#the fear of becoming vivzie is real
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xjulixred45x · 8 months ago
Reading and seeing certain criticisms made towards the Vivziepop characters and their representation of Asexuality/Aromanticy (completely true and justified) made me do some self-reflection and I wanted to know your opinion on the matter.
I have a character, Morgan Huved, who is a villain, Narcissist, an unstable person with many problems who would even become a cult leader/questionable father.
and although I never had a problem with him (he is one of the favorite ocs) I recently realized that he is a Straight/Demisexual, demisexual, part of the asexual spectrum.
I just imagined this because because of Morgan's past (being someone socially isolated by his parents, becoming a sociopath), he can't fall in love with a woman AT ALL if he doesn't know for sure that she's not going to abandon him, that she has the same ideas as him, which is at his "level".
Apart from this, Morgan DOES have the ability to have empathy, he is just very selective, he loved his parents very much to the point that he got considerably worse when they died, he loves his wife very much, and he loves his children in his own way (even if raises them both differently).
Even if Morgan was mentally stable and not self-centered, I CAN SEE HIM even being Demi. but I don't want to offend or just perpetuate more harmful stereotypes of this type of sexualities.
What do you think? Am I doing right or wrong? I am open to criticism in this regard.
leyendo y viendo ciertas criticas hechas hacia los personajes de Vivziepop y su representación de la Asexualidad(completamente cierto y justificado) me hizo hacer algo de autorefleccion y queria saber su opinion al respecto.
tengo un personaje, Morgan Huved, que es un villano, Narcicista, una persona inestable con muchos problemas que incluso llegaria a ser un lider de culto/padre cuestionable.
y si bien nunca tuve un problema con el(es uno de los ocs favoritos) recientemente cai en cuenta de que el es un Heterosexual/ Demisexual, demisexual, parte del espectro de asexual.
simplemente me imagine esto porque por el pasado de Morgan (siendo alguien aislado socialmente por sus padres, convertirse en un sociopata), el no puede enamorarse de una mujer EN ABSOLUTO si no sabe con certeza que no lo va abandonar, que tiene sus mismas ideas, que esta a su "nivel".
aparte de esto, Morgan SI TIENE la capacidad de tener empatia, solo que es muy selectiva, amaba mucho a sus padres al punto de que empeoro considerablemente cuando murieron, ama mucho a su esposa, y ama a su manera a sus hijos(aun si los cría a ambos de forma diferente).
aun si Morgan fuera mentalmente estable y no egocentrico, PUEDO VERLO aun siendo Demi. pero no quiero ofender o justamente perpetuar mas esteriotipos dañinos de este tipo de sexualidades.
¿que opinan?¿hago bien o mal? estoy abierta a la critica en este aspecto.
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flowerismi · 1 year ago
Hazbin Hotel thoughts...
The Morning Star Family
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Despite what we see at the ending of episode 8. I still want to belive that the Lilith who Lucifer fell in love with, who is Charlie's actual mother, and the one who made her song fill Hell with dreams and hope, isn't the Lilith we see sitting by the beach.
I still believe in the theory of Eve at some point taking Lilith's place. For all we know Eve and Lilith could look almost identical, and Lute only called her "Lilith" to hint that Eve now had to go down and convince Lucifer and Charlie that she is Lilith and to not continue the Hazbin Hotel.
I mean seriously! I just can't accept this women in these pictures is a cold hearted evil bitch who would leave Lucifer and Charlie for a place in heaven! 😭💕
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The way Charlie describes her mother in the first episode, I simply can't believe that Lilith would leave a place which, in Charlie's own words, "... meant a lot to her." (Lilith).
I want, and hope that the Morningstar can be a family again like in the picture. I do believe that the real Lilith did leave Lucifer because he had become someone she didn't recognize anymore. He wasn't the man she fell in love with anymore. He had lost his will to dream, and well... Got depression...
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BUT! Charlie changed that! She made her father open his eyes and allowed him to dream again! She did that! And I want to believe that Charlie will bring her parents together again! 🥺❤️
I also don't think that Lucifer ever had anything romantic or sexual with Eve. I think he just wanted to mess with Adam, and hinted at the apple he gave Eve. Which of course let to free will. Which perhabs made Eve leave Adam??? I mean Adam has sex with whoever right? He said that himself in the first episode. So it would make sense that Eve left him perhabs? But that Eve and Adam still share hate for Lucifer and Lilith. And maybe Adam and Eve work together? Who's to say...
That leads me to my fear... What if at some point... Lucifer is going to die... Either to save Charlie or perhabs the real Lilith. I think it's pretty clear that as it is right now. Charlie is no way near as strong as Lucifer... Supposedly Lucifer is the second strongest, only next to God? And perhabs Jesus? If they're part of the show at all?
Of course Lucifer couldn't take on all of the elder angels. So he was cast to hell with Lilith.
But Lucifer is my favorite character!!! I mean come on! He's adorable! And I think I have a weak spot for goofy characters that actually is the strongest and most powerful in the room hahha ❤️
But it's a typical move in stories, for the protagonist to reach their full potential, their mentor have to die or at least be weakened... I'm just so afraid ahhhhh!!! Please don't kill him off Vivzie!!! 🥺
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You can't hurt a face like that!!!
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chaifootsteps · 2 years ago
I've seen a lot of people say that they're worried about Fizz's character being ruined in the next episode, but that always confused me because it feels like we barely know much about Fizz outside of the fact that he and Blitz used to be friends but then they had a falling out. The more I think about it, it's weird that Viv seems to show more focus on Fizz than Blitz's actual sister. Like what was his connection to Blitz's family? Are they cousins? Was he adopted? If he is just some random circus kid that Blitz befriended it's just further proof that Viv truly doesn't care much about her female characters, because why have so much build-up on some kid Blitz had a falling out with over the fractured relationship of his own sister?
Speaking as someone who loves Fizz, it's not so much about what we know as what we don't know. We know that Fizz used to be a sweet little kid, that he was grossed out by blood, that he and Blitzo were close and then something happened and Fizz lost his arms and legs and it was probably Blitzo's fault, and now he's in an absolutely adorable relationship with Asmodeus.
That last part is a big one. People love Fizzmodeus in part because we know so little about it, just that it seems to be very mutual and loving and everything Stolitz isn't, and arguably shouldn't be. There's a very real fear that Vivzie will do something to fuck that up and both Fizz and Ozzie's limited characters in the process, or that they'll become little more than fuel for the ever expanding Stolitz fire that's consumed what potential this show had.
Also remember that everyone's still feeling the sting of what happened with Striker. We didn't know much about Striker either save that he was smooth, charming and capable, a violent and cocky bastard, but also dead on the money when it came to his assessment of Stolas's asshole status and poor treatment of Blitzo. Watching him become yet another one of Vivzie's dick obsessed caricatures was painful, and that's why a lot of us are biting our nails wondering what's going to be left of Fizz and Ozzie after all's said and done.
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