#the editor on my laptop gsve up after the pictures and i had to do the rest on my phone
bluecolouredlou · 3 years
Planner : What is your favourite plotting method and why?
Pantser : Tell me about a time you wrote something for your WIP on a whim.
Plantser : What is the first thing you do when you start working on a new WIP?
Up with the sun : What is the earliest you’ve ever woken up to write before?
Night owl : Have you ever stayed up til the wee hours of the morning just to keep writing?
Character questionnaire : What is the most important question to answer about your characters?
Not even a last name : What is one thing you’ve never planned for your character?
Gardener : Quick, on the top of your head, give me a first sentence for a (genre,) novel.
Architect : Name the three most important things for you to plan
Aesthetics : Look for three images which best showcase the overall aesthetic for your WIP
Song bird : If you could pick three songs to capture the feel of your WIP, what would they be and why?
Sprint : What is the longest writing session/ most amount of words, you’ve ever written in one day?
Marathon : What are three things you have to have during a writing session?
Overwriter : What is the easiest thing for you to write/ what are your strengths?
Underwriter : What is one area you feel you should focus more on with your writing?
Chronological : Have you ever gotten stuck with a scene? If you have, how do you power through and finish?
Whatever suits your fancy : Beginning, middle or end? Which is your favourite part to write and why?
Typing : What software do you write with?
Handwriting : How many notebooks do you own and which is your favourite?
Location, location : What are your top three (or,) least three favourite places to write and why?
you said you had nothing to do so,,,, im sorry njdghkdk if you dont feel up for it just answer your top 3
nothing to do = I have nothing to do that is really important and that anybody cares about it, so I am just letting it be and am doing other things instead
Planner: Plotting is mostly something where I just do what feels right so literally every time I sit down to plot something it looks different and sometimes I may not even plot anything out... even though that is not so wise
Pantser: In my first zouis fic (for the @zouisfest) I am pantsing it so literally everything is on a whim, which is now also getting me into a bit of trouble. But the one thing that I am thinking about is that I might throw two of the side characters into a relationship, dunno though. Ohhhh and what was definitely on a whim was doing a threesome with Zayn, Gigi and Liam in Sweet Heart, but I've been liking the thought of those three enough to be thinking about a separate fic for them...
Plantser: I just brain dumb everything that I know into a document or something of the sort.
Up with the sun: 5am, no comment
Night Owl: I tried it at least once but it really isn't my thing but I generally don't write much after dinner
Character questionnaire: You guys answer questions about your characters?!?!
Not even a last name: Somebody explain to me what this questions even mean skadkjfska
Gardener: Rae, you never even gave me a a genre but one senence that I really like is: The skies were so grey that the cats started catching mice again
Architect: 1. POV Character 2. detailed plan of how the locations they are at look like (floor plan), bc my head doesn't work without knowing how the layout is 3. Chapter length
Aesthetic: (both are for the @zouisfest ksjdks)
1. Zouis fic (on the Bake Off, just me writing this):
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
2. Zouis fic (writing with @quelsentiment 👀):
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Song Bird: I hate picking songs, but I'm gonna do it for you (you better appreciate this)
1. Zouis fic:
The Great British Bake Off - Tom Howe
The One That Got Away - Katy Perry
Green Feelings - Lorde (mostly just me listening to it while writing)
2. Zouis fic:
Moments - Mindland
Insomnia - Zayn
Renegades - X Ambassadors
Sprint: I think I once made it to 5k which is CRAZY
Marathon: My Laptop, a notebook and some pens
Overwriter: I answered in this asks
Underwriter: Dialouge feels like the one thing I should focus one more
Chronological: Waiting it out for a day or so or just skipping it and filling it in later, which I do a lot of the time
Whatever suits your fancy: The beginning since most of the time this is where I have the most clear vision on what I want to do and I just absolutely HATE endings, I really can't with them
Typing: I am jumping around a bit from time to time and from story to story but mostly just google docs
Handwriting: I have two in use and there are many more I own, I don't even want to count. My two favs are the notebook that I currently plan my days in and a new one that I just bought because the second notebook I am using is about to be full
Location, location: In the summer it's nice to write outside and you would be surprised how comfy it is to write in a Hammock, other than that at my desk and occasionally even in my bed
Here is the place where I would link to all the other questions but since rae already ask everything I don't have anything for you (go and read all my stories that I have on ao3 right now)
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