#the ignoble house of innsur
thecoffeelorian · 1 year
[And now, for Tech Tuesday...here's something that's been sitting in my drafts since April, made for a rather old series on AO3. It's mostly about Tech's observations about my original autistic Twi'lek character, especially after just meeting her five minutes ago *wink wink*.
Maybe I'll update that one again, maybe not, but in the meantime...here ya go!]
A Brief History Of The Ignoble House Of Innsur
I Was Curious About You, So I Put Your Name Into The Holosearch, And…
…No, please wait. I can explain.
For one thing, I am well studied on the subjects of stalking as well as consent, for no legitimate soldier of the Republic is permitted onto the battlefield until he—or, in only one currently documented instance, she—agrees to a series of special training modules pertaining to the treatment of the female ratio of most Galactic societies. All subtopics from basic anatomy to zoological companions are covered in these modules, and through them, the vast majority of Clone Troopers, be they considered enhanced or not, are made to understand that they are to be given the same courtesies and protections as the average male civilian.
That rule has not, to my knowledge, been violated in any way from the beginning of the War to the conclusion.
At this same time, however, I cannot ignore the amount of exposure my squad could potentially incur from association with individuals with malicious intent—in other words, “the bad guys”.
As we have not visited every single planet in the galaxy, but rather made as many notes as possible for the worlds that we were dispatched to, it is therefore plausible that we could encounter Imperial sympathizers in the near future.
And, perhaps because this Twi’lek woman has chosen to live on a planet such as Argann rather than with countless others of her people upon Ryloth…could it not then be theorized that she could be so much more than one refugee among thousands previously displaced by the Clone Wars? What if losing her home caused her to lose other things as well, such as the basic practice of restraint in times of possible conflict?
Respect for the rule of law?
Not taking matters into her own hands, or worst of all, seeking revenge against any and all individuals she might blame for her displacement…?
It is possible that the wrath of such a person, if indeed such wrath exists, could then be directed solely at us if we are not too cautious.
This is why I begin a basic anonymous Holonet search with just two blinks of my eyes, then flick my focus to a certain combination of letters upon the digital keypad that appears within the next five seconds.
[My old series is at the link below: ]
] tagging test for: [
@swarovski-yoda @megmca @talesfrommedinastation @giganonyx @12sddddd @tink1221 @omglisalithium @advisorsnips @yardikins @wastingstarsss @paperback-rascal @xylionet @themightychipmunk42 @groguandthebadbatch @riversings42 @sailorsenshisweetheart @lightwise @spinelrose @ovaa-bi-bia @600yearoldlovecraftianhorrorshow
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thecoffeelorian · 6 months
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Fanfic Preview For: The Past Is Another Land
" 'A Brief History of the Ignoble House of Innsur'
'I Was Curious About You, so I Put Your Name Into the Holosearch One Day, And...'
...Please, if you will, let me explain.
For one thing, I am well studied on the subjects of dealing with the populace; consent of companionship; its opposing lack of consent; and the inhumanity of stalking, for no legitimate Trooper of the GAR is permitted into battle until he--or, in just one currently reported instance, she--agrees to a series of training modules pertaining to the treatment and protection of the civilian population. Through them, the vast majority of soldiers, be they enhanced or not, are made to understand that no 'messing around' will be tolerated by their commanding officers; their respective Jedi; and any others that they could end up reporting to in the near future.
So far this particular rule has not, to the best of my knowledge, been violated in any way.
At this same time, however, I cannot ignore the amount of exposure my squad could incur from meeting someone with ill intent, or in simpler terms, 'the bad guys'. "
@eclec-tech @apocalyp-tech-a @talesfrommedinastation @theosb0rnway
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