#the fifth creation underfell papyrus
ivyprism · 1 year
A Few More Creations Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Warnings: Violence, favoritism, famine, etc.
Cilantro - The Twelfth Rejected Creation: Horrorfell Sans
Personality: Cilantro was Ianira's twelfth invention, based on Chilion. Unlike his counterpart, he was rejected by Ianira because of a fault. He has a sweet and flirtatious soul, but he is extremely prickly and guarded. He isn't afraid to fight back if necessary. He despises Ianira for abandoning him and his brother in favor of his rival. He, on the other hand, refuses to give up, and even when famine struck, he fought tirelessly to protect the survival of everyone he cares about. He is a really kind and compassionate individual who stands firm against Ianira. He has a soft spot for animals and children.
Appearance: He is a skeleton monster with blood-red eye lights. He has a large gaping wound on the left side of his skull and a crack from it reaches his right eye. He has one golden tooth.
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Cardamom - The Thirteenth Rejected Creation: Horrorfell Papyrus
Personality: Cardamom is Ianira's Thirteenth invention based on Parfait. Like his brother, but unlike his counterpart, he was rejected by Ianira due to a flaw. He is a hard and cold skeleton, yet he is only harsh because he cares. He can be quite good and caring to those he cares about, but he is prickly. He is fiercely protective of his family, particularly his brother. Unlike his brother, he still loves Ianira and regards her as a woman in need of love. He is concerned about others, especially children and animals. He is concerned about the famine, but he ensures that everyone else who is in need is cared for.
Appearance: He is a skeleton monster with blood-red eyes. He has a large gaping crack in on left eye.
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Carom - The Fourteenth Favorite Creation: Horrorswap Sans
Personality: Carom is Ianira's fourteenth creation and he was meant to be a "better" version of Davy. He is one of Ianira's favorites. He is very bubbly, sweet, and bright and knows how to listen to Ianira. He dares aren't defying her and walks on eggshells to ensure she never turns her back on him. He cares for his brother and helps him in secret, a small consistent act of defiance to Ianira. Despite how it seems, he deeply hates her and wishes her ill quite often for what she does to others, however, he never defies her and avoids upsetting her to ensure he can get consistent support so he can help his brother.
Appearance: He is a skeleton monster with a light blue eye and a soft white eye. He has a large scar on his right eye.
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Citrus - The Fifteenth Favorite to Rejected Creation: Horrorswap Papyrus
Personality: Citrus is the Fifteenth creation of Ianira made to be a "better" version of Daimont. He was once a favorite until he was rejected for defying Ianira openly. He is a very smart, snarky, and jokester character who loves to help others when he can. Unlike his brother, he openly defies Ianira and often is punished as a result. He, unlike most of the others, is not afraid of Ianira and never lets her get to him. He looks after the others as he can and he recalls the famine quite well. He is a very smart and snarky character. He often can be seen figuring out new ways to defy Ianira.
Appearance: He is a skeleton monster with a light orange eye light and a white eye light. He has three large scars on his left eye that splintered. He has a couple more scars on his waist and a visible one on his neck and arm.
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@kioko-noodles / @kiokodoodles @miscneilleaneous @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut @hearty-dose-of-ranch @rainbowut @underfell-crystal @buff-borf-bork
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ivyprism · 1 year
Why were they rejected? what does quiqalify as a "perfect creation"?
Ianira has a very skewed perception of her "rejected" creations. She just thinks there's something wrong with them. She thinks they're too imperfect and that she miscalculated making them.
She doesn't like to be reminded of her failures, so she all but exiled and killed them.
Cane and Cervil are her first creations and her first rejected ones, they were the prototypes of Dragomir and Cecil. Something about them made them imperfect to her, so she discarded them and they became the Horrortale counterparts of Dragomir and Cicil.
Davy and Diamont are her seventh and eighth creation and they were the first of her Underswap creation. She found they were too defiant and something about their imperfections completely made her hate them. They were rejected as a result.
Petal was the ninth creation of Ianira, though she was the first of her kind. She, like Cane and Cervil, was imperfect in some way to Ianira so she tossed her aside and Petal was taken in by Cane and Cervil.
Evanthe was the eleventh creation. She was created to help Chilion and Parfait, made with them in mind, but she was far too defiant and hated her too much to even be considered as a favorite, so she was rejected as well.
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ivyprism · 1 year
Favorite creations of the Puppeter?
Ianira favorite creations are Chilion and Parfait. When she made them, she knew they were her perfect creations. Nicely obedient and very entertaining. They're perfectly imperfect to her.
Of course, she isn't aware they wear a tight mask around her to prevent falling out of her favor.
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ivyprism · 1 year
The Creations/Puppets (Skeleton Boys Info Dump)
Warnings: Mentions of famine, favoritism, pain, suffering, clear hatred, etc.
The order of the Puppeteer's creations is out of order.
Cervil - The Puppeteer's First Rejected Creation: Horrortale Sans
Personality: He is a nervous and agitated skeleton. He was one of Ianira's very first creations. He was also the first to be turned down. He is a prickly individual, yet he softens when he is near his brother. Because he was Ianira's first creation and the first to be rejected, he has a deep-buried fear of rejection and is frequently anxious and closed in around loved ones. He is also a very emotional guy, frequently watching out for others and ensuring that everyone is taken care of. He has suffered greatly as a result of Ianira's brutal rejection of him. He recalls the famine vividly, as well as what he had to do to survive without Ianira's help.
Appearance: He is a skeleton monster. His right eye is a gentle blue and his left is a white. He has a large gaping crack in his skull on his left side that cracks down to his cheekbone through his eye.
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Cane (short for Sugar Cane) - The Pueppeteer's Rejected Second Creation: Horrortale Papyrus
Personality: Despite being a nice and compassionate skeleton, he is rather apprehensive and may frequently be observed nervously gazing about his surroundings. He fears rejection because he is the second person to be rejected by Ianira, but he really craves love and connection. He adores animals and owns a dog named Riddle as a pet. He is an extremely emotional person who genuinely cares about people. He has a motherly demeanor and seeks to assist those in need. He struggled through the same starvation as Cervil since Ianira had brutally abandoned them to their destiny, yet he still wishes for his creator's acceptance. He suffered greatly as a result of Ianira's rejection.
Appearance: He is a skeleton monster. He has a soft orange eye light and a white eye light. He has a crack that starts from his right eye to the back of his skull. He has large fangs, but his teeth seem alright.
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Chilion - The Puppeteer's Second Favorite Fifth Creation: Fell Sans
Personality: Simply told, he is a very confident and somewhat flirty skeleton. He is one of Ianira's favorites and has received excellent treatment from her. He had a very clean life with little damage done to him and his brother because she never rejected him or his brother, but that doesn't mean he dodged it. Despite this, he frequently conceals his emotions due to the enormous pressure of being Ianira's favorite. He is frequently concerned that she will find a new favorite and cause him and his brother undue hardship, so he aims to keep her happy so that he and his brother can live comfortably. He is prickly and nasty to new people out of fear of upsetting Ianira.
Appearance: He is a skeleton monster. He has beautiful ruby eye rights. He has a large scar on his left eye socket. He also has a single golden tooth.
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Parfait - The Puppeteer's First Favorite Sixth Creation: Fell Papyrus
Personality: He is a self-assured, strong, and courageous individual. He is arrogant and self-assured. He is Ianira's favorite, thus he has had a pretty good existence. He is an extremely intelligent skeleton that frequently plans to assist his sibling. He is frequently pressured by the pressure of being Ianira's favorite, fearing that one move out of turn will result in the death of both his brother and himself. He tries hard to keep his persona around her so that she never looks to someone else as the favorite. He is concerned about the others, but he is afraid of vengeance from his creator. To new people, he appears to be a prickly skeleton, yet he frequently softens up soon.
Appearance: He is a skeleton monster with beautiful red eyes. He has two large scars on his left eye. He also has a large scar on his neck.
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Dragomir - The Puppeteer's Third Creation: Undertale Sans
Personality: He's a polite and peaceful man. He is a slow and patient person. He takes care of people and is pretty amusing. He flies beneath Ianira's notice because he is neither a favored nor a rejected invention. He tries to assist Cane and Cervil while remaining beneath Ianira's radar. He enjoys pranking people and making puns. He's generally asleep, but while he's working, he's entirely focused. He is terrified of Ianira and does his best not to enrage her for fear of her retaliating against his brother and himself. He places a high value on Chilion and Parfait's protection because they are her favorites and are less likely to be harmed by her.
Appearance: He is a skeleton monster with soft blue eye lights.
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Cicil - The Puppeteer's Fourth Creation: Undertale Papyrus
Personality: He frequently attempts to oppose Ianira's tyranny, despite being severely punished for it. Despite being nearly rejected multiple times, Dragomir manages to save his brother just in time. He is courageous and kind, but he is also not afraid to fight back and defend the "rejected" creations. He despises how much power she has over them. He enjoys assisting others and takes care of anybody he can. He has a great belief that Ianira can fight the power she wields. He takes advantage of her lack of concern for him and his brother to assist in the upkeep of the "rejected" creations. He regards Cane and Cervil as older brothers and is constantly concerned about them.
Appearance: He is a skeleton monster with bright orange eye lights.
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Davy - The Puppeteer's Reject Seventh Creation: Underswap Sans
Personality: He is a cheery and upbeat skeleton. Because of the treatment he, his brother, and the other two receive from Ianira, he frequently assists Cicil in defying her. He is a tough and cruel individual. He never backs down and is not hesitant to defend others when he can. He has a lot of energy that he is trying to harness in a healthy and safe way. He has a lot of energy that he is trying to harness in a healthy and safe way. He is a bright and joyous person that carries a lot of valor and power on his shoulders. He never gives up either. He has no feelings for his creator and despises her.
Appearance: He is a skeleton monster with bright light blue eyes with stars. He has two large scars on his left eye.
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Diamont - The Puppeteer's Rejected Eighth Creation: Underswap Papyrus
Personality: He's a cold-blooded but entertaining skeleton. He is chilly and aloof from others. He despises Ianira and refuses to speak to her or present himself to her. He is frequently tense and cold. He enjoys practical jokes, bad puns, and puzzles. He smokes and eats lollipops on occasion, but he avoids causing problems for his friends. He helps people when he can. He tries to assist others whenever possible. He has a defensive mindset and is frequently on edge. He is normally rather lazy, since he balances out his younger brother's zeal, although he does things when asked. He enjoys teasing his buddies and is a bit of a flirt. He frequently looks after Cervil and Cane.
Appearance: He is a skeleton monster. He has a large diagonal scar on his left eye from the top of his skull to his cheek.
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@kioko-noodles / @kiokodoodles @hearty-dose-of-ranch @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut @underfell-crystal @buff-borf-bork
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