#the dummy's dummy paris
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kyarycn · 10 months ago
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Hey hi it's been a while
Did you know I can animate? it's totally not painful in Clip Studio PRO--
Anyway I took one of the panels and hand-animated the rest from scratch before finishing it in After Effects and Premiere Pro!
I guess if TDD was an animation it'd look kinda like this?
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marblemelon · 2 months ago
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misscaptaincat · 1 month ago
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First ever drawing On procreate!! :3 But I'm getting the hang of it 💪🏽😤
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purpleguysimp · 9 months ago
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Hes such a pretty boy with such a hard to draw nose
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the-puppet-bracket · 1 year ago
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Paris propaganda
Geno propaganda
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p0pcorn-hearts · 9 months ago
I've gotten obsessed with another webtoon (help)
With another interests comes yet another twink to fawn over 😔
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nelumbonuciferagaertn · 7 days ago
Paris (the dummy's dummy) x Reader
Warning: injury, self-harm (not severe, it's mainly a cute story) Relationship: romantic with Paris, parental (more friendly) with Yumi Reader's gender: not mentioned Summary: you talk with Paris' knife
This is my first fanfiction, I hope you enjoy it! :)
You live with Yumi because you are her babysitter. You know everything about her seeing ghosts and the living toys—in other words, the puppet named Paris. You care about that, and it’s logical because it's very dangerous. Yumi often comes home terrified and sometimes injured. However, you allow her outings because Yumi has a heart of gold, which compels her to act whenever she knows something bad is going to happen to someone else. And you know that if you stop her, she won’t listen—or worse, she will blame herself for not helping the little child from her prophetic dream.
And then, there’s Paris, the puppet. Your first meeting with him was… a fight. I mean, who wouldn’t grab a baseball bat from a Trailblazer cosplay and immediately swing at an unknown figure inside their house? Definitely not you. The problem was that he was faster, stronger, and more agile than you. So, it took him barely two minutes to knock you out. Don’t worry, you were fine—it’s just to say that you trust his ability to keep Yumi safe.
But as time passed, you got to know the toy a little better, and he learned about you in return. And you have to admit—you feel something for him. Who wouldn’t? He’s handsome, kind, strong, and the contrast between his love for destruction and his care for Yumi is so endearing that it makes you fall for him.
That day, Paris had just returned from a mission, covered in mud. So he was taking a shower, and that's when, like the mischievous leprechaun you are, you entered the bathroom, saying: "I’m just taking your old clothes and leaving new ones here, okay?" "Alright, thank you."
You set down the black clothing next to the used ones and glance at the knife resting nearby, waiting for its master. Looking around to make sure no one is watching, you mischievously pick it up before calmly leaving the room. Today is the day you will talk to his knife!
Why? Well, it has eyes and mouths, so why wouldn’t it talk? Moreover, during the fight with that clown guy—what was his name again? Palovok? Polakov?—they said the knife started laughing. You don’t know for sure, you weren’t there, unfortunately.
Anyway, you figure that if it’s alive, like Paris or at least somewhat like him, you should try talking to it. It might even be a part of him. With a bit of luck, you might get some exclusive information! And so, you ended up stealing Paris' knife—leading to this very moment.
After tossing the dirty clothes into the washing machine, you run to your bedroom, shut the door, and sit cross-legged. Facing the strange knife in your hands, you begin:
"Hello?" you start.
No answer.
"So, you’re Paris’ knife, right?"
"Yeah, that question was unnecessary. It's obvious…" You let out a nervous laugh, not entirely convinced by your own words.
"I see you have eyes and mouths. Does that mean you can see or talk?"
"You can't?"
"You're not very talkative, are you?"
"Do you mind if I take a look at you?"
"I’ll take that silence as a yes!"
You begin examining the object in your hands. First, you look at the blade—its brightness catches your eye. But you decide to save the best for last. So, you turn your attention to the handle. It’s not exactly dark—more of a gray color. But when your shadow covers it, it turns much darker. For fun, you move your hand back and forth a few times.
However, on the third time, you stop. This time, you touch it. Your fingers graze the surface—it’s both smooth and rough at the same time. Perfect for gripping during intense fights, even with sweaty hands! Not that Paris can sweat anyway.
You grip the knife tightly, as if preparing to attack, and strike a few cool poses.
After playing around, you shift your focus to the blade. The first thing you notice is its brilliance. It’s almost shocking how a knife regularly used to cut through people (or whatever they were) is still so sparkling clean.
You also observe that the eyes and mouths appear and disappear. For example, when you took it from the bathroom, there were only a few. But when you swung it around, more appeared. And the more you talked, the more they vanished. You assume that when the knife gets bored, the mouths and eyes disappear. That would explain why there were only a few in the bathroom—Paris had just returned from a fight. When you took it unexpectedly, you piqued its interest, but as you kept talking, it grew bored.
Pleased with your first assessment, you gain confidence, which leads you to gently skim a finger along the blade’s edge—your index finger, to be precise. The cutting edge is so sharp that a small cut appears on your skin. But for some masochistic reason, you don’t stop there.
"Well, let’s see what you got!"
You hold up Paris' knife triumphantly. Heading to your desk, where some random objects are lying around, you grab a piece of paper. With a slow movement, you slice through it effortlessly.
"You're very sharp, aren’t you?"
In response, the mouths on the blade curve into a grin, making you smile too.
"Let’s try something more resistant..."
You scan your desk until your eyes land on an apple. You pick it up and toss it into the air a few times. You don’t expect to miss your target so many times, but here you are—throwing it for the fifth time. On the sixth, you finally hit it.
Maybe the knife was getting annoyed with your misses and decided to help? Whatever the case, the apple is now perfectly sliced in half, juice dripping onto the floor. But when you check the blade, it’s still pristine.
"Let’s do it again!" you say, grabbing one of the apple slices.
The knife grins at you, and you prepare for another round—until you hear your name being shouted from the hallway.
That’s Paris.
"Oops, he noticed…"
Your door swings open violently, revealing the dummy. His brows are furrowed, and his piercing gaze is fixed on you. He looks… a little mad.
"Why did you take my knife?! It’s dangerously sharp, you know!" He snatches the weapon from your hands.
You open your mouth to explain, but he interrupts by grabbing your hand and inspecting your injured finger.
"Look at this. Come on, let’s treat it."
Still holding your hand, he guides you to the bathroom. The room is still humid, but not enough to be unbearable.
Paris opens a drawer and pulls out a first-aid kit. You sit on the edge of the bathtub while he kneels in front of you, carefully bandaging your finger.
"You know, I’m not a kid anymore…" you say as he works. He glances at you, unconvinced.
"Still, I appreciate the care!" you add with a small laugh.
"You're not as monstrous as you think you are."
You smile at him, watching for his reaction. His head lifts, and he looks at you with a shocked expression.
"You know I could kill you right now, right?"
You lock eyes for a moment—then burst into laughter.
"Oh no, you won’t!" you tease, wiping a tear from your eye.
When Paris finishes treating your wound, you use your uninjured hand to tousle his hair.
"Thank you for taking care of me! I didn’t even notice I had cut myself. Your knife is really sharp, you know!"
"That’s why I said it was dangerous," he replies, pulling away from you with an annoyed expression. But you immediately use your other hand to continue, still laughing.
"Don’t do that with this hand! I just bandaged it, idiot!"
"Come here! I need to thank you properly, my little cutie dummy!"
He growls in discontent, grabbing your hands and trying to push you away.
If he had blood, he thinks he would probably blush—more than usual—because of the proximity and the affectionate nickname you just gave him. He would be lying if he said he didn’t like you. Before, he didn’t really know what love was. He appreciated his creator, just like he appreciated many other things, but Yumi taught him what love is. She accepted him for what he was, creating a strong bond between them—exactly like a brother loves his sister.
But with you, it’s different. He likes you, he is certain of that. However, it’s not the same kind of feeling. And he doesn’t mind. It’s an enjoyable feeling. And later, he could even boast to the Darling Dolls about his new understanding of love.
"Anyway, it’s almost time for dinner. I have to cook something for Yumi and me," you say. He drops your hands, letting you moove.
You head toward the door but stop just before leaving the room. Turning back, you ask:
"After dinner, I was planning to play some games with Yumi. Wanna join us?"
He looks at you, considering your offer, then nods positively.
After dinner (you prepared apple curry—you just wanted to make Yumi happy for no particular reason), the three of you head to Yumi’s room and play different kinds of games. It’s comforting to see her having fun, especially compared to the times she came back completely traumatized.
… You lose all the games, by the way.
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blackbeauty15stuff · 9 days ago
(Forgive me for this shit drawing but)
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I had a good idea of dummy's dummy but rag dolly the musical au. As in yumi wright as marcella and paris the puppet as raggedy ann and i possibly ivan as marcella's dad (a bit wierd but still wip idea). I really like the idea so much that i was TRYING to draw the Rag Dolly poster but with Yumi and paris.
This is the original poster
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I hope you like the idea atleast and somewhat interest in watching this musical (my most favoritest musical ever).
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mutopians · 16 days ago
does paris know i would die for him. because i would. i absolutely would.
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nella16 · 7 months ago
" Revolting "
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birdioarts · 4 months ago
The Dummy’s Dummy fast pass spoilers
Yumi is finally opening up and feeling more comfortable around her adoptive moms, if anything happens to this poor girl I’m gonna commit crimes.
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kyarycn · 1 year ago
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Nier fans that run into this post probably won't know who these guys are at all but please the two red heads from each series are similar/ theres some parallels with them all I swear thats why I did this
But anyway, TDD fans, hi how ya doing these were originally on my insta highlights but I decided to pull them over here (You can find a lot more TDD doodles and art over there if you look me up :o) ehe shameless plug )
I turned Polakov into a book! That was fun
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marblemelon · 2 years ago
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misscaptaincat · 3 months ago
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Happy New Year!
the first few are really old that i believe 6 or 5 years old, but then I moved to digital, although I still draw on paper sometimes. Some may know me by my wally darling Aus
i really loved drawing for so long and I'm still learning to draw even better❤️. I hope everyone has a good year and more Years to come, to share another year with love ones. 2024 has ended, I really appreciate every comment, like and follow, thank you all my dear veiwers. it really made my year.😊🎆
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ghostinghome · 9 months ago
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silliest webtoon ever
(technical difficulty’s under cut)
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i STRUGGLED so bad against clip studio tears were shed and for some reason when it crashed it turned yumi into analog horror
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the-puppet-bracket · 1 year ago
Paris propaganda:
"Spooky puppet was created by a guy who's creations all did the opposite of what they were supposed to do, which meant that all the safe, non-sentient toys and trinkets he tried creating are now dangerous, sapient beings of destruction. Unfortunately, he only found this out AFTER selling all of his creations, so he created Paris specifically to be as monstrous as possible to use that weird status effect to his advantage, and then had him hunt down all the lost creations before sealing him away. Paris is then released again by our adorable main character, Yumi, after she gets chased into her parent's basement by a killer teddybear. Now it's up to Yumi & Paris to put an end to all of these childhood horrors! And this time, he's not going to just seal them back in their box."
"He's a really fun character!! He acts aloof but he's very protective of Yumi, his colour scheme is a vibe and he is a ventriloquist dummy"
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