#the horn idea came to me after seeing the one cute post about au ra horn bonks for affection
crowdsourcedloner · 1 year
👚  — pretty in pink! (any muse)
Zezene's wardrobe is typically pretty flashy, very much not what you'd expect from a rogue or thief. They favor outfits that catch people off guard and like wearing pastels or pinks. Once they bring Yomi into their family fully, they wear a pair of catoblepas horns (on Yomi's request) in an attempt to help her feel less alone.
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spicycreativity · 3 years
The Core Four (Logan, Roman, Virgil and Patton) are somewhere spooky, old house, in the woods, etc etc, and it's a place where poltergeist/demon/ghost/devil/spirit/whatever you want Remus resides and haunts and is scary and evil in. (Or they summon him) And he's like "Ooh time to mess with them muahahahaha!" but he sees Patton and gets like this "Cute boy!" And gets interested in Patton instead.
Words: 2k
Pairing: Pre-slash Intruality
Other notes: College AU, mild Vitaminwater slander, somewhat based on my own college experience of being straight edge and bored all the time and also owning multiple fist-sized chunks of quartz crystal purchased from the tent outside the gas station down by the on-ramp on the far side of town 🥴 Our abandoned dorm building was not haunted, tho
Content warnings: Mentions of underage drinking (not depicted), mentions of overdosing (non-graphic), Remus is sexually forward toward Patton, swearing, innuendo, etc. Still, I'd only rate this T
While it was rooming assignments that brought Roman, Patton, Logan, and Virgil together during the first weeks at university, it was their mutual unwillingness to break any sort of rule that kept them together. While their peers were drinking smuggled alcohol and racking up write-ups from the RAs, the foursome would sit on Logan and Virgil's side of the dorm suite drinking Vitaminwater and attempting to entertain themselves with board games and Netflix. This, predictably, got old quickly and weekends soon became a desperate battle to stave off boredom and existential ennui.
The fraying thread of Roman's patience finally snapped the night Patton suggested Pogs. The lack of adventure had chafed at him longer than it had the others and he secretly longed for some sort of thrill, even if it meant breaking the rules.
"Ugh," Roman threw himself backwards onto the pillow he'd stolen from Logan's bed, nearly knocking over Patton's mostly-full bottle of grape Vitaminwater. "We're seriously so lame that we can't think of anything better to do than Pogs?" 
"Hey," said Virgil from atop his bed, and shook a few drops of açai-blueberry-pomegranate sugar water onto Roman's forehead.
"Sorry, Patton," Roman added, wrinkling his nose at the unpleasant sensation. "No offense, but I'm just so bored! I was expecting more adventure when I finally left my dreary old hometown."
"I thought you told us you were from Los Angeles," Logan said, tossing a package of Wet Wipes down onto Roman's chest. "And Virgil, I understand why you would want to teach Roman a lesson, but please try not to stain my pillowcase."
"What do you wanna do, Roman?" Patton asked, adjusting himself where he was propped up against one of the legs of Logan's bed.
"I don't know! All I know is that I have the most boring Snap story out of everyone in my stupid 100-level History class. Remy went surfing the other day. And he's from Nebraska! How does he know how to surf?" 
"There it is," Virgil said.
Roman sat up again and opened up the Wet Wipes so he could clean off his face. "Lightning round! Suggestions. Go!" He pointed at Virgil.
"Um," said Virgil. "Uh-- Sca-- Uh, horror marathon. Horror movie marathon."
"Ugh, no." Roman pointed at Logan.
"Oh, come on. Patton?"
"We all go to bed early so we can wake up and get breakfast together before the dining hall runs out of waffle batter?"
"Guuuys." Roman pointed at Virgil again.
"Man, I dunno, Roman! Like I'm the expert in what looks good on a Snapchat story."
"You're the one who's bored," Logan added. "Why don't you suggest something?"
"That's not how it works!" Roman shot back. "I'm the-- the arbiter, the czar! You're the idea guys."
"Okay, fine!" Virgil leaned over the edge of the bed to better give Roman the evil eye. "How about we break into the shut-down dorms with a ouija board and try to contact the spirit of that kid who OD'ed in the bathroom?"
"That's the spirit," Roman said.
"Ha," Patton said weakly.
"Wait," said Virgil, already desperately trying to make eye contact with Logan. "I was kidding. You can't be serious."
"No, no, that's a great idea! Virgil, go get your ouija board and whatever other spooky shit you have tucked away.
"We're going now?" Patton squeaked.
Logan sighed and swung his legs over the side of the bed. "Roman, anything you post to your Snapchat story can potentially be turned in as evidence and used to incriminate you. I suggest you leave your phone behind."
"Wait!" Virgil ran his hands through his hair, agitated. "You can't possibly be on board with this."
"I'm not," said Logan. "I am offering Roman advice for the same reason high school nurses' offices offer condoms: not as an encouragement, but as a safety measure. Either we all agree to go now or we all agree to go tomorrow night after Roman spends the whole day pouting and whining--"
"So I suggest we just get it over with," Logan concluded.
"Seriously?" Patton was already pale and shaking, holding a stray hoodie of Virgil's close to his chest.
"It's okay, Patton," Virgil said, offering him a reassuring smile. "I'll let you wear my horn of protection amulet."
It took just under an hour to get everyone changed into darker clothes and outfitted with protective symbols from Virgil's collection. In addition to silver amulets and charms, he had handed out fist-sized chunks of quartz crystal to all of them with careful instructions not to lose them, as he wanted everything back at the end of the night.
But soon (all too soon for Patton) they faced the looming silhouette of the abandoned Monroe Hall. It was in surprisingly good repair despite the lack of security cameras and floodlights to deter intruders. In fact, the only light came from the blue emergency callbox situated a few yards down the path.
"We, genius," Virgil said, turning to Roman. "How do we get in?"
"I don't know!" Roman tossed up his hands. "I'd Google how to pick a lock but somebody" --he glared at Logan-- "made us leave our phones in the microwave."
"I already told you, it's a functional Faraday cage and--"
"Yeah, yeah, how about we save the science lectures for 8:00 am on Tuesdays and Thursday," Roman said.
"That was oddly specific," Virgil muttered, trying and failing to exchange a glance with Patton, who was staring at the ground and turning over the quartz crystal in his hands. "Wait, I've got an idea." He took his own chunk of quartz out of his pocket and slammed it through the glass door, sending a shower of tempered glass clattering onto the tiled floor inside. Then he stepped through the hole and beckoned the others in after him. "Let's go."
Patton made a muffled sound of fear and grabbed onto Logan's arm.  "You don't really think there's a ghost, do you?"
"Of course not," Logan said, leading Patton inside and following Virgil to the stairs.
"Wait!" Roman jogged ahead to lead the charge. "Are we not gonna talk about Virgil just--"
"Found a broken door and stepped through it?" Virgil interrupted, bumping Roman with his hip. "No, we are not."
Roman led them up a flight of stairs and down a corridor similar to the one in their own dorm building. All the doors they tried were locked, so they set up the ouija board in the hallway outside the bathrooms.
"Okay, gang," Virgil said once they were all sequestered around the board. "Pointer fingers on the planchette."
"Not our whole hands?" Roman asked.
Virgil shot him a sideways glare. "I'm sorry, are you the expert on the occult?"
"Are you?" Roman asked.
"Relative expert," Virgil said, sticking out his tongue. "Now. Pointer fingers on the planchette."
"I really don't know if this is a good idea," Patton said, extending a shaking hand.
"You should be more afraid of campus security," Logan said. "Although from the state of the building, it appears that we are the first to successfully enter."
"Nothing's happening," Roman complained, his eyes on the planchette.
"We haven't asked a question yet, genius," Virgil sneered.
"It seems rude to barge into someone's house and just start asking questions," Patton said. He looked up, addressing the ghost. "Hi!"
The planchette jerked and began to shake. Anticipating Virgil's accusation, Roman held up his other hand. "It's not me!"
"Shut up!" Virgil snapped. "It's moving."
They read the letters out loud together as the planchette began to move around the board: "N-I-C-E." Pause. "C-O-C-K."
"Oh, come on." Virgil grabbed the planchette and threw it at Roman's face. "Not funny."
"I swear that wasn't me!" Roman said, smacking the planchette down. It clattered across the board and came to a stop by the number '2.'
"Roman," Patton chided, "it's really not nice to mess with us like that."
"You too?' Roman said. He turned to Logan. "Come on, Specs, you know it wasn't me."
"I know it wasn't a ghost. I know it wasn't me. I know Patton and Virgil aren't likely to make that sort of joke. Therefore, I can safely posit that it must have been you. Although I wouldn't make an accusation without more evidence."
"Oh, come on!" Roman put his hand on the planchette despite Virgil's noise of protest. "Hey, spirit. Can you do something else spooky so my friends stop accusing me of--"
What happened next was equal parts anticlimactic and chilling: Roman's eyes turned green and began to emit a gentle glow. He was silent for only a moment before turning to Patton with a chipper smile. "Hey, hot stuff! Nice cock."
"Whoa" said Virgil, scrambling backwards toward the wall. "What the fuck."
"He invited me in!" said Roman, or more accurately, the ghost possessing Roman's body.
"Oh my God," Patton said. "That's not Roman."
"Yeah, no shit!"
"I'll give him back in a minute," said the spirit. "I just had to shoot my shot with hottie over here. What's your name, sugar?"
"Uh," said Patton, glancing wildly at Virgil (who was fumbling in his pocket for his holy water or his salt, whatever he found first) and Logan (who was actively blue-screening). "Patton?"
"Nice to meet you, Patton." The ghost stuck Roman's hand out for a shake. "Name's Remus. Has anyone ever told you you're kinda DILF-y for a college student?"
"Well, you are."
"Thanks, I guess." Patton sat back and pulled his legs up to his chest in an unmistakably defensive pose. "Um, is there something that you wanted, Remus?"
"I already told you!" Roman's face beamed in a way it never had before, his eyes twitching strangely in their sockets. "I just popped in to shoot my shot. So?"
"He's propositioning you," Logan hissed. 
"I…" said Patton, panic whiting out his mind. Unable to find words, he held up his left hand to show off the silver band on his ring finger.
"You're married?" Roman's body leaned forward to read the engraved writing. "True love waits."
"It's a purity ring," Virgil explained, finally extricating a small vial from the tangle of cords and chains in his pocket. "And this is holy water."
"Wait," said Remus, "are you guys exorcising me? Cause I swear I'm gonna give you your friend back. I'm dead, not evil. Also," he turned to Patton, "is that a no?"
"Wait, so you do wanna bang?"
"Alright, alright, damn." Remus leaned Roman's body back, putting up his hands in a defensive gesture. "You know, I was gonna go full poltergeist and try to see if I could make you all cry, but I changed my mind when I saw Hot Pat-tato. Soooo, you're welcome."
"Yeah," said Virgil, "I'm not sure we should be thanking you for taking over our friend's body. Give him back, by the way."
"Wait!" said Patton. "Remus, why aren't you at rest? Is there something we can do to help you move on?"
"Nah," said Remus. "To be honest, I just wanted to haunt the crap out of some dumb college kids."
"Need I point out," Logan said, "that you are also a dumb college kid?"
Virgil looked around at the empty halls, walls of closed doors, the dusty spiderwebs hanging like streamers in the corners. "Wait. There's nobody to haunt."
"Yeah," said Remus. Roman's shoulders shrugged. "It's been kinda lonely and boring. 
"Sucks to suck," Virgil said, brandishing the sealed vial of holy water. "Okay, time to go."
Remus sighed and crossed Roman's arms over his chest. "Fine. I didn't really want to haunt you guys anyway."
"I might…" Patton twisted up his mouth thoughtfully, rubbing his fingers along the quartz crystal in his pocket. "Maybe I'll come back and say hello sometime."
The grin that unfurled across Roman's face was so familiar that Patton nearly hugged him. But his eyes were still that slightly luminescent green, still twitching and rolling like he was trying to take in every detail of the world all at once. "Really?"
Patton nodded and held out his hand palm-up. Roman's hand was icy, but Patton forced himself not to flinch as he brought his head down and kissed Remus' knuckles. "Really."
For a moment, there was silence. Then came a gentle warmth, and confused brown eyes staring down at Patton, who only had time to gasp before Roman tilted his head in confusion. "Um, Patton? Why are you holding my hand?"
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