZZ SHAW Mar 09, 2019 7:01 PM “Time to dox some homegrown terrorists.” Chelsea Manning jailed for “not believing in the Grand Jury system” JAZZ SHAW Mar 09, 2019 5:31 PM And it’s on with the show, folks Justice Alito shatters glass before Congressional testimony KAREN TOWNSEND Mar 09, 2019 4:01 PM Ice-breaker Home Archive Ed Morrissey Show Newsletters About Advertise Privacy Policy Terms of Use Copyright HotAir.com/Salem Media. All Rights Reserved.
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sheilalmartinia · 7 years
The 10 best Google Doodles of all time
Since 1998, Google has used its homepage to host an invariably inventive ‘doodle’.
The Google Doodle actually began its life as a humorous out-of-office message for the company’s co-founders, Sergey Brin and Larry Page. To let everyone know they had gone to the Burning Man festival, they placed the festival’s icon behind the second ‘o’ on their own company’s logo.
It is fitting that what has become a forum for sophisticated artistic and technical expression began life as a stick figure. We can trace the Doodle’s development over time from a simple stick man to an interactive multimedia hub that educates and entertains on a variety of subjects.
Google began experimenting with Doodles to mark historical events soon after the original Burning Man example and, such was its popularity, the Doodle became a daily fixture on the Google homepage.
Undoubtedly, Google has taken a few knocks recently. The record fine levied against it by the E.U. made global headlines, the Canadian government ruled that Google must de-index specific domains entirely, and its AI company DeepMind’s deal with the National Health Service in the UK has been ruled “illegal.”
That’s not the kind of damage a doodle can undo. These are important cases that raise probing questions for all of us.
Nonetheless, it is still worth reflecting on the positive side of Google’s contributions to society. That’s where the humble, charming Doodle comes in.
These sketches showcase Google at its best. They are a microcosm of the search giant’s philanthropic side, an insight into a company that (until recently) proudly held the mantra “Don’t be evil” at the core of its code of conduct.
A company with so much power over the public consciousness uses its homepage to highlight overlooked historical figures, educate the populace about important scientific theories, or just give us some really fun games to play.
For that, we should be grateful.
You can take a look through the expansive repository of over 2,000 Doodles here.
Within this article, we have selected just 10 of Google’s most amiable animations from through the years.
1. Claude Monet (Nov 14, 2001)
For the first few years of the Doodle’s existence, it tended to appear sporadically – often to mark national holidays. That all changed in 2001 with the depiction of the Google logo in an Impressionistic style to celebrate 161 years since the French painter Claude Monet’s birth.
The shimmering effect of light in the letters and the presence of waterlilies underneath serve as elegant echoes of Monet’s trademark style. Importantly, this marked a shift in direction – both thematically and aesthetically – for the Doodle.
Other noteworthy homages to artists include Wassily Kandinsky, Carlos Mérida, Gustav Klimt, and Frida Kahlo.
2. Harriet Tubman (Feb 1, 2014)
Harriet Tubman’s extraordinary life was celebrated by Google in February 2014. The Doodle features her image and a lamp, to highlight both her escape from slavery and her daring missions to rescue others from the same fate.
This feature is notable for a few reasons. In 2014, a study revealed the lack of diversity in Google’s Doodles. Although just a simple design on a search engine landing page, this was a clear reflection of the social impact Google can have. In fact, over half of all Doodles to this point were of white men.
Google took this seriously and did strike a 50/50 gender balance in 2014, giving increasing prominence to non-white historical figures too. There is a notable effort to provide a broader spectrum of historical events and figures within Google’s Doodles, beginning with Harriet Tubman.
3. Alexander Calder (July 22, 2011)
The sculptor Alexander Calder is known best as the inventor of the nursery mobile. These structures sway in the wind, changing form depending on the antecedent forces that come into contact with them.
This made Calder the perfect subject for the first Doodle to be constructed entirely using the HTML5 standard. Internet browsers had been incapable of rendering such a complex media format until this point, and this design required the work of a team of engineers, artists, and illustrators.
The Doodle, to mark what would have been Calder’s 113th birthday, lulls satisfyingly when a user clicks or hovers over its component parts.
This is therefore a particularly important piece of Doodle history, ushering in a new age of innovation and experimentation.
4. Charlie Chaplin (Apr 16, 2011)
To celebrate the 122nd anniversary of Charlie Chaplin’s birth, one of Google’s resident doodlers donned a moustache and hat to pay tribute to the great comic genius of the silent movie era.
This was the first live action Doodle and it really comes across as a labor of love from the Google team. Replete with heel clicking, cane waving and bottom kicking, this 2 minute black and white film is the perfect tribute to Chaplin.
It also marks the beginning of an era of ambitious Doodles that aren’t afraid to request the audience’s attention for longer than just a few seconds. As such, the Chaplin Doodle is an essential link between the stylized Google logos that were prevalent up to 2011 and the sprawling experiences that would come thereafter.
5. My Afrocentric Life (Mar 21, 2016)
Since 2009, Google has been running its Doodle 4 Google competition. The competition encourages elementary school kids (initially in the US, but this has now expanded internationally) to design a Doodle based on the people and issues that matter most to them.
Akilah Johnson was the US winner in 2016 with her entry, ‘My Afrocentric Life’, inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement. Chosen from over 100,000 student submissions, Johnson created the Doodle over the course of two weeks using pencils, crayons and markers.
This initiative is a great way for Google to communicate with a younger generation, and it also shows the company’s willingness to give voice to political messages.
6. Ludwig van Beethoven (Dec 17, 2015)
The greatest composer of all time was given the fitting honor of Google’s most engrossing, intricate, classical music Doodle.
Created to celebrate the 245th anniversary of Beethoven’s baptism (his exact birthdate is unknown), this interactive game showcases events in the great artist’s life (both highs and lows), and invites us to piece together movements from his most famous works.
This Doodle makes the list for various reasons. It develops a sustained narrative and invites the viewer to interact. It also features some of the greatest art in European history.
But primarily, it takes what is sometimes seen as a difficult or impenetrable form of art and makes it accessible. This is an example of Google at its enlightening, playful best.
An honorable mention should also go to the Debussy Doodle in this category.
7. St Patrick’s Day (Mar 17, 2015)
Google has an illustrious history of producing Doodles to coincide with national holidays. Everywhere from America to Algeria to Australia has been given the Doodle treatment.
However, for sheer fun, the St Patrick’s Day iterations are hard to beat. 2015 was a vintage year, featuring a family of fiddle-playing clovers designed by Irish artist Eamon O’Neill.
What makes these Doodles special is Google’s commitment to celebrating such a wide range of holidays worldwide every year. For their brave use of color, the Holi festival animations are particularly worth a look.
8. International Women’s Day (Mar 8, 2017)
Google has been honoring International Women’s Day on its homepage for many years, but in 2017 it went the extra mile to provide a comprehensive look at 13 pioneers that have shaped our everyday lives.
What makes this most interesting is Google’s desire to go beyond the names we all already know, to give light to some unseen or hidden stories.
The slideshow gives prominence to Egypt’s first female pilot and Korea’s first female lawyer, for example. Moreover, it encourages us to do our own research to learn more about each person, instead of simply spoonfeeding us a few quick facts before we move on.
9. PAC-MAN (May 21, 2010)
The Pac-Man Doodle was a phenomenal success. It deserves an article of its own, really.
Said to have cost the economy $120 million in lost labor time, it tapped into our nostalgia for one of the most popular video games of all time.
Created for PAC-MAN’s 30th anniversary, the first-ever playable Doodle replicates the experience of the old arcade game.
It was initially launched for a two-day period, as Google expected it to surpass the popularity of your everyday Doodle. The fervent response was a little more than they had anticipated, however.
Luckily, you can still play the game here.
Also worthy of mention are the immensely popular Les Paul Doodle, which now has its own standalone page, and the Doodle Fruit Games, created for the 2016 Olympics.
10. Oskar Fishinger (Jun 22, 2017)
The most recent entry on our list – and perhaps the most expansive in its ambitions – was created to mark the birthday of filmmaker and visual artist Oskar Fishinger.  He was fascinated by the links between music and vision, which he saw as inextricable.
Google’s interactive take on this is an immersive experience, opening with a quote from the artist before offering us the opportunity to create our own ‘visual music’ using a range of instruments.
The Fishinger Doodle is arresting, both visually and sonically. The perfect celebration of Fishinger’s work, in other words.
It is an enticing glimpse of the pleasant surprises we can all expect as we log onto Google every morning, as its Doodles grow evermore sophisticated, charming, and instructive.
from Search Engine Watch https://searchenginewatch.com/2017/07/07/the-10-best-google-doodles-of-all-time/
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medialiterates · 7 years
Blog Post #4
Blog Post #4
Debating between whether internet security and internet privacy is good or bad, I would mostly agree that it depends on how it’s used. For example, when surveillance on the internet are used for protection and keeping us safe from “terrorist attacks” as the government says they are for then we’d all agree that its very helpful in today's world. I think it is important to have surveillance on the internet as much as we need it in public places because they ensure online safety. Rarely will anyone attempt to harm you when they know their actions are being recorded on camera. Police can track criminals online as well as hacking their devices for further investigations. Through surveillance internet security, the police can both prevent crimes from happening and can quickly solve criminal cases with material evidence used online. Spying on criminals through the internet and their devices would prevent these corruptions before happening. Now on the other side, we’d only hope that this is what the government is using it for, but unfortunately its not. Yes, it may provide people with the thought of being protected but you really aren't. A person on average is recorded 300 times a day but as well as this, people who operate those cameras, sometimes abuse their power to watch over people, for example, 'zooming into people's houses' and whatnot. We're just turning into a 'Big Brother Society'. Not only does the information that a cell phone can provide enable tracking of your private life, it could conceivably enable prediction of where you’ll be in the future. It has been made to easily let Big Brother has found a home in our very pockets. Nothing is private anymore, nothing is discreet.
According to a last interview with Aaron Swartz done by the film War for the Web (The Internet’s Own Boy 2012), he speaks about whether we should take this as freedom of internet or by this extreme spying tool the government is using on us. Aaron explains how at the end it’s only up to us, the people, the way we use it. He quotes, “They are both true. And it’s up to us to which one we emphasize and which one we take advantage of because they’re both there and they’re both always going to be there.”
I believe the U.S has long been playing these mind games with its people. Making us believe what happened is “conspiracy theories” when really everything is actual real life events that we are blindly folded from seeing. First and for most, American government not only used this system to spy on its people but also on other countries in the world. “Americans’ justification for everything since the September 11 attacks is terrorism”, mentions the Brazillian Senate during the hearing on NSA spying. (Citizen Four). “Everything is in the name of national security, to protect our population. In reality it’s the opposite. A lot of the documents have nothing to do with terrorism or national security, but rather with competition between countries, and with companies’ industrial, financial or economic issues.” I thought that this part of the film was important for us as citizens to know. People like Aaron Swatch and Edward Snowden saw clearly what’s messed up in this system and decided to take action. They made us open up our eyes to all these lies we’ve been fed by our government.
When the government has access to know all the people we are communicating with, and everyone they are communicating with, where, when and how long of the call and the location. Then they can learn a lot about our personalities and personal life, our activities, our communications and our internet search history. This is a major invasion of privacy, and illegal. In reality, that defense is totally false of needing all this access to prevent terrorism. The US government has the ability to get not only metadata, but the actual content of our emails or what we say on the phone, the words we type into google searches, the websites we visit, the documents we send to our colleagues. This system can track nearly everything that every individual is doing online. According to the Encryption, Surveillance, and Citizen Protections in the Digital Age chapter we took in class, all these aspects of spying on citizens and other countries privacy is illegal and completely unconstitutional. No government has any right to be interfering in anyone’s personal life for any reason at all. We have been born with rights and what we call ‘freedom’ that are supposedly protecting us from such violations of privacy but unfortunately the US government has been doing so for years, and continues to get away with violating these rights. Aaron Swartz, Edward Snowden, Guccifer, aka Marcel Lazar Lehel, and Hamza Bendelladj are not criminals, they are heroes that fought the system that destroys us all.
“We’re living behind one way mirrors corporate America and national security state know so much about us and we know so little about them.” (Citezen Four).
"The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz : Brian Knappenberger : Free Download & Streaming." Internet Archive. Brian Knappenberger, 27 June 2014. Web. 26 Apr. 2017. <https://archive.org/details/TheInternetsOwnBoyTheStoryOfAaronSwartz>.
RadiusTWC. "Citizenfour." YouTube. Laura Poitras , 03 Mar. 2014. Web. 26 Apr. 2017. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKkF-X4QLB4>.
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xottzot · 8 years
2017-3(MAR)-18 to 19-2017-Saturday to Sunday--a.
2017-3(MAR)-18 to 19-2017-Saturday to Sunday--a.
It drizzled a little on Friday and Saturday. But whatever landed on the ground just dried up unless it was on concrete where it lasted a little longer before drying up. It was all as if nothing has been raining.
T around 18:00 there was a power 'brown-out' that plumged this hovel into darkness and silence it ltasted about 40 seconds. It might have been some jerk in a car hitting a power pole soemehere. If so, I hope the car caused damage whilst it sustained severe injuries and death to all its occupants.
Dear Sam and Max were fed early to avoid any damp shower(s) and I cleaned up all their ablutions outside. Then I went back to bed and managed to claw back a couple more hours of sleep.....
On Saturday, once more, there was an illegal unregistered motorbike coming through the pedestrian walkway and that woke me up.
Later on I heard an illegal motorised bicycle the shitheads also use at times.
During today I happend to see two jerks walking down ON the road. They weren't from the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD but are also ones they run around with.
This time there was two of them walking down ON the road. But one was walking and the second one was hobbling, his left leg/foot in a bandage or in plaster with a rubber stopper on the end of it. It was odd watching him hobble around ON THE ROAD as they walked down past the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD on their way to a bus stop. -- And by the way, there's plenty of bus stops and shelters but these kind of people go out of their way to go to other stops just so they can walk past the aborigial CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD.
Was THAT injury the real reason why illegal motorbikes have been decreased somewhat lately today? - Not thru the actions of West Australia Police or authorties, but only because one of the the shitheads who tears around on illegal bikes and such got hurt and so is TEMPORARILY unable to roam about and cause unhappiness and distress all about to innocents?
Usually by now, illegal motorbike are tearing back this way by now around 18:00 and into darkness hours. (they still might come tearing thru)
With the roads a little 'wet', now it's the turn of cars tearing about on the slippery roads. Almost everytime I go outside this hovel I can hear them tearing around and about on the roads.
As I forecasted a year ago...the shitheads on stolen bicyles on the roads, who were evolving to then tearing to be about on motorbikes (stolen or not) on the roads, I said they would evolve into tearing about in cars. And therafter, they would be putting at risk of injury and death everyone on the roads no matter how young or innocent other may be. -- Because that is the natural evolution and outcomes. The inncent will be hurt and will die, whilst the guilty get out of everything....and they get rewarded.....
I don't care anymore. I am left to die. What should I care for anyone when I have been so viciously attacked and maligned when all I have wanted is to be with my beloved Fliss and live a quiet private life.
But none of that is going to happen now. My life is over. The world and universe is against my ever having that happiness ever occur. 'tis more conveinient just to falsley blame ME for everything but I am NOT to blame.
I absolutely loathe waking up and finding myself alive each time. And then having to go through the pretence of living instead if being dead instead at every moment...............
I have already long-ago planned my suicide and prepared for it, but the day of it eventuating still relies on a series of upcoming events to see if fate will decree me some devestating measures of mockery at my expense........
How about this for a news story: man wins free huge million dollar plus expensive house and land near the ocean but he suicides soon after learning that even that huge prize means absiolutely nothing withiout being with Fliss, and so he suicided. He was a good man who had been so terrible ripped to shreds and crushed down until only the love of Fliss could have saved him....but she just laughed and blusteerd her way through as she always does. Because Fliss cries a helluva lot in private alone in bed, but Fliss lies to the world that everything is okay and she can handle and do everything,....handle everthing except for the one truest man she has ever had in her life her love her for who she is, not the 'fake Fliss' she likes to portray to her family and others.
I love you Fliss. I always have loved you. I wish to marry and be with you forever. And whatever I have of mine is yours, everything.
Without you Fliss, I am nothing. and there is nothing to love for.
The power cut-out today Saturday at 18:10 for about 10-15 seconds, just enough to trip all the electronic stuff and have it needed to be reset, including my computer, and electric clocks.
I suspect the power brown-out was due to condensation on all the dust somewhere up on power poles or in mains power lines tranmsformers. It wreaks havoc with electronic equipment.
Dickheads, shiheads, and aboriginals throwing crap up into the powerlines doesn't help either. I'm remined of that everyday by looking up into the power lines and seeing a metal dogs-lead thrown up into the power lines by aboriginals. That lead was given to them free so they could constrain their last dog. who roamed uabout in and out of everyones yards day and night and fouling everything. But for all that, I deeply care and worried about the poor dog and I think he was carted off by a dog catcher and so was murdered. - Now the aboriginal CRIMINAL HUSEHOLD has a huge black mastuff (it has no markings), and it has already bitten one of the kids of the corner house and cause bloodshed. But that dog is still about and still roaminmg free, I saw it yesterday at the aboriginal CRIMINAL HUSEHOLD.
With the aid of pills, combined with cooler coldish temperatures, I'm starting to get a 'little' more sleep. 6 hours of broken sleep I got then I woke up, had to feed Sam ^& Max, go outside with them to monitor their ablutions and avoid rain, then clean it all up, and therafter I went back to bed again utterly exhausted to sleep in broken sleep for a couple more hours. Only to be awoken by planes flying low overhead and their loud rumbling.
I've been watchingh some Star Trek movies that I own on disc but there's some of them missing. (well Fliss?) -- I was watching them hoping they would give ne hope for a better future.....but it's been deemed by other against me that there is no future for me. My dearest love Fliss has gone away and I can't contact her. Anytime I try, it gets intercepted and thrown back into my face and threats made against me and false accusations shown in my face and I can't get a word in edgwise. And if I do, they blatantly refuse to believe ANYTHING I say.
Now it seem as though dear Fliss's precense on the internet has been evapoarating away completely as if she wasn't even alive.
And dear Cath, a friend to Fliss and I, dear Cath has cast me aside and out. - I really needed to talk with her....but Cath refused to acknowledge any emails or anything I sent her.
Cath has been having a LOT of troubles herself with personal life issues, family issues, self-employment issues, finance issues. -- How I would like to help her but I know what will be said to me that if I was to ever to even try.......you can't help yourself, you couldnl't help Fliss, so why don't you just kill yourself and leave us all alone!
Believe me, the last part is uppermost in my mind at all hours of every day and night. Suicide.
As it stands now, I have my head tenuously above water with my moneteray finances, that is to say, that all my monetary debts have been paid off in full for over a year now. - This hovel of a tiny diapidated house and the land was paid off completely shortly before Fliss fled in late 2015. Everything was rising up to herald a new age of freedom for Fliss and myself, where we would no longer be bogged down with debt and worry. -- But then Fliss had a breadkdown, emotional, mental and whatever, and I was the one falsely made to blame for all that!? -- She fled across to New Sout Wales Austraia, RIGHT ACROSS THE OTHER SIDE OF AUSTRALIA FROM ME HERE in WESTERN AUSTRALIA.
I HVAE tried to telephone her and those calls were intercepted by others and I was told never to ever try contacting her again. - I did the same with private emails, and once more they were intercerpted and the same ones ordered me not to ever try contacting dear Fliss at all. And they threatened me with dire POLICE involvements and actions if I should ever try to do so.
I've been waiting FLISS.
Exactly as you asked of me. I've been waitng for YOU dear FLiSS!
Year ago I crossed right across Auatralia to meet you Fliss for the very first time and to help you out of your dire sutuatuions you found yourself in, your employment coming to an end, your rented accocomdation being absolved from under you, everythig. - We planned a new life here in West Australia together living together and for us to build up a life where you could be happy and proud. - And that lasted for many years until something afflicted you. First it was medical matters, and then mental and emotional matters afflicting you. You kept everything quiet and secret only to yourself. But I KNEW what was going on and I was always there to comfort you and guide us both through our tribulations. I did SO MUCH THAT NOBODY HAS ANY IDEA OF, and in the next breath they turn upon me and snarl at me falsley saying I cared nothing for you!?!? - Damn them! Damn them all! - I Love you Fliss. I Love you Felicity Ann Carthew. - And I want to be with you.
I'm stopping writing this part now. I'm crying too much and sobbing.
P.@19:08--Saturday-17-March-2017.----I love you Fliss and want to be with you.- Fliss, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, open contact to me again I beg of you! Send email to:
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yaaasssqueenn-blog · 8 years
Miss Representation
Miss Representation is a documentary that dives into the complexity of media and culture, specifically how it contributes to the under-representation of women in powerful positions. In total, I found many aspects of this documentary interesting and one piece I want to learn more about is the background behind photo editing and why it has not been outlawed. The subliminal messages of media, mainly edited photos, is something that I have seen time and time again with younger girls that I have babysat and grew up with. After viewing this documentary I can look back and see why I was so hard on myself throughout middle and high school, but I did not even realize it until now, almost graduating college. Images that are thrown at us through magazines, the internet and television greatly affect girls at a young age where they are still developing. Jim Steyer says, “Normally, it takes about 18-24 years to develop maturity and full brain growth” meaning, that we do not understand the subconscious effects going on especially for young children who do not have as much interpretive ability as an older adult (Miss Representation, 2011). We are not consciously aware of what we are seeing and misunderstand that healthy women do not look like the images portrayed in the media. The media is great at making statements about how they stereo-typically want us to look and act. If you do not fall within the range of what they expect, you are therefore at a disadvantage in many ways. Not to mention if you do not fit in you have a million options to fix yourself with surgery, self harm, and eating disorders. These issues are so common that it is almost expected for young girls to go through these “phases” that are not healthy because we are more than just a body. The fact that photo-shopping women into something that is not humanly possible is not illegal is just outrageous. There are so many negative outcomes of altering images and presenting them to the public not only for girls but, also boys. These images are teaching boys to judge women more harshly and compare them to super models when in reality this body is not attainable for more than half of the women alive (Miss Representation, 2011). Not only are these statements being made subliminally but also directly. Reality TV is a genre of TV that feeds our curiosity about celebrities and politicians, not always in a positive way (Campbell, pg 208). Late night shows are a great example of how media uses women as an object of jokes and unimportant stories. Gendered socialization is key into keeping women away from leadership and ambitious positions (Miss Representation, 2011). Media cannot seem to step away from this notion of men versus women. In almost all movies and TV shows women are rarely the protagonist and no one questions this notion. Subconsciously we cannot register this inequality unless critically thinking about the movie; this is shaping our generations who grow up watching these movies. Media is one of the most persuasive forces that shapes our cultural norms and the message they are sending is women’s value and power are in her beauty and sexuality (Miss Representation, 2011). Hypersexualization is a prominent aspect of current photos used in today’s media. We view beautiful women as powerful yet they are not in actual powerful positions, showing and sending messages to young girls that being sexy is the best you can be. This film is important today because the same media patterns are still happening. Photo editing is still prominent in all media and the everyday use of social media has dramatically increased meaning we are seeing more images than ever. We are in the era of using a fourth-screen, meaning, people who own a smartphone usually use it as an additional screen while watching TV or another type of screen (Campbell, pg. 202).  Using this fourth-screen approach we are subjecting ourselves to more and more media with inappropriate ads and messages. For example, advertisements on the side of Facebook, in your Instagram feed or twitter feed are only a few spots advertisements pop up without permission and attack you subliminally. Not only is this film important in realizing that we are still being portrayed wrongfully and harmfully, we can also use this film to use our power within social media to change the message. Our current generations have more technological influence than any others before us. We have a unique opportunity to get involved and make a change.
Campbell, Richard, Christopher R. Martin, and Bettina Fabos. Media & Culture: Mass
Communication in a Digital Age. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2016. Print.
"'Miss Representation'." PBS. Public Broadcasting Service,Web. 07 Mar. 2017. <http://www.pbs.org/pov/blog/news/2012/05/miss-representation-doc/>.
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joellewyser-pratte · 8 years
Are Netflix original series more culturally relevant than HBO's (2017)?
Marc Bodnick
If culturally means (in part) “what are young people watching” then —increasingly yes, I think so.
Netflix skews very young — 81% of people in the US ages 18–35 have a Netflix subscription. So I’m guessing that Netflix’s original programming are watched by more young people than most HBO shows.
I could find one article online covering this issue (Netflix vs. HBO in cultural relevance). Here it is, a 2013 post from the LA Review of Books — old, but still really good:
The New Canon
WHEN I WAS AN UNDERGRAD, my professor would talk about stars and directors by showing us actual slides of them, all loaded up into the Don Draper “Carousel.” Clips were on actual film, with actual projectionists, or an assortment of badly edited VHS tapes. When a professor recommended a film, I’d go to the video store and rent it for 99 cents, the standard fee for classic movies. I never missed a screening, because it would be nearly impossible to find many of the films on my own, let alone someone with a VHS that wasn’t the common room at the end of my dorm floor. It was the good old analog days, when film and media studies was still nascent, the internet only barely past dial-up, and internet media culture as we know it limited to a healthy growth of BBS, listservs, and AOL chat rooms. It was also less than 15 years ago.
My four years in college coincided with dramatic changes in digital technology, specifically the rise of the (cheap) DVD and the personal computer DVD player. Before, cinephilia meant access to art house theaters or a VHS/television combination in addition to whatever computer you had. . . . by the time I graduated, most computers came standard with a DVD player and ethernet, if not wireless, connectivity. That Fall, I signed up for Netflix. I envied those with TiVo. Two years later, the growing size of hard drives and bandwidths facilitated the piracy culture that had theretofore mostly been limited to music. Then YouTube. Then streaming Netflix. Then Hulu. Then AppleTV. Then HBOGO. Or something like that.
Today, we live in a television culture characterized by cord-cutters and time-shifters. Sure, many, many people still appointment view or surf channels old school style. I know this. I also know people watch the local news. Yet as a 30-something member of the middle class, I catch myself thinking that my consumption habits — I subscribe to Netflix, Hulu Plus, and Full Cable; I still appointment view several shows — are somewhat typical.
I’m so wrong, but not in the way I might have expected. My students taught me that. They watch Netflix, and they watch it hard. They watch it at the end of the night to wind down from studying, they watch it when they come home tipsy, they binge it on a lazy Saturday afternoon. Most use their family’s subscription; others filch passwords from friends. It’s so widely used that when I told my Mad Menclass that their only text for the class was a streaming subscription, only one student had to acquire one. (I realize we’re talking about students at a liberal arts college, but I encountered the same levels of access at state universities. As for other populations, I really don’t know, because Netflix won’t tell me (or anyone) who’s using it.
Some students use Hulu, but never Hulu Plus — when it comes to network shows and keeping current, they just don’t care. For some super buzzy shows, like Game of Thrones and Girls, they pirate or find illegal streams. But as far as I can tell, the general sentiment goes something like this: if it’s not on Netflix, why bother?
It’s a sentiment dictated by economics (a season of a TV show on iTunes = at least 48 beers) and time. Let’s say you want to watch a season of Pretty Little Liars. You have three options:
1) BitTorrent it and risk receiving a very stern cease-and-desist letter from either the school or your cable provider. Unless you can find a torrent of the entire season, you’ll have to wait for each episode to download. What do you do when it’s 1:30 am and you want a new episode now?
2) Find sketchy, poor quality online streams that may or may not infect your computer with a porn virus (plus you have to find individual stable streams for 22 episodes)
3) Watch it on Netflix in beautiful, legal HD, with each episode leading seamlessly into the next. You can watch it on your phone, your tablet, your computer (or your television, if it’s equipped); even if you move from device to device, it picks up right where you stopped.
It’s everything an overstressed yet media-hungry millennial could desire. And it’s not just millennials: I know more and more adults and parents who’ve cut the cable cord and acquired similar practices, mostly because they have no idea how to pirate and they only really want to watch about a dozen hours of (non-sports) television a month (who are these people, and what do they do after 8 pm every day?)
Through this reliance on Netflix, I’ve seen a new television pantheon begin to take form: there’s what’s streaming on Netflix, and then there’s everything else.
When I ask a student what they’re watching, the answers are varied: Friday Night Lights, Scandal, It’s Always Sunny, The League, Breaking Bad, Luther, Downton Abbey, Sherlock, Arrested Development, The Walking Dead, Pretty Little Liars, Weeds, Freaks & Geeks, The L Word, Twin Peaks, Archer, Louie, Portlandia. What all these shows have in common, however, is that they’re all available, in full, on Netflix.
Things that they haven’t watched? The Wire. Deadwood. Veronica Mars, Rome, Six Feet Under, The Sopranos. Even Sex in the City.
It’s not that they don’t want to watch these shows — it’s that with so much out there, including so much so-called “quality” programs, such as Twin Peaks and Freaks & Geeks, to catch up on, why watch something that’s not on Netflix? Why work that hard when there’s something this easy — and arguably just as good or important — right in front of you?
The split between Netflix and non-Netflix shows also dictates which shows can/still function as points of collective meaning. Talk to a group of 30-somethings today, and you can reference Tony Soprano and his various life decisions all day — in no small part because the viewing of The Sopranos was facilitated by DVD culture. Today, my students know the name and little else. I can’t make “cocksucker” Deadwood jokes (maybe I shouldn’t anyway?); I can’t use Veronica Mars as an example of neo-noir; I can’t reference the effectiveness of montage at finishing a series (Six Feet Under). These shows, arguably some of the most influential of the last decade, can’t be teaching tools unless I screen seasons of them for my students myself.
The networks have long depended on a concept that scholar Raymond Williams dubbed “flow” — the seamless shift from show to commercial to show that creates a televisual flow so natural it’s painful to get out. Netflix does this as well, creating what one of my students has called “inertia problems.” One episode ends, and the countdown to the next begins in the corner. One season ends, and the next one pops before you. One series ends, and it’s ready with fairly accurate suggestions as to the type of programming you’d like to try next. The more you consume Netflix, the more you’ll consume Netflix.
And it’s not like they’re going to run out of content. As the Hollywood studios have tried to play hardball with what films they will and won’t lease, Netflix has turned its focus to television. And it’s not just quality and quasi-quality television: they’re flush with children’s, reality, and British television, with more seasons — and shows — added every month.
So maybe the HBO shows of the golden age fade into the distance, referenced but mostly unwatched, the 2000s equivalent of Hill Street Blues or The Mary Tyler Moore Show. So what? As I wrote last week, I have little interest in fetishing “quality” television, especially as a means of reifying gendered, classist divides between “our” television and that television.
And HBO loves that division — they’re the ones, after all, who pioneered the slogan “It’s not TV, it’s HBO.” They’ve also stubbornly resisted any technology that makes its shows broadly available. You can’t get them on iTunes for months; you can’t use HBOGO unless you’re a service subscriber, and you generally can’t subscribe to HBO without also paying for extended cable — at least a hundred dollar cable bill. I get why they only want rich people watching their shows. I get how exclusivity, in and of itself, is one of the ways that HBO ascribes quality to its programming.
But you know what separates the “good” from the “significant”? Exposure. Not just initial exposure, like the hoopla surrounding the relatively unpopular Girls, but endured attention and familiarity. Viewers of broad ages and classes and tastes watching. Syndication used to do some of this work for us: that’s how I consumed M*A*S*H, My Three Sons, The Brady Bunch, I Love Lucy, classic Saturday Night Live, original Star Trek, and even MacGyver. It was MTV reruns, for example, and not ABC, that made My So-Called Life a cultural touchstone: the two words “Jordan Catalano” stand in for a host of dude-related agonies and ecstasies. Granted, you could watch Sex and the City on TBS, and The Wire on BET. But those were Frankenstein edits of the originals — and what little extended cable this generation does watch, it’s generally new content.
Netflix, and other forms of cheap streaming, thus takes up the role formerly occupied by second-run syndication. Only unlike the reruns of M*A*S*H I’d watch every night at 7:00 pm, these reruns are there whenever I want them and without commercials. With the rise of streaming services, we’ve avoided the term “rerun” and its connotations of the hot, bored days of summer. But apart from its foray into original programming, that’s what Netflix is: a distribution service of reruns. And as with second-run syndication, what’s available is what gets watched; what gets watched becomes part of the conversation. It’s not a question of quality, in other words, it’s one of availability.
HBO has always prided itself on being the cool kid in high school. It’s fine having only a few friends, so long as those friends are rich and influential. But no one can stay in high school forever: eventually your world changes, whether you want it to or not. And you know what happens when the cool kid goes to college? He gets lost in the crowd. There’s no one to remind everyone that he’s so cool or exclusive, of what the last decade of his life meant, or why he should be respected and feared today. Even if he throws a really excellent party, he’s still one of many doing the same.
For coolness and distinction to endure, it needs an indelible sense of legacy. HBO’s not in danger of losing that any time in the near future — at least so long as most of the people writing about television are those of us reared on the DVDs of its golden age. But think of the next generation of critics, whose tastes are guided, and will continue to be guided, by streaming availability. For them, Louie and Scandalwill always be more important than Curb Your Enthusiasm and The Newsroom.
This summer, HBO finally gave credence to rumblings that they’d offer HBGO as a stand-alone subscription service. It may happen next year; it may happen in five. But each year they wait, each year that hundreds of thousands of viewers choose what’s at their fingertips over what’s not, their legacy fades. Perhaps that’s for the best? I mean, let it be said: I’m super okay with more people watching Friday Night Lights than Hung. But some, if not all, of those shows deserve better.
Ignore Al Swearengen at your peril,
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xottzot · 8 years
2017-3(MAR)-18 to 19-2017-Saturday to Sunday--a.
2017-3(MAR)-18 to 19-2017-Saturday to Sunday--a.
It drizzled a little on Friday and Saturday. But whatever landed on the ground just dried up unless it was on concrete where it lasted a little longer before drying up. It was all as if nothing has been raining.
T around 18:00 there was a power 'brown-out' that plumged this hovel into darkness and silence it ltasted about 40 seconds. It might have been some jerk in a car hitting a power pole soemehere. If so, I hope the car caused damage whilst it sustained severe injuries and death to all its occupants.
Dear Sam and Max were fed early to avoid any damp shower(s) and I cleaned up all their ablutions outside. Then I went back to bed and managed to claw back a couple more hours of sleep.....
On Saturday, once more, there was an illegal unregistered motorbike coming through the pedestrian walkway and that woke me up.
Later on I heard an illegal motorised bicycle the shitheads also use at times.
During today I happend to see two jerks walking down ON the road. They weren't from the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD but are also ones they run around with.
This time there was two of them walking down ON the road. But one was walking and the second one was hobbling, his left leg/foot in a bandage or in plaster with a rubber stopper on the end of it. It was odd watching him hobble around ON THE ROAD as they walked down past the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD on their way to a bus stop. -- And by the way, there's plenty of bus stops and shelters but these kind of people go out of their way to go to other stops just so they can walk past the aborigial CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD.
Was THAT injury the real reason why illegal motorbikes have been decreased somewhat lately today? - Not thru the actions of West Australia Police or authorties, but only because one of the the shitheads who tears around on illegal bikes and such got hurt and so is TEMPORARILY unable to roam about and cause unhappiness and distress all about to innocents?
Usually by now, illegal motorbike are tearing back this way by now around 18:00 and into darkness hours. (they still might come tearing thru)
With the roads a little 'wet', now it's the turn of cars tearing about on the slippery roads. Almost everytime I go outside this hovel I can hear them tearing around and about on the roads.
As I forecasted a year ago...the shitheads on stolen bicyles on the roads, who were evolving to then tearing to be about on motorbikes (stolen or not) on the roads, I said they would evolve into tearing about in cars. And therafter, they would be putting at risk of injury and death everyone on the roads no matter how young or innocent other may be. -- Because that is the natural evolution and outcomes. The inncent will be hurt and will die, whilst the guilty get out of everything....and they get rewarded.....
I don't care anymore. I am left to die. What should I care for anyone when I have been so viciously attacked and maligned when all I have wanted is to be with my beloved Fliss and live a quiet private life.
But none of that is going to happen now. My life is over. The world and universe is against my ever having that happiness ever occur. 'tis more conveinient just to falsley blame ME for everything but I am NOT to blame.
I absolutely loathe waking up and finding myself alive each time. And then having to go through the pretence of living instead if being dead instead at every moment...............
I have already long-ago planned my suicide and prepared for it, but the day of it eventuating still relies on a series of upcoming events to see if fate will decree me some devestating measures of mockery at my expense........
How about this for a news story: man wins free huge million dollar plus expensive house and land near the ocean but he suicides soon after learning that even that huge prize means absiolutely nothing withiout being with Fliss, and so he suicided. He was a good man who had been so terrible ripped to shreds and crushed down until only the love of Fliss could have saved him....but she just laughed and blusteerd her way through as she always does. Because Fliss cries a helluva lot in private alone in bed, but Fliss lies to the world that everything is okay and she can handle and do everything,....handle everthing except for the one truest man she has ever had in her life her love her for who she is, not the 'fake Fliss' she likes to portray to her family and others.
I love you Fliss. I always have loved you. I wish to marry and be with you forever. And whatever I have of mine is yours, everything.
Without you Fliss, I am nothing. and there is nothing to love for.
The power cut-out today Saturday at 18:10 for about 10-15 seconds, just enough to trip all the electronic stuff and have it needed to be reset, including my computer, and electric clocks.
I suspect the power brown-out was due to condensation on all the dust somewhere up on power poles or in mains power lines tranmsformers. It wreaks havoc with electronic equipment.
Dickheads, shiheads, and aboriginals throwing crap up into the powerlines doesn't help either. I'm remined of that everyday by looking up into the power lines and seeing a metal dogs-lead thrown up into the power lines by aboriginals. That lead was given to them free so they could constrain their last dog. who roamed uabout in and out of everyones yards day and night and fouling everything. But for all that, I deeply care and worried about the poor dog and I think he was carted off by a dog catcher and so was murdered. - Now the aboriginal CRIMINAL HUSEHOLD has a huge black mastuff (it has no markings), and it has already bitten one of the kids of the corner house and cause bloodshed. But that dog is still about and still roaminmg free, I saw it yesterday at the aboriginal CRIMINAL HUSEHOLD.
With the aid of pills, combined with cooler coldish temperatures, I'm starting to get a 'little' more sleep. 6 hours of broken sleep I got then I woke up, had to feed Sam ^& Max, go outside with them to monitor their ablutions and avoid rain, then clean it all up, and therafter I went back to bed again utterly exhausted to sleep in broken sleep for a couple more hours. Only to be awoken by planes flying low overhead and their loud rumbling.
I've been watchingh some Star Trek movies that I own on disc but there's some of them missing. (well Fliss?) -- I was watching them hoping they would give ne hope for a better future.....but it's been deemed by other against me that there is no future for me. My dearest love Fliss has gone away and I can't contact her. Anytime I try, it gets intercepted and thrown back into my face and threats made against me and false accusations shown in my face and I can't get a word in edgwise. And if I do, they blatantly refuse to believe ANYTHING I say.
Now it seem as though dear Fliss's precense on the internet has been evapoarating away completely as if she wasn't even alive.
And dear Cath, a friend to Fliss and I, dear Cath has cast me aside and out. - I really needed to talk with her....but Cath refused to acknowledge any emails or anything I sent her.
Cath has been having a LOT of troubles herself with personal life issues, family issues, self-employment issues, finance issues. -- How I would like to help her but I know what will be said to me that if I was to ever to even try.......you can't help yourself, you couldnl't help Fliss, so why don't you just kill yourself and leave us all alone!
Believe me, the last part is uppermost in my mind at all hours of every day and night. Suicide.
As it stands now, I have my head tenuously above water with my moneteray finances, that is to say, that all my monetary debts have been paid off in full for over a year now. - This hovel of a tiny diapidated house and the land was paid off completely shortly before Fliss fled in late 2015. Everything was rising up to herald a new age of freedom for Fliss and myself, where we would no longer be bogged down with debt and worry. -- But then Fliss had a breadkdown, emotional, mental and whatever, and I was the one falsely made to blame for all that!? -- She fled across to New Sout Wales Austraia, RIGHT ACROSS THE OTHER SIDE OF AUSTRALIA FROM ME HERE in WESTERN AUSTRALIA.
I HVAE tried to telephone her and those calls were intercepted by others and I was told never to ever try contacting her again. - I did the same with private emails, and once more they were intercerpted and the same ones ordered me not to ever try contacting dear Fliss at all. And they threatened me with dire POLICE involvements and actions if I should ever try to do so.
I've been waiting FLISS.
Exactly as you asked of me. I've been waitng for YOU dear FLiSS!
Year ago I crossed right across Auatralia to meet you Fliss for the very first time and to help you out of your dire sutuatuions you found yourself in, your employment coming to an end, your rented accocomdation being absolved from under you, everythig. - We planned a new life here in West Australia together living together and for us to build up a life where you could be happy and proud. - And that lasted for many years until something afflicted you. First it was medical matters, and then mental and emotional matters afflicting you. You kept everything quiet and secret only to yourself. But I KNEW what was going on and I was always there to comfort you and guide us both through our tribulations. I did SO MUCH THAT NOBODY HAS ANY IDEA OF, and in the next breath they turn upon me and snarl at me falsley saying I cared nothing for you!?!? - Damn them! Damn them all! - I Love you Fliss. I Love you Felicity Ann Carthew. - And I want to be with you.
I'm stopping writing this part now. I'm crying too much and sobbing.
P.@19:08--Saturday-17-March-2017.----I love you Fliss and want to be with you.- Fliss, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, open contact to me again I beg of you! Send email to:
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medialiterates · 8 years
Miss Representation is a documentary that dives into the complexity of media and culture, specifically how it contributes to the under representation of women in powerful positions. In total, I found many aspects of this documentary interesting and one piece I want to learn more about is the background behind photo editing and why it has not been outlawed. The subliminal messages of media, mainly edited photos, is something that I have seen time and time again with younger girls that I have babysat and grew up with. After viewing this documentary I can look back and see why I was so hard on myself throughout middle and high school, but I did not even realize it until now, almost graduating college. Images that are thrown at us through magazines, the internet and television greatly affect girls at a young age where they are still developing. Jim Steyer says, “Normally, it takes about 18-24 years to develop maturity and full brain growth” meaning, that we do not understand the subconscious effects going on especially for young children who do not have as much interpretive ability as an older adult (Miss Representation, 2011). We are not consciously aware of what we are seeing and misunderstand that healthy women do not look like the images portrayed in the media. The media is great at making statements about how they stereo-typically want us to look and act. If you do not fall within the range of what they expect, you are therefore at a disadvantage in many ways. Not to mention if you do not fit in you have a million options to fix yourself with surgery, self harm, and eating disorders. These issues are so common that it is almost expected for young girls to go through these “phases” that are not healthy because we are more than just a body. The fact that photo-shopping women into something that is not humanly possible is not illegal is just outrageous. There are so many negative outcomes of altering images and presenting them to the public not only for girls but, also boys. These images are teaching boys to judge women more harshly and compare them to super models when in reality this body is not attainable for more than half of the women alive (Miss Representation, 2011). Not only are these statements being made subliminally but also directly. Reality TV is a genre of TV that feeds our curiosity about celebrities and politicians, not always in a positive way (Campbell, pg 208). Late night shows are a great example of how media uses women as an object of jokes and unimportant stories. Gendered socialization is key into keeping women away from leadership and ambitious positions (Miss Representation, 2011). Media cannot seem to step away from this notion of men versus women. In almost all movies and TV shows women are rarely the protagonist and no one questions this notion. Subconsciously we cannot register this inequality unless critically thinking about the movie; this is shaping our generations who grow up watching these movies. Media is one of the most persuasive forces that shapes our cultural norms and the message they are sending is women’s value and power are in her beauty and sexuality (Miss Representation, 2011). Hypersexualization is a prominent aspect of current photos used in today’s media. We view beautiful women as powerful yet they are not in actual powerful positions, showing and sending messages to young girls that being sexy is the best you can be. This film is important today because the same media patterns are still happening. Photo editing is still prominent in all media and the everyday use of social media has dramatically increased meaning we are seeing more images than ever. We are in the era of using a fourth-screen, meaning, people who own a smartphone usually use it as an additional screen while watching TV or another type of screen (Campbell, pg. 202).  Using this fourth-screen approach we are subjecting ourselves to more and more media with inappropriate ads and messages. For example, advertisements on the side of Facebook, in your Instagram feed or twitter feed are only a few spots advertisements pop up without permission and attack you subliminally. Not only is this film important in realizing that we are still being portrayed wrongfully and harmfully, we can also use this film to use our power within social media to change the message. Our current generations have more technological influence than any others before us. We have a unique opportunity to get involved and make a change.
Campbell, Richard, Christopher R. Martin, and Bettina Fabos. Media & Culture: Mass
Communication in a Digital Age. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2016. Print.
"'Miss Representation'." PBS. Public Broadcasting Service,Web. 07 Mar. 2017. <http://www.pbs.org/pov/blog/news/2012/05/miss-representation-doc/>.
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