#the ideas in my head with the battle of Chee against Octavio and Callie is so tasty
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auranova26 · 15 days ago
Splatoon: Octo Cuentos Lore Bits
As I type this, I am being lulled into a trance by this beautiful remix.
With it, I feel compelled to share some bits of lore I have regarding my AU. Uh, no particular order or thematic, just whatever comes to mind. I am in fact drunk. 🥴
There are effectively five dialects that exist in the world of Splatoon: OC. I guess the term 'languages' could work as well. They are Inkadian, Splatlandian, Octarian, Salmonarian, and Ursine/Alternan. Inkadian is the primary language among those in Inkadia, with Splatlandian being that for The Splatlands people. Octarian is for the Octarians and Octolings of the Octo Domes. Salmonarian is the language of the Salmonids. Ursine is interestingly the human language, as it was Mr. Grizz who would speak this language and 'teach' it to those he had in Alterna. Even named it after his species, the entitled prick. The language would eventually go under a new name and evolution to Alternan after Grizz's death and the liberation of the victims in Alterna from his control.
Among these 5, Salmonarian and Alternan would be the most radically different from the other three. Salmonids, due to the way they are, just created their own language amongst themselves and thus share very little with the others in roots of terms and such. Alternan, as stated, is the human language taken by Grizz and then eventually by the Mammalian Inkfish of Alterna. While it would adapt its own borrowed/influenced terms from the other dialects, it still overall is very different from the others. As for what human language... whatever you want it to be.
Interestingly, Octarian shares roots with interestingly both Inkadian and Splatlandian, despite the divide between both lands.
Inkadian and Splatlandian share enough similarities, but also enough differences to be distinct from one another.
DJ Octavio is more painted as a leader who is trying to do good for his people. Give them hope and uphold his promises of prosperity from the tightrope dance over the abyss of collapse. But, his grudges of the past, with the surface and especially Cuttlefish, do unfortunately cloud some aspects of his decision making. I just don't like this idea of him being portrayed as a villain. Yes, dude can be prideful and such. Yes, he effectively created a militaristic culture for his people that spanned for what can only be about a century. But he isn't some batshit crazy dictator like we have seen in our history who is only in it for himself. The whole aspect of this military culture, in his eyes, was a way to keep a sense of unity and community for everyone. All doing their part to help the Octarians as a whole inch ever closer to that bright future. Even with his rather serious and sometimes intimidating facade, he does what he can for everyone. He doesn't live in opulence; he partakes in rations for food and mandatory blackouts to conserve energy.
The No 9 Gang actually play a role in the story as major supporting characters. Their leader, Inochi, is sympathetic to Octarians and actually has an alliance with DJ Octavio. He and his gang do what they can to provide some form of aid via anything they can provide, information being the greatest asset. In fact, thanks to them, they were instrumental in assuring that the theft of the Great Zapfish went as smoothly as it did thanks to them being able to provide valuable info and aid those who went to get the Great Zapfish.
As far as the water weakness is concerned, I just go with this video done by rassicas:
A lot of what they go over I just agree with and like. Especially this whole thing regarding osmotic pressure.
While I don't have any designs, I do like the thought that Inklings and Octolings from the Splatlands look very different from those in Inkadia. The thing that comes to mind is more... feral? Tougher considering the climate of the Splatlands compared to Inkadia? If you are aware of the artist opal-owl-flight, I want to look to the general shape ideas they go for the way they draw Inkfish.
Speaking of artists coming up with cool concepts:
Would consider this as a concept existing in Splatoon: OC.
Once again with more artist concepts that I agree with and or want to implement for how I will design Inkfish characters in Splatoon: OC:
Salmonids don't have any sense of malice towards the denizens of Inkadia and the Splatlands. Hecc, they don't even hate Grizzco. For the employees of Grizzco, while they acknowledge them as invaders of their turf, they also recognize them as warriors. Sure, they don't like their Golden Eggs being taken, but it serves as another incentive for them to give their all in battle against these 'invading warriors'.
I go with the idea a lot of bird species survived into the new age of the Inkfish. Ancestors of the dinosaurs outliving the dumb mammals.
It wasn't just Octarians that were mutated by Fuzzy Ooze. Grizz basically carefully chose he saw that society wouldn't care about as a whole if they went missing. Vagabonds, homeless and the like. He considers these 'Mammalian Inkfish' to be lucky to be gifted with this new evolution to them.
Mammalian Inkfish, once fully mutated, possess a skeletal structure. With this, they lose their ability to shift forms like they could before. However, with their thicker skin, they no longer need to worry about water killing due to osmotic pressure and stuff. However, they can drown. But due to the mutagenetic properties gifted by the Fuzzy Oozes strange ingredients, they can hold their breaths for quite some time and can quickly learn how to swim in water.
Mammalian Inkfish are still capable of producing Ink, but not at the same rate as they could before. As a remnant of the osmotic pressure aspect, should they have enough ink stored in them and are in enough of a heightened state, they can use a range of Specials. These can be a Killer Wail Roar, a Splashdown, and even a transformation.
This transformation special of the Mammalian Inkfish equates to them bulking out their bodies into a more feral, monstrous state where they are significantly more resilient to damage and can deal much more pain. But like any transformation, it can only last for so long before their ink supply runs out and their 'osmotic pressure' cools down.
There is the idea about whether Mr. Grizz is even the same bear that awoke those several years ago from the Ark of Polaris. Due to the many experiments he performed with the Fuzzy Ooze and its creation, it vastly screwed with his biology. Was it really he who came up with his plan to ensure a lasting legacy of his kind, or the ooze gaining sentience and using what was once Grizz to spread itself about. The answer is never stated, but I like to think of the horrifying implications considering the fact he can like... melt into ink and reform despite having a skeleton.
Mammalian Inkfish mutate in such a way to resemble bearlike creatures. But not just brown bears, but a variety of those in the gene pool of bears.
NO, Octavio didn't brainwash anyone, especially not Callie. In fact, I'll lay down what I have thought about regarding what would spark the Splatoon 2 arc of Splatoon: OC. Callie fled from Inkopolis due to a number factors that left her angry, sad, and hurt. Just to get away from everything, she would eventually head beyond the peak of Mount Nantai. She didn't have a place in mind, just wanted to get as far away. Likely as there might be soldiers performing reconnaissance, they would have spotted her before she reached Octo Canyon. Being informed of her presence, Octavio would decide to personally go see her, along with some Elite soldiers just in case. And while she might initially have been shocked to see DJ Octavio freed, she wouldn't care much about that. If anything, she might have been ready for a fight as she wanted to be left alone considering her messy state of mind. While yes, Octavio certainly had some grievances with her being part of the reasons his plans failed, his anger was more directed at Cuttlefish than her. Plus, he did recognize how the Calamari Inkantation was still in the minds of many Octarians, including his own with it being such a funky tune he can respect begrudgingly. Instead, he sees an opportunity. By allowing her a place to get away from the stress of Inkopolis and her life, he could then show her the life that was for the people that her grandfather labeled as her enemies. As she stayed in in the Octo Domes, she was treated quite well there. Beyond Octavio's orders for her to be treated well, many just were surprised and excited to see her. Really seeing the conditions that these people lived in, she was utterly taken a back how much many who she met did what they could for her. Even the smallest gesture touched her heart. In return, she did what she could to bring that small bit of spark of joy to those she met. Sure, she did encounter those that she did realize were not a fan of her presence, but she didn't push back at all. Her time here not only was helping her chill out but giving her this sense of support that she desperately wanted and needed. She completely lost track of time and even any connection with the surface. She just liked being here, practically seeing the Octarians as friends and family.
With Callie having forged this bond with the Octarians as a whole, as plans were being prepared to get the Great Zapfish of Inkopolis Square, Octavio would decide to test the waters. With her basically experiencing what life was for he and his people, he eventually finds a way to bring up how it isn't fair how the lives of the Octarians have to be the way it is. They were just like the people of the surface yet were forced to basically live in these barely functioning ecosystems all because of something that happened long ago. If anything, the surface was greedy. One Great Zapfish would certainly be enough to fuel the megalopolis, certainly another wouldn't be an issue to lose. And even then, they had access to a multitude of resources that they could use to make up for any inconveniences, to which Callie would genuinely agree on. She basically turned a blind eye to the fact that he and the Octarians pulled off another heist to steal another Great Zapfish. The ultimate test would come when reconnaissance would spot Marie, with a seemingly new Inkling on her side invading the Octo Canyon. When Callie was made aware of this, she stopped to think for a little before coming to the conclusion that she was likely here cause of the Great Zapfish heist. In fact, to Octavio's delight, Callie seemed angry at the mention of Marie's name. Granted, she wasn't made aware of the news regarding her disappearance, but Octavio was careful about what Callie was made aware of. With her basically sympathetic to the Octarians, Callie would willingly aid them from the shadows to stop Marie and this 'Agent 4' from causing any more suffering for the Octarians. While she had no desire to kill, originally trying to menacingly send anonymous radio calls to tell them to back off from what they were doing if they had any sense of empathy, their continued success would cause her to get angrier and frustrated. Not only what could happen to these people that overall helped her in her time of need, but her resentment towards Marie and her family as whole. This boiling rage that would eventually culminate in the final battle.
So yeah, Octavio basically emotionally manipulates Callie. Not only giving her what she wanted but turning her own anger against those that she considered family. I mean think about it, dude is a leader. They need to be able to say the right words to get people to do things. No need for any dumb brainwash crap.
With that said, Callie did help with designing the new outfits for the Octarian Army, even designing her own outfit to fit in more with them. While she had no rank, she basically was treated like an Elite Soldier due to her own skills being formidable. Even with this unofficial rank, Callie never tried to abuse any privileges this would entail.
One of the driving factors that made Grizz initiate his plans was the fear of death. Unlike Judd and Lil Judd, he was not biologically immortal. And with the heightened intelligence 'gifted' to him via the experiments of the humans, he had the existential dread of not only death, but of having no way to pass on a legacy. With no other bears alive, he couldn't continue a lineage as was natural for all creatures to pass on their genetic material. In a sense, this idea of a new age of mammals/bears, the mutations of the Inkfish was his way to leave a lasting legacy on the world. Though however much of that initial spark is left is unknown considering how much the ooze mutated his own biology.
Salmonids have a folk story about 'The beast that came from the night sky ocean.' Basically, it is a recounting of their kind's first encounter with Mr. Grizz when he had just walked out of the wreckage of the Ark of Polaris. Yeah, his first encounter with life on Earth was the Salmonids. Not the best first impression. Even with the tech of the Octarians, many were slaughtered and feasted on by the brown beast.
Yeah... that is about it. I am super tired and trying to sober up before sleep. I hope you enjoyed this Lore Bit. I'd be happy to elaborate on some stuff. :)
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