#the idea came to me because im getting ready watching canadas drag race and i was like oh my god... he could be canadian
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dayurno · 1 year ago
what if jean's french canadian. real inquiries only
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j-esbian · 7 years ago
Second First Date
happy holidays to @osobhi​~ it seems like we had each other for the @mlsecretsanta​ exchange! I hope you like this! it’s post-reveal alyabug :3
on ao3
Words: 2.4k
Her parents were hosting a party to celebrate New Year’s Eve, and Alya was bored out of her mind. She was the youngest there; none of her parents’ friends had brought their kids, and Ella and Etta were down for a nap before midnight. Her parents had felt the need to start it six hours before midnight, so everyone could have dinner together, and the party was dragging on forever.
It probably would have been a little more bearable if she could leave and hang out with people she actually knew, but she had nowhere to go. After a while, she resorted to sitting in the corner of the couch, eavesdropping on nearby conversations and texting her friends.
From: Mari <3
How’s the party going??
Babe I’m so boredd are u sure u can’t come over
I wish :(( my parents won’t let me though
FuCk that
Wait bu t
I’m sure my parents wouldn’t mind if ladybug crashed the party
No but they’re dragging me to church
At midnight
Why cant u just go in the Morning
B/c apparently?? We’re still open tomorrow??
Double Gross
Its ok I will send u a cyber smooch at midnight
Aww <3
Me too
Ugh gtg
Love you Alya
Ily2 mari
I’ll see if I can come by tomorrow
Gotta get me some sugar u know
Oh my goD
Uhh I mean ur dads pain au chocolat
Like ur cute but
Not everything is about u smh
“Ooh, are you texting a boy ?” someone near Alya giggled tipsily. She looked up, the smile rapidly evaporating off her face.
“My girlfriend, actually,” she said tersely.
“Oh.” He didn’t seem to know what to say, and went to take a gulp of wine instead. He looked down at the empty glass in his hand, then back at Alya, eyebrows raised. He tipped it towards her with a shamefaced smile and sauntered away in search of a refill.
Alya rolled her eyes. She got up and went into the kitchen, where her mother was preparing a round of hors d'oeuvres.
“Oh, Alya. Can you get me the horseradish out of the fridge?” Marlena asked.
“Yeah.” She grabbed the little glass jar from the refrigerator and, while she was in there, nicked a bottle of the twins’ apple juice. She handed the condiment to her mother and surveyed the plates that were already prepared. “Are any of these ready to go out?”
Marlena looked up. “Hmm. Yeah, the vol-au-vents,” she said, pointing. Alya picked them up and headed back out of the kitchen. “Thank you!” her mother called after her.
Alya, however, didn’t return to the party, but took a detour to her room. She closed the door behind her, resisting the urge to lock it, and shucked off her sweater and shoes. She set an alarm on her cell phone--5 minutes to midnight ought to be enough of a head’s up to rejoin the party in time for champagne.
Then she slouched over to her desk and kicked back in front of her laptop. She could still hear the wine-laced chatter and laughter of the party, and slipped on her headphones. Soon, she was engrossed in her computer, and behind her back the hours melted together. She was only pulled out of it, eventually, by two nearly simultaneous events.
The first was that she suddenly realized she was out of food, and when she looked up to confirm that her empty fingers were indeed only chasing crumbs around the plate, she caught a glimpse of her phone screen lighting up in her peripheral vision.
Alya sighed, and scooted in her chair to grab her phone from the pile of blankets it had nested in. To her surprise, it was now a little over half an hour until midnight.
From: Nono
Hey Alya
Playing stardew valley wbu
U decent?
Like morally or
Uh why lol
I mean yea but
U got sth planned?
W h a t
What are you hiding
Nano my man
Ur terrible with secrets
Just come hang out
Ivan’s here
And Alix
Kim’s maybe on his way
Where are u
We’ll come pick you up
Damn thanks
Maybe the real squad goals was the friends we made along the way
Be there in 10
Alya found her shoes and touched up her makeup, humming to herself. She gathered up the remains of her snack and headed to the kitchen. Her mom wasn’t in there anymore, and as she placed her plate in the sink, she heard her parents’ voices in the din of the party.
Her cell phone buzzed with a new text.
From: Alix K.
We’re here!!!
Come otu
im gay
Bitch me too
Come outsid e
Alya ran for her coat, shouting at her parents as she passed through the hallway. “I’m going to hang out with Nino!”
No response. She paused with her hand on the front doorknob and yelled again. “I’m gonna go out with some friends!”
Her mom poked her head around the corner. “Be quiet,” she said in a stage whisper. “The girls are still asleep.”
“Sorry,” Alya muttered. She lifted her hand from the knob and pointed at the door. “I’m going out, though.”
Marlena squinted at her watch in the dim light. “Be back by one,” was all she said. She headed back to the party, and called over her shoulder, “Have fun, sweetie!”
Alya raced down the stairs, and the moment she set foot outside, she was hit by a snowball. She coughed and swiped at her face, trying to see who threw it through the splotches on her glasses.
She heard Alix and Nino laughing, and Ivan said, “Ooh, nice shot.” She finally cleared off her lenses, and saw Ladybug, standing with her friends, and brushing her hands against her legs to hide the evidence of her crime.
“M--Uh, what are you doing here, Ladybug?” Alya asked incredulously.
Ladybug spread her arms wide. “Celebrating!”
Though Alya was bewildered, she couldn’t stop the smile that spread across her face. “Don’t you have, like, other things to do tonight?”
“Honestly? No,” Ladybug said, shrugging. “I can’t think of anyplace else I’d rather be right now.”
“Hell yeah,” Nino agreed. “Marinette said you were bored at your house, so we got a crew together. Sucks that she couldn’t come, though.”
“Oh, well,” Ladybug smirked. “Guess she’s missing out.”
Alya stifled a laugh, and changed the subject before it burst out. “I thought you said Kim was coming?”
“Nah,” Alix said. “Turns out he and Max are at a LAN party, so, you know, they might never leave.”
“That’s fair, though.” Ivan scratched his nose. “Did, uh, they say where they were?” Alix glared at him. “What?”
“Never mind them!” Alya said cheerfully, linking one arm with him and the other with Ladybug. She turned to Nino. “Where are we off to?”
He shrugged. “I didn’t think that far ahead, honestly.”
They wandered to the end of Alya’s street, looking around. There were people everywhere, and the air around them was full of the sounds of Reveillon in full swing.
“Isn’t your friend’s dad putting on his show at the Eiffel Tower?” Ladybug asked.
Ivan shook his head. “Nah, Mylène’s in Canada visiting family. It’s her dad’s understudy.”
“Still, it could be fun,” Nino said. “Anybody got other ideas?”
They didn’t, so they set off.
Ivan fell back, separating from Alya and falling into step with Alix, and Alya leaned in to Ladybug. “I thought you said you were busy,” she whispered.
Ladybug smirked knowingly. “Come on, Alya, we’re never open on New Year’s.”
“But, then…?”
“I thought we could do something different.” Ladybug leaned into Alya, pressing against her side for a brief second before pulling away again, a coy look slipping onto her face. “You know, something exciting.”
“That sounds just fine to me,” Alya replied.
“Can I just say?” Nino interrupted. “You guys are the worst.”
The others turned around and realized that they had fallen into two lines and Nino, being the odd man out, was left to trail along behind them, alone.
“Aw, c’mere,” Alya said. Nino came up to join her and Ladybug, and she slung her free arm around his shoulder. “There. I got my two favorite people with me.”
“I’m surprised I made the list before Marinette,” Nino commented wryly.
“Your favorite, out of the people here?” Ladybug suggested.
“Okay,” Alix interjected. “That just seems needlessly rude. I mean, we’re right here.”
“Well, shit, man, she’s only got two arms,” Ivan retorted.
“I’m just saying,” Alix grumbled.
“And the sidewalk’s hardly wide enough for five people,” Alya added. “I mean, there’s barely enough space for three of us.”
“I could always carry you if it gets too crowded,” Ladybug suggested.
Alya winked. “Maybe some other time.”
The streets got more congested as they went on, and soon they were forced to walk single-file. Alya led the line, holding tightly onto Ladybug’s hand behind her so they wouldn’t be separated. Alix brought up the rear, but she was tired of trailing behind and jumped onto Ivan’s back instead.
With more people around, Ladybug had expected they would be able to blend in more easily, but just the opposite was true. She kept getting stopped, and people would hand their phone to Alya so they could get a picture. It was infuriating, and after a few blocks they stopped to build Ladybug a disguise.
Alix shed her hat and sweatshirt, while Nino held Ivan’s jacket for him so he could offer Ladybug his flannel.
“It’s definitely too big to fit you,” he said apologetically. “But I figure you can tie it around your waist, because none of us are going to give up our pants.”
Ladybug looked down at her conspicuously crimson legs. “Good call,” she replied, zipping Alix’s hoodie over her suit.
Alya stepped forward and unwrapped her scarf, winding it around Ladybug’s neck. “It’s not much by way of a disguise,” she murmured. “But it really helps pull your whole outfit together, I think.”
Ladybug nuzzled into it. “Mmm. Soft.”
“And you’d better take good care of this,” Alya said sternly. “My girlfriend made it for me, got it?”
“Well, it’s nice.” Ladybug winked. “She’s got great taste.”
Alya crossed her arms and smirked. “Uh, hell yeah , she does.”
“Anyway,” Nino interrupted, glaring pointedly at Alya. “I don’t have anything to give you, because apparently I’m a delinquent. Best I could do is a hat, but you’ve already got that covered, so… We should keep going if we want to get good seats.”
They forged on, although the icy sidewalks and tightly-knit crowds seemed to want to separate them at every opportunity. Alix jumped back up on Ivan’s back, and used her perch to peer over all the people and find a clear path. Ladybug jumped and reached for Alya’s hand when someone spoke, but they weren’t addressing her.
“Hey, kids, it’s cold out. Where are your coats?” a stranger called out.
“Your mom’s house,” Nino and Alix shouted in unison. He reached out behind him, and she high-fived him.
“You know,” Alya whispered to Ladybug, “I think Nino’s upset with us for flirting with each other.”
“What? Why?”
Alya tapped her thumb against the big black spot on the back of Ladybug’s hand. “Gee, I don’t know.”
Ladybug wrinkled her nose. “Oh! Aw. He’s trying to defend my honor.”
“Yeah, and he thinks I’m a slut,” Alya pouted. “Oh, well. I guess I do have a type.”
“Hmm,” Ladybug agreed. “Or, everyone just loves you.” She leaned in to kiss Alya on the cheek.
Alya snickered and danced away, as far as she could without letting go of Ladybug’s hand. “Sorry, Ladybug,” she said, clutching dramatically at her chest with her free hand. “But my heart only belongs to one girl.”
“I, however, am incredibly single,” Alix piped up.
Nino rolled his eyes. “Anyway,” he said loudly, “I’m not sure we can snag enough seats next to each other. We might have to split into a few rows.”
Alya looked up in surprise. “Oh, wow. We’re here.”
“That, my friend, is the beauty of the travel montage,” Nino replied.
The show was in mid-act when they arrived, and was much more than a one-man performance. While the mime was there, and he was center-stage on the ground, the air behind him was full of twisting acrobats, on invisible wires and banners of purple and gold, suspended from the Tower itself.
Ladybug kept Alix’s hoodie and Alya’s scarf, but returned the other pieces of her disguise to their owners. They managed to find a cluster of seats, and Alya and Ladybug were finally--relatively--alone. Ladybug rested her head on Alya’s shoulder and laced their fingers together.
“Hey, Marinette?” Alya whispered after a few minutes. “Don’t you think this is maybe a little… I don’t know, dramatic?”
“I think that’s the point,” Ladybug whispered back, watching the mime wrestle with an acrobat some 10 meters above him.
“No, I mean.” Alya waved her hand, trying to encompass the whole convoluted scheme. “Why was Ladybug out tonight? Why did Marinette pretend to be busy? Why not just come hang out without all the fuss?”
“Honestly?” Ladybug looked up at Alya, wincing slightly. “It’s kind of a publicity stunt.”
Ladybug was quick to amend her statement. “That is to say, we’re just showing people we’re around even when there’s nothing really going on. Like, you know, we’re people, too.”
“In like a ‘don’t do crime because we’re always watching’ way?” Alya asked.
“More like a ‘friendly neighborhood superhero’ thing,” Ladybug suggested. “Chat’s off somewhere too, probably hanging out with his friends. Anyway, I get to do my civic duty and take you on an awesome first date.”
“I’ve literally lost track of how many dates we’ve had,” Alya said. “But this is definitely not the first.”
“You’ve never been on a date with Ladybug before.”
Alya laughed. “It seems like you’re just splitting hairs.”
“Listen, our real first date was just a study date,” Ladybug countered. “I think it’s natural to want a second shot at that.”
Alya hummed in agreement. “Well, then, this is absolutely an improvement.”
As if in confirmation, a spray of fireworks shot out behind the Tower, framing all the performers with a backdrop of red and gold sparks as they launched into their grand finale routine. In the distance, the bells of some unseen church chimed midnight.
“Yeah.” Alya slipped her hand under Ladybug’s chin and rubbed her thumb across her cheek.
Ladybug leaned up to peck Alya on the cheek. “Happy New Year, Alya,” she murmured.
“Happy New Year, Marinette.”
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