#the fuck is wrong with you
the-delusion-corner · 4 months
I wanna see Yuta biting the curb in 4k he deserves to die in this sacrifice
Using Gojos body AS A WEAPON after death, like come on. Us Gojo fans wanted GOJO back, not fucking Yuta using his body willy fucking nilly
The hate towards yuta is VERY much deserved, would love to see him bite the curb, slashed, kicked around, anything, never liked him anyway
Stop riding his dick and grow up, yuta shouldve died in 0 💀
Like look, I simply do not care if you like Gojo or you don't, or whether you like Yuta or you don't but this is just mad.
First of all can I just say, BITING THE CURB IS NOT SOMETHING TO SIT AND USE LIGHTLY, yes Yuta is fictional but the depiction of it is plain evil anyway, you shouldn't ever want someone to bite the curb, no matter who they are.
And I CAN GRIEVE MY OWN FAVOURITE CHARACTER IM SORRY?? He's made a massive massive sacrifice here, his own life at the expense of trying his best to help this fight end, to hopefully aid a good outcome. He's on the brink of death and has made a major self sacrifice despite being 17 years old.
You "gojo fans" can want your man back all you damn want, he's not coming back, it's gege we're talking about. But your precious man gets sliced in 2 and gets worshipped and praised all over the Internet, Yuta gets sliced in 2 and just gets hated on like there's no tomorrow.
I don't give a single fuck if you like or dislike characters, but don't be coming into my ask box saying shit like that. Grow the actual fuck up, and let people view Yuta's sacrifice as their own grieving event if they want to.
Actually shut the fuck up, great job at pissin me off
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mcondance · 6 months
you “write” an ai with my shit and i’m beating your ass
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crippled-peeper · 7 months
hey remember when you threatened to beat a quadriplegic man with your cane? do you remember how you didn't say it in tags, you said with your whole heart that if you ever met him you were going to physically assault him? how clear you made it that it wasn't a joke? dunno why I'm thinking about that right now, it's probably nothing.
bro what the actual fuck are you talking about . if you’re gonna come accuse me of random shit I never did at least produce a single link or source or screenshot.
oh wait you can’t because you’re a fucking idiot and you made that up and/or assume I know you’re a quad when you’re sending me stupid shit-filled anonymous messages . go cry.
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voidzphere · 5 months
heyy just a reminder that im not a roleplay account ^_^ dumbass
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dykeomania · 6 months
why the fuck are you six foot seven. What calls for that. get down here
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i told my drifloon to take some kid i liked away and some other kid was watching. the kid is still missing to this day L bozo for not living
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futchmemes · 1 year
mead is such an underrated alcohol and im convinced there was some kind of conspiracy to make beer and ale become standard fare and make mead the silly medieval-throwback alcohol you can only buy at specialty shops. it’s oppression of people who like things that taste good (honey) in favor of people who like things that taste like piss (hops) and i can’t believe we just let that stand. we need a revolution from people with functional tastebuds to overthrow Big Hops
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gund-arminc · 2 years
not to be a dramatic lesbo but attractive youtubers are the bane of my existence
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luvrhyune · 1 year
i think this might be obvious, but don’t fill out my permanent taglist if you don’t follow me.
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wildegeist-old · 2 years
What's with Tesla owners and not knowing how to fucking drive at all
It's like their brains go through the same quality checks those cars do
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the-knit-orious · 2 years
My boss threatened to charge me and take money away from me for almost forgetting a customers drink 💖
Like bestie, I'm at my fucking limit 💓✨
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hallowissmol · 2 years
terfs: trans men are confused lesbians!
me, a gay trans man:
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lamptracker · 2 years
so now that paddy is 18...
F'n hell, dude. No!
Also: Pretty bold of you to assume I'm writing anything these days
(there's stuff in the works. don't look for it til after new year's though)
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eggingtontoast · 2 years
for the record I turned off anon for my askbox ages ago because I was getting some weird fuckin anons asking me personal shit they had no right asking.
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justnoodlefishthings · 2 months
The way people demonize seagulls is actually unreal. Almost all of their natural habitat has been destroyed (almost all coastal areas have been developed, destroying natural sand dune ecosystems) and they're doing their best to adapt. They're literally just trying to survive. You're in their home. The vitriol some people have for these gorgeous sea birds just because they're not shy about snatching food if you're not cautious is insane
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mythtakens · 3 months
“these characters should be mentally healthy before they get together 😌” ummm no I actually think we should smash their mental illnesses together like clumps of play-doh and see what colors it makes
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