#the house of atreus is literally cursed but minos’ house made their own curse
trucywright · 9 months
with all the myth adaptations out there, one i want to write is where ariadne doesn’t realize theseus intends to kill the minotaur. she thinks he’ll rescue the athenians and get them out and maybe help her smuggle the minotaur to somewhere safe, so she gives him the thread. then he comes out bloodied and with the minotaur’s head and she’s too stunned and in shock to be horrified.
but she’s just betrayed her father and there’s nowhere for her to go so when theseus offers his ship, she boards it. and when he leaves her on naxos, she doesn’t grieve over him, she grieves over her brother and a family that has piled grief upon grief and crime upon crime.
her eldest brother who died and was resurrected but not the same. her other brother who was killed in athens and repaid by the deaths of countless innocents. her sister who’ll marry theseus one day and be punished by a goddess mad at another. her youngest brother called a monster and hidden away until he could be slaughtered. her father who sacrifices children just like his own and who locked away the inventor and his son to die alone.
and her, on that island, bereft and alone. haunted by her family’s ghosts.
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