#the first anual hunger games
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whatarethooseshuri · 1 year ago
let the games begin
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@monarch-of-wakanda @realamericachavez @buckybarnesoffical @therealbuckybarnes @capn-america @not-a-poser @not-hawkeye @kamala-msmarvel-khan @realgodofthunder @bisexualswordlady @ilikemiddleagedmarvelchar @caroldanverofficial @loki-laufeychild @daniel-r @buthearmeouttho @flightlaw @realcaptainfalcon @yelena-belovedx @therealnickfury @officialscottlang @i-am-not-a-villain @ab-art-07 @uniquedetectivejellie
@buckybarnesoffical is Bucky one and @therealbuckybarnes is Bucky two:)
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selodka-pod-shuboy · 1 year ago
I think 3rd life is somehow the best plot&system-wise. It's not based on anything, just my humble opinion. I have so much thoughts and they are all so tragic. Like. It was my first ever interaction with theese CCs, I went there blind reacting. It was amazing then, it was even better after getting to know them. Every perspective tells such a drasticly different story. You've got alliances formed throu death, loyalty and sacrifices, broken or cherished till the very end. You have 3 lifes, and that's it. No tricks or some help or twist from the gamemakers. Go apeshit or stay nice, nothing changes it. All your enemies can start from something as simple as a random punch or a shot or a pice of paper. So can friends. No one knows how the server operates, they all come from somewhat-friendly spaces, so every simple fact is a new surprise - everybody kills animals, and ends up suffering with lack of food&lether for books afterwards. They put effort into builds, bother with decorating(not to say they didn't in later seasons, it's just the attachment I'll talk later), fill the places with love and care, get attached to pets and trees, banners of all things. PROTECT THEM and feel sorrow and grief, once they enevitibly get killed or burned or blown up or DESTROYED. The rage is so innocent in it's belive, that they were wronged, that they should be avenged, and not that this is just the reality of the server itself, that that's just - what heppens. The story tells so much about betrayal, about broken trust, and friends that go mad, and almoust no one follows the "all alliances are broken after you're red" rule. You are allowed to kill now, yeah, but there was nothing in PARTICULAR, stopping you before. It is proven by the first death, that it was just a prank, that lead to all the following chaos. Scar gives Grian flowers after his second death, and Grian STAYS. Cleo sticks with Bdubs, calling his castle a toilet, kidnaps the desert lama, burns Joel's home. She goes for the king and dies in the blind rage . Bdubs makes and gives Impulse the clock, that will doom their hearts in the end. Impulse promises his trust to the Crastle. Bigb makes the cookie. Martyn hears voices, and Ren asks him to take his head. He takes so many lives. The Red Winter Comes. Tango saves the cows, only for them to be stolen, he gets shot stuck behind the fire. Etho's dark oak gets burned, he builds a woolen castle, for it to get burned multiple times. Timmy gives Scott a poppy, starting their marriage. They build the flower valley. Timmy DIES FIRST and aquaeres the Canary curse. Scott follows full of sorrow. Skizz dies second, full of rage, and creates the boogieman curse. Joel stays alone, with his dog army, and dies, leaving his pack wandering the desert. The cactus-ring fight. The siege of dogwarts. Battle of the Red Desert. All the monopolies. The state, that everyone leaves the server, the contrast with the start. It's like watching the 1rst anual hunger games, from a perspective of people, who know and love each other, but no matter their efforts, end up slowly spiraling into violence and distrust, spreading pain and destruction. Mu soul loves and aches for it, even though it was the very same thing that broke it in the first place, that took a pice of it and so it will never be whole again. It's so tragic. All this blood was never beautiful. It was just. Red.
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teamwiped-blog · 8 years ago
Single Elimination, Mixed feelings:
We have seen many changes since Dota 2’s own major tournament was announced. When Ti1 took place it was a historical moment for all Dota fans across the world, and it seems like things once again are changing in the pro scene, but is it for the better? I have my doubts and give my opinion on the single eliminations format, as The Keiv Major gets the single eliminations treatment.
The Why:
I do understand Valves decision on the matter, it takes less games, venues become easier to find and use with an event that only takes half of the time that double elimination format will take. Venues in double eliminations are not always full of spectators, and an event lasting 3 days is quite refreshing for attendees to see their favorite teams, than a full week of games. Valves change makes sense, but everything is not cherries and sunflowers in single eliminations.
The fans:
The fact that single eliminations means less games, means that fans that like watching Dota for a full week (like me) are left with a hunger to watch more. You have to understand that Dota unlike a sport, doesn’t have a “legit” season of games, that means that we have to wait for majors to actually watch and enjoy games. Having only 3 days, instead of the full week like before really takes the experience away from fans. Minor tournaments are great to watch as well, but a lot of people have normal lives outside of Dota, meaning we can’t watch every tournament and every game. So we look forwards to Majors since they are the bigger events. (i do understand not all fans think like i do, but this is partly my opinion of what fans want, and doing research on other websites, a lot of fans share the same thoughts)
Luck > Skill:
Without a lower bracket, it means that no team has a second chance. Creating this awkward scenario where lady luck plays a major role in games. On October 8th,2016 user “Eggs” wrote a blog in dotabuff that said “In a single elimination format, CDEC would have won TI5, Digital Chaos would’ve had a first round exit at TI6, and Na’Vi would have been back to back TI champions at TI2, without having to face IG from the loser’s bracket.” That means no six million dollar echo slam, no underdog story on ti6 and the same team winning Ti for a second year. No comebacks for teams, no room for error, less interesting, in my opinion.
The Group Stages:
Whats the point of having a group stage, if the Single elimination format does not have a lower bracket? This isn’t at all bad since it means all teams are on equal footing, but it does make group stages useless to some extent, other than practicing and teams getting ready for the main event, group stages will mean nothing in today’s Dota. A team that would enter the tournament through the qualifiers, had the opportunity to make it to the upper brackets by playing the group stages and having a good placement in them. Now group stages will be obsolete, and a team doesn’t need a good placement on group stages to get a good placement on the brackets main event.
It takes time:
Of course all in all, not everything is bad, for the most part a lot of sports are single eliminations, and single eliminations format on Dota does not mean the end of an era. Might take time to adjust to these new changes, but until we don’t see this format flourish, i will have my doubts on how they plan to make this work. There’s still changes out there that can be made to make group stages useful again, changes to make the viewer experience better and changes to make to the actual format to see Teams taking an advantage on their skills and not rely on luck so heavily.
Final Opinions, Road to Ti7: I might not like it, but it seems that single elimination format is here to stay. I hope this is not the case for Ti7, i would like to see Ti7 sticking to the same format we all know and love after 6 years. Makes sense to keep this format in the biggest event of the year, but the new laws in the USA and Valve hinting that if travel bans continue, they would had to host Ti7 outside of seattle, might mean that they would have to go Single elimination on Ti7 to find a good venue outside of the US. Here’s hoping that does not happen, and that we can enjoy a full amazing event this year, on Valves home city and the iconic Keyarena. Hopefully we can have our 7th anual tournament in this place <3
By Icecoqui
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pruebasbymilena-blog · 8 years ago
BRIEF BIOGRAPHY Serena Odair was born and raised in District 4, one of the wealthiest districts of Panem, mostly known for its fishing industry. She grew up in a good and loving family that counteracted any cruel stereotype of the fishing distric. At the age of eight, her fourteen-year-old brother was reaped to participate in the 65th anual Hunger Games. Under those circumstances, Serena and her parents were exposed to a great psychological stress that was only eased by the family only son's safe return. At barely eleven, she entered her district Combat Academy, and by the age of twelve she was able to differentiate between a great variety of healing, poisonous and edible herbs. She developed a nimbleness that perplexed everyone and her weapon of choice was the sword. In spite of this, it was healing that was her true field of action, as she was a natural-born healer. At the age of thirteen, the first adversity of her life struck with the death of her parents at the hands of Peacekeepers, who, Finnick told her, acted under President Snow's orders. This caused a before and after in Serena's life, but failed to break her compassionate and gentle spirit. It was a year later that her life lost all remain of balance: President Snow had ordered her murder, but at the last moment, he changed her mind and wanted her to be taken to the Capitol. There, her faith turned even worse: she had been subjected to sex slavery for the most renowned Capitoline magnates. It wasn't until the age of sixteen that Serena got rid of the prostitution life to which Snow had subjected her — she had been promised to a man that, although at first had paid for her services, never dared to lay a hand on her. She took another name and not too long after that she married Jon Noxvault. For her luck, Jon was not much older than she was, and he broke any stereotype she had once had about the Capitol people. Moreover, he was deeply fond of her, and help her adjust to the Capitol's customs and way of life. Over time, she grew fond of him too, and was even willing to give him a child provided he wanted one. He flatly objected, saying that she was too young, and there would be childbirth complications. He died shortly after as a result of a severe ilness, for which not even the Capitol, that was so advanced in the science field, could find a cure. He bequeathed her his possesions, and they became lawfully hers. Near the time of the new edition of the Hunger Games, his late husband's closest business partner offered her a safe transfer to her home distric in exchange of a large sum of money, a proposal she did not hesitate to accept. Her return was an impressionable yet nice surprise to the inhabitants of the fishing district, that gave her up for dead. She went in search of her brother and Annie, to later find out they both were gone: he had been sent once again to the Hunger Games and not a soul knew of the girl's whereabouts. Disoriented and heartbroken, she went looking for a childhood friend, Brandon, who told her he was leaving for District 13, because he believed there were people there that supported the rebellion. With nothing left to lose, she agreed to go with him. After a long journey full of dangers and setbacks, they finally arrived to District 13, where they were accepted and assigned responsibilities according to their abilities: she had been sent as a nurse, and Brandon as part of the militancy, though he died shortly after as well as the rest of his crew on the rescue mission of District 12.
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whatarethooseshuri · 8 months ago
I AM POSTING THIS TODAY SO EVERYONE CAN GET A CHANCE WHO WANTS TO PARTICIPATE CAN LEAVE ONE MESSAGE IN THE CHAT MESSAGE THING (NOT REBLOGING) ITS OK IF YOU'VE PLAYED BEFORE UNLESS YOU HAVE ALREADY BEEN A VICTOR (cough @buthearmeouttho (great job sweetie auntie shuri loves you) and Artemia (fuck you bitch)) I am NOT guaranteeing you will get in but that's how it works sometimes (sorry:( )
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whatarethooseshuri · 1 year ago
the hell child won you guys. Cat, district 8, can be a mentor for round two now.
here are the stats ladies, gentlemen, and theys. Let’s have a moment of silence for those who died (in the simulation)
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whatarethooseshuri · 1 year ago
if you were not thrown into the group right this time don’t you worry. Because this is the FIRST hunger games. If ya’ll like it. There will be more>:))) if you weren’t chosen this time then you are the capital/viewers.
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whatarethooseshuri · 1 year ago
ONLY for those who participated in my hunger games the first round: If you would like to go again, I know a few of you did, please reblog this ONCE with the phrase Quarter Quells (hehe because you’re returning) so I can get names. ONLY for those who want to go again so I can get them down, obviously next I will be asking for other who want to join. *cough* @respect-the-hyphen *cough* but currently I just need re-dos confirmation
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whatarethooseshuri · 1 year ago
Include me in the next round of the hunger games
next time i’ll win
You can try to:)
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whatarethooseshuri · 1 year ago
I know that you don't know me, but I would like to be part of the next hunger games thing if that's alright.
If it's not and you just want to it with people that you know, I totally respect that.
Sure you can be part of it:)
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whatarethooseshuri · 1 year ago
is it like hunger games or something what did I sign up too
just this hunger games simulator I found where I throw in names and the results are completely random also I make random little comments sometimes.
Here’s the first one to look over: the first not so annual hunger gaaaames
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whatarethooseshuri · 1 year ago
Can I be in the next round of the Hunger Games pls ??? (you're definitly the best Udaku sibling btw, just saying)
yes and yes
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whatarethooseshuri · 1 year ago
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@hawkeye-jr and @totally-not-kate-bishop
@respect-the-hyphen and @therealbuckybarnes
@i-am-not-a-toaster and, I am so sorry, @justinhammer234 🙄
@brooklynsspiderman and @luna-noname
@petrparkr and @brooklynsspiderwoman
@ilikemiddleagedmarvelchar and @maybelleparker
@harleykeener69 and @peterparkermans
@white-wolf-actually and @uniquedetectivejellie
@wintersoldierscat and @hydrasheadscientistmcu (haha mother fucker. I hope you die in the bloodbath)
@agent-maria-hill and @trading-cards-owner so no more Tonyx2 and pepper but we have them:D
@mobius-m-mobius-speaks and @sylvie-the-disaster
@ab-art-07 and @tonystark-official
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whatarethooseshuri · 1 year ago
Great you'll be part of it
Idk I'll just decide one day.
Hi I'm peter! I got told to ask about your cool tech! By your brother!
Ah... T'challa...
He knows not of the meme I would not suggest talking to him in any modern day references.
Yes I have cool tech I made a light Saber once>:D
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whatarethooseshuri · 1 year ago
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The bloodbath…
let the games begin
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@monarch-of-wakanda @realamericachavez @buckybarnesoffical @therealbuckybarnes @capn-america @not-a-poser @not-hawkeye @kamala-msmarvel-khan @realgodofthunder @bisexualswordlady @ilikemiddleagedmarvelchar @caroldanverofficial @loki-laufeychild @daniel-r @buthearmeouttho @flightlaw @realcaptainfalcon @yelena-belovedx @therealnickfury @officialscottlang @i-am-not-a-villain @ab-art-07 @uniquedetectivejellie
@buckybarnesoffical is Bucky one and @therealbuckybarnes is Bucky two:)
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whatarethooseshuri · 1 year ago
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let the games begin
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@monarch-of-wakanda @realamericachavez @buckybarnesoffical @therealbuckybarnes @capn-america @not-a-poser @not-hawkeye @kamala-msmarvel-khan @realgodofthunder @bisexualswordlady @ilikemiddleagedmarvelchar @caroldanverofficial @loki-laufeychild @daniel-r @buthearmeouttho @flightlaw @realcaptainfalcon @yelena-belovedx @therealnickfury @officialscottlang @i-am-not-a-villain @ab-art-07 @uniquedetectivejellie
@buckybarnesoffical is Bucky one and @therealbuckybarnes is Bucky two:)
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