#the forgotten second of iskaarre iii || aurelius augustus
tertiusdecimusfilius · 7 months
He looks tired.
He was discussing something with a Chapter Master. It was about the logistics of a battle happening in a far corner of the galaxy. Getting supplies, weapons, and more men to the fight. He's looking over the paperwork handed to him.
There's bags under his eyes.
There was an itemized list that needed to be reviewed and changed if need be. There was a list of ships and the contingent of Ultramarines to be approved. He makes quick work of it and returns the documentation with his marks of approval.
He's moving a little slower today.
Just as soon as the Chapter Master leaves, someone else enters with a small stack of intel documents pertaining to something going on entirely somewhere else. He takes the stack and starts to read through it, moving back to his desk.
His hands are shaking, aren't they?
The piles of papers on his desk are organized by priority and sector. His hand instinctively moves to one as he continues to read. He grabs something off the top of it and brings it in front of him. Roboute shook his head. He grabbed from the wrong pile.
His concentration and focus keep failing him.
He places the paperwork back on the pile and reaches for the correct one as he sits in the chair. He starts to cross-reference them, trying to corroborate the details or see if something had changed.
He's forgotten his brother is still in the room, looming off to the side.
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forgottnseccnd · 7 months
Mobile Dossier.
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Put under a read-more due to length!
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Aurelius Augustus
Primarch of the IInd Legion, Master of the Second, Second Master, Repentance Incarnate, the Penitent, Lost Primarch, the Forgotten, the Purged, Quiet Brother, Auri, Ri-Ri…
Unknown, possibly ten thousand years old.
The planet Iskaarre III within Segmentum Calor. Presumably was born around the 29th-30th Millenniums.
Primarch of the IInd Legion (formerly), Unknown.
None yet. May attempt to make icons in the future.
Not much can truly be gleaned from such old records– much historical accounts of the Emperor’s second Primarch had been erased from all Imperial records and any word of him had been sworn to secrecy. However, there are still scraps that have been found…
According to some old records, the Penitent had been found upon an icy snow world in the (ironically) named Segmentum Calor, within a small medieval colony, and was one of the first eight originally found. Apparently, when found, a parade had been made to celebrate the recently-found Tenth Primarch, when in reality, it lauded the Second. Soon after, it was learned that Aurelius was a psyker, specifically of the Divination principles, as he would attempt to divine the stars in order to learn of Mankind’s future. Never did he share his true thoughts, only staying within his mind. However, when he did (rarely) speak, he spoke through the usage of telepathy as a quiet voice in the back of someone’s mind.
The Second Master was a very stoic individual, rarely speaking and always contemplative– yet there were times where even he would speak out about his brothers, such as Fulgrim’s hubris. He is quiet, untalkative, and apparently humorless– however, this could be chalked up to anxiety as ancient accounts reveal the Primarch would not speak without his helm.
Nothing would be truly known of what happened to cause the Second Primarch to be erased from Imperial Records. Some Solar Auxilia had served alongside them, and apparently the Primarch was a part of the Rangdan Xenocides. Though, he would eventually be supposedly slain by another Primarch, supposedly Leman Russ. Though, it could be presumed that such sources mean the other Legions that the Space Wolves have butted heads with.
At some point, the Primarch disappeared– however, there are rumors of artifacts that can be found somewhere within the vast reaches of the Imperium. One of which would be a mighty battle-standard wielded personally by Lord Aurelius, made of the very rare auramite that boasted his Legion’s emblem with chains and thuribles, with the Aquila upon the top of the standard. Above the Aquila is a tall spearhead, making the standard into something akin to a ‘swordspear’.
Another would be Lord Aurelius’s Greatbow– a large bow composed of the same material that had been wielded with immense care by Lord Aurelius himself, with silvery designs embedded into it. There was no bowstring– but instead was possibly used with the help of his psychic ability alongside large great arrows created similarly to that of Psybolts. And the last, though much more grim, few artifacts would be the Lord’s very arms and legs– having apparently lost them by the time of his disappearance. Some say there is still psychic power within them. Now, some might say ‘chop a leg’ to bring good luck in reference to the Second Primarch– which bastardized the Old Terran saying ‘break a leg’.
None know where the Primarch is, but it is said that he may have had a large city-scale ship similarly to the Imperial Fists’ beloved Phalanx, dubbed Ursa Major by the Master of the Second. Some say it still lingers out there, with its Primarch still attempting to redeem himself to finally meet the Emperor’s fatherly gaze once more.
Traces of this Legion are essentially nonexistent, save for scraps of records that suggest their Astartes were brought into the 13th Legion– however, this is unknown.
With what little can be found, they were suggested to have been fanatically loyal to the Emperor of Mankind to the point of interring themselves into Penance Armor, in which the armor’s connective points would connect directly into the respective Astarte without any sort of plugs and stabbing into their flesh. This would cause constant pain and possibly bleeding, yet it was said that such pain merely 'helped them find their purpose’. Such fanaticism would end when their Primarch would return and brought them comfort through teaching them astrology, which would ease their suffering and help them find new meaning and protect them from a 'strange evil’ through their own sort of faith. In honor of their Primarch, the Stars Repentant legion would chip at their dark blue Penance Armor to leave marks that were like the stars of the night sky, with higher-ranking Astartes having constellations. The highest-ranking would have constellations often seen from Holy Terra, such as Orion’s Belt. They also often had some form of psychic abilities– often, however, they were nowhere near the strength to that of actual psykers.
The veterans of the 1st Company were known to be simply called by 'Hear, See, Speak’, in reference to Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil. These elite Stars Repentant Marines would be the ones to wield the standards of their Legion and were considered a terrifying force on the battlefield. They would be deprived of these senses– focusing solely on innate psychic ability and gut feeling and are said to wield bolters with shocking ease. Of course, however, they are still left more susceptible to psychic attacks and Nulls or blanks, but especially Chaos.
So, instead of being fanatic for the Emperor after their Primarch’s intervention, they grew to become fiercely loyal of their fellow Space Marines, specifically those within their Legion and often treated one another as genuine family. It was rumored that when the Second Master arrived, he would help the young aspirants and neophytes get used to life as a Space Marine and treated them like his own flesh and blood.
Of course, some of the biggest shocks would be that the Stars Repentant Legion was a very diplomatic Legion. With most factions– save for the Orks and possibly the beginnings of Chaos and some of the Necrons if some stories are possible. Often, they would attempt to expand the Imperium by way of converting those from other factions into believing in the Emperor of Mankind’s ideals– at least, his more altruistic ones. Planets once claimed by the Stars Repentant Marines were often very diverse, completely contrasting their bloodstained fanatical history.
In the few Astartes of the Legion that may remain, flaws within the gene-seed began to appear like with many other Legions’ gene-seeds.
One such defect would be the Lord’s emotional connection to his Astartes becoming far too real. In moments of extreme stress or injury, these Marines may slip into a flashback of their Primarch– supposedly of the slaying of his sons and destruction of his Homeworld– and fight as he would. Brutal. Bitter. Enraged. By the time the battle is over, they will slip into unconsciousness and fall limp, temporarily losing feeling in their arms and legs as if they had been ripped apart, just like their Primarch. This intense rage and emotion, of course, leaves them very susceptible to Chaos Gods such as Khorne. However, remnants of their honor will still remain even to those that succumbed to his influence.
Space Marine Librarians, dubbed Diviners, will be far more susceptible to succumbing not just from their presence within the Warp, but by possibly witnessing the visions their Primarch once had. This often leads to insanity.
A rare mutation within the gene-seed actually allows for some Astartes to have a 'moving tattoo’, apparently something originally from their Primarch. Such 'tattoo’ moves like a map, covering their entire back and half of their arms, which helped to show the way. Some have called such mutation a 'psychic dataslate’, but humorously it often led to them joking they are walking star-maps. Often, it would show the galaxy they were currently within, and would shift, move about, or change if touched.
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tertiusdecimusfilius · 6 months
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tertiusdecimusfilius · 6 months
@forgottnseccnd || X
Roboute had been called to speak to their father, unaware of what was to unfold. In secret he'd talked of so many things with Aurelius that would have made the Emperor furious. But the two brothers saw no harm in what they thought. Sure in some cases there was no way to make peace and call for mutual aid, like the orks, but most other xenos civilizations were so advanced and could be useful to the Imperium. But when Aurelius had gone to speak with father, he was angry, so very angry. And now he was being drug into the fight.
For what was maybe one of the few times in his life, he felt true fear. A fear that made it hard to breathe, his heart hammering in his chest like a bird trying to escape a cage. His older brother towered over him, shielding his view from their father entirely. It wasn't like he was trying to hide, but he couldn't make himself step out from behind him. Not when he could be faced with excommunication like Aurelius now was. To be thrown away, cast aside by their father, because they did not strictly adhere to what he wanted, scared him.
And now, he realized, Aurelius was defending him. Not only that, but he was lying for him; lying to hide the fact they shared views, that Roboute agreed more with his older brother than the Emperor. That scared him even more. What if father found out? What if he realized Aurelius had lied to him? What would happen then?
"You are trying my patience, child." Atlas pinched the bridge of his nose. "You are not the one I'm trying to speak to right now. Guilliman. Come here."
The command of his father's voice made him freeze up, hesitating to move out from his brother's shadow.
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tertiusdecimusfilius · 7 months
"Brother. You have bags. And I am not speaking of the ancient Terran artisan kind."
// @forgottnseccnd
Lack of Sleep Starters! || Accepting!
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One hand moves to his face, gently touching the space right under his eye. It's not like he could tell anything just by feeling it, but it was more of a self conscious gesture. Aurelius was one to speak openly, directly, and plainly, especially with Roboute. And if his brother was pointing it out, then it must be obvious to everyone.
"Perhaps I should rest then..." he said, setting down the paper that had been in his hand. "You should probably do the same, Riri."
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tertiusdecimusfilius · 7 months
@forgottnseccnd "... hmm. can we enjoy a cucumber smoothie."
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"I've never tried that before."
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tertiusdecimusfilius · 7 months
Metal loudly creaked in the gardens of Macragge, arms of auramite suddenly wrapping around Guilliman's neck, nearly bringing him down with the other Primarch wearing such bionics!
" By the-- stars--!! " Hissed a deep voice, his psychic yell echoing through the gardens in the Immaterium. Psykers would have heard it-- whether they be Librarians or other sanctioned psykers... and, of course, Guilliman himself.
Aurelius's teeth clenched as he tried to awkwardly prop himself up, grumbling to himself. His cheek was, quite awkwardly, smushed into Guilliman's armored shoulder while his legs wobbled like a newborn calf's. The techpriest always at Aurelius's side, Nirisch, happily cheered from the sidelines, " You are doing wonderfully, my lords! "
... He was given a very awkward, shaky thumbs up from a rare helmetless Aurelius in reply.
// @forgottnseccnd~
There was a reason he was doing this in his armor. If he hadn't been wearing it they'd be on the ground right now. It was helping him brace for when exactly something like this happened. He was currently bent to the side, one large gauntleted arm wrapped around the torso of his even larger "little" brother.
"Easy now, Aurelius," he said softly. It was gentle enough to reassure the other Primarch, but not in a way that would infantilize him or his efforts. Carefully he righted both of them, getting Aurelius back on balance.
"You're doing very well. Once we get to the fountain we can take a seat for a moment, alright?" He wanted to gently nudge his brother on but not so much as to push him too hard.
Amabilis was standing with Nirisch, though he was nervously fidgeting with his hands. He was much newer to the legion then his fellow apothecaries, so he was watching the brothers very closely, like a mother hen.
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tertiusdecimusfilius · 7 months
Upon one of the Avenging Son's many voidships, things were calm. It would have been the usual rounds-- prepare to send more Ultramarines to deal with the Tyranids, get the Imperium out of its horrid stagnation... but things were different today.
It started with crackling from the vox spirits, instead of the usual vox-casts that would come. Voices of the Vox Master somewhere within the ship's bridge spoke almost frantically, attempting to solve the issue at hand as techpriests rushed to their aid.
A voice spoke over the vox closest to Guilliman. A message.
" B̿́rͨͣ̒ͨͮȍͫ̏̎̈́͆ẗ́́͋-- ḿ̊̂ ̽͗̄͐̿́̚h̴͆̒ͩ̎̋̂̽eͮͦ̊ͪ̽ͨ ̛ͮ-̡͛-̓ͧ̏͋͏ ̧͂̾ͬͥ̈͂̐r̅͋ͦē͋̄ͩ̍̓̚!̔̈ "
// @forgottnseccnd
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He turns, hearing the static filled message. Something was strange about it. Why had it sounded almost... familiar? Did he know that voice from somewhere? The more he tried to search the depths of his mind, the more his head was starting to ache. It was a deep, thrumming ache, like it was something he wasn't supposed to remember.
Before anyone else could do so, he moved to the vox and tried to get the attention of whoever was on the other end.
"This Lord-Commander Roboute Guilliman. Repeat last communication."
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tertiusdecimusfilius · 7 months
" You fainted. " Aurelius spoke, verbally instead of psychically, from under his helmet. A sense of fear for once laced his voice, " I thought you had been getting assistance from somebody-- I-I thought someone was still left...! Guilliman... you cannot lead the Imperium alone! "
// @forgottnseccnd
He can hardly move at this point, lying in one of beds of the medicae bay. The exhaustion is too much now. It hadn't gotten this bad before. Maybe it was the sleepless nights that were the cause. Maybe it was from the sense of drowning he felt as he tried to keep up with everything. It just kept piling up and up and up and-
Roboute could hear the fear in his brother's voice. Something seemed to have changed in Aurelius. He was using his physical voice to speak and he wasn't using the usual fondness of his first name or the many nicknames that his brother had almost solely used for him.
"You have to understand, Aurelius... I was the only one left that could do this... After I was brought back I learned of what happened to the rest of our brothers... There was no one else," he said, turning his head to look up at him. "I'm the only one who can do this."
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tertiusdecimusfilius · 7 months
🫂  to  give  my  muse  a  comforting  hug.
// @forgottnseccnd, aurelius maynot have arms but hes gonna hug brobro......
ARE YOU OKAY?: Concerned RP Starters || Accepting!
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Now that he's been tended to, he was in a somewhat better state of mind. His head was still aching from the excessive bashing he'd gotten. Though now that everything had calmed down, he had gone to see his brother once he'd been stabilized.
Roboute allows his brother to embrace him and he returns it. At the moment he's unable to speak because of the aggravation to his throat. So he uses no words and simply holds his brother tight. He can feel a few tears falling down his face. There was so much guilt still in his heart over what happened. Those memories kept flashing through his mind and his joints still ached from being mentally ripped from his body.
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tertiusdecimusfilius · 7 months
[SECRET] The sender alludes to hidden secrets or weapons they possess, discouraging the receiver.
// @forgottnseccnd, about nirisch's certain magnum opus :)c
Don't Make Me Destroy You starters || Accepting!
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"You keep talking about his "greatest creation". What is it exactly? Should I be worried?"
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tertiusdecimusfilius · 7 months
Aurelius's stumbling form was easily heard going through the halls, and Guilliman's office door was opened with the helmed Aurelius staring at him while he wore his familiar robes-- yet with how intensely he stared... it seemed to be something was on the second Primarch's mind.
" Brother. " Came that voice in the back of his head, " I must ask for the techpriests under your lead to work with Nirisch. I must have new Penance Armor. With far more connectors. I... I must pay for what I had done. "
// @forgottnseccnd
The small smile that had graced his face when Aurelius first arrived at his office vanished quickly. His jaw clenched, his mouth set in a tight line. His hands that had been holding up a document to read thudded against the surface of his desk aggressively.
"Aurelius." It was not the usual gentleness that he would usually use to reprimand or chastise his brother. It was firm and exasperated. "You are NOT to be wearing Penance Armor. There is no reason for it. There is nothing to atone for."
Roboute gritted his teeth, the guilt of all the harm he'd caused his brother welling inside him. "If anyone here has something to atone for, it's me."
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