#the eyes are really something i need to troubleshoot since i feel like thats the part i struggle w the most
hardrockshrimp · 1 year
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thenormalparanormal · 4 years
ok so u might be wondering “ted,, what the hell are you talking about, you always talk about homestuck” NO URWRONG BECUZ THIS ISNT HOmESTUCK thisd is a little webcomic called immortal days
im gonna put some trigger warnings and a brief explanation of what its about before i ramble
TW: gore, death in general, c//lts, violence, drug use, uhh thats all also there’s obvious spoilers for immortal days
so in the future, humanity has discovered a way to become immortal. over the years everyone has become immortal and everyone who wasnt, well they obviously died. our main character is a man named myeol who happens to be a mortal. he lives a normal life until he meets a troubleshooter named phil. phil is also mortal. he hires myeol as his partner and yeah tbh thats all i ca explain im very bad at talking (・・;)
ok now i will ramble 
 its rlly cool it ALWAYS has me holding me breath!!!!! even when there’s no fight scenes happening there’s this really cool suspence in most scenes!!!! and phil is rlly interesting to me theres this one short episode after one of the chapters (if thats what you call them) thats the first episode from phil’s pov. he talks about his hatred for immortals, seeing them as monsters for not being able to die and how he views himself as better because he has what they dont have. i guess that explains why he priorities himself and work over others (with the exception of myeol). he’s a really reckless dude. the reason he actually cares for myeol is because he can die. he’s mortal, just like phil. he needs somone like him so he doesn’t feel alone in this world. the last line in the episode is rlly interesting phil says to himself “you [myeol] can understand me...i’ll make sure you do...” which is REALLY FUCKING SPOOKY. im not trying to say phil is heartless or anything like that but he could care less for what happens to others since theyre all immortal. im interested in phil’s character, he seems to have secrets too. there’s also this drug called “bloody mary” which makes the user be super fast and gain superhuman speed. the thing is it makes them no brain head empty. they become VERY VIOLENT!!! this is introduced in the fourth chapter, “one finger death punch” where a pro wrestler is suspected of using the drug. aaaand they dont mention it again for a few chapters UNTIL THE MOST RECENT ONES THEY’VE BROUGHT ITUP AGAIN BUT THERE’S BEEN A MORE STRONGER VERSION OF IT so yeah. theres also this guy named golgotha who preaches about the “eternal rest” (death) and how humanity has commited a grave sin by achieving immortality. he’s in jail for fraud but like alot of the prisoners believe him and listen to his sermons so they’re keeping an eye on him. ok im gonna talk about myeol now becuz i havent said much about him he’s usual seen as weak by others but he’s REALY FAST AND GOOD AT LIKE NOT DYING so :) he also is very against hitting others pressure points (the most vunerable parts of an immortal) becus  he’s worried that they might kill another mortal. OH UM ALSO u know how i said that phil has secrets im really excited for the  next episode because myeol is at phil’s house right? and phil isn’t there cause he’s dealing will stuff and myeol, while looking through his dresser, find something idk what it is but i KNOW theyr gonna show it in the next few episodesand im excited what could it be what could it be????? u should check it out its great anyways thats all folks thanks 4 coming to my ted talk :)
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