#the fact Lyla was crying too before talking with Helene gets me too because what was she crying about beforehand
shidoukanae · 3 months
i love reading the official translations of TME because there gets to be so much additional context and nuance added that i couldn't pick up in a rough translation and it absolutely still bamboozles me how deep this story continues to go
like what do you mean there's now an insinuation Lyla was forced to call "Lyla" into this world? What do you mean Daniel implies there's still another facet of Lyla's past that's been completely unexplored? Does Lyla know about "The Voice"? Does she know something about Helene that forced her to summon The Voice in order to protect Helene? Who let Lyla know this information? Did she hear "Lyla's" voice too and decide it was necessary to bring her to this world?
Hell, I thought Lyla magic overloaded because she got so overwhelmed by the grief of her personal realization Helene, the last person she has left, turned against her. But nope! The implication is that Lyla purposely magic overloaded herself for unknown reasons, probably aware of the fact her soul would switch with someone more capable of protecting Helene, I'm presuming?
Which if so,,, oh,,, oh no,,,,
Why do i get the feeling that knowing that information is going to be the only thing that stops Helene from hurting "Lyla" once she realizes "Lyla" isn't her real sister? The angst potential,,,, god,,,,,,,, i LOVE this story so freaking much
#the mighty extra#the might extra: one girl changes the world#Lyla purposefully destroying her own soul for Helene's sake sounds really plausible ngl. she loved Helene dearly ofc she would for her#REALLY INTERESTED IN WHAT HAPPENED THAT DROVE LYLA TO GET COMFORTED BY DANIEL IN THAT ONE SUNSET FRAME#because THAT SCENE hasn't at all been explored yet#nor has the scene with Sienna telling Lyla “let her protect you” which i think correlates to Lyla's magic overload#there's also still a lot of unexplained holes in Lyla's past#and now im thinking there's still a lot more to her story to go#which hell yeah because more Lyla means more Helene backstory#my only question is what drove her to magic overload#godammit Helene you should have let her talk she was willing to let you know what's going down!!!#im sure Helene being cruel to her only affirmed whatever decision she had in her head to switch souls but like#why?#why would Lyla take that risk? why would she follow her mother's words then and not earlier?#the fact Lyla was crying too before talking with Helene gets me too because what was she crying about beforehand#god there's so much information missing i KNEW there was more to her past to go#also the emperor going “dont you get it? Helene killed Sienna” is so fucking mean#Helene was a literal child scared to death by her mother's wrath how dare you pin your anger and resentment on your own daughter#i s2g if that's the reason why he won't appoint her as Emperor out of spite im going to riot (tho im 99% sure that's why he snubs her)#dont get me wrong i like the dude but holy shit that is so cruel of him poor Helene
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bard-of-worlds · 4 years
Truth Between Worlds Ch1 /It Begins
A black background, Danny is in the rubble of a building on his hands and knees as he seems to be struggling with pain as to his right Tucker is trying to get to him as to his left a giant stone Dragon is rearing its head back with its mouth open as the GIWS watch from behind Tucker wounded as Sam is behind them, a shadow with bat wings behind her.  
 A white hared teen in a black jumpsuit with a black tail in place of his legs flew through the air over the town of Amity Park.   Another slow night, nice.  But I can’t help but fell something is coming, something that will change me.  Danny thought as he flew.  He shivered suddenly released a breath of cold air.  He looked around and saw a ghost octopus flying towards the far right side of town and smirked.  “Hello misplaced aggression!”
 Danny flew after the ghost and smirked as he charged up a blast when suddenly the octopus dodged and fired back at him, hitting him and sending him falling before he caught himself and stabilized his flight.  
 “That’s new, they never did that before.” Danny said as he shot after the ghost, seeing it at the edge of his sight. He fired a few blasts and the ghost fired back and they flew downwards towards the ground and it reached down with its tentacles and grabbed a rock it threw at Danny who blasted it into dust but some of it got into his eyes.  He rubbed it away but when he looked up he saw that the ghost had used his distraction to slip away.
 He flew in the direction that it had gone and after a few moments he had reached a decrepit construction site that had been left abandon.  This is great, a ghost octopus able to fire blasts and smart enough to find a way to distract me so it could get away, just wonderful!  He thought as he looked around for a few more moments before scoffing and letting his legs reform and drop to the ground.
 “I can’t believe that it got away from me, this is perfect Phantom, real good.” Danny muttered to himself as he looked around and looked around the site, down into the foundation and frowned, he took a step towards it when he suddenly went to a knee as his head started pounding.  After a few moments he got back up and shook his head as the pain in his head lessened and he got his bearings.  That was something, I mean I’ve been getting headaches for the last few weeks but that was even stronger than normal.  I gotta get something
 as he was about to investigate farther he heard what sounded like a car coming towards him.  Not wanting to scare anyone or give any would be ‘groupies’ a chance to see him he went invisible and flew away, not bothering to stick around.  A car drove by moments later and a light from a flashlight went around the construction site.
 “Nothing, thought I saw something, must have been a my eyes playing tricks on me, well once tomorrow’s done I can either get some help or I can say goodbye to this place.”  The drive said as he panned the light over the site and after a few passes back and forth he drove the car away and the site was left as it was before Danny and found it.
 Within the foundation the ghost octopus had slipped into a cave and looked out into the darkness as the light panned over the darkness and grinned as it moved out of the cave and bounced off the opening.  It looked confused before it went still as heat came from behind it.
 “IT HAS BEEN SOME TIME SINCE FOOD HAS COME OF ITS OWN ACCORD.”  A voice boomed behind it and the ghost turned around and screeched as it saw what was there.
 Outside above around the construction site the screech died out and the few animals that were still around looked at the
  Danny sighed as he walked into Casper High, his head still bothering him. what the hell is wrong with me, I mean I haven’t felt like this since just after the accident!  Danny thought before he looked around and spotted the busses were dropping kids off and heading towards the back of the school.  “Of course that half day and trip, they must be waiting until it’s time to leave, hope they’ve got a book to read.”  
 Danny sighed before he walked in, hoping his headache would go down.  As he moved through the school towards his locker, he dodged the other students and paid them no more mind then they did him.  After dodging Dash and his fellow football jocks bothering a band member Danny reached his locker and had just finished getting ready for class when suddenly….
 “Hey Danny.” A voice from behind him caused him to turn and see a girl his age with light skin, black hair, purple lips and violet eyes with a black choker around her neck, a black tank top that exposed her midriff with a purple oval in the center, black striped skirt with a green crosshatch design, purple leggings, and black combat boots. She had on a pair of black bracelets around both of her wrists.  She looked tired and her eyes looked like she had been crying and Danny felt his heart break a little as he looked at her. I can’t believe this, she doesn’t deserve any of this!  Her parents are slime and only care about appearances and now this, her only alley in the family?  I don’t care what I will after to do I will help her however I can! Danny thought as he fought to keep his feelings from showing and kept his face kind.
 “Hey Sam, I guess the news is bad.”  Danny said as Sam nodded as she tried to gather herself back together and sighed.
 “Grandma has maybe a few days left according to her, the doctors think it will be longer and then there’s the fact that she wants to talk to me today after school.”  Sam said and Danny looked at her and Sam looked away. “Strange as it is, she’s at peace with it.”
 Danny looked at her concerned and worried about just what was else bothering her, knowing that she wouldn’t look away because of what was happening to her grandmother.  “Sam what is it? You know you can tell me if anything is bother you.”
 “Yeah….. is it bad that I’m so scared that my parents might send me away to a boarding school to turn me into a 60’s housewife once she’s dead? ” Sam asked and Danny shook his head.
 “No Sam, it’s not.” Danny said and put a hand on her face and smiled at her.  “People are complicated, that’s a truth I’ve learned over my life and about my other secret."
 “Thanks Danny.”  Sam said as she looked at him and sighed. “I…. can you come with me after school, Grandma asked me to bring someone I trusted with me.”
 Danny looked away and blushed.  “I’m honored that you trust me.”
 Sam looked away with a blush and smirked, trying to play it off.  “Why shouldn’t I?  And what’s wrong with that you?”
 “Headache since my run last night and the kalamari I had for a snack almost went down the wrong pipe.” Danny said with a scowl and Sam sighed.
 “Again?  That’s a bad sign.” Sam said and Danny chuckled and grinned at her.
 “Hey Guys!” A cheerful voice caused them to turn and see Tucker, an African-American teen with turquoise eyes, black hair, and black glasses. He had on a long-sleeve yellow shirt and green cargo pants with a black belt and brown boots along with a red beret and a backpack.   “Isn’t it great that we have a half day, and because of Vlad of all people!  And there’s a sale at the Tech-Shack that starts after lunch so life is good!”
 “Tucker, get real.” Sam scoffed and Tucker frowned and looked at Danny who stared stonily back. They didn’t notice the new school janitor move closer to them, close enough that he could hear what they were saying.
 “What I miss?” Tucker asked in total confusion and Danny sighed as Sam face palmed at his obviousness.
 “Why would Vlad give us a half day?” Danny asked and Tucker frowned and looked from Danny to Sam
 “I don’t know, why?” Tucker asked in total confusion.  “Is he trying to score points with Danny or some other reason?”
 “So Danny could be there if something happens.” Sam answered with her arms crossed and Tucker’s mouth dropped open.
 “Oh, I did not see that. Okay let’s see if I can find anything about the building they’re taking down.”  Tucker said with a shrug as he brought out a PDA and started to type. “Done!  By the time the bus leaves I should have something about what’s being destroyed.”
 “That’s the best we can do, we just have to hope this is just another business thing and not an other thing.” Danny said with a scowl as Sam sighed.
 “Why do you think he’s trying to score points with Danny?” Sam asked and Tucker grinned.
 “Well there is the weekend cruise next week remember?”  Tucker asked and Sam sighed as Tucker started to stare into space, knowing exactly what he was thinking about.  “The ship has free wifi, the best food and a two pools, one inside and outside!  I can’t wait until I can see the girls in their suites!”  
 Sam snorted and was about to say something however before she could speak some called out from behind them
  “Ahh miss Samantha, there you are on this gloomy day.”  The voice caused the three friends to turn to see three teens their age walk towards them, a boy leading two girls. Each of them was what most people would consider ‘goths’, pale and a somber air about them but Danny wasn’t too sure about that, something about that wasn’t ringing true to him.  The boy was Bob ‘Belphegor’ Jonson, a tall teen with black hair and eyes and always dressed in black cloths with a black coat that went to his knees.  To his right was a red head girl with a curvy body in a black shirt and skirt that was only one inch longer then regulations and she hair in a bun while in school but they had seen her about town with her hair down to her waist and she seemed to always have red painted bedroom eyes above blood red lips and talked with a sensual purr to her voice and while she had been named Helen but preferred the name Hecate. To Belhegor’s left was a blond haired girl with blue eyes, black lips and the same figure as Hecate who wore a red shirt and tight black pants and her hair short and was named Lyla, but only answered to Lamashtu.
 “Wonderful, Bobby and his bimbos, just what this day needed to start it!” Sam said as she glared at the three other ‘goths’ as Paulina always called them.  The three had been trying to get her to join their ‘coven’ for years, ever since puberty they had been after her with more fever.  
 “Oh Sam, why won’t you come and embrace your true self?” Lamashtu asked as Sam glared at them and snorted.
 “Your way, is not mine.” Sam said and Belphegor smiled in what he felt was inviting but made Sam shudder and caused Danny to glare at him.
 “But it could be your way my dear, all it takes is to but take a single step and invite the change in.” Belphegor said with a smirk and reached out with a hand towards her but dropped it when Sam glared at him.
 “I think I know my path better then you.” Sam said and Lamasthu giggled.
 “But then they say no fool is like the fool who’s lost their way.” Lamasthu said as Hecate laughed as Belphegor sighed and shook his head.
 “Well this time my dear I will let you go without showing you the truth, but you will learn it one day.” Belphegor said and Danny looked at him with a hard look.
 “Sam is allowed her own choices, and I’ll be helping her make them, every step.” Danny said and Sam looked at him with a smile that Hecate saw and scowled.
 “Come Belphegor, let’s leave the poser with the normals.” Hecate said with a sensual purr and as she turned away, a scoel on her face.  That one has always been different since that accident a year ago, but this is pto much!  Will we have to break their relationship before we can finally gain a fourth? She thought as she add a swing in her step that drew the eyes of the other boys beside Danny as the blond laughed musically as she walked away.
  “Your right, Hecate, Lamashtu. We have better things to do with our time before 2nd period.”   Belphegor said as he turned
 “What about 1st?” Tucker asked and Belphegor snickered as they walked away.
 “Study hall.”  Hecate called out as the three walked away as she and Lamasthu laughed.
 As soon as they were out of hearing Lamasthu scowled and it kept all her voice low.  “Why can’t that girl understand we are the people she should be with, she looks so sexy I so want to see her after we’re through rocking her world!”
 “And she’s a brunet, we so need one in the group!”  Hecate said with a pout and Belphor laughed a little.
 “Don’t worry my pets.” Belephor said as he put an arm around both of the girls and started to smirk. “I have a feeling that soon that will happen.”
  Back with Danny, Sam and Tucker Sam stared at them as they walked off before scowling and slamming her locker closed.
 “I don’t know why I don’t slug that bastard and his bitches!” Sam snarled as she clenched her fists.  “Or better yet, send the GIW after them!  There has to be a way to send them!”
 “Calm down Sam, I get it.” Danny said smoothly.  “I hate Joseph too, have for years.  And ever since he ‘realized who he is’ I’ve always felt he was slim, but let’s not give the teachers a chance to actually do something to us, and we have a half day because of that Vlad thing.”
“There’s that at least, all we have to do is see a speech and then I can get to the hospital.” Sam said as she smirked and Tucker chuckled a little.  “What is it Tucker?”
 “Nothing, it’s what Danny said.  The teachers probably punish the rest of the school because they have to do something to control the school after being up the A-List’s assess, I wonder what Dash’s smells like?” Tucker said with a laugh as they walked to class, none of the three noticing the new janitor had overheard them and was scowling at what he had heard.
 A black limo pulled up to a building on the edge of town and as soon as it stopped a man with short white hair and a goatee got out and wearing a black suit with a scowl on his face got out and walked towards a foreman before three Bulldozers and two backhoes and a standing before a gate connected to a stone wall, a four story house painted brown could be seen through it, the building had black stone gargoyles on it, at least ten a story with a large one on the roof with a few stone heads pointed over the wall here and there.
 “Mayor Masters, hey. Look I know we should have gotten the wall down but.” The foreman began when the black suited man exploded
 “Why haven’t you started yet?!  This place is part of the new industrial park and we need to break ground within weeks!” Vlad Masters barked and the foreman looked over his shoulder behind him and Vlad looked and was able to see an old man standing between the machines and the wall holding onto a grey walker.   “Of course, him!”
 The old man huffed and puffed as Vlad walked towards him and glared at him.  “I don’t care what you say, this land is mine!  As long as I breath I will protect this place!”  
 “I offered you a perfect settlement and then I had to pass a motion that forced the issue, you don’t even live in there!” Vlad said as he looked at the man who glared back.
 “I’m not supposed to live in it, I’m supposed to protect!  As long as I live I will protect the……..” The man began before he went still and fell backwards.  Vlad looked at the man laying down before he dropped to his side and felt  for a pulse.  Finding none he tried to get the man’s heart beating but after a few moments he stopped and sighed and shook his head.
 “Mayor Masters?” The Foreman aksed as Vlad walked away and looked tired.  
 “Call an ambiance, this man was right, as long as she drew breath she protected this place.” Vlad said solemnly before he stopped and looked around as he thought he heard a roar from a long distance away.  Looking around Vlad saw the other workers were spooked as well, and given how the town was that was saying something on its own.
 “Did you hear something sir?” The foreman asked and Vlad shook his head.
 “No, I didn’t hear anything.” Vlad said as he reached out with his senses and didn’t feel anything at all like a ghost beyond the few traces that he had left for the law he had made to have this place fall under his new law.  I never thought that the old man would die like this, but all in all good for me!  I’ll use a quarter of the money to give him a nice funeral and then……….why am I having a problem believing that this will be something simple, why do I think that this will cause more problems than I know?  Vlad thought as he looked around and moved towards the podium being set up. “Why do I have the feeling that I should contact the GIWS sooner or later?”
 “Move it people, calm and orderly, first ones go to the back, we full up a bus we go to the next, we’ve got all of them so don’t worry there’s room for all.” Mr. Lancer , a bald man in a blue shirt and black pants and a goatee said loudly and as Danny came out of the school with his backpack on and looked around the yard and saw that the A-Listers, were staying towards the school’s front doors, waiting until they could sit up front and the new janitor watching them.  
 “Of course they do the something they always do, use the system against us.” Sam muttered as she stood there with her own backpack and Danny laughed a little.  “Hey where’s Tucker?”
 “Said something about grabbing a book, his search bot should be finished and there he is.”  Danny said as he looked around and saw Tucker walking towards them with his backpack in one of his hands.  “Hey Tuck, got by without Dash seeing you?”
 “Guys, I found something on a blog about the city’s myths and history, it’s something.” Tucker said ignoring what Danny had said, something that caused looks of concern to be shared between Sam and Danny.
 “Hey guys, want to sit together?” A voice caused them to turn and see Valarie Grey, an African-American girl with long, curly hair and dark green eyes and a little curvy figure and was wearing yellow sleeveless shirt and orange skirt with white tennis shoes and had two bracelets on each wrist, one yellow and the other orange. She had been an A-Lister until her dad lost his security company when a ghost dog that his one of his customers had trained and used as a security system until Valarie’s dad had a more high tech replacement and the whole pack had been put down.  The dogs spirits had merged together into the ghost dog, Cujo as Danny called and it had rampaged until it recovered it’s favorite toy.  Unfortunately Vlad had found out about how Valarie blamed everything on ghosts and given her a high tech suit and she had been on a one woman crusade against all the ghosts in the world, until Danny had to destroy it but it had been upgraded by Technus.  Since then she been a terror for any ghost that fell into Amity Park, from accidents to attackers all were her enemy and subject to destruction, Danny couldn’t count the number of times he had to save ‘good’ ghosts from her, but recently it had spike to once every other day, and he didn’t want to know if she delivered some to Vlad he never heard about.
 “Hey Val, didn’t think you weren’t going?” Sam asked and Valarie shrugged.
 “Yeah well my dad might become the head of security to the complex while it’s being worked on so I might as well go and see what it is.” Valarie
 “Miss Valarie, with my please!” Lancer called out . “Next Bus!”
 “And Lancer is on my case lately.” Valarie said as she walked off and Danny frowned.
 “Think Lancer and the others are stepping up protecting the A-Listers more than normal?” Sam asked and scoffed when Danny looked at her.  “Come on, this has to be because she defended that girl a few days ago from Paulina.”
 “The new girl, Kimiko right?” Danny asked as the three friends moved towards one of the buses, hoping to keep Lancer or any of the teachers from noticing them.
 “Yeah, I mean I always thought they were just bad teachers, but maybe they’re just sell outs.” Sam said as she eyed the few teachers around them and Danny felt his headache spike and kept a sigh in as he realized that Sam might be onto something.  “But what’d you find Tucker?”
 “Come on, I’ll tell you the bus.” Tucker said and moved towards the bus and they were soon in the back and noticed that they had the fewest students as the A-Listers claimed a bus for themselves and Danny shook his head as the convoy of buses started.
  “Okay, this was…..interesting.”  Tucker said as the bus moved off.  “The demolition is in the area of the city that was called, Rich Clan Road, a kind of gated community that was proposed about one hundred years ago.”  Tucker said and looked at Danny and Sam.  “But after the first three buildings were finished the development fell through and the company went under, the three houses did have residents lined up but all three families died and then the houses were in limbo beyond a single caretaker.  But until about twenty years ago people would always report seeing lights from the buildings, and the one that Vlad is flattening was the first finished.”
 “Anything else?” Sam asked and Tucker looked concerned.  “Tucker……”
 “Okay, okay.”  Tucker said and released a deep breath.  “A while back I wanted to look into old town legends, there’s a story about how people would hear a strange roar once or twice a year that started about thirty-five years ago but stopped twenty years ago.  The tale goes that it started after a circus came through town burned down, and they never found all the animals or attractions; among them was a supposed lion; a lion cub that responded to orders otherworldly if you know what I mean  and what’s worse is that the records of missing pets dropped drematicly around here twenty years ago to .”
 “Oh hell.” Danny said and Sam winced; once or twice they had seen some of the Zone’s ‘animals’ feeding on each other and self-aware ghosts.  And what was worse was he had found a few ghost ‘Animal’ eating from garbage or dead birds in Amity Park .  From what Frostbite said that was normal and a reason for Kingdoms to gather to gather, to protect themselves as Lairs could be broken into if the ‘animal’ was strong enough.
 “And Freakshow proved that people can control ghosts.”  Sam said and then went still.   “Twenty years, both stopped twenty years ago?”
 “Right after the Fenton family moved in with their ghost tech, yeah.” Tucker said and Danny winced.
 “Okay, so what about after they made their greatest invention?” Danny asked and Tucker shook his head knowing what Danny meant.
 “No sightings at all, not surprising really.  Only person even went there, until about three months ago when Vlad passed a law that any abandoned house that hasn’t been lived in where ghosts are detected is to be demolished to ‘chase away any spectres’.”  Tucker said and Sam sighed. “Yeah, those are my thoughts exactly.”
 “So Vlad wants to do something with the land, any ideas?” Sam asked and Tucker looked down.  
 “It’s supposed to be a new industrial park.” Tucker said and held up a hand to cut Sam off.  “And before you say anything about it, while only the first three buildings were finished, the other lots were cleared of all plants and they all have at most half-finished buildings and were left to grow wild.”
 “Anything about that circus?”  Danny asked as he looked out the window and frowned.  Wait, I’ve seen some of these structures before….. Danny thought as he started to feel worried.
 “Nothing, it was long ago but I checked the Index of Circus, government agency to keep an eye on those things, don’t ask why, but nothing.” Tucker said and shook his head.   “But something about that name……. I don’t know.”
 “What name?” Danny asked as he looked ahead and frowned as his mind was recognizing the general location but he wasn’t exactly sure how.
 “The name of the circus, I don’t know……. “  Tucker said with a shrug.  “I’ll look over the name and see what my database back home has.”
 “You have a database?” Sam asked and Danny turned his head and looked at Tucker who grinned.
 “Custom built, got the parts from the salvage lard, I head there once a week and get a few pieces to sell online, built up a good offline system.” Tucker said with a smirk.  Danny listened with one ear as he felt that strange feeling he had last night and then as the bus turned a corner he realized where they were going.
 “Oh hell.” Danny breathed and Sam and Tucker turned to him in concern.  “This is….”
 “Danny?” Sam asked as she put a hand on his shoulder and Tucker looked at him.
 “This is where I started to get sick last night on my walk.” Danny said and Sam eye’s widened and Tucker looked between them
 “How’s you get sick?” Tucker said and Danny looked around before he spoke.
 “Calamari that I had for a snack last night.” Danny answered and Tucker winced and looked around the street as the buses stopped and looked at the construction machines.  As the buses stopped Danny could see a news van with a reporter setting up and he wondered if the school was here for a publicity stunt for Vlad.
 “Well maybe this won’t be so bad.”  Tucker said as they got out of the buses and looked towards Vlad standing before a podium. Danny said nothing, he just looked around before going still, causing Tucker to walk into him.  Following Danny’s eyes Sam and Tucker found what Danny had, an ambulance that was driving away and without its lights on, the sign that whoever it was carrying was dead.
 “Hey Fen-turd, you and your losers have a fun time so far?”  A nasal voice caused Danny to scowl as he turned and saw the A-Listers coming towards them in their usual arrogant swagger.  Leading the way was Dash Baxter the quarterback of the football team, a musical blond teen with blue eyes in a red-and-white letterman jacket, with a black t-shirt underneath and dark blue jeans and white shoes.  Next to him was Paulina, the captain of the cheerleaders; a tan skinned Latino girl with curly black hair that went to her waist had a seductive figure. She was wearing her usual cloths, a pink shirt that reveals her midriff, light denim capri pants and white flats.
 “You know I expected them to be up front you know?” Kwan said.  Kwan was an Asian teen with black hair and eyes and was wearing the same clothing as Dash and next to him was Star, another cheerleader with a figure like Paulina and had hips-length golden blonde hair with spiky bangs and turquoise eyes and was wearing a white T-shirt with a thin orange collar, orange cuffs, and a backwards P in the middle, dark orange jeans, and white flats.
 “Just ignore them guys, they don’t matter at all.”  Danny said as he started to move and ignored them, after the last year he had finally wised up and thrown the ideas about the school social hierarchy was nothing but trash.
 “What was that Fen-turd!” Dash growled and Danny just waved him off.  “Running away with your tail between your legs like that sister of yours, always running her mouth!”
 Paulina giggled a little but stopped when she saw Star had paled and turned and saw Danny slowly turn, a hard edge in his eyes that scared and shocked her.
 “If it isn’t the Asshole-Listers I didn’t hear you, how have you been lately, forced some students to do your homework or something?” Danny asked sarcastically and Dash actually looked shocked and Sam smirked.  
 “Now Danny; don’t taunt the stupid.” Sam said with a cold edge to her smile as she looked at them, glad that Danny had finally decided to let loose.  “After all this is the best they will ever have it, once they’re out of school it’s all downhill.”
 Paulina looked at Sam and Danny as they seemed to exclude a sense of rage and danger as she tried to catch her breath and suddenly Star was in front of her.
 “Guys, I know Dash went a little far with that, but let’s not give the teachers something alright?” Star asked with big eyes and Danny calmed down and looked at Sam who nodded and they walked away.  
 Vlad looked over the students and then he saw Danny and his friends move away from the A-Listers and he smirked as he caught enough of the reaction between Danny and the so called popular crowd that he could only smile, Danny was so much like him that once he tour him away from Jack and Maddie was his it wouldn’t be too long that he’d have a perfect heir.
 “Everyone can hear me, this is on?” Vlad asked into the mike and as he heard his magnified voice he smirked. “Excellent.  This place has been a blight on Amity Park for years, a gaping wound on our city that time has finally caused to be healed, and it’s going to be a major part of our future!  This is the site of the new technology park, a development that will bring in new jobs and new members of our family once construction is finished! I don’t have to tell you that chance can be terrifying, but it can also be a good thing!”  
 Vlad looked at the students as they looked at him, a smirk threatening to break out on his face as he saw Danny and Sam both trying to figure out what he was after.  Poor little badger, you wouldn’t understand my plan until it’s done.  After all this is chess, and I am just making my opening moves.  Vlad thought with a grin.  “This place was never finished, the people these houses were meant for died before they even stepped into them, so let us watch as we return this place to history!  Start the construction of the newest part of Amity Park!”
 At Vlad’s scream the bulldozers started and as the students cheered they crashed into the wall and revealed an overgrown garden with over twenty black stone statues of gargoyles at least five feet tall here and there, some on stands of white rock.  Each gargoyle had bat wings on their backs, clawed three fingered hands and two clawed feet and mouths barred in grins of savage looking teeth.
  Danny looked at the statues as the bulldozers moved towards them and frowned.  
 “You think Vlad would want to recover the statues at least, maybe sell them at an auction or something.” Sam said and then Danny went still and paled.  “Danny?”
 “Dude?” Tucker asked and Danny shook his head.
 “Guys, move slowly towards one of the buses, now.” Danny said calmly.  “I think I saw one of those statues move its head.”
 Sam and Tucker looked at each other and moved backwards slowly, hoping that Danny was wrong this once but knowing differently.  As one of the bulldozers speed up and charged at one of the statues it suddenly came to an abrupt stop as soon as it hit the gargoyle.  The drive could only look on in confusion that turned to horror as the statue turned its head to look at him before it roared and flared its wings.
 As soon as the first gargoyle roared the others started to screech and move, some taking flight and flying at the crowed who screamed and ran towards the buses.  
 “Keep moving, get to the buses!” Lancer roared and looked around when he realized that Valarie was gone from his sight.  Danny was lost in the rush, pulled away from Sam and Tucker who had gotten onto a bus and as Dash, Paulina and Kwan piled onto a bus and Dash closed the doors, locking it in place As one of the teens pounded on the door a gargoyle came towards them but as it reared back a blast of red energy hit it and sent it flying away.
 “GET AWAY FROM THEM!!” A voice roared as the Valarie in her Red Huntress guise, her black and red armored form riding her hoverboard appeared from above the bus and started to fire away at the gargoyles and the teens cheered, especially when Valarie shot the locked door and it fell inward. The other teens climbed into the bus, most of them glaring at Dash, Paulina and Kwan, Star amongst them. As the drive climbed into his seat he looked at the kids and saw that he was over capacity and cursed himself for what he was about to do.  
 “EVERYONE HOLD ON!!” As the words died down the bus drive started to drive, the other bus following him as the other teens who couldn’t get on ran after them, some cars the construction crews and the single news van following behind them, the back doors open and full of teens who grabbed those who couldn’t get on
 Danny saw the bus’s carrying his friends away from the battle from the side ally where he had ducked into when he had gotten to the back of the pack and willed a white ring that spilt in two and transformed him into his Phantom form and shot into the air and blasted a gargoyle that had attacked Valarie’s back.  Valarie heard the explosion and scowled when she saw Danny hover there firing at the other ghosts as far as she was concerned.
 “Phantom!  I knew you had to be behind this!” Valarie snarled as Danny looked at her with an exasperated look.
 “Of course, because I’m blasting what I control, sure it’s all part of my plan!” Danny said sacristy and went intaglable to avoid a gargoyle but it shoulderslammed him anyway and carried him to the ground.  He looked up as it reared back but Valarie shot it’s head off.
 “I’m the only one who gets to destroy you spook!” Valarie spat as she flew at another gargoyle and used the energy blade between it to cut off its head and as the head roared at her the body decomposed.  The head is still ‘alive’ but the body was destroyed., so headshots! Valarie thought as she started to fire at the heads of the gargoyles but only two went down.  “What the hell?!”
 A roar caused Danny to look towards it and see thirty more gargoyles coming towards them, ten of them hovering in front of the mansion as the other twenty charged at them.  “What, are they protecting that place, why?!”
 Vlad meanwhile had gotten to his limo drove off, setting in the back as he watched from a drone he had launched as he had left, scowling as he watched the feed.  “Oh I do hate it when I’m right about this, I can only hope that the area won’t be too damaged once this is done.”
 Vlad looked upwards as he heard the sound of jet engines and smirk.  “Well let’s see what will happen when the GIWs come out to play!”
 Danny dodged another blow from one of the flying Gargoyles and stole a look at Valarie and saw twelve GIW skysleds with four loaded out for bombardment and cursed.  “HUNTRESS, UP NOW GIW BOMBARBMENT INCOMEING!”
 Danny shot skyward and Valarie looked at him for a second before willing her board to climb skyward as well and moments before that happened missiles hit the gargoyles and the mansion, covering all of them and the mansion in an explosion that almost caused Valarie to be blown from her board.
 “What the hell?” Valarie breathed and looked and saw the mansion had been destroyed but the gargoyles had gone still and they had turned towards the mansion, the missiles having turned it into rubble, the stone creatures not moving.  Those stone things are still, was the mansion the source of their life?  What the hell are they, they can’t be ghosts but what?  Valarie asked as she moved her board forward an inch before a bolt of blue energy flew past her.
 “FREEZE!!!” A voice barked from the direction of the other skysleds and Valarie turned and saw four skysleds face her and she stared as she saw that their weapons were pointed at her and she grew angry as she tried to comprehend
 “What the hell are you doing, I’m not a ghost!!”  Valarie said as she looked at the GIWs who only looked at her and tried to figure out what they were doing.
 “Red Huntress by order of the Federal Anti-Ecto Control Act, Article 4, Section 2, subsection B you are under arrest!” Operative K, a brown skinned bald man in the uniform of the GIWs, a white suite with black tie, black gloves, boots and black sunglasses said as others GIWs aimed at her as four skysleds aimed at Danny as he hovered there and formed two blasts with his hands.
 “What the hell are you doing?!” Valarie demanded as she prepared herself to react to whatever the GIWs did next.
“The Anti-Ecto Control Acts also limits what hunters can use.” Danny said as he looked at the GIWs and scowled.  “Maybe even how many ghosts one can capture, it’s all about control with them.”
 “Quite ghost. Surrender for experiments, lots of painful experiments.” Operative K said and Valarie went pale as she heard that.
 “Experiments?” Valarie said pale and her eyes dilated and then she gritted her teeth as parts of her family history flashed through her eyes and she prepared herself to go down fighting at least when suddenly…..
 “RROOOOAAAR!!” A savage roar came from the mansion and as the rubble was flung away and a dust cloud covered the land.  As they watched two large wings made of black stone suddenly burst out of the clouds, a black stone serpentine head on a long neck connected to a body with a crest and four long legs with that ended in four clawed hands and a tail that ended in a spiked ball, a black stone dragon as long as the mansion was that roared and fired a blast of black energy from its mouth at the bombardment skysleds as twenty of the gargoyles screeched and shot towards the GIWs while the rest of them charged after the buses.  
 “Procedure Omega operatives!”  Operative K barked and the GIWS began firing against the charging gargoyles that swarmed closer and started to claw at their foes and destroyed a few of the sky sleds sending GIWs falling to the ground.  Danny could only look at the carnage and swallow.  This is beyond anything I could have imagined happening today!  Wait those others are going into town! Danny thought as he looked around and then looked towards the center of town.
 “Huntress, go after the gargoyles heading into town, go and protect the people!  I’ll try and handle this but just go!” Danny called to Valarie who looked at him and readied her gun as she looked at him as the GIWs tried to handle the Gargoyles.
 “And why should I listen to a ghost?” Valarie barked and looked at the gargoyles as they moved into town.  But he’s right damn it!  if regular people are hurt and I could have stopped it from happening!  She thought as she grimaced before scowling at Danny.  “Fine! But not because I agree with you ghost!”
 As Valarie flew away Operative K saw and overheard everything and notice the treason of the Red Huntress before a gargoyle roared and charged at him but he dodged it and saw that he had lost all of his bombardment sleds and two of the others. “All forces fall back, contact base and request all operatives to sortie!”
 As the GIWs fell back, Danny stayed and fought on, blasting apart ten of the gargoyles before the Stone Dragon took notice and roared, taking flight and charging at him. Danny dodged to the left and three gargoyles slammed him to the ground.  As he struggled to get free he looked up and saw the Stone Dragon hovering, its head pointed at him and its mouth open as it built up a charge.
 Danny tried to struggle free but after a few moments he realized he couldn’t and tried to figure out how to survive.  Think Phantom, think!  How can you get out of this how can you…….Danny went still as he realized just what he had to do.  
 “One chance!”  he called out as the Dragon released its blast as he went intangible moments before it hit and the blast destroyed the Gargoyles and sent him down and into the ground, but Vlad’s drone didn’t see him as the explosion kept what was happening from its sight.
Smash.  A glass dropped from Vlad’s hand as he watched with widened eyes as the Dragon took flight and the Gargoyles followed after it. I can’t believe this, so that thing was able to best him.  and it’s coming into town!  Vlad thought as he quickly pressed a button and sighed when he heard a siren in the distance and saw people look up and start running towards the nearest safe location, cars all moving in the same direction as they abandoned everything else to get to safety.
 “Well at least the public safety announcements worked.” Vlad muttered as the limo entered into a garage attached to town hall and he moved towards his office to handle this, smiling as the security guards the GIWs had trained moved to prepare to defend the seat of government.  “Maybe I should look into getting a station set up near the school……….. in a weak they’ll probably have enough on the teachers there to blackmail and get those people blacklisted.”
 Vlad walked into his office and looked at his secretary who was waiting for him.
 “The shields are up at all shelters sir, the GIWs just contacted us, all operatives have been deployed and the police are getting whoever remains to the safe zones.”  She said as she walked into the office after Vlad, the glow of the shield visible through the windows.
 “And them?” Vlad asked as he sat down and called up a holographic screen with a map of the town showing the shelters and the Gargoyles path into the city.  He frowned as he looked at the screen and frowned.
 “The Fenton’s contacted us and that they’re taking their Assault Vehicle to backup the GIWs.” She said and she looked out the window and took a step back, Vlad frowned before he heard the sound of blasters firing and he realized the stone creatures had reached the town hall.
 “Do activate the secondary defenses, and call me if something changes.”  Vlad said as the woman nodded before running away and the doors closed automatically.  The ringing of his phone caused him to look at it and sigh when he saw the number.
 “Ahh Amy!  It’s a little bit of a problem, you missed something when you looked over the property, it seems the town is under attack by a flock of stone Gargoyles led by a Dragon of all things!” Vlad said and listened to the reply.  “Yes I’m sure the town can survive the problem, the GIWS are out in force and I expect him to handle this the second time.”
 Danny shook his head as he got up from where he had fallen.  “Okay Phantom, that wasn’t the worst thing that you’ve ever been hit by, so walk it off! Now where am I?”
 Danny looked around and beyond a few slivers of light from above it was completely dark.  Danny formed a ball of energy and as the light from it chased away the darkness he saw he was in a natural cavern with a large mass at least five feet tall at least twenty feet away from him that Danny saw move up and down slowly and rhythmically. Yikes, that’s something.  If it didn’t react to me then and the chaos above its sleeping deep! And speaking of upstairs I need to get back to it!  Danny thought as he silently flew upwards and hit a barrier as he reached the celling. “What the hell?!”
 “This is?” Danny muttered to himself as he felt along a strange barrier that kept him from moving through the stone.  Okay, this is acting like the ‘Zone, but this is the human world, so how do I get around this?  I mean how on earth could someone make this place impassable for ghosts one way but not the other…….. that’s a mouse trap or a prison……wait prisons have prisoners….. Danny’s thoughts trailed off as realized just where he was.
 “YOU CAN NOT LEAVE THIS PLACE HALFLING, ONE ONLY MAY LEAVE.”  A rumbling voice caused Danny to turn and stare.  The mass was unrolling into a large brown lion at least ten feet tall with a mane of crimson flames and claws of black obsidian, two tails that ended in rubies that blazed with a crimson light and it had two eyes of jade flames and saber fangs of obsidian. “THIS PLACE HAS BEEN MY PRISON FOR MANY YEARS NOW, BUT WITH YOU I MIGHT FINALLY HAVE ENOUGH ENERGY TO ESCAPE!”
 “Okay, so how can I help you get us out of here?” Danny asked causing the lion to chuckle. “What’s so funny?”
 “YOU MAY WILL HELP ME BY BEING MY FOOD HALFLING, AS ALL OF YOU HALFLINGS ARE SUPPOSED TO  BE.” The brown lion said bluntly and Danny pales more and looked at the creature as it slowly padded towards him, moving away from it.
 “With me, wait you want to eat me?!” Danny said as the creature nodded its head as it stalked towards him.  Wonderful, first a stone dragon and now a giant lion wants to eat me!  he thought as he looked around, trying to find any hint of a way to escape.
 “Sorry but I have a real problem with helping those who try and kill me!” Danny said as he took flight and the lion looked at him with what Danny thought might have been respect.  
 “THEN SO BE IT.   KNOW THAT I AM VOLEO! LET US DO THE ONLY DANCE THAT MATERS, THE DANCE OF BATTLE AND EVOLUTION!!!” Voleo called ut and charged at Danny, throwing two orbs of fire from its tails that he shot and dodged as he flew about the top of the cavern, taking shots that didn’t faze his foe.  Voleo looked at Danny and flicked its tails until it had formed twenty fireballs that it sent at him.
 Danny scowled as he sped up and dodged the fireballs as he tried to figure out a way to defeat this thing. My running blasts aren’t doing anything, if I can charge a shot then maybe but I’ve never really tried to charge it while I was moving!  Still first time for anything!  Danny thought as he flew and cupped a hand, forcing a blast but letting his energy build up instead of releasing as it reach the maximum he fired it, hitting Voleo’s right hind leg and blasting it off, causing the ‘lion’ to stumble and fall to the ground.
 “YES!” Danny called out with a smirk that fell when the leg flew back towards Voleo body and remerged with it as it got back to its feet.  “No.”
 It looked at him with a tense air for a few seconds before it reared back and slammed it’s front legs down and four spears of rock flew at Danny, one of them scoring a cut on his right side, the wound oozing greenish red blood.
 Danny held back a snarl and fired a few bolts at the Voleo and the lion slammed a paw down and shot stone arrows that intercepted the bolts.  As Danny flew around the chamber the lion looked at him and roared, sending a flash of heat that almost sent Danny to the ground.
 “An Ice powered Halfling, then this is over.” Voleo rumbled as Danny tried to struggle to his feet and as the lion moved closer.  This can’t be the end, I won’t let it! I have to fight back I can’t let this thing eat me, if it does then who will protect Amity?!  Who will protect Sam……SAM!!  Danny thought as he reached beyond what he knew and grasped something that had always been within him and it exploded in a wave of black energy that sent Voleo flying away from Danny.
 Voleo looked up and saw Danny standing there, a cloak of black energy surrounding him as he got up and a black energy scythe formed in his hands and as his eyes blazed red.  
 “What is this, wait you’re not a!” Voleo bellowed and roared as it fired a blast of lava at Danny who disappeared and sliced down with his scythe taking off Voleo’s right foreleg and as the lion moved away Danny appeared and sliced down and Voleo sent a stone pillar at him that he sliced through and tore through it and Voleo moved away and looked at Danny, two fangs showing from his upper mouth as he grinned at Voleo.
 “So that is what you are, then this is not as easy as I thought it would be.  But I took the battle dance seriously, so may evolution favor one of us!” Voleo said as it roared and charged at Danny but Danny disappeared and bisected Voleo and it roared as it condensed into a spark of brown energy that hovered as Danny collapsed to the floor, his eyes closing as the energy scythe and aura died down.
 A few moments later Danny woke back up and held his head, his transformation dropping as he woke up. “What happened…..wait where’s that Lion and how’d I detransform?”
 Danny looked around and saw the hovering spark and looked at it as he saw what color it was.  That has to be the lion, but what happened to it?  And why am I dawn to it? Danny thought as he approached the spark and touched it, going still and screaming as a well of energy blasted upwards, breaking the ceiling as the energy well climbed high into the atmosphere.
 Sam looked around the gym as everyone huddled in small groups as she leaned against the wall as Tucker tried to get a signal through the barrier as the teachers tried to keep the students under control.  Of course they act like they care about everyone when a crisis happens, otherwise it’s only the A-Listers who matter!  Sam thought in disgust as she looked at the teachers as Tucker typed away at his phone.  “Any luck?”
 “Nothing, I can’t even get a single channel or update and the net’s down!” Tucker said and shook his head with a disgusted expression.  “I thought these things Vlad donated let wireless signals through.”
 “That’s what the specs we read at the Fenton’s said……. But give a guess why that is here; think about where we are.” Sam said with a snort and Tucker looked at the teachers and nodded.
 “Yeah, I can see that.” Tucker muttered and looked back at his phone and tried to work around the blockage.  
 “Yeah, that’s for sure.” Sam muttered as she looked around and caught sight of Belphegor leaning against the wall of the far side of the gym with Hecate and Lamashtu around him, a strange and smug look on his face.  And then there’s them.  I’ve always thought that those three are wrong somehow but how they’re reacting to this is not right……… maybe I can get the guys to see what I’m talking about with them, maybe we should look into them. Sam thought before she heard Tucker cough a little.  “What is it?”
 “That.”  Tucker said point towards the teachers.  “Look alive, the only good A is coming towards us.”
 Sam sniffed, spelling the familiar scent of cat and looked up and saw Star walking towards them and frowned.  What does she want?  She’s the only one of the A-Listers that I don’t hate but she follows Paulina around and…..well that’s enough really.  Sam thought with a slight scowl as Star walked towards them.
 “Sorry to bother you, but have you seen Valarie?  I know she was on Lancer’s bus but I couldn’t see her anywhere and…….” Star began but Tucker interrupted her.
 “GOT IT!  I’ve got signal!  Let’s see what’s on the news, oh hell.” Tucker said causing Star and Sam to look at the screen and pale.  As kids around them heard and gathered they looked down as well and as the gathering was noticed and Lancer started to walk towards them.
 “  to those just turning in, again this is Lance Thunder, so far reports from all shelters show that the shields are only holding the creatures partially back but there’s reports of something bigger…….Oh god!  Folks I’m at Main Street and the Fentons, the Red Hunter and the GIWs are fighting the gargoyles but there’s a black stone Dragon flying towards us!  The people are evacuating to nearby shelters and this reporter is joining them!” Lance Thunder’s voice came over Tucker’s phone as
 Sam looked at Tucker as the kids around them heard and started to talk to the others as Lancer made it to them with a scowl, but Sam was only paying attention to the fact that Danny wasn’t fighting, that meant something had happened to him.
 Vlad looked at the battle that had spilled into Main street and scowled.  This shouldn’t have happened, everything was perfect!  I can’t believe this, but at least those evacuation plans from when the town was taken into the Ghost Zone works.  Vlad thought as he watched a screen in the mayor’s office and looked up as his secretary came into the room with a look of fear.  “What is it?”
 “Sir, the GIWs called, they want authorization to prepare something called ‘Operation Exodus’?” She said and after a few moments of silence she looked up and saw that Vlad was looking at her in shock, his pupils dilated.
 “Exodus?!?  Call them back and tell them that if they even call me back with that propsual then I will send everything to Washington!” Vlad barked as he shot up from his chair and she fled from the room with Vlad’s glare following her.
 “Exodus, of all things!” Vlad said as he leaned back into his chair.  I thought I told them not to even think about making that thing!  Once we survive this, I need to find out just what those idiots have been doing! Vlad thought as he glared at the holo map and wondered how Amity Park would survive this day.
 Valarie strafed the Dragon and it roared as she blasted away at it; the evacuation of people from this part of town had almost been but when the Gargoyles had reached the area and attacked, the GIWs had made it and were only attacking the stone creatures and the and the Fentons had rolled up in their Ghost Assault Vehicle and started to blast away, saving some of the GIWs who had lost their skysleds and had used it as a rallying point as they escorted the civilians from the area as they all fell back towards the nearest shelter and she thought they could handle it but then the Dragon had appeared and the other gargoyles had surged forward, somehow stronger then before
 “Come on Mads, we can get this thing down!” Valarie looked down and saw Jack Fenton trying to charge the nearest Gargyole but Maddie Fenton held him back.
 “Stay there Jack, we need to protect the people, once their safe we can come back for samples!” Maddie said and Valarie hid a shudder as she blasted at a Gargoyle.
 “Of course those two are like that.” She muttered as she surfed on her board and dodged another Gargoyle as she fired a few blasts as she looked tried to figure out what was happening.  I really need something to see what’s happening around me, maybe I should try and make a drone or something!  Valarie thought as she flew around the battle and tried to figure out something and smirked as she saw the Assault Vehicle destroy one of the Gargoyles, blasting its body apart and destroying its wings and arms. YES!  If we take out the smaller ones first then we can gang up on the bigger…… wait. What’s that thing doing? Valarie thought as she looked on in horror as she surfed around and could only look on, shocked at what she was seeing.  As Valarie could only watch with horror as the Stone Dragon charged up and fired a blast of black energy at the Gargoyle that the Fenton’s had destroyed, and within moments the gargoyle got back to its feet, fully recovered. “FUCK!”
 The Gargoyles roared and charged at the Assault Vehicle as the GIWs started to fire away as the Fenton’s activated their vehicles weapons to meet the horde as Valarie surfed down shooting, thinking the last thoughts that she ever thought she would ever.  Where are you Phantom?!  Valarie thought as she tried to surf past a Gargoyle only one from below her struck and destroyed part of her board, sending her falling and it retracted into her suit as she landed on the Assault Vehicle and started to lend her blasts as the Gargoyles.
 “You okay Huntress, when can you get airborn again?” A voice caused her to look down for a second and saw that it had come from one of the GIWs.  Valarie saw an update on her mask about her board, it would need a few minutes to recover and then she could get back into the sky and strafed the dragon
 “Soon!” Valarie said as she looked at the Dragon as it stood there and seemed to just look at them as the Gargoyles ran into their fire.
 “How long?” The Agent asked as he battered down a Gargoyle and shot its head off
 “Just Soon!” Valarie called out as she started to fire blasts from bother her arms at a Gargoyle that tried to get around them to attack the civilians running away from the battle.
 “Not detecting a lot of trust lady!”
 “You did try and arrest me earlier, so don’t expect me to give you my tech-specs!” Valarie spat and she heard the Agent
 “Wait, What?!?” The Agent asked in shock.
 Farther back Lance Thunder and his camera man were standing far enough behind them to see but not hear the byplay but Lance winced with each Gargoyle that the GIWs sent down.
 “I so don’t get paid enough for this!” Lance said as he covered and saw the spit take the GIW agent had done.  “There’s a story in that I think.”
 They all turned as the roar echoed around them and they saw the Gargoyles break contact and move towards the Dragon as it reared back its neck as energy started to spill out it’s mouth and they realized what it was going to do.
 “hell, Everyone get to cover!  If you Fentons have anything that can block it’s blast then now’s the time to use it!” The agent barked and Valarie willed her suit’s shielding systems to form an energy wall just in front of the Assault Vehicle moments before the Stone Dragon released a large energy blast that she barely held back.  She panted as the GIWs kept shooting as the Gargoyles as the Dragon looked right at her causing her blood to freeze as she looked at the stone thing as it flared its wings.  It leap at her, and she tried to form another shield wall but her suit showed that she was too weak and she winced as she prepared to jump off the Assault Vehicle when a wall of brown stone suddenly shot up twenty feet and the Stone Dragon slammed into it.
 “Hey, I’m getting a big energy reading!” Jack called out and before they all heard the roars of the Gargoyles and the slice of something and a roar from the Dragon as the wall broke apart. Valarie stared in awe as from the dust Phantom appeared swinging a brown long sword with magma veins on it.  He had on gauntlets of brown metal that went from his hand to his elbows.  As a Gargoyle charged at him Danny slashed in in two down the middle and stood there, slowly raising his sword and pointing at the Dragon who roared as the Gargoyles charged at him.
 Danny raised his sword and stone pillars rose from the street and shot at the Gargoyles like arrows and the flying ones were destroyed as the others could only watch.  The Stone Dragon reared its head back and roared, moments later the Agent who had been talking to Valarie’s free hand went to his earbud.  
 “What…. Oh hell! Listen up!  All the Gargoyles are leaving the shelters!” The Agent barked out and started to recheck his riffle.  “I want everyone to rearm themselves and get ready, if they’re leaving the other shelters alone because that thing roared then they’ll be coming here! Before that happens we need to get the civilians out of here!  You staying or coming Huntress?”
 Valarie looked at him and tried to figure out what to do when her suit detected motion come from all around them.  “Too late, we’ve got incoming!”
 The Agent and the others looked around at the rooftops and saw Gargoyles all around them snarling and looking at the cowering civilians and swallowed before he made a choice.  
“Okay, fighting time! Fentons, move this thing backwards and use every weapon, everyone else protect the civilians!”
 “Got it, if I see a shot I’ll take Phantom down!” Jack said and the Agent looked at him before paling and grabbing Jack through the open window.  “Hey, what’s the deal?”
 “Leave Phantom alone, that stone things are the threat!” The Agent barked at Jack and he felt the stares of the others on his back.
 “Agent Z, are you sure sir?” One of the other GIWs asked as they fired at the Gargoyles as they tried to protect the civilians.
 “Directive 1; Protect the People above all else.” Agent Z said and kept firing with his riffle as he backed up and the Ghost Assault Vehicle moved backwards as Jack used the inbuilt weapons to blast away the Gargoyles.
 Valarie jumped off the roof of the Ghost Assault Vehicle and formed up her board and started to fly upwards, blasting away at the Gargoyles as they flew at the people, the GIWs and the Fentons adding their fire to hers.
 Danny meanwhile had finished off the last Gargoyle and pointed the sword at the Stone Dragon with one hand and a pillar of black and red stone sprouted from the ground and tore away the Stone Dragon’s left wing as it tried and almost succeeded in dodging what Danny caused to form under it.  It roared and flexed it’s other wing and the Gargoyles broke off from attacking the civilians and flew at Danny.  He looked up and jumped at them, spinning around and slicing with the sword and he destroyed one Gargoyle with each blow, landing one handed he pushed off and spun around in the air and landed looking at the Stone Dragon and shot at it.  The Stone Dragon opened it’s mouth and shot balls of black energy that Stone Danny dodged or sliced apart until he sliced off the Stone Dragon’s right back leg.  As it tried to balance itself as Danny ran around beneath it and sliced off it’s left foreleg, as it tried to balance itself Danny jumped upwards, his sword glowing red and he cut through its head.  The rest of the Gargoyles flew towards him when he jumped and trust his sword into the base of the neck and red veins raced up the neck before it roared and melted away, revealing a gemstone where the head had been that glowed black.  Danny pointed his free hand at the gemstone and fired a sphere of red energy that hit the gemstone and exploded, the Gargoyles eyes stopped glowing and fell to the ground as the dust settled and the gemstone was revealed to have been destroyed.  
 Danny blinked and looked around.  What the hell?  The last thing I remember I touched that spark and then……. wait what!  Danny thought as the last half hour coming back to him and he looked down at the sword in his hand as it disappeared along with the gauntlets.  
 He looked around, noting the GIWs and his parents as they aimed at him and decided to freak out later before going transparent and flew away, a frown on his face.  Somehow when he formed his legs into a tail; it felt weird.
 The people cowering behind the GIWs and Fentons stayed where they were before they started to scream and roar in happiness as they realized they were safe!  Lance Thunders looked at his cameraman with a shocked look on his face. “Tell me you got that, tell me you’re still broadcasting?”
 “You saw and heard it here folks!” Lance said with a smirk as his cameraman gave him a thumbs up. “The threat of the Stone Gargoyles and the Dragon is gone, thanks to Amity Park’s Phantom!”
 Valarie saw a squadron of GIW skysleds coming and speed off, not willing to risk that these GIWs wouldn’t attack her, a strange feeling going through her.  What happened today, I think I need to look into the Ecto-Act a bit.  And the next time Vlad sends me out after a ghost I’m going to ask Phantom about it.  She thought as she flew away.
 On the ground Agent Z removed his sunglasses and looked at the Red Huntress as she flew away, a frown on his face as he tried to figure out just why his agency had decided to go after the girl, one thing was sure, there was something very wrong with the local branch.  
 “PHANTOM KILLED THE DRAGON, YESSSS!”   Dash exclaimed and smiled.
 “Where’d you think he got that sword from?!” Paulina asked with stars in her eyes.  “Do you think he has matching armor?”
 “It was a broadsword, the kind of sword Excalibur was said to be, the old weapon of knights!” one of the nerds said and a few of them got strange looks on their faces.  Sam smirked and Tucker slammed a fist into his palm and grinned.  A siren from outside caused Sam to smile as she looked at the doors as one of the teachers opened it and Sam moved off, the usual habit of the school closing after a major ghost attack was a godsend since now she could go and visit her grandmother at the hospital.  
 Tucker moved to follow her when someone dropped a hand on his shoulder.  Looking back he saw Mr. Lancer looking down at him with a frown.
 “Let’s talk about how you got around the blocks we put in place Mr. Tucker.” Mr. Lancer said frostily and Tucker winced as he tried to figure out how he would get around this.
 “Isn’t that illegal under the town’s laws?” Tucker asked weakly and Mr. Lancer just looked at him stone-faced.
 Danny flew back towards the construction site and saw a bulldozer blocking a building and went through the walls and saw nobody was in it smirking he transformed back to human form. He leaned against the wall and panted. What was that, where’d that sword come from………  Danny’s thoughts died as he saw a door in his mind, it opened and the sword and gauntlets were there, waiting to be called upon.  As Danny focused on the armory he saw something beyond the sword and gauntlets but her couldn’t see it clearly, but the sword and gauntlets were as clear as day and he knew what they were .  “Volcanic Arms!”
 As he cried out he held out his hand and his lava surged up to his elbows and formed the gauntlets, the sword formed in his right hand.  Looking at the hilt he saw a ruby on one side of the pummel and a brown gemstone on the other.  He looked at the veins of magma on the blade and saw them pulse with light as he held it.
 “Amazing, but how do I?” Danny muttered as he looked at the weapon in his hands and the gauntlets on his arms.  Strange, it’s like I know what I can do with these things…… he thought as he started to swing the blade around for a few moments before he raised his free hand and a column of red crystal grew to his palm.  He looked at it and grabbed the top and broke off the top and put it down on the ground and willed the column to drop back into the earth, a little bit of dirt messed up the only sign something had been there.
 “Amazing!” Danny breathed as he pocketed the shard and walked off.  Maybe I can use this to make something from this……..any way I wonder why I’m so thirsty, and what was that? He thought as he walked back towards his home.  His phone buzzed and he pulled it out and saw a message from Jazz and he smiled.
 SkyBoy; Hey sis, heading home.  Will tell how I survived if asked, see you there.
  Sam walked into the hospital and stared as she looked around and saw a lot of people waiting or being helped as doctors and nurses moved around.  
 “Do you need help?” Sam looked to the side and saw a tall Japanese woman with her black hair in a bun and a sensual figure in a white lab coat over black slacks and jeans walk towards her rubbing her eyes with glasses on her forehead.  She squinted at Sam and then brought her glasses down and then winced. “Oh it’s you Sam, hear to see her.”
 “Hey doctor Kobayashi, how’s the hospital handling this?” Sam asked and Maiko Kobayashi laughed bitterly.
 “With those government hacks commandeering the other entrance because of ‘security concerns’ we’ve had to get everyone through admissions.  Thank god we set up the emergency entrance seperatly after the first time this happened.”  Maiko said bitterly and Sam winced.
  I can’t believe what happened, the GIWs are terrible fighters but to have actually stood their ground instead of running, I might have misjudged them a little.  Sam thought as she walked and stopped when she noticed Operative K was talking on a phone near the bathroom and moved closer to listen in.
 “…..Yes, we’ve got no choice anymore.  The others will hear about this, we have to purge the labs of all our research and what we were able to get from the Fenton’s.”  Operative K said and nodded.  He started to turn and Sam slipped into a nearby room and closed the door, leaving it open slightly so she could hear him as he walked past the room.
 “Yes, we need to send copies of all the research to the secondary base……We can’t let those fools in Washington stop us now, once we have the tech right we’ll show them the truth. No the creatures weren’t ghosts, they were based on the secondary power, also Phantom was detected wielding the same power.  Yes we have to prepare Exodus no matter what Masters says.” Agent K voice came and stopped and Sam felt the door twitch as Agent K slammed his free hand against the door.  “Agent Z did what?!  I suppose the directives do say that…….. keep an eye on him, we need to be sure that he never finds out about Exodus, he wouldn’t understand.”
 Sam left the room a few moments later, worried about what she had overheard and moved to the elevator and quickly was carried to the floor she wanted.  After a few minutes walking she entered a room and saw her Ida Mansion laying on a hospital bed connected to a heart monitor.
 “Sammy, with what happened at our unhonorable mayor’s ceremony I was worried that you wouldn’t come today.” Ida said as she reached over and grabbed Sam’s hand.  Sam smiled back at her and looked at her with a look of concern.
 “I couldn’t stay aware grandma.” Sam said as she looked at Ida looked away.  “Grandma?”
 “I’m not.” Ida whispered and Sam looked down at Ida with a look of concern and confusion.
 “What are you saying?” Sam asked and Ida looked at her and sighed
 “I’m not your grandmother, I’m your godmother and guardian.” Ida said and Sam gasped as Ida looked down and away from her.  “I’m sorry that I never told ya, I wanted to before this all happened but I couldn’t every find the time or figure out the way.”
 “what?” Sam asked and Ida smiled at her and rubbed her check.
 “I took you in you because your mother, your birth mother was a friend of mine.”  Ida said with a laugh that turned into a cough and she reached for a glass of water that Sam grabbed and hurriedly handed it over.  As Ida took a drink Sam looked at her, shocked and confused.
 “What….. why didn’t you tell me?” Sam asked as she stared at her…. God-mother?  It doesn’t matter, this woman raised me more than Pamela and her husband did and this explains everything about why I’m so different from them. Sam thought as she looked at Ida who looked back.
 “I let that idiot son of mine convince me to let him and his wife take the lead, but whenever there was a decision that needed to be made to take care of you I made it.”  Ida said and gripped Sam’s waist.  “Never doubt I love ya Sammy, I kept secrets that’s true, but they were to protect you and never doubt that I love you.”
 “Grammy.” Sam whispered as tears came from her eyes.
 “No tears Sammy, this isn’t the end just yet, this is just see you later.”  Ida said forcibly.  “Now listen, I set it up so you’ll be emancipated, and with what I know you’ll be fine once you’re out of their hands.  I left a book that will explain everything you need to know, it’s in that language that you and your friends needed to talk to Big Bad.”
 “Big Bad……that’s!  You knew.” Sammy breathed in shock as Ida laughed.
 “I knew from day one Sammy, I had been watching you all and when it happened at school the first time I knew it.”  Ida asked and Sammy could only stare at her.
 “How….” Sam asked as she tried to understand the roller-coaster of events, tried to make sense of what Ida was saying and she could only look at her shocked.
 “I’ll explain next time we see each other Sammy, I promise.” Ida said before she looked out beyond Sam’s shoulder and smirked.  “But my lawyer is here to talk to you so go on.”
 Sam looked behind her and saw a woman in a business suite looking into the room and smiled slightly at her.
 “Miss Samantha, I’m the lawyer that Ida hired.  My name is Rachel Lortong, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”  Rachel said as they shook hands. “There are a few papers that you need to sign, a few I’s to dot and well it won’t take long.”
 “Go Sammy, no matter what happens we will see each other again.” Ida said and waved her off.   As Sam left Ida looked at the ring on her finger, and called up all the efforts of strength she had left.  “Come on Ida, just ten minutes more than you can rest until your back.”
 Belphegor walked around the destroyed battle site with a wide grin with a backpack in his hands as the sky darkened.  Oh this was wonderful, I can’t believe that my grade had to miss this wonderful carnage!  But I always thought that this place was something, but to think I never found the time, what I could have done.  Belphegor thought as he wondered through the ruins towards the building that had been destroyed by the GIWs.  “This is amazing, I mean I knew that my beliefs were true with the ghosts but this, this is proof!”
 He bent down and picked up a piece of the stone gargoyles, moving his thumb over it and smiled.  Oh what I can do with you my pretty!  All those old books I bought over the years said there needed to be a spark to give the power, being around ghosts wasn’t enough, a few of these each and then we’ll really be cooking with true power!  And if I can gain enough to craft a few items or even just alchemy, then I might be able to rule this town!  He thought as he took off his backpack and started to put as many of the stones as he could fit into it.  As he reached the limit of what he could carry and move quickly he grinned as he stood up and looked around.  “Oh, this is perfect; I don’t know who made these wonderful toys but I am sorry that they were dealt with so easily, my own plans have to reflect that.”
 “Hey, don’t hog all the good ones Belphegor!” Hecate’s voice caused him to turn and see both of the girls walking towards him with bags around their shoulders, each one having taken some of the stones from the destroyed gargoyles.
 “Don’t worry sis, we’ll share everything.  And this is only until we can find out where they’ll move the rest of these things.”  Lamashtu said with a giggle.
 “Yeah, but if we can’t get anything else then we should grab what we can and leave before anyone comes and confiscates this stuff!” Hecate said with a pout.
 “I wouldn’t worry me dears.” Belphegor said as he moved ever closer to the ruins of the building the gargoyles had come from subconsciously as he looked at the girls. “With the pounding the GIWs took, it will be a while before anyone will be back here, but I suppose you’re right, we should leave once I look over the this place.”
 As he turned around and walked into the ruins he heard a crack and within moments fell through the floor.  He dropped ten feet and hit the dirt with his feet and started to look around, wondering what he had found.   The chamber he that fallen into was lined with glowing crystals and at the far end was a tome bound in chains with an open door way behind it.  He stared at it hungrily as his meager senses could tell that it was something special.
 “Master Belphegor, are you okay?!”  Looking up he saw Hecate and Lamashtu looking down at him from the edge of the hole. He grinned back at them and looked around the chamber and saw a small corridor
 “Perfectly fine girls, I found something that I think will help us.”  Belphegor said as he walked towards the book and as he touched it the chains shot off and he felt something connect with him, something that told him that his life was forever changed moments before a unseen wave of something went out from the stand.  He picked up the book and felt a rumbling.  Looking around he saw the cavern start to collapse and ran for the door he ran up stone stairs and behind him he heard the sounds of falling rocks, all he could do was hope the girls were safe.  He saw a door and bashed into it, breaking through it into a wooden hallway in a Victorian style.  Before he could take what it looked like the grounds started to shake and he looked around and saw what he hoped was a door to the outside and he ran towards it, ramming his shoulder into and he ran into the yard, the girls seeing him waved and they ran towards where they had parked Belphegor’s car, hoping to get away.
 “What’d you find down there?” Hecate demanded as they drove away, Belphegor ducking the car into a side street as civic vehicles and Belphegor handed her a book as he drove.  She looked down at it and frowned as she read the text.  “This is Greek…… Mageía av petra…. That means Magic of Stone!”
 “Could this have anything to do with those wonderful, wonderful things Master Belphegor?!” Lamashtu asked and Belphegor started to cackle.
 “Girls we might have finally made it.” Belphegor said as they drove towards the main part of town.
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