#the fact that people are drawing art for a silly au is so flattering
soldierkitten · 4 months
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what if i drew him
idk, what if? 👀
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noonaduck · 5 years
Sexd (sex ed) pt. 11
Pairing: BTS OT7 x reader genre: Fluff,smut, angst, non idol Au Warnings: angst, thigh riding, blowjob, cursing Words: 8531 A/N: I want to thank everyone who has gone trough this journey with me. I have enjoyed a lot writing this series and I hope that you gain your answer with the final part. ps. it took me so long with getting this out that there still might be some huge errors if so please let me know :) Summary: Y/N  is a woman who is inexperienced in anything when it comes to relationships and sex. Luckily her friend Jimin along with his six other friends decide to show her what she has been missing. 10. < 11. last part.
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[Gifs belongs to their rightful owners]
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You were barely able to sleep on previous night while hundreds of thoughts were spinning in your mind. You wouldn't have guessed in your wildest dreams that you would end up in a situation where you were now.  Now laying in your room looking up to the ceiling you replay the memory from last night. Your friends had had a secret meeting about you and you didn't know how to feel. After you had hid in to Jin's bedroom you had waited holding your breath that would someone show up and expose that you had been secretly eavesdropping the conversation. Luck had been on your side for once and you were able to sneak out from Jin's room and hide in to yours without further drama. You had no idea how you would manage for the rest of the day, after all you wouldn't be leaving the villa before the evening arrives. 
You played with an idea of calling a taxi and sneaking away without saying a word but you were quick to reject the idea. You weren't that scared and insecure teenager who ran away and hid when difficulties rose. You could remember your first love interest from when you were fourteen or if you could call it even that. It was a more of silly crush to be a honest, you were just a little nerd hiding behind your too large hoodies and round glasses covered by messy bangs. When you had left your hometown you had gone through a major makeover. You had changed the shapeless clothes in to more flattering ones, learned basic make up and cut your hair. You did all that for yourself, to be better and braver version of Y/N. Your start in the big city wasn't easy. At first you had worked on gas station and doing job as a waitress on the side before you landed a job in the local theater. You had always had a soft spot for arts, it didn't matter was it acting, dancing, music or something else creative, you thrived from artistic people. You as a person were still far from an artist, you couldn't draw even if your life depended on it, music notes looked like an alien language in your eyes and you had coordination abilities of five years old.  You didn't let the lack of skill set to hold you back and picked of pieces of culture where ever you could. 
Your mind returns back to present and you glance towards your phone laying next to you on your bed. You felt like your phone was a hot potato that would make your fingers burn if you even brushed it lightly. Jimin's text haunted in back of your mind and you haven't touched your phone after reading the words on the screen. Words… Suddenly you remember the unopened letter which was among the flowers. You get up from your bed like a spring and rush towards the closed bedroom door. You hesitate for a little when you hear voices coming from the living area but you are able to gather yourself together and pull the handle down. You see Taehyung and Jungkook deeply focused on some movie coming from the television and you decide to try to sneak past of them. Like you can ques that didn't work like you wanted, perhaps you had used all your luck earlier. 
''Why are you sneaking?'' A familiar voice whispers to your ear and you freeze on your tracks right next to the couch where Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting.
''Shh! Get down.'' You hiss to Hoseok and pull him to hide behind of the furniture with you.
''You didn't answer my question, are you avoiding our Kookie and Tae here?'' Hoseok asks with low voice tilting his head curiously towards the duo.
''No, I'm not specially avoiding them, I tried to avoid everyone.'' You hiss back and you blush after you realize what you just did reveal to Hoseok.
''Oh, why is that?'' Hoseok asks raising his brows amused. 
While you are panicking inside you haven't noticed the two heads appearing over the back of couch and looking at you curiously.
''Never mind, it is nothing honestly.'' You stutter when Hoseok leans closer to your face.
''Hmm, I think it got to be something, your face is heating quite badly.'' Hoseok teases and pokes your forehead.
You back  away from Hoseok’s presence your face now even more redder if possible. While you stumble you look up and finally notice the grinning guys.
''Sup?'' Taehyung asks smirking alongside of Jungkook. 
''Ho-how long you guys have been staring at us?'' You ask your eyes wide in horror.
''Enough to hear that you are hiding something, am I right Kook?''
''Yup.'' Jungkook smirks arrogantly. 
''What's the noise is about?'' Yoongi complains and merges from his room. He seems have recently woken up, only wearing a loose t-shirt revealing his collarbones paired with a loose basketball-shorts and his hair looking like a messy bird’s nest.
''Y/N is keeping secrets from us.'' Taehyung pouts and Yoongi raises his brows amused.
''Is she now?'' Yoongi asks and walks to you squatting down to your level. ''Now tell me what are you hiding kitten?'' Yoongi asks taking gently hold of your chin so you can't avoid his eyes piercing through your soul.
You try to shake your head in denial but Yoongi's grip prevents you from doing so. You slightly note  a patter of footsteps somewhere nearby but you are too focused to Yoongi to any more attention to it.
''Y/N, answer for him.'' Taehyung's lips brushes your ear and you shiver. 
He must have moved next to you on the floor while you were occupied with Yoongi's eyes. 
''Yeah, Y/N don't keep us waiting.'' You hear a husky whisper from Jungkook's lips who is still watching you from his spot on couch. The awkward atmosphere is turning quickly in to more heated one and you shiver slightly.. 
''Yoongi she said that she is trying to avoid all of us.'' Hoseok tells and isn’t definitely helping your situation. 
It seems like whatever bickering they had earlier between of them has disappeared and they were working as one unit to make you break. Couldn't they have worked their problems little later? You mean you weren't even doing anything bad, just trying to sneak Jimin's note to your room where you could read it in peace without anyone noticing and getting upset. Now the situation was turning more difficult for you by the minute. Oh, how you wished that Jin would magically appear and save you from the mess but now you were sure that you had ran out of your luck completely.
''I think that a cat got her tongue.'' Taehyung sighs after your too long pause. ''Be a good girl and show your tongue to us that I can see it is still there.'' Your eyes widens even more if possible and you glance Taehyung with horrified side eye.
''Well, what are you waiting for kitten, show him that pretty tongue of yours.'' Yoongi tells and finally lets go of your chin.
 Everyone is waiting impatiently you to obey and you turn slightly towards Taehyung opening your lips slowly. Only the tip of your wet tongue peeks out from your lips but that is all Taehyung needs, he takes your tongue between his thumb and index finger and tugs it to get it more in to view. Rest of the group stares you and Taehyung with heated eyes and you can hear even someone to moan quietly. 
''Yep, it is still there, no cats have been around.'' Taehyung grins happily.
You suppress your urge to roll your eyes for Taehyung's silly words. A loud cough from a doorway interrupts you and Taehyung lets go of your tongue in surprise. Namjoon in standing by the doorway his hands folded on his chest and he is looking the scene in front of him his brows arched. 
''I never knew that you would be in to gangbang.'' He chuckles lowly.
''What? No!'' You panic and glance the men around you. 
''what you mean no? After all you were earlier up to threesome.'' Namjoon keeps going and you notice how Yoongi and Hoseok freezes simultaneously.
''What the fuck is wrong with you?'' Yoongi hisses and gets up from the floor. 
''Nothing. I just stated a fact.'' Namjoon rolls his eyes.
''There you go and act all high and mighty even when we know that you are whipped like rest of us.'' You haven't ever seen Hoseok so angry, all the sunshine is gone and a storm is taking over his features. 
''Yeah, and if I remember correctly you were the one last night who wanted us to play fairly and not make Y/N feel guilty.'' Taehyung peeps in.
You fish you were anywhere else than here, the guys were talking like you weren’t at present. ''That's it, I can't take this anymore!'' You yell and get up from the floor. ''I never wanted to ruin your relationships with each other. I even tried to believe that I could be friends with you guys even after gaining several confession, but it seems that I was wrong.''
''Y/N look I'm sor-'' Namjoon begins feeling regret but you stop him with a harsh glare.
''Save it, I know now why Jin wanted me to hurry with my decision, you guys are impossible to handle right now. I will go to my room, pack my bag and call a taxi. When I'm coming out from that room again I hope that any of you isn't in sight.'' With that being said you march to your room and slam the door shut after you leaving a bunch of guilty looking guys behind. 
You are in middle of throwing your clothes in to your bag when you hear a careful knock from your door.
''what!''' You yell angrily and Jin peeks in. 
''Hi, do you mind if I come in. I hear that you won't see any other of the guys but I thought that you would at least see me.'' Jin smiles carefully.
''Oh, it's just you. Of course you can come in, in fact I think you are the only one I can stand right now.'' You tell with a sigh and pull your fingers through your hair. 
Jin steps in and closes the door after him, he walks to your bed and sit on the edge next to your luggage. ''I was thinking that I could give you a ride back to the town so you don't have take a taxi. I mean if you are truly leaving.''
''I'm, I need space after everything that I have been through and I would be a grateful for a ride if you truly mean it.'' You stop your packing and flash a grateful smile towards Jin. 
''Well before you go I want to give you something.'' Jin reaches to his pocket and pulls out the envelope that has caused your last mess. ''I swear I haven't read it.'' Jin assures you and hands the letter to you. 
''I didn't even think that you would.'' You assure and turn the letter around tearing it open with impatient fingers.
Jin follows in silence when your eyes slides over the words.
Dear Y/N,
I'm sincerely asking you forgive me after all I have said to you. I know that this small token of mine won't be even near enough to make you forgive me but I thought that I have start from somewhere. I'm not really good with words but I'm going to try. I was a total dick who wasn't at first aware of my feelings towards you. I always took you as a granted, you are my little town girl who I am proud to call as my friend ( at least I hope that we are still friends). When I noticed that my friends took liking of you it made me pissed, why they would like you? You were my friend at  first place! I thought like a fool that if I made you feel bad about getting close with my friends you would  take distance of them and focus only at me again. Only at the moment when I saw you running away in tears I realized that I loved you. I say it again, I love you Y/N so much it hurts and I can't lose you even if you only accept me as a friend. If you are ready to forgive me please come tomorrow evening around the sunset to the cliff nearby Taehyung's grandparents house (I'm sure that Jungkook and Taehyung knows which place I mean if you ask them) I will be waiting for you.
Yours truly,
The fool,  Park  Jimin.
You are barely able to figure all the words in the small card but after you have gone trough of them twice you are stunned. Your fight with Jimin feels like a distant memory even though that much time hasn't passed. 
''Well what does it say?'' Jin asks after he can't take your silence anymore. Wordlessly you hand the paper back to him. ''So what you want to do?'' Jin asks after reading the note and putting the letter down on your bed.
''I think, I think that I should meet him. I miss him a lot.'' You admit sniffing. All the events of the past few days is taking toll of you and soon you find yourself crying freely in Jin's lap. 
''Shh, it is going to be okay. Everything is alright.'' Jin kisses top of your head whispering sweet nothings to your ear and swaying you gently on his lap. 
You two sit in silence for a long time only noise disturbing the space being your quiet sobbing. After you have felt like all your tears have dried down you finally look up back to Jin who is smiling gently.
''Better?'' He asks and you nod answering to his smile with your own.
''Thank you, I really needed to let it all out.'' You tell with raspy voice, you clear your throat and continue. ''I think that I have to use Jungkook's tactics now, there is no chance that I'm able to go to work if I will wait for Jimin.''
Jin chuckles lightly to that and you grin as well. ''So what do you wanna do with others? Are you trying to talk with them again?''
''Oh right, I forgot.'' At least I wanted to for now... 
''I can keep them out of your way till your meeting with Jimin arrives.'' Jin suggests.
''How are you going to do that?'' You ask curiously.
''I think that the upstairs need thorough cleaning, its least what we can do repaying Taehyung's grandparents.'' Jin winks.
        Jin is keeping his word and you can hear even in to your room’s closed door, how he demands your friends attention.. 
''Guys we are going to clean the upstairs!'' He states voice full of cheerfulness. He is being extremely loud on purpose so that you can hear him speaking.
''Are you fucking serious, why we would do that?'' Jungkook complains loudly. ''I get that we need to clean mess we made but when you talk about cleaning you mean a whole different thing.
''I'm busy.'' You hear Yoongi to add in his protest.
''Being a sleep on couch doesn't mean that you are busy.'' Jin tells being sassy. You can imagine him rolling his eyes to Yoongi. ''Now get your butts up and visit the cleaning closet and after that march to the upstairs.'' 
After that you tune out the whines and complaints but from the amount of noises and cursing  they are obeying him regardless. Soon you hear distant sound of thumbing bass and you relax. You hope that Jin is able to keep them busy until the evening. 
You pace back and forth in your room feeling impatient. You had tried to read a book to take your mind elsewhere but you had find yourself reading a same page over and over again. 
You even went through social media but there isn't anything to peak your interest. The arms of the clock feels like they are mocking you and going extremely slow.. Finally the sun is setting and turning the sky into different shades of pink and orange. You look peek out from your bedroom doorway and sigh in relief after you see no one in sight.
''Why you want me to dust all these books, can’t we skip that?'' You hear Taehyung whining loudly over the music playing on background noise of their cleaning.
''Have you ever helped your grandparents with cleaning? You should be grateful, they borrowed their home to us and even filled the fridge to the prim.'' Jin screams back. 
You chuckle lightly to their yelling competition and head to the front door. You put your sneakers and jacket on and make sure that your phone is in your pocket. When you are sure that you have everything you take a step outside. You are glad that Jungkook had told you about the cliff yesterday or you should have been forced to go through with awkward conversation either with him or Taehyung for directions. You head for the now familiar path and instead turning towards the small pond you take the other option. You don't have to walk for a long until the trees steps aside revealing the cliff. You find Jimin standing alone looking over the cliff in his thoughts.. He hasn't come without gifts to ask your forgiveness. On the ground is large fluffy looking blanket covered with pillows and next to it is resting a large picnic basket. The whole cliff is covered with small red candles that are forming a big heart around the nest that Jimin had built. You stare the view in silence without knowing what to say. You aren't sure is the whole scenery more breathtaking or is Jimin the one who is taking your breath away. You are only seeing his backside his face towards the view. Jimin is wearing a black leather jacket hugging his figure and pair of washed jeans. 
''Jimin.'' You call softly but he is able to hear your voice  and he spins around quickly. Now you are sure of it, Jimin is the one who is making it hard to breath for you. Underneath his jacket is white shirt with small cuts exposing his skin here and there in tasteful manner, his hair is slicked backwards with gel and a lonely silver chain is hanging from his ear. 
''Y/N you came.'' Jimin sighs in relief and hurries to you. He takes your hands in to his but then he remembers that you are mad at him and tries to pull away but you end up stopping him and squeezing his hands tightly in to yours.
''I would be the fool if I wouldn't have came, I mean look at all this!'' You tell amazed.
Jimin smirks lightly to your reference to his letter but then his face turns more serious.
''I'm truly sorry about all the things I said. You aren't any of those thing I said you were. You are kind and funny and beautiful and...'' Jimin stutters and you stop him with shaking your head lightly.
''You are thinking too highly of me.'' You tell blushing.
''Nonsense! You are amazing.’’ Jimin pauses. ’’Uh, do you want to go to sit down, I mean I kind of went through lot of trouble and would hate to see it all go to waste.'' He smirks awkwardly.
''Of course!'' You tell excitedly and follow Jimin to the picnic still holding his hand in yours.  You feel like there is more words left to clear things completely between you and him but you are ready to get there slowly. The most important thing was that you were here with Jimin and you were making the effort to make things right. 
Jimin watches when you get yourself comfortable and then reaches for the picnic basket. He pulls out sandwiches wrapped in tight cling film followed by two glasses and bottle of sparkling wine, bowl of strawberries dipped in chocolate, grapes and delicious looking chocolate chip cookies.
''I hope that everything fits you my lady.'' Jimin smirks and struggles with the wine bottle  opener. You chuckle lightly to Jimin's focused face and he grins happily back when the gap bops open.
''Look at all of this, it's way too much!''
''Nothing is too good for you Y/N, specially after everything I had done.'' Jimin's tone turns rather serious when he pours the drink into your class and hands it to you carefully. 
''Jimin...'' You start but it's Jimin’s turn to silence you.
''Please just let me speak and explain myself some more. I feel like if I don't do it right now I might lose my courage.'' Jimin's voice turns rather nervous and all the earlier confidence seems to slip away. You nod slightly and take a sip from your drink the bubbles tickling your mouth slightly. Jimin smiles gratefully and his eyes fill with determination. 
''When I was in high school I dated a girl named Hannah. She was my best friend alongside of Jungkook and Taehyung. All the times I didn't spend with the guys I spend with her. She was my first in everything, my first crush, my first kiss and eh... you know first partner in bed. I just felt complete with her and thought that I would spend rest of my life with her. I know that High school romances are little bit cliche but that is how I felt. We had dated almost two years when first signs of her not being okay appeared. She was a part of girls soccer team but suddenly she had difficulties to breath after little bit running or climbing up stairs. She was quick to brush my worries of and even made me laugh about them. Then came loud coughing and she finally agreed to meet a doctor. I was truly hopeful after a doctor had said that she might be suffering from an asthma but her symptoms turned worse. She started coughing blood and she was taken in to more thorough tests.'' Jimin takes a shaky breath and continues. ''They found a tumor in her lungs and told that it had already send  metastasis in other parts of her body. Her parents pulled her from school and decided to home school her instead. I was there in every free moment I could and Taehyung and Jungkook was there supporting us. She get more skinnier, refused to eat and her fever was more often present than not. Doctors decided to put Hannah under chemotherapy and I was there watching how life was leaving her, her hair was falling, her skin got thinner and her body weaker. Soon she was in so bad state that she had to stay at the hospital.'' Jimin is now crying freely but he keeps going with his story. Only thing that you could do for him was listen in silence and squeeze his hand in yours. ''Doctors even went through one surgery to remove some parts of the tumor but sadly it didn't change the things in better. In cold day of October I got a call that she wouldn't live for a long. I rushed to spend her last moments with her and I was able to hold her hand when she took her final breath and passed away. She was smiling when I was holding her hand and her parents standing on the other side of the bed.''
''I'm truly sorry that you had to go through something like that.'' You tell your eyes leaking. '' I don't even know what to say.'' You feel useless while looking Jimin's broken form. 
''Thank you, but my story isn't quite over yet.'' Jimin smiles sadly and reaches to put a escaped lock of hair behind your ear. The small brush of his fingers makes you shiver. 
''I didn't go to her funeral and that is the one thing that I regret the most in my life. I shut down after Hannah was gone, I didn't eat or sleep and it was my turn to go to hospital after weeks of hunger and exhaustion. I'm in dept for Taehyung and Jungkook being there for me on my journey of getting better. When I was able to get somewhat back on my feet I had made my mind, I wouldn't ever love again. There was no one for me after Hannah. Hannah had written a letter for me before she had died but I wasn't able to open it until we had our fight. After reading her words I felt like I was allowed to love again'' Jimin ends his story voice full of desperation. '' Tell me it's not too late for us.'' He begs and caressing your cheek with his thumb. 
''I, I don't know what to say. I mean of course I don't want to lose you! But there has been so much going on and....''
''It's okay, you don't have to answer right now. I know that what I just told is lot to take in one bite. I will wait for your answer.'' Jimin's eyes are glistening with hope and excitement ''To be honest I was scared to death that you would reject me from straight hand and that you would  cut all of your ties with me but you being here now makes me so happy.'' Everything happens so fast so you don't have time to react when Jimin leans in for a kiss.
You have lost count how many times you have dreamed about this moment way before the whole "let's teach Y/N about sex thing" and you react by instinct answering his kiss. Jimin's lips against you feels like on the day of Taehyung's party but at the same time it feels like a whole new experience. Your first kiss with Jimin was indeed awesome, you can't lie, but it lacked emotion. Now your lips locked you could feel everything, hunger, desperation and other emotions that Jimin had held back. Somehow you have ended up sitting Jimin's lap, you weren't sure which one of you moved first but it didn’t even matter. All you could sense around you was him, his scent, his velvet lips against yours and his body against yours moving in sync. 
You return to the house holding hands and both smiling from ear to ear. Jimin is carrying the picnic basket in his free hand swinging it like it weighs nothing. When you asked could you help him with carrying the stuff he had bought he had brushed you of and said that happiness made him stronger. You had just shaken your head in amusement and dropped the subject. When you finally leave the forest and step into the backyard you look the house confused.
''That's odd, all the lights are off.'' You say worried.
''Yeah, I thought they would at least wait for us, I mean you, after all they came with you. Let's see if the cars still here.'' Jimin answers and leads you to the front side of the house and indeed Jin's Volvo and Namjoon's sleek black car were missing.
''Are you serious? All my stuff is inside and I have to go to work tomorrow'' You groan in disbelief.
''Don't worry I know where the spare key is, still I cant believe the guys...'' Jimin mumbles and you follow him by the porch.
Maybe the guys were getting tired of you and this was their way to tell you? You hated how insecure you felt but you couldn't disagree with your inner voice. After all you didn't give any of them answers about your feelings. But what about Jin? He didn't seem to be crushing after you? Maybe he was also tired of you being around and causing chaos in his friend group. You were almost in full panic mode all your happiness from earlier gone when Jimin's happy cheer pulls you out from your head.
''I found it!'' Jimin dangles a single silver key in front of your face.
You sigh in relief when Jimin turns to open the front door. You step in with him and there is no sight of rest of your friend group. Jimin turns the light switch on and then you see a note taped on the wall opposite of the front door.
Hey guys, we all had suddenly some urgent errands to do so we couldn't wait for you. Y/N your stuff is still in your room. make your time count.
Jin + five dwarfs ;)
''Huh, that seems fishy.'' Jimin says confused and rubs his ear.
''Indeed, it is hard to believe that all of them had suddenly urgent plans when they didn’t seem to be in hurry earlier.'' You agree with him. 
''So what you wanna do?'' Jimin asks and puts the basket on the floor. 
''I don't know. I think that mature thing to do is pick my stuff from the bedroom and start driving back to home. Wait, Jimin how did you get here?''
''Uh, I took a taxi.'' Jimin smiles awkwardly.
''Oh my god, it takes at least and hour one to get here and another to be back in the city.'' You groan and suddenly another unsettling thought comes in to your mind. ''I forgot to call my work that I can't make it tomorrow.'' You feel desperate, how things are going so suddenly so wrong after everything had worked out with Jimin?
''Oh shit, I didn’t call the theater either. I guess we both are in trouble.'' Jimin smirks awkwardly and you really want to say something not so ladylike about his carefree attitude but you decide to ignore it. Jimin's seems to notice your bitter look and hurries to pat his pockets. ''I will go to call the taxi.'' He tells hurriedly and slips away from the scene. 
You sigh and head to the room which has been yours for a couple of few days. Your luggage is laying on the top of your bed and all your items are already inside. You bet that this detail is thanks to Jin being helpful. 
''So I called a taxi.'' Jimin tells from the doorway and steps in to the room. 
''Hmm? That's good.'' You mumble lost in your thoughts.
''I used to always pick this room too.'' 
''What?'' You ask confused and turn to look at Jimin who is closer to you than you thought.. 
''When we were younger and we're spending our weekends here with Tae and Kookie I always slept in this room.'' jimin explains grinning happily. He seems to be in extremely good mood after you made up.
''Oh, that's nice.'' You don't know what else to say when Jimin's breath tickles your face. 
He is so close to you at this point that you could count his eyelashes if you wanted to. 
''Mm'h. You have something on your face.'' He tells.
''What, where?''
''Here.'' He says and presses his lips against yours. It seems that Jimin can't have enough of you now when he has finally allowed himself to feel.
You really can't complain. Your hands find their way in to to Jimin's hair and you tuck his neck hair gently causing him to shiver. Jimin's lips moves against yours telling a story that you are eager to follow. You slide your tongue gently along his lips and Jimin lets a small puff of air out between his lips. You bite Jimin's plumb lower lip and he moans. You shudder, the sound is going through your body and settling in to your belly. You part panting and look each other in to eyes. Jimin's eyes are swirling with untamed hunger and you are sure that your eyes are reflecting the same emotion. 
''We have still time.''
'' Time for what?'' You seem to be really lost with Jimin's words today.
''Before the taxi arrives.'' Jimin grins and you realise what he meant.
''Oh.'' You sigh realization. 
You weren’t even able to dream in the same morning that you could want Park Jimin ever again but here you were, your hands on his neck and your bodies pressed against each other. You can feel the electricity between two of you and everything goes in to motion. Jimin pushes your luggage on the ground and pulls you sit on his lap your face facing his and your legs parted open in both sides of his thighs. Your lips finds each other again and Jimin's hands start to roam all over your body with fever. He wants to feel all of you at once and he isn't sure where he wants put his hands. He slides his hands over your shoulders, to your back and finally stops at your rear. 
When he squeezes your butt you moan in to the kiss closing your eyes. Your hands finds Jimin's neck again and you pull him even tighter against your body if it's even possible. You are able to feel his hardening member against your clothed womanhood and by sudden boldness you grin against it causing Jimin to stop kissing you and groan. 
''You are going to be death of me.'' Jimin whines and you smirk proudly. You were happy that your sex education has given you a confidence that you never could even imagine before. 
''Have you-'' Jimin gulps when you grind against his clothed member even harder. 
''Have I what?'' You tease.
''Have you ever ridden anyone's thigh before?'' Jimin asks with raspy voice. His question gets you out of guard and you stop your torturing motions.
''I'm not sure what you mean.'' You admit awkwardly and Jimin's face brightens.
''So I could be you first in that experience, okay wow. So basically you umm, put your legs on both of sides of  one of my thighs and grind against it.'' Jimin explains and you are quick to follow his instructions eager to feel pleasure.
You put your hands hesitantly to Jimin's shoulder for support and begun to make the same grinding motion which you had made earlier against his clothed member.
''I don't see how this is supposed to feel go- Fuck! Jimin!'' You can't end your sentence when Jimin's hands finds your hips and pushes you extremely hard against his thigh. You can feel the friction against your clit and you shudder. Jimin grins satisfied and flexes his thigh muscles along your speed. You have to close your eyes when the sensations takes over your body. You feel the familiar knot tightening and your panties soaking with your juices. 
''That's it baby. Make yourself come undone only with my thigh.'' Jimin pants hard like he was actually the one gaining the pleasure. 
If someone asked him he would say that he could get of only by looking at your tightly closed eyes and parted lips that were giving out small noises of pleasure. You begin to near your high and feel how your inner muscles spasms waiting you to get your high. Jimin senses the change as well, your breathing is getting more rapid and you are squeezing his shoulders so hard that the imprints of your nails is going to stay there for a while. All it takes is Jimin squeezing your hips so tight that they are going to leave some bruises there. Extremely well timed flex of his muscle underneath of you makes you finally to snap. You moan loudly and shake on Jimin's lap almost collapsing on top of him. You never knew that something like riding a someone's thigh would tip you over the edge.  When you come down your high Jimin is lazily drawing patterns to your lower back with his fingers. You sift and only then you notice that you have soaked through your pants and made a quite mess on Jimin's pants. Your face turn bright red like traffic light and Jimin chuckles.
''Don't worry about it.'' Jimin tells reading your mind and kisses top of your head gently. The gesture is quite innocent one compared to what you just did. Jimin coughs awkwardly when you keep staring at down to his thigh cover in your mess and you finally look back at him. 
''Do you think that, perhaps you could go some more.''Jimin sifts underneath you  feeling uncomfortable  and your attention returns to his still hard member.
You nod slightly and get of his lap instead kneeling in front of him. Jimin looks at you surprised but you grin sheepishly reaching for his belt. ''I didn't meat that you have to suck me of.'' Jimin says awkwardly ''There is other things that we coul- Okay never mind!'' Jimin's voice rises in the end of his sentence when your mouth finds his still clothed dick and you move your mouth on top of the denim. 
You gain more confidence and return to continuing to open his belt. You feel impatient and that's why you are little clumsy while taking the belt out of it loops making the time used to it more longer that you wanted. When you are finally able to free Jimin's hard dick from its prison you smile in victory. His member isn't longest among the men you have seen so far but his shaft is absolutely the thickest one. Jimin's dick stands proudly in front of you begging your attention. You part your lips and your wet muscle peek out ready to taste the treat in front of it. You finally lean closer and lick the tip gently. Jimin falls backwards on the bed his hands now supporting his weight. You continue with your small kitten licks along his shaft, slowly up and down and back up again. 
''Please Y/N don't tease.'' Jimin whines and you feel yourself getting even wetter. Who could have thought that you would have Jimin begging underneath of you. In one moment he is the one making you grind against your thigh and in another he is submitting to you. You stop your movements completely and Jimin groans displeased.
''Beg for it.'' You demand and Jimin look at you in shock.
''What?'' Jimin blurs confused.
''I said that beg me to relieve you, baby boy.'' You add the pet name in impulse and you can see his dick visibly twitch in front of you. 
''Please! I need to feel your lips against me.'' Jimin obeys with desperation and you glee with satisfaction.
''Only because you asked so nicely.'' You gave in and quickly part your lips taking him between your lips. 
Jimin sighs in relief when you begun to bop his member slowly in and out of your mouth. You grace his shaft slightly with your teeth and you feel the taste of his precum on your tongue. He tastes salty but you gulp down like you are tasting the sweetest nectar. Jimin Groans when your throat tightens around his member and squeeze it like a wine. You had had little difficulties earlier while giving a blowjob but because Jimin is shorter that your earlier encounters you feel him slipping deeper in your throat rather easily. You swallow again around his member and Jimin buckles against your mouth making you gag. You pull away from his dick and look him unhappily. Jimin is biting his lip hard his eyes closed and he is barely holding himself up but when he feels you stopping in middle of his pleasure he forces his eyes slowly open. 
''I'm sorry.'' He hurries to say. ''Please don't stop.'' 
''Tsk Tsk, only good boys can come Jiminnie and good boys can keep still.'' You don't know where your confidence is coming but you are fucking loving it.
''I'm a good boy.'' Jimin hurries to assure you and small smirk rises to your lips. 
''I'm not sure about that. Hmm, how about I give you a hand job instead. You don't seem to be ready to feel my mouth against you yet.''
''Please, just do anything make me come.'' Jimin straightens in his position and begs you with his eyes. 
Instead of answering your hand curls around his shaft and you spit on top of his member to move along it more easily. Instantly Jimin’s head lulls backwards and wanton moan leaves from his lips. You move your fist up and down on his member and squeeze tightly on his base while your free hand moves to fondle his balls. Jimin’s panting is getting louder and you can feel how his legs shakes in front of you. You pinch the tip of his member and  Jimin comes finally undone with his hips buckling up and his hot seed making a mess. You don’t wait Jimin to recover and instead hurry to the bathroom to pick up a wet towel. 
You help each other to clean yourself. You pull quickly your soaked pants and and panties away and change in to fresh pair but Jimin has to be satisfied just to wipe himself clean and tying his jacket to his waist to cover the mess of his pants. You have just finished changing when Jimin gets the call that the taxi has arrived. You get in the backseat of the car holding each other hands while you both are red faced while the taxi driver is oblivious about what has occured between you just seconds ago before he came to pick you up. ~ You haven’t ever skipped work if the time when you had ran out after fighting with Jimin didn’t count. Last night the taxi had dropped you at first to your apartment even though Jimin  would have wanted to come inside with you. You had told him that you need time to sort your feelings out specially after what you had done previously with him. You were grateful that jimin had accepted your reasoning and you were able to go through your mind in peace. You couldn’t understand how Jungkook was so quilt free and skipping his work all the time when you were close to breaking. Sometimes you had to make hard choices and you had made one that could cause you lose your job. you weren’t surprised at all when you received a angry phone call from your boss demanding for a reason that you were away. Luckily you were able to save yourself because your boss saw you as a reliable worker and it was your first mistake while working at theatre. You sighed in relief when you survived with warning and texted jimin to tell the good news only to hear that he had gained an angry call as well. Luckily the theater didn’t want to fire their maid lead in most popular act at the moment and he was able to survive with warning as well. Surely there would had been an option to both of you to pull through of the work day despite the lack of sleep but you had given permission to yourself to rest after the emotional rollercoaster you had been through. At the same evening you were sitting on your bed your phone in your hands and your nerves going wild. You had made your decision after going through your mind and feelings for countless times all of it what was left to tell your choice for the gang. You were pacing nervously back and forth in Jin’s livingroom after you had asked him that you could use his home at meeting point. Jin’s livingroom was spacious, two big windows were heading to the east and in front of it was a comfortable grey couch full of plushy pillows. On the right side of the couch was a matching loveseat and on the right was empty armchair. The floor was made of light brown wood and big light pink carpet was covering almost the whole space. Jin’s big flat screen TV was on opposite wall of couch and blushies from Super mario were sitting neatly on the sides of it.  Jin was quietly watching your pacing from his seat while you were collecting your nerves. ‘’Do you think that everyone will hate me after tonight?’’ You ask for a hundredth time in the same hour and Jimin lets a deep sigh escape from his lips. ‘’I don’t think the guys could ever hate you at least I know that I couldn’t.’’ Jin tells from his spot. ‘’But what if…’’ ‘’Y/N relax, I’m sure that things will sort out.’’ Jin stops your pacing taking a gentle hold of your wrist while you walk past of him once again. You stop and Jin pulls you to sit next to him to keep you calm. You aren’t able to relax for a long time when you hear a doorbell ring. Your whole body freezes and Jin looks you with pity. ‘’Do you want that I go open the door?’’ ‘’Yes, please.’’ You tell quietly.  Yoongi is first to arrive and he smiles you softly when he sees you curled in couch. ‘’Hi.’’ ‘’Hi.’’ You greet him back. ‘’How are you feeling?’’ Yoongi asks carefully and sits on free arm chair keeping his distance which makes you feel grateful. ‘’Nervous.’’ You admit. Before you can continue your conversation any longer Jin returns to the living room followed by Namjoon and Taehyung. They both carried mixed emotions when they finally saw you and sat on the love seat near the couch. ‘’Hi Y/N, I’m sorry about what happened on Sunday we were all acting like bunch of dicks I mean I was acting like a dick.’’ Namjoon opens his mouth changing his position on his seat nervously. ‘’Yeah I can agree to that, we were idiots.’’ Taehyung agrees next to his older looking guilty. ‘’yeah.’’ Yoongi also mumbles in agreement. ‘’Well, uh I have to admit that we all were kind of idiots. You guys while pressuring me and I when I didn’t reject or accept anyone clearly.’’ You fidget your fingers nervously and look to your lap avoiding everyone’s eyes. Jin is able to sit on his seat only for a second when he has to go open the door once again this time rest of the gang is following him. Jimin looks the most nervous of them all after everyone has taken their seats and Jin has returned to your side. The room is so quiet and full of nerves that you could hear a pin to drop on the ground. Jin squeezes your hand to signal to go on and you take a deep breath. “There has been lot of tension between of us lately ever since the whole date Y/N thing begun. I’m grateful that you guys decided to show me how it feels like when someone cares about you and is there for you. I also can’t ignore the intimate aspects that I experienced with you guys and I’m grateful that you were so patient and understanding with me when I didn’t know what I was doing.’’ ‘’Hey, all of us has been virgins at some point.’’ Jungkook interrupts you and you smile grateful to his remark. ‘’Indeed.’’ You look awkwardly to smirking Jungkook and Jimin punches Jungkook’s arm lightly to keep him quiet. “Well anyway you guys aren’t here to analyze my sex life here with me even though I finally have one thanks to your guys.’’ You get light chuckles for an answer this time and you can’t help yourself but to join as well. You look through all the men who you have come to known in different ways along the journey of your sex education and you feel the warmth to leak in your chest. ‘’Jimin you were the one who made the gears go in to the motion. You are the first guy who made me feel strong feelings and safety.’’ You continue while looking the male straight into his eyes who remains listening you quietly. ‘’Jungkook you were my first teacher and you taught me how to make out and you were my first date partner ever.’’ Jungkook grins to you when he listens to your words and you smile back at him. ‘’Taehyung you took me to the aquarium and i saw new sides of you, your passion towards the ocean and how behind all of that goofiness can be a serious and caring man.’’ Taehyung smirks. ‘’I made you came under the sea.’’ ‘’Tae!’’ You hear others around him to groan and he chuckles lightly to his own joke. You decide to ignore him and continue. ‘’Hoseok you took care of my mothers car and maybe also me on the side.’’ ‘’I thought it was other way around when I walked in and-’’ ‘’Shut up Yoongi, don’t ruin this from me.’’ Hoseok glares at his friend with anger but soon his stare turns in to satisfied grin. You seem to have accept that the guys can’t stay quiet during this part of your speech and you continue with sigh. ‘’Yoongi you made me love myself and my body and not to be ashamed of myself.’’ ‘’I tried my best.’’ Yoongi smirks. ‘’Joon you were there for me when I was feeling extremely sour and made me forget my worries. ‘’Yeah after that stunt Jimin pulled.’’ Namjoon mumbles and glares man in question angrily. ‘’Hey we made up so calm down.’’ Jimin defends himself. ‘’Yes we did so I would be grateful that you guys wouldn’t carry a grudge towards him because of me.’’ You look Namjoon strictly into his eyes and his eyes soften ‘’I will try my best.’’ He gives in and you smile gratefully to him. ‘’And even you Jin taught me lot of things about myself and people around me when I wasn’t sure which steps were the right ones for me.’’ You look the man sitting next to you and it's your turn to squeeze his hand.’’ ‘’Well Im lot more than just a pretty face.’’Jin sighs dramatically. ‘’I know.’’ You agree even though his vanity makes you slightly gringe inside. ‘’I wanted to tell all these thing for you because after I have told my decision I don’t want that you  blame yourself or each other from what I’m about tell you next.’’ You feel how the nerves goes wild and you tighten your hold of Jin’s hand making him whine lightly, but you don’t even notice. You feel the impatien stares in you face and look at your lap. ‘’I have decided to date…’’ You mumble the end so quietly that even Jin isn’t able to hear what you say. ‘’I’m sorry but can you say it again.’’ Hoseok is brave enough to ask and you take a deep breath and look up your lap this time repeating your answer more clearly. You repeat your answer even though you know that everyone won’t be happy but you have to be honest to yourself, after all it was your answer.
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Tags:  @lylanie12 @hopeivx @vannilacake @mina-messed-up  @lonely-hufflepuff @soularbangtan @all289854 @hobitoons @vanessalovesonedirection @bbjel @doki-do-ki @yoongleskitten @chaitaewithkookies @hellosweety94 @exochanyeoltao @brokencrownqueen @hitit-thesecond-audition @kookiemonstersugatea @treetops68 @mylittlestrangeandsweetworld @lanu-la @d-noona @serendipity-secrets @recs-by-raamish @jojolovesbangtan @fanficreblogaaaa @creepysweet  @elpanvibe @kassandravictoria @kpoppower @golddaengguk @barbikatherine @hisunshiine  @nosnakeuthankyou @babymochichimmy @ranmin10 @yeontanie21 @uhmtf @elenaramos1 @constantly-tired-pigeon97 @diphylleiaskeleton
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wispy-selfship-eden · 6 years
Youtuber AU (Harem)
Welp, this is based off of my future dream of ‘if i ever got more involved in YouTube’ XD I hope everyone enjoys! because I just think I’d be casual with YouTube, you know? but anyways, here we go!
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>> This AU would start if I had proper equipment and time, and would be alive since middle school. It was mostly to privately post shitposts and videos of my friends and the things I do to them that make me annoying X’D.
         - I filmed secretly in school. If i wanted to do it out in the open, it’s always with the teacher’s permission. Either that or it’s the perfect place for posting school project related stuff :D
>> After graduating 8th Grade, the Youtube channel was dead for two years since I got preoccupied with starting High School ^^;; During the time, I eventually forgot it existed.
☆ That’s when until near the end of Sophomore year, while allowing myself to suffer under schoolwork, my love for anime and whatnot motivated me to create a channel! And that’s when I found and polished my old channel and privately stored away the middle school videos; renewing it!
☆ My official Youtuber name becomes “[}| AniMania |{]” (The emoticons will come in later on)
☆ @lovesick-au-lait would be one of my greatest friends and eventually become my Youtube partner :D She also runs her own really nice channel where she posts Speed drawings/paintings of her art <3
☆ Most of my content is related to anime, manga, and franchises I’m into ^^ I do skits, fandubs (of comics, specific anime scenes, or even fanfiction readings XD), and various discussions on the things I love. Very rarely do I do a vlog tho uwu; Showing my real self is, at first, uncomfortable.
And now, we move on to my bois~ <3
Izuku Midoriya:
🍀 Izuku tries to post a video biweekly. Other than that, it’s not as much impulsively.
🍀 He mostly focuses on analyzing heroic figures! Not just from Marvel or DC or other fandoms, but also in real life as well! It’s incredible how in depth he does his research and how he doesn’t leave out other opinions.
🍀 Other videos consist of training videos, or training how to do certain moves because HE BUFF A F LIKE LOOK AT HIM. *insert eyes emoji here*
🍀 Sometimes Finnian (Black Butler) shows himself in videos as he’s Izuku’s ‘assistant’ in moving props around c:
🍀 He collaborates with me not only because he’s a sweetheart but his vice is so soothing and cute it makes the female viewers giddy.
🍀 We both met up when he was still in middle school. I supported him all the way in helping him grow and push forward.
Yoosung Kim:
🐶 He’s become one of the most prominent gamers on Youtube. Sure he doesn’t post as frequently due to his up and coming job as a Veterinarian, but he still makes his videos worth it.
🐶 He often collaborates with Soujiro’s channel, especially when playing either LOLOL or Elder Tale (he still would rather play the former)
🐶 Of course, his content is mostly gaming! Especially MMORPGs (they take your soul, but the pain is so g o o d and irresistible.) However, he is up for trying new kinds of games and different genres :D
🐶 I sometimes game with him too! But seriously, there are compilation videos of him when he’s gaming. From ‘hilariously silly’ to ‘hilariously raging’. Sometimes, there is no in-between.
🐶 Since we share the most hobbies with each other, he is a guest star in my videos the most! Especially since he’s such a cutesy guy, like a k-pop star sometimes.
🐶 We met when  began rebooting my channel. Because I reached a subscriber milestone, I was going to buy an actual RPGMaker program and I bumped into Yoosung. (My boy--why are you outside at flipping 6 AM in the morning?? ??)
Soujiro Seta:
⚔️ He is also a fellow Youtube gamer, mostly focusing on Elder Tale, along with playing with Yoosung, Shiroe, and Naotsugu! He does play other MMORPGs but it’s just not the same ^^
⚔️ I have a headcanon since he’s a samurai in Elder Tale, maybe he has potential talent to handle real samurai swords in real life? Like how to polish them, sharpen them, and how to wield them? It’s pretty epic. He’s called the ‘real-life samurai’ through his journey in indulging himself in that C: <3
⚔️ Other than that, he also co-hosts on my channel since he barely posts anything else on his own ^^;
⚔️ He works in my skits very frequently XD Because he’s like a shoujo manga protagonist, at the very least a character from any shoujo thing lol
⚔️ He is actually my comment patrol. After a day or two of posting a video, he checks on the comments I get. let’s just say... sometimes they’re not so good for the other people. :p
Isami and Takumi Aldini:
🍝 Uh they run a cooking channel c: It’s pretty obvious since they attended Totsuki Academy. I’ll just say after the whole rebellion Arc in the manga, graduating came and was almost smooth sailing. They decided to help out at Chef Shinomiya’s at one of the branches in America for the next few years!
🍝 Of course most of their videos are Italian dishes, but with their creative, experimental minds, they make the crappy foods of America they hear about, make it gourmet and healthier, and just much more appealing.
- They helped saved lives o__o Seriously.
🍝  They’re the most popular cooking channel because not only do they live up to their credentials, they’re also flipping handsome and charming (but with the viewers, that applies to just Takumi sometimes).
🍝 I first met them after I was inspired to attempt to cook a dish they’ve already made for my channel milestone! Me and @lovesick-au-lait uhhh... let’s just say survived and the food was edible ^^; Then, i decided to try and cook for something for dinner, and Isami, and eventually Takumi as well, bumped into me when I was trying to look for a good box of pasta.
🍝 Now they sometimes invite me onto their channel to be their taste tester! Our banter knows no bounds.
🎍 Finnian doesn’t have a channel, but he loves to assist with props and preparations!
🎍 He definitely loves being the camera man ^^; though we had a few incidents where he’d break a few (or break things during videos pfft)
🎍 He’s a part of skits and the occasional comic dub because he’s so cute!! He tends to play the best friend role, but then again he’s the best friend that gets some ;D
🎍 There are actually compilation videos of him and his screw ups on camers XD just all of his hilarious moments in general, adding on by the year.
🎍 For the sake of having a more enthralling American experience, he’s my roommate in the house as a condition a part of the study abroad contract.
Armin Arlert, Peter Parker, and Death the Kid:
📑 A very unlikely trio! They run a channel together c: Sure it has its occasional setbacks and whatnot, but in the end, they make things work.
📑 Strict video uploading times; never misses the mark on its precise hour and day. You can think Death the Kid for that ^^;
📑 They run an educational channel ^^ But almost all facts or things you’ve never once thought to be well-informed about, they bring it to the table and make it so intriguing! It certainly is better than the school textbook sometimes c:
📑 Armin and Peter definitely handle the science and mathematical aspects. Death the Kid can do the same when the two aren’t available, but he focuses on History and Literature and the other Arts. Classy.
📑 And of course they take part in my channel too! But they also help me out with vlogs!
💗 Milestones are definitely switched up, one idea for every occasion! It has all of my lovely boys (or however many can show up) being there behind my camera too!
💗 Live streams are sometimes a hilarious mess. Especially some of the comments I’d get, usually pertaining to flattering me or one of my lovely men. Let’s just say, many blunt objects had to be put away to reisst temptation of irreversible consequences lol
💗 Going to cons is also an adventure! But hey with our own expertise areas, it definitely is worth the experience.
💗 It was actually difficult coming together to form a romantic cohort only we could pull off. But with  the help of other youtubers @shiroe-is-my-baby and @self-shipping-angel, it all works out when we’re able to reveal ourselves, with pride c:
💗 Then our videos become popular for another reason: for the multitude of shipping moments.
💗 Youtube has never been this fun and I would want to continue with them for as long as it does!
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dreadlock-detective · 7 years
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I'm clearing out my ask box, so here's a rapid fire bunch of answers to the 43 questions in there! A lot of these I wanted to draw a comic or do a little animation for but just never got the time or energy, and others I didn't know what to say, but I think that some response is better than no response, so while these are all going to be either text or doodles, I wanted them all to actually get answers.
Below the cut because this’ll be a hella long one~ Plenty of Zelda doodles in there though so if you just wanna see doofy drawings click too!
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@definitely-darcy​ - Ahhh I'm sorry I wanted to make an animated gif of this for a long time now and just never got around to it T_T. But thank you for the kind words!
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@hfbdhhjsbnjdknfsjkbnfkjbgsm… I feel like this is some kind of internet talk that I totally missed the memo on
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@sgo-j - Buliara definitely needs some art! She'll actually show up in my AU comic if I get far enough… probably another 3 sets of pages away or more at this point though.
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@jackiithedevil - !!!!!!!! <3
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@sparkybananaboi - no wolf Link but it’s somethin ;D
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@scythfi-writer - Ahhhhh pressure! Eheheh, but glad I could entertain! Hope I haven’t disappointed so far ;D
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@draceempressa - …wait there's a sidequest about that!? I saw the sign on the cliff but never saw a sidequest about it lol. Dangit even though I got this ask a while ago I forgot all about it lol. WHELP something else to do when I get back into the game for the DLC!
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@rabbitmagic - Even a messenger of the heavens needs a hobby, right? :D
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@nathanswallofopinion - They only think that because they haven't been seduced by his amazing puns yet~
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Bucket has since died~ using my Windows PC now. Which drives me insane, but at least it's way more powerful than my old iMac. (Still hate Windows though - it's user interface is just so horribly inefficient…)
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We're all wonderful band of seally fools here! Glad to have ya!
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Teba's been in my AU comic stuff so far, and his family will probably show up in the next set if I get around to it. Unfortunately his personality doesn't lend itself too well to my stupid jokes so he's only been in my more serious stuff so far~
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Is this still a problem? I haven’t got a way to check lol. I need to update it anyway to be more informative so I guess I’ll check it out then!
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I have no idea what you're talking about, Anon~ Just a bunch of potassium lovers here that's all~!
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@redventure - That's Bob~ he's super supportive~ Kind of an enabler really…
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Ahhh!! thanks!!
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Hm. Uh. Not that I've seen, but I'm not exactly diving into their collection~...
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Once while he was relaxing out of uniform he ran into a nervous Shiekah girl. They got into a pretty heated argument over who’s face tattoo was upside down. Does that count?
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I think this was before my Mipha comic, so at least I’ve drawn her a bit more, but yeah no Link x Mipha stuff directly yet~ I might get around to it! No silly ideas are coming to me to doodle out right now though, sorry!
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But I needed to at least do my favorite bit
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Fun Fact: apparently the Hyrule Warriors website lists Dragmire as his last name again. Not that that game is canon but still. But yeah high five for old school Zelda lore!
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*cries because I don’t have photoshop on my PC to edit Kamina’s shades onto loads of Sidon screenshots for this reply*
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@purrple--kat - Well I sure have done a lot of art of them from commissions now haven't I? lol. I think they're a cute couple~ From my own relationship I can say that having the same sense of humor is vital for me, and those two are definitely on the same level!
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*strikes a Kamina pose with Kamina shades to make other Anon happy too~*
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@asfcruppy + @talk-shit-you-get-hit - I have a little comic half drawn for this but it's on my Surface instead of my PC.. need to get that moved over to finish it up~!
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…why did I never think to do this? Of all the dumb things I've done, this was not one of them! I am ashamed!
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YA HA HAA! YOU FOUND ME!... what you were looking for an answer from someone?
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All 900 Koroks end up in group therapy because they get so confused by Mr. Hero’s behavior they legit cannot deal and are tired of him handing them self help books~
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Bonus: They don’t have a digestive system, so logically you can just feed them the same apple over and over! (Need to go make another stal-horse friend sometime~)
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@fluxed-touko​ - Ssshhhhh! Spoilers maybe ;)
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@kirchuuuu (this one wont tag for some reason?)- I did one drawing of her being a bit older, but still wasn't an adult~ I like to imagine she'd actually still be super short though, mostly because it keeps her distinct from the others (speaking of, what the heck happens to Gerudo when they're older? the old gerudo are all so much shorter! And then there's the Twinrova witches from Ocarina… Gerudo spines must be all sorts of weird, start tiny, get huge, shrink down super small….)
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@capnbanana - Usually 8.5x11 (standard US letter size), 300dpi. 350dpi for commissions, and commissions and comics are more likely to end up a different size (though never smaller for commissions)
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Considering the lack of any sort of reference to a Gerudo king in BotW, I personally feel like the Gerudo abandoned that tradition after Ganny went evil. Not against him being actually Gerudo though!
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@legoofallthemes22505 (this one wont take either...)- SOON!
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@jcummins151 - Ahh thanks <3 I'm glad random strangers on the internet are enjoying my silly stuff! And I don't really mind that people want me to draw NSFW stuff - it's kind of flattering to know people find my art good enough to.. uh… wanna.. *cough* *Mighty Banana jokes*
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Ahahahaha, I love that this was the next one to come in after that last one! Nothing in the works but maybe some day :P
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@bearlycute - He’d freaking LOVE it if they’d be content to just watch or snuggle...
Thank you to everyone! Love hearing from ya’ll, and sorry if it takes me forever to reply to asks sometimes! Can’t guarantee I always will but I’ll always try to and DEFINITELY read every one! Love ya! 
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