#the hero the magic knight the basically-a-teen elf the cutie and the himbo
starlitskvader · 5 years
Since you're in the mood: Top 5 Lufia Characters Playable or otherwise 8D
heck yeah!!
Actually... I knew immediately who the Top Three were, but it took a little longer to narrow down numbers four and five. BUT. Here they are!
(using game sprites because they’re adorable)
5. The Hero/Maxim’s Descendant
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Like many RPG heroes of this era, this poor kid was never given an official name (though it’s very common for people to name him either Max or Jeros). He was given a lot of personality - generous, perceptive, and generally the peacekeeper of the group (and he even specializes in healing magic - all a little unusual for your sword-swinging RPG hero). He’s surprisingly sweet and mild for a Hero of this stage in gaming... and look what a cute lil bean he is!
4. Selan
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The Hero is always specifically identified as Maxim’s descendant and they share magic types and preferred weapon... but not enough attention is paid to him also being Selan’s. These two share a similar perceptive nature, too (though Selan does tend to be more assertive than The Hero). Selan’s fierce, no-nonsense personality and Magic Knight character slot always make me eager to get to her!
3. Artea
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Artea was interesting playing a small role in the first game, so it’s a lot of fun to really get to know him in the second! As his younger self Arty comes across as a relatively young character trying to prove himself - he’s more brash and contentious than we usually see in Fantasy Elves, especially in the nineties, and it’s fun to watch! And as his older self his melancholic personality contrasts with the glimpse in the prologue to really show the effects of events on him. 
2. Jerin
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Jerin’s a cute, fun character - and her joining the party is a fun sequence of events too. She’s a great, energetic foil to the other characters, and her efforts to please and prove herself as a full member of the party are really endearing.
1. Dekar
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Because you gotta love a complete doofus with a patient, insightful personality. Dekar’s an interesting case; when characters point out he’s not the sharpest ax in the armory they’re absolutely not wrong, but he’s got a heavy dose of emotional intelligence to go with it that allows him to deal with Tia and Alex with surprising ease. (Plus his reasoning that it doesn’t matter if he falls into traps because he’s strong enough to get back out is spot on and makes for some of the funniest moments in the game.) I love Dekar.
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