#the easiest ways to do codexes is letters but for this one i do genuinely think it was the best approach
bumblewarden · 2 years
Novhen and OC Codex 10. a description of your OC by someone who hates them 🥧
cw: fantasy racism
A decrypted letter found among Bann Esmerelle's possessions after her death. My dear friend and cousin,
I empathize with your plight entirely. The Queen was all too quick to forget that vulgar rat's crimes the moment it favored her to do so, but I will always remember what he did.
He killed my sweet Jonaley in cold blood. He killed Arl Urien and his only child. He was with the Wardens when they delivered our kin and countrymen and good King Cailan to the darkspawn at Ostagar. Then, as if he needed to prove his disloyalty further, he killed Arl Howe. If we had any sense, we would have hanged this murderer the moment he stepped foot into the Landsmeet Chamber. Instead, he was allowed to command the floor.
You should have seen the way that viper twisted the truth and drew upstanding members of the nobility to his side as if they did not understand his crimes. They Grey Wardens wanted to feel important again, and they acquiesced him every step of the way.
The idea should not be dismissed that he may have a blood mage in his employ swaying the minds of his betters. I cannot otherwise imagine what possessed Her Highness to name this depraved elf our hero in her father's place even after he sanctioned his execution before her own eyes and all present at the Landsmeet. This elf's tongue corrupts the minds of all around him. It deserves to be torn out.
If he were, against all odds, telling the truth when he accused Loghain of permitting slavers in Denerim's alienage, it is a great shame he was not able to arrive there sooner, preferably without the backing of his Order.
The Grey Wardens have too long been a haven for thieves and murderers like him. We were foolish to ever let them back into Ferelden, and with the Blight over, there is no reason to allow them to stay and desecrate Amaranthine. Whatever support you need, I am at your disposal.
Yours, Bann Lorena
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