#the fucking plaque or whatever it's called that had my name and idk I guess my stats (weight size n shit) on it when I was a baby still had
acridid-s · 9 months
Every day I wake up and am glad that my name does not end with an "a". I could not IMAGINE having to be a woman who has to live with a name that ends with an "a" in this world, and in the country I live in. Not my butch-leaning futch ass having to live with a name that is immediately clocked as femme. EW.
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thetruthlsoutthere · 5 years
Doctor Who I Have Had So Far!!
hold on tight and buckle up - this is a long post ;)
Dreams Night of 2/3/2016 to 2/4/2016 // One of them is where its like I and the 10th Doctor are leaving the Tardis and Donna is there and where we are its snowy and then its like I am a bit away and the Doctor is in front of me and he is handing me Hermione's wand and for some reason, I am dizzy and me and him are playful arguing about the wand and I tell him he is mean and needs to lighten up. Another part is where its like there is this giant crank thing and the Doctor and I are trying to move it as fast as we can so it can do something that clearly we want it to do and I think Donna is still there or maybe its Rose because whatever is going on, whoever it is, says to the Doctor they love him and of course, though I am helping the Doctor, this makes me have tears in my eyes and the Doctor notices and seems to look vulnerable at me like he is trying to explain himself but I don't let him and I move away, I think. Then its like I am in this college history classroom where all those rows of seats are and its like I am sitting off to the side and Delgado Master form is there and he is like the professor or something and he is writing on the board and I am sitting off to the side and its like I realize where I am, I notice him and I am trying to get out of the room with each door I find but I am not finding a way out and I am seeing weapons around and yeah. Then its like me and the Doctor are in this underground lair of some sorts where there is a trap door you enter through but there was this room that me and the Ainley Master form were in and he was doing dangerous things and its like the Doctor was off to the side as I was yelling with the Master and he was trying to be a harm and I am telling about his evil things he has done, how It has made him a monster and why he didn't let humanity or emotions or love into his heart and at some point, I am having a grip on his collar and I am pushing him and he falls to the ground. Maybe he hits his head because he doesn't get back up so I run and the Doctor and I are trying to get out of there but it seems I am holding a small child, we get to the trap door but as the Doctor tries to open it, he realizes its locked. We share a look like we have to go back because the Master has what unlocks it and we don't want to go back but we have to and so we go back to that room and its like someone is trying to revive the Master and I am walking over and watching this. Then its like I am in Mcdonalds, the fuck, but anyway, its like I am there and im waiting for an order and for some reason by one of the entrance doors, I am seeing this grocery cart of sorts that has some fruits in it and a fucking plaque looking thing that shows a picture of me and the Master and what I said to him below it so I look weirded out by it so I just leave and I am outside and I see cars, its like I am trying to find a particular one.
Dreams i had from around 12/8/2016 night to around the beginning of the 14th. //
I wont go into the before one but it was involving teen wolf or celebrities of the cast.
However this is the dream that came after :
Then another dream I had was where its like I was in the Tardis and maybe I wasn't even seen but the 10th Doctor was with someone and the dream seemed too friendly to me but nothing happened, Idk.
then it went back into a teen wolf dream.
Dreams of 12/14/2016 to 12/15/2016. // Its like I was in my room , and it was the way it had been before I rearranged it. And.. Lucifer was there, in his true form with his whole body a bloody red and he was taller than me, his hands with deadly claw like nails and the tail and its like his head was on fire and I was trying to hide with me. I didn't know why he was there but I was trying to hide under the bed from him and he was looking for me and then its like he realized I was under the bed so he looked under it and saw me. He pulled me out of the bed and I don't know why, its like I was not afraid of him and then its like me and him were are talking and I am cupping his face in both of my hands and telling him he is beautiful and that I would kiss his head if it was not on fire and its like we both laughed at that. I may have said other things and I think I did around the part where I called him beautiful. Then its like were at the back door and I am seeing the 10th Doctor at the end of my backyard where it meets the woods. He is standing and looking directly towards the back door like he was waiting for me. All throughout the dream, I am calling Lucifer, his name and Luci. I go to my room to get my red riding hook cloak with the hook. Me and Lucifer are talking as I go back to the back door. He is not wanting me to go to the Doctor and I am telling him how I cant just leave him standing there and how I need to know why he is there, that it wouldn't be right to just leave him standing alone. He doesn't want me to go maybe because before in the dream or around this part, I am telling him about my other life where its where I was in the Doctor's world. So maybe that's why, he doesn't want to lose me. Also before this part where I was hiding under the bed or out of it, I could see a shadow where Lucifer was using his clawed hand to grab at his own head to look at his own brain?: but he wasn't really doing it, just the shadow. I could see his heart though and it was darkened and wrecked by all he had been through. Then its like he is doing the same with me and I can see my heart and its like mine has a wings with an angel or a horse? So maybe the difference between me and Lucifer is that he is darkness and I am light. I am good and he is evil. I am pure and he is tainted? Idk. But anyway.. Back to the part where the back door thing with the Doctor, I am tying the strings of the cloak and putting it on and I am walking out the backdoor and Lucifer is following me because clearly he is not going to let me go alone. I walk with him to the Doctor and ask him whats going on but then its like he changes from looking at me to looking at something else and he starts walking in that direction. So I grab at his wrist as I follow him which by now were in the front yard and I make him look at me, "Doctor, what is going on?", but then its like I am seeing all and its like fucking dragons and dinosaurs. I see a dinosaur in a neighbors yard and a dragon flying in the air. Like wtf. But then the Doctor grabs my hand and tells me, "Come on!" so then hand in hand, we start running and I assume Lucifer starts following after this, confused as fuck. Then its like wherever we are now, were swimming in the ocean or some shit because that's the ground location now and then its like the dragon decides me as its victim like wow ok then. And of course the Doctor and Lucifer don't like that, like hey back the fuck off her, she is ours. or mine, whatever, idk. BUT ANYWAY I am getting off track. So I am clinging onto this tall rock formation thing and the dragon is trying to get at me and I am just like spitting sassy words and curses and its like I can hear the Doctor and or Lucifer say, "That's our girl" or something like how my words and behavior doesn't surprise them or whatever. Then maybe I get away from the dragon or whatever because the next part I am remembering right now is the Doctor, Me , Lucifer and someone else? on a beach and they are standing at different angles and its like I see myself run to Lucifer and he holds me in his arms and its like there is a fucking narrative or something saying about how the others {Doctor and the someone else?} was like devastated that they would be leaving without me. SO in this dreams I was having here, did I choose Lucifer? Like BRUH? I guess as far as dreams go, I am Lucifer's human. \NOW don't freak out, I don't worship him ok, I am with God and will always be. Duh. Then its like after this, I am walking into this building area where a room with dimly lit lights and in front of me, there was this long couch and River is there, with Strax and other doctor who alien beings. Its like they were waiting for me? River is saying something like about how they were waiting for me, or whatever she said and she had a glass to her lips she was taking a drink of. ALSO somewhere in this midst of all of this, its like I am at the side of my house and my sister Danielle is at the back door and in the back yard of the neighbors, a different neighbor who was right next to us, not in front, A GIANT ASS  tall dog was playing in the neighbors yard then decided to plop its giant ass to lay down in our yard. and some parts in my dream, its like I was playing with my septum piercing jewelry..
Dream of 11/24/2016 to 11/25/2016. // I was all gothic looking and its like I am in my house and my dad is alive again and my room is still looking the same, its like they are cooking but I don't want to help and me and my mom argue and then me and my get into a massive fight about something , idk. Then its like maybe something terrible happens to all of them because then its like its night time and me and the 10th Doctor {That form throughout this entire dreams thing} are running to the garage to get inside and we hear noises like the Master is following us so we try and close the garage doors {but ours aer faulty, ugh}, so me in his arms like arm wrapped around me, we go out the garage. Meanwhile were talking about the Master and whatever he could be doing and how the Doctor isn't going alone so then its like were walking to the back door of my house and with my head close to the doctor's, the doctor's arm still wrapped around me, The Master {John Simm form throughout this entire dreams thing}, walks from the kitchen windows to the back door, see's me and the Doctor through the back door windows and its like he has this vulnerable look towards me or something then he opens the door and we walk in and its like were in the living room now and then I am full force yelling at the Master, like he had something to do with my family/father's death and I am calling him evil, even saying the words Your evil. And he is clearly affected by my words and I walk out the front door, close it and cry against the door with my hands over my ears or something. Then idk , the scene either changes or its back to when me, the Doctor and the Master were children on Gallifrey. Idk, I think the scene changes because it goes to the Master and Doctor talking. Portrait drawings are shown and its like the Doctor is talking to the Master, saying something like, "Your painting what you wish you had, family, happiness, a life, love..", all of that and one particular one becomes reality so that is how the scene changes so its the Master {John Simm form} and the Doctor sitting down by a grassy river and they are talking and the Master mentions the drums. Its like I am there but I am with this little girl and I haven't caught the Doctor and Master's attention yet but I am talking with this little girl and she is talking about how her earring fell out and she doesn't know how to put it back in so I put it back in for her and she is like how did you do that? Then its like were playfully chasing each other and it must be catching the Doctor and the Master's attention because me and the cute little girl keep falling, and we laugh as we do, the second time we fell, the Master and Doctor heard and looked over, then its like, I am moving the girl out the way because this black horse with gold outlining to it is coming towards me like it's going to attack me but then this strange woman who seems to be the owner of the horse, stops it and is talking about me like she knows much of me and the words, "Calm down..", something along those lines and calls the horse, "Namatus", something like that. { Master is an excellent artist , Damn, who knew} Before all this, I had a dream I was with friends in Paris and we were doing all kinds of cool things and one moment, we were right under the Eiffel Tower and then its like we decided to move on and were walking down this street in this town my mom works in and they move to go to one side but don't because I do , then its like they are making fun of me so I put my head up and go down a back alley where the Post Office and other place meet across and someone is there. Now back to the way the Doctor and I were, check a previous journal entry I can link to you, but he had his arm wrapped around me, my hand was on his chest while my other was wrapped around his waist , my head was side with his by his chest. Its like the Master was after us, we tried to hide, decided to check it out. Past journal entry, I am a Time Lady to the Doctor and I am his love, who is has different kind of relationships of friendship and what not with the Doctor and my title name is The Protector. BUT ANYWAY, were being protective towards each other, not wanting one to face something alone, going together and were basically like badass scared loves. The way the Master looked vulnerable at me was like he didn't like how I and the Doctor looked together, he looked at me with love but vulnerability in his eyes because of what I yell at him about and calling him evil. That look only increases in intensity when I confront him. See a past journal entry I can link to you about how the Master is with me because I explain it in a different way but perhaps better detail. As well as the same about me and the Doctor and my relationships with each companion/person. I ALSO REMEMBER NOW that after crying against the outside of the house by the front door after confronting the Master and calling him evil, I saw a vision of the Master talking with a reddish background , IT WAS A VISION OR SOME SHIT and the form of this Master was either Ainley or Delgado. {Not the first time I saw this form/one of them} _________________________________________________
Dream{s} from 11/2/2016 to 11/3/2016 //
I don't know which dream started but I am going to list each one. One was where I was like around my house and other places and my sister had this cute boyfriend and I liked him and he was such a sweetheart to me but they were together and it made me sad like I wasn't enough so I started acting cold and distant and I would just fucking up and leave or some shit. Then it flashes to this oceanic view with those little raft boat things with a nice fire and you have those ocean houses and he was crying on one of them and then all of a sudden , I see him walking away. Another one is where its like I was in my room and I was switching between clothes and what to wear to something and for some reason, I choose to get dressed in this square compartment area in my bookcase and they are like, omg she can fit in it and then its like I come out of it while dressing and wiggling around lioke wtf ok then. And they laugh and shit so the outfit I put on, I chose to wear then I think is when drama action starts from the previous.
Somewhere around this point, its like the Doctor and me are sitting at this table with these people and the Doctor goes to question them so I question the woman who was with this Alfie Dallon or something so I go to question her. We talk for a bit about random things so I can loosen her up and then I ask. She gets upset because I basically tell her as comfortingly as I can, yeah hes dead hoe. No I didn't use those words.  
Then its like there is this other dream where its like Evan Peters as someone named Alfie Dallon or something and a chick who would be his girlfriend and everything that looks like VIolet from AHS and I see happy moments between them at the end of this dream part but its like I am in this elegant house and there is weapon kits on the floor with all these kinds of guns and it flashes to this kitchen area I think and there is more weapons. What looks like that dude and his father talking and then the father touches a weapon, looks at his son weirdly and I think he kills him because it flashes to later on where its like were in the house and its all dark and shit but the house is now wooden like, same appearance but different color, the weapons are still there and were grabbing weapons, me and other people because I don't know, the father came back with a vengeance or some shit? Then the door opens and the people who I am with who like the fbi swat team or some shit , were just fucking firing bullet after bullet and the fucking 10th Doctor appears and he straight walks to me and its like why am I shooting at him but I do like ok then and its like this weapon with the bullets coming out like a fuckign machine gun  and its like the bullets just disappear as soon as they reach him. Its like he moves the weapons and takes the one out of my hands. I assume he takes my hand because then its like were running away together and we get to this bedroom where there is like a dresser and there are fiolders and documents, I thinki there is someone with us but to the side. The Doctor for some reason looks bloody and upset like he did in that Doctor Who episode withg the Master and the Gallifreyan High Council and its like he goes to violently move the folder documents. I grab his arm and say Hey in a soft voice then I cup his face as he turns to me, I think he cups my face too but I doubt it and I speak something along the lines of sadness and how it must be felt but how we should never let it consume us and have someone there to help us through it. Then I think the dreams ends after that.
Admin :
I have more dreams to tell so this going to be continued in a Part 2
watch out for it ;)
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