#the fact that she once attempted to murder her nephew is IRRELEVANT bc she did cry
madamarouge-blog · 5 years
Meme | family headcanons
⚰️ - How would the loss of a family member affect them? Does it vary based on type of family member?
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unfortunately not much need for a hc because we’ve seen this horribly hella-bly first hand (SORRY ANN) while she’s been through a Lot (losing her husband, unborn child, sister, brother-in-law, AND nephew) angelina’s not really numbed against loss. it happened pretty much all at once, and she had to keep living in spite of that, so really more than anything, after getting her nephew back…angelina wouldn’t be able to handle another loss. it would very based on the type of family member, but she loved her sister and brother-in-law dearly, so the thought of losing her nephew again (the only living family she has LEFT)…it’s unbearable to her.
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