#the fact that I'm writing more words in the tags rn than I have written in the oneshot in the past 4 days is embarrassing
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blankalisek · 23 days ago
Writing romance is not something I'm capable of I think
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juyomiao · 2 years ago
take the chance - ricky
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ricky x gn!reader
genre: fluff !!! , best friends to lovers
word count: 791
warnings: ENGLISH ISNT MY FIRST LANGUAGE!! so theres going to be mistakes !!! , alcohol consumption but its barely mentioned , is it considered underage drinking if it'd only be considered as underage drinking in countries where the drinking age is above 18/19 ,, (i feel bad for u if u r from any of those countries fr)
note: first actually written work im kinda # nervous my writing skills r .. definitely writing !! this is cringe cliché and based on a dream i had like a month ago . yes im a lesbian yes i dream abt kissing ricky thats completely normal . (friends dont read this i want to disappear rn as i speak)
You've been to countless parties since the half of the previous school year when your best friend Ricky became popular out of nowhere. You still don't know where that popularity came from, he's always been good looking, it's not like he had some kind of glow up.
Sometimes you think it's more of a curse than a blessing, with all the times you've been dragged to a party you were not invited to because Ricky, being the introvert he is, refuses to go anywhere without you and, consequently, getting dirty looks from everyone for tagging along and 'leeching' off of Ricky's popularity.
Even now, when people have more or less come to terms with the fact that you two are a package deal, you still despise parties, only appreciating a few things about them, like drinking for free and… nothing else, really.
It's not like Ricky enjoys them either, he'd rather stay home with you and watch some romance drama as you eventually fall asleep with your head on his shoulder. But it's not like he can reject every single invite thrown at him. So you two came to a compromise: one weekend at a party, one weekend at your house.
The boredom of awkwardly standing in a corner as you silently watch yet another drunk couple make out, careless of the countless other people surrounding them, soon gets to you, and you blurt out a question.
"Have you ever kissed someone?"
Ricky's calm expression falters for a second, his eyes widening. He just hopes the dimly lit room is hiding the blush creeping on his cheeks.
He's your best friend, how do you not know?
Well, Ricky is a private person and, even having known him for years, he barely talks about his romantic life, so you've never dared prying into it.
"Of course," he says, after composing himself "You?"
You shake your head, breaking eye contact with him. "And I don't think it's going to happen any time soon," you sigh. At this point, it's a hopeless mission.
Ricky is convinced if it wasn't for the loud music in the background, everyone would be able to hear the cogs turning in his brain as it processes this information.
His best friend – whom he has had a crush on since forever – has never kissed someone.
Ricky looks at you through the corner of his eye, wondering if he should take the chance and possibly change your relationship forever – for the better or the worse, he doesn't know.
To you, though, it just looks like he's side-eyeing you with his usual unreadable expression, and you think you fucked up. You assume he's judging you, because not only are you a complete, bitchless loser, but you brought the conversation up yourself.
"Forget it, I don't know why I said that, sorry, now you probably think I'm weird and…" you start rambling, and to Ricky, that's the cutest thing he has ever seen.
God, he's really that down bad.
Suddenly, an idea pops up in his head.
"Can I kiss you?"
The abrupt question leaves you speechless, your words dying in your mouth as you look at him like he has grown a second head.
"What?" It sounds dumb once you say it, but you genuinely think you misheard him. There's no way Ricky, of all people, would ask you something like that.
Ricky smiles, "I said," he turns with his shoulder leaning on the wall so he can look at you directly "Can I kiss you?"
You blink at him, dumbfounded "Wha- what? Did you… what? Did you actually say that? Am I hearing this right?"
Ricky nods, clearly amused by your reaction
"If this is a joke, it's not funny, like, at all."
"Why would I be joking?" Ricky's expression goes back to deadpan serious, he inches closer to your face "So? Is this a yes?"
You nod slowly, still trying to process what's happening. You shouldn't want this, you shouldn't be so tempted to kiss your best friend. But you are.
Before you can overthink it any further, Ricky closes the space between you two. He's hesitant at first, his lips barely brushing against yours, but when you clumsily try to reciprocate the kiss, he takes the lead.
It doesn't feel special, or magic, or like anything else people have described their first kiss as. It's just two best friends who realized their feelings for each other. And to you, that's perfect.
"So… now what?"
"How about we get out of here and go on a date?" You sigh, shaking your head, "Ricky, it's…" you check your phone "1 AM, where would we even go?"
He seems to genuinely think about it for a solid one or two minutes "McDonald's?"
note 2 bc i cant stfu : WHY IS THE ENDING SO RUSHED I WANT TO SCREAM.. but i've wanted to post this for like a week now so im posting it anyways , pls leave some feedback if u liked it 🫶🏻
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lurking-latinist · 1 year ago
re: these tags
THAT'S SO COOL AHHHH!! good for you aubreyad community stays winning
[introducing this with a disclaimer in case i'm wrong about everything: i am only halfway through the series rn (just about to finish 10) and also am but a mere undergrad classics major who has yet to even declare said major and I probably don't have the right to be yapping about propertius. nevertheless i shall.]
anyway i have been growing persistently more insane about diana's proximity to a Lot of classical imagery, like how her first appearance in post captain is literally during a fox hunt + all the gender stuff she has going, obviously linking her to mythological diana (and artemis if we're going to conflate the two) but your take has sent me in a whole new direction with that-- because she doesn't actually really embody the artemis archetype all too much overall (an emphasized character trait being that she's notably Not Chaste) EXCEPT in relation to stephen, w/ whom her relationship is much more brotherly than it is sensual i guess?
which would align very well with your idea of diana as elegiac puella-- sort of in a way being mythologized by stephen-- resulting in the reader actually being able to see two different manifestations of her character (one through the eyes of an omniscient prosaic narrator and one through the perspective of stephen as a "poet" figure). and i just think that's neat.
my latin class has also been looking at a few of propertius' love elegies and, at least to me, they read a lot like if stephen 1.) hated himself significantly less and 2.) were less indecisive in writing about his Feelings?? 1.8 (and all of the poems concerning cynthia moving/traveling away and propertius being all moody about it) is very reminiscent of the arc from post captain to the surgeon's mate imo. 1.12 is also Literally Him-- "cynthia prima fuit cynthia finis erit" can be compared to stephen's poetic catastrophizing about how his life is Literally Over and Love Is Dead when he believes to have fallen out of love with diana!?!? i'm going to lose my mind.
sorry for dumping all of this on you unprompted and also sorry for the fact that it probably does not make sense. peace and love
if undergrad classicists don't talk about propertius literally WHO WILL. (genuinely my currently-being-written phd dissertation chapter is based on an idea I had in the class I read propertius in freshman year. never feel like you're not a 'real scholar' or something yet, because you honestly never do become something different, you just keep reading and talking and this is what we do! there's nothing realer than this!)
oh wow that's really well put--we kind of get to see her from an omniscient-narrator perspective and through the eyes of her lover who is Not Being Normal About Her. very nice!
yeah I keep reading bits of propertius and being like "hmm is po'b going to quote this one I wonder." (he doesn't mostly but I keep thinking he should. because I want the aubreyad to be denser and less accessible I guess? :P) there's a lot of catullus woven in too of course - I associate Catullus 72 with the 'falling out of love' arc (my dude that is not what falling out of love looks like).
oh gosh yes 1.8 -- that was one of the things I was trying to describe to Distinguished Classicist, the way she's so -- what's the word I want? not volatile... she disappears. she's constantly Gone. you turn around and oops, she's eloped to Sweden. (honestly though if Cynthia and Propertius could manage to have *fake* revenge affairs that would actually be *great*, for them that would be an improvement.) Gareth Williams (in a chapter called, amazingly, "From Grave to Rave") describes Cynthia as "ever only elusively visible in the narratological mist" and I feel like that's a bit what's going on with Diana. For her there's a genre element as well--she's a woman in the Men Going to Sea books, and even though the Aubreyad gives way more time to women than the average Men Going to Sea book, the fact is the camera frequently simply isn't on her. We see far more of Stephen thinking about her, hearing rumors, etc. than we do of her actually being on the page. Now in elegy nobody seems to be quite fully on the page, we only get "fragments of story" as Genevieve Liveley and Patricia Salzmann-Mitchell say (excellent collection by that name btw, I recommend checking it out if you're at all interested in narrative and lyric/elegy). But Diana manages this while being in a novel, which is impressive to me.
yeah stephen as a character is a lot more... self-reflective? than propertius' speaker. for one thing he's in a novel, I think, so he can actually... have a series of contiguous experiences. he's also a compulsive diarist which is helpful for self-reflection I guess. and more mature, like, as a human being, than propertius' speaker, who apparently does nothing with his life except be in love and write poetry, he doesn't exist outside of as a poetic voice whereas, again, stephen benefits from a third-person narrator and has medicine and spying to do and so on. also he's Catholic.
I love the "Catullus-and-water" line, it's like O'Brian just put in a little wink to those of us who would notice this, like, "yes I am doing this on purpose." All in all I've pretty much defaulted to assuming that O'Brian is doing things on purpose. although he did forget Babbington's first name that one time and retconned it very awkwardly
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cuephrase · 8 months ago
20 questions for writers
tysm for the tag @crows-murder!!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
seven, but two of those are site skins
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
51,455, which is. so little. omg
3. what fandoms do you write for?
rn, exclusively batfam. i've also posted fic for bnha, and while i do think there's a solid chance i'll post more my hero fic in the future, idk when. i've also written for tmnt, voltron, and spn, but most of those never left my notebooks lmao
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
penance - ghost!robins au where tim dies + meets ghost!jason, and metric tons of emotional devastation ensue. MCD tagged bc yk. tim wakes up dead.
adds up to less - my sole bnha fic, platonic bakudeku that spans from childhood to after their fight post-all might vs. afo, centered around the fact that izuku knows katsuki's mom is abusive
despite all his efforts - whumptober fill for solitary confinement, dami and dick!bats and pain
bile is sweeter - whumptober fill for safety net, dick & tim where tim gets seriously injured on patrol. ambiguous ending as a standalone, but also ended up becoming the prelude to penance.
i know (do you know?) - whumptober fill for delirium, jason & dick, jason & bruce, bruce & dick sick!fic where jason is sick and bruce and dick are at odds but trying not to be.
5. do you respond to comments?
yes!! i love responding to comments. i am really behind atm, bc 1) penance got way more attention than i expected and 2) the comments are so frickin kind and like i short-circuit.
planning on responding to some more tonight, i want to try and wrestle my inbox away from hitting a like critical mass point
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm. i think it depends, especially on how you interpret the end of 'bile is sweeter', but my gut instinct is 'despite all of his efforts'.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
mmmm. none of them? jk jk, kind of. i think they're all bittersweet is the thing. maybe 'penance'? or ik(dyk)? actually no, it's def 'penance'. neither of them end super fluffy, (or fluffy at all? fuzzy at best), but like i personally think, as hard won as it is, 'penance' has a happy ending.
8. do you get hate on fics?
i have not yet!! shockingly.
9. do you write smut? If so, what kind?
cuephrase on ao3 does not have any smut posted
10. do you write crossovers?
no, at least not yet. i don't think i will?
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of 🤞
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope!! i don't think i've written anything popular enough to warrant a translation haha
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not yet!! i think it would be super fun tho
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
uh. hmm. i don't know if i have one?? ships rank pretty low on my overall interest, relationships that stick with me forever and a day are siblings lmao. but okay.
overall, like regardless of fandom it's probs a tie between kyo/tohru from fruits basket and kabakura/koyanagi from wotakoi.
rn my top ship is timkon, no contest. love those two very much. platonic or romantic i am sat.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
any of them? all of them? i have one fic with like actual words written, everything else is percolating in my mind. i have a decent track record of finishing stuff i start...but starting is difficult. i'm trying to work on that tho!! i really love writing and every time i sweet talk myself into it i'm like omg why don't we do this more often. baby cue would be horrified at how little i write.
16. What are your writing strengths?
making people cry. at the ripe-old age of 7 i decided the best writing was the kind that elicited a physical reaction, which to me was either tears or laughter and i don't think i'm funny. so bringing the pain it was.
and dialogue. i'm super picky about my dialogue and i act out convos + read exchanges out loud. i worry sometimes that i like have too many "blah blah bla-" type lines, but like when people are arguing, nobody is getting out full sentences lmao. there's a balance to it, for sure tho
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
setting/description. i have the worst White Room Syndrome ever i fear. like, okay, so writing for me typically feels like i'm watching something play out and just recording what i see, and uh what i see is usually characters interacting. sometimes they're interacting with their environment but ehhhhh. so i have to make a conscious effort to have my writing not be talking heads interspersed with chekhov's guns
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i don't do it. too paranoid about it being wrong. i don't mind it when someone else does it, but if i was going to do it foreign language dialogue would probably be written like "<This is not English>." with a note at the beginning that dialogue in <> is X language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
i was going to say tmnt, but then i remembered i wrote warrior cats fic way before i knew what fic was omg. stopppppp. i was like eight, i think? but like. consciously knew that i was writing fanfic? tmnt.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
hmmmm. this is probs a tie between 'penance' and 'ik(dyk)' rn, the former was just so much fun to write and the latter features robin!jason and dick bonding which i'm particularly fond of rn hehe this was sm fun!! no pressure tagging @androxys @librarylexicon @tevyaa, @coyote-nebula, @motleyfam and anyone else who sees this and wants to play!!
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geddy-leesbian · 11 months ago
20 questions for fic authors
tagged by @courtofparrots
1. How many works do you have?
2. What is your Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Resident Evil rn, but I've written for Starcraft, MTG, Fire Emblem, pokemon, and X-Men. (Some of them aren't things I've bothered putting on ao3, and I know I had one X-Men fic on AO3 at one point but I deleted for reasons I can't remember tbh.)
(Also for the rest of these questions I'm just going to focus on my RE fics since my others are all ancient)
4. What are your top 5 fics by Kudos?
1. How Do You Talk To Girls?
2. oh my god, it's my life, what am I doing kicking at the foundation?
3. Something A Little More Plain
4. Digital Man//Open Secrets
5. The Analog Kid
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to, but I'm not always great at it. I 100% do read and appreciate all of them, brain machine is just bad at responding
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
a long-awaited treasure at the end of my cruel fate
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
well it's not posted, but the series that starts with sum of my confession will have the happiest ending
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet (I would welcome it tho because spite motivates me. I came up with my entire "Luis was groomed by Umbrella and went to a special Umbrella boarding school" headcanon because someone said the timeline for Luis is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE and THERE WAS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY he could believably be 28 in RE4 and I was mad and wiki deep dived for other RE child prodigal and found out they had a whole ass sketchy boarding school for child prodigies they poached)
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
I try, but I always feel so cringe about it and don't post it so ://
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
Not seriously
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
back when I was in middle school on quotev lmao
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
For "all-time" I'm going to have to be niche and say Valerian Mengsk/Matt Horner because I have shipped those two the longest/most consistently out of everything I've ever shipped
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oh god so many. mostly the second chapter of my "first" (technically it was my second and another was first but I deleted it for Reasons) Serrennedy fic. The draft just got too messy and there's so much that I've just given up on it
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'd say dialogue!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Everything except dialogue lmao, but especially action
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm not brave enough to
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I was literally writing pokemon fanfic in first grade. any time we had a creative writing assignment where it was possible I would write a pokemon story.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh god that's a tough one. Generally whatever I'm working on the most is my favorite, so I'd say Is Any Killer Worth More Than His Crime? but that feels like a cop out so,,,, Digital Man is really high up there, but I feel like the fact the fic that comes before it in the series (New World Man) is 100% my least favorite and my worst fic drags Digital Man down by association. So I think the number one spot should go to oh my god… instead.
as usual anyone who wants to do it can say I tagged them :3
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im-fairly-whitty · 1 year ago
Fic Writer Interview
Tagged by @slusheeduck!
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Witcher Wolf, The Witcher Wolf Part 2, Changes, In Plain Sight, and Forget Me Not.
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I did when I first started out, these days I'll usually only respond to comments that pose an interesting question or point about the text or that have an especially entertaining element to them.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
A Bard Called Dandelion. More bittersweet than angsty, 531 words about outliving everything you love.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
To quote @slusheeduck: "Probably Teacher AU. Literally everything tied up neatly for the happiest ending possible."
7. Do you write crossovers?
I've done some Coco x PATF since I've got OCs from those universes who are star crossed lovers. Also have a DBH fic that takes place in the Witcher universe, but only with DBH characters on screen.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I don't think so? Occasionally there's a comment that's bizarre/poorly phrased/the commenter has terrible reading comprehension, but not really anything actually intentional.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope! In fact, back when I first started writing fic I was the kind of person who legally and unironically could not say Fuck.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I've had a couple of my most popular oneshots unskillfully copycatted, but no copy-pasting theft that I can recall.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! For sure in Spanish, Russian, and Chinese that I recall (and a couple podfic recordings which I love). I have an open policy of my works being fair game for translation as long as I'm credited and tagged.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I got into this game in the first place by co-writing with Slush hahaha. And I've got several DBH co-written pieces since I was part of a robust fandom writers server back in the day.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Ruia. Ruy (a Coco OC) and Iria (a PATF OC) that are the prettiest disasters you ever did see across all their AU's. <3
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I've got a discontinued Incredibles fic and a Frozen one that I'm real sad didn't get finished even though I know the rest of the plot for them. Ultimately they were good ideas I had when I wasn't in the social circles of the fandoms they were for and so I lost steam.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Seeing a poorly executed concept and obsessing over why it rubs me the wrong way until I figure out how to do it good and I suddenly have a great story.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I have so many creative projects going at all times (wood working, linocut, soft sculpture, ect.) that writing isn't my one true creative love like it used to be, so if I fall out of love with a project it's toast.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Nice spice when done in moderation and with a native speaker's double checking when possible.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Pretty content rn actually! If I really want to write it it generally gets done.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I'm still really proud of Forget Me Not, I think it's probably the most elegant dance I've ever done with a fandom's canon.
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icemankazansky · 1 year ago
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by dear, wonderful @boasamishipper 😘😘
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Current fandom count is 68. I have fic for a boardgame, so, y'know, try me. I mostly write for Top Gun rn, though.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Ship to Shore (TG, Icemav, M)
i am writing graffiti on your body (TG, Icemav, M)
The Eye of the Storm (TG, Icemav, E)
Hurricane Blues (TG, Icemav, E)
What's the Problem? (TG, Icemav, M)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I always try to, but sometimes my health makes me drop the ball on that.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
And 'round his heart one strangling golden hair. (MCU, Tony/Wanda, M) It was for Trick or Treat, and my recipient specifically requested something dark and kind of fucked up.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Well, I prefer happier endings, but I'll admit that bittersweet spice is in my cabinet. Maybe i am writing graffiti on your body or i fall in love whenever we meet.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have, on occasion.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! I write lots of flavors, lots of pairings... I've written a lot for fic swaps and requests, so I have (and will) tried a lot of different stuff I may or may not have any personal interest in. I write a considerable amount of BDSM or D/s-flavored stuff.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Sure. At first, I was thinking the craziest was my Gay-Perry-is-Danny-Parker Kiss Kiss Bang Bang/The Salton Sea crossover, but then I remembered I wrote a Thunderheart/MCU crossover for Carla, so. (I did also write a Captain Marvel/Top Gun xover, but canon was BEGGING for it.)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes! Several. In various ways, in various fandoms, over the past two decades. In fact, a fairly well-known author has ripped off several of my works, but they're not full copy-and-paste jobs, so I cannot report them and am just, as the French say,
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I think that's the shit that makes me the maddest. The straight up copy-and-paste plagiarizers are just kind of sad.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I have eight translations on AO3, into Russian, Mandarin, and Korean. I also have eight podfics and some number of remixes.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes. My latest is upcoming next year, the story @topgunreacts and I wrote for @topgunzine
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
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Also going to do three: Iceman Kazansky/Maverick Mitchell, Ray Levoi/Walter Crow Horse—oh God does it have to be one I write?!—OUT OF ORDER
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Top Gun Age of Sail AU, I do want to finish you 😭😭😭 have you considered perhaps one of us is cursed
16. What are your writing strengths?
Feels inversion.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing things, evidently.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
In general, I'm for it, but I dislike extensive foreign language use that the reader can't get to through context clues. At that point, are you as a writer serving yourself more than the reader? (Yes.)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
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Taggiiiiiiing @victimofthemusic @maverickcalf @topgunreacts @hangsters
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sorcerous-caress · 1 year ago
I think Larian should put in some sort of tag to make it clear you're lying or being manipulative in that scene because otherwise I do think it just comes off as very muddled (and a little unfair to people who wanted to play it that way and instead were blindsided by being told they're lying and broken up with)
The reason I read it as manipulation is because that's what Mizora does, and she's using magic to manipulate your physical body so it would make sense if she'd influence your mind as well. She clearly didn't have good intentions and even if you the player have complete control Tav the character I still feel could easily have been read as being manipulated into it with minimal RPing necessary. And just in general I feel like a lot of people would want to play the scene that way
And with Astarion I just don't see the acting when you do that dialogue tree vs other ways to play that scene, like it rather seems like the act drops but that could just be Neil’s acting conflicting with what was actually written
Basically I just feel like cheating and manipulation are both ways to read that scene that make complete sense and it's a little disappointing that the game doesn't make it more obvious that it's not
(also I really hope this doesn't come across as arguing I genuinely think this is an interesting discussion even if I don't agree with your perspective)
Oh no! I am absolutely enjoying this discussion, anon. I love talking about my thoughts and hearing your different ones. I never thought of it as arguing in the slightest, I was actually looking forward to your next reply every time I answered <3 million smooches to you anon I'm having so much fun rn.
And about the dialogue tag thing, I absolutely agree. A lot of people mentioned it too in the game feedback. Even ingame I picked a lot of options that I thought were innocent or meant as a joke only to be met with the fact they meant something completely different and had to reload.
It needs to be clearer when you're lying to someone, flirting with them, being serious, or joking. Remember the hoards of people who tirggeted Gale's romance accidentally by just being nice to him?
Especially about lies, a lot of times I'm confused about the options available because I'm not sure if Tav is making shit up, or if i missed out on a major detail.
And maybe it's subjective.. Someone could argue that you genuinely did believe that Mizora manipulated you because she does leave a mark on you that you never agreed to at the end. I don't see it that way but it's up to interpretation.
I was someone who fell for Astarion's acting during Act 1. All that nice talk and coaxing? His honeyed words to get you to sleep with him? I genuinely took them to heart and believed them. I was like oh he already told me about Cazador so he trusts me and definitely isn't manipulating me ehe!
Throughout all of my first playthrough, I avoided all spoilers and discussions about bg3. I was genuinely eating up all of Astarion's flattery and dialogue. When he confessed to giving me sex in exchange for protection during act 2 i was extremely confused because when did that ever happen?
He seemed very eager in all the sex and flirting scenes?? I didn't get it at all at the time and didn't realise how good of an actor he is.
The only time when I genuinely saw Astarion for who he is ,is when he admits to the fact you would've been one of his victims in the cage in another life at Cazador's palace. Even when surrounded by his mistakes, he deflects any attempt of you to put the guilt on him.
I actually left the game for a week straight. I felt both disgusted with myself for also seeing him as a sex object, i am no better than these people in the cages. Yet also disgusted with him for manipulating both my character and irl me for so long. That's why i feel weird to write nsfw about him even now, I feel weird when I see sexy fanart of him. Astarion is genuinely one of the most complex characters I have ever seen, and I can't simply reduce him to a victim or a sexy vampire. His writing team and voice actor work is phenomenal.
I did the cheating on him with Mizora, too, just out of curiosity and reloaded myself after. I felt very assured when he said he didn't mind and didn't blame me, that sleeping with a devil is a chance you don't simply miss. I trusted his words because I didn't know better.
Only after when I finished the game, saw more posts about him that go in depth about his character and the many many ways he manipulates you in to ensure his own safety, did I actually see him fully as a whole person.
That's why I'm doubtful of even his sympathy during the manipulated Mizora option, the delivery doesn't show a hint of lying in the slighest I agree. But also for me none of his other canonly manipulative lines show any hint of lying for me.
Remember the orgy in Sharess Caress? Where he is all enthusiastic after the Cazador is dealt with, but during it he completely zones out? Doesn't the fact he tells you to "let him join next time" after the Mizora event ring any similar alarms?
I think in the most generous cases possible, he isn't aware he is manipulating you. He is just saying what he thinks would please you. It clearly would make you happy to have the drow threesome even while he himself was sex replused since act 2 and until act 3. Like how it would make you happy for him to not make a big deal out of the cheating.
But it's interesting that you can see honesty in his responses. If anything, it shows that you're piecing together the slivers of truth he lets slip out during his acts because even he himself can still make mistakes and reveal the truth amidst a lie.
There is also another theory!
Astarion doesn't care about sexual cheating, only romantic cheating.
During the Halsin poly dialogue, he gets really happy when you reassure him that he is the one you love. The one your heart lies with. Then tells you to go fuck Halsin as much as you want.
So in this scenario the fact Mizora is a devil matters a lot because Astarion says it himself, devils do not fall in love.
Maybe that's why he was all giddy and smiles, knowing fully it's just sex, something he barely puts value on anymore since he has been freed of i, and doesn't mind you sleeping with devils.
At the end of the day, yeah, like you said, cheating and manipulation are two valid ways to read into the conversation. It did feel rushed a bit, we didn't even get to actually fuck Mizora Goddammit! If i wanted freaky weird magic sex I would've fucked the local wizard instead!
Mizora's intentions are just to make your lover jealous, she admits she just wanted to stir the pot and saw you as a target.
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thewrongshop · 2 years ago
tagged by @bluejayblueskies!! :))
the rules: Write the latest line from your wip (or post where you last left off in your art) and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
I'm gonna be completely real here the latest thing I've been writing has in fact been a critical role thing despite the fact that I am no less than 90 episodes away from the end and have no intention of publishing anything until I'm caught up so! with absolutely no confidence or guaranteed follow-through, here's something from my molly's entire life on repeat wip:
It is not until he stumbles all the way into a small, bright encampment and comes back to himself two days later that he realizes the sound was his own voice: Emp-ty emp-ty emp-ty emp-ty emp-ty.
I'm in a fun space rn re: critical role fics bc I'm avoiding spoilers like the plague so I have no idea what has and hasn't been done, not to mention how characters are typically written, and if I continue to resist the urge to risk spoilers that won't change for SEVERAL more months :) I am having a blast and also fighting a constant internal battle to not just open ao3 and take my chances
I can't tag as many people as there are words here, but here are a few! @cobalt-knave @asexualzoro @princess-of-purple-prose @prismaticism if any of you want to!
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danlous · 7 months ago
#god I'm trying so so hard not be a bitch about this but it's soooo annoying to see people who didn't care about the show until now#suddenly decide that they need to take up with it bc for some reason one single trailer of a white guy with longer hair and a#fruity jacket who's in make-up is more compelling than two of the best seasons TV has seen in the last decade#and like I get it a lot of people really looked forward to Lestat and we DID get two season with Louis as the main and it's not even THAT#it's the fact that they even DID that trailer when they never did ANYTHING like it for the other two seasons when the marketing#department was practically silent for s2... the fact that they announced the 3rd season when they did directly before the finale#the fact that the finale WAS so rushed and that for some reason Rolin keeps talking about being SO excited to finally get to do TVL#which on one hand I get bc that's his blorbo we KNOW that but also my dude come on this isn't your fanfiction you're doing a tv show here#... like... god I don't know one of those things I could just ignore but it's EVERYTHING coming together that makes me side-eye#the entire thing so hard rn#like I WANT to have fun I WANT to enjoy watching Lestat make an ass out of himself I want to enjoy watching him on screen#but they're making it SO HARD for us with the way they are laser-focusing on the white guy in the room to the exclusion of everyone else#(obviously like... none of this is Sam's fault that man sometimes says weird shit but I think that has more to do with him just not being#good at talking and also some thoughtlessness than any active negative feelings or intentions on his part like he's FINE just don't put#every word that comes out of his mouth on the gold scales bc I can guarantee you for a lot of the shit he says he probably just didn't thin#it all the way through so 🤷🏼‍♀️ this wasn't his call and it's not his fault.)
#ALSO also the entire 'Well we won't focus on the topic of memory and POV for next season anymore' that Rolin let loose on that one intervie#with AV Club has me genuinely wondering if this man understands what he's doing#like what do you mean we spend two seasons picking apart the memory and stories of a black man and a brown man only to expose one of them#to be an unreliable narrator who needs ANOTHER white guy to safe him and the other as a straight up abusive liar#but now that the white guy walks into the room and is the one to tell his story... now we're.. we're not... we won't do that anymore?????#hey Rolin??? hey ROLIN?!?!?! is this thing on- Rolin WHAT THE FUCK kind of SHIT idea is THAT?!?!#and this is NOT to say they shouldn't have written Louis and Armand being who they ARE that's NOT it they SHOULD but oh my GOD#they should NOT have set up the seasons like that if they DIDN'T want to extend this energy towards Lestat too? like why even START IT#LIKE THIS THEN??? what was the POINT???#good LORD even if they aren't interested in continuing the 'memory is a monster'-theme which is - in my humble opinion -#the DUMBEST decision they could possibly make with this but EVEN THEN you CANNOT TELL ME they don't understand that those optics#are BAD (via @universesvisiting)
Hope including these tags is fine i just thought they were good though i don't entirely agree about everything. I'm more optimistic about s3 and since Rolin and other writers have been mostly stellar so far i have a lot of hope and confidence that they're not going to forget how to write a television show and address serious complex topics just because Rolin's blorbo will be in the spotlight. And i think the strike likely affected the ending of s2 being kind of shoddy, and i also didn't feel like Daniel was portrayed as a 'savior'. But i'm deeply annoyed that the marketing and a significant part of viewers are acting like the REAL show is starting now. Like people in the notes of my posts with Lestat going 'oh i need to start watching this now' like where have you been for the past two years.
And the most annoying thing is when any fan of color expresses any frustration with the marketing or with how many white fans are acting they get rude and condescending reactions from certain fans. I have a lot of trust in Rolin as a showrunner and writer but him having said several times now that they're moving away from unreliable narration and 'memory is a monster' when it's mr Lyingcourt's season makes me raise my eyebrows a little. I hope that Rolin is referring more to the show's narrative structure changing and there being less flashbacks etc. because if he meant to suggest that Lestat is going to be a more reliable narrator than Louis and Claudia that would be incredibly stupid
AMC discarded season 2 like a piece of trash and suddenly has knows how to market this show but iwtv fans will still try to gaslight me & others about their particular motives. 🆗️!!!! No wonder this fandom behaves like the real show is finally starting when the network does too but then I get told im overreacting or bitter 🙃
I was actually just going to make a post about this. I wouldn't go as far as saying amc is discarding s2 like a piece of trash but especially now after they released that lyric video i'm starting to feel there's a very noticeable difference in the marketing between two previous seasons and how the marketing for s3 has started (before they've even finished writing!) Some people cynically predicted in the past that a shift like this would happen when the narrative focus shifts on a white character and it sadly kind of seems they may have been right. It COULD be coincidental like if they're finally listening to people's complaints about bad and lacklustre marketing and how it's limiting their show's potential, or because iwtv is much bigger now than it was even compared to earlier this year and they've probably gotten a bigger marketing budget when amc's confidence in the show's potential has grown. But it's very suspicious that this increase of confidence and realization that their show could be a megahit they should invest in accordingly is happening right at the same time the story shifts to focus on Lestat. I don't subscribe to the idea that amc ever tried to intentionally make the show fail because it would make zero sense financially, but i get an impression they perhaps didn't trust that the first two seasons would have broad mainstream appeal, but now they trust s3 to have that.
I'm still excited for s3 but it's incredibly frustrating to see this difference compared to how s1-2 were treated, when the show's success is very much based on those seasons and their black lead. Like this show has grown its popularity slowly and organically despite weak marketing simply because of how good it and its cast is. And now when it seems to be about to hit the zeitgeist, the network decides that it's time to give full effort when the show is going to focus more on a white man. Anyone who's saying you're overreacting or bitter when pointing that out has not paid attention to how the entertainment industry works because this isn't new or unusual, and there isn't a reason to assume amc is any different than almost all the other networks and studios
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heyassbuttlmao · 2 years ago
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I posted 4,352 times in 2022
That's 4,352 more posts than 2021!
159 posts created (4%)
4,193 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,221 of my posts in 2022
#art <3 - 223 posts
#spn - 77 posts
#supernatural - 75 posts
#the boys - 65 posts
#my faves &lt;3 - 57 posts
#the boys spoilers - 39 posts
#destiel - 23 posts
#ow - 23 posts
#dean winchester - 20 posts
#castiel - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#are no different than the characters they portray as mentally ill™️ because no that's different our characters just have daddy issues and
My Top Posts in 2022:
fic masterlist
I only ever post my fics on ao3, because it's where I read fanfic, but I figured I should at least link them here, so viola, have a post about my spn fanfic I've written (I'm not bothering to link all the stucky I write here because I do not think y'all care, but that is on my ao3 too if you want to check it out)
yes all my fic titles are song lyrics shut up
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hand me a pen and I'll rewrite the pain - complete, 37k
domestic destiel fluff, but also mostly family angst lmao. instead of bringing just mary back, amara also brings back john, and dean has to grapple with the fact that oh shit he was actually a very shitty father. (also she brings back bobby and charlie because I say so)
i'll take my chances on the curb here with you - oneshot, 1.8k
finale fix-it. aka the finale didn't happen and they get cas back. aka post-confession destiel reunion + first kiss
i've got this sentimental heart that beats - oneshot, 4.5k
outsider pov about one of sam's friends from stanford running into him years later. mostly just fluff and me getting overly invested in this oc by accident
running through the numbers in my phone - oneshot, 700 words
sequel/companion to i've got this sentimental heart that beats. literally just sam's other friends from stanford spamming his phone after getting his number from the oc from the last fic. because I could
show me the rivers crossed, the mountains scaled - oneshot, 2.5k
first spn fic I wrote, was supposed to be a destiel fic but cas isn't even in it whoops. (destiel is still the ship but like,,,, only mentioned ghdgghsd). anyways what this actually ended up being was sam and dean running into each other at a gay bar and awkwardly coming out to each other as bi (I'm not even necessarily a queer sam truther so I have no fucking clue where this fic came from lmao)
33 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
also also ALSO thinking. thinking. cas fucking letting go, pushing dean away from him, in purgatory. making sure dean saves himself but not letting him save him. and dean fucking convincing himself he was the one who let go, not cas, because that was easier. it just makes me wonder what dean told himself after cas pushed him away in 15x18, to make it easier than admitting to himself that cas loved him so much he would die for it
45 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
my suggested posts rn are SO funny and also so valid
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See the full post
53 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
ngl but I don't get why so much attention is being placed on whether AI art is "real art" or not instead of??? the fact that it's using stolen art?? like that feels like the actual problem here for me???
71 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
84 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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morganaspendragonss · 3 years ago
2021 fic wrap up!
tagged by the lovely @carlosreyess and @bellakitse 💚
Total Number Of Completed Works: 98 (i think) (plus at least one more to come)
Total Word Count: 276,462
Fandoms I’ve Written In: 911 lone star, doctor who, bbc atlantis, the witcher, the umbrella academy, supernatural
Looking Back, Did You Write More Fic Than You Thought You Would This Year, Less, Or About What You’d Expected? so much more. i never thought i'd be capable of doing an entire month of fic until i'd actually done it
What’s Your Own Favorite Story Of The Year? picking just one favourite is next to impossible but if forced i'd say the meetings for those in my wake
Did You Take Any Writing Risks This Year? i ventured into the witcher fandom for the first time which was interesting. and i think i've posted a few more ~personal~ stories this year which felt quite risky
Do You Have Any Fanfic Or Profic Goals For The New Year? i think i'd like to give reaching 300k a go, and i want to finish a tua fic that's been on hiatus for almost a year before s3 premieres. and i want to make a significant dent in my inbox requests
Most Popular Story Of The Year? by hits and comment threads it's the breeze in my austin nights, but that's a one-shot collection, so the actual most popular one is this is a song about somebody else (plus it has the most kudos and bookmarks)
Story Of Mine Most Under-Appreciated By The Universe, In My Opinion: any of my non-tarlos stories, including teach me what i need to know (to be strong enough to let go) - my tommy and grace friendship fic - and our steady true north fades - a 2.09 grace/judd one-shot
Most Fun Story To Write: now i am just but the wayward man - my only tua fic of the year, and it was so fun to go back to writing about these disasters. klaus's narrative voice is just amazing and i love writing from his pov
Most Unintentionally Telling Story: going out on a limb re the definition of 'unintentionally telling' but lately you've been searching for a darker place to hide. or crack and crumble, it's all too much
Biggest Disappointment: now i am just but the wayward man. i loved writing this fic and in the past my tua stuff has gone down quite well so it was a bit disappointing when this flopped a little. but i guess the fandom is kind of dead rn so i should have expected it
Biggest Surprise: the fact that i did a full month of fic and the level of support i received for it! just incredible
My Favorite Part Of Fandom This Year: i've definitely become much more involved with fandom this year and i've loved it. the lone star fandom here is amazing and the messages and comments on my fic and all of that has really made what was a rough year so much better 💚💚💚
i know a bunch of people have already been tagged so apologies if i'm double tagging: @halsteadmarchs @alilypea @alidravana @aliceschuyler @marjansmarwani @jamieetartt @reyesstrand @moviegeek03 @iboatedhere and whoever else wants to join in!
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hotshotsxyz · 3 years ago
2021 fic year in review 🌟
tagged by @zainclaw, thanks!! I high key can't wait to look at my stats, I haven't written as much as I did this year, maybe ever? so this will be fun for me lol!
Total Number Of Completed Works: 26 (!!! this is insane. nothing super long, but the fact that I've written and posted this much is just... unbelievable to me)
Total Word Count: 35k+
Fandoms I’ve Written In: All 911 baybeee
Looking Back, Did You Write More Fic Than You Thought You Would This Year, Less, Or About What You’d Expected?
So much more holy shit. I started watching 911 in February and my brain just absolutely latched onto it. Like I said before, I've never written this consistently in my life. It's been really fun to get back into the creative process, especially given, you know, the world rn
What’s Your Own Favorite Story Of The Year?
Oh man, this is tough. I think it would maybe have to be between like it means something and (wheeze). I love buzzfeed unsolved, so writing that as an AU was super fun. that said, I'm really proud of the character work in like it means something and really happy with the reception it had too. it's also one of the first fics I ever started, stopped and then actually finished, which gave me a lot more confidence to write longer fics and commit to things like 911christmasweek
Did You Take Any Writing Risks This Year?
I resolved a long time ago never to post unfinished WIPs, because I'm liable not to finish them. It was with that in mind that I posted the first part of balancing on breaking branches, which was intended to be a one shot. a ton of people asked for more, though, so I ended up writing and sharing three additional parts, all without a final product in mind. It worked out, and I'm really glad I did it!
Do You Have Any Fanfic Or Profic Goals For The New Year?
Nah, just to keep doing what I'm doing!
Most Popular Story Of The Year?
it's got to be HIPAA versus the Heart, outsider POV my beloved. that one was a ton of fun to write, so I'm glad people liked it!
Story Of Mine Most Under-Appreciated By The Universe, In My Opinion:
honestly, I feel so incredibly lucky to have gotten the reception I have in this fandom. I feel like everything I post gets 10x the interaction I expect, and I'm so very grateful for it. if I absolutely had to give an answer, though, I'd say toothpaste, which is stupid and fluffy and extremely short but I love it
Most Fun Story To Write:
(wheeze), definitely. I'm actually considering a sequel, just because I had so much fun writing that one. the ghost files announcement gave me some inspiration 👀
Most Unintentionally Telling Story:
mmmmm, probably not then, not now. honestly I didn't like that one when I posted it, mostly because I felt like I was projecting way too many of my own insecurities on buck. I still don't love it, but it seemed to resonate with a few people, so I'm glad it exists
Biggest Disappointment:
There's a 10k fic sitting in my wips, most of which I wrote before 4x08. if you know my work you know that's wayyyy longer than the vast majority of what I post, so I'd love to share it. it really just doesn't work with where the characters are now anymore, though, so if I am ever going to share it, it's going to need significant rewrites
Biggest Surprise:
like honestly the fact that I've been writing at all, and even more than that, the fact that people like it. also, I thought it was very funny when someone brought first kisses back around like 4 months after I posted it
My Favorite Part Of Fandom This Year:
Just being here and meeting so many amazing people! I've never really made fandom friends prior to 911, so feeling so involved in this community has been amazing. To all of my mutuals, please know that I love you
Tagging: @onelonelytortillachip @evanbucxley @hattalove @mistletoemay @elvensorceress @oatflatwhite @queerpanikkar and anyone else who wants to do it!
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asirensrage · 3 years ago
2021 Fic Year In Review
I was tagged by @wordspin-shares Thanks!
Total # of Completed Works: 5? If we include some oneshots. Not all though.
Total Word Count: Oh god, I don't know. A lot. It spans multiple fics. That doesn't even include random scenes I wrote, oneshots, or fic notes. I have a lot that isn't shared.
Fandoms I’ve Written In: Divergent, Supernatural, Shadow and Bone, Stranger Things, Sons of Anarchy, The Lost Boys, John Wick, Leverage... (that's a lot for a year...)
Looking Back, Did You Write More Fic Than You Thought You Would This Year, Less, or About What You’d Expected?: More but also less than I expected. I think it averaged out lol.
What’s Your Own Favorite Story of the Year?: All of them? I love them all for different reasons.
Did You Take Any Writing Risks This Year?: Yes. Fandoms I was not as familiar with. Also writing a sunshine character and a corruption arc (or started it at least).
Do You Have Any Fanfic or Profic Goals for the New Year?: Write more! Try to finish something! lol
Most Popular Story of The Year?: The Art of Seclusion, as always. I finished it last year finally. (I feel like I finished it before last year but apparently not?)
Story of Mine Most Under-Appreciated by the Universe, In My Opinion: IMO Caught in the Crossfire. But I'm biased because I love it lol.
Most Fun Story to Write: rn it's there's a heaven above you (don't you cry) because Darcy is SO much fun.
Most Unintentionally Telling Story: ...I have no idea. All of them? I unintentionally do a lot of things in my writing (or so I'm told). Some things I have with characters is on purpose.
Biggest Disappointment: I don't think I have a disappointment in my writing? I like what I create. Maybe it's the fact that I expected Crossfire to get more views but I also expected that it wouldn't lol. It's not for everyone.
Biggest Surprise: AoS. Always. The response on that fic always surprises me.
No pressure tagging: @chickensarentcheap @lupinblack@lokitrasho@faithfire @amixedwitch @anna-phora @ocfairygodmother @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle and anyone else who wants to do this!
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nottheleastbrave · 4 years ago
JATP Fanworks Appreciation Week
Okay it’s Motivation Monday so here we gooooooooo!
First of all if you are in this fandom I probably love you so consider yourselves tagged, but here are some specifics:
@pearlcaddy: Starting with you because you organized this whole thing, you angel. What is there to say? Your writing is impeccable, your characterizations legendary, you made me care so much about gelato, and you’re just a genuinely nice person who I still can’t believe talks to me. I leave you with this post I made in October, I think before you (re)joined tumblr:
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@catty-words: You wrote me? A fic??? And it was perfect???????? Seriously though I was very sad and you wrote something lovely that really cheered me up and I am still very emotional about it. Also your breakdowns of the music of JATP are iconic. Friends? Friends.
@sanssssastark: I just...love you. I have reread the Later series so many times, and your thoughts on Sunset Curve and 90s music bring me a lot of joy. Never change.
@mamirugbee: Your art is THE ULTIMATE I stare at it on the reg. Also your fic is one of my absolute faves, can't believe you're that talented at more than one thing. Truly unfair.
Okay there are truly too many talented people in this fandom (and I'm supposed to be working rn) but also please read everything by: @blush-and-books @lydias--stiles @xxprettylittletimebombxx @bluefirewrites @pink-flame @hearjessroar and many many others! Also, even though I am somewhat a Fandom Old, I have never NEVER written fic before, or even really felt motivated to. I am historically a fanworks appreciator, not a fanworks creator. But this fandom was so nice and I loved the characters so much that I went ahead and wrote...a multi-chapter fic? And it's very cliche and very silly but the fact that I did it means a lot to me and I got such nice comments from y'all I truly cannot believe it. Like many others have said, this year has been...not great! And those comments and kudos have been a real bright spot. So thank you.
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greenlightbulb-s · 3 years ago
Fic writer interview!!!!!!
~editing some bits by adding info!~
Since @irishseeeker tagged me (cheers for that! 💖), and it's the first time I've been mentioned to participate in this kind of questionnaire, here are my answers! 🤗
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 12 (I thought there were less of them lol)!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
They're two: Bridgerton and Anne with an E/Anne of Green Gables.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Right Path (Bridgerton)
Still... (Anne with an E)
A spoon full of... what on earth is this?! (Anne with an E)
Blue-eyed Girl (Anne with an E)
And, what do I get in return? (Bridgerton)
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Sure thing I do! However, it's true that I rarely reply instantly, as I never access Ao3 on my phone with my account (from where I always read all the fics) because I always forget the password and I almost never access Ao3 from my computer unless it's to post a story.
But yes, I always reply to comments. Just like authors (lol me an author!) like to spend our time writing, readers who spend their time reading what we write are more than deserving of our response to what they tell us.
Needless to say how my heart grows a little bit bigger with every comment and kudo from readers. Seriously, without the readers we would be nothing! They are simply the best. 💖
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I hate (seriously, I HATE) angst and that's why I never write angsty endings. Real life is already angsty enough to end a fic like that (that's my opinion, you may disagree, of course!)... However, I do write angsty scenes because I want to reflect that life is not always rosy.
Anyways, I'm currently writing a fic in which angst is assured in most of the plot! 👀
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven’t, and I don't think I'll do it! But never say never!
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Luckily, I haven't received anything! And, taking advantage of this questionnaire, please, PLEASE! If you don't like a fic for whatever reason, don't send hate or unkind messages to the authors because the fic wasn't what you expected. Just stop reading, close the browser tab where you are reading the story and forget about it! And if you're feeling like dm-ing the author anyway, constructive and polite criticism is the only acceptable thing to do.
Simple, easy and for the whole family! ✌
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do!!!!! And it's hella funny! I'd say it's quite vanilla-like; I don't really feel comfortable writing about other sexual practices because my only "reference" is p*rn and THAT'S NOT REAL SEX!
Besides, it's heterosexual smut, as an a straight person it's the only sexual orientation which I can write in a way it's 100% genuine. Of course, I love seeing same-sex couples in fics/shows/films and them "talking" (in fics they can't literally talk 😂) about their activities, but I feel that, if I write about it, it wouldn't be right or I'd do justice to these people/characters.
And one last thing: when I write or plan writing smut, I write it in a way that's real; foreplay, laugh, talk about odd things whilst doing it, stopping when they're not into it... I hate when smut in fics is too cliché or is highly based on p*rn.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so, no! And I hope I don't! I need to disable downloads/sharing tabs...
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, I don't think so! In fact, it's me sometimes who translates some big parts of my fics from my mother tongue into English!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I haven't! But that's about to change... 👀
13. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
That's the big, big, biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig question! 🤣 I have shipped many couples over the years and, if you ask me, I still love them even though I don't follow them anymore! For instance, Finchel from Glee, Katniss and Peeta from The Hunger Games, Ron and Hermione from Harry Potter, Gilbert and Anne from Anne of the Green Gables...
Right now, I'm a Kate Sharma (or Kate Sheffield if we talk about the books) & Anthony Bridgerton b*tch. Just a quick peep at my profile can assure you of that! And lately I'm obsessed too with Jily (Harry Potter's parents, for those who don't know lol).
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Sharma's Indian Cuisine. From tradition to your mouth series. I'm stuck on a crucial part in Part 2 and I'm unable to dedicate time to writing lately with all that is coming up in my life. I'll finish it, surely, but not as soon as I wanted.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I seriously have noooooooooooooo idea! I'd say it's the plots. I know they're nothing new under the sun, but they are the kind of stories, but I know they're the kind of stories that don't resemble what we're "tired/bored" of reading (it's not exactly tired or bored the right words, but we all know that plots, as much as we like them, can sometimes make us feel that way!). I don't know how to express this right; please, don't misunderstand it!!!!!
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Same as above. I have no idea, because I'd say all involved in writing! Perhaps, to put into words everything I want to express with my story: the scenery, settings, moods, sometimes the dialogues, concentration/creativeness for developing the plot further... And English. Although I'm fluent in English, I don't always express myself well in the language, and that's reflected in the story.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Planning on doing it in Part 3 of my series! I'm not *fully* fluent in the language I'm planning to write, but I'll be open to corrections if I messed it up heavily once I publish it!
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Anne with an E. I love Anne and Gilbert dearly, and I want to write again about them... But concentration and creativeness are b*tches and I'm laking of ideas. 🤣
I know it's not related to the question, but I'd also like to write about James Potter and Lily Evans/Potter some time!
19. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
I'd say And... What do I get in return?, Of Rain and Storms series and Bitter Sweet Symphony. I know the question asked for only one, but these three have a special place in my heart.
Feel free to do it yourself! Not tagging anyone! 😅🤗
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