#the female oc acts a lil unhinged once and i and my stories get called names
borathae · 1 year
Sibigirl I love you and I don't the anonies were complaining about the story but just sharing a point of view that is different. Interpretations are up to readers. I don't think they were expressing their desire to stop reading.
I'll share mine, I started reading and still am reading because of tae. But that's just because I mostly read his fics. I might not identify with oc and her choices and I might not understand her. But that doesn't mean I'll stop reading. We're here to stay and share how we feel about the story in a respectful manner because we love the universe you created!
I didn't want to say anything since MV because I just simply like taehyung character more just because I generally prefer men who from the get go are open and expressive and soft spoken (which is a character and something YOU created) so you should be proud of yourself causing poeple to react so passionately about a character more than the other. I'm sure some girlies melt when there's a yoongi passage.
If anything poeple care enough to tell you how they feel, regardless if it aligns with your intentions it means the blog was safe enough to share it!
All the love 💜💜💜
I didn’t mean any harm in my answer. I guess I was just a lil pissed at this point because I got some actually rude messqges in my inbox all regarding the same topic and I decided to answer the one which wasn’t acting like an entirely entitled cunt lmaoao. The others are gonna get the block button and nothing else lmaoo. And I guess my anger transfered a little into my answer 💀 I apologise 💗
But my point still stands though. You can very well stop reading my stories at any point you want to, I don’t force anyone to continue past their own comfort jsjsjs and also just because my blog is a safespace doesn’t mean you can call me names and act entitled in my inbox just because a fictional character in a fictional story did something you don’t like
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