#the greatest treasure (whitebeeard family)
my-muses-in-op · 4 years
Grand Party
“Are you sure? You know that we dont’ mind having two parties in a row, son.” Whitebeard looked at the brown haired commander, who smiled back, nodding. Haruta had just told that he wouldn’t mind celebrating his birthday one day later than usual. Since his brothday was just the day before Blamenco and Vista, he often felt like the family wasn’t really giving the two just as much attention and love as hhe got, since most were hungover already. Besides, the kitchen worked overtime to have enough food for two parties right after each other.
Whitebeard smiled softly, understanding where Haruta came from and such love and care for his brother’s were admirable. The young man was so selfless and who was he to deny such  request? “If you truly wish that, you better tell Thatch, Izo and Marco.”
“Thanks, Oyaji.”Haruta smiled and rushed off to tell the three to wait a day with his birthday party. As expected they tried to change his mind or at least be sure it was what he truly wanted. He didn’t waver and all three agreed to wait another day and celebrate all three of them together.
Haruta grinned and when his birthday came, he did get happy wished, but told everyone that the party was moved a day and it would be grand. Some pouted, having looked forward to a party, others just accepted it, while others went to make sure it was okay and that he hadn’t been pressured to do this. He assured them it wa shis idea alone. Both Vista and Blamenco had mixed emotions, partly feeling guilty, so Haruta had to keep asssuring them it was all good and that way he himself wouldn’t bee too drunk to proper celebrate them, as they had celebrated him so many times.
He did get a small cake and some gifts, it was his birthday after all. Most of it was spend with Vista and Blamenco, as the three of them weren’t allowed to help with any party preparation. Not that it bothered them, they used it to just relax and repare themselves for the huge party the next day.
The next morning there was a big brunch table with a lot of the favorites of the three men in center. Haruta’s face split into a huge smile, seeing how much effort had been put into decoration and the food. Vista and Blamenco wasn’t used to such a nice setting on their special day. They thanked Haruta again, saying it was the best gift he could give them.
“You know, seeing your happy faces is totally worth it.” Haruta grinned and dragged them to ‘the table of honor’. Since everyone was sober, well more or less, there was a lot of chatter and life from the morning, setting a great mood for the day.
Brunch took a few hours and afterward there were games and exchange of gifts. Since Haruta had gotte his the day before, he stepped aside to let Vista and Blamenco soak in the spotlight,which was a little brighter than they were used to. The two really enjoyed it.
Rakuyo was in charge of the games for the day and with as many as sober as possible, it was different, but still fun. He’d planned so many games that everyone could play one or two games. There was something for everyone to enjoy and you would think it was just a large kid’s party. However, booze was central part of most of the games and even at the games where it wasn’t there was booze.
Evening came and the furth division set up tables for a huge buffet. They were the some of the few ones that hadn’t been able to play games all day, but they didn’t mind, since they had a passion for food and loved to see the faces of their brothers, when bringing out all their favorites. Thatch had of course managed to surpass himself again. Even the dish Haruta had asked him about earlier was part of the buffet.
There was enough food for two days, but that was just a smart trick. After all, everyone would bee too hungover to do their work probably, with a few exceptions of course. With leftovers, it was easy to satify the crew the next day, without needing to cook all day with a bad hangover.
“This is so weird, you know.” Vista sat next to Haruta. “I see all this on your birthday and other’s, but now it’s all for me too ... I’ve gotten used to a hangover party on my birthday. Thank you, brother. It’s really special.” He smiled and handed Haruta a more expensive bottle of rum. “A toast to the best brother I could wish for?” He held his own boottle high.
“A toast for the best family.” Haruta smiled, feeling quite embarrassed to be called the best brother. All he did was to give Vista and Blamenco a chance to get a celebration like the one he and others got. They too deserved it.
“Aye.” Vista grinned and toasted with Haruta.
Whitebeard watched how happen both Blamenco and Vista were and made a note to give Haruta somethign special the following year. He did often see his sons beign selfless, but this was definitely on another level. It made him feel like he had raised Haruta the right way.
“Haruta did not only make Vista and Blamenco happy, bug he also lifted a huge burden of Thatch’s shoulder, yoi.” Marco smiled softly, seeing the cook enjoy himself, less stressed as he usual was on this date. If there was anyone trying to make all birthdays special it was Thatch and having three birthdays in two following days were tough.
It was then said cook jumped up and announched that desserts would come soon and disappeared. This also meant that the birthday cakes would be presented and everyone was curious. It was one of the most kept secrets on the ship. No one, except for Thatch and Jessica, knew what the birthday cakes looked like. The other cooks knew what taste they had, but they didn’t help decorating them. Only Thatch and Jessica did that.
The eyes of everyone was on the door, as it opened. Ten cooks slowly moved forward to reveal one huge cake on a table, they were carrying. It was as tall as Whitebeard and actually very simple. The bottom was white, the rest green with red roses falling down from the top. Some felt slight disappionted, while others knew that there had to be more to the cake than what they saw. After all, the cake was representing the birthday person or in this case, the birthday men.
Taking the sword Thatch had brought to cut the cake with, Vista gestured Blamenco and Haruta to come. All eyes were on the three, as they together cut the cake, revealing that inside there was cupcakes, candy and lots of colors. Laughing the three thanked Thatch and Jessica for the surprise. The outside was definitely Vista and Haruta, while the inside was a tribute to Blamenco. It surely was a cake unlike any they had before.
Soone everyone had their share of the cake, which was not only rich on colors, but also flavors. The cake that the two had cut out, were also brought to the tables, molded to look like animals. nothing went to waste after all.
As the night fell upon the sea, the party continued with music and more booze. people danced, played poker or tryied to win a drinking game. It kept going until people passed out where they were. The party sure had been bigger than usual even bigger than it usual was on Haruta’s birthday and the commander actually felt amazing and praised himself for coming up with this idea. It sure had been fun and even those who usual held back, so they could be somewhate fresh for Vista’s and Blamenco’s party, had giving everything they could.
That night everyone slept well and while they had a grand hangover the following days, it was definitely worth it and the birthday would be one they kept talking about for months to come.
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