#the entire league are staring at mr compress like he's lost his mind. afo in prison feels the sudden urge to call someone stupid.
shipping-all-ships · 2 years
Kurogiri: Sako, you're the most jealous man I know.
Mr. Compress: You know other men?
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myreaderacademia · 4 years
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Shigaraki x Female Reader
Set after AFO gets arrested / established relationship
People often mistook Shigaraki’s moods.
They would label them as a tantrum or put it down to his inexperience at leading; at times they would mistake a mood swing for something much worse and tiptoe around him when it was only a minor shift in his demeanour.
It wasn’t until All For One was taken that the core members of the League saw the most dangerous of his moods. Y/N remembered coming into the man’s room and seeing her comrades, who were strangers at the time, silent and wary – as if they were watching a rabid wolf rather than a young man. A small nod exchanged between her and Kurogiri made her presence acceptable to the others and she approached Shigaraki.
A hand reached out and grabbed her arm, a soothing voice came from behind a patterned mask, warning her not to go near. A small smile and gentle withdrawal of her arm from his grasp was all it took for him to reluctantly allow her closer.
Crimson peered out from behind the curtain of pastel blue hair and she watched is arms tense as they held the hands – his family – closer to himself. There were so many feelings conveyed in his eye that she wasn’t sure which to address first.
There was a quiet, burning, anger inside him.
Anger that he lost, that he failed and his Master was gone.
Anger that was slowly forming into a plan.
She could see by the way he had pulled up his hood, turned his body a little away from the others, that he wanted to be alone. He hadn’t told anyone to leave and that told her he also needed to have people near – his people.
The need to not let anything else be taken from him.
All For One had saved him, had taught him and no matter how many times he failed, All For One picked him up again. The way he had bundled the hands to his chest, hunched slightly over them like a brooding hen over her eggs, his need to protect what was his was clear. The silent threat that if anyone even tried to take one, even a finger, he would kill them.
His gaze misted over the longer she stared, looking not at Y/N but through her, way, way past her as he drew further into his mind and plans. Just before she had lost his attention she had seen what this ‘tantrum’ really was.
He was hurting.
The protective stance over his family was a disguise for what was really vulnerability. He needed comfort, something inside him, perhaps the remnants of Tenko, needed to be consoled. Not wanting to be alone, the hurt he was masking with anger…
This wasn’t a tantrum.
“Can you all leave?” Y/N turned her back on Shigaraki, attempting to block him from view, unconsciously shielding him, “I don’t think we need an escort, we’ve been dating long enough, right, Kurogiri?” She smiled brightly at the group, something so out of place in the room suffocating them all in the density of tension coming from one man, that they didn’t move at first. A few side eyes went to the Warp Gate as if to verify her existence.
“Of course,” he opened the door and slowly the league filed out; Twice and Toga having to be gently nudged out by Mr. Compress when they hesitated.
Once alone, Y/N let out a soft sigh and hovered her hands over the ones in his arms, “Shall we put them to bed, Tomura? It’s late and everyone is tired, right?” Her voice remained quiet, gentle enough to coax him into doing what she liked but without treading into patronising territory; He wasn’t a child. Shigaraki needed to feel in control of something and she knew that telling him to put the hands away would agitate him further. “We should put the trouble makers aside first.”
Opening up a drawer that was specifically for the hands, a space for each one, she waited patiently for him to decide what he wanted to do. Forcing him wouldn’t do and if she distressed him enough to hurt her then she knew he would just withdraw further into himself. A minute or two passed, the tension in the room easing just a little when he finally took the unnamed pairs of hands and placed them in their spot, “The old folks next.”
The next set to go where his sister’s, then his Mothers and finally it was Father’s turn but Shigaraki paused. “You’re in charge, Tomura, if you don’t want to then you know I don’t mind Father. It makes it hard to cuddle though…”
“Thank you,” reaching for his hood, Y/N was stopped by his grip on her wrist – he held her too tight and he was dangerously close to making contact with all five fingertips. He was more possessive than usual, she figured it was from having so much snatched from him that night. “That hurts, Tomura, I’m not going anywhere. I came all the way across Japan to see you. I even left my own coterie without a leader.”
Giving him an incentive was the best she could do when his mind was so fractured and busy. He would gain her if he chose to let Father go. She never thought she’d have to be an afterthought to a taxidermy hand when they first got together. Here she was though; waiting to be chosen.
Almost Reluctantly, he placed the final hand away and closed the drawer.
Hearing a short huff of air leave his nostrils, accompanied by the almost unnoticeable twitch of his lips, Y/N knew she’d amused him with her words. “A gang, Y/N. Call them what they are.”
“I have to use gang but you get away with ‘League’” It was a small insignificant jab, however, it was chipping ever so gently at his despair and his hold gentled. He allowed Y/N to push his hood back and run her fingers through his hair in soothing strokes; over and over until he allowed them to trail down to his ripped raw neck. “Let me take care of these.”
“Tomu-“ Red eyes shot to hers and Y/N closed her mouth, thinking how to best deal with this. She wasn’t afraid of him, she was afraid for him and how it would affect him if he lashed out. He had never harmed her outside of training or the one time he laid an entire hand on her body – the brief touch had left a scar on her thigh. Thankfully it hadn’t been enough to cause irreparable damage but he hadn’t wanted to touch her for a long time afterwards. “Okay, then can we at least go to bed? We don’t all have Kurogiri to warp us everywhere – I hate flying. I hate having to remember a false identity and then using my quirk when I mess it up.”
Shigaraki took her wrist and pulled her toward his bed, the awful, drowning aura she had walked into at the start was almost gone and she was sure she could offer him more comfort than those hands ever could.
People often mistook Shiaraki’s moods.
What looked like madness clawing at the man was oftentimes his way of asking someone to care enough to comfort him.
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