#the goodest dragon
joycieillustrations · 2 months
hello! was curious to know what dog breed you imagine meleys to be in 'office hours'? have been enjoying your fics a great deal and this question has been plaguing me.
Hi there! Thanks so much for your ask - I’m so glad you’re enjoying Office Hours! 🥰
I’d deliberately avoided mentioning Meleys’ breed as I wanted to see if people would guess! That, and I didn’t think Rhaenys would mention it, seeing as it’s an obvious, everyday fact for her. But to answer your question, here’s a snippet from the next chapter’s WIP:
His heart nearly stops.
It’s a fucking Rottweiler.
He could run. It would be so easy: he needed only to turn on his heel, to walk away, to not look back. Rhaenys would never know he had been there and he could surely find some excuse, some reason to rearrange their meeting. He looks again and his stomach drops to somewhere about his ankles. A bloody Rottweiler, big and strong and in a spiked red collar. Muscles ripple beneath the thing’s fur, sleek and shiny in the sunlight, and her claws scratch long marks in the dirt. Beneath the shell of a muzzle, long white teeth glisten. His arm twinges, his fingers flexing nervously.
So there we have it! Meleys is a sweet lil Rottie! I’d be happy to go into my reasons for choosing the different dog breeds in Office Hours (all of the dragons are dogs) should anyone be interested. And as a bonus, here is Meleys in the original sketch I did that helped inspire Office Hours.
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pianostrings · 3 months
Sunfyre obeying Aegon’s command of “Forward, Sunfyre. FASTER!” in the common tongue implies Sunfyre had to learn a second language to understand his rider 🗣️
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duchess-of-oldtown · 2 months
Seasmoke out there chasing down Addam like a desperate mid-season Bridgerton
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starsandstars · 2 months
I am honestly surprised Sunfyre let them take him. Like I would actually love to see the scene, how they orchestrated it. Did they toss a coin? Did soldiers die? Or was poor Sunny so out of it he just let them do whatever hoping for the best? idk idk
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medli20 · 10 months
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A collection of various player tokens I've drawn for party members since switching VTTs.
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Round 15! Arin vs Bumblebee
Lego vs Transformer
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hellt00th · 1 year
yikes i just saw a solas post that was like "yall hate solas bc he's neurodivergent coded!" and said that he didn't lie. firstly, solas is the epitome of neurotypical actually, he's just reclusive bc he's surrounded by, in his eyes, shadows of the ghosts of his people, and by some extention sees himself as not a person anymore. not even a fraction of what they used to be. he doesn't see anyone except an inquisitor that befriends or romances him as real people. cole tells you this much about him. his goal once you meet him again is literally to destroy life as we know it to attempt to bring back HIS people.
secondly, solas lied A Lot. A whole lot. Bc a lie of omission is still in fact, a lie. he lied about everything you asked him about in the beginning by not telling the inquisitor the full story. It was HIS orb that blew up the temple of sacred ashes, and he gave it to corypheus bc he couldn't unlock it himself. All you get from him at ANY point in the game is that the orb is elven in origin. If you befriend/romance him, he'll tell you it was his orb. Thats it. BIG lies of omission there. plus I'm almost positive the elvhen artifacts solas has you activate are actually mini bombs that'll shred the veil when he's ready to tear it down, and not, in fact, artifacts that strengthen it. thirdly. I adore solas. He's my favorite character in the entire dragon age series, but I'm so tired of people either completely villifying him bc they only see things in black and white, or completely woobifying him and making him into a sweet innocent uwu elf boy which he is not.
Solas is a genius, utterly ruthless tactician who will use any means necessary to achieve any goal he sets his mind to. There's not a single doubt in my mind he's going to do some horrible shit in dreadwolf in the name of reviving arlathan, but you also need to remember he's grieving. Poorly mind you, because he's using his self assigned duty to the People as a distraction from his pain and loss and sorrow. He's beautifully complex that way and stripping any of those traits away from him to make yourself feel better about liking or hating him does a huge disservice to the writers and the character himself.
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acommonanomaly · 4 months
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The goodest boy from our last campaign, @nixiegenesis' Marel Starshade, a divine soul sorcerer. I love him and I miss him!
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kurozu501 · 7 months
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As much as Toriyama handles his female characters terribly this chapter was still pretty cute to reread. I love how Goku just instantly accepts living with her and just wants to know her name. Even when he remembers her and realizes the marriage proposal was a misunderstanding he's just like welp, i gotta keep my promises. Such a good boy.
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softlyvoiced2 · 1 year
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Knight Mathieu Farthing 🛡️🐺🌕 Knight of the Brotherhood of the Whitepyre - Knight of the Red Crusade - Paladin of the Oath of the Vengeful Ancient - Vessel of Whitefang, the Wayfarer
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hurlumerlu · 1 month
Is it hypocritical of me to be vehemently against the notion that Anders did nothing wrong, when I was on the "Korn did nothing wrong" train for the entirety of The Gifted: Graduation, and both tried to blow up a public space with people in it to force a conflict involving people with strange abilities to a head - but only Korn almost got a beloved female character killed? Perhaps. I'm still right in both cases though, so it's fine.
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iwanttofuckereh69 · 2 years
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Happy birthday to the goodest boy ♥♥♥
Check out my other TR fanarts [HERE]
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starsandstars · 2 months
Sunfyre isn’t dead stop spreading propaganda
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avenshaven · 2 years
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Ash Ketchum VS. Toothless the Dragon
Trainer VS. Trained Dragon
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anonymous-harpy · 1 year
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