#the first castlevania was hugely popular! the tlou tv show (and fuck that guy) was HUGE
koipalm · 8 months
the halo tv show is pissing me off so badly.... to take SUCH a dearly beloved show not only in the gaming world but also just in popular media and milk it for fucking views actually makes me like sick to my stomach. and after seeing what the video games industry is doing right now with how projects are cancelled and all the hard work and amazing artistry in them is never seen again i want to fucking hit someone!! and the fucking layoffs going on in the video game industry is insane. projects are shelved forever and devs are kicked to the curb. not only that, but the fucking ubisoft exec that said people should get used to not owning games?? combined the amount of movies coming out that are purely reboots of older media.... and i cant remember who it was but there was someone in the cartoon industry that pitched like 14 fucking things and they all got shot down! fuck! why cant we fucking care about art! why cant execs fucking understand that we WANT people that care about the projects, and we dont fucking want old ideas revamped when the people in charge clearly dont give a shit about the source material! fuck!
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