#the hair didn't turn out as floofy as i wanted but thats okay
sunfloo-wers · 6 days
The rambles for W O R M painting!!!
This one’s a long one so get a snack and enjoy the show!
first order of businesses is all the other photos I have!!!!!
Other nature placements that I got:
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Then! The individual worms plus the back of the guys in case anyone is curious about the inerworkings and mechanisms:
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The little guy in better lightings aka the floor:
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progress photos:
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The sketch can be seen here if you want to look at it :D AND THATS ALL THE PHOTOS!!!!!
I forgot his legs had skin tone and fucked it up when I went to add them so that’s why it had to be cut out and turned into a month long project! It wasn’t supposed to tale this longggggggg!!!!!
Anyways I love how he turned out and he got a little wind waker too! The embroidery on his knees is little waves and I really wanted to point it out cause they make me so happy :D
I ALSO LOVE HOW HIS HAIR TURNED OUT it looks so floofy :3 he was also supposed to have earrings but I forgot to paint them… you can probably still see them in the paper drawing tho
Okay, so The Wimdy Boy, yes? We love him and you can probably recognize him, but everyone else is also here! Just in case it’s not clear, which I think it should be, but I also just want to talk about them soooooo
Hyrule: the fully green one with speckled bits. He also has the stab scar from Dink in aol that was revealed in “Scars”(I think that’s what it was called? The page with scars tall) He was probably the easiest to make but was also the last one I did so maybe there’s correlation there?
Legend: PINK!!!! I did him so dirty with this one he’s pink with Christmas colored spots and looks so goofy :D I treated his as a kinda dark world form so he had to be pink cause pinky little guy :D The Christmas colors are from his tunic and under tunic! I probably should’ve done a bit of yellow for the embroidery but ah well. He’s also got one of my favorite shapes of all the wormies C:
Warriors: BLUE BOY SO LONG AND FLOWY HE LOOKS LIKE HIS SCORF he’s also got orange bits in reference to his scarf’s embroidery! I know he’s got a lot of green in his design but if I included all the green they’d all look kinda similar sooooooo blue boy :3
Four: RAINBOW LITTLE GUY they’ve also got the goofy face, looks like a muppet, the idiot (/aff) the blending of the colors there was so annoying >:( how could they do this to me :C
Sky: Okay, I really didn't want to do worms in the chain’s clothes but I feel I need a pass for sky! The big sailcloth is so important to his design!!!! And he’s still got the shirt color and red gem bits put into the design too. ANYWAYS CURLY GUY HE DOIN’ A FLIP!!!
Wild: similarly to Sky, he needed the cloak. Without it he would’ve looked way too similar to Wars and I needed a big difference. ALSO HE’S TINY LITTLE GUY LITTLE LITTLE GUY :3
Time: I struggled with his colors but ended up doing the armour colors plus the face scars I SHOULDVE MADE PNE OF THE EYES WHITE NOOOOOOOO I FORGOT :C
Twilight: BIG FLOOF OF FUR THEN THE GREEN/BROWN OF THE REST OF THE CLOTHES!!! I’m so sorry dude, your placement looked okay on the paper but in a 2.5D area he doesn’t look as floaty as the rest :(((
You can see this one of 3 ways! (All of them can be correct, but they do have different vibes soooo)
Worms, silly worms doing silly stuff :P
The chain has been magically turned into worms! Oh no! What will we do? Luckily Wind is still Hylian so hopefully he can turn them back! For now though let’s have some fun, with the rest of the chain super light, they can play in the Wind Waker breeze :D
So Wind is looking kinda magical with his white eyes, pose, and he’s got the Wind Waker out so magic is happening no? And yes, it could totally be a breeze summoning song, but you know what else the boy can do? Something questionably okay on mindless monsters and the good of the people and with consent, but if it were to be maybe used on people without their knowledge… that that wouldn’t be good right? :3
YES THE COMAND MELODY! Wind is evil and turned the whole chain into worms on strings because… uhhhh I don’t know why… emotional turmoil, grew-up-too-fast trauma, just wants to finally have a break and play, and you know what he can play with? BAM WORMS ON STRINGS >:3
Even after all the time this took me I am so unbelievably happy with it, I love it so much and might change my pfp to something from it someday AIGUDGIDLHSOYCPJFPUG LITTLE GUYS :DDDDDDDD
Anyways, this has been all I’ve spent my weekends and free time on this past month, so I hope you enjoyed it and the rants! If you’re curious about any portions in particular then absolutely shoot me an ask I’d love to talk more about it!!! :D
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lalunanne · 2 years
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Someone tell anime Chuuya that he isn't supposed to look this happy to see the ADA - instagram - shop
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sevendidnoteat9 · 3 years
Declare Your Love (MC x Yandere! Asmo)
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Warning(s): Yandere Behavior, Talk Of K*lling/Abuse. Somewhat Graphic Attacks/Abuse. Again FLASHING WARNING FOR THE GIF !!
Declare Your Love.
Declare My Love.
Declare Our Love.
"Let's Declare Our Love MC~!" Cried out Asmodeus who was painting your nails. You always had thought Asmodeus was being Asmo, when he seemingly joked about "Declaring your Love". You were absolute 100% sure He had heard that quote from a cheesy romance Movie but whatever. "What is this declaring our love? Is this some trend or-" "Darling No! My love for you, is not a trend. Although you could, Be very trendy on devilgram if-" "ASMO!!". You jumped on the Bubbly Demon Smoshing a pillow over his face giggling at his joke. "MC your nails!". Your attention flashed towards your nails. Nope, still looking good. Just a little wet from drying. "they're fine Asmo, unlike your hair." You snorted at The Now poor demon curling his hair to be back perfect and nice. "But really darling. My Love for you can go as far as you're Want." . He was trying to make eye-contact with you, But you weren't Allowing him. "It can far, far away and never be seen again." "Then let it go run a marathon and never come back." You uttered. You suddenly Were interested in his nice floofy White pillows. How they looked so floofy, and clean. So Clean and-"MC. I really do have my eyes out For you. How Beautiful, handsome, Perfect, outstanding you look.". He had made his way to your side of the bed, Lifting your chin so that He was making eye-contact with you. You were clinging your fists, as You didn't like being this close to Asmo. "You know i'll kill for You. To Be a killer for my Darning MC. To be able to come home, With dirty blood shed, Messy hair, knowing it was worth it for You." You were now frozen as what you just heard from Him. Kill. To actually hurt a incorrect/maybe so not being. To kill them for MC. You were getting Furious and out-raged by these words. Was this a sick joke? Maybe Asmodeus wanted your reaction? Yes, that would explain it. Asmo would never do this. Never would He ever-"MC? Are you okay? You haven't even answered me, and youre sweating. Is it too hot in here? I can turn my AC on but It Takes a While To-" "WHY WOULD YOU KILL FOR ME? ASMO WHY WOULD YOU HURT SOMe PERSON FOR ME? IM JUST SO DUMB HUMAN! IT UPSETS ME HOW YOU, WOULD KILL FOR ME". You were now standing on his bed screaming out these words, clinging your fists, so hard Your nails were stabbing your palms. You looked at Asmo's confused face for a while. Trying to read it. It was like it was in a different language you didn't know. How could he even go along with He just said? You were hoping just maybe, one of the brothers would come in On this moment. Would end this painful silence. But you two were home alone, Together. Asmo had begged his brothers to leave you two alone while They went out to do errands. You had made it clear you, weren't allowing Any sinful things To happen Which took a while to get cross To Them. But you really meant it. Asmo let a smirk come across his face, as he laughed. "You dont get it? Honey, Let's declare our love! You may not understand yet, but thats okay. You're learn soon~". Your breathing was becoming Shaky & Weak. Weak. The word you hated the most. The word that you were called aleast once, By each brother. But Asmodeus. Just except this one demon, who had seen potential in you, and Didn't make fun of it. This demon who was at your feet, with loving eyes, wanting to Declare his absolute love for you. How could you repay him? For his kindness, Offerings, everything? By declaring your love back of course! That night you had got down on your knees with him, And declared your love! You did it MC!! you finally did it. But that was just the start of this Wicked, horrible game. You had been trapped in this hellhole (no pun intended,,) For so long. You had been traumatized. Asmo loved to show you reminders that you were his, and his only. Oh you darling MC! how lucky you were, with how patient he is. Even your attempts to Run away! Oh sweetie, you weren't getting that far. He was already ready for your attempts. That had made him chain you in his room for the weekend. You & Him could have been partying!! MC why do you do too such pitiful things?
You are ruining his plans, he had made for himself And sometimes you. He had shaken you to the core. You were barely let out of his sight or his room. Your attempts at getting the other brother's help had failed. You had tried some many times, but Asmodeus had covered it up with you having so many hangovers and bad dreams. And if any of the brothers had assumptions: It would be Satan. He had noticed his brother had never came out of his room much, as Usually he was a busy-body. He was becoming more of a shut-in than Levi. And what about MC? He had once saw poor MC chainied while Asmo was out partying. Satan had tried his best to destory the chains, but he seemed utterly useless. While in the middle of his not-so-successful plan, Asmodeus had came back to check on his darling MC. only to find Satan trying to undone the ties and Chains. He was utterly upset as He found back for Satan trying to take his poor MC! You were frighted as you could do anything tied up, as Asmo-speed of lighting hassled down Satan. All Satan could do was try to fight back his brother, And Miss the incoming Blows. Asmo had picked up a Metal bat and beating his brother with it. It seemed as he didn't want to full on kill him, just to knock him out With a few blows. You kicked and screamed knowing the screaming was utterly over the tape. Your hands were chained and taped to your back. Damn it, if you didn't find some way out of these chains, Satan might be damned, as how hard Asmo was beating him. You kept kicking and screaming, hoping one of the brothers Would show up. Maybe Lucifer? Mammon? Beel? Anyone. Asmo took one final hit to Satan's chest before Satan coughed up some more blood. Asmo dragged him beside You, taking a long while to chain him up, tape, extra chains And more tape. As he chained Satan up, You could see Satan put up a fight. Asmo's sleeves were Ripped with just some parts left. He were probably make up the excuse it was a "new fashion trend" He was starting, and they're believe it. At that moment he had Made contact with you. His face went from soft to pissed Right quick. You had never seen this face before And was somewhat anxious just because. Asmo stood up before slapping You. His MC. "I have went though so much trouble for you, Your screaming, Crying, kicking and now getting my deary brother involved. You've upset me MC. you absolute monster. You couldn't even fight your own fight." His eyes narrowed towards Satan who Was still out cold. "You're so weak~".
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