#the found family potential and the tradgey of it all
socksandbuttons · 5 months
I'm not surprised that Dazzle is a possessed animatronic, I even love it, a different touch to these three channels that focus more on technology than on the supernatural part of the FNAF lore.
But I wonder why, why now bring this plot? Do they want to make us hate Bloodmoon by showing one of its victims? To eliminate it once and for all without suffering reprisals from the fandom?
I am so curious
I DO LIKE THAT THEYRE TOUCHING ON THIS. Because oddly enough with OG fnaf you'd assume ghosts or the like be around FROM that right? Gregory has dealt with a bunch of them. So i love theyre using that lil plot for Dazzle but its SO TRAGIC because they really are just a kid. They dont understand. But also given Sun's involvement might be from im seeing some character stuff for him too. I dont know if its just to make everyone hate bloodmoon more. To be fair this is Bloodmoon 2.0. He didnt even DO that. No memories of that, but we know they would take joy in the thought of that event (I'm pretty sure it was brought up too!) However mans going thru depression arc so we'll see how thats handled actually. I feel like he would taunt but it'd be empty. Altho we shouldn't be surprised there is repercussions to July 16th because of Bloodmoon. Curious how Dazzle would take this news. If they even tell them. However Jack and Bloodmoon friendship??? Probably gonna be super gone with this information due to Jack and Dazzle being besties. But hmn. HMNNN Dazzle feeling bad for Bloodmoon being alone now tho.
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shawnjacksonsbs · 7 days
How we treat people matters, and 'I love you" IS enough. 9-21-24
"Grief is the price we pay for love” - Queen Elizabeth II
I probably knew her best when she was little. Like the stories of her carrying her baby brother in by the neck because "baby was crying".
But, just as I missed much of my own kids' lives, nieces and nephews were the same.
But unlike my kids, only coming around from time to time doesn't change the status much for an uncle.
Now, interactions with the police, we had that in common for a while, I think. Lol
You know what else we had in common?
The better side of life that we found ourselves on, and how hard we love those we care about.
If she loved you, she loved you big- almost to the point of annoying the crap out of you, but that's that big love.
I didn't get to see much of her in the years since I've been back on this side of life, but I've heard.
I've heard just how well she's been doing and just how awesome of mom she turned out to be!
As parents, we always want to see the potential in our kids, especially those . . .maybe not living up to our standard, and sometimes we're right. As her parents can testify.
You can subscribe to some supreme divine design, or to a reasoning of a random chaotic semi-order that we navigate, (I believe the latter), but either way, we know 2 things. 1- it's happened and there ain't no changing it and 2- in the words of Keanu Reeves when asked what he thought happens when we die, he said, "I know that the people who love us will miss us."
And another thing, Mr Rogers always said to look for the helpers in times like these.
I say, If you are struggling to find a good, or a positive in this midst of a tradgey look for those helpers. They're usually the good guys.
And watch how it can bring family and friends in with a show of love not so . . . generously made public(?) very often.
My cousin was right, though, our children aren't supposed to leave this world before us.
In closing,
Even when annoyed I loved my niece, and because of the level of the annoy sometimes, I absolutely know that she loved me too.
She will be missed.
All said and done, I keep thinking to myself, as outloud as I can inside my own head,
How we treat people matters and "I love you" can be enough.
The world still needs your love and your laughter . . .when you're ready, though.
Take as much time as you need.
Until next time;
"It can’t all be sorrow, can it? I’ve always been alone, so I don’t feel the lack. It’s all I’ve ever known. I’ve never experienced loss because I’ve never had a loved one to lose. But what is grief, if not love persevering?”
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There was honestly so much story potential in The Rise of Skywalker and it was just.... wasted.
Like you had the opportunity to look past the darkside/lightside dichotomy and really examine whether either side are really right or wrong. Because I have always thought the prequels were about the dark side winning, the original trilogy was the light side winning, and the sequels would finally bring real balance to the force.
Rey being a nobody was such an important part of her story, of admitting to herself her family roots aren't important, what is important is herself as a person and her found family.
Palpatine was a boring ass pull because apparently writing anything more interesting than a creepy old man in a dark robe being pure evil is too hard for JJ. Like, exploring grey morality? Nope. Exploring how the First Order can and is a villain without the force involved? Nope. Exploring how the apathy of the rest of the galaxy is also a villain? Nope.
Speaking of villains; Hux. What did they do to my BOY HUX. Like, okay, there were three routes they could have gone, all of which would have been more satisfying and make more sense than what they chose. 1) nothing changed about his character, and he does exactly what Pryde does. 2) he was secretly a deep cover mole from the very beginning. At some point he overcame his childhood indoctrination and decided to aid the resistance from the inside. He is the reason Finn and other stormtroopers conditioning "failed", and he remains undercover doing all he can, but he see there is no time and either goes with Finn and Poe when he rescues them, or faces his fate, with Finn and poe telling others of his bravery, even when his image to most is that of a despot (This would go against he previous characterisation in other works, but hey J J went way further than I did here so...) 3) everything is the same, Hux really is THAT much of a petty bitch. But he is also not stupid so he goes with Poe and Finn and all further scenes are awkward as hell and kind of hilarious. He also elaborates and talks about how he is done with abuse and humiliation, and his dreams of bringing order to the galaxy are not worth this.
Even with the Canon ending, I would not be too surprise if somewhere down the line a star wars novel comes out showing his escape. He planned to be executed to get away Scott free, through a blaster-proof vest, some luck, and help from those loyal to him. And then years down the line he is found and captured by the new Republican government, but Poe lets him go, just as Hux had done for him manyyears ago.
Now Hux is not the only character to be treated Like garbage, rose was barely a background character the entire movie. They also added quite a number of new characters (in a movie filled with characters whose stories are still far from complete, And in a story that is jam-packed). This was a huge mistake, as it really feels like they are there to give exposition and to give Finn and Poe love interests, which is just... no.
Also, it would have made way more sense for Anakin to be the force ghost/vision kylo sees that finally brings him back to the light. While I know he loves his dad, it would make more sense that the man he has admired for so long be the one to finally talk sense into him.
Finally: reylo. I was thrilled to see it become Canon. I liked seeing them using the bond, healing, and kissing. It was magical. But it was also a tragic end for Ben. He never spoke, he was never mourned. Not only did Ben die, but it looks like Rey didn't really care? I have seen people more emotional waiting for the bus. This is meant to be her soulmate, who just sacrificed himself for her! Like? Idk man, felt super weird. Especially as having them be together (And start a new generation) would have been hopeful. It would have really been reverse anidala, "it is like poetry, it rhymes". This just carries on the Skywalker tradgey rather than finally letting it come to an end.
This was a long incoherent ramble. People have already said everything I have but... This movie disappointed me on a deep level. I love star wars. I'll be the sequel trilogy. I just wish these characters were treated with some respect.
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