#the generals who pray to me don’t realise that it’s a two edged sword
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excaliefur · 2 years ago
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oh fuck y e s
here's a random word generator--whatever word it gives you is now the thing you are the deity of
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namixart · 6 years ago
To start off 2019 with some positivity, I'm going to make a list of things that I absolutely love and make me happy in my favourite shows, movies, books, games etc. Small things, big things, no particular rhyme or reason. It was surprisingly therapeutic. Feel free to reblog and add your own!
Link being left-handed now let him use sign language Nintendo please
The entire Sector 6 Market section in Final Fantasy VII and the Honeybee Inn in particular
Zuko's character arc
The Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack
Final Fantasy X's worldbuilding
Everything about Disney's Mary Poppins it put me in a good mood for three days straight
How Percy absolutely adores his mum and is supportive of her relationship with Paul (after a while)
Edward Elric
(Yes. Just Edward Elric as a character, person, concept, actions...)
Major character design kink: boys with long (ish) blonde hair (see Edward, Link, Zidane, Howl)
Final Fantasy IX's soundtrack
Aerith and Tifa being close friends despite both being in love with Cloud
The Gentleman Bastard Sequence's worldbuilding
The fact that one of the characters in Zootopia speaks with my city's accent in the Italian dub (you never see it in any movie)
Final Fantasy IV's world being just vague enough that it tickles my creative bone to expand on it
Kingdom Hearts I using original storylines for the Disney Worlds
How Yato's eyes are very a very clear indication that he's a supernatural being in Noragami, being unnaturally light and bright
That one panel in the Kingdom Hearts II manga where an almost-naked Pete carries Maleficent bridal style out of the collapsing tower
Sleeping Beauty's art style and instrumental soundtrack
The fact that two super popular shonen manga/anime have leads who are super smart instead of being dumb muscle or the stock happy-go-lucky-not-very-bright protagonist (Fullmetal Alchemist and My Hero Academia)
How some of the Olympians like Hermes and Poseidon are so casual when interacting with mortals
The scene where the Spaceport is revealed in Treasure Planet and the look of the film in general
The first few chapters of the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga before card games took over the plot
People in the Gentleman Bastard Sequence being emotionally honest despite being literal con artists
The theatre motif in The Republic of Thieves
Cloud, Aerith and Tifa threatening Don Corneo, but especially Aerith saying that "she'll rip it off" if he doesn't cooperate
Locke and Jean becoming pirates in Red Seas Under Red Skies
The Hunger Games movies being the most accurate film adaptations I have seen in my life
The Kingdom Hearts soundtrack, especially the vocal tracks, Dearly Beloved and The Other Promise
Final Fantasy VI shoving you in what usually is the backstory of a videogame and literally destroying the world
Edward defending Mustang when he had his sight taken from him despite them having spent 90% of their screentime together bickering
Tony Stark and Peter Parker's relationship in the MCU
Sophie throwing a tantrum after she realises she's in love with Howl and creating deadly weedkiller to express those feelings
Darcy being a goddamn social Disaster in every incarnation of Pride and Prejudice
The relationship between Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye
The Once Upon a December sequence from Anastasia
The mere existence of Zamira Drakasha and Ezri Delmastro and everything they represent
Sokka's role as both the strategist and the goofball in the Gaang
Peter Parker sharing a hot dog with Loki when he could have asked for anything because Loki owed him a favour
How the plot of Kingdom Hearts is so ridiculous we don't even question it anymore
Enormous muscly men I can still categorise as "super adorable and sweet" (Major Armstrong, All Might)
Howl being the biggest drama queen in the book
My Hero Academia's fantasy AU ending
Spider-Man (PS4) nailing the Friendly Neighbourhood Spidey aspect of the character and letting him interact with civilians
That moment when I was sure Bakugou was going to join the League of Villains but then he didn't and I've never been happier about being wrong my entire life
Zuko practising before asking the Gaang to join them
Harry's wonder at every new thing in the Wizarding World
The fact that Spider-Man's backstory could just as easily be that of a villain but instead he's a hero and he has the biggest heart
Jake and Amy being in an Adult and Communicative relationship while still being themselves and each other's best friend
Winry being just as much of a prodigy as Ed and Al and building Ed's automail at 11 years old
Percy Jackson starting out as a standard straight white kids' series and Riordan adding ALL THE DIVERSITY as soon as it got popular enough that Disney couldn't say no
Charlie Weasley just outright trespassing into Hogwarts to smuggle an illegal dragon out
The soul and essence of Pride and Prejudice being passive-aggressiveness and sarcasm
Apollo's haikus in Trials of Apollo
Every scene using Deep Canvas in Tarzan
Winry and Edward's diametrically opposed reactions to the realisation they're in love ("Oh I guess I've fallen for him alright moving on" vs "Fuckfuckfuckfuck oh shit no why oh god aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh")
Lilo & Stitch's watercolour backgrounds
The fact that Roy Mustang's womanising persona is a facade to hide the fact that he's a) a huge nerd, b) going to overthrow the government and c) in love with his lieutenant
The "makings of greatness" speech in Treasure Planet
Spider-Man (PS4)'s swelling score as you start web swinging
The Battle of 1000 Heartless in Kingdom Hearts II
Sophie proudly describing Howl to Abdullah, him assuming she was listing flaws and her getting angry about it
Edward and Alphonse being atheists despite having literally met their version of God
The fact that Amajiki is one of the top three hero students despite his crippling anxiety
Rubicante recognising Edge as a warrior and apologising for Lugae's horribleness
Edge unlocking new powers out of sheer rage
Sora throwing a tea party at the end of Dream Drop Distance while his best friend was still asleep
The backstory in Skyward Sword about Hylia and the first Link
The "immoral manga" omake in Fullmetal Alchemist
The School Festival arc in My Hero Academia, Eri finally smiling and Deku and Mirio being the best big brothers I've ever seen
Kingdom Hearts III finally coming out this month
McGonagall's cat form resembling her human form
Edward finally breaking down at the end of Fullmetal Alchemist god I love this boy so much he has such a big heart
The Enlarged Suit Scene from Howl's Moving Castle
Most of Howl’s Moving Castle is a delight to be honest
Kairi's reaction at the news that she would be training with Axel in A Fragmentary Passage
The bonfire scene in Cosmo Canyon from Final Fantasy VII
Uraraka deciding not to focus on her crush on Deku in order to grow as a hero
Rydia summoning Titan and raising a mountain at the ripe age of seven in Final Fantasy IV
The friendship between Percy, Annabeth and Grover
Kairi and Lea looking like they're going to be a team in Kingdom Hearts III
Greed (at least the second one) claiming that his goal in life is to have everything when in fact he only ever really wanted friends
The Main Theme of Final Fantasy playing during the scene where the characters not in the final battle pray for the party in Final Fantasy IV
The Overture from Phantom of the Opera
Locke Lamora from the Gentleman Bastard Sequence being named after Locke Cole from Final Fantasy VI
Luna Lovegood never having to change who she is and remaining weird and happy
Terra Branford becoming more human by feeling not romantic love but maternal love for a bunch of orphaned children
The "You're not alone" scene from Final Fantasy IX
Darcy respecting Elizabeth's refusal of his first proposal and working to become a better person after she points out his many flaws
Neku learning to open up to people in The World Ends With You and literally saving Shibuya through character development
Bakugou's slow development into a better person
The sketchy animation during Disney's Dark Age
The official character artwork for Skyward Sword
Harry and Sirius's relationship
Spider-Man being a street-level hero and being super humble even though he can literally lift Thor's hammer
That little high-five between Sora and Remy in the 30 seconds trailer for Kingdom Hearts III
Rosa and Rydia immediately ignoring the boys' order to not come to the Moon and stowing away on the Lunar Whale
Plus Edge's adorable "Y-you're here too!?" in the DS remake
Cloud not being allergic to smiling and joking around in the original Final Fantasy VII ("Let's mosey!")
Thor and Loki starting to mend their relationship in Ragnarok
Into The Spider Verse has a scene where Miles uses Spider-Man comic books to figure out how to use his powers and it's the best and I love it
You know what, Into The Spider Verse as a whole because I saw it a while back and I'm still gushing
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mayhemories · 7 years ago
Braids & War Paint (Part 13)
Notes On:
Part 1: / Part 2: / Part 3: / Part 4: / Part 5: / Part 6: / Part 7: / Part 8: / Part 9:/ Part 10: / Part 11: / Part 12: / Part 12.5 (smush, not smut, not fluff but smush) 
The darkness of the night suited Lorcan, he enjoyed laying and listening, even though Lorcan wasn’t full Fae his hearing was ever so slightly different to that of a human. He could hear the owls cooing, the untamed waves casting themselves upon the stone cliffs. The smell of salt, sulphur and the tang of so many bodies and blood. In the distance Lorcan could just grasp the twang of the Bane and their fires, crackling and causing gaudy songs of white stags and victory to shrill out into the night.  
Their vigour was something Lorcan could barley comprehend, they had ridden for a day or two, then gone into battle and then built an encampment the same size as Maeve’s own in record time. All this work, and yet they still won’t shut up.
A shudder ripped through Lorcan’s body like a rabid animal. His godly advisor, Hellas, had Lorcan on high alert. His left hand slithered under his pillow drawing the sharp blade out from underneath it, blade in hand, Lorcan quickly got to his feet.  
Lorcan was in the middle of tying his boots up when he felt it. Gods above, he felt it before he heard it.  
It was a tremor or a crack. He couldn’t quite put a name to the feeling, an earthquake wrapped in magic and evil. It threw Lorcan onto his back, as he lay there groaning as the sound followed it. Like thunder after the lightning, it roared like a tortured beast, clawing its way into Lorcan’s mind. Lorcan winced at the intenseness of the roaring surge of evil.  
As it clashed into the night Lorcan struggled back to his feet, knife in hand, he ran out of his tent.  
Soldiers, page boys, cooks and healers ran frantically. Lorcan had one location in mind. The Cliffside.  
“Lorcan! Where are you going?” Fenrys grabbed Lorcan’s arm as he tried to push past the commotion.  
“Cliffside, better view.” Lorcan gruffly spat as he wrung his muscle-corded arm from Fenrys’ grip and continued his trek to the edge of their encampment.  
As Lorcan neared the tree line a small silhouette caught his eye.  
Small in stature, female, defiantly not from Doranelle. Lorcan sniffed the air, trying to grasp anything of her scent, manoeuvring his blade as he did so.  
She smelt of cunning and intelligence, human and yet not at the same time. Lorcan felt his eyes narrow as he realised, she is defiantly not Valg.  
She watched out at sea, obscuring any view of the Valg ships from Lorcan.  
“At ease, I belong to Her Majesty’s court.” The woman said, still not turning to face him. Lorcan balked at her tone before he swiftly emerged from the shrubbery and stood alongside her. The accent gave her away, she was of Aelin the Fire-Breathing-Bitch-Queen’s court. Of course she was.  
Lorcan could not see much out at sea, save for a large pale light on one of the Valg ships. It was enough to ensure Lorcan’s suspicions were right- The Valg have already used their countermove against them. They have played their move, whatever it was, it would be catastrophic for Wendlyn as well as Aelin’s people.  
“You heard it too?” The woman asked, finally she turned and looked up at Lorcan. She was very… pretty. It wasn’t that Lorcan hadn’t had experience with women, gods forbid he’s had his fair share, he just didn’t care too much for harlots or nobles.  
“It was like nothing I have ever heard before, I came to the-“ Lorcan was cut off by the pretty woman of the Terrasen court.  
“High ground to get a look,” She smirked at him, crossing her arms across her chest and quirking an eyebrow. Gods, were all women in that court so… entitled? “Lady Elide Lochan of Perranth, Her Majesty’s tactician.”  
Lorcan glanced down, one of her legs from the knee down was made of metal clogs and bronze bits and pieces. Elide Lochan, the half-human blushed at his inquisitive glare.  
Lorcan flared his nostrils a little as he met her eyes again.
“Lorcan Salvaterre, Commander of Queen Maeve’s blood-bound.”  
“Lorcan,” Galan came storming through the bushes before halting at the sight of his cousin’s tactician. “Lady Elide, excuse me for the interruption but Queen Maeve has requested your presence, Lorcan.” Galan said, standing awkwardly.  
“We shall continue this conversation later-“ Lorcan had nearly finished his sentence before Elide cut him off yet again.  
“If your queen is calling on you then my queen will most certainly expect my attendance.” Elide said as she walked away, Galan and Lorcan trailing in her wake.  
She was quite like thunder, herself.  
Lysandra quickly removed her hand out of Aedion’s as they approached Maeve’s war tent, luckily the General and herself hadn’t removed their battle leathers.  
The shapeshifter had been asleep when the roar from the earth sounded. She hoped wherever Aelin was Rowan was with her too. Aelin had always been a risk taker, had always been incredibly smart and most of the time her plans went perfectly, since the King and the Crown Prince and Crown Princess all passed into the next world Aelin had become wilder than ever before, more willing to risk, more willing to gamble her life. Lysandra had no idea how Rowan did it, but he settles Aelin. She gains all hundred percent of her rationale back when she is with him. Lysandra hadn’t seen Aelin this… happy since Sam, even then, Sam never caused Aelin to want to turn every ocean’s tide, Sam never made Aelin want to turn back the hand of every clock, sharpen every arrow, polish every boot, tame every stallion, count every grain of sand or wish on every star.  
Aelin had found her soul bound and Lysandra couldn’t be happier for her queen, for her flame-cloaked empress. Her friend.  
Aedion and Lysandra opened the heavy linen flaps to the war tent. Maeve was red in the face bent over maps and Aelin was grinding her teeth.  
Lysandra opened her mouth to ask about the situation, however, Elide caught her eyes and the look on her face said it all.  
They were done for.  
“And what do you suggest, Aedion?” Galan asked chewing his lip in anticipation, struggle was written all over the young prince’s face.  
“I suggest whatever my queen believes is the best cause of action.” Aedion answered curtly, placing a gloved hand on his sword’s pommel. Aelin’s haunting Ashryver eyes flashed towards them.  
Maeve looked just about ready to snap.  
“It is not enough, come sunrise we all perish.” Maeve stated, running a milky hand over maps and papers.  
“No.” Was Aelin said. She stood straight, jaw locked. That’s when Lysandra knew. Aelin had her hair braided, a leather band wrapped around her forehead. Her fighting leathers still strapped and all her weapons were strapped to her body. She had a plan all along. Aelin had anticipated this, whatever this was Aelin had counted on it happening.  
“Aelin-“ Rowan said touching Aelin’s shoulder in a questioning manner. Aelin looked Maeve in the eyes, a young queen and a queen of myth, face to face.  
“Come sunrise I call on those who are willing to lay down their lives to end this before it truely begins, come sunrise those who have offered me their swords will come and will perish, come sunrise we shall devour those who stand in our path.” Aelin reached under her fighting leathers and pulled the Amulet of Orynth.  
Maeve’s eyes widened at the sight of it.  
“You have one.” Maeve stated, Aelin nodded. The Wyrdstones.  
“You also have one, do you not?” Aelin asked, looking pointedly at the bronze ring that sat on Maeve’s right hand.  
Maeve stiffened, yet looked back down at her papers.
“Yes, I don’t know where the last one is.” Maeve stated. Lysandra expected annoyance and agony from the thought of starting a fight they could not win.  
But Aelin just started laughing. It was low and rough and it unnerved Lysandra.  
“You might not, but I certainly do.” Aelin said, her grin almost canine as she relished in out smarting the immortal queen.  
“Our queen doesn’t appreciate your games, Aelin Galathynius.” Said the tall, dark and handsome commander of Maeve’s sniffer dogs, Lorcan Salvaterre.  
“If I was playing a game you’d know it, Salvaterre.” Aelin said, quirking an eyebrow before laying a nail on the bay on Maeve’s map.  
“Sunrise. Here. Tomorrow. Terrasen plays no games, we paint the brushstrokes of war.” Aelin stated. It was the kind one, Gavriel, who spoke up next:
“You believe that Terrasen will be able to defeat the Valg?” Gavriel questioned, his bright hair fell out of his bun and into his eyes.  
“No, but anyone who dons a braid, anyone who fights with war paint. They will be blessed and they will fight well.” Aelin answered, Lysandra knew that passage all too well, Brannon’s Promise To Elena. A famous poem within the realms of Terrasen and Adarlan alike. Lysandra knew what that passage meant, for all of them.  
Lysandra slowly placed her hand into Aedion’s again, she sent a prayer to every god and goddess, she sent a wish to anyone or anything that would listen that the reward would be worth the carnage.  
That passage held a promise Lysandra cringed to think about.  
As soon as Elide was alone in her tent she checked them. She quickly pulled the latch open on her trunk and unwrapped them from their cloth coverings.
The witch mirrors that Manon had given her at the ball, all were intact, not a single chip or a crack in their frames.
If Aelin heeded her counsel, then the mirrors would be ready. Elide was afraid, so terribly afraid that she wouldn’t be strong enough. Even though there was blue somewhere in her blood, she bleed red. Gods, Elide prayed to the Three-Faced Goddess and to Anielle and she prayed for Manon and the thirteen, she prayed for Aelin, Rowan, Aedion, Lysandra, Nox, The Adarlan allies, Nehemia and those Aelin had became friends with in the desert, she prayed for those of the wastes. Elide prayed her plan went well.
Elide knew that too much blood on her conscious would tip her off the moral scales.
Gods, if she could be granted one wish, is that their plan would work. That Elide wouldn’t have to carry the imagery of innocent blood.
Elide climbed into her cot, and excepted the fact she wouldn’t be sleeping.
I’m sorry this probably isn’t as good as you guys would’ve expected. And there’s shite editing because I re-wrote half of this chapter at 2:00am. So please don’t hate me.
As always this part was written for: @bbyshadowbat @aelin-and-feyre @rowanismybae @sparkleywonderful @cassiancalore  @igniscorde7112  @illyrian-high-lord  @daughterxofxnight @bigsis227 @crazybookladythings @gcarroll @sugarcoated44 @wolffrising @notjustanyoldfangirl @bluephoenix222 @readinglikewildfire @fck-tamlin @and-re123
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