#the ecliipse
feuqueerfire · 1 year
Our Skyy 2 Live Blogging
They really filmed the episodes for this in parallel and it was fun and chaotic to get all the spoilers for them. This is one my GMMTV's 2023 most anticipated shows, so I'm very excited.
My most anticipated are Bad Buddy, My School President, and The Eclipse. Then, NLMG > 1000 Stars = SIMM > Vice Versa and I don't plan on watching ABAAB. Bad Buddy was my most anticipated when the announcement happened because it's my favourite BL and I miss Pat and Pran so much T.T but since then, My School President has aired and I care about seeing both the characters and actors in that (NobiGun I'm gonna scream for 80 years); I don't care about ONN as a ship for Bad Buddy and I don't really care about seeing more of The Eclipse but rather am mostly excited for KhaoFirst. So now it's MSP > BBS > Eclipse
Never Let Me Go Apr 19, 22, 23
The actual show left me with a meh feeling but I really liked this historical time travel soulmates nonsense. It was cute and fun and I'm happy to have seen Nueng and Palm one more time. Also the Ep 2 part 1 beach kiss from the present time took me by surprise but it was great. Also think it's funny that we traded 1 Dangerous Romance couple in NLMG (Perth/Chimon) for another (Marc/Pawin).
I do like Pond/Phuwin and wonder if they'll get another show next year or not.
Rating: 6.5/10 - same as NLMG
Star In My Mind
I don't care about or remember this show but I like JoongDunk enough and idk, I'm in the mood for cuteness
Ep 1 (Apr 26): they're soo cute and also even though it initially seems like Kluen's always scheming to or pushing for more physical affection from Nuea, Daonuea's the same way with the kissing in part 2 end and part 3 beginning. Daonuea's just a schemer in general (with Maitee and Sean for example) and I like that
Ep 2 (Apr 27): So much more boring rip it's like how Kluen and Nuea got boring in the actual SIMM show once they got together. also sad that we didn't even get Nay/Sean but still had to abandon Sean/Maitee for them rip.
Rating: 5.5/10 - slightly lower than SIMM
The Eclipse - May 5
It's my first week at work + my laptop charger stopped working, so I didn't watch this during release but am watching on Friday.
Ep 1: My beloved beautiful KhaoFirst back on screen, hello. I'm actually a big lover of established relationships + conflicts in such a relationship, so I like this in theory but I feel like I couldn't quite understand what was going on or what was making them be so irritated at each other and also the characters esp Ayan were a bit ? to me if we compare them to their The Eclipse selves; I think a longer show where we could see patterns of behaviour would've been so good if this was a longer series. Also they're sooo cute in part 4 ahh Ayan trying to make up with sulking Akk and Akk just being like ">:( sometimes you make me feel so good and other times you're horrible"
Ep 2: ahh friendship is magic Akk-Wat-Kan conversation with them wholeheartedly supporting Wat without glorifying his decision - even if his directorial dreams fail, they'll still support him T.T
I got spoiled since ep 1 aired that Aye was planning a surprise while pretending to forget Akk's birthday and yeah, it's dumb to make somebody sad for 2 weeks for a surprise smh also since his friends knew, they should've shaken some sense into him .
Anyway, very horny ending, nice.
Overall: They have some very good things I love (established relationships going through some problems or navigating things, lovely friendships and supportive friends, lots of pecks and cute kisses) with some things that will forever annoy me (I think this sort of "surprise" is bad and mean agh) and also Ayan didn't quite feel like The Eclipse Ayan. The parts that were good made me smile though, I like KhaoFirst a lot.
Tangentially related but now I'm wishing KhaoFirst are in a slightly serious drama about an established couple going through a rocky period - but not like tooooo dramatic or with big consequences like divorce or custody battles or anything. more like alan/wen where they still love each other but keep hurting each other (not via cheating though) and make it back together by the end.
Rating: 6/10 - significantly lower than The Eclipse
Vice Versa - May 10
I get why people keep up with weekly shows, I haven't been able to binge any show since I started work/internship but coming home to watch an episode is fun and doable. But I think this pretty much only works because it's a 2-episode arc that's gonna end the same week rather than watch 1 ep and think abt it the whole week.
Ep 1: I didn't really care about Vice Versa or Puen/Talay or JimmeySea but this episode was fairly cute, good for watching while somewhat paying attention but not really analyzing or thinking. I also liked that the kid shows up like 2/3 of the way in and we get some o the couple being coupley before that
Ep 2: Boring and idc and also slightly annoying with the secret thing
I'm so excited for next week MSPxOurSkyy, idc if people are sad it's the same scenes and not college Tinn/Gun. i’m forever a lover of flipping dynamics + we get Nobigun so i’m hyped
Rating: 5.5/10 - slightly lowe than VV
My School President
My most anticipated (beat out Bad Buddy because for that one I'm only interested in the characters but not the actors whereas I'm into both the actors and characters here)!!
OST: Love Love Love (May 16) - I smiled through the whole thing! It's It didn't beat out any of my MSP OST faves after 2 listens but that might change later who know
Ep 1 (May 17): They're just cute! Tinn was soooo into Gun knowing how to ride a bike lol. Also the switching of cute scenes among pairs was interesting too, like Tinn/Gun getting the motorbike scene and Sound/Win getting the homework scene.
they made fans guesses with TiwPor secretly dating come true and they're even scheming. that's cute even though i don't really feel any attachment toward TiwPor
Ep 2 (Ep 18): I’m watching MSP Our Skyy and if I liked SoundWin more, the “Why? do you want us to be friends?” reenactment would have done me in fr
Tinn my sparkly-eyed boy!! Gemini's eyes were so beautiful in part 2? 3? when he and Gun were lying down beside each other ah pretty boy. Also, so adorable that Tinn fell first in this universe too and he was so cute talking to his mom when Gun came to the store that first time.
Although to have the previous Our Skyy eps be full of kisses and not even have cheek kisses in this one, forget lips is like why
Overall: The MSP Our Skyy eps are just okay, i don’t think they needed to do a play by play of the original series squished into 2 episodes and they could’ve been more clever if they were set on doing the body switches. I just dont care that much though because I got 2 more hours of TinnGun and also GemFourth
Rating: 6.5/10 - lower than MSP
Bad Buddy (x ATOTS)
MY BELOVEDS!!!!!!!!! ohmnanon this ohmnanon that idcidcidc my beloved PatPran are coming back to me! as are Ink and Pa~~~~
Ep 1 (May 31)
gonna only get to watch part 1 during lunch so I debated just watching it at the end of the day but no, I'm impatient
they're so dumb, they're so cute, they're so horny, I can't handle it my head is in my hands
ink peeling shrimp for pa ah. i love their nonchalance at ruining pran and pat's moment but rubbing it in their face with their own cute feeding moments
phi pran not pat roleplay i die i cry i scream forever
they would not make me witness Pat playing porn in front of everybody, would they?
oh, they would...
ah they're so T.T now it's snow white roleplay
oh pat really would back out, the dumbass is so in love
also they're so bad at hiding this relationship, just handing out on campus in broad daylight, n wonder Prom's character saw them talking from time to time
Pran dumbass pulling the "i like it." "you mean the stars?" "i like you" line ah
kiss kiss kiss !!! what is up with these interruptions !!!!!!! i needed it to be like the eclipse, simm where it's kiss after kiss but somehow my horniests faves are getting no kisses? it won't end up like MSP no kiss right?
oh my godddddd I'm so done, why is Pran overhearing Pat's drunk ribbing at him?
well at least Pran seems to take it more as a challenge rather than getting sad about it
Pat accidentally cuddling and kissing Wai T.T but also they kissed this ep before Pat and Pran did? be fr
Pran really has a kink for embarrassing Pat in public T.T Pran's putting Pat through public humiliation kink
lmao why'd Phupa faint?
not the Pran-Phupha stare and then Pran-Tian staredown pls
next episode nowwwwwww
Ep 2 (June 1)
oh pretty long ep, like 70 mins?
lmfao Pran really getting their in the middle of Phupha and Tian's argument T.T
somehow doesn't feel weird to see Pran in this village and setting of another show. somehow he and Tian conversing just makes sense
oh Pat with his cheekiness, him getting here feels like more of a difference in the setting
ah Pat Pran i love them
Tian clocked them in 1 second
I didn't really like Phupha in the original ATOTS, let's see if I'll care about him now
not Phupha Tian arguing about who threw themself at who first T.T
these fuckers T.T running Pran around to get the other to admit they liked the other first
"following what's in the diary" ep 7 flashbacks, Pat Pran are experts at doing cute couply things without just admitting that they're both liking it and doing it
silly boys T.T playing in water soooo cute
ah fucking mosquito net phupha-tian roleplay T.T finally a kiss but why would Pran push him away T.T they kissed with ease in Bad Buddy, what is this
askldfjalskdjfakldsfj they're soooo horny "have you ever wondered how much this can withstand the shake?" adsfsadfkl but they won't even kisssssssssss
Pat's obsession with smelling Pran
ah Bad Buddy song - secret
ngl I wish this was a little less about Phupha-Tian and more about Pat-Pran since it's still their week of Our Skyy
lmfao pls not Pat and Phupha waking up shirtless beside each other also are you guys stupid really counting down to check if they have their pants on
girl what's happening
Cute and fun and I love PatPran, so I wish there was a bit more of them than there actually was. Can't believe I only watched this because I'd get to watch it weekly but instead I have to wait until next week D: Though at least it's good that we get PatPran for 1 whole week instead of just 2 days.
A Tale of Thousand Starts (x Bad Buddy)
I finished The Devil Judge on Monday and was still in that sort of mood on Tuesday and Wednesday, so I'm gonna binge both episodes from this week on Thursday - the last Our Skyy episode day.
Ep 1 (June 8)
fucking smell kink freak Pat
this ep is kinda boring ngl
these horny mfers really fucked in the tent lmfao
bro this ep is just annoying like why is everybody getting lost and both Tian and Phupha are just annoying characters this whole crossover
Mostly a boring (and repetitive - why get lost twice in the woods smh) episode except for certain Pat/Pran moments ah my beloveds
Ep 2 (June 8)
won't like i'm just skipping through the second half of part 1 bc I don't care about Phupha/Tian and I'm bored already
watched a bit more of part 2 bc they were cute enough
is that the P'Aof cameo as the solider in the play
lol Pat as Tian and Pran as Phupha cute
plssss InkPa at the back - I wish they were there a biiit more
Pa heckling them to kiss and Wai + Korn making it happen pls
wtf the WaiKorn? did they acc kiss?
yaas PatPran as PhuphaTian kiss even though we haven't got a regular PatPran good kiss except that 1 surprise one
yeahhh kiss as Pat and Pran or I kill you - oh this is the finger-sucking scene, horny bastards okay we did get a kiss
plsss my beloved Pa pee interruption scene recreated
oh, I don't give a fuck about engagements
Okay yeah sure idk Pat and Pran are great as expected but the first ep of this week was fairly boring (and mostly Pat and Pran apart) and 2nd ep was Phupha/Tian heavy (That's expected)
Rating: 6.5/10 for both weeks BBSxATOTS eps
In the end, some were good, some were meh, some I was disappointed by but oh well. It was still fairly fun and I liked watching it weekly since I get a new story every week. NLMG = MSP = BBSxATOTS > Eclipse > SIMM = Vice Versa
Rating: 6/10
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eviiiiiiii · 4 months
do we fw princezam whiteboard mouse drawing lifestealtumblr
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ladicsa · 1 year
@ecliipsed liked for a starter
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THE SHARP STERILE SCENT OF THE DISINFECTANT HITS HER NOSE AND KISA CONCENTRATES ON IT, using it as an anchor to keep from flinching away from the soaked cotton round pressed to her arm. “What do you think?” she asks of him, expression cheeky (because what else could she do but joke in the face of the wound left behind from being grazed by a bullet). “Am I gonna be left with a totally badass scar?”
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intistone · 2 years
Just had a hilarious thought about Future Eclipse talking to Sun Moon and Y/N about the salad family.
Moon: now that I think about it Eclipse how did you escape, the lab is so tightly secured...
Eclipse, nonchalantly: yea a group of crazy ass Kelpies came out of no where after I failed to escape all the way on my own and turned the place into a 3rd grade group collage of blood, skin, organs, bones, and dead bodies.
Y/N, Sun, and Moon completely dumbfounded:
-flower anon
Then this happens @zipitmythicalsunset
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toksikk · 1 year
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"Remind me why you feel the need to go over this again?" Lorna asked with an annoyed huff. "Im literally fine. Look, I love you so much but sometimes i think you forget i can handle myself."
@ecliipsed gets a starter <3
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flyingstripes · 2 years
Truth be told, Sam's never been much of a costume guy. Uniforms, too, much as he'd known they were protocol while he was still in service. Becoming Captain America comes with its own caveats-- like having to wear red, white, and blue when he's off on his bigger missions-- but there's a certain comfort in just being Sam Wilson, sometimes. He'll never regret picking up the shield, but it's good to return to his roots once in a while: being a normal guy who just wants to help.
And in the moment, it's Sam Wilson driving a van full of mutant kids and their parents north to the Canadian border.
They've occupied and left two safehouses since leaving Atlanta. Though the Avengers don't need to be on the run like they had before, offering lodging to mutants needing refuge is a worthy enough cause to make sure those safehouses are always ready. The last safehouse until the final stretch to Canada is just outside New York state, and by now they're about fifteen minutes away.
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"That contact you mentioned," Sam starts, regarding Eclipse in the passenger seat, "what time did you say we had to meet them tomorrow evening?"
He's already thinking about driving schedules in his head, trying to mentally map out routes for them to take. Redwing, ever the dutiful little mech, keeps Sam updated on any potential threats that might be approaching or ahead of them-- they've dodged every bullet so far, though, and he prays that luck only keeps on.
Some people might laugh thinking Captain America's become relegated to the status of personal chauffeur. But as he glances in the rearview mirror, seeing sleeping children leaning against their rightfully paranoid parents, he knows he's doing the right thing.
There's no reason for them to be suffering this. None at all.
"I'm thinking I'll drop you folks off at the safehouse and head into the city to buy last minute supplies for them." He has no doubt Eclipse can protect them on his own, especially with Redwing to run surveillance. "And... well, whatever I can afford for your people, too. For you to take back to Atlanta."
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downspirals · 17 days
🔆 we've never written on this blog, and only a little on my multi but like you're such a joy to have on the dash like i love your ooc posts i love your love for your characters i love your vibes
WTFFF THIS IS SO SWEET!! we need to get writing together asap!!
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t4t-hantunia · 6 months
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stcrforged · 2 months
❝ headcanon generator: * violet lewis.
italicized are the ones i agree with. tagged by: @chaoslulled tagging : @yontonyo, @ecliipsed, @earthinheritd, @vhenann
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violet has fallen asleep at her desk while working in the middle of the night. (oh! she has definitively fallen asleep at her desk while studying for tests and doing her homework. she worked hard for those grades and then everything went to hell)
violet bites her nails. (yes! it something she does when she's nervous, stressed or bored)
violet would buy clothes from the soup store. (i think she would before the kidnapping. it seems like her style back then but she wouldn't even set her fot in that store after the kidnapping. also i hope it's that pink store because i had to google asdfghj)
violet believes in ghosts and insists on trying to summon one at every sleepover. (lol nope. she just thinks that's stupid. yes, she's judging you and everyone)
violet's favorite color is pink. (i think it was one of her favourite colours before the kidnapping. she's in her emo phase now thank you)
violet wears hello kitty socks. (i mean i think she easily gets cold? so as long as they fluffy and comfy she would, but like in secret. she would die if anyone saw her in them)
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ecliipsicwrites · 6 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Ride the Cyclone: A New Musical - Maxwell & Richmond Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jane Doe | Penny Lamb/Ricky Potts Characters: Jane Doe | Penny Lamb, Ricky Potts Additional Tags: Fluff, Birthday, Post-Cyclone Accident (Ride the Cyclone), Song: The New Birthday Song (Ride the Cyclone), Light Angst, Implied/Referenced Character Death Series: Part 1 of ☆ Ride The Cyclone - by ecliipsic Summary:
"How do we know... it's my birthday?" Jane looked up at him.
"How do we know it's not?"
Or: The new birthday song scene from Ricky's perspective.
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pagetreader · 1 year
BOLD what consistently applies, italicize situational / not always. repost, please do not reblog!
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fight honorably  / fight dirty / prefer close - quarters / prefer range /  chat during /  go silent  /  low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts / attack steadily  /  go for the kill  / aim to disarm / fight defensively / strike first / provoked easily / provoke their opponent / tease /  get visibly frustrated /  shout while attacking  / use strategy  /  focus on their battle /  experience conflicting thoughts during battle  / rush in recklessly  / try to read their opponent before fighting  / fight wildly  /  fight calmly and/or apathetically / fight with anger  /  fight with excitement /  fight because they have to  /  fight because they want to  / fight without regard to wounds /  run away when wounded  / hide wounds  / take a blow to protect another / prefer a blade  /  prefer a gun  / prefer to use their ability / prefer a bow / prefer a shield  /  prefer a pole arm  /  prefer a personalized weapon  /  prefer magic or spells  /  prefer brawling  / their greatest weakness is physical /  their greatest weakness is mental  / their greatest weakness is emotional  /  transform for battle  /  fight as they appear  / rely on strength / rely on speed  / use everything they have / hide their full potential /  exhaust quickly  / high stamina  /  doubt their strength  / proceed with caution  / behave arrogantly  / brag after landing a hit /  belittle their abilities  /  use psychological tactics  / use brute strength  /  avoid civilians   /  strike down civilians  /  damage surroundings  / avoid damaging surroundings  /  signature fighting style / making it up as they go / mastered skillset /  learning their skillset  / fancy footwork /  sloppy footwork  /  messy fighter  /  elegant fighter /  accept defeat  / refuse defeat /  beg for mercy  /  compliment their opponent  / insult their opponent / use unnecessary movements  ( flips,  twirls )  / move efficiently /  barely move  / prefer to dodge / prefer to block  / defend their blindside  / has no blindside  / use all available advantages  ( ex :  use a gun but also throw punches,  kick out while blades clash,  etc. ) /  strictly use one main method  /  play around  / hold back / fight ruthlessly  / show mercy  /  wait for opponent to be ready  / strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death  /  fear pain  /  fear killing  / has ptsd /  avoid fighting  / has lost a fight /  has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill  / want to die standing  /  would succumb slowly
Tagged by: @gunslingcr (<333)
Tagging: @honorhearted // @emcads // @wiiaca // @paddyfuck // @aworldofyou // @sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins // @dreadwxlf // @artifexx // @fasciinating // @ecliipsed // @wirwolff // Anyone else that would like to!
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ladicsa · 2 years
@ecliipsed cont. from here
She isn't sure that she ever had fit into either of those categories. In the beginning she had been on the fringe of the very bottom rung, only there for one specific person, and under the assumption that she'd never so much as be a speck on the radar of the higher ups. And then she had caught the eye of a man she cursed meeting every single day, the convergence of this with the full manifestation of her mutant abilities casting her in the centre of his attention. But there was a difference between being at the top and being under the thumb of somebody at the top. No matter how he sang her praises about her beauty and her power, it was obsession, not love; it was a concerted attempt at coveting her for himself.
It's the parallels and differences between them that has interest in his time with the Cartel is still rampant, but she doesn't ask - they have time. Especially if she decides to stay.
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Kisa nods in acceptance of his explanation, because really, what other choice did they have given their position? It isn't exactly like they have options. "It's a good thing I'm coming then," and if she joins them, then she would insist on being on the supplies crew regularly. "I can't get in their heads without them knowing," or at the very least thinking they were going mad. "-but I can just brush the surface. Make sure nobody has any anxious feelings," the kind that might go with a snitch.
Honestly, her powers were so intrinsically linked with the worst moments of her life that she has a mountain of resentment towards them to get over, but this is for a worthy cause - unlike what she had been forced to do in the past.
"Better to be safe than sorry."
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bajanbacca · 1 year
Lorna x Marcos Au
Ever since everything that had happened with the Hellfire Club, there was a lot that she still thought of. With everything, there was bound to be some sort of regret and she had allowed them to put ideas into her mind that she thought were true. In the end, she felt almost betrayed at regretted thinking that they were doing good, she had left Marcos and those she had considered being good friends, and now she had to mend those relationships. After the fall of the hellfire club she and Marcos had gone to visit their daughter Dawn and her aunt's house and that was when they had decided to stay out of the underground and raise their daughter.
It was strange to be sitting things out but she had figured it would be wise because then they wouldn't have to miss some of her firsts. She already felt bad that Marcos couldn't be there for the birth of their child and she did not wish for either of them to miss out on anything else in her life. They had managed to find an apartment and they had moved in only about a week ago. She moved over to pick up Dawn from Marcos and went to lay her down in the crib to let her sleep.
Once Dawn was laid down in the crib she made her way out of the room towards the living room which was still quite empty since they didn't have much and it was still a work in progress. She looked over at Marcos, "I'm glad that we chose to raise our daughter over helping the others. But it still feels strange" she said.
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intistone · 2 years
just to confirm when you say jack and eclipse are the same person. you do mean two people one body right?
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toksikk · 1 year
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@ecliipsed gets a starter from Lorna!
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Lorna sometimes hated just how easy it was to crack a smile in front of Marcos and she rolled her eyes as the smile grew. "You're so annoying." She mumbled before taking her hand and brushing it along his arm. "Lets stay in tonight. Im actually not in the mood for the bar."
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All Might:
How do we get down there?
Jump down from here on 3.
All Might:
Aight, 0, 1! *drags him & jumps*
All Might:
who start at 0?!
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