#the girl is connonically tiny
sporksaber · 3 months
I just know all those men who met shu as Mir were panicking at the realization of what they wanted that short twink to do to them.
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katahnisharma · 5 years
meeting the family | t.h.
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Can we get a head connon with meeting Toms family? Please love and I love your writings - requested by @tomholland64
oh my gosh, i love this! and thank you so much ♡ i had to repost bc my tags didn’t work the first time, sorry!
When Tom first brought up meeting his family, you were taking a walk in the park with Tessa
You were like afgjndf okay??
Because you were freaking out, who wouldn’t be?
You loved Tom, and meeting the family was a big deal because Tom was super close to them
Somehow you managed to go “yeah that’d be nice” and then afterward proceeded to go into panic mode
Tom found it cute, that you were so nervous because it meant that you really wanted them to like you
You kept asking him about everyone so you could make conversation and not sound like an idiot
“So Harry likes photography? Okay, I need to research famous photographers and camera types.”
“Sam likes cooking right? Lol then how come you suck at it, Tommy?”
*Tom stares off into the distance like he’s on the Office*
“Does Paddy like legos or is he too old for that? I bet he likes Star Wars though”
You took notes on everything Tom told you, and then did your own research because Tom was pretty useless
“Love, even I don’t know this much about my family, how did you find this stuff out?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy?”
Tom couldn’t stop laughing when you made him take you golfing so you wouldn’t look bad in front of Dom (you know, just in case), and you kept missing the ball completely
But he took you for ice cream after so it was all good
Then D-day came and you were running around like a headless chicken, trying to appear calm and composed
Tom had been ready ages ago, and now he was just watching you race around with a stupid smirk on his face
“Oh my god, I can’t wear this! What was I thinking?”
Your shared bedroom was a mess, clothes everywhere and jewelry strewn on the bed
Tom made a joke about an atomic bomb so you threw him out, you didn’t need that type of negativity right now
“But I live here too!”
“Try me, and you won’t for much longer bug boy”
Eventually you picked something that you felt good about and did your makeup
When you heard a little bark, you realized Tessa had been buried under a pile of clothes and had chewed up one of your dresses
But you just couldn’t stay mad at her so you ended up smothering her in kisses instead
“Can we go now?” Tom whined because he’s a literal five year old you and can’t argue this point with me
You finally emerged in a blush pink floral tea dress and the least annoying pair of heels you owned, giving him a tiny spin
“Does this look like I didn’t try too hard but also that I tried really hard?”
“What does that even mean?”
“Like I put thought into it but I’m also super chill, because that’s the vibe I’m going for here”
“You look hot, maybe I can cancel and we can just stay here and…you know…”
At this point you throw your clutch at him and he peppers your face with kisses because you guys are adorable™
So now you’re driving to Tom’s house, your heart beating so loudly you can hear it
Tom is playing some CD he bought while the two of you went record shopping and he keeps one hand on your thigh protectively
What, you looked really gorgeous? He could never keep his hands off you.
He kept telling you that you looked beautiful and had nothing to worry about, but did he expect you to believe him?
Meeting your boyfriend’s family is nerve-wracking, according to like every romcom ever
The drive was way too short in your opinion, and you literally refused to get out of the car for a few minutes
“Darling, you have to actually get out to meet them. I don’t think they’ll fit in here.”
“Tom, I can’t do this. They’re going to hate me and break us up like in Monster-In-Law!”
????????? Tom.exe has stopped working
“Okay, if you’re talking about the movie with JLo, don’t they end up together? And would you stop worrying, they’re going to love you. I talk about you all the time, I promise it’ll be fine”
Tom basically drags you out of the car, you clutching the bottle of wine and flowers you bought and trying not to trip
When he rings the doorbell, he holds your hand to calm you down
And also to stop you from running because let’s be honest, you were considering it
“Have I told you recently that you’re too pretty for me and I’m so lucky?”
“I mean…..maybe…..”
The door opens and your heart almost stops because the entire Holland family is standing in the doorway and smiling at you
You now realize where Tom gets his looks from because the entire family is GORGEOUS???
“Um, can we come inside first before you ambush her?”
Nikki gives you a hug immediately, thanking you for the flowers which just so happened to be her favorite
Heh, what a coincidence you totally did not pester Tom about it
Dom loves the wine, and is impressed when you tell him where it comes from
Tom is trying not to laugh because he’s the actually the one that bought the wine, but he won’t tell them that because you’re finally at ease
The twins love you already, because they can tell you make Tom really happy and you’re so sweet
Like you actually try talking about photography with Harry, who can tell you know nothing about it but he’s touched
And when you tell Sam that you wished you could cook, he actually offered to teach you just to spend more time with you
Paddy has officially made a new friend and big sister, and he begs Tom to bring you over more often so you can watch movies together because in his words
“She’s way cooler than you”
“Gee, thanks.”
Nikki thinks you’re wonderful, she’s very happy Tom found you and she can’t stop smiling at the two of you. She’s seen her fair share of girls and you’re already her favorite, especially when you offered to help her set the table and clean up after
Dom got to talk to you when Tom went outside with the boys to kick a soccer ball around, and he was really surprised to find you so intelligent too. You could hold your own and you had a strong mind and he appreciated that
He listened to you talk about world events and college and Nikki came to listen too and she loves that you know so much
“Dom, she’s so smart!”
When the boys come back in they try to understand what you’re talking about but it’s a big ?????
Tom is both low-key jealous and also really happy that his family has basically adopted you and likes you more than him
“Hey, it’s your eldest son remember me?”
“Tom, Y/N was just telling us about her classes! Did you know she’s majoring in Chemical Engineering?”
“Well, yeah I’m her boyfriend.”
Sam and Harry basically talk your ear off during Lunch, until Nikki tells them to knock it off because Tom is being pouty
“Mates, she’s my girlfriend and I wanna sit next to her.”
“You snooze you lose Tom”
He was an upset boi until you kissed him and told him that you would sit next to him after Lunch
Paddy tells you about his school and wants to know how you decided what you wanted to do but you tell him that he’s got plenty of time to figure that out and he should enjoy school in the meantime
After Lunch everyone sits outside in the garden and drinks while the sun sets because the aesthetic, ya feel?
“You better marry her, Tom.” Nikki whispers when you go play with Paddy
“Don’t worry, I’ve already got the ring”
Eventually it’s time for you and Tom to leave and everyone is sad about it because they love you
“Don’t forget to call us and you’re welcome any time.” Nikki sends a ton of food with you and Dom apologizes because you’re actually about to fall over and the boys can’t stop laughing
“Bye, everyone!” You finally finished hugging everyone and promising you’ll be back when Tom literally picks you up and takes you back to the car
“Hey, I wasn’t done saying goodbye!”
“You can call them later, we’d literally be 85 by the time you finish”
The entire car ride back you can’t stop gushing about Tom’s family and how great they are and Tom just can’t stop smiling
Because he’s so happy you like them and that they like you, it’s everything to him and he can’t wait to bring you around all the time
Tom will never admit it, but he was super nervous too and the fact that it all went perfectly means you must be “the one”
And with the ring in his jacket pocket, he can’t wait to solidify it and finally make you Mrs. Holland too
requests open!
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