#the golden shot is violent neutral clover if they were a kitsune
ut-golden-shot · 6 months
No one really likes me.
I can understand why; I'm the daughter of the priest who runs the local cult. My peers don't like what my dad or his gods could do to them or their families, and they're scared of what I can do. Dad could call upon the wrath of The Angel to burn buildings down or invoke the darkness of The Titans to cause earthquakes and hurricanes. Of course, he doesn't, because then The Christ and The Antichrist would smite him for abusing his status.
I try to be friendly—smile, make friends, help others, and all that—but ever since my dad revealed to the town that I am the reincarnation of the Golden Shot, the violent and manipulative kitsune god of justice, no one trusted me.
Bitter with anger toward my father, my friendliness began to seem fake. This caused my peers to avoid me further. Even more bitter with loneliness, I taught myself how to hide all my negative emotions completely.
This made my friendliness seem genuine again, but after a while, it became eerie. With loneliness growing yet again, I decided the best course of action would have been to disappear to Mount Ebott.
So I climbed to the cave that swallows all who venture into it: Grotta degli Dei.
And I found Agujero del Anticristo, also known as Chara's Pit.
I took a deep breath... and jumped in.
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