#the goma pod answers
natticusthegomamon · 8 years
Where do Digimon come from? :/
Natticus: Oh, that’s easy! Digimon come from Digieggs~ ( ˇωˇ )
Zarrus: Yea? But then where do Digieggs come from?
Natticus: Digieggs come from data-
Zarrus: Okay, but I bet you don’t know where the data comes from :b
Natticus: Ugh, shut up Zack :/ Besides dying and regenerating as an egg, which I’m sure you have plenty of experience with, I dunno. Hey Milus!
Milus: ...This level is so badly designed, all this lava between areas- Hm? What is it Natticus?
Natticus: Someone asked ‘where do digimon come from?’ and I know they come from digieggs, but where do they come from?
Milus: Who asked?
Zarrus: Uh. Anonymons? What kinda digimon is that?
Milus: Someone being anonymous probably doesn’t want to be recognized. Maybe I’ll write up an in-depth post for your blog about that sometime so it can be shared with everyone who follows you, it can be really complicated to explain... just not now, I’m trying to finish this game- Ack! I took too much damage to take on the boss, now I have to do this all over again *sigh* ( -ᆺ- );
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natticusthegomamon · 6 years
Who is the annoying early riser that wake sup everyone else?
That would probably be Milus, when he gets angry playing games, everyone knows, no matter what time it is… though sometimes it seems like he’s been up gaming all night, instead of sneaking off early.
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natticusthegomamon · 7 years
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces? [nate, maybe with bonus Zack barging in XD]
Natticus: Why am I ‘Nate’ now? I’m not a yokai guy or whatever ;>ᆺ> I like to think I’m pretty smart though~ Milus is smart too but like, a different kind of smart. It’s tough to explain-
Zarrus: You’re obviously dumb Red if ya can’t even s- HEY! You callin’ me names now brick-butt!?
Natticus: As you can see, Zack is bad with names. And he might not be that smart :b
Zarrus: Oi, I can answer for myself :/ I’m not dumb, I’m just a different kinda smart than Milus or Red that’s all. Humph.
Natticus: Hmmm, I do get forgetful if I somehow end up devolving into a Pichimon. It’s tough to retain information when you’re that small ^^; I don’t end up dying or getting myself killed as often as Zack has though at least.
Zarrus: You’re probably just weak because you always run away from battles. I’m a skilled fighter ( ˇωˇ )
Natticus: I don’t run, if I can outsmart them then I don’t even need to fight them in the first place (¬ᆺ¬) You couldn’t even remember what the difference was between a Gotsumon and a Meteormon, one is a much higher level-
Zarrus: Psh, who cares, just knock ‘em in the water and they’ll sink to the bottom either way… I’ll make sure they don’t surface; easy targets makes for easy data >:3
Natticus: …See I don’t need to hoard my data and buff up if I’m smart enough to pick only the fights I know I can win. Duh. If you mess up then you’re dead-
Zarrus: But then I know what not to do!
Natticus: (-ᆺ-); I think you’ve cycled too many times if you think that’s a good strategy, but whatever. As a digimon, when in the digital world we don’t really need to remember ‘names’ the way humans do, but it’s good to know how to address a digimon if you want to get acquainted with them. Every ‘mon is different though. As such, it’s important to remember faces, or other details, very well, I don’t have any trouble with that~
Zarrus: I only remember the stuff that’s important, so rarely I’ll forget someone or something-
Natticus: Uh huh. “Rarely”. Sure.
Zarrus: Shut up Red!
Natticus: Grrr, my name’s Natticus here, or did you forget that too!?
Zarrus: I said I only remember *important* stuff ya moronmon!
Milus: *ahem* Why don’t you two calm yourselves down and finish answering the questions.
Zarrus: …What were we on about again? Memories?
Natticus: Well that’s your answer, my turn now; I haven’t cycled too many times but I feel like I remember most of my time in the Digital World, except when I was a babymon ^^;
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natticusthegomamon · 8 years
Floramon: Thanks! I still wish I had more and consistent options like you... I think Gazimon's line is better XP
Natticus: Wow Gazimon can evolve too? Into what? :o
Zarrus: Maybe just a big failmon haha X3
Natticus: This is why I hardly get asks, shut it Zack :/
Milus: In my studies I’ve found that Gazimon can evolve into Devidramon, Dobermon or even Gaogamon due to their common base data...
Zarrus: Well don’t ruin the mystery Milus, let’s hear what this Gazi’s gotta say about it!
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natticusthegomamon · 7 years
Sorry if my question was confusing,basically what I wanted to say is that if all of you usually being carried around by Fandramon or you move by yourselves
Natticus: I’m good with just walking around on my own, even if it can be a bother after a while; swimming is a lot easier of course but sometimes that’s not an option. I don’t trust too many others to carry me around; only my tamer Fandra, and my digimon buddies Milus, Silphydramon and @astamon.
Zarrus: Pft, no way! I can walk by myself!
Natticus: But you let Fandra carry you sometimes~ :b
Zarrus: So what? She’s my tamer or whatever, that’s a thing that we do right?
Milus: Zarrus, you’re so stubborn I’m surprised you let anyone pick you up; I’m positive you would try to move on your own even if you somehow ended up stuck on land as a Dolphmon. So, I’m honoured that you’d let me carry you ar-
Zarrus: WHOA THERE Milus, plz, it’s just easier to like, sit on your shoulder or whatever when you play those video games, that’s totally it, don’t squint into it or anything ;>ᆺ>
Natticus: ...Blackmail material. Excellent ;3
Zarrus: You be quiet Red, this isn’t any of your business!
Natticus: Well, when you’re in your Blizzarmon form you can carry both of us Milus, you’re pretty strong! Just, I’d prefer you to use your actual arms instead of your hair when possible ^^;
Milus: Sorry about that, sometimes I need a way to carry my weapons and other things with me too. I don’t mind when Fan carries me, but if she’s not around I can manage okay. It takes some effort but it’s fine, if all else fails I can evolve into my Blizzarmon form for a while.
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natticusthegomamon · 8 years
Floramon: Cool Digivolves, Gomamon! Better than mine. I turn into a Kiwimon? LAME! -_-;
Natticus: Thanks! :3
Zarrus: Mine are cooler though~
Natticus: Go away, no one asked you Zack. I think Kiwimon is a cool digimon, they can run really fast! Running isn’t really something I can do too well in most of my other evolutions ^^; You can summon friends to fight with you kinda like I can summon the Marching Fish, that’s awesome too! (^ω^)
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natticusthegomamon · 8 years
Word Association Meme
tagged by: @astamxn​
These are for Natticus;
Rough: Waves Hide: Quiet Foolish: Mistake Sad: Lonley Hate: Anger Light: Bright Dark: Cave Mother: Egg Father: Elder Child: Human Marriage: What Love: Partner Soft: Fur Pet: Fish Dream: Nostalgic Divorce: Divided Water: Swim Loud: Zarrus Announcement: Important Power: Evolve Fight: Destroy Smack: Splash White: Snow Sick: Pain Kiss: Fandramon :3 Hug: Silphydramon Hurt: Abandoned Happy: Food
Will do Zarrus' too;
Rough: Rocks Hide: Ambush Foolish: Red [Natticus] Sad: Weak Hate: Enemies Light: Sun Dark: Depths Mother: No Father: No Child: Weak Marriage: What Love: Why Soft: Texture Pet: Touch Dream: Memory Divorce: Broken Water: Life Loud: Roar Announcement: Leader Power: Attack Fight: Victory Smack: Tail White: Mist Sick: Awful Kiss: Tongue Hug: Fandramon Hurt: Annoying Happy: Swim
Gonna Tag: Whoever wants to do this! I'm bad at tagging lol
Did anyone wanna see answers from the other ‘mons here?
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natticusthegomamon · 9 years
✒︎ Zarrus!
Zarrus: Alright, finally! Someone wants to ask me a questi– oh. It’s you ¬_¬ Alright, fine, here’s some useless trivia, one time I drank an entire jar of juice all at once! Though Fandramon told me later that “pickle juice is not the type of juice you drink!” I just figured the plants in the jar were for flavour. Oops. Tasted good though, so who cares!
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