#the flash x star sapphire reader
chvoswxtch · 2 years
take the day off
pairing: frank castle x fem!reader
summary: after an intense night with your bodyguard, a new revelation completely changes your perception of him, and your feelings along with it.
warnings: swearing, angst, mentions of blood & violence
word count: 3.5k
a/n: first of all, thank you so much to @lowkeythor for the request that inspired this whole series! & thank you so much to everyone that enjoyed the first part and wanted more. i’m still figuring out exactly what I wanna do with this series as far as how many parts it will be, but it will definitely be a slow burn! as always, feedback is welcomed/appreciated!
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Dozens of stars intermittently twinkled against the backdrop of a deep sapphire night sky. Some of them were aligned in perfect constellations you couldn’t remember the names of. The moon was nowhere in sight, but its glow still lingered through the glass of your window. The rest of your room was dark apart from the light peaking through beneath your door from the hallway. Sleep had evaded you for the past twenty minutes, and the lull didn’t seem to be coming any time soon.
Turning over onto your back, you closed your eyes as you let out a deep sigh. The events of the night flashed behind your eyelids like a home movie on a projector, and you wished you could cut some parts from the reel. You could almost still feel the warmth of Frank’s body as he’d held you in the living room, the firmness of his chest beneath his shirt, the rough pads of his fingers dancing along the exposed skin on your back. 
Tonight was the most he had ever spoken to you since he’d been hired. It completely changed your perception of him. Initially you’d thought he was a bit of a dick. He was always quiet, never spoke more than he had to, and the only emotions he seemed capable of expressing were anger, annoyance, and any variations of those two. But tonight you’d seen him smile, granted it was tiny and fleeting, but God it was a beautiful sight. You wondered what he looked like when he really smiled, teeth and all. You also wondered if his lips were as soft as they looked.
Stop it.
You were being ridiculous. He was your bodyguard. He was hired to protect you. Everything he did for you tonight was because it was his job, not because he liked you. Even if it wasn’t totally unacceptable and unethical for you two to have anything other than a professional relationship, any slight chance you ever had with Frank Castle went completely out the window tonight. Maybe tipsy you couldn’t be trusted after all. 
A sound from outside your room had you stilling completely, and your ears instantly perked up. Nibbling on your bottom lip, you quietly got out of bed and silently made your way across the room to the door, placing your ear against the door to get a better listen. It sounded like drawers were being shuffled and cabinets were being searched in the bathroom at the end of the hall.
Carefully twisting the knob on your door, you pulled it back slowly and peaked out into the hall. Your brows knit together curiously seeing that the guest room across the hall from yours was open, but empty. Turning your head slightly, you saw the bathroom door was open and the light was on, but there wasn’t a sign of Frank at all.
The events from earlier tonight came flooding back all at once, and your fingers trembled slightly as they gripped onto the door knob.
Heavy boots thudded against ceramic tile, and Frank immediately appeared in the doorway of the bathroom. He must have heard the nerves in your voice because his eyes darted between you and the hallway as if he was searching for something, finally settling his gaze back on you.
A sigh of relief left your lips and you let your head rest against your bedroom door as you took a moment to gather yourself. Catching his eyes again, you shook your head slightly as you gave him a timid smile.
“Just…making sure that was you.”
“Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you.”
“You didn’t. I was still awake. Um…are you looking for something?”
“Yeah, I was tryin’ to find a first aid kit. Thought I had one in my truck. You got one?”
“Are you hurt?”
“Nah, just gotta wrap this.”
Frank briefly held up his right hand and the motion immediately caught your attention. It looked like he had washed all of the blood off his hands, but his knuckles were still stained crimson. A slight pout formed on your lips as you fully pushed open your bedroom door, making your way down the hall towards him. Without thinking, you carefully picked up his wrist and placed his hand in your palm to inspect it. You couldn’t tell what to focus on first; the size of his hand compared to yours or the damage that was a result of your selfishness.
“It ain’t as bad as it looks.”
“Are we looking at the same thing?”
Lifting your gaze up to meet his, you sucked in a quick breath noticing how close you were to him again.
And that he had undone a few buttons on his shirt.
“I’ve had worse.”
Quickly dropping your gaze back to his hand and hoping you hadn’t been caught staring, you nodded slowly and gently tugged at his wrist.
“I have one in my bathroom. Come on.”
Frank didn’t budge at all when you tried to tug him along. Instead he gave a shake of his head and pulled his wrist from your grasp.
“If you can just grab it for me, I got it.”
“Frank, this is all my fault. Please let me fix it.”
“It really ain’t-”
Frank started down at you silently for a moment, glancing down at his hand before searching your eyes again. He parted his lips to let out a deep exhale as he turned his head to the side, eyes drifting over the bathroom before finally nodding and gesturing towards the hall.
“Alright, fine.”
As he sat down on the toilet seat so that you could be somewhat even in height, it occurred to you that Frank had never been in your bedroom before, which he had to go through to get to your bathroom. A tiny piece of you panicked, not even remembering if it was clean or not, hoping you hadn’t left anything laying around like a bra, or God forbid something worse. After you retrieved the first aid kit from under the sink and opened it on the counter, you grabbed a packet that contained an alcohol wipe and tore it open. 
“This is gonna sting.”
Frank only grunted in response. Wrapping your fingers around his wrist lightly, you dabbed as delicately as you could at the wounds covering Frank’s knuckles. Out of the corner of your eye you saw his jaw clench, and you quietly whispered an apology as you tried to disinfect it as quickly as possible. Your brows furrowed as you studied the angry flesh that was split unevenly.
“Is that normal?”
“For this to happen. They almost look swollen.”
“You hit somethin’ hard enough, yeah. They’ll go down.”
You hit something hard enough.
A brief glimpse of that man’s mangled face popped into your head and it made you shudder. Swallowing thickly, you pulled out another packet of antibiotic cream and grabbed a q-tip from a jar on your counter. You delicately applied it to each of his knuckles, making sure they were evenly coated.
“You don’t know how to hit?”
Glancing up from Frank’s hand, you shot him a puzzled look as a breathless laugh escaped your mouth.
“If I did, I wouldn’t need you.”
Frank’s eyes narrowed slightly at your comment, and you shook your head as you smiled to yourself and reached for a packet of gauze.
“No Frank, I don’t know how. I’ve never hit someone before. I’ve never even slapped someone before.”
His eyes followed your every move as you threaded the gauze bandage carefully between each of his fingers to wrap his hand. Once you were satisfied with your work, you closed the first aid kit and pulled a bottle of advil out of your cabinet to set on the counter in front of him.
“I know you probably don’t need it, because you’re very tough, but I’m formally requesting you take it for my sake. And to help reduce the swelling.”
Frank’s eyes drifted from the bottle up to meet yours, a dry scoff leaving his lips as he shook his head at the tiny smirk covering your mouth. Running his tongue along his bottom lip, he motioned his head towards the bottle and looked up at you with the faintest of playful smiles curling at the corner of his lips.
“You mind openin’ that? See, someone got my hand all fucked up tonight. I ain’t supposed to be usin’ it, doc’s orders.”
“Oh, you caught my doctorate on the way in? I was hoping you’d notice.”
“Yeah, any other secret talents you hidin’?”
“A few. Gotta keep you on your toes, Castle.”
Dropping two pills into Frank’s uninjured hand, you placed the bottle back into your cabinet and stowed the first aid kit back beneath the sink. You motioned with your finger for him to follow you, thankful your back was to him as you tried to contain your giddiness as you led him to the kitchen. Frank never entertained your banter before. He never gave in to your questions or attempts to pull him out of his ironclad shell, and you weren’t sure why he was tonight, but you definitely weren’t complaining. Maybe tipsy you was right. Maybe you should cause a little bit more trouble sometimes.
Pulling a glass from the cabinet, you filled it with water and handed it to Frank. His fingers lightly grazed yours as he took the glass from you, motioning it in your direction as a signal of thanks before popping the pills into his mouth and downing half the water. You pulled open the freezer door and pulled out an ice pack, holding it out for him.
“Again, I know you probably don’t need this, but I’m making another formal request.”
“These uh, formal requests, I’m allowed to say no?”
“I don’t think there is anyone in this world that could make you do something you don’t wanna do, but I am a doctor, so.”
“Hard to argue with that. I mean you did go to-”
“Fancy doctor school.”
“Right, right. So bein’ a journalist, that’s…?”
“A cover.”
“Course. Makes sense.”
Frank guzzled the rest of the water and placed the glass in the sink, taking the ice pack with an exasperated sigh as he placed it over his hand and held it up in your direction to check your satisfaction. A soft smile took over your lips, and in a moment of vulnerability you found yourself feeling immensely grateful for his presence.
“Thank you.”
“You’re the doc.”
“No, I meant…for staying and…being so…so nice to me tonight. I um…I really appreciate you being here. I really didn’t wanna be alone.”
Whatever playful flame was dancing around in Frank’s eyes was immediately extinguished by your words, and he abruptly stood up a little straighter. He looked down at his hand and grabbed the ice pack, motioning it in your direction.
“Thanks for uh, fixin’ me up and all.”
“Thanks for letting me.”
Frank gave a slight nod of his head, making a low sound in the back of his throat in response. For a moment you both stood there silently, unsure of what to say to one another next. He cleared his throat as he looked everywhere around the kitchen but at you.
“You should get some sleep.”
A slight pang of disappointment cut through you as you realized whatever moment you two had been having was gone. The Frank you were used to was back, and he was throwing that barricade right back up.
“Right. So should you.”
You turned before he could see the despondency in your eyes, hearing the weight of his boots on the floor as he followed behind you down the hall. Stopping at your bedroom door, you did your best to appear neutral as you turned to face him and gestured towards the guest room.
“Is there anything else you need?”
“No, I’m good. Thanks.”
“Okay. Well, um…goodnight, again.”
No sweetheart this time. Guess it was nice while it lasted.
Forcing a tight lipped smile, you slipped back into your bedroom and closed the door. Resting your forehead against the cool wood, you closed your eyes and let out a deep breath as you heard the door to the guest room shut. 
It was going to be a really long night.
»»———  ———««
A good two hours had passed since your second interaction with Frank. Time seemed to pass like amber sap oozing from a wounded tree, trickling down languidly every time you checked the clock. You had overanalyzed every second, every word, every little movement, and you couldn’t figure out what exactly had caused Frank to shift so quickly. It was driving you absolutely insane, and you kept talking yourself out of getting up to wake him to ask him what the hell his problem was.
On one hand, Frank didn’t owe you anything. He didn’t have to be nice to you. He didn’t have to be here with you. He didn’t even technically have to speak to you. You were a job to him; nothing more, nothing less.
But if you were just a job, why was he here? Why was he being so nice to you out of the blue? Yeah, tonight had been scary for you. But it wasn’t exactly that close of a call. You weren’t in any real danger. Did he feel bad because you had cried? Why did he feel the need to comfort you? You were the one that had fucked up after all. He didn’t have to let you tend to his hand. He didn’t have to banter with you. So why did he? 
All these questions were brewing around in your head like a storm, and the one person that could answer them was right across the hall.
Fuck it.
Furiously throwing the covers off your body, you climbed out of bed and swiftly opened your bedroom door, standing face to face with the door that Frank was on the other side of in just three short steps. As you raised your fist prepared to knock hard enough to wake the dead, something in your subconscious unexpectedly halted your movements. You furrowed your brows as an uneasy feeling crept up your spine, and an image from earlier suddenly flashed in your head.
The memory of Frank standing in the bathroom with a few buttons of his shirt undone had instantly sent you into a daze, and you remembered quickly dropping your eyes before you had gotten caught staring. All at once that moment was no longer fuzzy in your head, and your brain had finally caught up enough to process the sight clearly. Frank had been wearing a chain around his neck, and there was a golden pendant hanging off of it that gleamed in the middle of his chest. 
You remembered it catching your eye, but you hadn’t gotten a chance to inspect it since you forced yourself to look away so quickly. What was it? And why was it filling you with an overwhelming sense of dread?
It almost looked like…
A wedding band.
»»———  ———««
Sleep never came. Guilt flooded your entire body the second it all clicked into place, and it had been gnawing at the pit of your stomach ever since. It was a simple, gold wedding band. It had to have been his, which meant Frank had been married. Maybe he still was. Maybe he was going through a divorce, holding onto that symbol of a promise and hoping for a different outcome. You felt like the biggest asshole on the planet for the way you had acted towards him.
Frank didn’t reject your relentless effort to get close to him because of his job or because he wasn’t into you, or…maybe he did, but it was most likely because you made him uncomfortable. Here he was just trying to do his damn job, possibly win back his wife he clearly still loved, and you were making his life hell for selfish reasons. Glancing at the clock on your phone, you let out a soft sigh as the numbers showed it was seven in the morning. Sleep was never gonna come.
As you quietly made your way past the closed guest room door and into the kitchen, you instantaneously paused when you saw Frank sitting at the dining table with a cup of coffee in his uninjured hand. He seemed just as surprised to see you as you were to see him, but he quickly covered it up with a neutral expression, leaning back in the chair and setting the cup down while he eyed you curiously.
“You’re up awful early for someone that’s gotta have a hell of a hangover.”
You didn’t know what to say to him. All you could manage was a timid apparition of a smile as you nodded and made your way towards the cabinets to grab yourself a mug. Even though your back was to him, you could practically feel his gaze boring into you as you loaded a pod into your coffee machine and pressed the button to brew. You couldn’t look at him after your revelation last night.
“How you feelin’?”
“Better than I deserve.”
Normally you were the one asking all the questions. You figured if you didn’t ask any, Frank would revert back to his normal state of being stoic and silent. But for some reason, he was the one with the questions today.
“You take somethin’? Gotta have a killer headache I reckon.”
Responding with a quiet hum, you continued to fix your coffee the way you liked, feeling suddenly lucky that the layout of your kitchen kept you from having to face him. You’d hoped your luck would continue and you’d be able to slip into your office without having to exchange another word, but it had apparently run out. You weren’t sure how you didn’t hear him getting up, but as you turned to place your spoon in the sink, he was right there in front of you staring down at you with narrowed eyes. 
“You sure you’re feelin’ alright? You’re awful quiet this mornin’.”
Anxiety thundered loudly in your chest, and you found yourself having an extremely hard time maintaining eye contact with him. Why today, of all days, had he picked to be the chatty one?
“I’m sure.”
Frank squinted slightly at the smallness of your voice. The look in his eyes told you he didn’t believe you, and you did your best to appear nonchalant as you stepped around him to place your spoon in the sink with trembling fingers. For the first time since you’d met Frank, you wanted him to leave. 
“You…um, you can go.”
“No I can’t.”
Frank’s voice was rough as it cut through your quiet kitchen. He almost sounded…aggravated? Stepping around his large figure again, you grabbed your coffee off the counter and continued to avoid making eye contact with him.
“It’s alright. I don’t plan on going anywhere today.”
“Doesn’t mean I can just leave-”
“I’m telling you that you can.”
Looking up at him was a huge mistake. His features were rigid as he stared you down, taking a step forward in your direction as he nodded his head towards you.
“You want me gone?”
Frank’s voice was monotone as it came out, but there was an edge to it that rang in your ears. You quickly shook your head as you held your cup to your chest, clasping your shaky fingers tightly around the ceramic. You had to make a case he couldn’t argue with.
“I was a huge pain in the ass last night. I put you in a shitty situation, and I got you hurt-”
“I told you I was fine, and to quit worryin’ ‘bout me-”
“Frank, please. I feel really bad about it, okay? Please just take the day off. I’m gonna be in my office all day anyway getting caught up. I really don’t plan on going anywhere. If I need you, I’ll call. I promise.”
A muscle in Frank’s jaw feathered as he clenched it, and you noticed the way his fists tightened slightly at his sides. You could almost see the internal dispute behind his dark eyes as they continued to stare you down. Blowing an irritated exhale out of his nose, he nodded his head curtly.
“Fine. But Russo’s gonna have someone posted outside as soon as I step out that door. That ain’t up for debate.”
You gave a slight nod of your head in response, knowing it was best not to argue with Frank right now, and not having the energy to anyway. He gave you one last hard look before stomping over towards the table to grab his cup, downing the rest of its contents and setting it in the sink before he was practically slamming your front door shut behind him.
True to his word, an all black sleek vehicle pulled up outside of your place not even five minutes later, and Frank was gone.
tags: @jwjeepers @day-dreaming-goddess @messymissy @itwasthereaminuteago @strawberry1042
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asumofwords · 1 year
Smoke, Fire and Ash
Warnings: This fic includes noncon, dubcon, manipulation, violence, forced marriage, and inc3st. Tags will be added as the fic goes on. Blood, death.
This is a dark!fic. 18+ only. Read at your own discretion. Please read the warnings before continuing.
Summary: You are the eldest daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. You are forced to navigate the difficult surroundings of your upbringing and the eventual disintegration between your family and the Hightower's relationship. What will happen when your older and estranged uncle suddenly takes a more sinister interest in you? (Dark!Aemond x Reader)
Characters: Aemond Targaryen X Reader, HOTD characters.
Note: Oh boy, look how far we have come? This has been such an insane ride, so just remember how much you love me... hahahaha. This chapter has been sitting with me since I started writing this fic months ago, so at least the vision stayed the same! We still got 6 more chapters to go... I sense some therapy invoices coming. Anyway... enjoy <3
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Chapter 104: Star Fruit and Sacrifices
Sleep evaded you that evening as you laid in his arms.
The storm outside the Red Keep quietly raged on, and the chambers were lit intermittently with the bright flashes of lightning, your heart jumping in your chest each time as it illuminated a small figure at the end of the room.
Lucerys no longer whispered, but instead stared at you. 
Watched you.
Always the same, and you were sure, would always be forever more. Dripping wet as he had been the day he was taken, on a storm very much like the one outside.
But war was coming, and there was no possibility of escaping that now.
And what was more; you were caught.
Caught in the decision that you knew you would have to make. Caught in the knowing that it would come too soon. Caught in the knowing that it would change everything forever. 
Change you forever.
You loved him. 
That much was true.
But you also loved them.
And there was no way that any of you would come out of this unscathed.
And Aemond would keep you locked away in these chambers as you would lose more of yourself and your family at his hands. 
Aemond would kill them all.
Or they would kill him.
But you loved him.
Despite all, you loved Aemond Targaryen.
And oh, how he had changed. How he had grown. How he had become his own man, held his own, made his own moves, and all because of you. All because you pushed him to. All because you made him believe he could. 
And he could.
And he did.
And now he was King, and you his Queen.
You shifted in his arms, looking up at his face. 
He had never looked so at peace. Lost to his dreams, his eye shut, the other sapphire, forgotten to be taken out, shining down at you. His lips were slightly parted as he breathed, hands wrapped tightly around you protectively, possessively, and legs intertwined with your own. Your stomach warmed.
Long, white eyelashes fluttered against his cheek as you wriggled out of his hold, moving to straddle him, your body atop his, chemise thrown over you at his insistence before you slept. ‘You will catch cold’ he had said, and you had let him dress you, as he pulled on a pair of loose breeches and dragged you back to bed to sleep. 
You sat atop his body and watched as he slowly came to wake, those long white lashes flicking open, pupil dilating as he focused on you and how you sat atop him, not unlike the many times before in the throws of your lovemaking.
“You’re beautiful.” You whispered to him in the dark, voice as quiet as the storm outside moved with every passing moment.
Aemond wet his lips with his tongue, clearing the sleep from his throat as his hands came to rest atop your hips, “You are more beautiful than any other in the realm.” He whispered back.
Tears prick at your eyes, and one slowly rolled down your cheek, your uncles brows twitching.
“My husband,” You cooed, “My King.”
Another tear fell.
The hands on your hips tightened, “What has happened?” He asked, concern nipping at you with each word, “Did you have a night terror?”
“I would move the heavens for you if I could.” You breathed, a hand coming to brush against his jaw, the subtle roughness of his shaved facial hair prickling your palm, “I love you. I have always loved you. I will always love you. I will always be yours.”
Aemond wiped away a tear that fell from your cheek. You grabbed that hand, bringing it down to press against your stomach, intertwining your fingers together, his hand dwarfing your own as you held him against you.
“This is us. Ours. Your child grows inside of me each day. And I cannot wait to meet him. I know he will be just as lovely as you.” You smiled at him, and Aemond smiled back softly, grabbing your other hand to press a kiss to your knuckles.
You swallowed thickly, feeling the presence of the memory of your brother behind you getting closer. 
Tear after tear fell down your cheeks, running down your face to land on Aemond’s bare chest below. You swallowed, that great lump in the back of your throat again as your hands shook, heart beating against your chest like a drum.
“But you have broken me.” You whispered, gnawing at your lip painfully.
The hand on your stomach twitched as he looked up at you, smile dropping from his face as the other palm moved to grasp your hip again, fingers flexing against your skin.
“You have scarred me, Aem. My body is covered in them. My mind faces the same fate. You raped me, Aemond. And left me to Aegon.” At the mention of his name, Aemond shifted beneath you, hands on your stomach and hip flexing, “I was miserable here, gone to grief, wishing to be dead, and you did little to save me.”
The man below you’s lips parted, a lungful of air being sucked into his chest as he moved to rebuke your accusations, “I am not that man any longer.”
You shook your head, “No. You’re not, and I am so proud of the man you have become. Of the man you were always destined to be. We were meant to burn together, you see? Destined by the Gods.”
Aemond’s face held remorse, but poured love towards you, “I know I can never atone for what I did, for what I have done to you. Taken from you. But I make no apologies, just as you would not do the same. We are changed, now. One.” The hand from your stomach slid to cup your cheek, “We will start anew. You have always been mine, and I have always been yours. Zālagon hēnkirī.”
Burn together.
"Always." A sob flew from your lips, and so you leant down to capture his with yours, holding his face in your hands as you poured love and adoration into him.
You loved him. You loved him so much it hurt. It felt as though with every beat of your heart, a knife was twisted further and further into your chest.
Doomed from the beginning.
Doomed by the Gods.
Doomed by fate and the path they had laid out for you.
You pulled away, hovering above him as you looked at his face, his eye, his eyelashes, his lips that you loved to kiss, his hair which was soft and flowing, and it made you sob harder.
“I know. Zālagon hēnkirī. Lanta hen keskydoso,” Two of the same, You repeated Helaena’s prophesy to him, watching as his eye lit up in recognition, "Vējes ondoso se Jaes'.” Fated by the Gods, “Lanta rōvēgrie zaldrīzes perzyssy, hēnkirī hae mēre. Hubon hen kasta, hubon hen zōbrie. Iā rōvēgrie ropagon naejot letagon lanta hubon. Vējes naejot zālagon hēnkirī.” 
Two great dragon flames, together as one. 
Spool of green, spool of black. 
A great fall to tie two threads. 
Fated to burn together.  
A smile worked its way back onto Aemond’s lips, and you continued, “I would never be whole without you. You have carved yourself into my every being, Aemond. We were always meant to burn together, the Gods made it so when they fated us since birth. I know this now. I know this now more than I know myself. You have shown me my future. Our future.”
You knew what it meant. 
You understood it all now.
You kissed him, and he kissed you, and you held his face in your hands as you uttered the words you know he had been craving to hear, needed to hear once more, “I love you, Aemond. Stars above, I love you. You are mine. And you will always be mine.”
Aemond’s smile widened, teeth showing as he held onto you, another tear falling from your eyes, “Avy jorrāelan, zaldrītsos.” I love you, little dragon.
Your lips sought his, eyes wet and heart beating in your chest. The cool of the sheet rolled beneath your hand as you slid it beside his head. Aemond gripped your hips tightly, slowly beginning to roll you against his hardening length. 
Fingertips sought what they seeked, and your lips parted as you breathed into the kiss.
Aemond jerked beneath you, and your face pulled back. His fingers dug their nails into your hips painfully as another sob fell loudly into the chambers. 
The blade in your palm was cold.
Such a beautiful blade.
The same blade that he had gifted you, with two dragons dancing around each other on the hilt.
Green and Black.
You and Him.
You held it tightly, knuckles white and hand shaking as it was imbedded in his neck, in a place where you had once tried to pierce with a shard of mirror before and missed, just above the scar of the old wound, but this time was final. 
This time, it had met its mark. 
Aemond’s hand flew to your wrist as you held the dagger in his flesh, blood spurting from the wound, spraying across the white of your chemise, and pooling into the sheets below. His brows were drawn in pain as he looked at you in disbelief, in betrayal, and you sobbed louder, tears falling down your cheeks.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, but I can’t let you hurt them. I can’t let you kill them. I can’t.” You sucked in a large sob, pulling the blade from his neck in shock, in horror, and dropped it against the pillow, forgotten.
But then regret settled in your chest, like that knife that twisted against your ribs, making its way to your heart.
Your hand flew to the wound, pressing against it as his blood spilled over, pulsing through your fingers. Aemond’s eye widened, and his hand pressed yours against his neck, trying to stem the bleeding.
But it was no use.
The thick crimson life flowed from him steadily with each beat of his heart, and the tears in your eyes continued to fall with it. Your stomach twisted in knots, and all you could do was cry atop him as his eye fluttered.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I couldn't let you. I couldn't let you become a monster again." You sobbed down at him, watching as his brow softened, a small trail of blood leaking from the corner of his mouth as it opened, his hand skating up your hip to cup your cheek, palm covered in blood. 
But it was not enough.
It would never be enough.
Hands shaking, you leant down to kiss him one final time, tasting copper on your tongue as blood had begun to fill his mouth. Aemond kissed you back weakly, hand still cupping your face.
In love.
You sobbed into his lips, pulling back as you looked at him, his mouth opened again, and another trickle of blood leaked down his chin, meeting the rest of the crimson that seeped onto his neck and chest.
“I love you. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. What have I done? Oh Gods, what have I done?” You cried, watching his lips part over and over, the love of your life attempting to speak, attempting to breathe, as he drowned in his own blood.
But no words could have passed his lips. And the soft fluttering of his eye slowed, and became hooded, his face growing paler than the pearl-like skin he already had. The pink flush of life beginning to fade.
The hand that cupped your cheek, the hand that had loved you, the hand that had held you, that had hurt you, slipped from your cheek and back onto the bed limply. 
Blood still pulsed from the side of his neck, though weaker now, soaking thickly into the sheets as you sat atop him. Its thick essence soaked into the white of your chemise at your knees and hips, and where the initial arterial spray had dashed across you.
Those long white eyelashes blinked at you slowly, opening once more as he looked at you, teeth coated in his own blood. The side of his lip twitched, and you prayed to the Gods that it would pull into that smirk you both despised and adored. That he would grin at you and laugh, sit up and pull you into his arms. 
That he would whisper into your ear that he was fine, that it was nothing that the Maester could not fix, that he would call to him now and have the maids fetch fresh sheets for you both, and bring a hot bath to soak into and wash your sin away. 
That you could take him once more inside you, feel the joy he could give your body, kiss his lips, and his cheeks, his neck, all of him. That perhaps this would be a tale that you could tell your children of later, laugh heartily at how silly you had been, how awfully in love the two of you were, and watch each other grow old and grey and withered by time, your heir eventually sitting the throne after him. 
But then the hand atop yours at his neck slipped away, and the violet eye that had seen so much of you became unfocused.
An ache spread across your chest as you sobbed atop him.
And his seeing eye, saw no longer. 
Another eye had closed.
Aemond’s chest stopped rising and falling, no more stuttering or shaking of his limbs, his thighs and core no longer tensed or twitched, and the blood that spilled from his wound had stopped its pulsing.
He was gone.
“I’m sorry.” You cried, your hands shook as you cupped his face, his lifeless head rolling in your hands, eye open to the ceiling, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Oh Gods, what have I done? What have I done?”
You looked down at your hands. 
They were stained with the oozing coppery liquid, the smell of iron curling around you thickly. 
Your stomach rolled.
And then, denial.
Your hands frantically tried to press against his neck, blood causing him to slip out of your grip, the open wound brushing against the scar of your palm, the scar you had given yourself, the scar he had given you, and the scar that now, ultimately would never heal. 
“What have I done? What have I done? Aemond? Please, Gods. Oh, Aemy. Please, wake up. Curse me, strike me, anything! Please, please don’t leave me here without you.”
The death of Aemond Targaryen broke you completely. 
Burnt pages and crisp beginnings, marred by blood and choices that no young woman should be forced to make. The night moved slowly, and you would not move from his side.
Curled up against it, laid in his blood, you held his body against yours, clutching him to you as you sobbed and cried, begging for forgiveness, apologising over, and over until your throat became raw, and your voice rasped barely above a whisper.
Your chemise was soaked red, clinging to your body, and your silver hair became stained as you tucked your head beneath his, feeling the warmth of his body slowly fade away. His eye, untrained on the ceiling, and yours brimming with tears.
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Thanks so much for reading along with me, if you wish to be added to the tag list please let me know :) Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated ! Enjoy <3
Tag List:
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Bold is who I cannot tag!
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Breakup smut pt 1 🫶🏾🥲
Poseidon x Fem Reader || NSFW || Warnings: body worship (hopefully lol), evil princess esque reader, but really youre just traumtized lol, repeated mentions of human sacrifice and the like, porn interlaced with plot, and kind of established relationship? Idk bro I obviously know nothing of relationships 🫠💔
A/N: I may have outdone myself
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Your body is a temple, and Poseidon, the greatest of your devotees.
You are quite used to being worshipped. Back in the human world, your skin was kissed by peasants for good luck, and a strand of your hair was said to bring wealth upon families for generations. There was no shortage of adoration, for you were the blessed child, the one born to bare the gods' wrath like fine silks.
A very long and tedious way to say you were raised to be the human sacrifice, but you can't deny that it sounds better.
When the knife was raised, you knew at once you would not die. And when it lowered, you found yourself unsurprised that your skin stood strong as steel. The gods' wrath was not something that could be bested by mortal weaponry, it'd seem.
The resulting flash from impact left much of the happenings after as naught but a blur; how you got to Valhalla, and what happened to the villagers.
But it wasn't important to you anymore. You were no longer a scapegoat people could simply pin their fates on, a body to be slaughtered so others may live. Now, you were a true God, and the way the haughtiest of them all was gazing at you from his place at your feet proved it.
Eyes as cold and blue as a glacier were clouded with something akin to delusion. Obsession, perhaps. The way he couldn't keep his hands off you yet fought to follow your every order certainly lined up with such a trait.
As big a man as he is, even on his knees he'd dwarf you easily. Which is why you sat on a big throne- his throne, in fact. You find the sapphires and white gold compliment you quite nicely.
"May I taste you again?"
It made your head spin, the power you had in your lap. Your ascension to Godhood was accompanied by no powers; no super strength, no mental magic. All you had was your tongue, your body and your face. And with that alone, you've defeated one amongst the greatest of foes.
Your eyes are lowered to mere slits, a cocky sort of mischief darkening your irises and contorting your face.
"Do you truly believe you deserve a second taste?" The words slide off your tongue far too easily. If only you'd known the many ways you could use your power before... if only you'd always been a nasty bitch, maybe things would have turned out differently.
Oh well.
"Allow me to prove myself. Allow me to touch you, Princess. I will make you feel good."
You knew he would. He'd done it before. You'd seen stars when you came, felt muscles you've never used contract. It was pleasure so intense it almost pained you. You'd been quite vulnerable then.
But it was the sudden loss of control that put you on guard. For those moments, you were a weak human girl again, molden entirely by the people around you. If they wanted you happy, then you were. If they were scared, you were the brave one. If they needed a human sacrifice, you were it. If Poseidon wanted to make you cum, then you'd let him.
In the back of your mind, you knew that didn't make sense. But an emotion you didn't want to name pushed you to push him even harder.
"You will? Really? So much confidence... After your rather lackluster performance earlier, I can't quite say I'm ready and willing for you."
Poseidon was, at his core, a prideful God. For him to lower himself to his knees was already a great feat. But to gaze up at another? As they fix him with a disgust that was a cheap copy of his own? It was tearing apart the very foundations he'd built his persona around.
Poseidon was perfect. Everyone knew that. Perfect beings didnt bow to others– yet "may I's" left his throat in shards, like so much broken glass. And his knees were not used to such a position. The slow-creeping ache was deeply discomforting.
But your insult to his performance struck deep. A being incapable of subparness, being told he was a failure. Pride wasn't the only thing on the line here. It was his identity as a God itself that you've challenged.
"Watch, Princess. I shall wield your body as though you were waves at sea, and soon, you will know."
The sudden poetry left you speechless for once, allowing your legs to be spread as his lips crept up and over faded scars you still got insecure about. They were just slightly darker than your skin tone, and to you, stuck out like so many sore thumbs. They were ugly. But he kissed them with a reverence saved for something beautiful.
You hated this part; when his hands start to roam, and your mind, once so clear and your thoughts once so calculated, become muggy and muddled. He touched you with a gentleness you didn't think him capable of, as though you were something- someone -precious.
It's embarrassing to admit, but you're still quite new to the many facets of pleasure. Lust was never something you had a chance to indulge in. And now, under the slightest of pressure, you're left sensitive and open, your moans as common as flowers in the spring.
"P- Poseidon. Slow down..."
He was already going quite slow, and you realize that making him go slower was worse. His tongue dragged up your torso at a most agonizing pace, and the seconds it took him to slip your gown above your head felt like hours.
Now bare, the coldness of the room latched to your skin. You started to tremble, just slightly. If you'd been a bit more clear-headed, you would have forced yourself to stop. But Poseidon's mouth has found your tit, and he's got both hands at your hips kneading the skin like it'd make him cum. You never stood a chance.
You flinch, head thrown hard into the cushioned back of the throne as his tongue sucks on your nipple. He twirls it in his mouth, savoring the way your whimpers change in pitch when he runs his teeth over it. Part of him wants to bite hard, hear you squeal as pleasure mixes with the pain. He wants to feel your whole body jerk into his embrace, and hold you there while you suffer through it.
But the part that knows you knows you'd never recover from such a move. It'd be no fun to torture you if you'd become pliant after. He'd simply have to make you twitch in other ways.
His hands take more direct action as he lifts you up and into the air. You're balanced on his chest, and find yourself shy to be fully naked in front of him. You've had to bare yourself before crowds before, of course. But he was just one man, one God. You couldn't run from his eyes, from his hands, from his tongue. His attention was all on you, and you were far too aware of that fact.
Gosh, it made it no better that you were the only one naked.
"I-I demand you take your clothes off!" You meant to sound powerful, commanding, like earlier. But your voice broke and watered and you stuttered over your words and your face was getting hot and you couldn't look him in his eyes and holy hell. You weren't sure you could take much more of this.
"You demand me...?" You can feel the vibrations of his voice in his chest. However, it's rather inconvenient that your cunt is pressed so tightly to it. You almost sob out a moan at how good it feels. Your arousal was surely soaking through his robes, and you fear you'll pass out if you so much as glance at the stain you've made.
His deep voice has gained a tone of authority, much like the Poseidon everyone was used to. But it didn't thicken the air with his anger, like when he spoke to his brothers. It was cold and calm and calculated.
Where your authority faltered, his bloomed. It came naturally to him, of course. It made quite the farce out of your earlier bravado.
"Yes? I, I do. I do demand you!" You sound like a little kid. This is going terribly for you.
Poseidon doesn't answer you. He's still staring. His hands mold themselves into the fat of your ass, and the sensations leave you gripping his shoulders till the fabric rips, arching into his hold with full confidence he wouldn't let you fall.
You can't help but grind against his chest, just a little bit. It's muscular, but his pecs are soft like your own chest, and meld to your cunt so perfectly you can't help but chase the feeling. The thought to be embarrassed doesn't have time to cross your mind, as you're already long gone, riding the waves of pleasure to wherever they take you.
You're jostled suddenly, and you realize your eyes are closed when you open them and find Poseidon has retaken his rightful seat. You'd react, but he moves first. You're set down in his lap, all contact discontinued.
You feel... small. You now look up at him. And being that the chair was made for him, you find he looks far more regal than you ever could've. In seconds, you're transported back to that night. Being woken up from your bed in the middle of the night. Full restrained, your screams drowned out by the prayers they chanted as you were walked up the stairs towards the alter. Being laid flat along it, seeing the dried blood in the dim firelight. The way the knife gleamed under it.
Subconsciously, your hand moves above your heart, as if protecting it. The knife never struck home. But you're feeling pains as if it did.
Soft lips along your cheeks make you realize you're crying.
The stoicism hasn't left his features, but deep in his eyes you notice something deeper than admiration. Something that far surpassed the superficial love a devotee has for a God. This was a love for equals. For people who have seen each other, known each other's souls like they know each other's skin, who's loyalty isn't out of duty or convenience, but out of the most genuine of cares.
You find yourself standing up and leading him to the bedroom.
On the mattress, you see eye to eye. He's bared his skin for you. You got to watch as he did it. Waning candle light flickered across pale skin as he slowly loosened his fabrics. He enjoyed the hunger in your eyes. You enjoyed feeling hungry. It'd felt forbidden to want for yourself. But now, you let your greed consume you. And consume it did.
You basically drooled as the folds slid down his hips. His cock was soon exposed, and the red, throbbing tip made your mouth water. His thighs were sticky with precum, and now that you look, you weren't the only one leaving stains on clothes.
You found him gorgeous. Ever last inch of him was pure and perfect, the very image of Godhood. From his perfect golden curls to the deepness of his gaze and the stony expression on his face to match.
You wished you could tell him all this and more. Instead, when he approaches you, you kiss it into his skin.
You're maneuvered slowly onto your back. Kisses that felt like prayers rained down by the dozens. Open mouthed, wet, messy. His love for your body was so strong it seeped into you. Suddenly, you loved the skin you were in, loved it for everything its lasted through, loved it for being the temple he prayed at. His reverence was a clear sign he intended to finish what you started earlier- showing you how a perfect God pleases his partner.
All at once you were eaten. The teeth of desire are sunken deep into your flesh, your arousal drunken like water in a desert of lust. He was everywhere and you were nowhere, you were a map, and him a traveler determined to explore every corner. You never knew you could feel so many sensations at once. It was wonderful and terrifying and your hips were moving on their own and you could barely hear your thoughts over your own moans and-
His tongue is inside you and his thumb is at your clit. His other hand palms your breast. Whatever spot he just hit triggered something to explode deep inside you, and you were cumming across his tongue before even you knew it.
You trembled hard, but his hands held you steady at the waist. If you saw stars last time, the whole universe has now spread itself out before you. Galaxies boasted a beauty you couldn't comprehend for mere seconds before you were dropped back on Earth, panting and sweating and surely out of your mind.
Your lover rises, and you find he looks rather good with your cum running down his chin. His whole chest was wet, and not long ago at all that would have left you feeling embarrassed. But right now, all you felt was a sense of rightness.
Pride bloomed alongside it when you see he'd blown his load all over his own thighs and the bed. He came untouched. And that was your doing. ♥︎
He hadn't softened even a bit though. He was looking at you like you were some kind of savior, and it made your cunt throb that much harder in anticipation.
"Poseidon...My love?"
Your tone was innocent, but one look at your face revealed the act for what it was. Your intentions were unholy despite the obvious irony of that, but as long he'd indulge, you could care less.
"I may not bend oceans to my will, nor be experienced in the wielding of the skin nor the sword..."
"But I find you've broken a spell over me tonight. The shackles of my past shan't hold me anymore. For the first time since that night, I have left the altar. I have left the false throne I'd known most of my life, and come to you not as a figurehead, nor a Princess, but as myself. I do not order, but ask: allow me to prove myself. Allow me to touch you. I, too, will make you feel good."
Your question is not answered with words, but a kiss. One as soft as a feather, and as sweet as freedom.
A/N: This came to me in a wretched vision this very night, believe me or not. Will I spellcheck this? I'll see after I add tags. Will I edit and sharpen this? I'll see when I'm spellchecking. Enjoy.
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gxthicwxrm · 2 years
maybe, if you do a part 5, I could see aegon and aemond PRAISING their pregnant wife like crazy.
Say It (Part 5) - The Heir
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x reader, Aegon II Targaryen x reader.
Word Count: 2,867
Warning: pregnancy, birth, blood
Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Six
Authors Note: I'm so sorry this took so long to come out. I've been so busy with work and holidays! But I am back with a new chapter! I hope you all love it!
"I don’t care if it’s a boy. I hope you know I expect no duty regarding our children.” Aegon’s voice breaks through the silence, lifting his head from your lap with truthful eyes. His sudden admission shocks you. You have never discussed his succession, too focused on keeping our heads and the throne than on the future. His hands rub your smooth, swollen belly before kissing your bump. Smiling at you, he winks, and butterflies erupt in your stomach as heat fills your face at his affection.
“Nor do I, my love.” Aemond mumbles behind you with his chest pressed against his back while he leads against the headboard. The younger brother snuggles into your neck, closing his eyes as he takes in your scent. 
“I am glad because I’ve had dreams of a baby girl the last two moons." You confess, not understanding the weight of dreams for House Targaryen. "I was worried since we never talked about the gender of the baby.” Your mentioning of dreams sends Aegon flying from your lap, cupping your face while Aemond shifts, with you now sitting, facing them both.
“Dreams? What dreams? Tell me, sweetheart.” Aegon’s frantic words come out calm as his wide eyes look over you. Behind Aegon’s shoulder, Aemond silently nods, wishing to hear the answer his brother asked.
“Please,” Aegon begs, making you giggle at his sudden desperation. Nodding, you explain your dreams to them.
“It’s always in flashes, never a whole thing. It's just flashes of red, green, and black. Most of it is just a blur of colors. But some images are more clear.”  You admit both of the boys’ eyes widen as their imagination begins to go wild. Red. Green. Black. The two men share a worried look before turning back to you. 
“Go on.” Aemond encourages with a gentle smile. Your hand finds Aegon’s cheek while your other reaches for Aemond’s hand, who grabs yours with a smile. 
“Images of your mother running to me as I scream out. Blinding pain, then a loud, powerful cry. She is beautiful. Her eyes are as blue as your sapphire, her hair bright like the snow of the North. I don’t know how but she has a fire never seen before, unmatched by any dragon before her. I swear it to the Gods.” Finishing your description, you realize both of your husbands have tears in their eyes as they stare at you, jaws ajar. Aemond is the first to break from their trance. He shifts closer to you, leaning his forehead against your bump, kissing the spot above your belly button. 
“My fierce girl.” He whispers to your abdomen, eyes closed as he imagines a little blonde girl running around with a makeshift stick-turned-sword, training with him. Reading to his little girl and teaching her how to control her dragon. Warm spreads through his chest as a tear slides down his cheek. Pulling away, he looks at Aegon and knows his older brother is thinking the same thoughts as Aegon’s eyes are bloodshot and wet.
“She will be the most loved and protected little girl in all the Seven Kingdoms. I will have the head of anyone who dares speak ill of her, my wife.” Aegon declares. Being the more emotional one, his feelings speak in extremes that you know are true. Your heart fills with pride as you look at these two men devoted to you and the baby in your womb. 
“I love you more than any star in the night sky.” You stare at them in total admiration.
Suddenly, the door to your shared chambers swings open, revealing Cole. A growl leaves Aegon's throat as he throws his sheet over your bare body. 
"What?" Aemond glares daggers into the man in the doorway. Cole shifts his feet uncomfortably beneath Aemond's cold gaze.
"The Hand has requested both of you in the Council room. It is of the utmost importance." Cole looks strong, but his voice quivers slightly. Aemond moves from behind you, keeping the sheet to your chest before pulling his pants on, followed by his shirt, while Aegon isn't convinced he is needed, so he chooses to stay by your side in the bed.
"Tell him it can wait until tomorrow. I do not wish to rule today." Aegon dismisses the knight, burying his face back into your stomach, thumb ghosting over the spot your daughter had her foot pushing against your stomach, making her shift closer to her father's voice.
"It is about Dragonstone." Sir Cole's words make Aegon still before pulling himself off the bed, pecking your cheek before putting his clothes on. 
"Fuck" Aegon mutters to himself while tying his tunic, turning to you with worried eyes.
"I'm sorry, my love. We both wish we could stay in this room with you forever. But we will be back shortly," Aegon pecks you once more. Aemond kisses your lips with a soft smile before he and Aegon follow Cole, who stalks down the hall. 
Loneliness creeps in as the room goes silent, only the thought of your dream to keep you company. Rubbing your stomach, you drop your sheet and move to your wardrobe, pulling on your slip before sifting through the fabric. Quickly, your eye in a gorgeous emerald silk gown with blue lace embroidery that Alicent had gifted you at Aemond's and your wedding. Refusing to call the maids, you decide to walk.  Slowly, you fix your feet into the dress, grab the shoulders of the fabric, and pull the gown up your body. Everything goes smoothly as the shift stops halfway over your bell when you attempt to put your arms through the holes. Sharp pain in your abdomen shocks you causing you to drop the fabric with your hands flying to your stomach. 
After a few moments, the pain subsides as you resume putting your arms in the dress. With a triumphed humph, you congratulate yourself for being able to dress without help at nine moons pregnant. However successful, you were exhausted when you finished adjusting your dress. Using the nearest places to steady yourself, you walk toward Aemond's favorite reading chair by your fireplace. 
Leaning against the firm cushion, you think about what could've happened on Dragonstone. Fear fills your chest when you think of the awful plan Rhaenyra could have stored for your husbands and children. You'd like to hope that Rhaenyra, as a mother, would spare your children, but you know Daemon would not. 
Another stabbing pain fills your stomach, no longer in one place. Involuntarily, a scream leaves your throat as you clutch your stomach in pain before it dulls enough for you to think. 
"Something is wrong." Your cry falls upon only your ears as you try to get up from the chair, moving towards the door as you lean on the wall. Finally, you make it to the door and fling it open before spilling out of it, catching yourself on the cold corridor walls. The pain stalls enough for you to limp your way to the end of the hallway before another crash of agony hits you, flinging you to the ground as you feel hot liquid snake down your leg. 
"The baby is coming." You wail as you frantically reach for the wetness growing beneath you. Your heart freezes when your hand returns red, fingers soaking with your blood.
"No." You whisper before two soft hands grab your shoulders. Looking up through watery eyes, you make out the infamous emerald green dress of Alicent Hightower.
"My love?" Alicent questions, confused eyes finding yours before her owe drifts to your bloodied fingers.
Her worried eyes immediately fill with tears before her saddened expression hardens. 
"Someone get the masters! What are you all gawking for? Move!" Her tone demands attention and urgency, causing the poor servants of the Keep to scurry off.  Turning to face you, Alicent's features are less harsh but scared nonetheless.
"Now, we need to get you back to bed. Maybe laying down might settle the babe. I'm sure you both are anxious to meet. Where are my sons?"  Alicent helps you to your feet, screaming at the maids while she guides you down the hallway you previously came from. Slowly, with tears down your reddened face, you try to walk beside Alicent but fail when your legs buckle underneath you as the stabbing pain returns. 
"Fuck." You scream as liquid gushes around your legs. Looking to Alicent, who kneels beside you, every ounce of bravery leaves you.
"I am scared." You whisper as the contraction begins to lessen its wrath. "  I don't think I can do this." Looking down at your swollen belly, you already felt like you failed the baby in your womb. 
"We never do, my Queen." She brushes the hair stuck to your face away before grabbing a black handkerchief from a maid with red hair and draping your head with a cool towel. 
"But, you are strong. You are strong, fierce like the dragon resting in your womb. You are a mother,  my dear. A mother of a dragon, so be one."  Another wave of pain washes over you, accompanied by immense pressure building. You knew you needed to push; your body was screaming for you to push. 
But you couldn't do this without your husbands, but you had no choice as the pressure became too much. Alicent guides you to get on your hands and knees, with a cool hand rubbing down your back. The older woman breathed with you through each contraction. The maester rushing into the chambers along with three of your closest maidens. 
"You may go now, milady." The older man nods to Alicent, who shoots him a cold glare, effectively silencing the man.
"I will not leave her side." She finishes, making the maester speechless. Her words fill you with warmth as you reach for her hand, which she quickly takes with a soft smile. The servant girls go to stand beside the maester who examines for any dangers.
"Everything looks normal, my Queen. But, your grace, you have to start pushing. I can see the babe. It's starting to come now." His words trigger blinding pain to fire back, immediately causing you to push as hard as possible. Screaming, your vocal cords vibrate in your throat as the pressure pulls through your core. A loud screech shakes through the Keep as tears fall down your face.
"You're almost there. You are doing so well. It's okay. Just breathe." Alicent coos as your grip tighten on her hand. Unflinching, the former Queen takes the pain and replaces it with a firm squeeze. 
Finally, the pressure releases as a wave of liquid that gushes out of you, followed by a loud, piercing cry. Relief looks through you as you hear your child cry. However, exhaustion settles into your bones as you drop from your position, leaning onto the wall. Behind you, the maester quickly assesses your baby before turning to you with a welcoming smile.
"Your Grace." He looks at you with a raised brow, a bundle of blankets in his hands. Silently, you extend your arms. Moving to you, he places the pile of fabric in your arms when two bright blue eyes stare at you. 
It's as if your world stopped at that moment. 
In your arms, your beautiful baby girl reaches up to you, and you reach back, holding her little hand in your own.
"Hello, my fierce girl. You're a fighter just like your daddies, aren't you?" You coo, your thumb rubbing her soft cheek before your heart breaks at the thought of her father. Looking up, your eyes find Alicent and Cole's, who look guilty as if they knew what you would ask.
"Where are my husbands?"
"We can't leave this land open. They will see that and ambush us. Daemon is smart; we can't underestimate him." Aemond explains, looking between Otto and Aegon. Aegon nods, agreeing with his brother, making Otto scoff.
"Daemon is an emotional child. He will do whatever destructive plan falls first into his thoughts." Otto dismisses the men before him, turning to sit at the Council table. 
"He's been at Harrenhal for six sunrises. People have seen Caraxes flying there. He's planning something, and he's willing to wait whatever it is out-" Suddenly, the Council door flies open, revealing a horrified maid.
"What is the meaning of this? That door remained to be shut and locked! No one to enter, especially without knoc-" Otto smacks the table, glaring at the girl.
"It's Y/N, your Grace. " That was all she needed to say for the King and the Prince to begin to follow her. However, Otto moves in front Of them, blocking the door.
" No one will leave this room until this matter is settled." Otto spats at grandsons. Silently, Aegon closes the distance between himself and the old man.
"And who is going to stop us?" Aegon's tone is murderous, alarming both his brother and grandfather. The two men eye each other before Otto quietly moves out of their way. Rushing down the halls, they heard Vhagar's roar pierce through the castle, vibrating the walls. She sounded as if she was in pain. Fear filled Aegon and Aemond as they rushed through the halls toward your shared wing of the Castle.
Coming to your hallway, blood pools in the entryway, smearing halfway down the hall. The sight causes both men to stop, looking at each other before they run down your hall before practically spilling into your room and falling to the floor.
"Oh my." Alicent giggles from your side as you lay on the bed, leaning against your headboard, rocking your sleeping daughter in your arms.
"Are you okay? What has happened-" Aemond stops himself when he sees a bundle of cloth in your arms and tiredness on your face. "Did y-" His eye trained on the white-haired child sleeping in your arms; he dropped to his knees in front of you.
"There's someone who wants to meet the both of you." A sob cracks through Aegon's lips as he moves towards your side. Alicent moves, silently leaving the room to allow you three peace with your new baby.
Your husbands take place on each side of you. Your daughter sleeps peacefully in your arms, swaddled in a pale green blanket. 
"She's perfect." Aegon whispers. "Hi. I'm your father. Hi." He smooths down her blonde hair before placing a delicate kiss on her head. 
"Yes, she is. She's fierce too. Fought like hell. A tough youngling." Your answer. "Just like her fathers before her." 
Smiling, Aemond wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer. Instantly, Aegon leans on your side, laying his head on your shoulder as the three of you watch the sleeping miracle you made.
"Thank you." Aemond's voice breaks through the contentment, his eye never leaving the baby. With a soft smile, you press your lips to his cheek, lingering slightly before pulling away. 
"For?" You question, Tilting your head as you examine your husband's face for an explanation. Chuckling, Aemond finally turns to face you.
"For this. For you, for her, for us. Even for Aegon. None of us would be here if it weren't for you, my beautiful wife. So, I thank you for making me the happiest person in Westeros." Aemond was not one to share his emotions so openly with anyone, especially in front of his brother, but he pushed through to pour his heart before your feet.
Leaning in, you connect your lips to his, and his hand moves to cup your face before your lips pull away, foreheads still touching. Silently, you close your eyes and absorb him. 
"If I may? I feel the same, baby. I could never repay the happiness you have given me today, the happiness both of you have given me." He pauses, taking a deep breath before starting again. "She's everything I imagined." Aegon's rushed whispers, laced with so much love and care, fill your heart with joy. 
"I love you both so much. I'd be lost without you. I should be thanking you for giving me your love and time. For giving me this gorgeous girl. For it all." Tears fall down your cheek as Aegon wipes them away, kissing your cheek before laying his head in the crook of your neck.
"I love you!" Aegon whispers, holding your sleeping daughter's hand around his index finger. Aemond's hand supports her feet as she lays in the corner of your elbow, rocking her slightly. 
"I love you." Aemond leans his head against yours while your eyes slowly begin to fall closed. Leaning back into your husband's, the three of you find yourself falling fast asleep with your daughter safely in your arms.
Part six coming soon !!
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eris-snow · 3 months
Tags: Revelation (Deku's birthday series 2024), izuku x fem!reader, angst, katsuki you backstabber
7th July. A finger gun
Izuku found it jammed under his table’s leg while cleaning his room. A sticky, green post-it note. One he was sure he didn’t write, and one with your handwriting.
I wish you would realise something is wrong. There’s been something wrong for a long ti—
The last word was dashed out like you had no time to write it finish, like it was the last minute in the exam and you were a few letters away from completing.
Old blood splatters sprinkled across the top half of the note like the stars in the sky and the notes are crickled at the ends like they were caught in a crossfire.
His heart sinks, mind firing off questions faster than he could finish thinking them. What exactly was wrong? And how long had this been here? How had he not noticed?
Izuku knows that he told you he’d wait, but he’s human too. He wants to help you as soon as possible, wants to pick up the pieces of yourself that had scarred you deeper than a knife could.
Let me in, he’d told you. Let me help you.
And you did, for the most part. You looked brighter now, your smile a little less forced, but as the days led on, your physical improvements juxtaposed the overwhelming sadness you seemed to exude.
You’re still scared inside, still hurting, still hiding something.
A Secret. His mind whispers.
An image of blue flashes across his mind, tiny sapphire flowers with pretty yellow centres and white honeyguides. It’s a field he’s seen before, where the water runs clear and the breeze gentle.
A bolt of pain stabs his cornea. It’s like a dagger straight through his skull, and he almost screams in startled confusion. His hands spasm, and he lets the post-it go in favour of clutching his throbbing head. Everything is ice-blue.
A wall stands in front of him, looming and tall that it might as well be Mount Everest. A finger pressed against lips that are not his.
Don’t probe.
A small gasp of agony leaves his lips as black dots dance across his vision. Immediately, he diverts his attention to white clouds, cotton candy melting in his mouth and his friends all around him.
The pain eases greatly.
Panting, Izuku clutches his shirt and falls to his knees, completely winded.
What the heck was that?
Izuku searches up the flowers he saw in his frenzied vision while scooping out the curry Katsuki made for lunch. Only one meets his description.
They’re named Myosotis scorpioides.
They’re dubbed Forget-Me-Nots.
When you come back to the dorms, you’re greeted by the sight of Katsuki whacking Izuku’s head over with a ladle and brandishing a serrated knife. Granted, you’d come to expect the unexpected when it came to Class A.
Denki has caused an accidental power out because of a sneeze and Todoroki had accidentally iced the building over because he was sick.
Threatening physical violence isn’t that high up on your ‘what the hell’ list.
“What’s going on?” You inquire, folding your arms as you give Katsuki an eyebrow raise. “And why do you look like an angry housewife?”
“What the fuck did you say?”
“Ahh, nothing.”
Sharp orbs snap to you, locking onto his new target. “Fuckin’ Izuku here almost burned himself by heating food up. I said,” he turns to Izuku, who’s lying on the ground, completely defeated. “Don’t look at your phone while at the stove, asshole. And your stupid muttering.”
Kacchan can pretend all he wants, but you know he secretly likes it, because it means Izuku was there.
“You’re always so fucking distracted.“
“Kacchan’s just mad because I burnt his rice that one time, and he hasn’t trusted me in the kitchen ever since.”
“You burnt rice in a rice cooker. A rice cooker cooks the rice, how did you burn rice in something that cooks the rice for you.”
“It’s very difficult kitchen equipment, Kacchan!”
Sighing, you trug upstairs, shaking your head and rolling your eyes.
It takes approximately 5 minutes for Katsuki to follow you upstairs and knock on your door. “What.”
“Izuku is up to something.”
“You think I haven’t figured that out?” You snort, letting him in. “He’s found something, and he’s trying to reconcile it with missing memories. He didn’t say anything, though.”
Katsuki’s face lights up. “I should give him the Secrets he gave you last year.”
Your heart plummets to your ass as you give him a look that screams ‘What drugs have you been on today?’ “Yeah, let’s tell him his Dad finally came back from that milk store too—NO Kacchan, have you cracked your skull?”
You’d prefer the third Quirk War than for Izuku to get a handle on your box of secrets. The clunky tin box was dented at the sides and as large as a cookie jar. The one in your room is the notes from Izuku's last cycle; the rest are at home. Should Izuku get his hands on it, he’d think he’d gone insane.
“Besides, Izuku has migraines when he tries to push the Quirk’s boundaries. It’s not worth it.”
Katsuki’s face collapses into a frown. Evidently, he didn’t know about the migraines.
You run a hand down your face, sitting on your bed because even though the floor was even, your feet felt unsteady. “Whenever I try to explain something from the past, get him to really think about it, he gets really bad headaches. It was really bad back then, and it still is now. The one time I pushed him and told him about the Quirk Accident and the nature of it, we were 14. He was rushed to the hospital because of how bad it was.”
Silence envelops the room like how the monster feeds on your insecurities. The memory was not a good one you wanted to bring up, and when your vision turns watery, you know you have to put that memory aside. Weariness sets into your bones as you force yourself to conclude.
“Anyways, that’s why we shouldn’t try to purposely jog his memory. It leads to more harm than good, and we don’t want that, right Kacchan?”
You expect to hear a hum, acknowledgement of what you’re saying, but when you bring your eyes up to meet Katsuki’s frame, you’re met with hard, watchful eyes looking around the room.
Presentiment looms at the back of your mind as alarm bells ring. “Kacchan?” You say slowly.
Katsuki hums, eyes flickering until they land on the object he is looking for. His eyes flit back to you, and the grin that he gives you is part crazy, part joy, all feral. “You know, you should really keep your things in better places, Starlight.”
Dread looms over you as you make eye contact with the metal tin box Katsuki is eyeing.
That was the box full of Secrets.
He didn’t come to my room just to inform me about Izuku’s weird behaviour.
In a blur, the blond yanks the tin box off the shelf and bolts out your door like you’re wearing neon red over bright green.
If you expect me to get you out of this, you’re dead wrong.
His words make so much more sense now as you’re running after Kacchan to the lifts. The tin box in his hand and the way his eyes shine with the crazy glint he has when he’s beating up villains. They all point to 6 stupid words you shouldn’t have been so blind to before.
I’m not on your team.
Katsuki forces the lift doors close just in time as you bang your fists against the metal of the elevator. Quickly, you raced down the stairs nearby, hopping down 4 steps at a time. Who cares if you break your ankles?
Your closest friend is delivering death to Izuku in a tin box.
“Kacchan, can we talk?”
Fire crackles as the food heats up under Izuku’s care. Crimson red eyes flashed wearily to the stove where his precious curry sat and decided to have faith in Izuku just this once. He trusts the man with his life, he should learn how to trust Izuku with his food, too.
There’s the look Katsuki is all too familiar with in Izuku’s eyes. The gears were turning in his head and he’d been muttering to himself long before Katsuki came downstairs from his shower.
“Fire away, nerd.”
“I’ve been having visions, and I think it’s got to do with L/n,” Izuku admits. “You know L/n better than anyone. If, if I could get a trigger, o-or something to see that wall again—“
“Slow down there, Deku,” Katsuki says, holding a hand to signal timeout. “I could decipher your muttering in a hurricane, but what the hell are you talking about?”
“There’s a wall, that’s blocking something in my mind.” He tries again, turning to face his childhood friend. “I don’t know what, but I want it back, Kacchan, because whatever it is, it’s hurting L/n. Help me.”
It takes a good 5 seconds for Katsuk’s resting bitch face to transform into a crazed grin.
“Hell yeah, Izuku.”
You bolt down the stairs just in time to see Izuku’s hands clasp around the box. You could have melted your skin off and you still would have preferred it to what you were seeing.
Izuku’s eyes meet yours, and for a moment, you’re back to the war, and Izuku’s fighting for his life to win. He gives you a fucking smile, and grips the box tighter. “Sorry, L/n.”
“You’ll freaking die. I will die, if you open that goddamn box.” You whisper, taking a step closer. “Izuku, please. Give it back to me. It’s not worth it.”
“You are worth it,” Izuku says, smiling at you. Shit, it’s that face, the one that said ‘I’ll break my body over and over again if a dog were threatened at gunpoint.’
“And I’m getting to the bottom of this.”
In a flash of energy, Izuku zips past you and up the stairs, leaving you alone in the common rooms with a very smug Kacchan.
You’re fucked, officially.
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rippersz · 2 years
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙪𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙀𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧
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(A Larissa Weems x reader oneshot in which you are head over heels for Nevermore’s headmistress.) {Stream of consciousness; character study; poetic; no real plot}
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Well, to put it simply, you had a problem.
A rather big problem.
More specifically, a 6 foot, 3 inch tall problem. Also a very beautiful problem. And on top of that, an elegant problem. And on top of that, a problem that was entirely out of your league.
And really? Honestly? You weren’t sure there was a damned thing you could do about it. Not because it was hopeless, and not because it couldn’t be solved easily within a few months, but because you didn’t really want to do anything about it.
Oh no, falling in love with Larissa Weems was a problem you embraced. In fact, it felt more like a dream than anything else.
Though that may be because she herself was dreamy. And unbelievably so.
With those eyes of hers… all underlying dark blues and icy fractures in an ocean of sea foam and the sky transformed into mirrors… all piercing gazes and soft warm looks and painted dark eyelashes that no doubt, beneath the makeup, held a natural color of something more blonde. And appearing as though the star it once was had exploded behind the dark of a perfect pupil, an aureate supernova lay interwoven in the sapphire pools - the slightest of details to an untrained eye, but a world of inspiration to an artist. Beautiful would never begin to describe not just the gaze itself, but the feeling it gave when placed on you. Like a blanket of lava draped over your skin, heating you up from the inside out. Making your heart dance as though it were walking slowly across hot coals, desperate to get to the other side before howling in pain and dissolving into a heart attack. Though not even a heart attack could keep you from staring; Hell, not even the end of the world.
For why would you want to look at the apocalypse when the very thing that gave you life was right before your very eyes?
And why would you want to stare at a blazing inferno when the mere sight of red lips and pale skin made you feel as though you were standing a bit too close to her beloved fireplace? When the way your gaze dropped to the print of rosso corsa red on those two soft petals, the hex color of which you gaged to be #d10000, made you shiver… When a flash of white out of the corner of your eye made you jump and whip around to see if the object of your affections was near… When the paleness of her skin, a love letter to her anemia, was illuminated beautifully by the torch light that lined the Nevermore halls at night… How the flickering of orange and yellow flames made her eyes seem like the coldest fire, and how the shape of her cheekbones and line of her jaw greeted the shadows like old friends.
It was always a testament to your growing infatuation when you felt the desperation during those swift moments; when you could feel the tingle- the pull- the undeniable ache in every single joint of every single finger, begging you to reach out and run your touch along the perfect flaws of her face. Begging you to map her out - to memorize her. To know her blind; to know her in the dark; to recognize her even in death. And you were certain that would never be difficult for you. Not when your eyes had already become accustomed to the crease between those flaxen brows- and how it was always more prominent on the right side- and just how good she was at expressing emotion through them alone. And not when the curve of a soft cheek was burned into your brain, softening the wrinkles and melding it to think about nothing but her. Just her. Always her, really. No one else could be her equal. And although the sentiment sounded silly, it wasn’t. No one else’s nose compared to hers- with the straight bridge and the curved tip and the flared nostrils and the little scrunch when she was angry or happy, grinning for the world to see with those pearly whites. And oh those pearly whites; just wonderful, really - no one else’s teeth were like hers. With the perfectly imperfect ups and downs of the bottom row and the sweet bite made when her jaws met and the way they shone beneath any light at all. And how lovely it was to know that when they did shine, they were on joyous display. Smiled into the world. Making others (read: you) light-headed and blushy and unsure of what to do except smile in reply because the sight of her happiness was just so infectious. And no one else’s laughter was like hers; all deep chuckles and occasional giggles and a sweet repetitive sound that made her throat bob in the most delicious way… and the sound of her unrestrained cackle, where she threw her head back or leaned forward and gifted life with her delight… well it was like Heaven’s symphony had been given to a mortal. Fitted into her body in the way the world’s displeasures were shoved into Pandora’s box- forced and comfortable in the enclosed space of her muscles and cells. And although said body was magnificent all on its own, you weren’t shallow enough to ignore the Eden that lived beyond her skin.
Oh indeed, it was the type of paradise that could only be found upon meeting her. Such a glorious heaven crafted into a personality… Not so strict but not so lenient, and always kind enough to make sure everyone was alright, and strong enough to hold the universe on her beautifully broad shoulders. Atlas must envy her, you had thought at one point in the past. And it was most likely true. She had so many responsibilities, so many other souls- young and old- to care for, so many people to appease, so much paperwork to fill out, so many documents to keep track of, and events to handle and emails to send and teachers to keep in line and students to punish and… and there was always something, wasn’t there? Always something to be done. And despite her brilliance, despite her ability to juggle it all like a seasoned jester and never break a sweat, she did often forget about the smaller things. The smaller things like tending to herself. Like eating and drinking and getting the properly recommended hours of sleep her body yearned for. And when her grip on the world weakened, when her fingers dug into the heavens because the strength it took to hold them up was dwindling, well then it showed. Not a lot, just a bit, but it showed. It showed in the way she paced, in the way her hands curled into fists, clenched with irritation and helplessness; and it showed in the way she picked at the skin of her nails, though only when they weren’t painted; and it showed when she bit her bottom lip and started allowing things to slip her mind - like when she forgot her binder in the meeting room or her purse in the car. And when those gorgeous azure eyes fluttered closed, squeezed tight, flinching against the pound of her head and the sudden brightness of the lights- well then you wanted nothing more but to take her soft face in your hands and kiss her temples until the ache went away. And until the world seemed right. And until all of the pressure that weighed on her neck, forcing it to throb and sting and cry for a fluffy pillow, melted away into nothing. Yes, you yearned to comfort. To hold her hands, to run your thumb along her pink knuckles and kiss the feeling back into her fingertips on a particularly cold night. To tuck her into bed and sit beside her as she did her cross-stitching, watching the way her hands moved in tandem while her feet tap-tap-tapped themselves to the gentle beat of a jazz song playing in the background. To watch the way she slid her half-moon glasses onto her nose and adjusted them every so often because they had a habit of slipping - and to let out a little giggle as she moved to slide them onto her head, only to realize that she would destroy the perfect creation that is her hairstyle. And what you wouldn’t give to admire the way she designed and perfected such a style in the first place… to watch the red of her nails flash around as she adjusted a curl or flicked snowy strands out of her eyes or tucked some of it behind her ear…
And such simple things. Such mundane things… perhaps that’s how you knew you were in love with her. Because you wouldn’t mind just doing laundry and taxes with her. Because you wouldn’t mind staying by her side at Nevermore forever, even though for years you had dreamt of traveling the world. Even though you yourself were not an outcast.
And perhaps that’s what love really was. Compromise. Realizing that nothing else truly mattered, as long as they were by your side. As long as she was by your side. Even in all of her flawed and perfect glory. Even in her anxiety and her bottled up emotions and her consistent desire to keep everything neat and tidy. Even during her bad days, when Larissa had trouble gathering enough energy to slip out of bed - and her good days too, when her stride was long and her head was held high and her perfume seemed to act as a love potion to whomever she passed in the hall; leaving the air smelling like lilies and roses and cedar. Sophisticated and clean. Perfectly her in every single way. And the best part about being around her, aside from the glory that came with her mere presence, was the sweet home smell that stuck to her clothing. So unique and so distinctly ‘Larissa’ that it made you want to belly flop onto her bed and stick your nose into her pillow and breathe her in until your lungs screamed for mercy.
And although that sounded batshit, even to yourself, it was simply because being privy to her was a gift. And since nothing would ever be written in the stars, you had to soak up every moment with her that you could and try to commit it to memory. To retain as much of her as possible… just in case the world ended before you could grip her shoulders and pull her close and tell her you’d fight God themself if she asked you to.
And the things you wanted to know - wanted to observe and see and cherish weren’t necessarily life changing. They weren’t her darkest secrets, (although you were curious about those too) no no, it was… well it was like when she read her favorite books- dramas and romances and mysteries- and frowned when something rubbed her the wrong way or when the mystery was too difficult to solve on her own. Or like when she sat down on a bench and had to spend a minute or two trying to get comfortable, adjusting her legs this way and that and eventually ending up with her knees nearly pulled to her chest. Or when she picked at imaginary lint on her coat lapels and slacks, hating the thought of something marring the ironed clothing and disrupting the brightness of the fabric. And almost all of her fabrics were bright - working with the color schemes of white, beige, silver, and gold and even, occasionally, a light grey. And that whole myth about a person being unable to pull off both gold and silver? That was exactly what it was - a myth. Clearly whoever came up with it had yet to meet Larissa Weems; for the silver made her seem celestial, and the gold made her seem holy. From a goddess to an angel. From a chant to a prayer. Like liquid, floating between the two colors - adorning her body with understated beautiful jewelry. You never failed to catch which pieces she wore; and you never missed the way they dulled in comparison to her smile. Hell it was unlikely that even the shining gates of paradise could be more awe-inspiring and breathtaking than even a hint of Larissa’s joy.
And you meant that. You felt that. Deep down, all of the dramatics that took place in your heart were true. Cliche, sure, but true. There was no other way to explain it. You were in love with all of her. Every trait of hers. Every little thing - from the way she walked with her feet pointed out to the way her eyes lit up at the first sign of Autumn. From the way she slept, soundly and deeply and without a single noise, to the way she spent precious minutes of her evening completing her skincare routine. From the way she preferred kitten heels to the way some part of her, buried deep down, secretly longed for the power of stilettos. From the way she laid out her outfits the night before (shoes included) to the way her head always peeked out from above the shower and bathroom stalls. From the way she loved comedy specials to the way she disliked the gore of certain horror movies - and from the way she let out a squeak of surprise when the killer jumped out from behind the curtain. From her love of flowers to her dislike of boring lawns and from her dislike of boring lawns to her love of creep vines and topiaries. And from her love of sunshine to her hatred of sweating and heat, which ultimately forced her to like Autumn and Winter above all other seasons. And from her appreciation of seasonal art to her wonder about space; and from her wonder about space to her love of stars. And from the way she twinkled brighter than all stars put together to the way she spoke - hypnotizing and lovely and so beautiful that you wanted nothing more than to hear her voice all the time. And if she never quite understood that, if the insecurities you knew she had convinced her that she wasn’t the most darling thing in the world, you’d dedicate eternity to helping her love herself in the way you did.
In the way you do.
In the way you always will. Whether it’s reciprocated or not. Whether she enjoys your company as much as you enjoy hers and whether or not she hears your laugh in her dreams. It doesn’t really matter anyway - it never did. Some people you cannot help but fall for. Some people you know you’ll eventually love. Yes, you’re unsure of how you’ll get there - but you know it will happen. And you prepare your heart, because you’re not sure if they feel that anticipation as well. Though even then, it doesn’t matter. It will happen whether you want it to or not. And when that time does come around - you smile wistfully because ah… it’s finally happened… and suddenly the world seems far more magical than it did before. Just because they’re in it. Just because they’re breathing as you are breathing and they’re living as you are living and even if they go halfway across the world, as long as they’re alive and happy, then you feel a little bit more okay.
And Larissa… well Larissa made you feel a little bit more okay.
She made you feel… stable. Noticed. Cared for. Even if she didn’t kiss you on the forehead and hold you for hours on end. Even if she didn’t read you off to sleep each night or wake you up with roaming hands in the shower.
Even if she didn’t wish you were hers. Because although there was a chance that was the case, it didn’t matter. You wouldn’t stop loving her just because she didn’t love you back. That’s not who you were. No, you were certain that you’d love her until someone else came along and forced you to settle. Or until the love killed you. And if that did happen… well then you’d simply kneel in that damp soil, smile up at the heavens, grip your chest over your beating heart, and thank Eros for allowing you to meet someone so life-changing.
Because that’s what she was. The purest ember in a world of burning flames. The sweetest pain as the fire engulfed it all. The first lick of heat at your bare skin. Just a taste of the kamikaze. The ending of the world. And most importantly, the beginning. Draped in white. Outlined in silver. Something glorious. Something holy. Something that carried the calls of angels and the screams of ignored admirers. Something that held the worst pain in her tears… something that held the world’s combined joy in her smile.
Something- someone- that could tear you down and build you up again and possibly even heal all of the rot that has festered in your heart since the day you were born.
…And that?
Oh darling… that was love.
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Hope you liked it. Was just a little exercise. - Ripley
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itsrheasgirl · 1 year
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Chapter 2 for Forbidden Love series. The Forbidden Love series follows a relationship between Rhea x Reader.
The Reader has a strong friendship with Liv Morgan.
Liv is in love with The Reader but hasn’t told them.
fem!reader - rhea x reader.
@rheasbaee @riverscyberwife @you-got-me-star-lost-16 @innagnv @bittersweetastoria @chillinbri @call-me-a-simp @sithfar @rooskaya-yelena @half-of-a-gay @teenagedramaqueenlisa @hit-the-dirt-and-get-back-on @bl0w-m3 @l0v3e1i @heartcandles-co
The frothy mountain of bubbles peaked over the ledge on the bathtub as your leant forward to turn off the tap, gently spinning on your heels to face the main room as you searched for Rhea. Your soft gaze finding hers as she sat on the edge of the bed, leaning back on her palms as she took in every inch of your body. Her gaze wondering from the tip of your toes and all the way up until her sapphire hues meet your gaze.
The corner of her lips twitched into an impish smirk as she glanced around your form towards the large bathtub, flitting her gaze back up to yours in a quick back and forth.
“It was your idea.”
You quipped as you slowly crossed the room towards the bed, pulling your long curls into a messy bun with the elastic on your wrist.
“I didn’t say anything.”
Rhea chortled, sitting up correctly on the bed as she reached her arms out to take both your palms in her own.
She hadn’t stopped looking at you since you’d got inside, the soft sparkle of her crystal gaze keeping you captivated as she gently pulled you forward and into the space between her thighs. Craning her head back slightly as to look up at you, you couldn’t help the smile that pulled at your lips.
“Take a bath with me.”
You whispered. Reaching one of your palms out to pull through her hair, grasping at the back of her neck to pull her in for a soft kiss. She had taken a beating protecting you from Liv and deserved a bath of her own.
Your pearly whites nipped at Rhea’s lower lip as her palms slid around your waist, gently pulling you down to straddle her hips as she deepened the intensity of your kiss. You had no objections, all too willing to just sit a kiss her all night long but tomorrow was creeping in all too fast and you wanted memories, not moments.
“Take a bath with me.”
You muttering the words against Rhea’s lips as she held on tightly to your hips. It wasn’t a question, it was a statement and you intended to get her into the bathtub one way or another.
Pressing one more kiss against the flush of Rhea’s lips, you tilt back slightly. The angle of your hips causing the silky fabric of your shorts to hike up your thighs, you shift back slightly to avoid discomfort.
“Don’t make me tell you again.”
An eat shit grin claimed Rhea’s lips as she released your hipbones and leant back on her palms once more, her manicured brow arching skyward as she licked slowly across her lower lip.
She didn’t say anything, her oceanic hues peeking up at you through thick full lashes as she adjusted her posture. You didn’t know what she was planning, but you could see the cogs turning as the eat shit grin returned to her lips.
Your heart rate increases as you move your palms to place them down against Rhea’s chest, hoping to at least battle off some of her plan.
“Don’t even think about it.”
You chuckle as your eyes widen slightly. You’d began to clue in to what was coming and unfortunately there was no escape. With one swift motion Rhea grasped both your palms to locked them in her own and with one twist of her hips she flipped you over to collide you spine with the soft mattress, her legs straddled either side of your waist as she pinned your wrists above your head.
“Don’t tell me you forgot pretty girl, Mami’s always on top.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt it.”
You purred as you teasingly roll your hips up against Rhea’s pelvis, your pearly whites rolling over your lower lip as an impish glimmer flashes in your eyes.
“But I said don’t make me tell you again and I meant it.”
With a sharp tug down, you pulled your wrists free from Rhea’s hold. Sitting up enough to begin unbuttoning the oversized black shirt that clung to her torso.
“So we’re gonna take this off…”
Your gaze flicks down to the buckle of Rhea’s belt and back up, your lips snapping a quick kiss from her lips before continuing your work on her buttons.
“Those too..”
The devious smirk that claimed Rhea’s lips as she watched you grew and grew, her shoulders rolling back to help as you slipped the fabric off her frame.
It was odd seeing Demi so docile, willingly allowing you to undress her as she simply gazed into your eyes. Her palms reaching out to wind her fingers around the hem of your cropped shirt, she gently tugged the soft purple fabric over your head.
Snaking your palms around the back of Rhea’s neck, you lean forward to press your lips tentatively against hers.
As your teeth gently tug at her lower lip, you use the flat of your palms to push Rhea to her feet and follow suit. Releasing her cushioned lip as your nimble fingers unbuckle her belt, you flash Rhea a devilish grin before slipping your thumbs into the waistband of your shorts. Removing the silky fabric in one swift motion, you drop it to the floor before pressing your naked form against hers.
“Don’t keep me waiting.”
- - - - - - - - - -
The warmth of the water seemed to wash away all the tension you’d been holding on to as the tingle of Rhea’s lips against your jugular caused you lids to flutter, a soft hum vibrating in your chest as her fingertips danced over your abdomen.
It hadn’t taken Rhea long to undress and slide beneath the bubbly water behind you, your spine pressing into her torso as you rested your head back against her chest. Everything was finally so peaceful and as promised the two of you had your alone time.
“I wish we didn’t have to go home tomorrow.”
It was yet another moment that felt all too familiar, your lives pulling you apart at the seams once more to different parts of the globe.
Rhea hummed against your throat as she peppered a few more kisses down its length before scattering them across your shoulder, tilting her head slightly to press a chaste kiss against your temple.
“We don’t need to think about that, let’s just focus on right now.”
You weren’t the only one that was wishing tomorrow would come slower, Rhea too was beginning to struggle with the idea that yet again she’d have to leave you. At least this time she could say goodbye.
Bringing your palms through the bubbles and onto your stomach, you lace your fingers with Rhea’s as you bring your joined hands out of the water. The soapy suds dissolving off your skin as you gently blew your warm breath over them.
“Will you stay with me?”
Rhea’s answer was obvious— but taking a moment as to not sound too eager, she released one of your palms and tilted your chin up so she could press her lips to yours.
Your thick lashes fluttering closed briefly as you tightened your grip on Rhea’s palm, glimmering hues locking as your free hand reaches up to nestle around her cheek.
“Is that a yes?”
Rhea leant into your touch, your damp fingertips playing with ends of her hair as you awaited her answer. You didn’t want to be alone— not only did you feel unsafe to be left without her protection, you didn’t like sleeping alone after such emotion filled events like tonight.
Pressing her lips softly against the tip of your nose, Rhea lowered her head to rest her chin in the crook of your neck before releasing her words in a soft whisper.
“Baby, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
- - - - - - - - - - -
A soft expel of air parted your lips as you curled into Rhea’s side, the gentle sound of her breathing echoing in your ears as you traced your fingertips over the tattoo under her breasts. You were surprised the gentle touches didn’t wake her— soft movements like that tickled at your skin and you would have woken instantly.
You couldn’t sleep. The thoughts of Liv’s actions playing over and over in your head as you prayed for just a moment of subconscious silence.
You’d promised Rhea you’d try and rest, your flight wasn’t too early but you had so much to deal with when it came to the airport that you didn’t want to face your day exhausted.
“Just go to sleep.”
You grumbled to yourself.
“Go to sleep. Go to sleep.”
You just wanted some bliss. A peaceful moment to lull you off to sleep, was that too much to ask?
Sitting up in bed, you lean back against your pillows and rake your palms slowly down your face. A few curls had fallen from your messy bun as you’d tossed and turned evading sleep, your nimble fingers tucking them back into the elastic before slipping you legs from the sheets and over the side of the bed.
Rhea looked so peaceful as she lay motionless with her arm nestled behind her head— how was she able to sleep so soundly?
Gently clambering out of bed as to not wake her, you crossed the room toward the big window that overlooked the beach. Your slender arms stretched up over your head to releasing the tension in your spine, a soft groan vibrated in your chest as you peered out over the ocean.
Maybe some fresh air was what you needed.
A beach front hotel had its advantages— the large patch of sand within the hotels limits being for hotel guests only. It meant no unwanted garbage and an abundance of strategically located sun loungers with hotel embellished towels.
Swiftly crossing the room towards your open suitcase, you pull out the clothes you’d intended to wear to bed. Throwing them on in complete darkness, you grab your phone and room card from the dresser— taking a quick glance back at Rhea’s peacefully sleeping form before slipping out into the empty hallway.
You had bad luck when it came to walking through hotel hallways at night, always bumping into someone you’d rather avoid and ending up more stressed out than you were before. Here’s hoping this time you’d catch a break.
- - - - - - - - - -
The air seemed warmer than it had earlier that night, the subtle breeze coming in off the ocean playing with the ends of a few loose curls that hung around your features as you slipped off your shoes and stepped out onto the sand.
Your toes began to wiggle as you allowed your heavy lids to close, slowly inhaling a large breath of salty sea air as your arms stretch skyward. You loved the water— it was as if the waves washed away all your problems as they crested and broke against the shore.
The tide wasn’t too far out meaning you could sit close enough to the hotel to keep it in your site and still feel the waves breaking over your feet. Grasping a hotel towel that had been left out on a sun lounger, you draped it over your forearm and began the walk to the waves.
You weren’t sure this would even work. The fresh air would clear your mind enough to think, but would getting Liv out of your subconscious enough to help you sleep.
Placing the towel down onto the sand a few feet away from the waves, you drop down onto the cloth fabric before pulling your knees to your chest and expelling a shallow sigh. You wished your mind would clear— that Liv’s accusations would just disappear from your subconscious and allow you to focus on the fact that Rhea had stood up for you. That she had fought for you.
Your thoughts began to flash back to Rhea squaring up to Liv— accusing her of having no idea about what she was doing with you, how she felt about you.
How did Rhea feel about you?
Resting your forehead down against your knees, you focus on the heavy rise and fall of your chest. You weren’t panicked— not like how your trip had started, but you couldn’t believe yet again stress had taken it’s icy hold.
You’re too lost in your own battling subconscious to hear the gentle footsteps that approached you, the sounds of the crashing waves hiding the soft rustle of shoes upon the sand as a muscular frame sat down behind you.
“What are you doing out here?”
The thick Australian ascent flooded your ears as you instinctively lay back into Rhea’s awaiting embrace, your head resting upon her shoulder as her forearms wound around your waist to pull you back into the space between her thighs.
“I couldn’t sleep.”
The soft cushion of Rhea’s lips pressed against your temple as she tightened her hold slightly, a hushed groan vibrating against your skin as she kept her kiss in place. She knew what was worrying you— keeping you from slumber, but what could she do to help?
“How did you find me?”
Your lids had fallen closed upon the tingle of Rhea’s kiss, thick lashes tickling your under eyes as you slowed your breathing the best you could to fall in line with hers.
A throaty chortle passed Rhea’s lips as she pulled back to look out over the ocean, her fingers lacing with yours across your torso as she hummed in contemplation. You didn’t care what her answer was. All that mattered to you was that she was here, holding you when you needed her.
It was hard for Rhea to explain just what called her to the beach, her instincts simply knowing where you were and that you needed her. You had a connection— like a string that tied you together and her heart knew where to go.
Keeping your fingers laced, she crossed your arms over your chest in a warm embrace. Her lips pressing softly against the shell of your ear as she whispered in a hushed tone.
“I’ll always find you, pretty girl.”
79 notes · View notes
nekoannie-chan · 1 month
Space travel
Space travel
Title: Space travel.
Fandom: Marvel, Captain America.
Ship: Steve Rogers X Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!Reader.
Word count: 228 words.
Square: 4 “Spacing out.”
Rating: Teen.
Summary: A unique travel with Steve.
Major Tags: Fluff.
Additional tags: This is my entry to @eclipsingbingo The Rising Moon Flash Event 2024.
Links: Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any permission for my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. Please let me know if you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @Smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @Harrysthiccthighss @Marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @Here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989 @somegirlfromasgard @rogersbarber
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After the snap, you and Steve didn't know what to do. You couldn't stop thinking about everything that had happened. A soft knock on the door brought you out of your thoughts. Opening it, you found Steve standing there, soaking wet but with an attempt at a smile.
“May I come in? “he asked.
You nodded, inviting him in and offering him a towel to dry off.
“Thank you," he said as he dried his hair. "I've been thinking about something. I know it's been hard for all of us. But I've found a way to... distract us."
“What did you have in mind?"
He explained, and you stared at him in disbelief.
“I know it sounds a little crazy," he continued, "but I think it might be just what we need."
The idea of exploring space was strange to you.
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Finally, the day of takeoff arrived. The ship was impressive.
Although you doubted that Tony had actually borrowed it, that didn't matter; you wanted anything to distract you.
The sights of distant planets, bright nebulae, and infinite stars filled your senses; you had never thought of seeing them so close.
One night, while watching a meteor shower from the ship's window, Steve turned to you.
“Look at this," he said. "Thank you for coming with me.
“Thank you, Steve; I couldn't have done it without you."
6 notes · View notes
pricetagofficial · 3 years
Interstellar -Part Seven [18+]
Warnings: Language, fluff, Wally being a dork, smut, choking, space sex
Word Count: 5K
Taglist: Message me if you want to be on it!
A/N: I am sorry this took two weeks, I was really stumped for a minute here. I hope you all enjoy it!
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Part Seven
“You ready for this Starshine?” Wally asked, adjusting his cowl to fit over his face. 
Y/N powered up her ring, her suit materializing over her current clothes. “Born ready Red.” she grinned.
Wally sent her a wink, pulling her close and placed a kiss on her lips. “Last one to Midwest City buys dinner.” he grinned.
“You’re on Lightning McQueen.'' She teased and took a step back, hovering slightly above the floor. She watched out of the corner of her eye as he pretended to stretch out his legs. 
“I hope you have enough money, sweetheart, I have a huge appetite.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes. “As long as you save room for dessert, I don’t see a problem.” 
Wally almost stumbled at the innuendo and gave her a mischievous grin. “Always.” Pulling his arm across his chest, he looked at her. “You ready?” 
Giving him a nod, the two of them got into position before taking off for Midwest City. 
Wally wasn’t joking when he said he was the fastest man alive, but Y/N knew that she could keep up with his speed enough so she didn’t lose sight of him. The ring gave her the power to fly at the speed of light, and she was determined to win and prove to Wally that Lanterns were faster than speedsters.
Glancing up, he could see Y/N right behind him as he ran. Her hair was waving in the wind with her eyes narrowed in determination as a streak of violet shined behind her leaving a trail. “Looks like you’re losing babe! I thought you could do better!” he called, bragging about how he was ahead even if it was by a couple feet. 
Looking down at him, Y/N let a grin grow on her face. “Are you doubting me Red?” she taunted. 
Wally slowed so he was neck and neck with her, looking to his left. “I’m doubting you’re as fast as say you are.” he goaded. 
“You should really look where you’re running.” 
“What?” Wally turned to look in front to see several obstacles made from Y/N’s ring to try and slow him down. “Wouldn’t that be considered cheating?” he asked.
Y/N shook her head. “You never set any rules, hotshot,” she said and took off ahead with a laugh.
Wally huffed and maneuvered around the obstacles she placed in front of him while trying not to lose speed. He knew she was determined to win, but he never thought she would play dirty. Seemed like he needed to up his game. 
It took a few seconds, but he managed to catch up. Midwest City was on the horizon, so if he wanted to win it was now or never. Increasing his speed, he shot down the highway quickly passing Y/N as she tried to stop him with more obstacles. 
She almost made him lose his balance and crash into the nearby cornfields, but Wally managed to keep his footing as he skidded to a stop behind a gas station just outside of the city. That was their predetermined finish line. Seconds later after Wally pulled to a stop, Y/N flew into view and almost crashed into him.
Wally caught her, his hands on her waist as he tried to absorb most of her impact making sure neither of them were hurt. Looking down at her, they both were panting to catch their breath. Y/N looked up at him through the white lenses of her mask and smiled. “Thanks for the catch.” 
“Like I would ever let you fall, beautiful.”
Y/N felt the heat rise in her cheeks, “I don’t think I’ve ever flown that fast in my life.” she chuckled. “It was a blast.” 
Tracing his thumb across the bottom of her mask as he cupped her cheek, Wally smiled. “Maybe I can take you for a run, give you the ride of your life.” 
Snorting at his words, Y/N fell into a fit of giggles. “You’re a dork Wally West, and I adore that about you.” 
Rolling his eyes, Wally kissed her cheek. “Let’s get changed and I can give you the grand tour. Then you can buy me dinner.” he winked. 
In a flash, Wally was gone, leaving a gust of wind in his wake. Seconds later, he was back in his previous place holding Y/N close to his chest. He watched in wonder as she powered down her ring and her suit was replaced with her clothes and he was greeted with her beautiful eyes twinkling up at him. 
“You ready?” he asked, stepping back and slipping his hand in hers. 
Y/N gave him a nod as they began their walk deeper into the city. 
The first place Wally wanted to show her were the schools he went to. Walking through the suburban district of the city. He pointed out every secret he knew, about the different places and the people he shared them with. 
“That’s where Mrs. O'Leary lives, Dick and I used to sucker her into giving us sweets every time he slept over,” he smiled, pointing at an old house with fading yellow paint. “She’s the neighborhood’s crazy cat lady.”
Y/N laughed at his comment. “You and Dick got into a lot of trouble, didn’t you?” she asked. 
Wally shrugged. “He’s my best friend. In my opinion, there’s no one better to cause trouble with.” Tightening his grip on her hand, Wally led her down the street and around the corner. 
“My house is just down this street, It’s the blue one at the end.” 
Y/N stopped in her tracks and looked up at him. “You want me to meet your parents? Isn’t it a bit soon?” she asked. 
“If you aren’t ready, then we can come back another day,” he said. “I don’t want to make you do something you aren’t ready for.” 
Giving him a grateful look, Y/N kissed his cheek. “Thanks, Red.”
“Anything for you sweetheart,” he said. 
The two of them turned back and headed towards the inner parts of the city. As they walked, Wally told Y/N all kinds of stories, and most if not all of them included Dick. The more he talked about him, the more Y/N got curious about Dick. 
Y/N was pulled out of her thoughts by Wally pulling on her hand. 
“I asked if you were hungry, there’s a really nice diner not that far from here,” Wally repeated. 
As if on queue, Y/N’s stomach grumbled making them both laugh. 
“I’ll take that as a yes.” he chuckled and led her down the street. 
Y/N watched Wally as they walked. He seemed unusually focused, more than normal. Was he hiding something, if so what was it? She didn’t get the chance to ask about it before they made it to the diner where someone she didn’t recognize was waiting for them.
“Took you two long enough, what did you do? Take the longest possible route to get here?” the mysterious man chuckled. 
“Can it Dickhead, I was showing my girl around. Not my fault you’re here earlier than normal.” Wally teased.
“You’re Dick?” Y/N asked. 
The black-haired man turned to look at her and flashed a smile that almost seemed too good to be real. “That I am, I’m guessing you’re Y/N?” 
She nodded. “Wally’s told me a lot about you.” 
Dick laughed. “I  hope they’re all good things, but knowing Wally most of them are all the stupid stuff we did as kids.” 
“Sounds about right.”
“Guys! I am right here!” Wally said loudly, trying to interrupt Y/N and Dick’s conversation about him. 
“I know baby, don’t worry. I won’t forget you.” she teased, pinching his cheek.
Wally batted her hands away with a blush creeping up onto his face. “That makes me feel so much better,” he grumbled. 
Getting on her toes, Y/N leaned up and pressed a kiss to Wally’s cheek. “You love me.”
Wally was now several shades of red, ignoring the laughs coming from Dick. “You’re really laying it on thick,” he commented, wrapping his arms around her from behind and burying his face into her shoulder to hide his blush. “Are you trying to embarrass me?” 
Turning her head just enough, Y/N kissed his hair running her fingers through his ginger locks. “I don’t know, is it working?” she teased. 
“It’s working plenty,” he muttered. “Can we go in and eat now?” 
Y/N smiled and walked forward with Wally still holding tightly to her. “I can’t go anywhere with you clinging to me like this,” she said. 
Wally sighed. “Alright fine.” he chuckled and let her go, settling for wrapping his arm around her shoulders, keeping her close to his chest. Taking a look around, Wally noticed that Dick was the only one waiting for them. 
“Babs not coming?” he asked. 
Dick shook his head. “No, she had some stuff to take care of with Commissioner Gordon. So it looks like I’m gonna be the third wheel.” 
Y/N and Wally chuckled at his words. “Don’t worry Rob, we won’t leave you out,” he replied. 
Catching on to the nickname, Y/N looked between the two of them trying to make sense of things. If his name was Dick, why did Wally call him Rob? She didn’t get the chance to ask about it before Wally led her into the diner with Dick right behind them. 
It wasn’t long before they were given a booth to sit at and a set of menus to choose from. Y/N sat by the window with Wally beside her while Dick sat across from them. Wally’s arm was casually draped across her shoulders as they looked at the menu together. 
“Are you three ready to order?” their waitress asked. 
Dick flashed his smile once again, “Can we have a few more minutes? The lovebirds here can’t decide if they want to split something or not.” he chuckled. 
The waitress looked over at the couple and held back her giggled watching them fight over what to order. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” and walked off. 
It took a few minutes, but the second time the waitress came around all three of them were ready to order. After giving their orders, Wally excused himself from the booth and disappeared into the restroom. While he was gone, Y/N decided it was time to ask Dick her questions. 
“How long have you known Wally?” she asked. 
Leaning back in his seat, Dick looked at her. “I want to say somewhere around 15 years?” He huffed running a hand through his hair. “Damn, we got old.” 
Y/N laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. “Where are you from?” 
“You know, the question ‘Where are you from?’ is my least favorite question. Where I was born, where I grew up, and where I live are all very different answers.” he said. 
Crossing her arms, Y/N leaned back. “Alright then, where did you grow up?” 
Dick raised a brow at her. “Why do I feel like I’m being interrogated?” he asked. “Shouldn’t I be the one interrogating you?”  
“Because maybe I am interrogating you. I want to know what kind of person you are Dick Grayson, you are my boyfriend’s best friend right?” she asked. 
Dick shrugged and tilted his head. “Ask away, Y/N. I’m an open book,” he chuckled.  “Well, sort of.” 
Y/N narrowed her eyes and watched Dick carefully. She could tell that Dick was closed off to an extent, but at the same time, he was open about things. He was an interesting person, and it was easy to see how he and Wally got along so well. 
“I have a question, how did you know my last name? I never told you that,” he asked, glancing around. 
“Bruce Wayne is a famous philanthropist and he has a son named Dick Grayson who looks an awful lot like you. I just put the pieces together after that.” she smiled. 
Dick gave her an impressed look. “You’re good, I see why Wally likes you. You’re pretty sharp.” 
“That’s the only way I’d be able to keep up with him.” she chuckled.
Laughing at her words, Dick held his stomach as Wally finally returned to see them both in fits of laughter. 
“I hope you are laughing at something else and not me,” he said, sliding into the seat, placing a kiss on Y/N’s cheek. 
“No, just talking with Y/N.” Dick smiled. “I like her, don’t mess this up Walls.”
Wally pursed his lips and kicked Dick under the table. “Some faith you have there.” 
“Hey!” Dick rubbed his shin where Wally kicked him. “I was being honest! Would you rather I lie?” 
“I would rather you keep your nose to yourself,” he answered. 
“Make me.” Dick taunted. 
Wally made a move to dive over the table, only stopping when he felt Y/N’s arm grab his bicep and pull him back down into his seat. 
“Do I have to babysit you both?” she hissed. “I can tell you’ve been friends forever, you fight like it.” 
Wally huffed, crossing his arms as he leaned back against the seat. 
“Oh come on, Red. No need to get huffy with me.” Y/N teased, poking his cheek. 
Giving her a side look, Wally dropped his arms and pulled Y/N towards him once again. “You’re lucky you’re cute,” he said. 
“You two are so sappy, it’s kinda gross.” Dick chuckled.
Wally opened his mouth to respond when their waitress returned with their food. Giving their thanks, the three of them dug into their food. It was a known fact that Wally never shut up, even when he was eating. So when he was silent, that’s when you knew the food was good. ‘
For the next few hours, they all enjoyed their lunch talking about anything and everything. Even if Dick knew that Y/N was a lantern, she didn’t know about his own hero's life so the topic of hobbies was short and sweet. 
Y/N talked about her job, and how she was looking at a dig in Mexico where a team was looking at preserving artifacts and leaving them in the care of the local governments where they rightfully belonged.
They didn’t notice how long they sat there talking until Dick’s phone began to ring. He looked at the number and sighed. “Well, duty calls. It was nice to finally meet you Y/N.” he said, sticking his hand out for her to shake. 
“It was nice to finally meet you too Dick, don’t be a stranger.” she smiled. 
Both Dick and Wally bid each other farewell before Dick paid for his meal and left the diner. Wally soon paid for theirs and walked out. 
Hand in hand, Y/N and Wally walked back swinging their arms with a laugh. After their meal, Wally showed Y/N around some more, taking her places that meant something to him. Like the place where he fought his first bad guy with his uncle, where he had his first kiss (It was some girl he knew in the 10th grade named Trina), and even the lap where he got his powers after replicating his uncle’s accident. 
Their walk ended around sunset, right in front of the zeta tube located in downtown Midwest City. Wally took both of Y/N’s hands in his and pulled her close. Looking up at him, Y/N saw the complete adoration he held for her in his eyes as they sparkled catching the rays from the setting sun. 
“If I remember right, I was promised dinner,” he said, smiling down at her. 
“I can give you more than that.” she grinned. 
Two hours later, Y/N and Wally stood on the roof of her apartment building with a picnic basket in hand. 
“You ready for this, Red?” she asked. 
“I trust you with my life Starshine, I doubt you would let anything happen,” he answered, gripping her hand tightly. 
Smiling at his words, Y/N created a bubble around them and flew them both into the sky and through the atmosphere. She decided that taking Wally into space for dinner was a wonderful idea, and prepared a picnic to take with them. 
As they floated further from the planet’s surface, Wally watched below them in wonder as they flew further and further away. His hand gripped Y/N’s tightly as they came to a stop just outside of the planet’s atmosphere. 
Sitting on the ground of the bubble, Y/N pulled all the food from the basket and began to set it up. Looking at all of the dishes Y/N prepared, Wally smiled watching her. A romantic dinner at a restaurant was one thing, but it was something entirely different when someone went through the extra effort to make you a whole meal and then proceed to bring you to outer space to enjoy it alone together. 
Wally wasn’t sure how he would top a date like this, but he wouldn’t mind spoiling the hell out of Y/N to try. 
“I made a lot of my favorite foods growing up, and I might have even called Dick to see what your favorites were,” she smiled. “I was pleased to hear that your favorite food was everything.”
Chuckling at her words, Wally leaned over and kissed her deeply. His hand came up to rest on her cheek, stroking it softly with his thumb. “You’re amazing, and I love you,” he smiled. 
Y/N felt the heat rise in her cheeks at his words and brushed his bangs out of his eyes. “I love you too, Wally.” 
Immediately, Y/N began to shove food at Wally telling him to taste it all. Of course, Wally accepted every bite of food from her. He wanted to taste everything she made for him, and then some. 
After a while, all the food was eaten and they sat together, leaning against one another as they stared at the stars around them. 
“That one right there, that’s a planet called Halkia. Last year, I helped Hal save their people from famine. The queen was extremely thankful and gave Hal and I a large supply of Halkian fruit.” Y/N explained pointing at a star.
“Really?” He asked, looking over at her, “Did they taste good?” 
Y/N giggled and turned to face him, “They tasted amazing.” 
Her eyes locked with Wally’s, and she could see him leaning towards her. Carefully, he connected his lips to hers. In an instant, it was like someone lit a fire between them. What started as a simple, innocent kiss, turned into something more passionate.
Wally pulled Y/N onto his lap as he deepened the kiss. Sliding his hands down to grip her ass, Y/N let out a moan as she leaned back into his touch. 
Sliding her hands up his shirt, she desperately tried to rid him of the fabric. “Wally…” she breathed, “I want this off.” 
Pulling back from her, Wally pulled his shirt up, making quick work of removing Y/N’s shirt and bra. Grabbing his face, Y/N pulled his lips to hers in a heated kiss. Moaning into his mouth, she tightened her hold on his face as she felt her nipples drag across his toned chest, sending shivers down her spine. 
Soft whimpers left her lips at the sensation, swallowed by Wally’s kiss. 
Gripping her waist tightly, Wally grinded her hips into his growing erection, causing his breath to stutter at the feeling. “Fuck baby, I want you so fucking bad,” he muttered. He pulled away from her lips and left a sloppy trail of kisses down her throat, leaving marks all across her skin. 
Y/N gripped his hair tightly in her hand as he licked up between the valley of her breasts, savoring the sweet taste of her skin. 
Moving her hands to his shoulders, Y/N pushed Wally onto his back and looked down at him. “You look so handsome, Red,” she muttered, running her hands across his bare chest. She could feel his body shudder under her touch as she raked her nails across his chest. 
“Fuck, Y/N,” he muttered, holding her hips tightly in response.
“I didn’t know you were so sensitive”
Y/N trailed her hands down to the waistband of Wally’s jeans, toying with the button as his hips rutted into her hands at the light touches. “Y/N, please stop teasing,” he whined, tipping his head back. 
A grin slowly spread on Y/N’s face as she took Wally’s hands in her own and pinned them above his head. Seconds later, violet straps wrapped themselves around Wally’s wrists and held them in place. 
Looking up, Wally couldn’t fight the chuckle leaving his lips. “Of all the things, I never thought that I would be tied up in a giant pink bubble, in space.” 
“There’s lots of things I could do to you in this so-called giant pink bubble of mine.” Y/N leaned over Wally, brushing her lips against his as she spoke before sealing it with a kiss. With his hands bound, Y/N trailed her fingers delicately down his body tracing the outline of his muscles as she went. 
Trailing down his chest, Y/N pressed her fingers into his hips before unbuttoning his pants and pulling them down along with his boxers past his knees. Once she was done, Y/N quickly removed her own pants and underwear.
Wally writhed under her gaze as she slid her hands up his muscular thighs, leaning down to bite harshly on the supple skin of his upper thigh. 
“Oh fuck…” he muttered, tensing under her touch. Bending his knees, Y/N moved further up his legs as she spread them further apart.
Looking up, Y/N could see the striking color of his green eyes as he stared down at her. Wally’s bangs had fallen into his eyes, searching her expression. 
“What? Did that feel good?” She teased, quirking a brow at him. 
“Y/N, please,” he whined. “Do it again.”
Giving him an amused smirk, Y/N gripped his thighs tightly as she licked up his shaft making Wally squirm under her. He couldn’t stop the pathetic whines emitting from his mouth as his body craved for more, jerking his hips to try and get more contact with her. 
Enjoying the sight of Wally like this, Y/N leaned down and took him into her mouth sucking lightly on the tip. Pulling on the restraints, Wally cried out her name throwing his head back at the feeling of her lips wrapped around him. All he could do was watch helplessly as she bobbed along his cock unable to do anything let alone touch her.
With her hands holding Wally tightly in place, Y/N sucked his cock hollowing her cheeks as she felt him unravel at her touch. She moaned around his throbbing cock, his groans had gotten louder, soon replaced by whines and pleas begging her to keep going. 
“You look so pretty sucking my cock. Please Y/N, please let me touch you.” 
Hearing his words, she slowly pulled off of him causing Wally to whimper at the loss of heat. His face was almost as red as his hair, flushed from the feeling of her lips wrapped around his cock. His body felt as if it was on fire from the want he had for her, already covered in sweat head to toe. With a wicked grin, Y/N licked her lips before straddling his thigh, her eyes not leaving his.
“You want to touch me, baby boy?” she asked. 
Wally nodded, the nickname sending shocks of pleasure straight to his cock. “Yes, please!” 
“Then you can watch as I get off on your thigh.” With that, Y/N lowered herself fully, pressing her core to the tense muscles on his leg. Placing her hands on his chest, Y/N ground her hips into him gasping at the feeling. 
Unable to take his eyes off her, Wally watched as she got lost in the pleasure of riding his thigh. 
Y/N moaned, feeling the corded muscle under her as she rode it harder. What she didn’t expect was for Wally to start vibrating under her from the pure excitement of watching her fuck herself on his thigh. Digging her nails into his chest, Y/N dropped her head as the vibrations sent wonderful jolts of bliss straight to her core. 
Wally’s cock was hard and red, just begging to be touched. Reaching down, Y/N moved her hand as she rubbed her clit crying out at the feeling. Glancing down, she saw Wally’s cock leaking little beads of precum from his tip. 
Feeling the knot twist in her stomach, Y/N whimpered Wally’s name as she brought herself closer to her orgasm. The vibrations of Wally's thigh against her core drove her wild, listening to Wally whine at the lack of contact. 
“I’m not going to touch you unless you beg.” She said breathlessly. Y/N wanted to watch Wally completely fall apart, turn into a blubbering mess as he pleaded for her and her pussy.
Wally let out a loud groan, unable to stop the jerking of his hips only applying more pressure to Y/N’s core. He couldn’t fight the embarrassment from rising onto his already flushed face, avoiding her passionate gaze.
“Y/N, please,” he whined softly, taking a deep breath to try and slow his erratic heart. 
“I know for a fact that you can be a hell of a lot louder than that,” she said, moving her hands to support herself as she leaned over Wally’s body pressing her lips to the juncture of his neck. She grinned, watching how Wally reacted instantly recoiling from the touch of her lips on his burning skin.
“I want to hear you beg for it, Wally,” she muttered into his ear. “I want to watch you beg for my pussy.” 
Wally was able to keep his composure until he felt her bite at his earlobe, pulling at it with her teeth. He couldn’t stop the wanton moan from ripping itself from his throat. 
“Fuck, baby please!” he sobbed, desperate to be touched. Wally’s skin burned for her touch, unable to satiate his own needs.
“Please what, Wally?” Y/N asked. 
Clenching his fists, Wally inhaled deeply trying to hold on to the last shreds of dignity he had left. “Please,” he muttered. “I want to feel your pussy wrapped around me.”
Amused at his actions, Y/N slowly slid her hand down and ghosted it over his cock grinning as she watched him stutter at the anticipation of her finally touching him once again. “I can’t hear you, sweetheart.” 
At this point, Wally had enough. The lust he felt for her was too strong for him to think rationally anymore. “Fuck! Please!” he sobbed. “I want to feel you wrapped around my cock as you use it for your own pleasure!” 
At his words, Y/N lifted herself off of his thigh and lowered down onto his cock. The moan that left her lips was downright sinful as she felt herself be stretched to fit Wally’s cock inside her. The throbbing alone was enough to make her cum, but she refused to let herself finish just yet. 
Wally’s head was thrown back as his bangs were stuck to his head with sweat, crying out her name from the feeling of her velvet walls wrapped around his cock. His eyes were sealed shut until he felt Y/N slide her hands up his chest before letting one rest on his throat. At the action, his eyes went wide as he looked at her. Giving a slight nod of affirmation, Y/N slowly tightened her hold on him, restricting his airflow just enough. 
“You look so good with my hand wrapped around your throat,” she complimented. “You should let me do this more often.”
Slowly, she began to move her hips tensing around his cock as she felt him hit that little bundle of nerves that sent her into a heated mess. The drag of his cock against her walls drove Y/N insane, as she chased her release bouncing on Wally’s cock faster. 
Bucking his hips, Wally thrusted up into her roughly causing Y/N to scream his name.
“Fuck, baby please let me cum.” he rasped, barely audible over the sounds of skin slapping against each other and Y/N’s moans. 
He could feel her walls tensing around him, signaling that she was close as well. “Please! If you let me cum, I will go down on you until you cum three times,” he begged. 
Wally’s words made the pools of ecstasy she felt stronger, unable to stop the waves of pleasure from crashing in on her as she rode out her orgasm on his cock. Not even seconds later, Wally rutted his hips into her twice more before he cummed, shooting thick ropes of his seed into her. 
Panting heavily, Y/N released Wally’s hands as he took her waist and slowly laid her down next to him. Carefully, he pulled out of her cursing at the sight of their mixed juices pool out of her. Their skin was joined together from all the sweat as they refused to let go of each other, basking in the afterglow.
Y/N threaded her hands through his hair as Wally watched her lovingly, refusing to look anywhere but at her. 
“I know we’re in the middle of space, but what’s the chance of another lantern coming by and seeing us like this?” 
Raising her hand, Y/N whacked him on the back of the head before curling into his warm embrace. “Just shut up and hold me, Red.” 
Chuckling at her words, Wally wrapped his arms around her tightly as they laid there together staring at the expanse of the universe around them.
Tag List: @bluejay-the-geek​ @niggxrette @subtleappreciation @catxsnow @littleredwing89 @arestorationofbalance @offendedfishnoises @lostoctaviaaugusta @batarella 
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iceysghost · 2 years
gold for artem?
GOLD 》 luxury, prestige, elegance
◇ He gives you a new set of glittering jewelry.
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Artem Wing x Female! Reader
Word Count: 819 words
Trigger/Content Warning: kissing
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“Your tieclip, it’s so pretty.”
A quiet whisper, only five words; a whisper enough to make his heart beat quicker. Your hand tugged on his tie while you sat on top of him.
Comfort lied in how the law firm, often busy and unrelenting, was now quiet. It was a safe space, his lap, in his office, the two of you alone in the building as the city lights shone through the glass.
ARTEM, leaning into his office chair, gripped your cheek. 
“It's the same as your cufflinks, isn’t it? They look like your eyes.”
“Do you think so?”
“Mhm. Or, it can go the other way. Your eyes look like sapphires.”
“You think my eyes look like sapphires?”
He proved your point further as his albeit tired eyes seemed to light up. You could see so much in them: the bright sky, the night sky, the deep sea. Once a glimmer hit them, you saw the fluffy clouds, the twinkling stars, and the way the moon’s reflection bounces off the calm waves. You saw the world in his eyes, your world, your future.
“Yeah, I do think so. Your eyes are beautiful.”
“Never as beautiful as yours.” he hummed.
You pulled his tie. He focused so much on the sensation of his tie being pulled that he didn’t notice your face moving closer to his.
You gave him a gentle, simple kiss. He wanted more, more of you, and ran his tongue over your lips. And who were you to refuse?
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His office is messier now, you thought, as you walked around, looking for one of your files, waiting for Artem to get back from lunch. You tidied it up a bit, cleaned the empty coffee cups, took out the trash, putting stuff into its respective drawers....
A box caught your eye. It didn’t seem to belong in an office. Covered in black velvet, almost flat—
“[Name], you’re here.”
Your head snapped back at him and you shut the drawer with a loud boom. 
“Ah, Artem!’ you exclaimed.
He brisked towards you.
“Something wrong?”
“No, nothing!”
Your eyes flit to the drawer. What would happen if he found out you were looking through his stuff?
“Ah...” he sighed, “it seems you’ve found it.”
“Found it? what do you mean?” you smiled awkwardly.
He bent down and opened the drawer. The black velvet box was now in the palm of his hand.
“I was planning on giving this later, but I guess now wouldn’t be too bad.”
He opened the box to reveal a glittering, gold necklace. A deep, blue sapphire pendant sat in the middle. His eyes, it looks like his eyes.
“I suppose you’re thinking it looks like my eyes, yes?”
The events of last week flashed through your mind. His eyes, like the sky, the sea, and his lips as soft as pillows.
“Is that why you—?”
“I thought, maybe, if you really felt like my eyes looked like sapphires, maybe you could carry a piece of me with you.”
You looked up at him. This necklace was beautiful, so beautiful, but nothing beat the smile in his real eyes, the pink of his cheeks, and the way the parts of his face sat perfectly together to make his classic, slightly flustered face.
“Artem, you...”
You touched the pendant. It ran smoothly over your finger.
“Thank you.”
“Would you like me to put it on for you?”
You agreed and turned around. the necklace was cold, but as you glanced at it, it looked and felt as if it fit perfectly on you.
His fingers grazed your nape, making the hairs on it stand up, and even more so when his lips graced your skin.
“Artem, this is the office, they’ll see...”
One firm hand on your waist, the other on your shoulder, he kissed your nape and sucked on it lightly. You had to cover your mouth to stifle a moan. The necklace was the last thing on your mind. Since when was he so needy, so clingy, that even in the office he’d do such things?
Knock knock. You froze.
“Who is it?” he asked calmly.
“Celestine here, lunch break’s over. Here’re the files.”
You frantically pulled away from him. He walked over to Celestine at the door and received the files. You sighed in relief, as she didn’t seem to pick up on anything, until right before she stepped out of the door...
“[Name], care to help me handle one of my clients?” she looked at you.
“Ah, sure!”
You looked back at Artem. He stared with a look of confusion.
You followed Celestine outside. The moment the door shut she held the both of your shoulders and shook you violently.
“Nice necklace you’ve got there.”
She let go and walked off.
“But what about the—”
“There is no client, [Name]. Just wanted to tell you how nice that looks on you!”
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All works belong to @iceysghost on Tumblr. Reblogs and shares are allowed. Do not repost on other social media platforms without permission. Do not reproduce or plagiarize any part of my works in any shape or form.
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acaiasahi · 2 years
✶ pancakes for dinner ; hamada asahi
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synopsis. you confess your love for your best friend before your plane crashes.
info. angst. hamada asahi x gn!reader. 689 words.
warnings. plane crash, crying, free falling (?), allusions of death (not specified but reader DOES NOT die), grammar errors, lowercase + smaller text intended, proofread, lmk if i'm missing anything!
[ now playing . . . ] pancakes for dinner by lizzie mcalpine
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the plane jerks forward and causes your hands to grip onto the seat's arm rests. your breath is held in your lungs, too afraid that one tiny exhale will cause a butterfly effect.
pure fear wracks through your body, eyes screwed shut but ultimately opening as you look out the plane's window.
the sky resembles a nautical blue hue and as the plane begins drooping, your heart tumbles within your chest like loose change in a tote bag.
matcha-colored hills take over the sapphire sky, the plane slightly dropping before recovering and although the fear is most definitely prominent within your body, you can't help but feel utter regret.
it's a mush of a emotions really. feelings upon feelings, words being muddled and unspoken. yes, pure regret.
flashes of moments with your loved ones leave as quickly as they come, but soon come to a screeching halt upon one boy.
the boy that's your best friend. god, the boy who makes you feel love, anger, guilt. the boy who stares at you like you put the stars in the sky but you somehow always miss his longing gaze.
hamada asahi.
the world's most beautiful boy who you love so dearly is patiently waiting for you at the airport with a bouquet of flowers in his hands, completely oblivious to how your plane keeps drooping lower and almost ready to crash into the deep, verdant green hills.
mustering all the strength within, you remove your white-knuckled hands off the arm rests, whipping your phone out to call him.
your fingers tremble as you swipe through your contacts to find him. quickly pressing the 'call' button, the ringing ends and an automated voice appears.
the person you are trying to currently reach is not accepting calls. please press one to leave a voicemail.
the hope in your body dissolves, hands shakily removing the device from your ear to press the 'one' button. curse him for always having his phone on do not disturb.
you sigh, completely ignoring the automated voice who walks you through the instructions until the sound of the beep blares into your ears.
"asahi, it's y/n. t-this plane is getting super crazy an-and i'm scared that there's gonna be an accident and i won't b-be able to see yo-you again," your words tumble around in your mouth, quite literally speaking just to speak at this point. you sigh, attempting to ignore the horrified screams of the other passengers as you continue.
a panicked laugh leaves your chapped lips, "i should tell you this, y-you deserve to know. i want to eat pancakes for dinner with you, a-and i wanna get stuck in your head, or do that super cringey thing where we dance and kiss in the rain," your laugh is genuine at the thought of doing these mundane things with your best friend.
"it sounds stupid, i know," you begin, hesitancy practically seeping through as you try to find the right words. "i love you, i'm in love with you. i always have been, i love you, i love you, i love you," your words are on repeat like a broken record as you begin to cry. tears falling freely like a waterfall, streaks left behind on your face due to sadness and regret for not expressing your romantic feelings for him.
your sobs begin to die down, wiping your tears with the sleeve of your — asahi's hoodie. the fabric soaks up all your sorrows, as you sniffle.
"i'm not sure how this'll end, but i just want you to know that i'm proud of you. whatever happens, please be happy. be happy for me, okay? i love you." your words cut off with a sob.
a loud beep causes your brain to go numb, the voices around you soon turning into white noise as the plane drops. your eyes glance over to the window, watching as you free fall. the beautiful greenery becomes your doom as the plane tumbles and turns.
you shut your eyes, leaning back against the headrest with asahi finding refuge in the back of your mind before everything just goes black.
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★ treasure taglist. @ficscafe ... @kflixnet ... @yogurteume ... @tahyunwoo ... @h4chi ... @enhacolor ... @wonluvrbot ... @alohajun ... @youngminhee ... @setakdongies ... @ncizen ... @kyufilms ... @saeromiz ... @sunoo-bby ... @dancinginthetaillight ... @seung-scrittore ... @sseastar-main ... @changmin-wrlds ... @hanjisungpark ... @existnesia ... @ily-cuz-i ... @yedamology ... @i-luvsang ... @wyynn [click here to join!]
[ 🎧 ] jaydi's notes. there will be a pt. 2 to this! i hope u enjoy this, i was in my feels laurkey so saurry for the consistent angst LOL
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fandom-go-round · 3 years
DC and Marvel Masterlist
DC Comics:
Dick Grayson/Nightwing:
Motorcycles: Dick Grayson x Reader [smut]
Refuse: Alpah!Nightwing x Omega!Reader [smut] {dark}
  Jason Todd/ Red Hood:
Home: Jason Todd x Reader (fluff)
Present: John Constantine x Reader (fluff)
Incubus!Constantine x Reader HCs [smut]
  Barry Allen/The Flash:
Date Night: Barry Allen x Reader (fluff)
Taking Care of a Child HC: Barry Allen (fluff)
  Bruce Wayne/Batman:
Dealing with Kids HCs (Batman) (fluff)
Batfam Adopting Mermaid HCs
Old Man Bruce Fighting Crime HCs
Non-Sexual Pet Play HCs
Responding to Furry Joke HCs  
Flower Prompt: Wild Rose
Love Letter Event: Battinson
  Slade Wilson/Deathstroke:
Deathstroke x Reader [smut]
  Arthur Curry/Aquaman:
Hugging and Kissing HCs: Aquaman (fluff)
  Diana Prince/Wonder Woman:
Hugging and Kissing HCs: Wonder Woman (fluff)
Yandere HCs {yandere, dark}
  Hal Jordan/Green Lantern:
Omega!Hal HCs
  Clark Kent/Superman:
Shrunken! Reader x Superman HCs
  Harvey Dent/Two-Face:
Reader x Harvey Cuddling HCs (fluff)
  Star Sapphire:
Reader x Star Sapphire Dating HCs (fluff)
Injustice Dating HCs {dark}
Male!Reader x June Switching During Sex [smut]
First Date HCs {light dark}
Love Letter Event
Coming Out: Kaldur Imagine (fluff)
Incubus!Batboys x Reader HCs (Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, Duke) [smut]
Naga Egg HCs (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, Flash, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Black Canary) [smut]
General Centaur HCs (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, Flash, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Black Canary)
Alpha!Riddler x Omega!Reader Heat [smut]
Squirting HCs (Bucky Barnes, Dr. Strange, Loki, Batman) [smut]
Reader Coming Out as Trans to Batboys (Bruce, Dick, Jason, Damian)
Reader Dressing Up in Lovers Costume (Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Arrow)
Blue Lantern!Reader x Green Lanterns (Jessica, John, Guy)
Poly! Poison Ivy x Reader x Harley Quinn Domestic (fluff)
Poly! Raven x Reader x Starfire Domestic (fluff)
Poly! Constantine x Reader x Zatanna HCs
Omega Verse Batfam General HCs
Batfam!Reader x Batfam! Best Friend Getting Pregnant HCs (Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim)
Reader Becoming Doctor Fate HCs (Jason, Tim, Cassandra) [dark]
Monster HCs (Duke, Stephanie)  
Bruce Banner/The Hulk:
Picture Perfect: Bruce Banner x Reader (fluff)
Domestic HCs (fluff)
  Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow:
Too Late: Natasha Romanoff x Reader {angst}
  Tony Stark/Ironman:
Broken: Tony Stark x Fem!Reader {angst}
Cello Music: Loki x Reader (Dissociation) {angst]
Take Me to Bed: Reader x Colossus (fluff)
Horned!Reader x Thanos [implied smut]
  James “Bucky” Barnes/Winter Solider:
Grim Reaper!Reader X Bucky {major character death}
  Doctor Octopus/ Otto Octavius:
Reader x Doc Ock Alleyway Sex [smut]
  Matt Murdock/Daredevil:
Reader x Matt Murdock Underneath You [smut]
Flower Prompt: Lilac
Male! Reader x Viper Anal Sex [smut]
Bedtime HCs: Logan x Kurt (fluff)
Enemies to Friends to Lovers HCs: Nightcrawler x Toad (fluff)
Kissing HCs (T'Challa, Erik Killmonger, M'Baku)
Poly Captain America x Reader x Winter Solider Possessive Sex [smut]
Logan Howlett x Reader x Kurt Wagner Stuck in Wall [smut]
Parents Getting a Divorce HCs (Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Dr. Strange) {emotional themes}
Squirting HCs (Bucky Barnes, Dr. Strange, Loki, Batman) [smut]
Shrunken! Reader with X-Men HCs
Kryptonian! Reader x Avenger HCs (Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff)
Valentine’s Day HCs (Thor, Loki, Valkyrie) (fluff)
Tony Stark x Bruce Banner Flower Prompt: Daisy
Kryptonian!Reader x Avenger HCs (Daredevil, She-Hulk)
598 notes · View notes
babbushka · 3 years
A Throne By Any Other Name
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Kylo Ren x F!Reader (Medieval AU)
A/N: This oneshot was inspired in part by to some requests sent in by dear anonymous users, and in part by the revelation of Adam's apparent cunnilingus skills lol. I hope you enjoy this smutty oneshot!
3.1k, NSFW (oral sex [f-receiving/face sitting], fingering, PIV, jerking off, outdoors sex, sex in the rain)
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It is too early in the day for the sun to have set, and yet the skies are dark. Clouds, heavy, blank, pendulous, fill the summer afternoon, a torrential downpour out in the distance. You and Kylo are lying on the plush green grasses of the fields which sit just outside your castle, enraptured with one another. He stares into your eyes, one palm on your cheek, soaking up the sight of you in your embroidered kirtle, your hair braided long down your back clasped with golden bands encrusted with pearls and sapphires.
For hours you both have been there, wrapped in one another’s embrace, watching as the lightning strikes across the clouds, claps of thunder following soon after. The time between the flashes and booms grows smaller and smaller, and each time it shatters the sky, you cannot help but gasp. Instinctively, Kylo tightens his hold on your body, and you warm with affection for your husband, your King.
“Isn’t it breathtaking?” You have been reduced to a whisper from the sheer awe of mother nature, lifting a hand and squinting with one eye like you’re about to fire an arrow, aiming it straight for the deluge that hits the edge of the fields as you breathe, “It must be so far away and yet, I feel as though I can reach out and touch it with mine very fingers.”
Kylo takes your hand and pulls it to his lips, kisses across your fingertips and down your palm, pushing back your sleeve enough to expose your wrist, where he grazes his crooked teeth along the delicate skin.
“Are you afraid?” Kylo whispers, never one to assume more volume than you, never one to assert himself over you.
Once, a long time ago, Kylo had soothed you from the way the sounds of thunder disrupted your sleep. You smile, grateful that he would be so willing to use whatever influence he has over this land as its King, to do the same again.
“No, I have learned to love the thunder, now that I know it bends it’s whims to you.” You tell him as such, and Kylo blushes shyly in a way so discordant with the ferocity of his power.
“The rain is moving towards us, what shall we do my beloved?” Kylo turns to the storm, his pupils growing to soak up what little light is left. It grows darker and darker out in the fields, save for the lightning that flashes, a deep purple black surrounding the castle. He kisses your shoulder, “I will not see you soaked to the bone if you do not wish it.”
“Hmm, and what if I do?” Tilting your head to the side, you allow him greater access. The wind chills you and you shiver, Kylo only holding you closer as he licks a hot stripe up your throat, nibbling at your ear.
“In that case...” He breathes against the spot just underneath your jaw, his hand working under your many layers to brush his fingers through the thick thatch of hair between your legs, breath hot as he sucks on your pulse, “I shall see to it personally, that my Queen be soaked in another manner altogether.”
“If that is what my King wants,” You reach for his hand and press it against your flesh further, sliding out of his embrace in a guise to better lie down, “That is what he shall get.”
Kylo removes the clasps of his fine furs, hiding them inside the large basket of cheeses and wine you have brought with you so that they do not get so soaked. You pull your kirtle up and over your head, leaving you in just the plain white cotton chemise that flows in the wind of the oncoming storm. Kylo is about to grab at you once again, when you are suddenly off, slipping just through his fingers, all of a sudden out of reach as you cheekily tease, “But first, he must catch me.”
This is one of your favorite ways to work him up, your husband. He must win your affection, must prove himself worthy of it. And oh how he does love to prove himself to you -- the maximum capacity of his prowess on display for you as the world lights in moments, a game of chase where your pleasure is the prize.
The rain has found you both, in this game, and Kylo wishes he could see you better to see the way your chemise has molded to your body, the fabric gone translucent with the rain. He knows, he just knows that all of your curves are on display; the roundness of your tits, the swell of your ass, the softness of your stomach and thighs as you run, your hair clinging to your face as the wind whips the braids around.
“Get back here!” Kylo demands, hungry for you, his heart pounding inside his chest, luring you in close with false modesty, “You are too fast for me.”
“Then remove some of thine armor my darling, and perhaps you will be lighter on your feet.” Never one to give in to his traps, you only dart past him, grass sticking to your ankles, rain slick’d much like the rest of you.
Smirking, Kylo does as he’s told, stripping down just far enough so that he is clad only in his leggings; his tunic and all the belts and buckles of armor and cloaks gone in a soggy pile on the ground far from where he manages to wrap his arms around you once more, bring you laughing to the ground.
“I’ve got you now,” Kylo declares triumphantly as he blinks away the rain water that beats down on his back, as he wrestles you onto yours with a grin, “I’ve got you right where I want you.”
His hands roam across your body, and you encourage him to do so with the parting of your legs, your wet chemise clinging and sticking to your body, your chest heaving with a mix of adrenaline and exertion. Your cunt drips, and you grow impatient with the waiting, the game over.
“You speak as if you have won, yet where I lay, it appears as though I am the one with a prize.” Your hand smooths up Kylo’s leggings, palming the hard line of his cock and giving it a firm squeeze through the fabric, your voice deep and sultry when you inquire, “How do you want me?”
“Take off your clothes, lest I drown in the fabric.” He replies immediately, and you know by his phrasing that he means to delve his tongue between your legs, a pleasure so sensational that you have never once denied his wish for it.
“Mm, what a way to go that would be.” You laugh at the thought, struggling to get the drenched garment over your head.
“Not before we have heirs to succeed me.” Kylo too grows impatient, and with the brute strength he possesses, he tears the chemise straight down the center, helps push it off of your shoulders instead.
Feeling the rain on your bare body is nothing short of divine, you have decided, as Kylo lies down beside you. For a moment, the two of you simply open your mouths and taste the crisp clean summer rain on your tongues, but you are near desperate, Kylo can smell it, for a good fucking, and who is he to deny you anything?
Rolling your body on top of his, Kylo crushes your mouths together, those very same tongues hot and throbbing against one another. Kylo has one hand gripping the back of your neck, holding you steady, and the other busy with freeing his aching cock from its confines.
“Kylo, the lightning.” You murmur against his lips as thunder crashes overhead, your hands bracing the earth on either side of his head, your legs straddling his thighs. You push your hips back so that you may catch the feeling of his cock against your pussy, but Kylo has other ideas.
“Fear not, it will not harm you.” He urges you, a heated desperation of his own in his voice when he instructs, “Now please, take your seat upon your throne.”
His mouth is hot against your cunt, when you settle your knees in the very spot your hands just were, the bend of your legs digging into the waterlogged earth below as rain pounds pounds pounds on top of you. He is eager, so eager, to part your folds with his lips, so eager to begin sloppily kissing your pussy with his tongue, that the force of it already has a tight coil of heat winding in your stomach.
“Oh, oh stars, that feels good.” You sigh, your hands smoothing up and down your thighs as your legs widen for him ever further, allowing him deeper access.
Kylo’s grip on you returns, but it does so one handed. His left hand digs deep into your hip, grasping and grabbing at the supple flesh there, while his right hand works strong solid strokes of his cock up and down, his hips bucking up into his fist as yours grind down onto his face.
“Mmmm..!” He groans into your cunt, and you revel in it, in the way the vibrations of his baritone resonate through your very bones, your nipples so stiff in the cool air of the thunderstorm, your clit pulsing against his tongue, his lips. Mindlessly, Kylo jerks himself off, savoring the pleasure as he drinks yours down.
“Kylo! Oh my liege, oh fuck!” Your moans are swallowed by the sound of the rain, so you are free to gasp and shout as loudly as you’d like. No one is outside in weather like this, and even if the castle were to look out their windows, the rain is so dense that it shrouds you in a cloak of misty darkness. Soaked completely, you ride Kylo’s face, your naked body undulating onto his mouth. “More, more I demand more!”
The way his tongue plunges up into your pussy has you nearly falling forward from surprise, the thick slurping sounds that he sucks out of your cunt has your knees weak, thighs shaking. His nose is perfectly positioned over your clit, and the pace that he nudges against it drives you to the brink of ecstasy, has you breathing fast and heavy, blinking away water and pushing soaked hair from your face, your body tensing up, that heat in your stomach spreading through the nerves and veins of your body like a wildfire.
“Hands, Kylo, I beg of thee, hands.” You are nearly frantic as his mouth sucks at your folds, bites at your inner thighs. You will be sore there tomorrow, but in this moment, if you do not get to come, you’d wage war. He is obliging, and so he releases his hold on your hip, taking three of his fingers and shoving them inelegantly up into your pussy, seeking your gspot, and grinning when you grind down onto his palm with a satisfied, “Yes!!”
He latches his lips around your clit and sucks and licks at it as his fingers thrust in place of his tongue, crooking against that spot against your walls, filling you with such a pleasure that you have to clutch at your tits and pinch your nipples, just to have something to ground you as your eyes snap open.
“Oh yes!” You cry, his speed increasing, spelling his name on your clit, your nipples so hard, body so wet, dripping all over, “Oh Heavens above -- fuck!”
“Come on my tongue, precious, my precious girl.” Kylo pulls away only long enough to watch as your body convulses above him, your shoulders shaking, body pitching forward. He steadies you and reverses your positions, lays you down on the wet earth as you come and come and come, frantic in his own right to line his cock up, waiting to push in until he has your express permission, “May I..?”
“Kylo I fear if you do not fuck me right this instance I will burst like the thunder that blooms across the sky.” Your eyes are glassed over, he can see in the dim light, and it’s all that he needs before he is nudging the head of his cock up to your pulsing folds, pushing inside.
At once, your body accommodates him, opening and blossoming for him like an oyster in the moonlight. He thrusts into your demanding cunt in one fell swoop, the rain on his back cooling his overheating body as he pounds your pussy with reckless abandon.
“Fuck, oh -- fuck!” He moans through grit teeth, the sheer pleasure of your body filling his head with a thick fog that he could shout about, your tits bouncing from the force of the way he fucks you hard, fast, grunting out, “This cunt’s so tight, you miraculous beauty, so tight and hot, and all for me.”
“I -- I -- oh yes, Kylo please, more?” Your voice is high, wanton and desperate, breaking on the verge of a scream as he lifts your hips and holds them up with his hands, plowing into you, deeper deeper deeper, the taste of your come on his lips, in his nose. It is obscene, the sound, the way you are wet inside and out, slippery with come and rain.
“Let the kingdom hear, let them all hear.” He wants you to scream, he wants to push you over that edge, the very same edge he himself is so close to meeting. You’ve come once, but he wants another, and another, and another still, until you are a babbling incoherent mess of nothing but please and his name.
“Kylo!” You give him what he asks, voice ringing through the rain, cutting above the thunder as he bends his body to capture your nipple in his mouth, sucking on it the same way he sucked on your clit, making your body writhe underneath him this time instead of above, “Oh my liege! Oh -- Kylo!”
Thunder crashes, and lightning streaks, and the rain pours, and Kylo fucks your pussy with as much strength as he can manage. Deep even thrusts that fill you so completely that it pushes you up the grass, body bouncing, shaking, screaming for him. You have to shut your eyes against the pleasure, your orgasm from when he ate your cunt out never having a chance to end, simply rolling into the next one, your back pushing clean off the ground from the strength of it.
He is not too far behind, focusing all his energy into pleasing you. One of his fingers rubs at your clit and he smiles into the crook of your shoulder when your legs kick out from under you, scrabbling for purchase as your fingers tangle in his inky locks. His own orgasm hits him with little warning, and he pins you to the now muddy ground with a harsh grunt, his hips slamming against yours once, twice, three more times, before he collapses on top of your body.
You both feel it, the way his come fills you up, hot and pulsing inside your cunt. Grinning, there is a satisfaction that comes with this -- your dear king needs no mistresses to keep him pleased, no rotation of women to warm his bed. You are all he desires, the evidence is flowing between your bodies. Kylo rolls you over so that you can rest your cheek on his chest, for he is too tall to do so without pulling his cock out of your pussy.
Chests heaving, you each gulp down humid air, before the tingles of your pleasure prick up your spine, and you’re laughing into the line between Kylo’s pecs. He smiles softly at you, pushing your hair away from your face where the rain keeps sliding it down, cranes his neck to kiss you.
“You are so beautiful in the rain.” Kylo murmurs, his eyes half-lidded.
The rain has begun to lighten up, no longer the intense downpour. Perhaps that was a metaphor, or perhaps in his own release of ecstasy, so too did the clouds complete theirs. In either case, the rain has softened to a gentle drizzle, and the thunder and lightning have subsided.
“You can hardly see me.” You smile playfully, for now that the clouds have begun to part, there is naught but the light of the silver moon to light the field.
“I can see enough to know that you are a beauty beyond our mortal comprehension.” Kylo kisses you again and again, his lips chaste.
“Careful Kylo, you may be blaspheming.” You whisper, but your husband only scoffs, rolls his eyes.
“So what if I am? Am I not king? Do I not have divine right to this throne? Who is to say that then I do not have right to a divine wife?” He helps you to stand, and you are wobbly on your feet, pleasure still thrumming through your body.
“That’s the orgasm speaking. Here, allow me to give you another -- ”
“In a moment,” Kylo pets down your wet hair, stretching his limbs and cracking his joints. He’s getting old, he thinks, hoping, wondering, if this time he’ll give you those heirs you both desire. “Just give me a moment to recover.”
“Perhaps we should move to our bedchambers. I am positively covered in mud, and the rain has begun to grow cold.” Laughing, you take stock of one another, the joyful sensation of pleasure mixed with fond adoration of one another causing a fit of chuckles at the way both of your bodies are filthy from your romp in the grass.
“Now that you mention it,” Kylo nods, his slippery hands groping your chest, “I desire a hot bath, with frothy bubbles, and with you sat atop my lap so that I can get those glorious breasts of yours right in my face.”
“And then perhaps once we are clean again, you may have a...renewed appetite?” You bump your hip against his as you collect the soggy pile of clothing from the ground, the torn chemise and your once beautiful kirtle.
“My lap, my face, I’ll take you however I can get you.” Kylo agrees, knowing the moment that he says it, you’ll be running off towards the castle.
In the light of the silvery moon on this summer’s evening, Kylo watches you run and thinks that it really is the quickest way to work him up. Good thing, he thinks as he chases after your naked body through the rains once again, he has the rest of the night, to give his Queen exactly what she wants.
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Taggin' some Kylo lovin' friends! @mochabucky @sacklerscumrag @artsymaddie @bitchydecisions @direnightshade @reyloaddict55 @thembohux @kylorenswhxre @sunflowersinthesnow @babayagakeanu @safarigirlsp @steeevienicks @materialisthicc @lovinghufflepuffgirl @hswritingrecs @han68000 @rosi3ba3z @chapterhappygirl @schopenhauerdeathsquad @loverofallthings @groovetoob @bxnnywriting @glassbxttless @angel-bxby3 @smallgirlbigpersonality @lovelyyy-luna @2000andwhat @raddo1975 @cornmousequeen @metsienmenninkainen @caillea @painttheskylineforme @holding-on-to-starwars @kylo-ren-is-alive @caitlin-was-here @icarusinthesea @princessflip
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No More Secrets Part 5
Summary: You and ya Bestie move to Bludhaven looking for a fresh start. It is totally cool and you SO don't have a crush on him.
Charcaters: F!Reader x Dick Grayson
Words: 1.8k
An: Sorry! I got distracted by Billy again. My bad.
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol, kissing, parents.
Part 4
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Saturday had finally arrived, you were excited and nervous all at the same time. After dropping you off at the hotel, Dick had gone to Wayne manor to pick up his tux. He was coming back to pick you up at 6, making plans to hang out with his brothers for the day. It was going to take you all day to get ready. Ugh, these galas were such a pain in the ass. Hopefully it will be worth it. You've both been going to these for most of your lives. So Dick understood this was an all day preparation. Your hair and make-up team arrived at 11. Both working to put your vision into reality, yanking and prodding you for hours. They did good work though, like your own personal magicians really.
After what felt like a millennium, you were ready to move after a long day of sitting still. Well, you were mostly ready. Squeezing yourself into your dress, you flicked that stray hair from your face and you walked up to the floor length mirror. Fuck, You looked hotter than the sun. Your hair was pinned on one side with a sapphire and onyx clip, a delicate sapphire and diamond necklace hung gracefully around your neck, leading the eye to the plunging neckline of your dress. Black silk clung to your sides showing all your curves, the slit up the side reaching all the way up your thigh. Makes it a bit easier to fucking walk. The deep blue sheer overlay sprinkled in crystals sat perfectly against the black silk, falling down at your cinched waist, flowing over your shoulders, before falling to the ground behind you trailing like a sea of stars. You twirled, admiring your vision come to life in front of you, stopping only when you heard a loud gasp from behind you.
“Do I look ok?” you beamed, turning to face Dick.
“You look spectacular, like someone reached up and plucked a star from the sky,” he rushed towards you, dipping you in a passionate kiss. When he set you back on your feet you stood back, taking him in. Fuck, he looked like dinner. His dark hair slicked back, the form fitting black tux with a dark blue shirt, made his eyes appear even bluer. You could eat him whole.
“You clean up alright Grayson,” you teased, pulling him in for a hungry kiss.
“We should go, before I destroy all your hard work,” He growled in your ear, planting a soft kiss on your cheek. You nodded as words failed you, grasping his hand he led you to the car. The SUV was waiting outside the hotel, ready to whisk you to your doom.
Your car pulled up to the curb of the grand hall where the benefit was being held. The press swarming your windows with flashes and shouts, calling for whomever to exit the car already.
“You ready, beautiful?” He asked, clutching your hand in his, he brought it to his lips.
“Never,” you sighed, kissing him on the cheek. Dick exited the car first, coming around the car to open your door. Like the gentleman he is, he offers you his hand helping you out of the car. With his hand held over yours, in the crook of his elbow he led you up the carpet. The both of you are desperately trying to hide behind the other. It didn't work.
Journalists began shouting all kinds of crap at you. Couldn't they fuck off.
“How did you pin down the most elusive woman in Gotham?” They shouted at Dick, he ignored them. But you could feel them staring and they were just warming up. Flashes from a million different cameras clouding our vision.
“Miss L/N.. Finally shacking up with Gotham's 2nd most eligible bachelor?” a woman shouted at you, you responded by rolling your eyes at her. The harassment continued all the way down to the doors. Didn't they have anything better to do?
Your father was waiting patiently by the door to the venue, he seemed ecstatic that you had turned up at all. “Good evening daughter, I’m so glad you could make it. I see you've brought moral support.”
“Father. You remember Richard.”
“Of course, You've been attached at the hip since you were 10,” your father laughed.
“Nice to see you again, Sir.” Dick shook his hand and your father gave you a puzzled look, his eyebrow raised as his eyes shook from you to Dick.
“So formal, what's gotten into you?” He asked Dick, as your date smiled down at you affectionately, “Thank you for bringing her. You know how she gets about this kind of thing,” he patted Dick on the shoulder, standing aside so you could enter the party.
“I'll go grab us a drink. You look like you need one,” Dick said as he kissed your cheek and headed off towards the bar.
“Thank you.” you smiled gratefully, your eyes locked on his ass as he walked away.
Dammm, that suit fit him well.
As soon as he left your side the wave of swarming women started, woman after woman throwing themselves at his feet, you glared at them. You saw the polite smile on his face, but you could see the annoyance in his eyes. Those women's sticky hands wandering all over his beautiful suit, all over your beautiful man. Your feet moved to take you to him, to rescue him. You weren’t fast enough, men began crowding around you. Demanding to be the first to dance with you. Asking stupid questions. “Why weren't you married?” “Could they take you on a date?” “Where had you been hiding?” Fucking away from this shit, is where.
There was a tall man, dark hair, intimidating, forcing his way through them. Thank God. Dick had come to save you.
When he got to the middle of the hornets nest, you were surprised, but not shocked that you had mistaken him.
“Mister Wayne,” You curtsied at him, ignoring the idiots surrounding you.
“Miss L/N. May I speak with you?” He asked, his deep voice booming over the throng of men in front of you. The crowd of men around you grumbled in unison, something about Bruce getting all the pretty girls, how you were too young for him, all of them shooting dagger filled glares at the eldest of the Wayne men.
“Please.” you pleaded, taking his arm when he offered it. He led you to a quiet corner of the ballroom. You could feel the men still staring daggers into his back. He motioned for you to sit down before calling a waiter to grab you some drinks. Glancing around the ballroom you spied Dick still trying to escape the hoards of women. Poor guy. No big bad Batman was coming to save him.
“Now Miss L/N.”
“Y/N is fine, Please you've known me since I was 10.” you offered, fidgeting with your hands, now a bit nervous as to why he wanted to see you in private.
“Y/N. I know you and Dick have been friends for a long time,” He paused, peering over to the bar, “But I have to ask what are your intentions with him?”
Your eyes widen as you gain his meaning, taking a sip from the glass that landed in your hand a moment before, choking on it a tiny bit. “He.. uh- told you?”
“Not exactly. I overheard him telling Alfred,” making a motion with his hand, “Also .. you know” he said with a wink. Yeh, you knew. You glanced back at Dick.
“My intentions.. hmm..” you think, tapping on your chin.
“He’s been through alot, his life hasn't exactly been a breeze as you well know.” He stated, leaning into his chair, his eyes fixed on you. Reading your reactions you assumed.
“What do I intend to do with Richard Grayson? Give him a safe place, A life full of love. Make him smile every chance I get” you smiled adoringly at the thought, your eyes drifting back to Dick, still trapped at the bar.
“Don't break his heart. He's loved you for too long,” The Batman nodded at you, his brows furrowing in your direction.
“Is that a threat?” You asked, genuinely worried it could be.
“Does it need to be?”
“No. I couldn't. He makes the air sweeter. My life is fuller. Even when he's a shit.”
Bruce laughed. Actually, laughed. Long and loud. People turned to stare. You saw Dick shoot a glare your way.
“Ah, I think it's time you went and rescued him.” Bruce got up, walking towards an old man you didn't recognise.
Standing, you smooth out your dress and begin strutting towards the bar. You could feel the fiery scowls of the women around you. Dicks fan girls reluctantly parted, but not before throwing harsh words at you, one of them even shoving you in the side. When you finally reached Dick you bowed, extending your hand towards him.
“Dance with me” you offered.
“Thank god,” He sighed, taking your hand. You guided him towards the dance floor.
Dick held you close as you began to waltz, his strong hand resting on the small of your back, his head resting on your hair, as he whispered softly in your ear. “Hitting on Bruce to make me jealous, huh?” he pulled you even closer and you giggled, “Nice move. It worked. Can't believe you got him to laugh.”
“He approached me." you shot back jokingly.
"He what?" His face moved back to find your eyes.
"He asked me my intentions with you” you whispered back. Dick raised an eyebrow at you, a ghost of a smile on his face.
“Really? Didn't know he still cared,” his head going back to your whisper in your ear, “So what did you tell him? I know I intend to rip you out of this dress as soon as we're alone.” You hid your face in his chest, attempting to hide the heat crawling through your body from your increasing number of onlookers.
“The truth,” you replied coyly.
The song changed. It was your song. It had been since your first dance, all those years ago. The lyrics finally resonated within you as the band started playing. A small tear escaping your eyes. Dick spun you around, before pulling you back even closer, his hand now resting on your ass. Your faces almost touching, his breath hot on your neck, the world seemed to disappear around you.
“Don't think I didn't notice you're wearing my colours.” He growled into your ear.
“What this old thing” you joked as he spun you again, your dress twirling and sparkling around you as your hair flew out behind you. You glided and spun, whispering things that would make the old bat blush. On the last note he dropped you into a deep dip, kissing you like you were his anchor to the earth.
“I love you.” He spoke onto your lips as the crowd you had gathered around you erupted into cheers and applause. Your large followings looked disappointingly at each other.
“Let's get out of here.” you smirked up at Dick, grabbing his hand, you took a bottle of wine on the way past, leading him towards the garden.
Part 6
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siriusmydeer · 4 years
hii um can i request james potter smut headcannon or blurb thank youu
he likes to be choked
james potter x fem!reader
summary: you give james a new fantasy while in bed.
word count: 1.6k
warnings: SWITCH JAMES POTTER SUPREMACY, SIZE KINK!, mostly sub!james, a tad dom!reader, swearing, mentioned belly bulge kink, blindfolds, choking, male receiving oral, smutty but no penetration
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“hey, hey, what’s the rush love?” he rasped delicately into your ear. both of his calloused hands gripping at the small of your back.
even when your were straddling the bespectacled boy, he was still so much bigger than you. you struggled to even hold your self up on his muscular thighs. his whole upper torso towering over your small figure.
both of your tops previously discarded on the floor of the room of requirement, a large four poster king bed on the left side of the room; with a fireplace providing light and heat directly into the room directly behind you. and a couch with a small table closer on the right of the room.
but the only thoughts running through your mind was how small you felt to his large figure. being a seeker on the gryffindor quidditch team required a lot of training and building muscle, and he had all of it.
he loved how he could just toss you onto the bed without difficulty, how he could pick you up and bring you anywhere because you’re size was no match to his, how he could just pin your figure against the lockers in the quidditch locker room and fuck the life out of you till his imprint was showing through your belly.
your hands braced his thick shoulders, leaning up towards his ear you whispered to him. “i want to try something... new.” a smirk gracing the depths of your lips. a look of confused scorned across his face but alas, he agreed. you made your way, hovering your torso of his lap and picking up something off the ground; your... tie?
“and what are you going to do what that?” his voice, hoarse and sexy but a confused tone lingered.
“how about i show you?” you challenged, raising a brow. you and james had previously talked months ago about what your boundaries were for your sex life.... he always said he wanted to be blind folded once or twice, and you wanted to use that to your advantage.
he nodded, his eyebrows furrowed as you leaned up onto the fronts of your caves and covered his saphire irises with your tie. his hands made a firm grip on your waist, you emitted a small giggle while slowly pushing him back against the plush of the comforter.
“shh darling, relax.” you whispered into his ear, kissing it in your wake. you kissed down his chest; slowly, you were teasing and he was letting you get away with it.
at first it was little shades of red splotches, as you progressed down his clenched torso your marks got darker and darker. your nose came in contact with his happy trail, kissing down till your lips almost made contact with the metal button of his dark blue jeans.
your hands smoothed up his thighs, they clenched at the sudden touch. your hands looking so small compared to them. you slowly unravelled the button, and undid the zipper. soon enough your hands were travelling the pants from his thighs, to his calves and pooling at his feet. you fit yourself in the space between his legs, he could cage you between his legs if he wanted too. your face soon enough coming close to his clothed cock. his hardening erection being clearer and clearer the more contact your hands made with his thighs.
you kissed right above the hem of his boxers, pulling them down, slowly, leaving kisses as your progressed down.
“lift up f’me.” you mumbled, his hips immediately rising as your grasped his boxers between your nimble fingers and dragged his boxers towards his feet, making your way back in between his legs.
you’re finger nails dragging up his thigh to the base of his dick. you could hear the hitch in his throat, and the small gasp emitted from his lips when your warm spit coated his tip.
you dragged your hand up and down the base of his cock and your tongue licking a stripe from his the bottom to the top of his cock, your tongue circling the tip. you took a breath of air before wrapping your lips around his girth and slightly hollowing your cheeks.
“ahh fuck- y/n.” he groaned from his throat, his hand immediately gripping the nape of your hair. you took your mouth off of him, “hey- no touching.” you demanded, going back to hollowing your cheeks and sucking with your tongue going lower to his public bone.
he quickly took his hand away from you gripping the bed sheets beside him, wriggling his hips a bit. you tried to avoid your gag reflex, and breathing as much as you could through your nose and you moved your lips around his cock, your hands still maintaining contact pulsing what your couldnt fit into your mouth.
as you continued to a faster pace, his moans grew louder, his breathing deep and heavy. his lower torso muscles were clenching and pulsing in pleasure.
“y/n, please. let me- can i... fuck.” he whimpered your name, his submissive side showing through his actions of asking for permission, so so obedient.
but you weren’t about to let him get away that easily. you took your lips off his girth, his cock layered in your spit and precum dribbling from the tip.
he hissed as your mouth was no longer on him, and the cool air had a sensitive effect on him.
“jamie, darling. c’mon now you know better, use your words.” you taunted.
“mhm.., y/n please.” he plead to you, but it wasn’t enough. if he wanted to finish he had to use his words and ask nicely.
“tsk, tsk. if you’re going to be naughty, and not use your words then the answer is no.” your stroked him as your spoke, denying him. as you denied his request his pleading only continued.
“let me cum, please y/n let me cum down your throat.” he fretted, his body quivering and impatiently waiting for your mouth back on his cock. his tip red and swollen, begging for a release.
“hmm, my darling boy. do you think you deserve it?” tantalizing him, you wanted to see how far he would go, see how much he would beg you before he wanted to take the control again.
“yes! yes- please, i-i’ve been good. please y/n you know i’ve been good!” he was basically yelled at you, telling you how good he was.
“cum for me james.” you let him off easy, and couldve edged him on but you were feeling nice; and with that, your mouth almost torturing his swelled tip, flicking your tongue around it.
you took a final breath and pushed down fully; hollowing your cheeks and moving up and down.
tears welled up, as you tried breathing through your nose and a sequence of stars flashed james vision and you felt his cum shoot white ribbons down your throat. you hand was moving up and down milking out his orgasam.
his thighs were quivering, hands almost ripping the bed sheets below him and his jaw was tight a clenched while groaning. finishing his orgasam, when your brought your mouth off of him he brought his hand ripping the tie off of his eyes, and quickly grabbing you to straddle his lap again.
without thinking, your nimble fingers grasped his throat and his adam’s apple bobbing in your palm. “hey, hey, what’s the rush love?” your derisive tone clear in the room, mocking him from his previous statement earlier.
at first he was confused, your hand around his throat? normally the situation had been reversed. at first it felt really really odd, but then it was like a switch. and it felt really really fucking good.
he wanted you to grasp it harder, and there was a clear look of desperation pouting at you through this sapphire eyes. he never moved your hand, or made any noises of discomfort so you squeezed the sides of his neck harder.
a long groan bubbled from his throat, he threw his head back a bit but his attention brought him back to the present moment and you grasped harder pulling his face closer to yours.
“c’mon jamie, i told you. speak when your spoken too.” your tone firm, an eyebrow raised.
he sent a small eager nod to you before speaking.
“m’sorry...” his eyes facing the bottom for your torso, where his eyes were in direct contact of your kilt.
he was speaking to you almost embarrassed, like he had been caught sneaking cookies before dinner.
you grasped his jaw firm between your hand, squishing his cheeks and forcing his vision into your irises. “s’alright, yeah? jus’wanna hear your pretty voice.” you whispered to him.
you looked in his eyes for a few seconds before a new look plastered his face, almost indescribable. and his eyes showing a flip change in his head.
his calloused hands dug into your side flipping you onto the bed, and just like that you were under his control underneath him.
your figure was no match to his and if he wanted to something, he got it.
you were bewildered at the sudden action, but when you were having your nights together no matter what he never left you unsatisfied.
hovering over your body, as his fingers snapped your underwear against your hip. you squirmed while he went a few millimeters from your ear; the boy who had been completely subbing for you about to completely dominate you.
“yeah angel, but i suppose i wanna hear your pretty voice. m’sorry not your voice- i wanna hear those pretty noises you make f’me.”
taglist: @fathermarty
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itsrheasgirl · 1 year
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Chapter 2 for Forbidden Love series. The Forbidden Love series follows a relationship between Rhea x Reader.
The Reader has a strong friendship with Liv Morgan.
Liv is in love with The Reader but hasn’t told them.
rhea x liv.
mentions of raquel x reader.
mentions of bianca x reader.
@rheasbaee @riverscyberwife @you-got-me-star-lost-16 @innagnv @bittersweetastoria @chillinbri @call-me-a-simp @sithfar @rooskaya-yelena @half-of-a-gay @teenagedramaqueenlisa @gabrielleskyelar @hit-the-dirt-and-get-back-on @bl0w-m3
The noise that cloaked the hallways of the eighth floor chattered in your ears as you walked past open door after open door. It made you wonder how an entire floor had been taken over by the WWE— but in reality it made sense. Easier to keep tabs on their champions.
Pausing in the doorway of an open door, you called out into the chaos that echoed from inside. Your gaze catching with Iyo and Bayley as they perched on the end of the beds, you offer a polite wave before calling out.
“Rocky! Is Liv in here?”
Raquel peaked her head out from the bathroom, a toothbrush hanging from her mouth as her dark hues catch with yours. Holding up a lone finger, her features disappeared back into the bathroom— spitting the mouthful of toothpaste into the sink before she leant back out to meet your gaze once more.
“I think she’s in Bianca’s room. Two down.”
It was always so weird for you to see people who beat ten bells out of each other in the ring spending time together as friends, hanging out as if they didn’t have to pretend to hate each other for their job.
“Thank youuu.”
Your words rang from your lips in a sing song tune. Spinning on the balls of your feet, you head off back down the hallway. You intended to make your rounds, wishing luck to your favorites and Bianca was on your list, so two birds one stone?
Each room you passed look like high schoolers getting ready for prom, each group having their own plans for the morning in preparation for the main event that night.
Pausing at the closed door, you tap your knuckles down gently against the wood. It took a few moments for the door to open, a very smiley Bianca greeting you from the other side.
“Y/N, hi. I didn’t know you were here.”
You were shocked Liv hadn’t told everyone that you’d flew out to surprise her— it’s what you’d expected. Flashing a warm smile back in Bianca’s direction, you attempt to peek around the fellow female in search of the tiny blonde.
“Liv here?”
It didn’t faze Bianca that you were looking for Liv— it was very common, her manicured brow furrowing slightly as she spoke.
“She left, not sure where she went though.”
- - - - - - - - - -
Liv sat silently— her legs crossed as she refused to meet Rhea’s gaze, her fingers fiddling with each other as she exhaled a long sigh.
“Why are you here, Liv?”
Rhea’s sapphire hues scanned over the petite female as her arms remained crossed over her chest, her manicured brows arching skyward in question. She hadn’t expected to find Liv standing outside her hotel room when she’d opened the door that morning, the uneasy expression on Liv’s face causing the Aussie to welcome her into the room with intention to find out what was wrong.
“You’ve gotten close with Y/N, right?”
Liv tone was quiet— almost weak, as she lifted her gaze to finally meet the taller females. Rhea’s plush lips pressed into a thin line as she contemplated how to answer Liv’s question, not wanting to fall into a trap. She didn’t want to let on she knew you were here, unsure of how Liv would react. It was obvious you hadn’t been successful in avoiding her the night before, when Rhea had left the ring you were nowhere to be seen. Already having been swept away by Liv and her neediness.
“I wouldn’t say close.”
Rhea finally responded— lying of course, her posture relaxing only slightly as she moved across the room to plant herself down beside Liv’s delicate frame. One of her palms resting gently against Liv’s shoulder, she cocked her head in question.
“Talk to me Liv, what is going on?”
The room was silent for a few moments— the only sound to be heard was the two females breathing, until a gentle wrap of knuckles against the door caused them both to look up. Liv sighed as she shifted on the mattress, Rhea’s palm giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze before she rose to her feet.
“Stay here, I’ll get rid of them.”
Taking a quick look through the peephole as she reached the door, Rhea’s breath caught in her throat. Taking a swift glance back toward where Liv sat— relieved she was still on the end of the bed, Rhea opened the door slowly.
You’re cut off as Rhea lifts her finger towards her lips in a shushing motion— her crystal gaze wide, she gently shakes her head. A perplexed expression masking over your features, you mouth what’s wrong to the fellow female as you stay perfectly still.
“Yeah I’m almost ready, I’m just having a chat with Liv. I’ll head over when we’re done.”
Why was Liv in Rhea’s room? She hadn’t seen you two together and from what you’d heard Rhea had gotten rid of the evidence from the press conference.
Rhea’s features were warm and carefree, no hint of worry at all. Bringing your fingers against your lips, you kiss the tips delicately before blowing it in Rhea’s direction with a cheeky wink. The taller female reached out to grab at the imaginary kiss, before bringing it to her cheek with a warm smile.
You didn’t exchange words— just glances, certain that Rhea would come find you when whatever Liv needed was dealt with. It definitely concerned you what Liv could possibly want, but Rhea didn’t seem too fazed. Her muscular frame disappearing back behind the door, leaving you alone in the hallway.
“I don’t mean to keep you.”
Liv had already stood up from the beds end by the time Rhea turned round to face her, manicured brows furrowing slightly as Liv took a step forward. In a few quick steps, Rhea hurried over to Liv’s side. Her forearms wrapping around Liv’s waist in warm comfort.
“Enough silence Liv…”
Rhea gently sat Liv back down on the bed and sat down beside her, resting her palm against Liv’s knee with a elongated sigh.
“Tell me what is going on with you. Right now.”
Liv seemed nervous— like she was hiding something and Rhea could tell, her fingers tightening around Liv’s knee as she used her free palm to tilt up her companions gaze.
“Gionna, come on.”
Expelling a long sigh, Liv placed her palm down on top of Rhea’s before allowing their shimmering gazes to meet.
“After last month, with how I reacted about you and Y/N. Accusing you both of something I created in my head..”
Liv paused for a moment, pushing herself up off the mattress once more before spinning on her heels to face Rhea head on.
“It made me realize why I was so jealous, why I freaked out about something that wasn’t even real.”
Rhea’s teeth nipped at the inside of her cheek—already putting the pieces together, she tried to remain composed. Not taking her gaze off Liv as she spoke, Rhea’s palms gripped at the bedsheets beside her. She needed to keep her cool. Her relationship with you had no titles and yet she still felt that this conversation was going to end badly if she wasn’t careful.
“Y/N has been my best friend since we were kids, spending every waking moment together. But as our lives changed and I had to spend more and more time away from her, it made my heart grow fonder. Being around her, it makes me happier? She makes me forget my problems and just relax. I don’t know how to describe it, she just makes me feel so…”
Liv stumbled over the best word to use, her brow furrowing slightly as she remained oblivious to Rhea’s reactions.
“Important.” Rhea sighs.
“It’s like she sees you for you, not Liv.”
It hurt Rhea to use such words— knowing that’s exactly how you made her feel. Like she could be herself and not have to hide behind her persona. Was this love?
“Yeah! That’s exactly it.”
Liv beamed— her lips widening into a impish grin as she moved her digets into the ends of her hair, twiddling a strand round in her fingertips. She didn’t notice Rhea’s features fall as she basked in the idea of you, the Aussie’s gaze dropping towards the ground as her fingers unwound from the sheets and moved to pull through her hair.
Exhaling a long and silent sigh, Rhea hopped up from the bed before slapping her palms down gently against her thighs.
“Okay, so I have somewhere to be.”
Liv stopped herself from spinning on one foot— directly in front of Rhea, her expression ecstatic. Her slender forearms winding around Rhea’s waist as she beamed up at her.
“Look, can we keep this Y/N thing between us. I don’t think I’m ready for her to find out yet.”
Curling against Rhea’s chest, she gave her a gentle squeeze before nuzzling against the Aussie’s torso. Rhea’s chin resting down against the top of Liv’s head as she inhaled a shaky breath.
If Rhea found out anything from her talk with Liv, it was that your best friend was in love with you.
But so was she.
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