#the goal of an artist is to touch peoples lives in small ways. imperceptible ways really...
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deoidesign · 7 months ago
happy birthday! I just wanted to let you know that I came across this account after seeing this sick horror piece of old time churches, decinding to follow the page, and then realising that it was the same artist who'd written that sick comic on time travelling werewolves and vampires which I'd lost. and they're both t4t too ! effervescent
thank you!
Honestly it is an extremely unfamiliar reality that someone could know me from multiple different things... Not sure what to do with that but I'm glad to have impacted you in small ways and I hope to continue to do so! So thanks for being here, I'm glad that fate brought us back together haha
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oftenderweapons · 4 years ago
Small Town Swoons
Hello buttercups! Here is the big fat project I was talking about. I am giving you snippets and teasers of the whole thing, just to let you know what you’re all getting yourself into. 
There are some spicy tidbits here and there, so I would suggest only mature (18+) people read and/or engage with this post. 
I’ll be starting with Yoongi since his piece is really in the holiday spirit and I’m super hella inspired to write it, but don’t worry, Steamy waters is still coming (just know that I’m not done publishing stuff for the night 👀)
Let me know what you think about this project, what story you like the most and which one you really really look forward to reading 💕✨
Just in case you need it, here is my masterlist
Enjoy 💜
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Apple of My Pie — Jin
In the bakery and café near the university many students barge in, desperate for coffee and the delicious apple pies served there once October comes. Some of them barge in for the sweet sight of the owner, still mysteriously single. Little do you know that he’s been pining after you for years, since you ran into his café in a slow, rainy Sunday morning, drenched like a stray kitten, asking only for friendly help. Friendship sparks easily and his comfort tastes as sweet as autumn apples. That’s how you find yourself flatmates, watching movies with his secret recipe hot cocoa on Saturday evenings and waking up to the delicious scent of his pies on Sunday morning. But the sudden apparition of a rival makes you wonder, what would it be like to fall asleep in his bed every night?
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Mold Me New — Taehyung
Divorce is a mess, especially when you’re so young and you had bet your life on your high school crush. All those things you never had to learn are scary now: dating, friends with benefits, all those secret rules on social interactions and flirting. But then your friends gift you a clay modelling lesson at the local pottery. Your teacher looks like a quiet, grumpy man who slowly warms up to you, offering you his kind smiles and gentle laughs. Right when fear that your lack in courtship manners might cost you your greatest chance at a new happiness, his lessons indirectly turn into small advice, and suddenly it feels like his hands are shaping your heart into the perfect, beautiful whole you needed. And to show him your gratitude, you’re more than willing to gift the artist his creation.
“Don’t let it dry too much. Too much water will mess it up. It will become too pliant and it won’t hold up.” That was it. The rule to love. You had bathed him in reassurance and affection, and just like that he had melted underneath your touch, and he had turned into nothing. And the love had run out. “Every shape has its specific requirements.” He explained, dipping his hands in the basin and letting the droplets fall from his fingertips. “Wet hands, but not drenched.” Once he was happy with the result he sat up, his foot starting a small pressure on the pedal. “See, here we go. The clay will show how much water it needs. Easy on the pedal. Very slow. You’re warming it up. Be gentle. You’re not sure it’s good. Just like with people. Easy at first, and once it works you speed up.” He smiled at the material underneath his hands. “Gentle. Easy.” He said, his sinewy fingers gently pressing into the art piece to be. His fingers seemed to stretch and bend imperceptibly, as if he was feeling the very texture of the material, and of the final result he wanted to obtain. “That’s the secret to good things.”
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The Shrew, Untamed — Jimin
Everyone gets married in small towns. The hairdresser’s daughter, the butcher’s niece, the doctor’s granddaughter. Even your best friend. And someone has to organise all the weddings. You have taken part in so many it is unnerving. You’re not asking for a husband, a simple fuckbuddy would suffice. You don’t even need someone with skill, you just need to have sex with a human. Though your goal seems unattainable and life apparently truly sucks, the petty florist where you order the flower arrangements offers you a beacon of hope, comforting you and spoiling you whenever you visit his shop, condescending to your every whim. Will he satisfy your every wish or will you have to supervision your best friend’s wedding on the verge of sanity?
“Sit down, sweet pea.” He said, offering you his chair. He immediately stood behind you, digging his fingers into your shoulders, massaging them. He always smelled like greenery. It was relaxing. “Who pissed on your roses, tiger?” He asked, his thumbs drawing circles at the base of your neck. You moaned and closed your eyes. “Poor baby. So stressed.” He purred, laughing. “Portia is getting married.” You groaned. He ohed. “Your friend, Portia?” You frowned and pouted. “That bitch. Portia.” You growled. He laughed a silvery sound. “It’s your best friend.” “It’s a stressed out insult. She wants me to plan it. Jimin, I am so tired of watching people getting married.” He kneaded the nerves near to your spine. “It’s a professional hazard, baby’s breath.” His finger stilled as he reached the middle of your back without finding the clasp of your bra. He moved upwards, ignoring the small detail. “It’s the third in two weeks. I can’t. Is everybody getting married this spring?” You asked, your head rolling forward. “I’m tired. Stressed. Grumpy.” You whine. “Baby, you have your sugarcane at home, use it.” He said, referring to your swirl shaped dildo. You shook your head. “It’s the warmth. Human touch. Sympathy.” Ask me, please — Jimin mentally begged — I’ll be so sweet to you. “And now I even need a plus one for Portia’s wedding. Lest she pairs me up with her cousin. Did I mention that he’s thirty and bald?” You sighed. “I can help.” He said. “With the Plus one.” He clarified. “Don’t expect me to get my fingers in your pie, blossom.” He stated. You shook your head. “Your loss.” You tutted. His loss, for sure. Not like you wanted him massaging your breasts as you sucked him off, laying on your white silk sheets, his dulcet moans filling your lonely room and your empty
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Natural Connection — Namjoon
The city sucks. And before you definitely choose to resign from your job, you spend the money earned with your all-work-and-no-play attitude in a reinvigorating holiday in a natural resort in the woods. What you find is true heaven on earth, an eden of wonders and explorations. When you meet your guide, who will follow you and you alone, you almost cannot believe your luck. The closed-off man leads you through all the breathtaking sights of your location, offering you emotions and landscapes unrivalled — both in terms of wildlife and... well, humans? The steamy atmosphere seems to keep growing hotter together with the summer days, and before you can think twice your big friendly giant helps you get rid of the hots. What happens when your Adam and Eve idyllium gets interrupted by a ruckus of stag-partying jocks?
Namjoon knew your average blood pressure at rest and under effort, your shoe size, your weight and height. Still when he found you right before him he could barely believe the sight of you. He knew you were small but this small? He was surprised. Amazed. Completely dazzled by your size. “Uhm. Kim Namjoon?” You asked, hesitant. God, even your voice was small — he noticed. As you got even closer, he realised you barely reached his sternum. He was endeared. He imagined how hugging you would feel. Why was he imagining to hug a stranger? “Hello! Welcome to the Valley!” He said, offering you his hand. You took it and shook it energetically. “Thank you. I assume you will be my guide during my stay.” You commented. “Exactly. I'll be your coach and your guide through the whole experience.” “Perfect.” You smiled. He was dumbstruck by it. So sweet and bright. You noticed he had a nice voice. And a kind smile. He looked like a very gentle giant. “Have you brought any specific equipment with you or would you prefer to use the one we offer?” “I have trekking boots and walking sticks. You know, basic stuff that's difficult to find when you're the size of a teapot.” He laughed a loud belly laugh, which surprised you and pleased you. “Okay, we can head to the hall and chat about your activity plan.” He said, leading you. Walking behind him was definitely a hard challenge, both because his legs were kilometric — and damn fine — and because how could you not stare at that ass right in front of your gaze, clad in oh-so tight shorts? Once he realized you were basically running behind him, he turned, a bit confused. And then embarrassed. “Sorry,” he smiled sheepishly, taking shorter steps. "Don't worry, it's okay. I'm a fast walker." You stated. He grinned. He barely stopped himself from murmuring a 'cute'. You were adorable.
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Ink ‘n’ Run — Jungkook
People find awful ways to inculcate mean insecurities in our lives. It is to get rid of insecurity that you head to the talented tattooist in a small town near your campus, ready to ink your fears away. Ready to start from zero, you let yourself enjoy a night out clubbing and a steamy one night stand with a tattoed god. Hit by the morning-after regrets, you run away before he wakes up. Little do you know that he’ll be the man you’ll be spending several hours underneath, half-naked as he inks you. Such a shame that you keep running away each time he is ready to ask you for a date. And that he keeps running away after you convince yourself to concede him one. Will you manage to let each other see that you click perfectly or will you let that night be just an accident?
“Oh. You’re back. Lovely to see you, how can I help you?” He looks sweet. God, he was sweet, of course he looks sweet; you thought. He was the most gentle man you had ever been with. Wicked hips, but such a sweet mouth. “Uhm, I have an appointment?” You said, showing him the business card with the date and time of your appointment. “Oh.” His expression was the perfect depiction of confusion. “Uhm. I guess you can come into my studio, then. Do you have someone with you? Would you like Daisy to come in?” He said, looking at the girl sitting at the reception table. “No, I’m cool.” You forced yourself to form a tiny, polite smile on your face. As he walked ahead of you you noticed the way his tight black t-shirt hugged his narrow waist. And his wonderful, jeans-clad, toned ass. God, he had rammed into you like a mad man that night. You shook your head, trying to bring yourself back to reality. Meanwhile, his mind was fuelled by millions of questions. Why had you run? Were you freaked out by what was happening? Were you as affected as he was at the idea of him working on you? Did you think he was a fuckboy? Would you let him take you out on a date? Would you let him fuck you again? Wait, scratch the last one.
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Head over Heals — Hoseok
You are the most talented ice skater of your state. Or rather, you were. Your career was harshly interrupted by an unfortunate accident. Healing from the hurtful events takes strong nerves and positive energy. Luckily, your physiotherapist — the neighbour of your childhood home — is the most positive, enthusiastic person. New feelings bloom like daisies on a warm spring morning, while old feelings rekindle and light your way back home like a field of fireflights, back to places that you’ve always loved. It takes little time to get used again to his sweet energy and his gentle hands, healing your body and your soul. It takes even less time to fall head over heels for him.
“What changed?” He asked, drying your tear with his thumb. “I don’t know. It feels like it changed.” He smiled. “You’re still the same to me. Same bright eyed little girl running around in a summer dress, smelling like honey shampoo and sun cream. You feel like home. I think nothing has been okay since you were gone.” Your heart took a second to melt and resolidify around that new truth. “Hobi.” His eyes were glittering. “I think I always had a soft spot for you. You and your knees always scraped, the small curls framing your face, the way your braids came undone that night as we were driving away after prom in the convertible your parents ran away in when they eloped.” He looked so sad. And so beautiful. “Hoseok, I never forgot you, you know. You were my first.” You confessed. “And you were mine.” He replied. He paused. “We were perfect.” “We were.” You replied. We still could be. We are.
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Sugar and Spice — Yoongi
A new girl moves into town, her goal starting her life from scrap. And then on a foggy autumn night she ventures in the local pub, where she meets a cute, tattooed bartender who happens to be the local sweetheart. Fate — and the sweet granny next door — seem to push them together; it’s only a matter of time before feelings bloom and attraction becomes too intense to resist. The magic of a small town, and that loneliness that they share and understand so deeply, bring them close at the most wonderful time of the year. Love can blossom even in the dead of winter and who knows, maybe they’ll find a new life by the time of the new year?
“How does it feel to live in a small town?” You asked, stretching your legs out the flannel blanket. Sunlight came in through the yellow leaves of the apple trees. “Like time doesn’t really exist. Until you don’t have any left and suddenly your friends are getting married and having children and all you have is a useless piece of paper stating that you’re a doctor.” He said. “But it’s okay. It’s lovely, at times like this.” He said, looking at the sky. “Marriage and kids are overrated.” You said, laying down. He looked at you, your eyes closed, your hair coming out of his beanie, currently covering your head. “Don’t leave me alone here.” You had a beauty he had never known. Or that maybe he had seen in his mother. That rough, tough beauty that looks dangerous from afar. Delicate from up close. You weren’t gracious. You weren’t cobwebs and golden hair and clouds. You were the ground, the trees, the stone. You were the mountains capped in ice, beautiful and so endangered. Still, so steady. You were the forest, eternal. Nothing could marr you. No man, no humanly disgrace. You would weather and transform, like nature does. Maybe he was idealising you, maybe he was giving you all those traits he had always wished in a woman. “Stop staring at me. Lay down. Enjoy your seconds before you turn into a fifty-something lonesome worm.” You teased. He laid. Your hand found his. “I’ll tell you how a small town feels like, based on the opinion of a girl from a big city.” He exhaled a laugh. “It’s comfort. Like when it rains outside but you’re in your bed and you’re warm and you don’t have to get up. You can simply lay.” He rolled onto his side, staring at your eyelashes. If I blink, will she disappear?
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easyweight101 · 8 years ago
Memoregen Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
What is it?
Memoregen is a nootropic supplement that is designed to improve memory performance. It is also useful, according to its advertisements, for increasing focus, cognition, and energy levels throughout the day.
They claim that in tests it has helped users with the speed and accuracy of their recall abilities. They said that it improved facial recognition, complex learning, and problem solving skills.
The top mental performance enhancer on the market today is the nootropic supplement Memotenz. Memotenz has been used by students, professionals, and creative artists in order to maximize their intellectual effectiveness. Click here to learn more about all of the ways that Memotenz can improve or help restore mental function.
Do You Know the Best Brain Enhancement Supplements of 2017?
Memoregen Ingredients and Side Effects
Acetyl-L-Carnitine Ginkgo biloba Huperzine A Vinpocetine
Acetyl-L-Carnitine: An amino acid that is used by the body to produce energy and for brain, heart, and muscle function. Acetyl-L-Carnitine is a useful nootropic ingredient because of its positive effects on memory and cerebral blood flow.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine has been used to help treat a number of conditions including:
Alzheimer’s disease
Peyronie’s disease
Down’s syndrome
It has been particularly effective in restoring memory function in the elderly, alcoholics, and other individuals with serious long-term thinking issues. It has also shown effectiveness for increasing cognition and attention span.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine can increase energy levels and power output as well, which is not strictly a nootropic function, however it can have mental performance benefits. Less fatigued individuals think faster, make fewer mistakes, and have better recall abilities.
Ginkgo Biloba: A large tree that was cultivated initially in far Eastern Asia before being successfully brought to Europe, North America, and South America. It is famous as one of the more potent natural nootropics currently known to man.
The ginkgo tree has uniquely shaped leaves that give it the biloba surname after their “bi-lobed” structure. It can grow quite tall, often reaching as high as 30 meters, and grows small orange fruits that resemble a shriveled peach. The fruits are generally inedible, potentially toxic even to the touch, and emit a foul smell when ruptured that some compare to vomit or dog poop.
The leaves of the tree, however, can be used for a wide variety of beneficial purposes. They appear in food, drink, and cosmetic products, and may be effective in helping to treat:
Peripheral vascular disease
Tardive dyskinesia
Ginkgo is especially beneficial for improving memory function. Short term memory, free recall, and facial recognition have all been reliably shown to improve with regular ginkgo use.
It can also help with cognition, cerebral blood flow, and it helps fight the symptoms of cognitive decline. Ginkgo even has slight benefits for improving energy, mood, and subjective well-being.
Huperzine A: A chemical that is extracted from Chinese club moss. Huperzine A is mostly thought to be a nootropic agent because of its ability to stimulate choline production, however there is little data that suggests that this can lead to increased intellectual performance.
Choline is a neuroprotectant that helps prevent cognitive decline. It does not improve thinking speed or memory function, and is not considered a study drug or productivity booster. Users will be unlikely to see any benefit from taking huperzine A unless they are suffering from a severe choline deficiency.
Huperzine can lead to side effects in some individuals including:
Blurred vision
Slurred speech
Muscle twitches
Uncontrollable urination
Vinpocetine: A laboratory-synthesized chemical that is classified as drug in Europe but as a dietary supplement in the US. Vinpocetine is designed to chemically mimic vincamine, a molecule found in the common periwinkle plant vinca minor.
Supplement manufacturers often claim that vinpocetine is useful for improving memory function, reaction time, and processing accuracy, however these effects may only be applicable to the elderly and are not well supported in healthy adults.
There is much debate currently about the effectiveness of vinpocetine, especially when taken orally. Recent studies have shown that when it is ingested very little of its active chemicals ever actually enter the blood.
Those chemicals that are actually absorbed are not thought to have much of a perceptible effect on people with fully functional brains. In addition to not being particularly effective, there are some side effects that may possibly be related to vinpocetine including:
Stomach pain
Sleep disturbances
Vinpocetine has also been shown to weaken the immune system in some cases. People that took vinpocetine may potentially produce fewer white blood cells and were at greater risk of infection than those that did not.
Click here to see all of our experts’ reviews of the top nootropic supplements on the market today.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this product with a proven brain enhancement supplement such as Memotenz for better results.
Memoregen Quality of Ingredients
Memoregen uses two of the most effective nootropics supplement ingredients on the market today. Both ginkgo biloba and Acetyl-L-Carnitine are well regarded by our panel of experts and have long clinical histories demonstrating their usefulness.
Ginkgo biloba and Acetyl-L-Carnitine have both proven to be excellent memory performance enhancers that help stimulate blood flow to the brain and can improve mood and energy levels. They are effective in people of all ages and ability levels and have shown very few negative side effects in their users.
Vinpocetine and huperzine A, however, are significantly less useful. Their clinical histories have not demonstrated that they can live up to manufacturers’ hype about them, and they both have extensive lists of potential side effects that they can lead to.
This is a fairly limited list of ingredients, especially considering that only two out of the four ingredients in Memoregen are thought to be effective. It is unlikely that most users will notice a significant change in their cognitive abilities based on just these four ingredients.
Follow this link for data about the best ways to increase your mental performance abilities.
The Price and Quality of Memoregen
Despite the limited ingredients list for Memoregen, it is still more expensive than the average nootropic supplement. It is sold through several different online retailers, though they tend to be less reputable than bigger-name companies like Amazon or GNC. This is the pricing structure from one of their distributors:
1, 60-count bottle of Memoregen capsules: $38.10
3, 60-count bottle of Memoregen capsules: $113.16
6, 60-count bottle of Memoregen capsules: $219.48
The directions indicate that users should take at least two capsules a day, so each bottle is approximately a 30-day supply.
To learn more about which nootropic supplements were rated the most effective at improving focus and attention span, follow this link.
Business of Memoregen
Memoregen is a product of Karuna, a manufacturer of other supplements and pharmaceuticals products. The contact information that they provide on their website is:
Phone Number: (800) 826-7225
Address: 42 Digital Drive, Suite 7
Novato, CA 94949
There is no evidence that the Karuna Corporation has ever been implicated in any legal wrongdoing. There are no outstanding lawsuits or legal actions against them at this time.
For data about how the top brands of nootropic supplements stack up when compared head to head, click here.
EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using brain enhancement supplements for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.
Customer Opinions of Memoregen
The objective reviews of Memoregen are not particularly positive. There are quite a few customers that have written angry reviews of their experiences with the product, including these:
“I’m still waiting for it to kick in after already taking two of the three bottles I bought. Buying three bottles of a supplement I’ve never tried? Yeah, I guess I do need brain pills.”
“I’d been really struggling with my grades, so I started taking Memoregen every day to see if that could help. If anything, my grades just got worse, and I was asked to leave the school.”
“Every time I took one of these I felt like I was drunk. I started slurring, I got sleepy, and I got this weird facial tic. Needless to say, it did not improve my mental performance.
Common issues that were brought up were similar to the ones above, usually relating to ineffectiveness, side effects, and the cost of the product. There were also complaints found online about difficulty getting ahold of customer service representatives and receiving refunds promised for defective products.
Follow this link to see all of or experts’ data about which nootropic supplements will be the most effective at helping you achieve your mental performance goals.
Conclusion – Does Memoregen Work?
Judging by the ingredients panel of Memoregen, it would be reasonable to think that they could have a slight, though probably imperceptible, benefit to users’ mental performance. It is possible that it could increase memory function and thinking speed, however it is unlikely that unless users are monitoring their performance quantitatively that they will be able to detect any increase.
If, however, the responses from their previous customers are any indication, then Memoregen may not even be that minimally effective. Gingko biloba and L-Acetyl-Carnitine are both considered high-quality additives, and they can be found easily in other nootropic products that have better reputations with their customers and that do not dilute their blends with less effective ingredients.
The top nootropic on the market has proven to be Memotenz. It is the single supplement that has the best history with actually increasing effective memory and mental performance in its users.
Their blend combines ginkgo biloba and Acetyl-L-Carnitine with bacopa monnieri and other highly-rated additives. Click here to read our experts’ full review of Memotenz.
from Easy Weight Loss 101 http://ift.tt/2oo60pK via The Best Weight Loss Diet In The World
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