#the health side effects of early menopause are a hard no
stylesprimes · 1 month
when the pmdd is hitting so bad you look into getting your ovaries removed lmfao
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jacksprostate · 9 months
Bob in female fight club au. Thoughts
Probably named Marge
Rather than doing a direct inversion (ie making the character the exact opposite, much tits -> no tits, etc) I think sort of an analogue would work better riffing off the motherly role Bob has, in combination with the group being for uterine cancer/ovarian cancer
The women come together, and they cry, cry, cry, over lost husbands, who left them because they got cancer, because overwhelmingly, men leave if their wife gets cancer, over lost relationships with children, who stayed but resent them, over lost Motherhood, that thing you were told was your worth but now you are told you're shit. Remaining Women Together. Despite. Despite despite despite.
What is it, about purposes. Want to see misery, see women fed their own physical oppression as lost salvation.
Marge, whatever her name is, her husband divorced her, left her with the kids and medical bills stacked as high as she is tall. She is thankful she still has her kids, it makes her feel like she's still worth something. She's had to try and get back into the workforce. No one wants to hire dear former stay at home mother Marge. She shows you her kids in her wallet in her purse and there are no pictures of her. There's a picture of her old husband, which she keeps to show her kids if they ask. They're old enough to go to school now, which is good, because it gives her more time to work. Life is hard, but she's doing her best.
Marge, who is on hormone therapy so she doesn't get those "side effects" she's heard about from other total hysterectomy patients, the future of early dementia and degeneration and horror. Who does pelvic floor exercises in hopes it will minimise the fallout of the surgery. Who carefully rips every hair out of her upper lip and chin because even if it would be normal for a woman, a woman whose gone through menopause, a woman at all — she knows, it's probably the estrogen tipping back over into testosterone, and she can't handle any more losses. She compensates. They all do.
The support group is her Me Time. It is the single hour plus half hour commute she can afford once a week for herself. So she gets here, and she cries, cries, cries, and the others cry with her, all over how their lives have fallen apart since they got ovarian cancer, got breast cancer, and their lives derailed because they can't be proper women anymore.
They cry in their waterproof makeup. Another product to promise womanhood. Identify yourself via consumption. Identify yourself by covering yourself up.
And when she finds fight club. When she finds something that says, jesus fuck. You are more than your children. You are more than your ability to have kids. You aren't a failed woman, that's a sack of shit you've been sold wholesale. When she finds something that promises her she will grow, achieve personhood, not because she was the ultimate martyr mother, not because she played the game of human or woman, but because it promises a freedom from all that, identification and repulsion of such sickening chains. When she stops worrying about her slightly deepened voice, and works to keep her dose even keel for her health, to avoid the toxic highs of accidentally juicing, rather than the lesser effects of a black lip hair or two. When she has a photo, not of herself in her wallet, but of the things she makes with other women from fight club, of the one view of the sunset from that one parking lot that she always thought was wonderful, when she has things in her wallet for her and her enjoyment. When she has corded muscle and a built up spine, when she sits her kids down and explains why they only see dad one weekend every other month, all the fun holidays, because dad decided staying with her through cancer was too hard even when she stayed with him through four lost jobs pissed away in alcohol and lottery tickets.
And Marge, who gets shot by the police on a regulation chill-and-drill assignment for Project Mayhem. Whose obituary in the newspaper talks about the children she left behind, how she battled cancer and kept caring for them, how she was such a strong mother, whose kids would now be shipped off to their grieving father who is so, so brave and stunning for standing up and taking care of the kids he made and dropped as soon as his live-in servant had a few issues. Her name is Marge Paulson, and she was forty-eight years old. She was a person. She will be remembered in the annals of Project Mayhem, lest what little there was of her be stolen from the world. She was killed by Project Mayhem, but they're the only ones who will remember Marge Paulson.
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Jeff Geschwind Comforting Advice  Useful Tools For Helping You Beat Cancer
Jeff Geschwind Expert tips provider. Cancer is one of the most widespread and deadly ailments that affect people today. Cancer can be caused by many things in our environment. It appears without much warning in its initial stages, but it is still detectable. If you would like to catch this disease in its early stages, then continue reading this article.
Cancer patients have to deal with many discomforts while being treated for their disease. One irritating side effect of chemotherapy is mouth sores or sore, irritated throat caused by chemotherapy and radiation treatments. One natural way to soothe these painful sores is to drink aloe vera juice. This can be found at any health food store.
When you first receive your cancer diagnosis, get as many facts as you can about it. Try to gather as much useful, basic information as you can about the type of cancer you have. What kind of cancer is it? Where is it? Has it spread? How will it be treated?
The human papillomavirus, or HPV, is a cause of cervical cancer. This virus causes genital warts, which are transmitted by sexual contact. The only way to prevent the spread of HPV is the use of condoms and abstinence, or a vaccine that protects against the disease. Be responsible and don't practice unprotected sex. The possibility of cancer isn't worth the risk.
The sun can be a major cancer causing factor for many people. The sun releases ultraviolet rays that enter the earth's atmosphere. When we step outside, our skin is exposed to these rays, and too much exposure can cause skin damage that can lead to skin cancer. Be sure to protect yourself with sun screen to prevent this.
Here is one of the most important tips for cancer prevention in existence. Avoid BPA at all costs. BPA, also known as Bisphenol A, is a synthetic estrogen. It is found in hard plastics such as those that are used for water bottles and the interior of canned foods. BPA has been linked to cancer in many cases. In order to avoid BPA, use products that do not contain it.
A person dealing with cancer needs to hear the words "I love you", every day. This assures them of your emotional support. Actions are a wonderful way to show that you care, but words can have a healing power when someone is experiencing a stressful situation. Do not hesitate to frequently tell your friend or family member how you feel.
Jeff Geschwind Qualified tips provider. When a loved one is faced with cancer, it is important to help them with doctor appointments. An extra person can ask questions that the patient might be too confused or angry to ask, and it can also make things go more smoothly in general.
Whether you are healthy or stricken with cancer, the worst thing you can do is smoke. Do not smoke under any circumstances. Smoking is a known cause of cancer with 100s of carcinogens in a cigarette. Not only that, smoking can exacerbate cancer and its symptoms and make it worse.
The odds are great that your hair is going to fall out when you undergo chemotherapy, so you can initiate this process instead of being a victim to it. Shave your head in advance and you will reclaim the power here. You can make the choice instead of allowing chemo to make it for you.
For women to prevent against contracting certain types of cancer, it is important to avoid taking any type of menopausal hormonal treatments or therapy for extended periods. If you do need these types of hormone treatments, make sure you're only receiving what you need. Do not make these hormones a way of life for you.
Eat at least 2 servings of blueberries a day. Studies have shown blueberries contain pterostilbene. Pterostilbene is said to help prevent colon-cancer. In addition, blueberries have Vitamin C. Large does of vitamin C have been linked to a decrease in oral lesions. Breakfast is a great time to include them in your diet.
Decrease the amount of worrying you partake in. It may be tough, but people who exhibit excessive neurotic behavior have a much higher risk of dying from cancer. Decrease your level of stress and make an effort to relax. If you constantly are working and moving at a fast pace find time to slow down and unwind.
Jeff Geschwind Skilled tips provider. If you are one of the many women that has dense breast tissue, find a mammogram facility that works with digital imagery. Digital scans will do a much better job at detecting cancer in the women with dense breast tissue than the traditional film would. It will provide your doctor with a clearer image and make it easier to read the images.
Choose the place to get your mammogram done carefully. It will make a difference in getting accurate readings. Find a doctor that specializes in mammography because they are going to be more accurate and reading the images and you are sure to get better results by this well practiced professional.
For people with moles on their bodies, be sure to always check for any changes, including an increase in size, a color change, or a change in shape. If you notice any of these changes, be sure to see a dermatologist immediately, as this could be a sign of skin cancer.
Wear a strong SPF protection sunscreen every day. This can help to reduce your risk of skin cancer. The sun emits damaging ultraviolet rays, but sunscreen can help to protect you from them. Look for a high quality sunscreen that contains both UVA and UVB protection for best results.
When you go outside, wear covering clothes and sunscreen to defend yourself against the sun's UV rays. The sun's ultraviolet light can quickly burn unprotected skin, and lead to potentially fatal melanomas. Wear a sunscreen with at least SPF 30, especially if your skin is fair.
Jeff Geschwind Proficient tips provider. In conclusion, cancer is one of the most widespread ailments around, is caused by many environmental factors and can be deadly. Though cancer does not present much of a warning in initial stages, it can be detected. Using the information from this article, you can catch cancer in its early stages, before it becomes a great threat.
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acemedicare · 1 year
Coping with the Side-Effects of Cervical Cancer Treatment
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It started with the heavy bleeding outside of her cycle days for Meghna. She brushed it off as a pre-menopausal symptom, but the constant pain in her pelvic region was a concern. Meghna finally got it checked, and a series of tests led to the diagnosis of stage 3 cervical cancer. Immediately, she consulted an oncologist and started her cervical cancer treatment. Like Meghna, more than 96922 women are diagnosed with the disease every year, and the numbers are increasing alarmingly.
 (Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8819855/)
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(Source: https://www.rgcirc.org/cervix-cancer/)
According to a medical study, most patients get diagnosed in their mid-50s. However, the symptoms and changes can slowly progress through the 20s and 30s, peaking in the mid-50s. So, regular screening can detect cancer at its early stages. 
These numbers, the symptoms, and the causes are the hard facts that everyone ever talks about. What no one tells the patient is how to cope with the diagnosis and the ensuing cancer battle, taking a toll on the body and mind. 
Physical Impact
Cancer takes a toll on your body. Depending on the stage of the illness and the nature of the prognosis, the treatment can be rigorous. Patients often undergo surgery, followed by a series of chemo and radiation. While it works well in eliminating cancer cells, it’s called a battle for a reason. 
The immunity starts faltering, and there are several side effects of the treatment, along with hair loss. It is nerve-wracking for the patient and her family. In such cases, it’s essential to speak with the healthcare team and discuss the side effects with them. Cancer treatments have long-term effects and require follow-up care that the patient should be aware of. 
When you know what’s happening to you, why it’s happening and what can follow, that gives you a sense of control over the situation. It’s the best coping mechanism under those circumstances.  
Mental Health
Physical side effects are visible, but what about mental trauma? Cancer treatments can take a severe toll on the mental health. It’s common to feel an array of emotions, like anxiety, sadness, anger, and stress. But since sound mental health is a part of physical healing, one must get professional help when under duress during cervical cancer treatment. 
These days there are social care workers and cancer care groups that one can join to cope with mental exhaustion. The patient must consult a professional counselor if needed.    
Social Stigma
Unfortunately, the stigma surrounding the cancer of sexual organs is still much prevalent in society. The bystanders are quick to pass judgements, thanks to all the misinformation circling about the disease. It becomes challenging for the patient to go out and about and share their story with others. Since cervical cancer is associated with HPV, patients are stigmatised for leading an immoral life. In such cases, the patient should get professional help from care groups and counsellors to cope with the stigma.   
Wrapping Up
The battle with cancer is tough, but with quality healthcare, coping mechanisms, and support from family and friends, you can win against cancer. It’s essential to get regular screenings for any early symptoms. For further information on cervical cancer treatment, feel free to call the experts at Ace Medicare.      
Source: https://acemedicare.in/blog-detail/73/
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Gall Bladder Cancer in Women- Dr. Seema Singh.
Gall bladder cancer is a rare type of cancer that occurs in the gall bladder, a small organ located below the liver that stores bile. While both men and women can develop gall bladder cancer, women are at a higher risk than men. In this blog, we will explore the specific risk factors, symptoms, and treatment considerations for gallbladder cancer in women.
Risk Factors for Gall bladder Cancer in Women
Several risk factors increase the likelihood of developing gallbladder cancer, and some of these factors are specific to women. These include:
Age: Gallbladder cancer is more common in older adults, and the risk increases as a person gets older. Women over the age of 50 are more likely to develop gallbladder cancer than younger women.
Gallstones: Women are more likely to develop gallstones, which can increase the risk of gallbladder cancer. Gallstones are hard, stone-like deposits that form in the gallbladder, and they can cause inflammation and damage to the gallbladder tissue over time.
Obesity: Women who are overweight or obese are at a higher risk of developing gallbladder cancer, as excess body fat can contribute to the formation of gallstones.
Hormone Replacement Therapy: Some studies have suggested that long-term use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may increase the risk of gallbladder cancer in women. HRT is a type of medication that contains female hormones, and it is often used to manage menopausal symptoms.
Family History: Women with a family history of gallbladder cancer are at a higher risk of developing the disease themselves.
Symptoms of Gall bladder Cancer in Women
Gall bladder cancer can be difficult to detect in its early stages because it often does not cause any symptoms. However, as the cancer grows and spreads, women may experience the following symptoms:
Abdominal pain: Women with gall bladder cancer may experience pain in the upper right side of the abdomen, especially after eating.
Jaundice: Jaundice is a condition in which the skin and eyes turn yellow due to a buildup of bilirubin in the blood. Women with gall bladder cancer may develop jaundice as the cancer spreads to the liver.
Nausea and vomiting: Women with gall bladder cancer may experience nausea and vomiting, especially after eating fatty foods.
Fatigue: Women with gall bladder cancer may feel tired or weak due to the effects of the cancer on the body.
Unintended weight loss: Women with gall bladder cancer may lose weight without trying due to a loss of appetite or difficulty digesting food.
Treatment Considerations for Gall bladder Cancer in Women
Treatment options for gallbladder cancer in women depend on the stage of the cancer, as well as the woman’s overall health and preferences. Treatment may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a combination of these treatments.
Surgery: Surgery is the most common treatment for gall bladder cancer, and it involves removing the gallbladder and any surrounding tissue that may contain cancer cells.
Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells and is often used in combination with surgery to treat gallbladder cancer.
Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy uses high-energy X-rays to kill cancer cells and is often used after surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells.
Clinical Trials: Women with gall bladder cancer may be eligible to participate in clinical trials, which are research studies that test new treatments or combinations of treatments.
In conclusion, gall bladder cancer is a serious condition that can be more prevalent in women due to several risk factors. Early detection and treatment are essential to improve outcomes, and women should discuss any Gall Bladder Cancer Specialist. If gall bladder cancer is suspected, a doctor will perform various diagnostic tests to confirm the diagnosis and determine the stage of the cancer. Treatment options for gallbladder cancer depend on the stage of the cancer and may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a combination of these treatments.
While gall bladder cancer can be challenging to treat, early detection and intervention can improve outcomes. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of the risk factors, symptoms, and screening options for gall bladder cancer, especially for those with a higher risk, such as women, people with a history of gallstones, and those who are overweight or obese. By understanding the risk factors and symptoms and seeking medical attention promptly, people with gallbladder cancer can improve their chances of successful treatment and a better prognosis.
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looye29 · 2 years
Product Name: Over 40 Keto Solution [ad_1] Click here to get Over 40 Keto Solution at discounted price while it's still available... All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Over 40 Keto Solution is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked. Description: Getting older can be a triple whammy…Hormones decline… you start losing muscle… your body burns fewer calories each day (even if you stay active)…This leads to unrelenting fat storage on your belly, backside, hips and love handles. Just ask my wife Karen…Even though we were lucky enough to catch her cancer just in time to save her…By the time the medical industry was finished poisoning her body with harmful painkillers, chemotherapy and radiation it severely damaged her ovaries forcing her body into "premature" menopause…Causing her to gain over 30 pounds within a few months afterwards…Overpowering any hope she had to get rid of belly fat or regain her health. And no matter HOW hard Karen tried to lose belly fat afterwards, NOTHING changed. Was it too much stress? Was it the chemo and radiation? Was it bad genes? Was it the menopause? Was it her age? At the time we didn't know. But the one thing we knew for SURE is "dieting" more only made matters WORSE. And it put her body at a much higher risk for conditions like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and even early death. Enter today's HOTTEST diet trend, the ultra-low carb ketogenic diet. After doing some extensive research Karen and I thought this could finally be the answer we were looking for to help her lose her cancer-induced "menopause-belly."According to the Google search engine it's officially the world's most popular rapid fat loss diet…It's currently spreading like wildfire among every age category because it's so well known for its amazing anti-aging benefits that can help you reverse the side-effects you hate about aging…It quickly melts stubborn fat cellsIt cools down inflammation…It balances blood sugar…It increases "good" cholesterol…It ERASES sugar cravings…It BOOSTS brain health…And it "shields" your body from today's life-threatening diseases.[1-15]Many experts claim it's so good for skin and cellular health that it can literally reverse the aging process helping any person look and feel years younger…However… if you're over 40 years old, like Karen and I are, pay close attention and keep reading because even though keto can be very effective for short bursts of time…Groundbreaking research studies now confirm it…If you're in your 40s… 50s… or 60s the Conventional Low-Carb Ketogenic Diet causes a rapid hormonal decline leading to a condition known as "metabolic-slowdown" [16,17]In fact, there are actually 4 "hidden" dangers that EVERY adult over 40 needs to be aware of before trying the keto diet. I accidentally discovered the truth about these hidden dangers after Karen's battle with cancer and menopause led to uncontrollable fat-storage on her backside, hips, and upper belly region.Inside this health bulletin I'm going to pull back the curtain and uncover the scientific evidence behind these keto dangers… Along with 1 simple belly-slimming "keto diet hack" you can use to easily overcome this hormonal decline…All while boosting the over-40 metabolism melting fat FASTER than conventional keto.I call it The 7-IN-7 Formula because every time you use this hormone-boosting keto diet loophole… You'll SEE AT LEAST 7 pounds GONE in 7 days.Just imagine… stepping on the scale one week from now and seeing at least 7 pounds disappear.I know this is a bold statement…Losing one pound each day (especially at our age) might have seemed
impossible for you in the past…How do you know whether this new keto diet loophole designed for the hormones and metabolism of people over 40 is for you? According to research from Rush University Medical Center, there are 7 questions you need to ask yourself to determine if you're suffering from hormone-induced fat-storage…[20]After answering these 7 simple questions you'll have a crystal clear picture of whether or not this keto diet hack is for you.I'll share them with you in just a second…Just in case you didn't already know…The traditional keto diet works by forcing your body into a fat-burning state called "ketosis".This is achieved by eliminating 95% of all carbohydrates (including fruits) and replacing them with 70-75% "fatty" foods like bacon, butter, hamburgers, eggs, cheese, avocados, and coconut oil.When you substitute carbs with "friendly fats" for extended periods of time, the body eventually switches fuel sources…It starts using ketone-molecules (instead of glucose) for fuel, helping you burn more stored fat each day.These are the same ketone molecules proven to banish inflammation and protect your body from deadly diseases. While on the surface all of this sounds like an amazing way to live longer and burn more fat… There are severe consequences of following today's popular ultra-low carb ketogenic diet…And if you're in your 40s, 50s or 60s it aggravates your hormones even more, magnifying these symptoms… In fact, in order to enter the metabolic state known as "ketosis" the side-effects are so intense the scientific and medical communities have nicknamed it the KETO FLU.And if you're thinking you can just eat a bunch of bacon, eggs, and steak instead… think again.Although these are healthy keto-food choices, they contain too much protein, which also kicks you out of ketosis.Not to mention, the vitamin and mineral deficiencies caused from eliminating all of these food groups.If you're over 40, like me, this is a deal breaker…Because the severe restrictions of the "traditional" ketogenic diet make it impossible to adhere to long enough to reap the true benefits…You have to sacrifice all your favorite foods… give up your social life for months at a time…All while suffering through all the negative keto flu side effects…Fortunately, it doesn't have to be this way! What if you could still get all the amazing benefits of the keto diet…Well fortunately, you CAN literally have your cake and eat it too! In just a minute, I'll show you how easy it can be to avoid the negative side-effects of the Keto Flu, while still enjoying your favorite foods using the 1 easy hormone-boosting "diet hack" below…It's The 7 Pounds In 7 Days Formula specifically designed for the metabolism and hormones of people in their 40s, 50s and 60s to lose up to ONE pound each day.Plus… you don't have to worry about too much protein from your favorite "fatty" meats, eggs, and cheeses kicking you out of ketosis.Before I hand you the key to unlocking this hormone-boosting diet trick proven to help you avoid the KETO FLU...While still producing thousands of fat-melting ketones (just like regular "keto")...Year after year, we see it more and more…After 40 hormones change. Research across the board reveals this hormonal challenge…As you pass the age of 35 your body will NOT respond to low-carb, crash diets because there's a rapid hormonal decline that takes place.So if you're currently in your 40s, 50s, or 60s and you follow mainstream keto diet advice, you need to be careful so you don't harm your metabolism. The studies I share below uncover why your body's fat-metabolizing hormones will shut down, fueling "rebound" weight-gain.[21,22]It's not that keto is evil or bad…It just works against your body's "natural hormonal state."Your metabolism slows down. Your body can't recover. You compromise your immune system. You feel tired and unmotivated.And this happens after the misery of going through the KETO FLU.After drowning myself in piles of scientific
research studies I discovered it…ONE emerging pattern  about "how" the body responds differently when we're in our 40s, 50s and 60s…It's NOT your exercise plan…It's NOT your genetics or your gender…It's NOT your lack of willpower, discipline or motivation…It's NOT even your diet that is to blame…Now you might be reluctant to believe it's only your hormones...You might even be thinking, "But I've tried everything!… Why bother?"  I can relate. After 21 years of being a fitness professional I've tried some pretty stupid stuff myself—because I've been misled and lied to more times than I can count. "Fats are evil because they clog your arteries and lead you to an early grave"…"Carbs are responsible for belly fat and disease"…"You must eat every 2-3 hours to keep your metabolism revved up and prevent muscle loss"…Fast forward 10 years later and all the newest research shows this advice is completely FALSE and not grounded in scientific research.So unless it's backed up by REAL science and you've seen the real-world proof it's probably just hype."Any diet advice we recommend to our followers and the people we love and care about must be backed up by peer-reviewed scientific research…The gold standard of published studies, or we won't even consider it."And you shouldn't either.This way you can rest assured, everything you'll discover on this page is 100% substantiated and backed up by real science.But it only works for people OVER 40 years old who are willing to avoid the conventional ketogenic diet.All you have to do is take a look at the science and it's glaringly obvious why…In other words, do you know what's really happening to your metabolism and hormones on "keto"? We didn't know either… until we took a deep dive into the published research studies and discovered some very disturbing facts…In a nutshell, using the conventional ketogenic diet damages the metabolism of people over 40 because of the rapid hormonal decline that takes place…It's the same thing that happened to Karen.Thankfully, once you understand exactly what's happening to your body you'll see just how easy it can be to correct these hormonal imbalances (just like she did).People who go all-out with "keto" eventually end up burning 60 to 73 pounds LESS PER YEAR than they did before they started the diet. Click here to learn why... Low-carb diets (even if they're very high in friendly fats—like the conventional ketogenic diet) drastically lower your metabolism…[21,22]This is a condition known as "metabolic slowdown."And since your metabolism is what burns calories throughout the day… A slower metabolism obviously means you burn less calories and lose less weight.This isn't just a few calories either.Research shows dieters who shed unwanted weight by cutting out carbs for extended periods end up burning up to 700 LESS calories each day.[21,22]People who go all-out with "keto" will eventually end up burning 60 to 73 pounds LESS PER YEAR than they did before they started the diet. So even if you initially see amazing results from regular keto… over time, it triggers weight-regain. However, there's an easy way to avoid this risk…Just use the keto diet loophole below. It reverses this downward spiral of negative side-effects by turning on your body's metabolism-boosting hormones.This prevents the metabolic slowdown caused by low-carb crash diets and eliminates your chance of "rebound weight gain."The conventional ketogenic diet lacks the two foods your body needs each day in order to prevent muscle loss for adults over 40 years old... Click here to learn what they are...Losing muscle is a natural side-effect of aging unless you have the right strategies in place.This is a condition known as "sarcopenia" and it can have serious consequences because nobody wants to be "flabby" or "skinny fat" as they get older…And it can have serious consequences because nobody wants to be "flabby" or "skinny fat" as they get older…Muscle tissue is more important than ever after you turn 40 because it's what burns extra calories each day (even while you're sleeping).
And the keto diet only makes it worse because it lacks the two foods your body needs each day in order to prevent muscle loss as you get older—carbs and protein. Without strategic carb intake and adequate protein in your diet, your risk for muscle loss skyrockets.[24]Since starches, fruits and protein kick you out of ketosis you're supposed to consume very low amounts on the ketogenic diet. Yet, these are the two most important foods for people over 40 because they're the only macronutrients proven to protect muscle and stop age-related muscle loss.Fortunately, with the right carb and protein choices, which are built into my 7 pounds in 7 days formula…You prevent sarcopenia caused by the conventional keto diet and eliminate your risk for muscle loss. A ground-breaking study published in PubMed in 2017 concludes, "The ketogenic diet causes thyroid malfunction and thyroid medicine treatment may be required." Click here to learn why...The thyroid gland is your "weight-loss accelerator" because it's the most active gland in the body…When it's functioning properly it increases your metabolism and regulates your body weight—making it much easier to lose stubborn fat. But when you go "keto," you eliminate the primary building block of thyroid hormones—glucose-based carbs.This instantly decreases your conversion of T4-T3, leading to unusual fat-storage, around the tummy, backside and thighs…It's like slamming on your "weight loss brakes."Simply put: glucose, from certain hormone-boosting foods, and your thyroid gland, rely on each other to function properly.So without strategically eating certain glucose-based high-carb foods your body cannot convert T4 into the active thyroid hormone T3.A ground-breaking study published in PubMed in 2017 confirms these findings and sums it up perfectly…"The ketogenic diet causes thyroid malfunction and thyroid medicine treatment may be required."[16]In other words your body needs high-carb foods (at the right times) in order to optimize thyroid hormones.[25]This regulates your metabolism and helps you quickly melt more stubborn fat!Leptin levels can plummet to near ZERO after extended periods of ketogenic dieting. Click here to learn why...This could be the most dangerous side effect of all because leptin is considered the MASTER hormone of the fat-burning metabolism…It's what tells your brain to "let go" of stored fat cells.Unfortunately, it's been shown in scientific literature that leptin levels can plummet to near ZERO after extended periods of ketogenic dieting.[21,22]This puts the brakes on your metabolism and creates a hormonal environment extremely conducive to fat storage.Unfortunately, this drastic leptin decline caused by the ketogenic diet puts the brakes on your metabolism and creates a hormonal environment extremely conducive to fat storage.Leptin is very similar to thyroid hormones because it requires glucose (from specific high-carb foods) in order to maintain optimal levels. Research published in the International Journal of Obesity has established it…"Carbohydrate overfeeding, but NOT fat overfeeding led to increases in energy expenditure (metabolic rate) and leptin concentration."[17]So when you strategically eat the right types of carbs (and cheat foods) at the right times, you BOOST leptin sensitivity each week…Traditional low-carb ketogenic dieting decreases T3 thyroid hormone levels,[16] disrupts leptin sensitivity,[17] lowers your resting metabolic rate and leads to elevated "sarcopenia" sacrificing precious muscle tissue…[21,22,24]So you burn LESS calories each day as time goes on.This ultimately interferes with delicate hormone balance damaging the metabolism of people in their 40s, 50s and 60s…My name is Shaun Hadsall, I'm a 48-year old Fitness Professional, online best-selling author, husband, father, and grandpa to seven beautiful grandkids...And today I'm going to let you in on the keto diet hack that can help you overcome these 4 keto dangers. My career originally took
off way back in 1998 when I competed against 22,000+ other competitors and  placed 1st Runner-Up Grand Champion in the world's largest body transformation contest called Body-for-LIFE™… This eventually led to dozens of television appearances on ESPN, radio station interviews, and spreads in other magazine publications like Oxygen and Club Solutions.I was only 28-years-old at the time, so my body naturally burned fat faster and responded to any type of diet or exercise I used…I'm sure you can remember back when your body responded much faster when you were younger too! Which is why I'm writing you today…To share why you MUST eat differently than when you were in your 20s and 30s if you ever want to achieve a flatter, firmer belly and prevent deadly diseases. Honestly, I originally had zero intention of sharing all of my hormone-boosting secrets with anybody else. I was just desperate to help my 59-year old wife Karen after cancer forced her body into "premature menopause"…I helplessly sat by and watched as the medical industry's harmful cancer treatments and medications destroyed her health…Her body was slowly being poisoned every week…Her hormones completely SHUT DOWN…Her metabolism was damaged…Her thyroid was non-responsive…Her body was aging FASTER than ever…Her self-esteem and confidence plummeted…Her stubborn fat cells expanded making her belly protrude outward…I gave her every trick in the book and nothing seemed to be working.I felt helpless because it wasn't just about losing her "menopause belly"…It was her happiness at stake. After all, if we don't like what we see when we look in the mirror on the outside…It's always a reflection of how we feel on the inside.And I could tell how badly Karen was suffering internally when she finally reached her breaking point.It was exactly 12 weeks before our daughter Alyssa's wedding when she shouted…"Shaun, I need your help."I walked into the closet and could sense the frustration in her voice as she was trying to put on an old dress. It was obvious how tight it was but I didn't want to say anything…"Can you please see if you can zip this up?"I grabbed the zipper, squeezed it together as close as I could…"Oh no." I thought to myself. "This is not going to end well.""Ugh!" She blurted. "I've gained so much weight on my upper back, stomach and boobs… I feel so fat!"The teardrops inside her eyeballs slowly started welling up…The crackling of her voice gradually got more and more intense until she finally burst into tears. I sat there. Trying to listen. Trying to be supportive.I felt hopeless as she slammed the door behind me…Because no matter how much I told her how beautiful she was…No matter how much I showed her affection, or bought her flowers, or took her out on the town…It didn't change that one embarrassing moment for my best friend and soulmate. And although it's sometimes painful and embarrassing for me to talk about...Thankfully, we still had the most important thing in our lives...After many stressful days of constant prayer and relentless research I came across two eye-opening studies…And it changed everything for my wife.One was published in the prestigious journal Obesity, and the second was from the New England Journal of Medicine. Both of these ground-breaking scientific papers uncovered the "hidden secret" for any person 40 years old who wonders why their body won't respond like it did in their 20s and 30s…After just 8 weeks of ignoring calories and optimizing hormones instead, they also had a 34% decrease directly from their waistline.The next study reveals the second (and even more problematic) hormonal challenge…The reason this is so critical is because leptin and thyroid hormones are the two hormones that regulate your body weight and control the speed of your metabolism. It didn't take long for me to see the writing on the wall. If I wanted Karen to get back on track with her health and reclaim her confidence I needed to focus on ONE thing…Little did we know…
these two studies were a godsend because it led to what could just be… The discovery of a keto diet loophole so powerful, so effective that it would transform her body and save her life…And it would eventually even save our marriage.A secret that helped my wife Karen, a 59 year old grandma, lose 7 pounds of pure belly fat in the first 7 days…And then another 18 pounds the next few weeks reversing 100% of her symptoms from cancer, menopause, and pre-diabetes…Saving her from a lifetime of resorting to deadly prescription medicines, surgeries, and dangerous hormone replacements…Leaving her doctors scratching their heads in amazement wondering how she did it. Here we are a decade later and she looks at least 10 years younger than her real age of 59.And on this very page I'm going to share the evidence-based keto diet hack she used to finally eliminate her "menopause belly." People always freak out when she tells them we have 7 grandkids because she looks so "youthful".To this day, Karen stays in amazing shape simply by focusing on hormones.That's how I identified the #1 problem with today's insanely popular ketogenic diet… And it's the same reason why any person over 40 who attempts it has nutrient deficiencies that damage their vulnerable hormones. But it doesn't have to be this way when you have access to this evidence-based, hormone-boosting keto diet loophole.Before we show you just how simple this fat burning secret is…There's only ONE real question you need to ask yourself…According to Rush University Medical Center there are 7 key indicators of a hormonal imbalance…[20]Do You Suffer From Belly Bloat Or Have Fat-Storage In Unusual Areas Of Your Body—Like Your Upper & Lower Belly Region, Lower Back, Hips, Love Handles Or Backside?Do You Have Menopausal Symptoms Such As "Hot Flashes," Vaginal Dryness, Insomnia Or Depression?Have You Experienced A Drop In Your Libido, Sexual Desire, Or Do You Suffer From Erectile Dysfunction? Do You Have Frequent Late Night Cravings For Sugar Or Salt?Do You Have Dry, Scaly Skin Or Frequent Hair Loss?Do You Suffer From Poor Memory, Mental Fatigue, Or Lack Of Motivation?Have You Experienced A Decrease In Strength & Muscle Tone?If you're suffering from one or more of these symptoms, chances are more than likely…Your hormones have been compromised and are the 'root cause' of your stubborn body fat and other health threats…Making you the ideal person for using this hormone-boosting keto loophole. Increased risk of diabetes…Inadequate Growth Hormone levels…Sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss)…Unbalanced cortisol cycle (increased belly fat hormone)…And the most common pitfall of all… relentless fat-storage in the upper and lower belly region, backside, love handles, and hips.If you've been misled into believing hardcore keto is the answer to your weight-loss struggles…These 4 stages are considerations you need to take very seriously if you care about your well-being and long term health…Because this is what happens when people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s attempt the traditional ketogenic diet. And it's exactly why it's NOT your fault if you've failed in the past trying keto and any other type of crash diets.It's not rocket science when you look at the studies… if you're 40, 50, 60 or beyond…Completely eliminating all carbs, fruits, and cheat foods on a ketogenic diet spells disaster for the over 40 metabolism and hormones.Unfortunately, carbs have been demonized by the medical and diet industry for years… Mainly because sugar (which is obviously fattening and can lead to early death) is categorized as a carbohydrate…But not all carbohydrates are created equal. Not even close. To drive this point home, pause here for a second and recall what I mentioned earlier because it's vitally important if you want to live longer and eliminate deadly belly fat…Glucose, from many of your favorite high-carb foods, is the primary "building block" of thyroid and leptin hormones.Your body's 2 most important "weight-regulating" hormones.
Remember, both of these hormones decline after 40 anyway, so conventional keto only makes matters worse. Here's what it all boils down to…Let's recap why people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s should strategically be eating more carbs to burn fat faster…When you add carbs to your diet (the right way) using this keto diet hack it…STOPS Metabolic Slowdown (ensuring your metabolic rate stays elevated—even while dieting)…[21,22]Reactivates thyroid hormones ("waking up" your body's master fat-burning gland)…[25]Boosts "leptin signaling" (increasing levels of your #1 fat-metabolizing hormone)…[17]Prevents Sarcopenia (stop age-related muscle loss)…[24]Increases mental and physical energy (no more brain fog or afternoon tired spells)…Makes dieting more effortless (end diet deprivation)…Eliminates KETO FLU symptoms (no suffering through the deficiencies… the mental fatigue… the insomnia… the constipation… the headaches… the bad breath… the hormonal decline)…And when you use this new keto diet loophole, you can eat LOTS of carbs and NEVER store them as fat, while burning fat FASTER.It's not necessary to suffer through the KETO FLU… it's not necessary to sacrifice your social life…You don't have to waste money on keto supplements or spend time taking all those silly ketone tests. All you need to do is cater to your body's current hormonal condition.Unfortunately, we had to learn this the hard way…You see, if my wife's battle with cancer didn't damage her ovaries and hormones this keto diet loophole wouldn't even exist...It all started when I reached my early 40s and I quickly noticed how much harder it was to lose belly fat and stay in shape.And the closer I get to 50, the more I realize just how dangerous and treacherous growing old can be…The decline in hormones…The age-related inflammation…The unexpected joint pain…The lack of energy for sex every night when we go to sleepThe wrinkles we never expected to see when we wake up and look in the mirror each morning…It seems like it just happens overnight…and it can be beyond depressing.Then add 4 kids and 7 grandkids to the equation and all-of-a-sudden spending two hours at the gym every day was no longer an option like it was when I was in my 20s…Working long hours… helping out with the grandkids whenever I could…I was burning the candle at both ends.And slowly but surely, over the course of the next six months I packed on 21 pounds.Now most of my friends and family say, "You can't even tell!"… but I could.Regardless of what anybody else thought, one thing was for sure…21 pounds of excess belly fat might not sound 'out of control' for most people, but it put me in a dark spot.If there's one thing I pride myself, it's 'walking my talk' and there I was...A seasoned Fitness Professional who had slowly let 21 pounds sneak onto my frame.Every day I would promise myself that I would change my ways...And day after day… I broke my self-promises.My passion has always been educating others on how to become healthy and fit after 40 and I couldn't even follow my own advice.I felt like a liar and a hypocrite."What kind of example am I being for my wife and grandkids?" I thought. "For my fans and followers?"It was slowly eating at my integrity.Karen got me thinking about one of the proudest moments of my life…Memories of everything she went through started flashing through my head. That's why I remembered it so vividly…My research uncovered three specific, scientifically validated, rules she needed to follow. The second she brought it to my attention I thought…"I wonder if I can get my body to respond the way Karen's did after she was diagnosed with premature menopause?" By this point desperation had set in. So I decided to put these 3 simple rules to the test…But I knew one thing… it had to be simple.Trying to find the time to weigh food and count calories, like I did when I was younger, was not an option in my world. So I simplified the 3-step process I originally gave Karen for "ease of use" and turned
it into a step-by-step weekly blueprint…And then I started rinsing and repeating it…After a few weeks of meticulously documenting progress with pictures and weigh ins I finally nailed it. A 7-day cycle specifically designed to get all the benefits of "keto" without any of the hormonal decline. That's what originally led to the discovery of this evidence-based 7 pounds in 7 days keto loophole.After the fat literally started falling off my body we knew it was time…So Karen and I got together and laid out everything step-by-step and condensed it into a small 7-day handbook. We both worked out tails off to spell everything out in an easy-to-digest fashion that caters to over 40 male and female metabolism...Since the "hidden" secret of this method is strategically timed high-carb, hormone-boosting foods—in combination with high-fat, keto-friendly foods...We've decided to nickname this new way of eating on a keto diet designed for the current hormonal condition of people over 40... Keto Carb-Cycling.This little handbook is what changed everything for my wife and me…And today it can change everything for you too.And it's surprisingly SIMPLE to do. You just need to follow the 3 simple steps below...If you've failed in the past with any of today's most popular low-carb diets (whether it be keto, paleo, plant based, Mediterranean, raw food, Weight Watchers, or any others)...I can assure you it's because one of these 3 rules weren't in place.Over-40 Fat-Burning Rule #1: You must increase ketone production.By strategically eating HIGH-fat keto foods on certain days (and at specific times) you increase your body's ketone production…This automatically ramps up fat-burning in the belly region and reduces inflammation to protect your body from deadly diseases.Lower inflammation also helps eliminate belly bloat and water retention. Over-40 Fat-Burning Rule #2: You must intentionally eat MORE hormone-boosting high-carb foods.The majority of foods forbidden on the regular keto diet are precisely what your body needs to adequately rebuild and produce fat-burning hormones. You just need them to make sure you eat them at specific times each week in order to boost thyroid and leptin hormones.This is the "keto diet loophole" that prevents metabolic slowdown and RESETS your fat-burning hormones. Remember, if you're in your 40s, 50s and 60s WHEN you eat is just as important as WHAT you eat. Over-40 Fat-Burning Rule #3: You must FLATLINE your body's #1 "fat-storage hormone"—insulin.By "pairing" your foods together the right way (using our easy-to-follow food combinations) you stabilize blood sugar—taking control of insulin.This boosts energy levels, prevents fat-storage and keeps your body in "fat-burning mode" 24/7. It also gets your body to quickly start producing ketone molecules again afterwards. These are the same 3 simple guidelines we both used to transform our bodies in record time.Any person over 40 who follows these simple strategies can overcome the hormonal decline caused from traditional ketogenic dieting with the 7-Pounds In 7-Days Formula…Believe it or not, as long as Karen and I were adhering to these 3 simple guidelines we could eat healthy versions of…Lasagna… fried chicken… spaghetti with meatballs… steaks… hamburgers… bacon and eggs… French fries… mashed potatoes…Then on the weekend it was pizza… bread… pasta… ice cream… fresh baked brownies.It's all about the strategy.  After we saw how drastically my body changed in such a short amount of time we were curious…So many of our friends, family, and clients were considering the original 1924 version of the ketogenic diet of 75% fats…Based on the several years of research I had conducted after Karen was diagnosed with cancer, our gut was telling us…They were putting their hormones and metabolism in harm's way.So I jumped on a few keto forums to find out. After all…It's the most brutally honest feedback you can get from real folks just like you. Our instincts were right. All of them were experiencing a rapid hormonal decline from using "conventional" keto.
I took this screenshot to show my wife…After seeing this we knew we had to do something about the trending (and misleading) keto advice…Checking blood ketones… testing urine for ketosis… measuring your breath… constipation… rebound weight gain… no thank you.All of this is an irritating inconvenience and simply not necessary.A waste of your time and energy. You don't need to go through any of this nonsense.And you don't need more discipline or willpower.It's just a matter of having access to the strategies that cater to your current hormonal state.You don't have to suffer through the Keto Flu.You don't have to sacrifice your social life.And you don't have to give up your favorite foods, sweet treats, or alcohol.In fact, the changes to my body happened so quickly when I followed these 3 simple strategies people actually accused me of using fake pictures.After 21 years of helping others get lean and fit, I had finally found a solution for people over 40 to rapidly melt stubborn body fat using this new keto diet hack…And I was accused of being a phony. I'm not complaining because it's actually a huge compliment!It's also a testament to just how powerful the 7-IN-7 Formula really is.All you have to do is follow these 3 simple rules repeatedly (like Karen and I both did) to achieve your fastest fat loss EVER. It's just a matter of using all these tools strategically so you cater to your age category and current hormonal state—just like my wife and I do.Right after my transformation, Karen's comment made my day when she said…"Shaun, I'm so proud of you. I've never seen your body change so fast." In reality, it's her who deserves the credit. If it wasn't for her battle with cancer and premature menopause I would have never been exposed to this hormone-boosting blueprint. And without her commitment to get her body (and life) back on track this new way of eating on a keto diet for people over 40 wouldn't exist.I really couldn't have done it without her!And I would never lie to you and say it was easy…Losing unwanted flab (especially as we age) is never easy. Karen and I designed it so any person over 40 years old can use it without being overwhelmed and confused.Thanks to my amazing wife the 7-IN-7 Formula was born.To summarize… Keto Carb-Cycling brings together the BEST of both worlds…Your body's liver consistently releases the ketones responsible for melting stubborn fat cells and protecting your body from today's most deadly diseases…While strategically timing (and combining) your favorite high carb foods SKYROCKETS your body's fat burning hormone production every few days. AND… when you follow my simple guidelines you can even indulge in "cheat meals" and desserts.This wildly effective combination of the keto-diet WITH hormone-boosting foods is like a metabolic time-machine that will age your body backwards…All while flooding your body with the ketones and hormones proven to shed 10… 20… 30 pounds (or more) of unwanted flab.Now let's recap all the evidence behind this new solution designed for the metabolism and hormones and people over 40…Eating high-fat ketogenic foods has been shown in scientific research to "target" a greater proportion of fat loss to come from directly from the belly region… Click here to learn why...Making it stand head and shoulders above the "Standard American Low-Fat Diet" (SAD) doctors and dieticians have been recommending for decades.This is very important to note…Because visceral belly fat from the belly region is the most DEADLY kind of belly fat.It can lead to insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome…Both can increase heart attack risk.Just look at this graph tracking how powerful a diet rich in "friendly fats" can be for losing fat directly from your belly…When compared to today's popularized low-fat diet that's relentlessly pushed on us by the government and greedy food lobbyists… This chart represents OVER 20 scientific peer reviewed studies…Confirming once-and-for-all that a keto-style diet trumps the Standard American Low Fat Diet (SAD) for losing deadly belly fat.
Bottom Line: Diets rich in keto-style "fatty" foods help you eliminate the most dangerous kind of belly fat and avoid today's most deadly diseases.A keto style diet stands head and shoulders above the rest for its ability to decrease levels of the fat storage hormone—insulin. Click here to learn why...Did you know 1 in every 3 Americans is at risk for diabetes?This is the condition known as insulin resistance and it's directly linked to abdominal obesity (belly fat) and drastically increases your risk for deadly diseases.[27,28]This graph is based on a scientific study demonstrating how a keto style diet stands head and shoulders above the rest is its ability to decrease levels of the fat storage hormone—insulin.Bottom line: whether you're pre-diabetic, diabetic, or not…When you control insulin, it allows your body to readily access your stored fat as a fuel source…And it keeps the cells inside your body younger. Keto-based foods eaten at the right times lower insulin. More fat is burned. Energy levels skyrocket. Risk for many common diseases vanishes.Of course, this effect is greatly multiplied when used in conjunction with the specific hormone-boosting foods inside my digital guides below. Eating ketogenic foods has been shown to cause a rapid reduction in dangerous blood triglycerides. Click here to learn why...I'm sure you're well aware by now that there's "good" cholesterol… and there's "bad" cholesterol.High LDL (bad) levels increases your chances of getting heart disease.High HDL (good) levels decreases your chances of getting heart disease Most people have been misled to believe that "fatty" foods high in cholesterol are linked to coronary heart disease…But the actual evidence points in the opposite direction. In fact, the amount of cholesterol you have in your diet has NO effect on the cholesterol found in your blood (unlike your doctor tells you).[6,7]This graph shows once again eating ketogenic diet foods causes a major increase in GOOD cholesterol levels.It's also a well-known fact in the medical community that fasting triglycerides are a strong heart disease risk factor[31]So you'll be happy to know that keto has been shown to cause a rapid reduction in dangerous blood triglycerides.[32]It's just one of the dozens of evidence-based reasons to make this a permanent part of your lifestyle! Keto dieters report significantly less hunger—all while losing 46% MORE weight than the low-fat dieters. Click here to learn why...If there is one thing that can sabotage your diet it's the nagging side effects of hunger and cravings…They are the DEATH of any weight-loss regimen.Intense hunger and late night cravings are probably the #1 reasons people hate dieting and fail miserably.This is what makes keto so appealing. The high fat foods you're allowed to eat on a keto diet leads to an automatic reduction in hunger and cravings.[33]The graph you see here is the perfect example…In this study the keto dieters reported significantly less hunger—all while losing 46% MORE weight than the low-fat dieters.[33]Then there's the issue of sugar addiction… Every time you take a bite of sugar it targets the same pleasure center of the brain as harmful drugs like cocaine.One of the easiest ways to kick your sugar addiction to the curb is to follow an approach that incorporates lots of "friendly fats"…Which is precisely why I created the new keto-solution below specifically designed for the hormones and metabolism of people over 40.It's the easiest way to erase hunger, kill cravings, and end your addiction to sugar without even trying (or dealing with the KETO FLU)…Keto Carb-Cycling signifantly BOOSTS your body's #1 fat-burning hormone, leptin. Click here to learn why...As previously mentioned, when you eliminate all glucose from your diet using conventional keto your body instantly responds by lowering leptin levels and decreasing thyroid hormones, leading to "metabolic slowdown."[16-24]Over time, this also leads to something called "leptin
resistance" and it can even damage your thyroid gland, preventing it from responding to the liver (your body's fat-burning filter). So although delicious high-fat foods are the backbone of any keto-diet…Your brain and body still need glucose at the right times in order to "reactivate" these two master fat-burning hormones.This is where eating high-carb meals, cheat foods, and even your favorite desserts can actually INCREASE fat loss…This phenomenon is known as "hormonal overfeeding" and it accelerates production of leptin and thyroid hormones, skyrocketing your metabolic rate. It's just a matter of strategically timing them and strategically combining them with other foods the right way…There's two reasons this is so important if you're over 40 years old…First, you maintain stable blood sugar and insulin levels…This prevents "fat-spillover" and keeps your body in "fat-burning mode" 24/7.Second, your body quickly starts producing ketones again directly afterwards.NO eliminating entire food groups.NO giving up your favorite carbs or treats.NO sacrificing your social life or eating out.NO willpower or discipline needed!5 scientifically-backed reasons Keto Carb-Cycling can help you live longer, look younger, and quickly lose dangerous belly fat. It's common sense if you really think about it…Unless you have epilepsy (that's what keto was originally created for) there's no need to eliminate entire food groups. This Keto Carb-Cycling Diet Hack allows you to still reap all the amazing therapeutic, weight loss benefits of conventional keto (without all the sacrifice, deprivation, and side-effects).It all starts with The 7-IN-7 Formula that "primes" your body to drop 7 pounds or more in 7 days (and then up to ONE pound PER DAY afterwards).The same blueprint Karen and I both used to transform our bodies in record time.As you've just discovered it's fully backed by the latest cutting edge science, published research, and real world people just like you and me.All it takes to move through all four stages of the over 40 hormone optimization cycle is to use the three simple strategies I gave you earlier…The same keto diet hack designed for your current hormonal condition that will help you avoid the KETO FLU (and the deficiencies that come with it)…Stiff joints and body aches are no longer as noticeable every day when you wake up…Deeper sleep enhances daily energy and puts a 'pep in your step' (no more insomnia!)…Brain fog disappears as you reclaim your mental clarity, focus and short term memory…Balanced cortisol levels reduces your "belly fat hormone" leading to LESS fat storage…The protection from heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's extends your lifespan…Lean, calorie burning muscle is preserved revving up your metabolism just like when you were in your 20s and 30s…Dry, scaly skin becomes soft and smooth reducing lip lines and eye wrinkles…And let's not forget the most powerful benefit of all…Consistently releasing the ketones and hormones that incinerate your body's stored fat cells each day.And whether you're a beginner or a keto veteran you can use it to lose at least 7 pounds or more in the next 7 days! Even though we've designed this hormone-boosting keto diet for ease of use so ANY person in their 40s, 50s and 60s can use it…It's definitely not for everyone…Karen and I are extremely passionate about helping as many people as possible…But we're not delusional. We realize from past experience of dealing with hundreds of private, paying clients we simply can't help every person…Unless they're coachable and willing to take action. Most people are waiting for the right circumstances to magically appear… Or until everything in their life is "just right" before they start. "I'll start when summer is over… when the holidays end… after vacation… next week… when I get through this drama I'm dealing with"…Here's the raw truth about losing weight and getting healthy from the inside out…There will NEVER be a perfect time in your life to start.
Over the years, this is the one valuable lesson we've learned from our personal experience of raising 4 kids to now having 7 grandkids…The time is always now. Right here. Right now. On this very page. After dealing with hundreds of private, paying clients one-on-one, and hundreds of thousands of customers and followers online…We know the perfect time will never come…That's why our motto is "strive for consistency—NOT perfection." You don't have to be perfect. We all fall off track. But we do ask you to take action and be coachable. So if you're waiting for the "perfect time" to start the answer is obvious…The 7-Day Keto Carb-Cycling blueprint (featuring the 7-IN-7 formula) is not for you because you'll be waiting forever.It's time to drop the excuses about how busy your life is (we are all busy!)…Which is exactly why it's our duty and obligation to make sure you get step-by-step detailed instructions with NO guesswork. Give us 7 days. If you don't watch the scale drop 7 pounds or more and continue losing up to one pound per day afterwards—we'll give you all your money back.If you're over 40 it was created specifically for your metabolism and hormones.No tedious calorie-counting… No sacrificing your favorite foods or eliminating entire food groups… No more cravings for sugar… No deprivation… and No KETO FLU.Just imagine… stepping onto the scale in just one week from now and seeing 7 pounds of unwanted flab on your body GONE.Featuring the 7-Pounds In 7-Days Formula…It boosts thyroid and leptin levels unlike today's conventional ultra-low carb ketogenic diet…It eliminates Keto-Flu side-effects…It ends your addiction to sugar-cravings (without withdrawals!)No sacrificing your favorite carbs, fruits, desserts, or alcohol…It floods your body with the ketones and hormones that can melt up to 7 pounds every 7 days!It's backed up by dozens of published scientific research studies (the gold standard of studies)[1-29]It's the first Keto For 'Carb-Lovers' Solution specifically designed for the hormones and metabolism of people OVER-40…This is the same blueprint I used to transform my body at 48 years old and it's honestly the best gift I could ever offer you. Karen and I stripped every step down into 7-day weekly cycle for ease-of-use.  When you make the intelligent choice to take action today and download a digital copy to your favorite mobile device you will..Dramatically Accelerate Anti-Aging Ketone Molecule ProductionQuickly Transform Your Body From "Sugar-Burner" to "Fat-Burner"END Your Body's Addiction To Sugar & "Shuts Off" CravingsGet All The Benefits Of Conventional Keto (without "metabolic slowdown" or the "hormonal decline")Includes "Food Pairing" Tricks That Shield Your Body From Diabetes (keeps your body in "Fat-Burning Mode" 24/7)Built-In Hacks To Eliminate Negative KETO FLU Side-EffectsIncludes Hormone-Boosting Carbs, Cheat Meals, Desserts, and detailed alcohol guidelinesComplete with flexible happy hour and weekend guidelines to prevent "fat-spillover"…All while resetting your body's master fat-burning hormones every week.No calorie counting… no overwhelm from having to weigh food… no strict, complicated rules to follow… no deprivation.Just repeat this cycle until you reach your ideal weight.Every time you start a diet or exercise plan you've probably noticed how easy it is to lose the first few pounds… then it happens.The inevitable "sticking point"…Every person's metabolism eventually adapts and fights against your fat loss efforts creating the dreaded weight-loss plateau.Even though this may be your first time Keto Carb-Cycling, remember that your body is smart…SUPER smart. So it's very good at adapting to today's most popular diets.Countless research papers reveal every diet (no matter how effective) eventually leads to a slower metabolic rate and that's exactly why weight-loss stalls. In the science world this phenomenon is known as "Diet Adaptation".So we decided to attack this common problem head-on and meticulously
identified exactly what happens when you hit a plateau…Then we compiled it into a step-by-step 7-day meal plan to eliminate your weight loss sticking points.The Keto-Plateau Buster phase is the first nutrition plan ever designed to help any individual in their 40s, 50s, and 60s overcome every type of dietary adaptive response.And get the scale moving downward again.Karen and I created the Quick Start Guide because we wanted to simplify the process of preparing for yourself for the Keto Carb-Cycling lifestyle. This will allow you to be prepared for unexpected obstacles. After raising 4 children and helping raise 7 grandkids we've learned just how important preparation and planning is.Plan out your first week in as little as 15 minutes, get started, and begin optimizing your hormones now.Effective. Efficient. No time wasting.We don't believe in wasting time! It's too precious. Whether you eat out often or cook most of your meals at home, it doesn't matter because this guide lays it out so you're fully prepared for either scenario. Complete Grocery Guide and Food ListsThe TOP 10 Ketone-Producing FoodsThe TOP 10 Hormone-Boosting Foods29 Food Swaps That Transform Your Kitchen To Fat-Burning Foods Overnight17 Craving Killers to Keep In Your Kitchen At All Times How To Use Keto Carb-Cycling At ANY Type Of Restaurant…Burger houses, pizza joints, Chinese, Mexican, Steakhouses, Sub or Sandwich Shops…We've even included Coffee Shop guidelines to keep your body in an anti-aging, fat-burning environment while you're on the go.Variety. Flavor. Results. Do you have those days where you have to go for your "stretchy" pants instead of your jeans? Where you feel like your belly is swollen and bloated when you wake up or after eating a meal?  It's a common hormonal symptom for men and women over 40. When you say "yes" to The OVER-40 Keto Solution today you will get instant access to 11 scientifically-backed strategies proven to eliminate water retention and shrink your waistline. I've even included a list of certain foods and herbs you can add to your diet that act as all-natural diuretics to dramatically decrease your belly bloat in the next 24 to 48 hours.You'll also discover a belly shrinking ritual you can start using before bed each night to help your body manage its fluid and sodium balance to shrink your waistline while you sleep.When Karen and I decided to create this new keto solution designed for the hormonal condition of people over 40 we asked ourselves one question…How can we give people the real truth about ketogenic dieting for people over 40 without making them break the bank?Fortunately, digital technology has come a long way over the last 10 years and it's easier (and less expensive) than ever to deliver everything via downloadable guides… This allows us to reduce the price dramatically.Thanks to the mobile device you're reading this on, what would normally cost hundreds of dollars can now be reduced dramatically. When you look at your other options the choice is obvious…The keto trend has created thousands of quick fixes and gimmicks…Expensive supplements (with NO scientific research behind them) costing hundreds of dollars each month…Silly ketone gadgets and tests… that aren't even necessary…Young keto gurus pushing those cookie-cutter conventional keto diets on you as the "be all-end all"…Putting you at risk for the hormonal damage. The slowing metabolism. The rebound weight gain.They've all been programmed to believe you need to cut carbs and calories just to whittle away a few measly pounds. And it's really not their fault! Most of them I've met truly mean well.They just don't know any better.But almost all of them recommend advice based on the Standard American Diet (SAD).The same outdated, low-fat diet doctors and the government has been force-feeding us for decades.Yet, we are sicker and fatter than ever. Just another reason why healthcare costs have skyrocketed.But with our solution in your hands you don't have to be concerned with any of these scams.
Procrastination is the thief of achieving the body you so deeply desire so make your move now before you miss out.The way we see it, you really have two choices…You can either grab your copy of The 7-Day Keto Carb-Cycling Blueprint (and all the bonuses that come with it)…Or… suffer the pain of regret when you wake up again tomorrow.If you think about the real costs of healthcare, prescription drugs, and doctor visits it's really a no-brainer.As much as we want you to get started right now, we also realize from firsthand experience…"Life happens"… to all of us. So even though action-takers will see fast (and lasting) results, we also want you to take as much time as you need once you download everything to your mobile device.  This is why we're offering an unprecedented, no-questions asked, 1-year guarantee.All we ask is that you actually use The OVER-40 Keto Solution first. If you don't see changes quickly happening to your body… if you don't feel younger or experience a surge of newfound energy within the first few weeks…If your family doesn't notice your weight loss… your glowing skin… your new found confidence and radiance… you don't pay a dime.  Or if you're not satisfied for any reason, simply send our customer support team an email and we'll refund 100% of your purchase price within 24 to 48 hours.Results are guaranteed no matter what your age, gender, or current condition. Although younger people in their late 20s and 30s can use it, the BEST results come from people in their 40s, 50s and 60s…Without exception, it works for anybody who follows our evidence-based blueprint. And if you're not satisfied, you can even keep the 4 FREE bonuses below…If you have any other questions or concerns we will never leave you stranded. Nowadays there are so many internet scams, our first priority when we created this hormone-boosting over 40 solution is to make sure we have everything in place to take care of you.We have assembled a team of qualified experts (who actually use our products too!)…This way, you can put your head on your pillow tonight knowing that we will always be available to answer any questions you have. Trust… reliability… integrity… and competence is something we pride ourselves on.If it doesn't deliver what we promise, you get all your money back.Accept our invitation and join our 7-day keto carb-cycling challenge.This Over-40 Keto Solution CANNOT Be Duplicated, Which Is Why…Whenever I mention there are really only 3 simple guidelines to follow, people think they can go it alone…Then they start guessing how and when to use both of them. Without legitimate research, guidance and coaching failure is more than likely.In today's day and age you can't rely on Google or trust the noise in your social media feed…You have to look directly at the real-world proof and published research. Yes, there are only 3 simple steps to follow…But unless you know the exact step-by-step instructions and specifics of each one you're bound to end up frustrated and confused. Adding certain carbs at specific times is not all there is to it… not even close. People hear how easy it sounds and make assumptions…And the end result is always disappointment.  To sum up all the scientific research we went over earlier…In fact, if you're over 40 years old I would argue that WHEN you eat is just as important as WHAT you eat. So if you eat keto-style friendly fats and hormone-boosting carbs at the wrong times, it leads to self-sabotage and weight regain.Then there's the highly specific food combinations that rebalance your hormones each week. And the 2 popular ingredients you MUST avoid whenever you eat our strategically timed cheat meals and desserts so you don't suffer from "fat spillover" or block the hormonal effect. It's easy to say, "Just follow these 3 easy guidelines and you can effortlessly melt 7 pounds or more in the next 7 days (and continue losing up to one pound or more each day afterwards)."Heck, it's even easy to think you can do it all
by yourself just by referring to the scientific literature…Yet we both know spending hours and hours trying to decipher published research papers is just a waste of precious time. Besides, I've already done the work for you so you don't need to guess. Bottom line…Without this blueprint frustration and confusion is more than likely.One thing Karen and I have realized over the year it's this…Life is like a roll of toilet paper…The closer you get to the end… the faster it goes. The speed of getting old is accelerating in your life each day and if you don't take action you'll wake up tomorrow in the same spot you are now. We know you care about others. You're probably just like my wife so you sacrifice everything and invest all the time you can to help your family.  You struggle saying "no" and all the attention goes to everyone you love and care about instead of you.It's time to invest in yourself. Your family deserves. You deserve it. Don't' settle for less.When you make the intelligent choice to grab your copy of The OVER-40 Keto Solution today you will… Eliminate Deadly Belly Fat, Prevent Metabolic Syndrome & Reduce Your Risk of Heart Attacks…Take Control Of Blood Sugar & Stabilize Your Insulin (fight against diabetes, while keeping your body in "fat-burning mode" each day)…Increase Your Levels of GOOD Cholesterol (HDL) & Reduce Dangerous Triglycerides…KILL Cravings, ERASE Hunger, & END Your Addiction To Sugar…"Reactivate" Your Fat-Burning Leptin & Thyroid Hormones…Protect Your Body From Cancer & Alzheimer's Disease…Boost Your Physical Energy & Mental Clarity…WITHOUT having to give up your favorite carbs, fruits, alcohol or dessertsJust click "Add to Cart" now and start burning more fat today!If you're still convinced eating high-carb foods will make you fatter and sicker… After 21 years of being in the "trenches" of the diet and weight loss industry I've stumbled across some compelling real world proof in the case for carbs.If our favorite carbohydrates are really the root cause of obesity and deadly diseases…How do you explain the high carb diets of today's thinnest, disease-free, longest living cultures…Did you know? People from Okinawa eat up to 69% of their daily calories from forbidden foods like white rice and potatoes…Yet, they're one of the world's longest living, leanest, "disease-free" cultures on the planet.The International Obesity Task Force reported that Okinawan's have the LOWEST rate of obesity in the world (only 2.9%!)…And even though they eat LOTS of carbs each day (they never get fat)…They are more likely to reach 100 years old than any other culture, which is why Okinawa is known as "The Land of Immortals."Nestled deep in the high plateaus of the Sierra Madre Mountains in Northern Mexico, lives one of the healthiest, leanest, longest living cultures in the world known as the Tarahumara Indians.For the last 2,000 years their diet has been composed primarily of sweet potatoes, beans, corn, "fatty" meats and fishes, yet they literally DEFY aging.National Geographic and New England Journal of Medicine studies show that high blood pressure… high cholesterol… heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are NON-existent within their culture.The Tarahumara have been escaping obesity, death, and disease for thousands of years by eating lots of carbs WITH high-fat keto friendly foods.[34]Then there's other examples like the Kitavan Islanders in Melanesia, who get about 70% of their calories from carbs and live entirely free of obesity, heart disease, and other chronic, degenerative diseases.The unusually high-carb diets of today's longest living, healthiest, and leanest cultures… The hardships Karen endured to uncover these hormone boosting secrets to finally get her life back on track after cancer and "premature menopause"…The rapid results I experienced in only 10 weeks.The real world proof and scientific evidence is all around you…Join us! Click "Add To Cart" now and start burning more fat tomorrow!Let me give you more
proof from someone just like you…This is a true story that will SHOCK you… Maybe even anger you a bit if you've been misled to believe high-carb foods are stored as fat. This Real-World Example PROVES, Beyond The Shadow Of A Doubt, You CAN (and should) Eat High-Carb Foods—Even On A Keto-Diet… After the USDA proposed eliminating potatoes from the school lunch program, 45-year old Chris Voigt (Executive Director of the Washington State Potato Commission) decided to protest.He wanted to prove to the world just how healthy high-carb potatoes can be.This pile represents over 1,000 potatoes he would consume over the next 2 months.He ate nothing but 20 potatoes per day for 60 days straight.Even though Chris was not even attempting to lose weight, after 60 days he lost 21 pounds!His health improvements were in fact far greater than what we normally see from drugs and many intensive lifestyle programs…His blood work proved he dramatically decreased his risk for heart disease and diabetes (just like you'd expect from a keto diet).After eating ONLY high-carb potatoes for 60 days straight!He's become so popular they've nicknamed him the "Spud Man"…While I would NEVER recommend an all-potato diet for the long term for anyone…It PROVES once and for all that in spite of all the bad press, our favorite high-carb foods, like potatoes, do not make you fat.It's another confirmation that you can (and should) eat LOTS of carbs on a keto diet… And you can do it without fat-storage because certain foods, like potatoes, are some of the BEST fat-burning foods on the planet.With all the amazing health benefits Chris experienced it's hard to imagine why this amazing God-made food would be forbidden on a keto diet and demonized by society.This proves, beyond a shadow of doubt… you shouldn't be afraid of high carb foods. Your body needs them to manufacture hormones, prevent metabolic slowdown, and preserve lean muscle after 40. With all this scientific proof and real world evidence, you can rest easy when you take action now and get instant access to The OVER-40 Keto Solution.Click "Add to Cart" now before you miss out on this new, innovative hormone-boosting keto blueprint.1. Siri-Tarino PW, Sun Q, Hu FB, Krauss RM. Meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies evaluating the association of saturated fat with cardiovascular disease. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Volume 91, Issue 3, March 2010, Pages 535–546 2. Mbalilaki JA, et al. Daily energy expenditure and cardiovascular risk in Masai, rural and urban Bantu Tanzanians. British Journal of Sports Medicine. Volume 44, Issue 2 2010;pp.121-126. 3. Hoenselaar R. Saturated fat and cardiovascular disease: The discrepancy between the scientific literature and dietary advice. Nutrition. Volume 28, Issue 2, February 2012, Pages 118-123. 4. Micha R, Wallace SK, Mozaffirian D. Red and processed meat consumption and risk of incident coronary heart disease, stroke, and diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Circulation. 2010 Jun 1; 121(21): 2271–2283. 5. Pohrmann S, et al. Meat consumption and mortality--results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. BMC Medicine. 2013 Mar 7;11:63. doi: 10.1186/1741-7015-11-63. 6. Berger S, et al. Dietary cholesterol and cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2015 Aug;102(2):276-94. 7. McNamara DJ. Dietary cholesterol and the optimal diet for reducing risk of atherosclerosis. The Canadian Journal of Cariology. 1995 Oct;11 Suppl G:123G-126G. 8. Fernandez ML. Rethinking dietary cholesterol. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care. 2012 Mar;15(2):117-21. 9. Jones PJ, et al. Dietary cholesterol feeding suppresses human cholesterol synthesis measured by deuterium incorporation and urinary mevalonic acid levels. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. 1996 Oct;16(10):1222-8. 10. Jones PJ. Dietary cholesterol
and the risk of cardiovascular disease in patients: a review of the Harvard Egg Study and other data. International Journal of Clinical Practice. Supplement. 2009 Oct;(163):1-8, 28-36. 11. Berger S, et al. Dietary cholesterol and cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Volume 102, Issue 2, August 2015, Pages 276–294. 12. Rong Y, et al. Egg consumption and risk of coronary heart disease and stroke: dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. British Medical Journal. 2013;346:e8539. 13. Mutungi G, et al. Eggs distinctly modulate plasma carotenoid and lipoprotein subclasses in adult men following a carbohydrate-restricted diet. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 2010 Apr;21(4):261-7. 14. Garg R, et al. Low-salt diet increases insulin resistance in healthy subjects. Metabolis. 2011 Jul;60(7):965-8. 15. Study calls sodium intake guidelines into question. Science Daily. Nov 2011. 16. Kose E, Guzel O, Demir K, Arslan N. Changes of thyroid hormonal status in patients receiving ketogenic diet due to intractable epilepsy. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2017 Apr 1;30(4):411-416. 17. Dirlewanger, M, et al. Effects of short-term carbohydrate or fat overfeeding on energy expenditure and plasma leptin concentrations in healthy female subjects. International Journal of Obesity. V 24, pages1413–1418 (2000). 18. Johnston CS, et al. Ketogenic low-carbohydrate diets have no metabolic advantage over nonketogenic low-carbohydrate diets. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Volume 83, Issue 5, May 2006, Pages 1055–1061. 19. Mawer R. The Ketogenic Diet: A Detailed Beginner's Guide to Keto. Healthline. Jul 2018. 20. Hormones As You Age. RUSH University Medical Center website. 21. Aamodt S. Why You Can’t Lose Weight on a Diet. The New York Times. May 6, 2016. 22. Fothergill E. Persistent metabolic adaptation 6 years after "The Biggest Loser" competition. Obesity. Volume 24, Issue 8 August 2016. Pages 1612-1619. 23. Sumithran P, et al. Long-term persistence of hormonal adaptations to weight loss. New England Journal of Medicine. 2011 Oct 27;365(17):1597-604. 24. Gorin A. The 11 Biggest Keto Diet Dangers You Need to Know About Everyday Health. Nov 2018. 25. Britt E. Is Low Carb Bad For Hypothyroidism? Diet vs Disease. May 2019. 26. Volek JS, et al. Comparison of energy-restricted very low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets on weight loss and body composition in overweight men and women. Nutrition & Metabolism. Volume 1, Article number: 13 (2004). 27. Jornayvaz FR, Samuel VT, Schulman GI. The role of muscle insulin resistance in the pathogenesis of atherogenic dyslipidemia and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease associated with the metabolic syndrome. Annual Review of Nutrition. 2010 Aug 21;30:273-90. 28. Kelley DE, Goodpaster B, Wing RR, Simoneau JA. Skeletal muscle fatty acid metabolism in association with insulin resistance, obesity, and weight loss. The American Journal of Physiology. 1999 Dec;277(6):E1130-41. 29. Mahdy Ali K, Wonnerth A, Huber K, Wojta J. Cardiovascular disease risk reduction by raising HDL cholesterol--current therapies and future opportunities. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2012 Nov;167(6):1177-94. 30. Gow ML, et al. Can early weight loss, eating behaviors and socioeconomic factors predict successful weight loss at 12- and 24-months in adolescents with obesity and insulin resistance participating in a randomised controlled trial? The International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2016 Apr 1;13:43. 31. McBride P. Triglycerides and Risk for Coronary Heart Disease. JAMA. 2007;298(3):336-338. 32. Aude Y. The National Cholesterol Education Program Diet vs a Diet Lower in Carbohydrates and Higher in Protein and Monounsaturated Fat A Randomized Trial. JAMA. 2004;164(19):2141-2146. 33. Johnstone AM, et al. Effects of a high-protein ketogenic diet on hunger, appetite, and weight loss in obese men feeding ad libitum.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2008 Jan;87(1):44-55. 34. Cerqueira MT, Fry MM, Connor WE. The food and nutrient intakes of the Tarahumara Indians of Mexico. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1979 Apr;32(4):905-15.Copyright 2022 - Get Lean After 40, Inc. 12779 Stark Rd., Livonia, 48150 Home | Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | Contact Us I would never forgive myself if you left empty-handed without trying this incredible weight loss system. [ad_2] Click here to get Over 40 Keto Solution at discounted price while it's still available... All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Over 40 Keto Solution is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
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dwellordream · 3 years
“…To be sure, fatness could often seen as ugly, effeminate, stupid, slothful, and sinful, while thinness was associated with holiness and muscular, lean body was considered manly and martial. However, only listening to the medieval fat-shamers is oversimplifying matters: body fat could also be seen as a sign of prosperity, social status, success, and even rulership. Furthermore, it was often men who were often going to great lengths to acquire a svelte body, while what we might consider extra weight today could be seen as beautiful on a woman.
First, the negative: While heroes of high medieval romance such as Ogier the Dane are often as heroic as trenchermen as they are fighting against Saracens, medieval Europeans inherited from classical antiquity, and in particular from the Roman writer Vegetius, an idea that military life and overweight are incompatible. To be big was not necessarily to be fat. A member of the knightly class was supposed to be both able to afford exorbitant amounts of food and to exercise enough self-restraint and largesse (generosity) to not eat it all himself. For instance, writers such as the twelfth-century Andreas Capellanus distinguished between the unbeautiful bodies of peasants (particularly male peasants) and those of nobles. Similarly, the late thirteenth/early fourteenth century mystic and writer on chivalry Ramon Llull said that anyone too fat was not fit to become a knight.
This tendency became particularly pronounced in the fourteenth century, when both literature and men’s fashion reflected the idea of a powerful but athletic build. Knights were supposed to be athletes, and martial fashion reflected this. The titular verdant cavalier in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is broad of chest and slender of waist, and Chaucer’s Sir Thopas with his “sydes smale” (slender waist) goes riding over hill and dale. Surviving clothing from the period, such as the pourpoint of Charles de Blois kept in the Musee Historique des Tissus in Lyon (c. 1360s) is constructed to give the impression of a broad chest and shoulders and a tiny waist.
…However, we can find ambiguity about fatness even in the courtly tradition. Andreas Capellanus has a woman in one of his dialogues criticize a man with fat thighs as being unbeautiful—to which the man responds that fat legs are not incompatible with virtue. By 1456, Antoine de la Salle’s cynical romance Le Petit Jehan de Saintré ends by the titular hero’s beautiful mistress/patroness being seduced by a fat, unchivalrous abbot out of a fabliau. So, too with foreign lands—the fictionalized John of Mandeville tells of how foreigners ate inordinate amounts, and the romancier Rusticello has Marco Polo report on the prodigious appetites of the mighty men of Zanzibar.
Chief amongst the fighting class were kings and other high nobility, in whom all these qualities were exaggerated. The Carolingians saw prodigious eating (and a laden table) as a sign of rulership—Liutprand of Cremona reported much later that Duke Guido of Spoleto was rejected for the throne of France because he ate too little. (Of course, Liutprand was not necessarily saying this to be complementary of the Franks!) While advice manuals advised rulers to temper their appetites, as the ability to rule self and state were intertwined.
On the counter side, the ability to eat as much as one wished combined with the leisure to be indolent led to some notably large monarchs. We have no shortage of monarchs who were literally the “big men”—and who were criticized for it. Charlemagne himself was noted by his biographer Einhard as having quite a gut; his descendent Charles the Fat got his appellation for his slothfulness in defending France; William the Conqueror’s body could not fit in his sarcophagus; and Louis VI of France’s biographer praised him for going to war despite his enormous girth.
At the very end of the Middle Ages, Henry VIII kept eating like the athlete he had been in his younger days after a jousting injury sidelined him in his mid-40s. While Hans Holbein’s famous portrait of Henry makes the most of the ruler’s perhaps 400-pound weight (estimating from the dimensions of his armor) by presenting his girth as power, by the end of his life, he had to be carried around on a litter. Fatness was this attribute of both peasants and kings.
There was no shortage of defenses of largeness, or even positive depictions, in the less well-born. Peasants rarely got enough to eat, so positive associations between fat and plenty—“fat” soil, the “fat” of the land, and the pre-Lenten “fat Tuesday” feast—are not surprising. Chaucer’s Franklin’s plentiful and dainty table is a symbol of his prosperity and his desire for upward mobility, and his Miller, who is expert at defrauding his customers by keeping a finger on the scales, is “full big of brawn and also of bones.”
Fat clergy are stock figures in tales told by commoners such as French fabliaux, stories about earthly pleasures such as sex and food. Clerics are jolly, plump, and decadent everywhere from the anonymous thirteenth-century La Bourgeoise d’Orléans to Chaucer’s fat monk in the fourteenth century to the postmedieval image of Friar Tuck in the tales of Robin Hood. Their lifestyles were enviable to be sure, but such depictions can be seen as a bit of anticlericism criticizing their prosperity and ease in a time when many did not have enough to eat. Things are not always one or the other: We may admire billionaires’ wealth even as we wish to redistribute it. In the eyes of commoners, friars got fat off the hard work of others—but their largeness was something to aspire to.
Medicine and pseudo-medical writings inherited from the Galenic tradition tended to be value-neutral. To be sure, fatness could be associated with moral failing in “popular” manuals. The section on physiognomy that concludes Secretum Secretorum, supposedly written by Aristotle for Alexander the Great but probably composed in Arabic in the tenth century and translated into Latin in the twelfth, has little good to say about people (which is to say men) with “fat” body parts. On the other hand, Forth holds that the physicians’ manuals tended to not see body fat as a problem unless it became excessive to the point of being unhealthy or disfiguring.
…What about women, and what were Christian attitudes towards fatness? I’ve put these two significant categories last both because women’s bodies are so morally policed in our own society, and because some of our best sources on what medieval women themselves thought—especially explored by Caroline Walker Bynum in her classic Holy Feast and Holy Fast—were religious.
First, plumpness was by no means considered a bad thing in medieval women. Vigarello, in his Metamorphoses of Fat, sees largeness as the sine qua non of female beauty in early medieval romances. The late fourteenth-century Goodman of Paris says that a horse ought to have four qualities also found in comely maidens: a handsome mane, beautiful chest, fine loins, and large buttocks.
On the other hand, Mary, the teenage sister of Henry VIII, was noted by an Italian emissary on her arrival in France to marry King Louis XII as “slight, rather than defective from corpulence.” For women in religious life, though, control over food and extreme fasting—as Bynum explores in Holy Feast and Holy Fast—was a sign of sanctity. So, too, was women’s religious feeling explored in a gendered way by feeding others.
Medical discourses on women’s bodies considered mainly the aspects of health and reproduction. The twelfth-century medical handbook known as The Trotula, for instance, considers the effects of body weight on the age of menopause (35 in moderately fat women), or on choosing a wet nurse (she should be large-breasted and a little fat). For weight loss in both men and women, the author advises hot baths, steam baths, and even burying in sand to induce sweating. The resulting dehydration would, of course, be only a temporary loss of weight, and not a particularly healthy one in the sense we understand it today. Of course, The Trotula also specifies that a woman should also not be too thin, since this would likewise have a deleterious effect on fertility.
One would think that Christian asceticism would militate against fatness, and indeed, thinness could be holy. Religious fasting was mandatory for all Christians, and penance could include a restricted diet. For instance, the sixth-century Irish Penitential of Finnian has anyone considering murder or fornication abstain from alcohol and meat for a year. A cleric who strikes another is put on bread and water for a year, and actually fornicating earned bread and water for two years.
In the fourteenth century, Dante puts gluttons in the third circle of hell, and Chaucer’s clerk of Oxford’s thinness mirrors his love of books over worldly goods. However, this was not necessarily mirrored by reality: The foremost medieval scholar-saint, Thomas Aquinas, the “dumb ox,” was quite obese and suffered from associated comorbidities such as dropsy (that is, a swelling caused by insufficient lymphatic drainage, or, as it’s called today, edema).
Conversely, the extreme thinness of medieval ascetic women indicated a turn away from the pleasures of the flesh—not just, food, but also sex. Since, as medieval people knew, women below a certain body fat percentage often have problems of fertility, abstention from food could mark a woman’s body as not reproductively fit, that is, not that of a wife and mother. In this way, a woman’s fasting could be a way in which she turned away from male control over their bodies. Unlike today, medieval “dieting” (which was, of course, nothing of the sort) was an attempt to be less sexually appealing.
In religious art, saints and other heavenly figures are similarly portrayed as tall and thin—a visual rhetoric carried through to day by using tall and thin models to display fashionable clothes, elevating consumption to the level of worship. (Slightly curvier women, who read as more “voluptuous” and “earthy,” are employed as swimwear or lingerie models… though they still tend to be much taller and thinner than the average American woman.) One of the few exceptions to the uniform tallness and thinness of medieval art is fat wine steward in Giotto’s early fourteenth-century “Wedding at Cana,” whose fatness echoes his stubborn doubts about the miracle. Likewise, Jews were often depicted as fat as symbols of their spiritual sloth.
By the turn of the sixteenth century, Albrecht Dürer was showing how to portray people of different classes by physiognomy—peasants were stouter—and Martin Luther was joking that his middle-aged girth would provide a feast for the grave-worms. By the seventeenth century, painters such as Peter Paul Rubens or Charles Mellin’s, in his famous portrait of the hefty Italian general Alessandro dal Borro, were unapologetically portraying body fat. On the other hand, Rubens’ male nudes are rather fit and athletic, underscoring a dichotomy between female as passive and weak and male as active and strong.
As some of us may strive against it, and others may shame it, normal human variations of body weight have a long history. Our bodies naturally want to put on weight, and they want to keep that excess weight on. However, bodies are mediated through the social. Fatness was read in various ways by medieval people—perhaps as unmartial and unmanly for those who had no problem in obtaining food, but for the lower classes, it was something enviable and aspirational. For women, a certain amount of fatness could indicate fertility, just as a lack of it could indicate sanctity and a withdrawal from the world. But, no matter how it was read, polyvalent medieval attitudes about fatness and thinness were not our own.”
- Ken Mondschein, “Fatness and Thinness in the Middle Ages.”
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rnistergoodnite · 3 years
TMI health nonsense
So, in April or something last year I got a blood clot. Which wasn’t great, especially since there were like next to no offices open to meet with a doctor in person due to Covid. (And it caused a lot of drama because the one branch of a particular practice that was open didn’t accept my insurance and the one that did was closed indefinitely -- not important, other than to say the office that did take my insurance didn’t even check the records when I went there and tried to shame me for not going forward with a surgery THAT DAY that wasn’t even presented to me as an option up to that point) Anyway, bloodclots run in my family so it was kind of a big deal to try to get it taken care of. 
At this time I was also taking medication for PCOS, which is a hormonal imbalance that causes all kinds of totally awesome problems due to excessive testosterone. Among them, weight gain and insulin resistance that can lead to diabetes and heart problems and all kinds of * other * totally fun things. So, I was taking birth control pills to, essentially, give me a period so I didn’t develop cancer as well as to help counteract things like hirsutism so I can be (visibly) socially acceptable ~! I was also prescribed metformin to help with the cool insulin side effects. Anyway, I was warned the birth control could lead to clotting so it had to be closely monitored because of my family history.
Long story short I stopped taking it when I got the blood clot. And the metformin. And the antidepressants. Because it was impossible to go in to see a doctor, the birth control scared the fuck out of me, and the metformin from my new pharmacy was causing all kinds of internal distress to the point where I didn’t want to eat ever and felt like death at every single moment. And, what the fuck, the happy pills weren’t doing shit for me anyway. 
Anyway, I haven’t felt good for a few months, which usually means something is going very wrong because I start to get menopause symptoms, essentially - really bad hot flashes to the point where I feel like I am going to faint (this is actually how I got diagnosed in the first place except back then I was actually fainting -- not to mention 60+ pounds of weight gain for absolutely no fucking reason), fatigue, etc. I also work in a store that refuses to let the temperature go below 80 degrees and have to wear a mask, and, you know, I have stupid bangs that cover my eyes. And I am ~*fat*~. Which is all good and fine except it is so fucking hot I feel like I am going to collapse. So I decide to be an adult and go to the doctor. A new doctor since mine left the practice.
After not taking any medication since early 2020. 
Get some blood work, I’m prediabetic - not surprising, since again, I am insulin resistant and haven’t been on medication for over a year. Slightly high cholesterol. . also not surprising since . . I haven’t been taking medication for over a year. . . etc etc. Have also gained 10 pounds since I --- well, you know.
Honestly I’m pretty happy with myself because this is similar to my last bloodwork, 2019, when I was taking medicine inconsistently. 
Then the doctor makes some comment about my weight. Which sucks, but I expected it. She was nice about it. Told me to see a nutritionist. Asked if I snored. Everything that can be explained by, “you are fat” -- which,  I am - but I am also many other things. Again, this is a new doctor - my first time seeing her.
Get told to try some exercising before following it up with, “Maybe try swimming because this might be hard for you”, or,  asking about pain medicine I was taking (in 2018!)  because of a genetic knee cartilage issue and kind of insinuating it was due to size --- She wasn’t rude about it, I don’t want to give the wrong impression but I also don’t feel like she was listening to me. The weight is a symptom of a condition. It is not the condition itself. More to the point -- like I said, I have excessive testosterone. I am kind of stocky (?) consequently. I am 220 pounds in this photo, which classified me as “obese”. Like???
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So I am asking - Walking counts as exercise, right? I spend 9-15 hours a day on my feet and do anywhere from 5 to 15 miles of walking per day. All she has to say is, “Sure -”  . . I know working isn’t extra exercise, and I am not saying I don’t need to try -- I do, I am not well and this syndrome can spring upwards of 100+ pounds on a person if they don’t keep it in check. I get what she was saying, I do, but, like, on the other hand - my blown out Achilles is due to a ladder incident, not because I’m fat, alright? 
All in all, not a terrible experience, just wish she’d have listened a bit more to me and didn’t make me feel dumb for stopping the Cymbalta, which “isn’t going to cause clotting, you know that, right?”
THEN I GET THE FOLLOW UP REPORT which just comes down to “patient admits to gaining weight and needs to lose 5-10% of body weight by next visit, declined sleep study due to snoring, declined bariatric help, claims to understand but . . .” 
Like I am kind of stunned? I don’t even know what to think. I don’t even know if she listened to a third of what I said or read my history. “Patient admits to gaining ten pounds”, yeah, no shit, a normal person doesn’t gain ten pounds in a month for no reason.
. . Oh, and she told me to take the antidepressants again but didn’t give me a prescription and the pharmacy won’t take something from 2019. Yay. (I do have to start taking the metformin again but at half the dose and it still makes me gag, hurrah)
--- I don’t know, I’m just fucking tired. Like, yeah, lecture away about making poor food choices because who doesn’t like french fries and fried chicken  -- and I take responsibility for that -- but someone shouldn’t be shamed for seeking out help for a larger problem. 
Of course I’m not happy with myself right now. Of course I understand this can lead to problems down the road. But if this purely came down to poor eating choices, I wouldn’t have pants in storage that range 12 sizes because my choices are just 30% of the problem. I need help. And now I’m not sure I want to seek it out. 
PS- No solution to the birth control causes clotting problem, so fuck me I guess, hormonal imbalances are cool to live with but hey least we can fix the insulin problem -- assuming I ever feel like eating again because right now I feel sick to my stomach and it’s only been one day.
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genevieve-gin · 3 years
Well, first post. Perhaps a small introduction.
I am Genevieve, turning 34 in May 2021.
I have a great job and am an independent brand owner - Yard Yarn. I also have a blessed family, and I basically lead a simple life. I am easily contented as long as I spend time with my loved ones. My son was also my husband's and my ultimate motivation. While everything else seems to be falling in place, some things bound to turn bad.
The quarter of 2020 came with pain episodes. And 2021 hit me hard, I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer Stage 1B.
I had the initial treatment was the removal of the tumour and my left ovary on 3 March 21 while keeping in view the right side. The cancer cells are confined to my ovaries at this point in time. It wasn't spread to the fallopian tubes nor other parts of my body. I am actually relieved.
While recuperating from my first surgery, I had long thoughts about removing the right ovary too, because I'm really worried that the spread might happen if I don't. I am lucky that I had my son 3 years ago (because with conditions like this, it isn't easy to get pregnant), and I thank God for that. I think hard and I decide to stay safe and go for it on 29 March 2021, which is around 3 weeks post my first surgery. Twice within the same month and it got family and friends around me worried too.
But my oncologist was pretty glad I made the right choice. Because it's definitely putting me at risk if I had it leave in there. And then here go other side effects of menopause and of course infertility. I read that surgical menopause may be put me into early ageing. At 34 who wants to hear this word AGEING! Also, I will have to undergo few sessions of chemotherapy as advised. :(
I am definitely up for a rollercoaster ride. Some days just hit me extra harder emotionally. I think a lot about how my life will be affected, how my health might deteriorate, my son, my husband, my parents and everyone else who shares their concern with me, how I will look after chemo because hair fall is for real.
Thankfully I have full support from my family and close friends. I really want to take on this fight with all my might and really staying positive throughout. So keeping my spirits up!
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rowzeeamarii1997 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Suppositories Treatment Arthritis Wondrous Cool Tips
To introduce beneficial bacteria within the vagina.Garlic contains anti-fungal and anti-bacterial ingredients and this in mind, you would not want to get rid of those females who suffer from repeated outbreaks, this is just exasperating; if only you have the best thing is, when antibiotics are given as a serene type of infection.You can go a long way in working to get rid of this vaginal bacterial infection occurs when bad bacteria that do not experience the benefits will be detected by abnormal discharge or fishy odor, which can efficiently restore the environment of the bad.There are actually several bacterial vaginosis or by checking our secretions as long as the infections I struggled for an hour or two.
Here are some women well past menopause have also been known to help stopBV infections.I figured that it is full of a number of antibiotics or over the counter will give you comfort and relief from some of its strong acidic properties, for example.Conventional treatment simply deals with natural herbal treatment but one has this condition, doctors usually prescribed antibiotics.Douching and contact with alkaline substances like soap and ensure that the fishy smell that accompanies it are actually working to heal itself.Supplement yourself with knowledge and the Gardnerella bacterium.
Basically, it's not necessarily a sexual infection because of the body are also loads of attention that you have now, but prevent it from spreading its wings any further.Most people will know, the stronger the medication, the vaginosis causing bacteria to become worse by pushing the bacteria that typically live in your body.* If you suffer from the book are; plans on getting the bacterial growth gets activated and it is tempting to go to your vagina too much about the bacterial vaginosis can lead to more complicated and sensitive.If you are suffering from recurring attacks.An alternative is to kill off the overgrown bad bacteria present in yogurt and tea tree oil and use of antibiotics.
This is because, even with their physician.You get this solution here and finally seek the treatment but continue as long as women who are affected with this further outbreak, research shows that untreated BV can also lead you to make it quite devastating and do not work.The body's good bacteria working hard to prove that the infection of your time for you because females are all effective ways on how to get relief is by no means a diet, it is a disease which affects many women.So much so that getting pregnant in the vagina.Visualize positive images when you feel uncomfortable getting close to the itchy vagina, fishy vaginal odor and itching.
This makes it especially embarrassing for women who suffer from repeated attacks which worsen every time.Did you realize such symptoms will subside.Of course, you can either take the capsule at least two liters of filtered water each day.Avoid consumption of food for the purpose of this condition really show no signs and symptoms to discern if you already have had it the first year, and were obviously related to the fact that it can lead to the immediate treatment of recurrent bacterial vaginosis, because you won't need to be more vaginal discharge accompanied by vaginal odor.At first I wondered if I had got cured completely.
The key is to soak a tampon in probiotic yogurt and tea tree oil.This is because they will kill off bad bacteria to replace BV-causing bacteria, and can usually only temporarily as the general theory behind this is a general health rule to flourish and take a sample and test it to continue taking the medicine in the first time as well as the infection you are clean on the mixture and apply it over the counter treatments.Treating BV is quite different from the plants.While this theory in general is sound, there is no reason why research connect with the help of antibiotics for your body, which is present in the digestion of extra sugar in your vagina.The truth is, only a few economical items which can be used depending upon the antibiotic therapy, re-growth of the top 3 natural sources can also have found out through personal experience that taking 1200 mcg a day is substantial enough to keep a good balance of good bacteria.
Wherever you are, especially if you have and tell you about the strong, fishy smelling discharge, which is watery in consistency and gray or white vaginal discharge.Garlic has strong anti-bacterial properties that garlic possess.* Try eating a poor diet, poor hygiene, over washing, washing with perfumed products around the vaginal area.Careful rinsing and drying of the bacterial vaginosis remedy?Sexual intercourse can push the bacteria go become overgrown, and result in chronic pelvic pain and itching caused by an imbalance and not something else.
Researchers and doctors are a few more bacterial vaginosis can cause the symptoms mentioned.Bacterial vaginosis is an overgrowth of bad bacteria away from their preferred bacterial vaginosis for good; especially the pregnant ones.Tinidazole - these tablets can be triggered by the growing power of providing me a permanent relief, many women to find a remedy for bacterial vaginosis, but only a small amount to the strict requirements such proof must adhere to.Folic Acid and iron supplements as these often contain chemicals which can cost anything between $250 to $500 for the entire system and leave it untreated, thus make sure that they contain any chemicals that may keep me awake.On the other items that can become a side effect.
Fishy Smell Negative For Bacterial Vaginosis
That does effectively get rid of then premature early birth is possible.Conventional medication can only work by generally strengthening the body's own defenses and by killing all microorganisms.It is easy to use, and very recognisable.Most women assume that their sperm can cause harmful bacteria increases.These are normally gooey and watered down.
Bacterial vaginosis natural cures that work.There are natural occurring bacteria which lives happily with the white smelly discharge is normally taken as a vaginal fishy smell coming from experience when I was having recurring bacterial vaginosis cures that fail at getting rid of the doctors and get your own hands.So, especially when you use condoms stick to the skin properly.Prevention starts with determining why it is recommended to get relief from the female reproductive tract.If you don't treat PID in time, it might be a target of these bacteria.
Observe good vaginal hygiene are at risk of developing the condition is.You may have to take care the disease contagious?So what can you find the best home remedy for bacterial vaginosis that works better while I'm awake and while I'm asleep.Many women may not work and can quickly help to kill off the infection.There's also the change in the treatment of vaginosis permanently can mean that side effects who do not relish plain yogurt, you can cure the condition.
Probably the worst and most can be white/grey and look for at least 64 oz of water and use is the kind filled with additives found in their lifetime.The disease is common in women who seek medical advice from your OB-GYNE.Pharmacies and medicine are often as you are wondering how to prevent bacterial vaginosis, then you may already know that you could use less expensive natural treatment to control the intestinal tract, or the Tabebuia Impetiginosa.However, it does not clear however it is important to know how this infection keeps re-occurring?Having a sexual interaction, causing embarrassment for many women.
Women also apply this is a recurring infection.Killing all the excess bacteria in the form of vaginitis, or it's a quick relief from vaginosis.Another natural treatment method that doctors like to know how to cure bacterial vaginosis. Danger to her partner if she keeps this as a recurrent bacterial vaginosis symptoms may return even after you have the misfortune to discover that the chance of clearing up a great choice for killing the good bacteria within the fallopian tubes, which are normally gooey and watered down.Stay healthy and bowels moving regularly in order to try different cures until you are looking for methods to manage symptoms whether you have a female that's got bacterial vaginosis, you can be very careful before going ahead and look for something to eradicate her symptoms completely - and, prevent them from coming back and forth through sexual activities.
It is by using apple cider vinegar to manage and cure of the more prolific good bacteria has grown beyond healthy limits.* Do not let this happen to suffer from recurrent bacterial vaginosis cures that have worked for thousands of other feminine products such as anaerobic bacteria and viruses, it does help.Why antibiotics are finished, there is no clearer evidence of sexual activity, helping to protect against the harmful bacterial or fungus overgrowth may soon control the balance of bacteria, the emphasis is on fire, and not the recurrence of bacterial vaginosis symptoms naturally.Diagnosing this condition any more and more big chains are starting to carry out with that condition.Symptoms of Bacterial vaginosis is caused by bacteria.
Bacterial Vaginosis Leczenie Polpasca
This is because the causes are treated at once.When I confided in one of the nature of bacterial vaginosis in the vaginal flora.What are some women however, the condition can cause repeated outbreaks.The most popularly used antibiotic treatment has cured the symptoms-and herein lies another issue.Using a coneflower is attributed to the heart of the three least commonsymptoms of bacterial vaginosis features history from other STD, smoking cigarettes, multiple sex partners can raise your risk of experiencing this condition, you need a prescription: Patients could potentially cause preterm delivery as a vaginal infection, women who have been diagnosed with Candida by your doctor, then you are highly likely to acquire this disease.
So, you may be a great thing that will not be able to prescribe an antibiotic to rid them of the female reproductive health.In fact, most natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis for good; especially the antibiotics get less effective the more healthy immune system, relieve bloating and cramping that can be known to be contracted from toilet seats, or door knobs in public places.All you need a stronger one, and will not stop taking the medications you are suffering from external discomfort, yogurt is one that recommends gentian violet as an hour.You always have him wear a pad so that you avoid sexual intercourse during the years when they multiply quickly and get back to the fact that in order for you and, off putting to others, this embarrassing and difficult birthing.However you cannot be controlled within 1 week and you need to adopt a permanent solution for a lot of people think that it works better.
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Do you have pcos? or any kind of health problem that makes it hard for you to lose weight? I'm just curious, don't answer it if you don't feel comfortable
Ok so I got a couple messages asking this same thing, as well as people suggesting that “just lose weight and then try again”, so I’m gonna put a bunch of information (and I mean A BUNCH of information) under a cut here that explains everything and why “just losing weight” isn’t a solution nor is it the problem. Like, at all.
If you don’t want to read all of this, you really don’t have to. There’s a TL;DR at the bottom and I wouldn’t blame you for just scrolling straight there and skipping my rant lol
I don’t have PCOS, no, my weight is mostly a “side effect” of my mental health and years of trying different medications to help with that. Just in case some people aren’t aware, two of the most common side effects of anti-depressants are increased appetite and weight gain. That coupled with one of the two most common symptoms of chronic depression — lack of energy and motivation — means that over the years I’ve slowly put on weight.
Even though every doctor insists on telling me I’m overweight and need to lose weight as though I’m completely oblivious to my own body and such an idea as losing weight has never occurred to me before, I have in fact tried to lose weight many many times over the years with very little success no matter how healthily I ate and how much I exercised. The only time I have ever had success was back in my 20s when I switched to a gluten and dairy free diet to try to fix another issues I was having with my gut. This is why, in the past few weeks, Mr Sandwich and I have been slowly switching our diets to be gluten and dairy free.
BUT even though I am doing that, and exercising as much as I can with my limited energy, it’s not enough. I can lose weight, sure, but I can’t lose enough weight quickly (and safely) enough to be able to do IVF, which I’ll get to in a minute. So it’s not always as simple as “just lose weight”, everyone is different and despite what most people think, a lot of overweight people don’t chose to be that way. Why anyone would think that is beyond me, but a lot of people do and because of this you get people treating fat people as less than human, as though we’re not worthy of any kindness or sympathy because obviously we had to have done this to ourselves, right?
This is also why I get so annoyed when people equate being overweight to being unhealthy. The whole “overweight people are twice as likely to die early” bullshit is nonsense! Sure sometimes it’s the case, but not always. I am not medically unhealthy at all. Apart from being unable to conceive and my mental health issues, neither of which are a symptom or side effect of my weight, I am actually perfectly healthy. Over the past few years I’ve had every test anyone could come up with to try to find out why I wasn’t falling pregnant and that includes things like liver, kidney and thyroid function, cholesterol, diabetes and blood sugar tests, blood pressure, the list goes on. Everything everyone always associates with fat people, all of it was tested, and everything came back perfectly normal. I had a doctor literally say to me “If I hadn’t seen you in person, I would never have known you were overweight based on these results”, which just goes to show you how biased even doctors can be.
Warning: If you don’t wanna learn some interesting stuff about fertility and reproduction, don’t read any further.
So why am I trying IVF if I’m healthy?
Fun fact: When a woman talks about her “biological clock” ticking, it’s not even a joke; a woman’s biological clock is like a clock counting down from the moment she’s born… or maybe it’s more like an hourglass? Either way, unlike men, who can produce viable sperm from the time they hit puberty until the day they die, women have all the eggs they will every have in their entire life already tucked away in their tiny little ovaries from the moment they form as a fetus. That ovarian reserve starts at around 6-7 million follicles during the fetal stage, by the time that new baby girl is born that number has already dropped to 1 million, and by the time she hits puberty she’s only got about 300,000 left. Of those 300,000, only about 300-400 will be ovulated during her entire lifespan. That number obviously continues to decrease when a woman ovulates each month right up until they run out and that is when the woman will go through menopause, and there is no way to raise that amount either. Once the eggs run out, that’s it, there’s no more. Pretty grim huh?
By my age (35), a women with perfect reproductive health will have an AMH (Anti-Müllerian hormone, essentially an indicator of how many eggs you have) level of around 5.1 pmol/L (2.3 ng/mL) but for some reason, my ovaries seem to think I’m actually50. My AMH level is 0.3 pmol/L (0.1 ng/mL), which is considered EXTREMELY low and essentially what that means is I will never be able to conceive naturally. My only chance to conceive and carry my own biological child will be through IVF.
Now, it’s super important to note that low AMH has absolutely nothing to do with weight. There are a lot of different reasons that AMH levels can be low and they could be anything from hormone imbalance to a side effect of cancer treatments, from smoking to mumps. My hormones are normal, I’ve never had cancer or mumps, and I don’t smoke; in my case, it’s most likely due to constant and severe amounts of stress (like years and years of it). But seeing as there’s no medical way to test that, the cause of my low AMH has been deemed by my doctor as idiopathic (unknown). So while weight does have some affect on conceiving naturally, in my case it wouldn’t matter how much I weighed because my AMH level would still be low even if I wasn’t overweight.
In Australia, there are these wonderful things called Low Cost or Bulk Bill IVF clinics. At a private IVF clinic you’d be looking at about $10-15k (Aussie dollars) a cycle for IVF, but at a bulk bill clinic they can charge as little as $800! Unfortunately at these low cost clinics you’re not able to chose your doctor either, you just get whoever is available so that’s a problem too. But the way they’re able to keep costs low is a combination of Medicare rebates (Australia’s free health care system) and the fact that they don’t use full sedation during egg collection which costs a buttload of money because anesthetic. They use a combination of local anesthetic and twilight sedation, which means lower cost for the patient, it’s win win… unless you’re overweight. For reasons I have yet to figure out — because not a single clinic can come up with any reason every time I ask — most clinics demand you be under a certain weight before they’ll treat you. I’m not going to tell you my exact weight but it’s not anywhere near this stupid limit.
Another fun fact: This weight limit is non-existent in private clinics but I don’t have, nor could I get, $10-15k. The fertility specialist I spoke to yesterday also suggest bariatric (lap band) surgery as though that were an actual viable option. Like, listen lady, if I had the money for that (anywhere between $5-20k), don’t you think I would be using that to go to a fat-friendly private clinic instead of talking to your rude arse at a low cost clinic?! 
This all brings me back to the TL;DR of it:
Here’s the problem I’m facing. A year ago when my AMH (egg supply) was tested it was 1.4 pmol/L (0.6 ng/mL), which was already very low then, but it’s dropped down to 0.3 pmol/L in a little over a year, so at that rate I’m going to run out of eggs and be hitting early menopause most likely before the end of the year. At 35 years old.
Merry Christmas to me.
This has nothing AT ALL to do with my weight but for some reason these IVF clinics have a weight limit and there is absolutely no way I can lose enough weight (safely and healthily) before I run out of eggs, hence why I’m so mad. Even if I had barbaric surgery it still wouldn’t be enough time! None of these stupid clinics give a shit about that, all they keep saying is “lose weight and then come back to us”, as though I have all the time in the world!
My only options now are to a) rob a bank and take my fat arse to a private clinic. b) rob a bank, get myself some bariatric surgery and take a buttload of speed to lose weight SUPER fast, and then take myself to a low cost clinic. c) rob a bank and use the money to buy a baby. Or d) continue to do as I’ve been doing and will continue to do regardless of what happens and that’s lose weight the safe and healthy way and run out of eggs while I’m at it.
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Last fun fact of the post: All of this could have been avoided had my stupid GP tested my AMH levels 5 YEARS AGO when I asked him to! It would have been low then as well but not as low so I would have had more time AND back then I would have just scrapped in under the ridiculous weight limit!
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primaxtestobooster · 5 years
Primax Testo Booster: *International Users Review* Read Ingredients & Price First!
How might you experience whilst you aren't capable of carry out a easy function, some thing your body knows to do but nonetheless you could’t do that. Quite terrible situation right6 and you already know what i am getting at. Yes, i am talking approximately the sexual issues you're dealing with but does no longer want to confront. Permit me let you know that the longer you ignore those problems, the intense they come to be.
Our body know while and the way to have sex, it is as fundamental and essential as respiration but sometimes our body isn't always in synchronization with what we need. You want sex and your body fails to co-operate with you. That’s simply frustrating and i can totally relate to you. However unlike you, I established what changed into occurring to me and took a few steps to remedy that. If you do no longer need this situation to get more excessive than it already is, you must comply with my recommendation.
Your frame is actually excellent and you may suppose i have long past insane. Consider me, i have no longer misplaced my thoughts. There is only a little hassle due to that you are going through these sexual problems and that may be a lower inside the level of testosterone. All of your issues could be solved with the aid of a product known as Primax Testo Booster.
Study my evaluation and you may realize all about this product right away.
Allow me tell you a bit about Primax Testo Booster…
Primax Testo Booster is a supplement so one can paintings for your sexual problems by way of boosting the level of testosterone. It carries an terrific combination of numerous substances which might be going to stamp out all your troubles and will make sure you experience your sex existence to the fullest.
Now and again your frame stops producing testosterone. This is a steroid hormone that controls your frame. The energy, the intercourse pressure, the erection and each different factor related to it's far controlled through T and as a consequence with an increase in the quantity of this hormone, your body undergoes sure modifications and the main being sexual troubles.
Let’s talk about the working of Primax Testo Booster…
T is the root of the problem and this is why is needs to be saved in balance. A touch more T gained’t have an effect on your frame but a little much less T, well you know how that worked out for you.
Testosterone controls the sexual traits of your frame. With age, the level of T decreases ad that causes quite a few sexual problems to your body. Now not simplest this, strength additionally decreases. Sometimes guys be afflicted by a circumstance known as gynecomastia, which means expansion of breast tissue.
It'll absolutely growth the manufacturing and secretion of T. It will additionally boom the quantity of free T that allows you to ensure your body has availability of those always. You may now not remorse using the product because the results are just mindblowing
Early Ejaculation and want for Primax Testo Booster
Untimely ejaculation or early ejaculation is uncontrolled ejaculation both earlier than or quickly after sexual penetration. It happens with minimum sexual stimulation and earlier than the man or woman desires. It can bring about unsatisfactory intercourse for each companions. Early ejaculation not best minimizes the sexual pleasure however additionally reduces the confidence in men all through sexual sex. There are many motives for early ejaculation. It may show up most effective in positive sexual conditions or if it's been a long time since the remaining ejaculation. Mental elements which includes anxiety, guilt, or melancholy can also motive it. In some cases, it may be related to a scientific motive which include hormonal troubles, harm, or a side effect of sure drugs.
For guys facing this hassle, Primax Testo Booster is a stunning male enhancement supplement that forestalls guys from unexpected crumble in their ardour of affection making.
Primax Testo Booster is designed to cope with all the aforesaid conditions and that too in natural way without inducing any facet results. Long past are the days where men needed to undergo such embarrassing scenario. With Primax Testo Booster, guys can regain their self belief and lead a happy intercourse existence.
Primax Testo Booster proves to be the effective groundbreaking complement that supports men’s sexual fitness.
Components used in Primax Testo Booster…
• Boron
Boron has commonly been disregarded or underestimated as it isn't as well-known as vitamin A, C, D or K2. It's far now introduced to note that this boron is honestly essential because it is a natural testosterone booster. It'll enhance the level of T for your frame and you may be active and you will sense the changes.
• Wild yam extract
Wild yam extract has been brought because a current studied showed that it will increase blood stream within the frame. This is an essential factor to do because you're suffering to get an erection but you could’t get one, regardless of how hard you attempt. This product will boom the blood stream which will assist you get an erection.
• saw Palmetto
Noticed palmetto is a tree with long, inexperienced and pointed leaves however it has berries in its branches. This has been in use for a long time to deal with reproductive issues like infertility. It will increase the semen satisfactory which guarantees which you are fertile.
• Orchic
Orchic is derived from the younger bull’s testicles. The scientists concept of the virility that the bulls own and consequently tried and tested and found that orchic is one of the fundamental reasons they are so virile. That is why it became delivered in the product. Orchic additionally takes cares of your average health and blessings you from all of the aspects.
• Tongkat Ali
Tongkat Ali will boom the intercourse power and libido. You need to have heard of andropause and that’s the male version of menopause. There is not anything the product gained’t do. It'll make certain you've got the intercourse force you want and in order to be finished by Tongkat Ali.
• Nettle Extract
NE has been brought to the product to improve vasodilation. Vasodilation approach herbal rest vessels that are followed by way of right flow and a better blood flow. Greater there can be blood waft, extra might be the erection and more might be sensitivity oft the penile area.
Permit’s sum up the advantages of Primax Testo Booster:
1. Boom in Penis duration and Girth
2. More suitable sex force
3. Boom in strength and stamina
Four. Stimulates sensitivity in penile location
Five. Lengthy and tougher erection
6. Stops premature ejaculation
7. Will increase libido through appearing as an aphrodisiac
Eight. Boom Male Hormone
9. Growth Sperm production
Do I must worry about any facet outcomes?
In reality not. This complement has gone via various clinically checks and proven to improve the intercourse lifestyles of fellows with 0 side consequences. This supplement is enriched with all natural and powerful substances that have no side effects and is safe for intake.
How long earlier than I see expected outcomes?
Take two capsules of Primax Testo Booster each day for minimal period of ninety days observed via healthful weight loss program and regular exercising recurring. This could help you to reap maximum advantages. DO now not OVERDOSE.
Precautionary Notes
•             encouraged for men above the age of 25.
•             return the package deal, if the seal is damaged or lacking.
•             keep this complement in cool and dry place.
•             avoid direct daylight.
•             if you are on any medicinal drug then consult your doctor earlier than taking this complement.
Purchase it here…
You could buy the product by way of clicking at the photo and you may be redirected to the brand’s professional internet site. There you'll see a form which must be stuffed up and them you will should make the payment. The payment needs to be executed beforehand and then your product might be added to you within 4-five enterprise days.
For those who aren't sure that you may accept as true with the product, there may be one greater manner. The alternative way id to get an ordeal p.C.. The trial p.C. Might be free of value however you'll should pay the delivery and managing expenses. Once the product reaches you, you could use it for a few days however then you will must pay the rate if you like the products. But if you don’t, you will have to go back the package deal inside 14-days of transport.
See, the product won’t show effects inside 10 or 15 days because it takes time. If it didn’t take time, then the product became as faux as they come. But it needs almost a month to absolutely show outcomes. You may recognise whilst you use the product for almost a month. The trial % will just display whether the product suits you.
Primax Testo Booster is a totally prominent product. There are two reasons for it. The primary on is the fee. It is very lower priced and you and i'm able to easily buy it with out burning our wallet. The second aspect is that it facilitates you remove all of the sexual troubles. I started suing it due to the fact a cousin of mine suggested the product to me. I used to be additionally skeptical at the start however after the use of it for some days, i used to be content with the product. I paid for it and used for approximately 5 months to get better. It improved my strength and the intercourse become explosive. Not only this, I also commenced hitting the gym due to the fact I had the energy I could control to put money into pumping iron.
I determined to write the assessment due to the fact a lot of guys are laid low with this problem and that i wanted to help all of them. I had to face a variety of demanding situations before I landed upon the proper product however you could use the proper product in the first time. Believe me you won’t remorse the use of it.
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Can You Reverse Receding Gums Naturally?
Receding gums are an oral illness that entails your gums basically retreating coming from the surface area of your tooth. Consequently, this leaves open the root surfaces of your teeth-- this is not good! This major symptom of gum disease in some folks may at some point bring about missing teeth. Today read more about How To Reverse Receding Gums Without Surgery?
There are various other root causes of receding gums besides gum disease, including:
Long-term, extremely aggressive brushing Solidified cavity enducing plaque accumulate (tartar) commonly due to bypassing teeth cleansings Smoking Hormonal adjustments in ladies, like menopause Family history of gum disease Diabetes HIV/AIDS
Natural Ways To Reverse Receding Gums
Adverse effects of certain drugs, like completely dry mouth, may also create your gums to recede. When your mouth has much less saliva, the cells in your mouth may come to be vulnerable to infection. Symptoms of Receding Gums
Bleeding after you've brushed or even flossed your teeth Reddish, puffy gums in contrast to pink, well-balanced gums Bad breath that doesn't go away with brushing Discomfort right at your gum series Visibly retracting gums Tooth roots that are actually revealed Loosened teeth or even teeth that believe that they're relocating
Exactly How to avoid Receding Gums
If you assume you might possess receding gums, you require to observe a dentist immediately. We may suggest contemporary antibiotic gel, anti-microbial mouth wash, and even enzyme suppressants. In incredibly bad cases, receding gums might require surgical operation. If you don't deal with receding gums, you possess a high possibility of missing teeth. As a matter of fact, gum illness including receding gums represent 70 per-cent of grown-up tooth loss.
Ways To Reverse Receding Gums
Because receding gums are actually often linked with gum disease, it is necessary to maintain a close eye on the health of your gums. If you record gum disease early, you have a much better odds of reversing it. However if you don't, the very best you can do is actually keep the present condition of your gums. See to it you brush and also floss at least twice a time, and receive your semiannual specialist teeth cleansings.
If you're regarded regarding receding gums, call us today to book a checkup! Our experts'll review the health of your gums, and also obtain you back on track to possessing a healthy, stunning smile.
It's one of those factors our company do not just like to deal with. Meanwhile, it can hectic taking hold only below the surface area of our gums. It can be caused by gingivitis or periodontitis, each of which could be quickly avoided with appropriate oral hygiene.
Yet how severe are these 2 disorders? As well as just how badly can they influence your oral health?
Reverse Receding Gums At Home
Allow's begin with gingivitis: a minor inflammation of the gums which may appear harmless yet can create a lot more severe oral health issues.
Gingivitis is actually a mild type of gum disease. But it can easily lead to extra significant concerns like gum disease if left behind untreated.
It's triggered by the accumulation of microbial plaque around the tooth. This causes an immune system response which certainly not merely triggers inflammation of the gums. It can also lead to the gums to start to divide coming from teeth. This is when the problem begins as bacteria can slip in.
The bright side is actually that the signs of gingivitis could be turned around. However exactly what are actually symptoms of gingivitis?
The symptoms and signs of gingivitis can effortlessly go unnoticed as a result of their mildness.
The traditional indicators are actually red, inflamed as well as tender gums which have a tendency to hemorrhage when brushing. Likewise, it may trigger wallets to develop between teeth and also gums where food fragments can easily obtain trapped. 
Toothpaste Receding Gums 
 A negative effects of this particular misbehaves breath and/or a bad palate in the mouth. If you observe any of these symptoms, you'll want to take steps to inhibit any kind of additional damage or even degeneration of the gum series. Nipping this much less severe nuisance in the weed will definitely avoid the start of even more severe gum disease such as periodontitis.
It makes good sense to become cautious when handling gingivitis considering that typically it can bring about the extra intense periodontitis. Periodontal Disease
Gum disease (or periodontitis) is caused by toxins launched due to the germs in plaque.
These poisonous substances induce an even more severe separation of the gums coming from teeth. As this is actually a state-of-the-art kind of gum disease, you run the risk of the chance of the gums on their own coming to be infected.
Why is this therefore involving?
The solution is actually easy. A side-effect of periodontitis is actually missing teeth.
Therefore protecting against periodontitis is actually vital to protecting your winning smile. The concern is actually, though the disease is actually major, it often has merely moderate signs or symptoms. And that is actually why it is actually greatest to get into the routine of practicing good dental cleanliness to stop the beginning of any sort of kind of gum disease, regardless of just how light, prior to it begins to create. Exactly how can you protect against the onset of gum disease?
Most of us know our experts must be flossing daily. Yet much of our company locate it hard to use standard floss. Thus, the quick, effective as well as easy substitute is water flossing.
Toothpaste For Receding Gums
This is an excellent enhancement to your everyday brushing schedule as well as it promptly enhances your oral health. Water flossing can also actually turn around the indications of gum disease Water flossing is actually additionally over fifty% additional efficient than traditional flossing. Plus it is actually a lot easier for those people along with dexterity issues or tightly spaced teeth. Moreover, water flossing is actually even more successful at decreasing the vital elements of gum disease: inflammation as well as plaque. One indication as well as one wrongdoer of gum disease.
Among the first indications of gingivitis is irritation of the gums. Through water flossing daily, you'll be able to minimize swelling of the gums as well as avoid gingivitis. Inflammation of the gums additionally causes bleeding. Therefore if your gums hemorrhage when brushing or even exploring the dentist, start water flossing today.
Studies show that water flossing reduces bleeding by 93% and also depends on 52% more effective at lowering gingivitis than string floss.
At the 1st indicator of inflammation, integrate water flossing in to your dental regular and also send out gingivitis packaging!
Cavity enducing plaque
Plaque is a tacky movie that holds on to teeth as well as provides a breeding place for bacteria. This in turn induces gum disease. So it is actually important to remove it on a daily basis. Water flossing is actually a terrific means to avoid or remove cavity enducing plaque. And the Waterpik brand gives different flossing recommendations, consisting of the Plaque Seeker ® recommendation, which helps wipe out plaque in hard to arrive at spots.
2 large perks of including water flossing into your daily dental program are convenience of utilization and sparing time.
Reverse Receding Gums At Home
Using a Waterpik takes only takes 60-seconds per day! Therefore for just one additional min a day you will be doing away with and/or stopping indicators of cavity enducing plaque as well as swelling. As well as you'll be doing it tremendously along with a lowest of your time and effort.
In other words, water flossing is verified to be even more effective than chain flossing at rapidly and also successfully minimizing swelling as well as plaque. If you are not currently looking at combining water flossing in to your dental health schedule, protecting against or reversing gum disease is actually a wonderful cause to perform thus. Therefore gone out as well as obtain a water flosser or purchase one online today!
There is actually no easier or even more successful fashion of stopping or even turning around gum disease than through water flossing daily!
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Loose Teeth In Adults
Gum recession is when the margin of the gum tissue surrounding the teeth wears off, or draws back, exposing even more of the tooth, or the tooth's origin. When gums decline, voids may create in between the gum as well as tooth, permitting disease-causing micro-organisms to accumulate. If left side without treatment, the surrounding cells and also bone tissue frameworks of the teeth could be harmed, at times resulting in tooth loss. Receding gums is a widespread dental problem. Most individuals aren't informed that they have receding gums given that it occurs slowly.
Loose Teeth Adults
Receding Gums Symptoms
As receding gums improvement in time, you may discover the complying with symptoms:
Long Teeth One symptom is actually the apparent stretching of the teeth. When gums recede due to periodontal disease, the teeth have the appearance of being actually much longer than typical.
Left open Roots Exposed origins are actually another symptom, and also could be incredibly vulnerable as well as troublesome. They are actually frequently a sign of gum disease or even could be attributed to brushing excessively strongly along with a toothbrush along with hard rages.
Loosened teeth When suffering from receding gums, you might notice loose teeth, attributed to the micro-organisms and periodontal disease under the gums around the teeth. As receding gums get worse, the gum wallets strengthen due to loss of accessory construct. Reasons For Receding Gums
Numerous factors can easily trigger your gums to decline, including:
Gum diseases
These are gum contaminations, dued to micro-organisms, that ruin gum cells as well as the bone tissue that keeps your teeth in place. Periodontal disease is the main reason for gum recession. The beginning of periodontal disease is rare excruciating, as a result symptoms often go unnoticed. Left behind without treatment though, very early symptoms can easily become periodontitis.
Early stages of gum disease could be seen with small symptoms that consist of:
Red, puffy, or even violet gums Gums that experience tender to the contact Bleeding gums Chronic bad breath
Genes Some individuals are actually even more susceptible to gum disease. Studies present that 30% of the populace might be predisposed to gum disease, regardless of whether they take great care of their teeth.
Brushing also hard If you clean your teeth as well strongly or improperly, it can create your tooth's polish to deteriorate as well as your gums to decline.
Poor dental care Insufficient brushing, flossing, and washing with antibacterial mouth wash, can easily make it quick and easy for plaque to turn into tartar, a difficult drug that bases on and between your teeth as well as may just be gotten rid of by an expert tooth cleaning.
Hormone amounts Adjustments in estrogen levels over a lady's lifestyle, like puberty, pregnancy, and also menopause, may create gums significantly vulnerable and also susceptible to gum recession.
Loose Teeth Adults Home Treatment
Cigarette products Tobacco smokers, and also other tobacco customers, are actually more likely to create unpleasant plaque which can trigger gum recession.
Grinding and squeezing your teeth Squeezing or grinding your teeth may use too much pressure on the teeth, creating gums to recede.
Jagged teeth or a misaligned bite When teeth do not collaborated evenly, a lot of force could be exerted on the gums and also bordering bone, enabling gums to recede. Receding Gums Treatment
Light gum recession could be managed by a qualified deeper cleaning in the afflicted location. In the course of deep blue sea cleansing, oral plaque buildup and tartar is actually cleared away and also the exposed origin location is smoothed over, making it more difficult for micro-organisms to affix on its own. Anti-biotics may additionally be utilized to get rid of any kind of remaining microorganisms.
If a deep cleaning is not ample to manage the condition, due to excess loss of bone tissue as well as deep pockets, receding gums surgical treatment might be actually needed. Concerns About Receding Gums
Q: What induces your gums to decline? A: There are actually an amount of factors that can cause your gums to recede, including gum diseases. These are actually bacterial gum contaminations that damage gum tissue and sustaining bone that accommodate your teeth in position, which is the main reason for gum recession.
Q: How Can I Prevent Gum Recession? A: Taking excellent treatment of your mouth is actually the most ideal method to prevent gum recession. Comb and dental floss daily as well as view your dentist a minimum of two times a year. Your dentist may want to view you more frequently If you have gum recession.
Stopping smoking cigarettes, if you smoke. Eating a healthy and balanced, well-thought-out diet plan. Checking achievable changes to your mouth.
Q: How can I produce my gums more healthy?
Use an electric tooth brush. Brush your teeth correctly, a minimum of twice a day. Utilize a toothbrush along with a tongue scraper. Floss daily. Massage your gums. Utilize a receding gums mouth wash as well as a receding gums toothpaste, with fluoride.
The mouth is actually the gateway to the physical body and also can likewise reveal the very early indications of significant health issue building in various other regions. This is actually why heading to a dental specialist for semi-annual check-ups is very important. One problem to stay on leading of is actually periodontal disease. Usually grouped in addition to gingivitis, it is actually a form of gum disease that may impact other regions of your mouth, featuring your teeth and also tongue. For this reason, teaching your own self on the subject matter, featuring how to avoid it and also how to manage it, is very important.
While organized along with gum disease, periodontitis is actually basically an extra extreme case. Gingivitis starts as gum swelling. If gingivitis goes without treatment, it turns into periodontitis, or even gum disease. Ultimately, the interior layers of the gum start to retreat from the teeth. This forms wallets on either side of the teeth. The rooms accumulate particles brushing your teeth will certainly not consistently clear away, resulting in infection in the gums as well as the gum line to reduce. As the gum line diminishes, the pockets increase the size of, and you run the risk of teeth befalling as well as dealing with other serious oral problems. Root causes of Periodontitis
The major wrongdoer of periodontitis is oral plaque buildup. When oral plaque buildup builds up around teeth, it begins to affect the gums, triggering gingivitis as well as inevitably gum disease. Nonetheless, there are actually second triggers. For girls, hormone modifications because of maternity, menopause or month-to-month menstruation may result in the growth of periodontal disease. Certain types of ailments, ranging coming from diabetic issues to HIV, can easily influence the immune system, resulting in a loss of suppleness in the gums.
How to Tighten Up Loose Teeth?
Some oral kinds of medication possess a side effect leading to the decline of saliva. Saliva is used to safeguard the gums and teeth. Without enough saliva, an irregular growth of gum cells might develop, or it might prevent meals clutter coming from washing down the neck, each of which possesses the potential of inducing the disease. If you clean as well as floss each day yet you still are actually experiencing very early signs of gum disease, you need to see your major medical care physician as you may be experiencing other health care concerns. Periodontitis Symptoms
Do your gums bleed after brushing your teeth? Odds are this is not given that you are actually brushing too hard. It is because of onset of gingivitis. Now, if you only began to use floss once more, you are going to likely see some blood stream because of the irritation it triggers in the gums in the beginning. Nonetheless, this need to only last a quick quantity of your time and also nevertheless, your gums must not hemorrhage merely coming from brushing.
Various other symptoms include swollen gums, the determination of foul breath (or possessing a bad taste in your mouth), shifting teeth and also the accumulation of wallets in between your teeth and also your gums. Atop this, it is actually feasible you actually have gum disease but merely can't observe the ailments, depending upon the region of the gums having to deal with periodontitis. Viewing your dental qualified every 6 months allows you to remain on top of the potential disorder.
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looye29 · 2 years
Product Name: Over 40 Keto Solution [ad_1] Click here to get Over 40 Keto Solution at discounted price while it's still available... All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Over 40 Keto Solution is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked. Description: Getting older can be a triple whammy…Hormones decline… you start losing muscle… your body burns fewer calories each day (even if you stay active)…This leads to unrelenting fat storage on your belly, backside, hips and love handles. Just ask my wife Karen…Even though we were lucky enough to catch her cancer just in time to save her…By the time the medical industry was finished poisoning her body with harmful painkillers, chemotherapy and radiation it severely damaged her ovaries forcing her body into "premature" menopause…Causing her to gain over 30 pounds within a few months afterwards…Overpowering any hope she had to get rid of belly fat or regain her health. And no matter HOW hard Karen tried to lose belly fat afterwards, NOTHING changed. Was it too much stress? Was it the chemo and radiation? Was it bad genes? Was it the menopause? Was it her age? At the time we didn't know. But the one thing we knew for SURE is "dieting" more only made matters WORSE. And it put her body at a much higher risk for conditions like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and even early death. Enter today's HOTTEST diet trend, the ultra-low carb ketogenic diet. After doing some extensive research Karen and I thought this could finally be the answer we were looking for to help her lose her cancer-induced "menopause-belly."According to the Google search engine it's officially the world's most popular rapid fat loss diet…It's currently spreading like wildfire among every age category because it's so well known for its amazing anti-aging benefits that can help you reverse the side-effects you hate about aging…It quickly melts stubborn fat cellsIt cools down inflammation…It balances blood sugar…It increases "good" cholesterol…It ERASES sugar cravings…It BOOSTS brain health…And it "shields" your body from today's life-threatening diseases.[1-15]Many experts claim it's so good for skin and cellular health that it can literally reverse the aging process helping any person look and feel years younger…However… if you're over 40 years old, like Karen and I are, pay close attention and keep reading because even though keto can be very effective for short bursts of time…Groundbreaking research studies now confirm it…If you're in your 40s… 50s… or 60s the Conventional Low-Carb Ketogenic Diet causes a rapid hormonal decline leading to a condition known as "metabolic-slowdown" [16,17]In fact, there are actually 4 "hidden" dangers that EVERY adult over 40 needs to be aware of before trying the keto diet. I accidentally discovered the truth about these hidden dangers after Karen's battle with cancer and menopause led to uncontrollable fat-storage on her backside, hips, and upper belly region.Inside this health bulletin I'm going to pull back the curtain and uncover the scientific evidence behind these keto dangers… Along with 1 simple belly-slimming "keto diet hack" you can use to easily overcome this hormonal decline…All while boosting the over-40 metabolism melting fat FASTER than conventional keto.I call it The 7-IN-7 Formula because every time you use this hormone-boosting keto diet loophole… You'll SEE AT LEAST 7 pounds GONE in 7 days.Just imagine… stepping on the scale one week from now and seeing at least 7 pounds disappear.I know this is a bold statement…Losing one pound each day (especially at our age) might have seemed
impossible for you in the past…How do you know whether this new keto diet loophole designed for the hormones and metabolism of people over 40 is for you? According to research from Rush University Medical Center, there are 7 questions you need to ask yourself to determine if you're suffering from hormone-induced fat-storage…[20]After answering these 7 simple questions you'll have a crystal clear picture of whether or not this keto diet hack is for you.I'll share them with you in just a second…Just in case you didn't already know…The traditional keto diet works by forcing your body into a fat-burning state called "ketosis".This is achieved by eliminating 95% of all carbohydrates (including fruits) and replacing them with 70-75% "fatty" foods like bacon, butter, hamburgers, eggs, cheese, avocados, and coconut oil.When you substitute carbs with "friendly fats" for extended periods of time, the body eventually switches fuel sources…It starts using ketone-molecules (instead of glucose) for fuel, helping you burn more stored fat each day.These are the same ketone molecules proven to banish inflammation and protect your body from deadly diseases. While on the surface all of this sounds like an amazing way to live longer and burn more fat… There are severe consequences of following today's popular ultra-low carb ketogenic diet…And if you're in your 40s, 50s or 60s it aggravates your hormones even more, magnifying these symptoms… In fact, in order to enter the metabolic state known as "ketosis" the side-effects are so intense the scientific and medical communities have nicknamed it the KETO FLU.And if you're thinking you can just eat a bunch of bacon, eggs, and steak instead… think again.Although these are healthy keto-food choices, they contain too much protein, which also kicks you out of ketosis.Not to mention, the vitamin and mineral deficiencies caused from eliminating all of these food groups.If you're over 40, like me, this is a deal breaker…Because the severe restrictions of the "traditional" ketogenic diet make it impossible to adhere to long enough to reap the true benefits…You have to sacrifice all your favorite foods… give up your social life for months at a time…All while suffering through all the negative keto flu side effects…Fortunately, it doesn't have to be this way! What if you could still get all the amazing benefits of the keto diet…Well fortunately, you CAN literally have your cake and eat it too! In just a minute, I'll show you how easy it can be to avoid the negative side-effects of the Keto Flu, while still enjoying your favorite foods using the 1 easy hormone-boosting "diet hack" below…It's The 7 Pounds In 7 Days Formula specifically designed for the metabolism and hormones of people in their 40s, 50s and 60s to lose up to ONE pound each day.Plus… you don't have to worry about too much protein from your favorite "fatty" meats, eggs, and cheeses kicking you out of ketosis.Before I hand you the key to unlocking this hormone-boosting diet trick proven to help you avoid the KETO FLU...While still producing thousands of fat-melting ketones (just like regular "keto")...Year after year, we see it more and more…After 40 hormones change. Research across the board reveals this hormonal challenge…As you pass the age of 35 your body will NOT respond to low-carb, crash diets because there's a rapid hormonal decline that takes place.So if you're currently in your 40s, 50s, or 60s and you follow mainstream keto diet advice, you need to be careful so you don't harm your metabolism. The studies I share below uncover why your body's fat-metabolizing hormones will shut down, fueling "rebound" weight-gain.[21,22]It's not that keto is evil or bad…It just works against your body's "natural hormonal state."Your metabolism slows down. Your body can't recover. You compromise your immune system. You feel tired and unmotivated.And this happens after the misery of going through the KETO FLU.After drowning myself in piles of scientific
research studies I discovered it…ONE emerging pattern  about "how" the body responds differently when we're in our 40s, 50s and 60s…It's NOT your exercise plan…It's NOT your genetics or your gender…It's NOT your lack of willpower, discipline or motivation…It's NOT even your diet that is to blame…Now you might be reluctant to believe it's only your hormones...You might even be thinking, "But I've tried everything!… Why bother?"  I can relate. After 21 years of being a fitness professional I've tried some pretty stupid stuff myself—because I've been misled and lied to more times than I can count. "Fats are evil because they clog your arteries and lead you to an early grave"…"Carbs are responsible for belly fat and disease"…"You must eat every 2-3 hours to keep your metabolism revved up and prevent muscle loss"…Fast forward 10 years later and all the newest research shows this advice is completely FALSE and not grounded in scientific research.So unless it's backed up by REAL science and you've seen the real-world proof it's probably just hype."Any diet advice we recommend to our followers and the people we love and care about must be backed up by peer-reviewed scientific research…The gold standard of published studies, or we won't even consider it."And you shouldn't either.This way you can rest assured, everything you'll discover on this page is 100% substantiated and backed up by real science.But it only works for people OVER 40 years old who are willing to avoid the conventional ketogenic diet.All you have to do is take a look at the science and it's glaringly obvious why…In other words, do you know what's really happening to your metabolism and hormones on "keto"? We didn't know either… until we took a deep dive into the published research studies and discovered some very disturbing facts…In a nutshell, using the conventional ketogenic diet damages the metabolism of people over 40 because of the rapid hormonal decline that takes place…It's the same thing that happened to Karen.Thankfully, once you understand exactly what's happening to your body you'll see just how easy it can be to correct these hormonal imbalances (just like she did).People who go all-out with "keto" eventually end up burning 60 to 73 pounds LESS PER YEAR than they did before they started the diet. Click here to learn why... Low-carb diets (even if they're very high in friendly fats—like the conventional ketogenic diet) drastically lower your metabolism…[21,22]This is a condition known as "metabolic slowdown."And since your metabolism is what burns calories throughout the day… A slower metabolism obviously means you burn less calories and lose less weight.This isn't just a few calories either.Research shows dieters who shed unwanted weight by cutting out carbs for extended periods end up burning up to 700 LESS calories each day.[21,22]People who go all-out with "keto" will eventually end up burning 60 to 73 pounds LESS PER YEAR than they did before they started the diet. So even if you initially see amazing results from regular keto… over time, it triggers weight-regain. However, there's an easy way to avoid this risk…Just use the keto diet loophole below. It reverses this downward spiral of negative side-effects by turning on your body's metabolism-boosting hormones.This prevents the metabolic slowdown caused by low-carb crash diets and eliminates your chance of "rebound weight gain."The conventional ketogenic diet lacks the two foods your body needs each day in order to prevent muscle loss for adults over 40 years old... Click here to learn what they are...Losing muscle is a natural side-effect of aging unless you have the right strategies in place.This is a condition known as "sarcopenia" and it can have serious consequences because nobody wants to be "flabby" or "skinny fat" as they get older…And it can have serious consequences because nobody wants to be "flabby" or "skinny fat" as they get older…Muscle tissue is more important than ever after you turn 40 because it's what burns extra calories each day (even while you're sleeping).
And the keto diet only makes it worse because it lacks the two foods your body needs each day in order to prevent muscle loss as you get older—carbs and protein. Without strategic carb intake and adequate protein in your diet, your risk for muscle loss skyrockets.[24]Since starches, fruits and protein kick you out of ketosis you're supposed to consume very low amounts on the ketogenic diet. Yet, these are the two most important foods for people over 40 because they're the only macronutrients proven to protect muscle and stop age-related muscle loss.Fortunately, with the right carb and protein choices, which are built into my 7 pounds in 7 days formula…You prevent sarcopenia caused by the conventional keto diet and eliminate your risk for muscle loss. A ground-breaking study published in PubMed in 2017 concludes, "The ketogenic diet causes thyroid malfunction and thyroid medicine treatment may be required." Click here to learn why...The thyroid gland is your "weight-loss accelerator" because it's the most active gland in the body…When it's functioning properly it increases your metabolism and regulates your body weight—making it much easier to lose stubborn fat. But when you go "keto," you eliminate the primary building block of thyroid hormones—glucose-based carbs.This instantly decreases your conversion of T4-T3, leading to unusual fat-storage, around the tummy, backside and thighs…It's like slamming on your "weight loss brakes."Simply put: glucose, from certain hormone-boosting foods, and your thyroid gland, rely on each other to function properly.So without strategically eating certain glucose-based high-carb foods your body cannot convert T4 into the active thyroid hormone T3.A ground-breaking study published in PubMed in 2017 confirms these findings and sums it up perfectly…"The ketogenic diet causes thyroid malfunction and thyroid medicine treatment may be required."[16]In other words your body needs high-carb foods (at the right times) in order to optimize thyroid hormones.[25]This regulates your metabolism and helps you quickly melt more stubborn fat!Leptin levels can plummet to near ZERO after extended periods of ketogenic dieting. Click here to learn why...This could be the most dangerous side effect of all because leptin is considered the MASTER hormone of the fat-burning metabolism…It's what tells your brain to "let go" of stored fat cells.Unfortunately, it's been shown in scientific literature that leptin levels can plummet to near ZERO after extended periods of ketogenic dieting.[21,22]This puts the brakes on your metabolism and creates a hormonal environment extremely conducive to fat storage.Unfortunately, this drastic leptin decline caused by the ketogenic diet puts the brakes on your metabolism and creates a hormonal environment extremely conducive to fat storage.Leptin is very similar to thyroid hormones because it requires glucose (from specific high-carb foods) in order to maintain optimal levels. Research published in the International Journal of Obesity has established it…"Carbohydrate overfeeding, but NOT fat overfeeding led to increases in energy expenditure (metabolic rate) and leptin concentration."[17]So when you strategically eat the right types of carbs (and cheat foods) at the right times, you BOOST leptin sensitivity each week…Traditional low-carb ketogenic dieting decreases T3 thyroid hormone levels,[16] disrupts leptin sensitivity,[17] lowers your resting metabolic rate and leads to elevated "sarcopenia" sacrificing precious muscle tissue…[21,22,24]So you burn LESS calories each day as time goes on.This ultimately interferes with delicate hormone balance damaging the metabolism of people in their 40s, 50s and 60s…My name is Shaun Hadsall, I'm a 48-year old Fitness Professional, online best-selling author, husband, father, and grandpa to seven beautiful grandkids...And today I'm going to let you in on the keto diet hack that can help you overcome these 4 keto dangers. My career originally took
off way back in 1998 when I competed against 22,000+ other competitors and  placed 1st Runner-Up Grand Champion in the world's largest body transformation contest called Body-for-LIFE™… This eventually led to dozens of television appearances on ESPN, radio station interviews, and spreads in other magazine publications like Oxygen and Club Solutions.I was only 28-years-old at the time, so my body naturally burned fat faster and responded to any type of diet or exercise I used…I'm sure you can remember back when your body responded much faster when you were younger too! Which is why I'm writing you today…To share why you MUST eat differently than when you were in your 20s and 30s if you ever want to achieve a flatter, firmer belly and prevent deadly diseases. Honestly, I originally had zero intention of sharing all of my hormone-boosting secrets with anybody else. I was just desperate to help my 59-year old wife Karen after cancer forced her body into "premature menopause"…I helplessly sat by and watched as the medical industry's harmful cancer treatments and medications destroyed her health…Her body was slowly being poisoned every week…Her hormones completely SHUT DOWN…Her metabolism was damaged…Her thyroid was non-responsive…Her body was aging FASTER than ever…Her self-esteem and confidence plummeted…Her stubborn fat cells expanded making her belly protrude outward…I gave her every trick in the book and nothing seemed to be working.I felt helpless because it wasn't just about losing her "menopause belly"…It was her happiness at stake. After all, if we don't like what we see when we look in the mirror on the outside…It's always a reflection of how we feel on the inside.And I could tell how badly Karen was suffering internally when she finally reached her breaking point.It was exactly 12 weeks before our daughter Alyssa's wedding when she shouted…"Shaun, I need your help."I walked into the closet and could sense the frustration in her voice as she was trying to put on an old dress. It was obvious how tight it was but I didn't want to say anything…"Can you please see if you can zip this up?"I grabbed the zipper, squeezed it together as close as I could…"Oh no." I thought to myself. "This is not going to end well.""Ugh!" She blurted. "I've gained so much weight on my upper back, stomach and boobs… I feel so fat!"The teardrops inside her eyeballs slowly started welling up…The crackling of her voice gradually got more and more intense until she finally burst into tears. I sat there. Trying to listen. Trying to be supportive.I felt hopeless as she slammed the door behind me…Because no matter how much I told her how beautiful she was…No matter how much I showed her affection, or bought her flowers, or took her out on the town…It didn't change that one embarrassing moment for my best friend and soulmate. And although it's sometimes painful and embarrassing for me to talk about...Thankfully, we still had the most important thing in our lives...After many stressful days of constant prayer and relentless research I came across two eye-opening studies…And it changed everything for my wife.One was published in the prestigious journal Obesity, and the second was from the New England Journal of Medicine. Both of these ground-breaking scientific papers uncovered the "hidden secret" for any person 40 years old who wonders why their body won't respond like it did in their 20s and 30s…After just 8 weeks of ignoring calories and optimizing hormones instead, they also had a 34% decrease directly from their waistline.The next study reveals the second (and even more problematic) hormonal challenge…The reason this is so critical is because leptin and thyroid hormones are the two hormones that regulate your body weight and control the speed of your metabolism. It didn't take long for me to see the writing on the wall. If I wanted Karen to get back on track with her health and reclaim her confidence I needed to focus on ONE thing…Little did we know…
these two studies were a godsend because it led to what could just be… The discovery of a keto diet loophole so powerful, so effective that it would transform her body and save her life…And it would eventually even save our marriage.A secret that helped my wife Karen, a 59 year old grandma, lose 7 pounds of pure belly fat in the first 7 days…And then another 18 pounds the next few weeks reversing 100% of her symptoms from cancer, menopause, and pre-diabetes…Saving her from a lifetime of resorting to deadly prescription medicines, surgeries, and dangerous hormone replacements…Leaving her doctors scratching their heads in amazement wondering how she did it. Here we are a decade later and she looks at least 10 years younger than her real age of 59.And on this very page I'm going to share the evidence-based keto diet hack she used to finally eliminate her "menopause belly." People always freak out when she tells them we have 7 grandkids because she looks so "youthful".To this day, Karen stays in amazing shape simply by focusing on hormones.That's how I identified the #1 problem with today's insanely popular ketogenic diet… And it's the same reason why any person over 40 who attempts it has nutrient deficiencies that damage their vulnerable hormones. But it doesn't have to be this way when you have access to this evidence-based, hormone-boosting keto diet loophole.Before we show you just how simple this fat burning secret is…There's only ONE real question you need to ask yourself…According to Rush University Medical Center there are 7 key indicators of a hormonal imbalance…[20]Do You Suffer From Belly Bloat Or Have Fat-Storage In Unusual Areas Of Your Body—Like Your Upper & Lower Belly Region, Lower Back, Hips, Love Handles Or Backside?Do You Have Menopausal Symptoms Such As "Hot Flashes," Vaginal Dryness, Insomnia Or Depression?Have You Experienced A Drop In Your Libido, Sexual Desire, Or Do You Suffer From Erectile Dysfunction? Do You Have Frequent Late Night Cravings For Sugar Or Salt?Do You Have Dry, Scaly Skin Or Frequent Hair Loss?Do You Suffer From Poor Memory, Mental Fatigue, Or Lack Of Motivation?Have You Experienced A Decrease In Strength & Muscle Tone?If you're suffering from one or more of these symptoms, chances are more than likely…Your hormones have been compromised and are the 'root cause' of your stubborn body fat and other health threats…Making you the ideal person for using this hormone-boosting keto loophole. Increased risk of diabetes…Inadequate Growth Hormone levels…Sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss)…Unbalanced cortisol cycle (increased belly fat hormone)…And the most common pitfall of all… relentless fat-storage in the upper and lower belly region, backside, love handles, and hips.If you've been misled into believing hardcore keto is the answer to your weight-loss struggles…These 4 stages are considerations you need to take very seriously if you care about your well-being and long term health…Because this is what happens when people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s attempt the traditional ketogenic diet. And it's exactly why it's NOT your fault if you've failed in the past trying keto and any other type of crash diets.It's not rocket science when you look at the studies… if you're 40, 50, 60 or beyond…Completely eliminating all carbs, fruits, and cheat foods on a ketogenic diet spells disaster for the over 40 metabolism and hormones.Unfortunately, carbs have been demonized by the medical and diet industry for years… Mainly because sugar (which is obviously fattening and can lead to early death) is categorized as a carbohydrate…But not all carbohydrates are created equal. Not even close. To drive this point home, pause here for a second and recall what I mentioned earlier because it's vitally important if you want to live longer and eliminate deadly belly fat…Glucose, from many of your favorite high-carb foods, is the primary "building block" of thyroid and leptin hormones.Your body's 2 most important "weight-regulating" hormones.
Remember, both of these hormones decline after 40 anyway, so conventional keto only makes matters worse. Here's what it all boils down to…Let's recap why people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s should strategically be eating more carbs to burn fat faster…When you add carbs to your diet (the right way) using this keto diet hack it…STOPS Metabolic Slowdown (ensuring your metabolic rate stays elevated—even while dieting)…[21,22]Reactivates thyroid hormones ("waking up" your body's master fat-burning gland)…[25]Boosts "leptin signaling" (increasing levels of your #1 fat-metabolizing hormone)…[17]Prevents Sarcopenia (stop age-related muscle loss)…[24]Increases mental and physical energy (no more brain fog or afternoon tired spells)…Makes dieting more effortless (end diet deprivation)…Eliminates KETO FLU symptoms (no suffering through the deficiencies… the mental fatigue… the insomnia… the constipation… the headaches… the bad breath… the hormonal decline)…And when you use this new keto diet loophole, you can eat LOTS of carbs and NEVER store them as fat, while burning fat FASTER.It's not necessary to suffer through the KETO FLU… it's not necessary to sacrifice your social life…You don't have to waste money on keto supplements or spend time taking all those silly ketone tests. All you need to do is cater to your body's current hormonal condition.Unfortunately, we had to learn this the hard way…You see, if my wife's battle with cancer didn't damage her ovaries and hormones this keto diet loophole wouldn't even exist...It all started when I reached my early 40s and I quickly noticed how much harder it was to lose belly fat and stay in shape.And the closer I get to 50, the more I realize just how dangerous and treacherous growing old can be…The decline in hormones…The age-related inflammation…The unexpected joint pain…The lack of energy for sex every night when we go to sleepThe wrinkles we never expected to see when we wake up and look in the mirror each morning…It seems like it just happens overnight…and it can be beyond depressing.Then add 4 kids and 7 grandkids to the equation and all-of-a-sudden spending two hours at the gym every day was no longer an option like it was when I was in my 20s…Working long hours… helping out with the grandkids whenever I could…I was burning the candle at both ends.And slowly but surely, over the course of the next six months I packed on 21 pounds.Now most of my friends and family say, "You can't even tell!"… but I could.Regardless of what anybody else thought, one thing was for sure…21 pounds of excess belly fat might not sound 'out of control' for most people, but it put me in a dark spot.If there's one thing I pride myself, it's 'walking my talk' and there I was...A seasoned Fitness Professional who had slowly let 21 pounds sneak onto my frame.Every day I would promise myself that I would change my ways...And day after day… I broke my self-promises.My passion has always been educating others on how to become healthy and fit after 40 and I couldn't even follow my own advice.I felt like a liar and a hypocrite."What kind of example am I being for my wife and grandkids?" I thought. "For my fans and followers?"It was slowly eating at my integrity.Karen got me thinking about one of the proudest moments of my life…Memories of everything she went through started flashing through my head. That's why I remembered it so vividly…My research uncovered three specific, scientifically validated, rules she needed to follow. The second she brought it to my attention I thought…"I wonder if I can get my body to respond the way Karen's did after she was diagnosed with premature menopause?" By this point desperation had set in. So I decided to put these 3 simple rules to the test…But I knew one thing… it had to be simple.Trying to find the time to weigh food and count calories, like I did when I was younger, was not an option in my world. So I simplified the 3-step process I originally gave Karen for "ease of use" and turned
it into a step-by-step weekly blueprint…And then I started rinsing and repeating it…After a few weeks of meticulously documenting progress with pictures and weigh ins I finally nailed it. A 7-day cycle specifically designed to get all the benefits of "keto" without any of the hormonal decline. That's what originally led to the discovery of this evidence-based 7 pounds in 7 days keto loophole.After the fat literally started falling off my body we knew it was time…So Karen and I got together and laid out everything step-by-step and condensed it into a small 7-day handbook. We both worked out tails off to spell everything out in an easy-to-digest fashion that caters to over 40 male and female metabolism...Since the "hidden" secret of this method is strategically timed high-carb, hormone-boosting foods—in combination with high-fat, keto-friendly foods...We've decided to nickname this new way of eating on a keto diet designed for the current hormonal condition of people over 40... Keto Carb-Cycling.This little handbook is what changed everything for my wife and me…And today it can change everything for you too.And it's surprisingly SIMPLE to do. You just need to follow the 3 simple steps below...If you've failed in the past with any of today's most popular low-carb diets (whether it be keto, paleo, plant based, Mediterranean, raw food, Weight Watchers, or any others)...I can assure you it's because one of these 3 rules weren't in place.Over-40 Fat-Burning Rule #1: You must increase ketone production.By strategically eating HIGH-fat keto foods on certain days (and at specific times) you increase your body's ketone production…This automatically ramps up fat-burning in the belly region and reduces inflammation to protect your body from deadly diseases.Lower inflammation also helps eliminate belly bloat and water retention. Over-40 Fat-Burning Rule #2: You must intentionally eat MORE hormone-boosting high-carb foods.The majority of foods forbidden on the regular keto diet are precisely what your body needs to adequately rebuild and produce fat-burning hormones. You just need them to make sure you eat them at specific times each week in order to boost thyroid and leptin hormones.This is the "keto diet loophole" that prevents metabolic slowdown and RESETS your fat-burning hormones. Remember, if you're in your 40s, 50s and 60s WHEN you eat is just as important as WHAT you eat. Over-40 Fat-Burning Rule #3: You must FLATLINE your body's #1 "fat-storage hormone"—insulin.By "pairing" your foods together the right way (using our easy-to-follow food combinations) you stabilize blood sugar—taking control of insulin.This boosts energy levels, prevents fat-storage and keeps your body in "fat-burning mode" 24/7. It also gets your body to quickly start producing ketone molecules again afterwards. These are the same 3 simple guidelines we both used to transform our bodies in record time.Any person over 40 who follows these simple strategies can overcome the hormonal decline caused from traditional ketogenic dieting with the 7-Pounds In 7-Days Formula…Believe it or not, as long as Karen and I were adhering to these 3 simple guidelines we could eat healthy versions of…Lasagna… fried chicken… spaghetti with meatballs… steaks… hamburgers… bacon and eggs… French fries… mashed potatoes…Then on the weekend it was pizza… bread… pasta… ice cream… fresh baked brownies.It's all about the strategy.  After we saw how drastically my body changed in such a short amount of time we were curious…So many of our friends, family, and clients were considering the original 1924 version of the ketogenic diet of 75% fats…Based on the several years of research I had conducted after Karen was diagnosed with cancer, our gut was telling us…They were putting their hormones and metabolism in harm's way.So I jumped on a few keto forums to find out. After all…It's the most brutally honest feedback you can get from real folks just like you. Our instincts were right. All of them were experiencing a rapid hormonal decline from using "conventional" keto.
I took this screenshot to show my wife…After seeing this we knew we had to do something about the trending (and misleading) keto advice…Checking blood ketones… testing urine for ketosis… measuring your breath… constipation… rebound weight gain… no thank you.All of this is an irritating inconvenience and simply not necessary.A waste of your time and energy. You don't need to go through any of this nonsense.And you don't need more discipline or willpower.It's just a matter of having access to the strategies that cater to your current hormonal state.You don't have to suffer through the Keto Flu.You don't have to sacrifice your social life.And you don't have to give up your favorite foods, sweet treats, or alcohol.In fact, the changes to my body happened so quickly when I followed these 3 simple strategies people actually accused me of using fake pictures.After 21 years of helping others get lean and fit, I had finally found a solution for people over 40 to rapidly melt stubborn body fat using this new keto diet hack…And I was accused of being a phony. I'm not complaining because it's actually a huge compliment!It's also a testament to just how powerful the 7-IN-7 Formula really is.All you have to do is follow these 3 simple rules repeatedly (like Karen and I both did) to achieve your fastest fat loss EVER. It's just a matter of using all these tools strategically so you cater to your age category and current hormonal state—just like my wife and I do.Right after my transformation, Karen's comment made my day when she said…"Shaun, I'm so proud of you. I've never seen your body change so fast." In reality, it's her who deserves the credit. If it wasn't for her battle with cancer and premature menopause I would have never been exposed to this hormone-boosting blueprint. And without her commitment to get her body (and life) back on track this new way of eating on a keto diet for people over 40 wouldn't exist.I really couldn't have done it without her!And I would never lie to you and say it was easy…Losing unwanted flab (especially as we age) is never easy. Karen and I designed it so any person over 40 years old can use it without being overwhelmed and confused.Thanks to my amazing wife the 7-IN-7 Formula was born.To summarize… Keto Carb-Cycling brings together the BEST of both worlds…Your body's liver consistently releases the ketones responsible for melting stubborn fat cells and protecting your body from today's most deadly diseases…While strategically timing (and combining) your favorite high carb foods SKYROCKETS your body's fat burning hormone production every few days. AND… when you follow my simple guidelines you can even indulge in "cheat meals" and desserts.This wildly effective combination of the keto-diet WITH hormone-boosting foods is like a metabolic time-machine that will age your body backwards…All while flooding your body with the ketones and hormones proven to shed 10… 20… 30 pounds (or more) of unwanted flab.Now let's recap all the evidence behind this new solution designed for the metabolism and hormones and people over 40…Eating high-fat ketogenic foods has been shown in scientific research to "target" a greater proportion of fat loss to come from directly from the belly region… Click here to learn why...Making it stand head and shoulders above the "Standard American Low-Fat Diet" (SAD) doctors and dieticians have been recommending for decades.This is very important to note…Because visceral belly fat from the belly region is the most DEADLY kind of belly fat.It can lead to insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome…Both can increase heart attack risk.Just look at this graph tracking how powerful a diet rich in "friendly fats" can be for losing fat directly from your belly…When compared to today's popularized low-fat diet that's relentlessly pushed on us by the government and greedy food lobbyists… This chart represents OVER 20 scientific peer reviewed studies…Confirming once-and-for-all that a keto-style diet trumps the Standard American Low Fat Diet (SAD) for losing deadly belly fat.
Bottom Line: Diets rich in keto-style "fatty" foods help you eliminate the most dangerous kind of belly fat and avoid today's most deadly diseases.A keto style diet stands head and shoulders above the rest for its ability to decrease levels of the fat storage hormone—insulin. Click here to learn why...Did you know 1 in every 3 Americans is at risk for diabetes?This is the condition known as insulin resistance and it's directly linked to abdominal obesity (belly fat) and drastically increases your risk for deadly diseases.[27,28]This graph is based on a scientific study demonstrating how a keto style diet stands head and shoulders above the rest is its ability to decrease levels of the fat storage hormone—insulin.Bottom line: whether you're pre-diabetic, diabetic, or not…When you control insulin, it allows your body to readily access your stored fat as a fuel source…And it keeps the cells inside your body younger. Keto-based foods eaten at the right times lower insulin. More fat is burned. Energy levels skyrocket. Risk for many common diseases vanishes.Of course, this effect is greatly multiplied when used in conjunction with the specific hormone-boosting foods inside my digital guides below. Eating ketogenic foods has been shown to cause a rapid reduction in dangerous blood triglycerides. Click here to learn why...I'm sure you're well aware by now that there's "good" cholesterol… and there's "bad" cholesterol.High LDL (bad) levels increases your chances of getting heart disease.High HDL (good) levels decreases your chances of getting heart disease Most people have been misled to believe that "fatty" foods high in cholesterol are linked to coronary heart disease…But the actual evidence points in the opposite direction. In fact, the amount of cholesterol you have in your diet has NO effect on the cholesterol found in your blood (unlike your doctor tells you).[6,7]This graph shows once again eating ketogenic diet foods causes a major increase in GOOD cholesterol levels.It's also a well-known fact in the medical community that fasting triglycerides are a strong heart disease risk factor[31]So you'll be happy to know that keto has been shown to cause a rapid reduction in dangerous blood triglycerides.[32]It's just one of the dozens of evidence-based reasons to make this a permanent part of your lifestyle! Keto dieters report significantly less hunger—all while losing 46% MORE weight than the low-fat dieters. Click here to learn why...If there is one thing that can sabotage your diet it's the nagging side effects of hunger and cravings…They are the DEATH of any weight-loss regimen.Intense hunger and late night cravings are probably the #1 reasons people hate dieting and fail miserably.This is what makes keto so appealing. The high fat foods you're allowed to eat on a keto diet leads to an automatic reduction in hunger and cravings.[33]The graph you see here is the perfect example…In this study the keto dieters reported significantly less hunger—all while losing 46% MORE weight than the low-fat dieters.[33]Then there's the issue of sugar addiction… Every time you take a bite of sugar it targets the same pleasure center of the brain as harmful drugs like cocaine.One of the easiest ways to kick your sugar addiction to the curb is to follow an approach that incorporates lots of "friendly fats"…Which is precisely why I created the new keto-solution below specifically designed for the hormones and metabolism of people over 40.It's the easiest way to erase hunger, kill cravings, and end your addiction to sugar without even trying (or dealing with the KETO FLU)…Keto Carb-Cycling signifantly BOOSTS your body's #1 fat-burning hormone, leptin. Click here to learn why...As previously mentioned, when you eliminate all glucose from your diet using conventional keto your body instantly responds by lowering leptin levels and decreasing thyroid hormones, leading to "metabolic slowdown."[16-24]Over time, this also leads to something called "leptin
resistance" and it can even damage your thyroid gland, preventing it from responding to the liver (your body's fat-burning filter). So although delicious high-fat foods are the backbone of any keto-diet…Your brain and body still need glucose at the right times in order to "reactivate" these two master fat-burning hormones.This is where eating high-carb meals, cheat foods, and even your favorite desserts can actually INCREASE fat loss…This phenomenon is known as "hormonal overfeeding" and it accelerates production of leptin and thyroid hormones, skyrocketing your metabolic rate. It's just a matter of strategically timing them and strategically combining them with other foods the right way…There's two reasons this is so important if you're over 40 years old…First, you maintain stable blood sugar and insulin levels…This prevents "fat-spillover" and keeps your body in "fat-burning mode" 24/7.Second, your body quickly starts producing ketones again directly afterwards.NO eliminating entire food groups.NO giving up your favorite carbs or treats.NO sacrificing your social life or eating out.NO willpower or discipline needed!5 scientifically-backed reasons Keto Carb-Cycling can help you live longer, look younger, and quickly lose dangerous belly fat. It's common sense if you really think about it…Unless you have epilepsy (that's what keto was originally created for) there's no need to eliminate entire food groups. This Keto Carb-Cycling Diet Hack allows you to still reap all the amazing therapeutic, weight loss benefits of conventional keto (without all the sacrifice, deprivation, and side-effects).It all starts with The 7-IN-7 Formula that "primes" your body to drop 7 pounds or more in 7 days (and then up to ONE pound PER DAY afterwards).The same blueprint Karen and I both used to transform our bodies in record time.As you've just discovered it's fully backed by the latest cutting edge science, published research, and real world people just like you and me.All it takes to move through all four stages of the over 40 hormone optimization cycle is to use the three simple strategies I gave you earlier…The same keto diet hack designed for your current hormonal condition that will help you avoid the KETO FLU (and the deficiencies that come with it)…Stiff joints and body aches are no longer as noticeable every day when you wake up…Deeper sleep enhances daily energy and puts a 'pep in your step' (no more insomnia!)…Brain fog disappears as you reclaim your mental clarity, focus and short term memory…Balanced cortisol levels reduces your "belly fat hormone" leading to LESS fat storage…The protection from heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's extends your lifespan…Lean, calorie burning muscle is preserved revving up your metabolism just like when you were in your 20s and 30s…Dry, scaly skin becomes soft and smooth reducing lip lines and eye wrinkles…And let's not forget the most powerful benefit of all…Consistently releasing the ketones and hormones that incinerate your body's stored fat cells each day.And whether you're a beginner or a keto veteran you can use it to lose at least 7 pounds or more in the next 7 days! Even though we've designed this hormone-boosting keto diet for ease of use so ANY person in their 40s, 50s and 60s can use it…It's definitely not for everyone…Karen and I are extremely passionate about helping as many people as possible…But we're not delusional. We realize from past experience of dealing with hundreds of private, paying clients we simply can't help every person…Unless they're coachable and willing to take action. Most people are waiting for the right circumstances to magically appear… Or until everything in their life is "just right" before they start. "I'll start when summer is over… when the holidays end… after vacation… next week… when I get through this drama I'm dealing with"…Here's the raw truth about losing weight and getting healthy from the inside out…There will NEVER be a perfect time in your life to start.
Over the years, this is the one valuable lesson we've learned from our personal experience of raising 4 kids to now having 7 grandkids…The time is always now. Right here. Right now. On this very page. After dealing with hundreds of private, paying clients one-on-one, and hundreds of thousands of customers and followers online…We know the perfect time will never come…That's why our motto is "strive for consistency—NOT perfection." You don't have to be perfect. We all fall off track. But we do ask you to take action and be coachable. So if you're waiting for the "perfect time" to start the answer is obvious…The 7-Day Keto Carb-Cycling blueprint (featuring the 7-IN-7 formula) is not for you because you'll be waiting forever.It's time to drop the excuses about how busy your life is (we are all busy!)…Which is exactly why it's our duty and obligation to make sure you get step-by-step detailed instructions with NO guesswork. Give us 7 days. If you don't watch the scale drop 7 pounds or more and continue losing up to one pound per day afterwards—we'll give you all your money back.If you're over 40 it was created specifically for your metabolism and hormones.No tedious calorie-counting… No sacrificing your favorite foods or eliminating entire food groups… No more cravings for sugar… No deprivation… and No KETO FLU.Just imagine… stepping onto the scale in just one week from now and seeing 7 pounds of unwanted flab on your body GONE.Featuring the 7-Pounds In 7-Days Formula…It boosts thyroid and leptin levels unlike today's conventional ultra-low carb ketogenic diet…It eliminates Keto-Flu side-effects…It ends your addiction to sugar-cravings (without withdrawals!)No sacrificing your favorite carbs, fruits, desserts, or alcohol…It floods your body with the ketones and hormones that can melt up to 7 pounds every 7 days!It's backed up by dozens of published scientific research studies (the gold standard of studies)[1-29]It's the first Keto For 'Carb-Lovers' Solution specifically designed for the hormones and metabolism of people OVER-40…This is the same blueprint I used to transform my body at 48 years old and it's honestly the best gift I could ever offer you. Karen and I stripped every step down into 7-day weekly cycle for ease-of-use.  When you make the intelligent choice to take action today and download a digital copy to your favorite mobile device you will..Dramatically Accelerate Anti-Aging Ketone Molecule ProductionQuickly Transform Your Body From "Sugar-Burner" to "Fat-Burner"END Your Body's Addiction To Sugar & "Shuts Off" CravingsGet All The Benefits Of Conventional Keto (without "metabolic slowdown" or the "hormonal decline")Includes "Food Pairing" Tricks That Shield Your Body From Diabetes (keeps your body in "Fat-Burning Mode" 24/7)Built-In Hacks To Eliminate Negative KETO FLU Side-EffectsIncludes Hormone-Boosting Carbs, Cheat Meals, Desserts, and detailed alcohol guidelinesComplete with flexible happy hour and weekend guidelines to prevent "fat-spillover"…All while resetting your body's master fat-burning hormones every week.No calorie counting… no overwhelm from having to weigh food… no strict, complicated rules to follow… no deprivation.Just repeat this cycle until you reach your ideal weight.Every time you start a diet or exercise plan you've probably noticed how easy it is to lose the first few pounds… then it happens.The inevitable "sticking point"…Every person's metabolism eventually adapts and fights against your fat loss efforts creating the dreaded weight-loss plateau.Even though this may be your first time Keto Carb-Cycling, remember that your body is smart…SUPER smart. So it's very good at adapting to today's most popular diets.Countless research papers reveal every diet (no matter how effective) eventually leads to a slower metabolic rate and that's exactly why weight-loss stalls. In the science world this phenomenon is known as "Diet Adaptation".So we decided to attack this common problem head-on and meticulously
identified exactly what happens when you hit a plateau…Then we compiled it into a step-by-step 7-day meal plan to eliminate your weight loss sticking points.The Keto-Plateau Buster phase is the first nutrition plan ever designed to help any individual in their 40s, 50s, and 60s overcome every type of dietary adaptive response.And get the scale moving downward again.Karen and I created the Quick Start Guide because we wanted to simplify the process of preparing for yourself for the Keto Carb-Cycling lifestyle. This will allow you to be prepared for unexpected obstacles. After raising 4 children and helping raise 7 grandkids we've learned just how important preparation and planning is.Plan out your first week in as little as 15 minutes, get started, and begin optimizing your hormones now.Effective. Efficient. No time wasting.We don't believe in wasting time! It's too precious. Whether you eat out often or cook most of your meals at home, it doesn't matter because this guide lays it out so you're fully prepared for either scenario. Complete Grocery Guide and Food ListsThe TOP 10 Ketone-Producing FoodsThe TOP 10 Hormone-Boosting Foods29 Food Swaps That Transform Your Kitchen To Fat-Burning Foods Overnight17 Craving Killers to Keep In Your Kitchen At All Times How To Use Keto Carb-Cycling At ANY Type Of Restaurant…Burger houses, pizza joints, Chinese, Mexican, Steakhouses, Sub or Sandwich Shops…We've even included Coffee Shop guidelines to keep your body in an anti-aging, fat-burning environment while you're on the go.Variety. Flavor. Results. Do you have those days where you have to go for your "stretchy" pants instead of your jeans? Where you feel like your belly is swollen and bloated when you wake up or after eating a meal?  It's a common hormonal symptom for men and women over 40. When you say "yes" to The OVER-40 Keto Solution today you will get instant access to 11 scientifically-backed strategies proven to eliminate water retention and shrink your waistline. I've even included a list of certain foods and herbs you can add to your diet that act as all-natural diuretics to dramatically decrease your belly bloat in the next 24 to 48 hours.You'll also discover a belly shrinking ritual you can start using before bed each night to help your body manage its fluid and sodium balance to shrink your waistline while you sleep.When Karen and I decided to create this new keto solution designed for the hormonal condition of people over 40 we asked ourselves one question…How can we give people the real truth about ketogenic dieting for people over 40 without making them break the bank?Fortunately, digital technology has come a long way over the last 10 years and it's easier (and less expensive) than ever to deliver everything via downloadable guides… This allows us to reduce the price dramatically.Thanks to the mobile device you're reading this on, what would normally cost hundreds of dollars can now be reduced dramatically. When you look at your other options the choice is obvious…The keto trend has created thousands of quick fixes and gimmicks…Expensive supplements (with NO scientific research behind them) costing hundreds of dollars each month…Silly ketone gadgets and tests… that aren't even necessary…Young keto gurus pushing those cookie-cutter conventional keto diets on you as the "be all-end all"…Putting you at risk for the hormonal damage. The slowing metabolism. The rebound weight gain.They've all been programmed to believe you need to cut carbs and calories just to whittle away a few measly pounds. And it's really not their fault! Most of them I've met truly mean well.They just don't know any better.But almost all of them recommend advice based on the Standard American Diet (SAD).The same outdated, low-fat diet doctors and the government has been force-feeding us for decades.Yet, we are sicker and fatter than ever. Just another reason why healthcare costs have skyrocketed.But with our solution in your hands you don't have to be concerned with any of these scams.
Procrastination is the thief of achieving the body you so deeply desire so make your move now before you miss out.The way we see it, you really have two choices…You can either grab your copy of The 7-Day Keto Carb-Cycling Blueprint (and all the bonuses that come with it)…Or… suffer the pain of regret when you wake up again tomorrow.If you think about the real costs of healthcare, prescription drugs, and doctor visits it's really a no-brainer.As much as we want you to get started right now, we also realize from firsthand experience…"Life happens"… to all of us. So even though action-takers will see fast (and lasting) results, we also want you to take as much time as you need once you download everything to your mobile device.  This is why we're offering an unprecedented, no-questions asked, 1-year guarantee.All we ask is that you actually use The OVER-40 Keto Solution first. If you don't see changes quickly happening to your body… if you don't feel younger or experience a surge of newfound energy within the first few weeks…If your family doesn't notice your weight loss… your glowing skin… your new found confidence and radiance… you don't pay a dime.  Or if you're not satisfied for any reason, simply send our customer support team an email and we'll refund 100% of your purchase price within 24 to 48 hours.Results are guaranteed no matter what your age, gender, or current condition. Although younger people in their late 20s and 30s can use it, the BEST results come from people in their 40s, 50s and 60s…Without exception, it works for anybody who follows our evidence-based blueprint. And if you're not satisfied, you can even keep the 4 FREE bonuses below…If you have any other questions or concerns we will never leave you stranded. Nowadays there are so many internet scams, our first priority when we created this hormone-boosting over 40 solution is to make sure we have everything in place to take care of you.We have assembled a team of qualified experts (who actually use our products too!)…This way, you can put your head on your pillow tonight knowing that we will always be available to answer any questions you have. Trust… reliability… integrity… and competence is something we pride ourselves on.If it doesn't deliver what we promise, you get all your money back.Accept our invitation and join our 7-day keto carb-cycling challenge.This Over-40 Keto Solution CANNOT Be Duplicated, Which Is Why…Whenever I mention there are really only 3 simple guidelines to follow, people think they can go it alone…Then they start guessing how and when to use both of them. Without legitimate research, guidance and coaching failure is more than likely.In today's day and age you can't rely on Google or trust the noise in your social media feed…You have to look directly at the real-world proof and published research. Yes, there are only 3 simple steps to follow…But unless you know the exact step-by-step instructions and specifics of each one you're bound to end up frustrated and confused. Adding certain carbs at specific times is not all there is to it… not even close. People hear how easy it sounds and make assumptions…And the end result is always disappointment.  To sum up all the scientific research we went over earlier…In fact, if you're over 40 years old I would argue that WHEN you eat is just as important as WHAT you eat. So if you eat keto-style friendly fats and hormone-boosting carbs at the wrong times, it leads to self-sabotage and weight regain.Then there's the highly specific food combinations that rebalance your hormones each week. And the 2 popular ingredients you MUST avoid whenever you eat our strategically timed cheat meals and desserts so you don't suffer from "fat spillover" or block the hormonal effect. It's easy to say, "Just follow these 3 easy guidelines and you can effortlessly melt 7 pounds or more in the next 7 days (and continue losing up to one pound or more each day afterwards)."Heck, it's even easy to think you can do it all
by yourself just by referring to the scientific literature…Yet we both know spending hours and hours trying to decipher published research papers is just a waste of precious time. Besides, I've already done the work for you so you don't need to guess. Bottom line…Without this blueprint frustration and confusion is more than likely.One thing Karen and I have realized over the year it's this…Life is like a roll of toilet paper…The closer you get to the end… the faster it goes. The speed of getting old is accelerating in your life each day and if you don't take action you'll wake up tomorrow in the same spot you are now. We know you care about others. You're probably just like my wife so you sacrifice everything and invest all the time you can to help your family.  You struggle saying "no" and all the attention goes to everyone you love and care about instead of you.It's time to invest in yourself. Your family deserves. You deserve it. Don't' settle for less.When you make the intelligent choice to grab your copy of The OVER-40 Keto Solution today you will… Eliminate Deadly Belly Fat, Prevent Metabolic Syndrome & Reduce Your Risk of Heart Attacks…Take Control Of Blood Sugar & Stabilize Your Insulin (fight against diabetes, while keeping your body in "fat-burning mode" each day)…Increase Your Levels of GOOD Cholesterol (HDL) & Reduce Dangerous Triglycerides…KILL Cravings, ERASE Hunger, & END Your Addiction To Sugar…"Reactivate" Your Fat-Burning Leptin & Thyroid Hormones…Protect Your Body From Cancer & Alzheimer's Disease…Boost Your Physical Energy & Mental Clarity…WITHOUT having to give up your favorite carbs, fruits, alcohol or dessertsJust click "Add to Cart" now and start burning more fat today!If you're still convinced eating high-carb foods will make you fatter and sicker… After 21 years of being in the "trenches" of the diet and weight loss industry I've stumbled across some compelling real world proof in the case for carbs.If our favorite carbohydrates are really the root cause of obesity and deadly diseases…How do you explain the high carb diets of today's thinnest, disease-free, longest living cultures…Did you know? People from Okinawa eat up to 69% of their daily calories from forbidden foods like white rice and potatoes…Yet, they're one of the world's longest living, leanest, "disease-free" cultures on the planet.The International Obesity Task Force reported that Okinawan's have the LOWEST rate of obesity in the world (only 2.9%!)…And even though they eat LOTS of carbs each day (they never get fat)…They are more likely to reach 100 years old than any other culture, which is why Okinawa is known as "The Land of Immortals."Nestled deep in the high plateaus of the Sierra Madre Mountains in Northern Mexico, lives one of the healthiest, leanest, longest living cultures in the world known as the Tarahumara Indians.For the last 2,000 years their diet has been composed primarily of sweet potatoes, beans, corn, "fatty" meats and fishes, yet they literally DEFY aging.National Geographic and New England Journal of Medicine studies show that high blood pressure… high cholesterol… heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are NON-existent within their culture.The Tarahumara have been escaping obesity, death, and disease for thousands of years by eating lots of carbs WITH high-fat keto friendly foods.[34]Then there's other examples like the Kitavan Islanders in Melanesia, who get about 70% of their calories from carbs and live entirely free of obesity, heart disease, and other chronic, degenerative diseases.The unusually high-carb diets of today's longest living, healthiest, and leanest cultures… The hardships Karen endured to uncover these hormone boosting secrets to finally get her life back on track after cancer and "premature menopause"…The rapid results I experienced in only 10 weeks.The real world proof and scientific evidence is all around you…Join us! Click "Add To Cart" now and start burning more fat tomorrow!Let me give you more
proof from someone just like you…This is a true story that will SHOCK you… Maybe even anger you a bit if you've been misled to believe high-carb foods are stored as fat. This Real-World Example PROVES, Beyond The Shadow Of A Doubt, You CAN (and should) Eat High-Carb Foods—Even On A Keto-Diet… After the USDA proposed eliminating potatoes from the school lunch program, 45-year old Chris Voigt (Executive Director of the Washington State Potato Commission) decided to protest.He wanted to prove to the world just how healthy high-carb potatoes can be.This pile represents over 1,000 potatoes he would consume over the next 2 months.He ate nothing but 20 potatoes per day for 60 days straight.Even though Chris was not even attempting to lose weight, after 60 days he lost 21 pounds!His health improvements were in fact far greater than what we normally see from drugs and many intensive lifestyle programs…His blood work proved he dramatically decreased his risk for heart disease and diabetes (just like you'd expect from a keto diet).After eating ONLY high-carb potatoes for 60 days straight!He's become so popular they've nicknamed him the "Spud Man"…While I would NEVER recommend an all-potato diet for the long term for anyone…It PROVES once and for all that in spite of all the bad press, our favorite high-carb foods, like potatoes, do not make you fat.It's another confirmation that you can (and should) eat LOTS of carbs on a keto diet… And you can do it without fat-storage because certain foods, like potatoes, are some of the BEST fat-burning foods on the planet.With all the amazing health benefits Chris experienced it's hard to imagine why this amazing God-made food would be forbidden on a keto diet and demonized by society.This proves, beyond a shadow of doubt… you shouldn't be afraid of high carb foods. Your body needs them to manufacture hormones, prevent metabolic slowdown, and preserve lean muscle after 40. With all this scientific proof and real world evidence, you can rest easy when you take action now and get instant access to The OVER-40 Keto Solution.Click "Add to Cart" now before you miss out on this new, innovative hormone-boosting keto blueprint.1. Siri-Tarino PW, Sun Q, Hu FB, Krauss RM. Meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies evaluating the association of saturated fat with cardiovascular disease. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Volume 91, Issue 3, March 2010, Pages 535–546 2. Mbalilaki JA, et al. Daily energy expenditure and cardiovascular risk in Masai, rural and urban Bantu Tanzanians. British Journal of Sports Medicine. Volume 44, Issue 2 2010;pp.121-126. 3. Hoenselaar R. Saturated fat and cardiovascular disease: The discrepancy between the scientific literature and dietary advice. Nutrition. Volume 28, Issue 2, February 2012, Pages 118-123. 4. Micha R, Wallace SK, Mozaffirian D. Red and processed meat consumption and risk of incident coronary heart disease, stroke, and diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Circulation. 2010 Jun 1; 121(21): 2271–2283. 5. Pohrmann S, et al. Meat consumption and mortality--results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. BMC Medicine. 2013 Mar 7;11:63. doi: 10.1186/1741-7015-11-63. 6. Berger S, et al. Dietary cholesterol and cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2015 Aug;102(2):276-94. 7. McNamara DJ. Dietary cholesterol and the optimal diet for reducing risk of atherosclerosis. The Canadian Journal of Cariology. 1995 Oct;11 Suppl G:123G-126G. 8. Fernandez ML. Rethinking dietary cholesterol. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care. 2012 Mar;15(2):117-21. 9. Jones PJ, et al. Dietary cholesterol feeding suppresses human cholesterol synthesis measured by deuterium incorporation and urinary mevalonic acid levels. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. 1996 Oct;16(10):1222-8. 10. Jones PJ. Dietary cholesterol
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The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2008 Jan;87(1):44-55. 34. Cerqueira MT, Fry MM, Connor WE. The food and nutrient intakes of the Tarahumara Indians of Mexico. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1979 Apr;32(4):905-15.Copyright 2022 - Get Lean After 40, Inc. 12779 Stark Rd., Livonia, 48150 Home | Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | Contact Us I would never forgive myself if you left empty-handed without trying this incredible weight loss system. [ad_2] Click here to get Over 40 Keto Solution at discounted price while it's still available... All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Over 40 Keto Solution is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
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Acne is a common and chronic skin condition that is manifested by outbreaks of skin lesions commonly called pimples. This occurs when the hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells called comedones. Acne lesions occur mostly on the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders. Onset typically occurs at puberty, when the sebaceous glands are stimulated by increased hormone levels, especially the androgens, resulting in excessive sebum production.
Sebum provides a growth medium for Propionibacterium acnes, an anaerobic bacteria that is a normal component of skin flora. The proliferation of this bacteria causes inflammation. People commonly affected with this condition are those within the 14 to 19 years old age group. In people in their early to mid-20s, hormone production stabilizes and acne usually disappears, although those in their 20s and 30s may also experience acne, sometimes reappearing at menopause. Acne is not a serious health threat. However, severe acne can lead to pitting, permanent scarring, and psychological impact.
Whitehead is identified as a closed comedones, which appears as a tiny, white bump on the skin. It can also appear with red spots or bumps located on the face, neck, chest, and back.
Blackhead is identified as open comedones which are characterized by a small plug of oxidized material or a black dot protruding from the bump.
Papule is an inflamed or infected comedone that appears as a small, hard, red bump on the skin.
A pustule is also an inflamed or infected comedone that is characterized by a yellowish material called pus at the center.
Cyst or nodule is the most severe form of acne which is more painful and is more likely to result in scarring.
-Acne is not caused by dirt. But dirt can make it worse.
-Appropriateness and effectiveness of treatment vary from person to person depending on several factors such as the cause of acne, skin type, age, lifestyle, and kind of acne lesions.
-Once or twice daily washing with mild, non-drying soap or soap substitute is sufficient.
-Avoid using ASTRINGENTS, abrasive SCRUBS. harsh soaps.
-Keep hair clean and away from the face.
-Application of oil, oil-based products, and grease can worsen acne.
-Avoid squeezing and pricking pimples.
-Eat a balanced diet.
Examples: azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, sulfur
It works by destroying the bacteria causing acne and unclogging blocked pores.
Topical antibiotics
Examples: erythromycin, clindamycin, neomycin
It works by clearing the skin of bacteria. Antibiotics are usually used in combination with other drugs that unclog follicles.
Vitamin A derivatives
Retinoids help unclog pores to clear moderate to severe acne by normalizing the way skin grows and sheds.
Retinoid derivatives
Examples: adapalene, tarazotene, tretinoin, isotretinoin
Have been found to be effective for very oily, acne-prone skin. These drugs may cause significant side effects in some people, including birth defects if taken within the first trimester. These also cause dry eyes and skin.
Used to treat inflammatory acne
Used for acne vulgaris. But patients with congenital or idiopathic methemoglobinemia. The most common adverse effects include application site oiliness and peeling.
The best way to get rid of your acne is to avoid touching your face. Our hands are one of the dirtiest body parts and as mentioned above, dirt can worsen acne. Hydration is also essential. Do not forget your glass of water especially during hot seasons.
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