#the era of birb birb has arrived
birb--birb · 2 years
The longer I've been on the internet, the more I regret using my real name as a username 😅
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berrychanx · 1 year
TMMN Alien Society - Analysis
This is only based on little lore we know and is just my analysis and theory
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Based on the landscapes,  the suken buildings, the vulcano in the background, the tropical plants etc, we can assume this was pre-modern humans Japan, Hunter-gatherers arrived in Japan in Paleolithic times,  30,000 BC but the Japanese archpelago dates back as far as 100,000 years.
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Jōmon Culture ( REAL LIFE / EARTH EVENTS) Middle Jōmon (ca. 2500–1500 B.C.) This period marked the high point of the Jomon culture in terms of increased population and production of handicrafts.
Look who has lots of ceramic’s
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The warming climate peaked in temperature during this era, causing a movement of communities into the mountain regions.
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Late Jōmon (ca. 1500–1000 B.C.) As the climate began to cool, the population migrated out of the mountains and settled closer to the coast, especially along Honshū’s eastern shores. Greater reliance on seafood inspired innovations in fishing technology, such as the development of the toggle harpoon and deep-sea fishing techniques. This process brought communities into closer contact, as indicated by greater similarity among artifacts. Circular ceremonial sites comprised of assembled stones, in some cases numbering in the thousands, and larger numbers of figurines show a continued increase in the importance and enactment of rituals.
Final Jōmon (ca. 1000–300 B.C.) As the climate cooled and food became less abundant, the population declined dramatically. Because people were assembled in smaller groups, regional differences became more pronounced. As part of the transition to the Yayoi culture, it is believed that domesticated rice, grown in dry beds or swamps, was introduced into Japan at this time.
This all seems to tie perfectly with the alien race in Tokyo Mew Mew New.
Fauna: This goofy bird reminds me of a bird of terror
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Phorusrhacids, colloquially known as terror birds, are an extinct family of large carnivorous flightless birds that were among the largest apex predators in South America during the Cenozoic era; their conventionally accepted temporal range covers from 53 to 0.1 million years ago. They ranged in height from 1 to 3 m.
 Aliens domesticating terror birds? BASED. But aren’t them specific to America? Yeah but this is an anime with aliens and magical girls and genetic modified humans XD so maybe terror birds could have existed in Japan in this timeline...or some regular herbivore bird simply evolved into a big BIRB. Well back to the main topic, the enviroment and climate change, like real life records show, this “region” climate began to warm so much it started raising the sea level.
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But why some refuse to leave?
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if we think of real life experience: wars and dramatic climate changes can lead people to find a new way to survive elsewhere or on the other side to stay and try to overcome the difficulties, ti is always been like that.
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they're afraid of the unknown, what waits them out there may be worst than their fate on earth sentimental behavior,elders etc
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My theory is that, they’ve sent a couple of aliens into the new world in order to build a decent new home for everyone, once their new home was established they would come back and take the rest with them.
But sadly the disaster occured too soon, before the previous team could have contact with the “aliens on earth”- Probably the human species could have develop from the previous “aliens” that survived and lost their “alien” characterisitcs or simply evolved the normal way real humans did
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Source for Jomon culture
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z-h-i-e · 1 year
15 questions for 15 followers
@thatonetimetraveller has questions...I have answers...thanks for the tag <3
Are you named after someone?
Why yes...
I'm named after a character in a book/film. The character in the film was played by someone with the same first name. It's a fantasy story, a time-travelling ghost I suppose would be the best way to summarize. Film was from 1948; book from 1940; story based in the depression era.
The thing is, it's a name that happens to be the most popular name that was like this many *spreads arms out* years running, so the assumption is just my parents were hipsters of the day, going with the same thing as everyone else.
The truth is, they had the names Christopher and Miranda picked out; when the fam heard of the name Miranda, displeasure was announced. So then my parents were like, nah, okay, we'll think of something else...
But then I was suddenly, like, hewwo world!, and I arrived ON TIME (like, the only time ever really) TO THE DAY (I have confirmation on my begetting day, which is kind of cool), so as my mom was in the hospital room and things were happening and my arrival was like NOW...the movie was playing on the TV in the room, and my parents decided it was a good name, soooooo...
I am named after the title character in Portrait of Jennie (not the 70s and 80s fad, strangely enough). A cute but creepy child ghost time traveler who grows up and falls in love with an artist.
Now - fun additional fact - I did actually marry an artist who is in fact more than a handful of years older. Fate be like that.
My middle name comes from my grandmother on my father's side.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Today when I found out that Murphy the Eagle who has been trying to hatch a rock for the longest time is now getting to be a dad to an orphaned eaglet. Don't let your dreams be dreams, Murphy!
3. Do you have kids?
I have three floofs and a feathered friend. Also a fox that lives in my yard and poops on top of my shed. (Relevant because we are currently looking for a roofer for our garage, and the roofers keep letting me know there's a pile of poop on top of the shed and I have to explain this isn't a prank.) This is a third generation fox. This fox lives with a giant orange outdoor cat.
Indoor floofs are Angry Old Lady Cat (Oreo - she'll be 20 soon, so in human years, that's like 180 or something, she's allowed to be angry at everyone who isn't me or Smaug), Cat Who Thinks Is Dog (General Patters - that beautiful asshole might knock shit off tables and sneeze on me, but twice a day like clockwork he's on his perch for his meds, doesn't fight them, comes when called, and sits on command), Doggo Who Has No Brakes (Princess Paige - she was born blind, but a rough tough cream puff who is braver than most animals I know, and is easily bribed by hotdogs and cookies), and Felix. Felix is a lovebird who turned 23 this month. He's a solo fella since 2018, and he's living his best life (and still blows my mind when I think of historical world events that happened in the last twenty years... like, PJ's LOTR trilogy is over 20 years old, but what's older? Dis birb.)
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No. I also don't always understand sarcasm. I have had times when it's thought I am using sarcasm and I'm not. But I can write it, when it's written I know what it is when I see it. Usually.
I do appreciate, growing up, that my dad could tell when I was confused and would let me know sarcasm was in use. That helped.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their voice. Many physical things can change; voices usually stay the same, so I try to key into voices, and that helps me remember people better later. (And yes, that means communicating on the internet is like this wild party with the sound muted and I'm wandering around sometimes wondering 'do I know you?' This is part of why I really, really like Discord servers with open voice chat channels in them. I appreciate Discord mods who have vc as an option in their servers so much.)
6. What's your eye colour?
Officially, listed as brown. Technically, hazel. Just like the car I drive, as long as they work, I don't care what color they are.
7. Scary movies or good endings?
Sometimes you can have both.
8. Any special talents?
A couple nights ago, I found out I can write different words with each hand simultaneously. Apparently that seems pretty strange to those with whom that information was shared. I guess if people read this and reply in the comments that this isn't rare, then I'll have to find another talent. (Can also write stories while singing completely unrelated songs. This is allegedly another oddity. We joke at work that I am a dual core processor.)
9. Where were you born?
In the city I now live again after several life detours.
10. What are your hobbies?
All of them.
11. Do you have any pets?
Please see the question about my children.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
You mean all the ones they forced me to in gym class, or just the electives?
Okay, on purpose, I played softball (catcher mostly - I have large hands >.> moving right along), did some archery, and kickboxed.
I also was on the tennis team for one day. I broke my wrist during the first practice tripping over a racket someone left on the ground behind me. Clearly not one of my finer moments.
Additionally, I'm part of an ongoing game of tag that dates back to 2016. I'm currently it. That counts, right?
13. How tall are you?
I'm taller than average, but I'm still shorter than all of my siblings, and being the eldest, I don't want to talk about it. #Fingon-mood
14. Favorite subject in school?
Elementary: Geography; Math Middle School: History; Science; Any Hands-on class (carpentry, art, sewing, etc.) High School: Orchestra, Jazz Band; German College: Copyright Law; Animation/Film But overall, any time I got to use a computer, program a computer, take apart a computer, build a computer, etc... I was there first. I used to constantly sign up for Saturday morning computer time at the elementary school. My poor mother, having to take me to the school on the bus on Saturday mornings, and I'd be this little first grader sitting there plunking away at BASIC or playing the Snoopy game while the 6th-8th graders were typing up papers and doing serious business.
15. Dream job?
I am living the dream
No pressure tags:
I choose you, @melkorwashere @unnamedelement @violinclad @thelioninmybed @lferion @jaz-the-bard @raisingcain-onceagain @thraaaaaaaanduuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiil @sallysavestheday @synechd0che
@jhelenivarsimae @maglor-my-beloved @thedaughterofshadows @hhimring @elfscribe and all others who want to do the thing
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