#the friends they talk too is not Dimentio or Jevil
nightcovefox · 4 months
A very lonely gumball
Characters: Dolos (My Oc), Dominika(Oc), Dester(Oc), and other Kirby Oc’s (Not mine but will be mentioned)
A/n: Dolos moving into this hotel because they joined the tournament. Now adjusting their stay. But.. It's so lonely they don't have friends to talk to.. Not like he wants to talk anyway..
Warnings: Bad Grammar, Some things don't make sense
Oh boy. The cafeteria room is packed. So many people everyone! The tables are full, and you can hear chattering everywhere, and delicious foods set on the bar!
Dolos sighed and made their way to the small line. Picking up a tray the line started to move. He spotted dumplings, star jellies, and some blue/red/purple slushy drinks. As he picks them up using his magic he then sees some leftover cookies. He picks them up as well and puts them on their tray.
As he got out of the small line he started to walk around to see any leftover spots. So far… there are none.
He sees a lot of different creatures chatting with their new friends and eating.
They see a bunch of Dark Matter people, (Ex) Star Warriors, Puffballs (Like Kirby and Meta), and other different species.
He then saw a familiar face. Fylass chatting with a bunch of his friends. Dolos knows so little about him. He would go say hi, but his smile faltered. Eh.. He’s busy. He shook his head and kept walking. He then saw another familiar faces. (That he totally did not stalk-)
He kept walking and now exited the room. He could sit outside. There is a garden in this place.
He walks outside to the garden. Woah… it was huge!!! So much space!!! But.. It was not empty there were some people roaming around here. He saw a purple puffball holding a fencing sword and wearing a crown. Wait.. He saw them before..?
They pulled out their journal and flipped through the pages. Ah! Here it is..! ‘Princess Chiffonne’! That's her name. She was interesting and almost looked like Meta mixed with Kirby. He turns around and sees more people whom he recognizes. (My dude is a stalker, he likes to watch what they're doing)
He sees Mapobas Dejasce Novavunorat almost mistaking them as a girl—
Nevermind that..
He shook his head. He walks around for a good 15 minutes. To explore and see all the flowers/plants. He then sees a big tree filled with colorful leafs. All the leaves in the rainbow colors. The rainbow tree even has a swing. He looked around and saw no one near the tree. Good.
He sat down under the shade and put his tray down on the grass. They then started to munch on their dumplings and star jellies. Oh!!! Compliments to the chef!! This tastes so good!!! No! Delicious!!!~
He sets his journal down and flips through the pages again. Seeing a dark purple shard in a pocket behind the pages he flips through them.
He picks the purple sharp up and taps the purple shard 3 times using his other claws. A faint pink hue glows. The purple shard then shows some two beings.
“Hey guys!” Dolos greeted them.
“Ah! Dolos! We wondering when are you going to call us..!” said a femine voice.
“Ah yes! But here you are are!” a masculine voice added.
“So, how is the hotel?” the femine voice asks.
“Well, Dominika it's okay. A very big hotel with so many spaces.. And have many other spaces that are not known.” Dolos explained.
“And did you you meet some new friends?” the masculine voice asks.
Dolos bit his tongue and looked away.
“I.. I did not, Dester.”
“It's going to be difficult to know somewhere there Dolos..” said Dominika.
“I know..” replied Dolos.
“Have you tried to talk to somebody?” Dester asks.
Dolos shook their head.
“You have to try..”
“We don't want you to be lonely..”
“It's fine..! I’m used to being alone!” said Dolos smiling a bit.
“Why did he join the tournament again?”
“I don’t really know.. I guess I joined there because my brother did..”
Silence has entered the room.
A sigh came from Dominika, “Well.. I wish we were here for you, but just try to make friends alright? And don't deny it either. From the chaos heart, I can feel your heart very hurt.”
Dolos nods their head again.
“I will.”
“Enough of this mushy stuff..! Hey Dolos want to know what I did to those lighteners lighteners?!”
A small giggle came from Dominika.
“Hmm. Sure! What did you do them?~”
The rest of the day Dolos kept talking and talking to his two friends. Didn't even notice that the sun came down.
They will notice it soon. Don't worry..! Maybe..
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thereaderinsertlady · 11 months
jevil x reader x dimentio? i can only imagine having to put both on child leashes to contain the chaos.. or bribe them with smooches.
We loove jesters in this household. Here's the link on ao3, and I hope you enjoy!
Jevil x Reader x Dimentio - Managed Chaos
Both of the jesters were getting on your nerves today.
One of them– the impish one with a tail, was currently eating your cereal that you just poured out for yourself not even ten seconds ago, and the other one– a manipulative little twink, was trying to get you to buy him an expensive set of playing cards he found in some magazine. 
“No,” you told Dimentio firmly. “I don’t care that they’re made of metal– it’s sixty whole coins! And you–” you pointed at Jevil. “Quit eating my cereal!”
Jevil’s tail swayed back and forth as he sat on the kitchen’s countertop, spoon in his mouth. He gave you a smile before responding with his mouth full of cereal. “I can do anyf’ing, anything!”
“Not in this house you ain’t,” you hissed, throwing a balled-up paper towel at him. “Go get your own cereal! You don’t even like that kind! And– And quit talking with your mouth full!”
“I do’t care ah-t all, at all!” His tail swayed more, as if he was proud of himself. 
You eyed him. “You’ll care when I shove my foot up your ass,” you grumbled, shuffling over to the fridge and opening it, no longer wanting cereal.
…Dimentio slooowly peered over your shoulder. “So like a bee ready to strike, are you sure you don’t want to get me that card set?”
“I’m sure,” you huffed. “And I thought you were going to meet with that little gumball guy?”
“Marx?” Dimentio pouted. “We-ell, he’s in jail.”
“...Jail?” You looked over your shoulder to stare at him. “Why?”
“Ooh, well, you knooow,” he waved a casual hand. “Trying to kill people, as per usual.”
You rolled your eyes, eventually closing the fridge. No breakfast for you. “You should find better friends.”
He giggled, leaning in to smooch your cheek. “Why find ‘better’ friends when I have yooou, my dear?”
“And muh-e!” Jevil chimed with a mouth full of food.
“...And you,” he pouted again, briefly eyeing him.
You rubbed your face tiredly. “Let’s go to the store in a bit. I need to lay down for a minute,” you said, going over to the living room to flop down onto the couch tiredly. You really needed a nap of some kind…
After a solid minute, you felt a certain impish jester crawl onto your back, laying on top of you as if he was a plank of wood. 
“Jevil,” you mumbled, your voice coming out muffled. “Whatchu doin’...?”
“Sleeping, sleeping.”
After a bit longer, a blanket was laid atop of both you and Jevil, a figure sitting on the arm rest. “I shall watch over you two,” Dimentio said with a smile.
“How come you always watch me sleep?” You asked, keeping your face pressed against the couch.
“To make sure you’re safe, of course! Jevil does it too.”
“I do, I do!”
You rolled your eyes, though couldn’t help but smile a little. Letting your eyes close, you got comfortable to the best of your ability, slowly drifting off into dreamland.
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radioactive-sparks · 2 years
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Ok so I’m gonna try and make Ref sheets for the main people for my AU so first is Marx :DD
The best way I can explain it is that he is semi-good. He was never forgiven for trying to take over Popstar. (Kirby has forgiven him, but this is Kirby we’re talking about) he promised to be better in the future, but too him that meant “I won’t try to take Popstar again.”. I.E. he’s still a little shit but won’t kill someone. He still sleeps a lot. Even if he seems full of energy, he is still a Noddy. Thus, requires a lot of sleep to function. He will still play pranks on everyone, but mainly his friend group (sometimes putting them in real danger).
He does know how to hop dimensions so the Jester Trio does exist in this universe. I probably won’t make ref sheets for Jevil and Dimentio, but just know they do exist here.
Also one last thing. Since Nova’s explosion, or at least I think it was, nuclear. He does get some radiation sickness left over from then. It’s more of an off/on thing that mostly was a problem when it happened but still can happen. Usually when it does then get really nauseous and tired with sometimes his skin turning odd colors. Mostly when it does happen then Taranza takes care of him until it subsides till next time
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Thank you for the ask! ...Which is why I owe you by asking the same! Talk about the Kirby series! (If you haven't been asked already!) If you have, then Marx for 003. (Your pick, honestly!)
Ah, I had processed this completely wrong upon initially reading it and somehow skimmed over the first part! I might come back to this later and do that as well sometime, but I spent too long on what I have and am itching to share it! So, for now...
003 - Marx
How I feel about this character: Absolutely awful little man (endearing). Easily one of my favorite characters from the series! He has so much potential, and I love getting to see all the different interpretations people have of him! I’d be happy to go into more detail about my personal ideas if people are curious (though focused questions might get a quicker response out of me), but I’m having a difficult time keeping this relatively concise as it is!
Any/All the people I ship romantically with this character: I’m a big fan of Marxolor, if it wasn’t already clear! They have so much in common (including but not limited to the similar things they have gone through; I feel like they’d be able to support each other with that), and of course there are the heavy implications of their friendship canonically!
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: For this, I’d probably have to say Gryll! I headcanon the two as having a sibling sort of relationship, and I think they’d just get along very well! I have a collection of old headcanons I’m working on reworking, perhaps someday I’ll write something about it. I also recently discovered I wasn’t the only one with this headcanon, which was certainly a pleasant surprise!
My unpopular opinion about this character: I’d say my unpopular opinion was that I dislike the interpretation of Marx being rather unintelligent (like, c’mon, he’s canonically very cunning) and just outright cruel, but I’ve seen a lot of people saying the same thing as of late! While he’s certainly a little shit, Marx is far from being evil. The worst he would do would probably be something along the lines of, like, setting off a huge explosion of super fine glitter at an important ceremony. He doesn’t strike me as a malicious type, he’s just very mischievous (and would get a kick out of seeing Meta Knight try to pretend there still wasn’t glitter stuck in the small crevices of his mask weeks later)!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Oh man, what wouldn’t I want to happen? For one of the oldest characters in the series, he barely has any screen time, or attention given to him in general! As I mentioned earlier, he has so much potential as a character, yet we barely know anything about him! All that aside, however, I wish we could see more of him just… hanging out and interacting with the other characters. Oh, and I’d love to see him actually directly interact with Magolor in the games for once, of course!
Favorite friendship for this character: Aside from Magolor and Gryll, I think a friendship between him and Daroach would be neat! It doesn’t have any canon backing whatsoever and entirely stems from shenanigans some friends and I had gotten up to years ago, but just hear me out for a minute. A couple of troublemakers that form a sort of unsteady alliance and general tolerance of each other after some time that slowly leads to them hanging out more often and eventually becoming inseparable. I feel like Daroach would win over Marx with offerings of food and adventure, and in turn Marx would gift Daroach with shiny trinkets and small valuables he had picked up over the years. What can I say— I’m a sucker for nostalgia, and thinking about the conversations about them I had with my friends brings back good feelings, haha!
My crossover ship: I don’t really have one..? Platonically, however, I think Marx would get along well with Jevil, Dimentio, and even Joka! Just a bunch of jesters getting up to mischief!
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nightcovefox · 4 months
It's Time To Wake Up
Character(s): Dolos (Oc), Halia (Oc), and mentions of Kirby Oc’s (Not mine)
Warnings: My bad grammar, fluff later to angst, and a bunch of sad stuff
“So, it was fun?”
“Oh yes!!! Come!! I’ll tell you all about it in the star fields!”
The two siblings laugh as they run to the star fields. Dolos then sat down leaving Halia sitting down with him.
“When I first arrived there; I was lonely. The next day I was working on something until I met Anti..! Me and Anti were talking non-stop! And surprisingly became brothers..! Haha, but I’m the oldest though!” Dolos explained.
Halia rolled her eyes playfully but smiled anyway. Dolos continued, “Then we have a sleepover with Solaris Knight, Fecto, and Fecto Flora! I think that's his name..”
“Ohhh~” Halia hums still listening.
“But Solaris left and so did Fecto. It was now the three of us. We talked, showed our abilities, and then slept on each other.”
“I’m glad you have fun brother!”
Dolos smiled and then looked down. “I wish you had been there with me..”
Halia then sighed, “I know..” later she frowned.
Dolos lifted his gaze off the ground and saw his little sister frown. “Ah-Ah! I-Is it something I said?! I am so sorry!!”
“Nono. Don’t apologize. I’m not frowning at that..”
“Then..?” Dolos asks.
“Well, it’s about 9:30-ish over there… and it's morning…” Halia muttered. She clears her throat(?). “You have to wake up.”
Dolos eyes widened. “N-No..” they shake their head.
“We're having such a good time!!-”
“I-I don't want to go! I don’t want to wake up!-”
“I-I don’t care if this is a dream!!- I-”
“DOLOS!!!” Halia shouted, holding her brother’s wing claws.
Dolos stop rambling. “Look at me.” Halia commands. Dolos slowly looks at her.
“You have to wake up whenever you like it or not..” said Halia holding Dolos cheek gently. “You have too.. Your friends will be worried if you sleep this long..”
“I..I don’t care. They have other friends to distract them.” Dolos muttered. Their claws held Halia’s hand back. “I-I want to stay here with you… Please Halia! Please! I beg of you!! I want to be here with you..!”
Dolos tears escaped from his eyes as they held their sister's hand tighter. Halia was on the verge of tears too. She then shakes it off and pushes her brother away. “No… No… NO! You have to wake up!! I've been here long enough..”
Dolos pupils shrink, “N-No!! Please!! I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE YOU!! PLEASE!!!-” Dolos wailed.
Halia uses her light magic. The light was filled all around them. Dolos screamed and tried to hold his sister. But the light blocked his way and began to shine more and more.
….Dolos sat up quickly, breathing heavily. His tears were wetting the blankets. ‘Why… just why..’ he thought.
Dolos then hug themselves with their wings. He sniffles and cries to calm down his breathing.
‘I miss you.. So much.. Can't you see how much I love you..? I don’t care if I was in a coma. I want to be with you..’
Halia was crying so hard couldn't keep her whimpers quiet.
“My lady..? I heard- Ah!! You’re crying!!!”
Halia looks at her friend and shakes her head. “Nonono! I-I was..”
Her friend came over and hugged her tightly.
Her friend frowned and wiped away her tears the best she could do.
“I..I miss them.. I want to tell him, I’m a-alive..! I want to be there for him.. But I can’t.. I’m trapped.”
Her friend looked outside staring at the moonlight. ‘Fate is so cruel..’
‘I..I don’t like seeing my two siblings in despair.’
“Mar?! Mar?! Are you listening listening?!” said a demonic (-ish) tone.
Marx rolled his eyes. “Uh no. I got distracted Jevil.”
“Worried about your two family members my dear little friend?” another voice said.
“Dimentio. You know their kids. I..I blame that stupid puffball for this.”
“I understand that. But you need to listen to the plan. After all, I can almost feel that will be free. Thanks to that stupid little Rabbid.”
Jevil and Marx's ears perk up.
Dimentio smirks, “Once he frees me, I’ll be sure to free you two gentlemen!~
Jevil laughed uncontrollably; clapping his hands. Chanting ‘Chaos! Chaos! Chaos!’
Marx smiled evilly.
He can wait a little bit longer. And once he’s free he’ll come to his siblings first then that little pink puffball. After all, family is important. Enemies come second…
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