#the hualian mountain scene with xie lian as the bride and hua cheng as the “ghost groom” is what sparked this
RenHeng, but TGCF/Heaven Official's Blessing AU
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But also, barely OOC
Just imagine once:
Blade/Hua Cheng giving Dan Feng (or Dan Heng)/Xie Lian one of his mara ginko leaves sealed in a ring. Admittedly not as significant as Hua Cheng giving Xie Lian his ashes but the idea is still present.
Jing Yuan as Ling Wen would be mildly hilarious to me.
Caelus and Stelle being Fu Yao and Nan Feng (or one of the two trailblazers being one then March 7th being the other)
Definitely a lot more to add but i got 0 sleep last night so add on at will.
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
tgcf lb part 5 chapters 34 - 42 wow i keep cranking these out
okay i do care about feng xin. cranky but quietly forgiving debts. he was the one who stayed with xie lian in banishment for a while thats interesting
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lmao yeah thats for sure. secrets are funny. “dont tell xie lian i want his debt forgiven.” “no problem buddy he wont hear it from me ;)” i imagine this happens a lot. gossip in the heavenly court must be something else.
i think its cool that the officials can transform their appearances including gender presentation i think it would be boring to live for hundreds of years and never mess around with that if you could. not so sure that anything cool is going to happen with it wrt commentary on gender but that sure would be neat. considering how few major female characters are around im not really expecting much but idk its something
if they ever do a live action tgcf i hope they preserve its comedic nature and do it kind of like lingjian mountain with some sort of modern day fourth-wall breaking meta humor. some of the items and mechanisms essentially function as smartphones and i think it would be great if they leaned into how funny that is instead of making it super serious
spoiled rich boy seems to be quite a theme among mxtx characters i know but here with wind master qingxuan its being commented on interesting. i like him tho
the thing about the wind master and ling wen being more powerful when they appear as the gender that mortals worship them as is pretty interesting!! something kind of interesting is happening wrt commentary on gender!! will it continue? we shall see
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death becomes her 1992 again this is funny ghost humor is funny more please
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corpse bride 2005 GHOST CITY BABY. oh please more weird undead stuff please please i get it i get hua cheng now please
god i hate when im at the market with but my friend gets taken away for a ghost facial and im left all alone to deal with an extremely aggressive ghost prostitute but at least i was raised in abstinence so im chill about it
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ADKJLKFJLflkasjf . KLFJASLKFJSLF. LKFJLDKSAFJSLJK. no further comment at this time
actually no i kind of love that as an excuse to get out a situation. love in general that xie lian does not hold others opinions of him that highly love a protagonist who is not too proud. to be fair for 800 years i dont think hes been around anyone whos opinion he would need to care about long term. also i was afraid that hua cheng was going to show up and have to rescue xie lian from the eww nasty dead girl prostitute and im glad that didnt happen
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:Oc :Oc ^ thats xie lian and wind master. lang qianqiu was not wrong tho. dont be risking other peoples lives for your business smh
xie lian trying to bet on a low number and rolling high.... sorry beloved but you should have see that coming a mile away
this little dice shaking “teaching” scene is giving me hardcore dafan mountain flashbacks with hualian having a little moment while behind them theres an entire gambling den full of ghosts just watching them like. um. hello? guys? where is the violence?
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lang qianqiu jock i think. wind master long suffering friend
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that tumblr post thats like “no actually i dont want to fuck busty russian singles in my area” “i do. outta the way gayboy!” but xie lian and me respectively about the ghost city dancers
also love that hua cheng’s idea of pretending not to know xie lian involved personally calling him up to touch his hands for an extended period of time. i mean to be fair it worked but xie lian agrees with me on this so im right
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makes sense love it. to be fair if i was a heavenly official i would also come to ghost city to party it up. goth central as rey called it
bandaged boy..... :(
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i sincerely hope any adaption would include stuff like this and make it as funny as it is in my head
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essentially the equivalent of those little doorknob covers you use to babyproof a house fjadlkfjfasd
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hua cheng goth game hard af for having a sentient scimitar that can stare back at you
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xie lian closet goth for this one
hua cheng is able to lend out his luck.. interesting. this feels like something that has the potential to end up sad lets see if that happens or not
okay just gonna cut it here. i do like the relationship between hua cheng and xie lian they clearly like each other and find each other funny and interesting and thats nice to see. still not sure what was going on in that first meeting but im guess we’ll find out more and im sure ill have more thoughts as time goes on im not even done with book one
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