#the hsr Aeons sent me a vision obvs
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binkybuzz · 7 months ago
Dream Journal #1
TW: Blood, mild gore
I recently had a dream where I was going to the aquarium with my uncle and aunt and we were looking at cool fishes, when suddenly I was a worm and we kept getting rejected from the pottery classes (in the aquarium ofc) even though we booked in?? So I threw a fit, and some deity took pity(?) on me and granted me some sort of power. I saw Superman but apparently his power came from a green lantern esque ring, so I, the ever-powerful worm kinda just yoinked it from him and put it on my wormy finger, then I became superspeed hacker worm, I ran around the aquarium with my super speed with everyone frozen whilst trying to hack the aquarium's servers to get some data(??) bc I was angry with them. But then Super-Bat-Omni-man moved through the frozen crowd in slow mo and I was like OH SHIT, HE COMING FOR ME, but the computer wasnt loading so I had to switch, right before I moved Super-Bat-Omni-man KICKED ME AND WAS LIKE "YOU THINK I COULD USE MY POWERS WILLY NILLY?? NO I HAD TO TRAIN MY BODY TO KEEP UP WITH IT, JUST BC I DONT HAVE MY RING DOESNT MEAN IM POWERLESS" (I thought that was real cold tbh) and he beat me up, but I started flying towards a heavenly light and all of a sudden everything was back to normal and I was human again and my whole family was walking back from the aquarium but it was dark and there were creepy shadows and menacing people scuffling about. Then we needed to cross some fence thing?? But right when it was my turn to cross, some SCARY-EVIL-BEAR-SKULL-THING-WITH-LONG ARMS™ came to ATTACK ME, luckily my partner lifted me out of the way, BUT WHILE HE DID THAT, THE SCARY-EVIL-BEAR-SKULL-THING-WITH-LONG ARMS™ SLASHED AT HIM AND STOLE HIS LIPS(???) AND HE WAS LEFT WITH A HUGE GASH DOWN HIS THROAT AND WAS BLEEDING TO DEATH, then the SCARY-EVIL-BEAR-SKULL-THING-WITH-LONG ARMS™'s posse of cultists came to rob us and ONE TOOK MY KIDNEY but we were like GOD HAVENT U TAKEN ENOUGH??? And then they were like, true, here's ur stuff back. This is all because of abortion (as a concept?? LET PEOPLE DO WHAT THEY WANT, GOG. NO NEED TO TAKE HIS LIPS AND MY KIDNEY) and tossed me back my kidney but SCARY-EVIL-BEAR-SKULL-THING-WITH-LONG ARMS™ STILL HAD MY PARTNER'S LIPS AND HE WAS STILL DED™ SO I WAS YELLING AND PANICKING AND TRYING TO FIND HELP
and then i woke up :)
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