#the duffers when finn pulled up with that improv:
chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I love you for exactly who you are; you’re my superhero—
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the-angry-pixie · 5 years
dude i'm so with you. as an actor and film acting teacher, a lot of the acting was godawful this season. even david harbour was lacking some of his usual subtlety. but it was most noticeable with the kids, especially finn. partly the writing's fault probably, maybe the direction, but it's also probably partly to do with them growing up. (1/2)
the reason kid actors who are good are so compelling is that they don’t really know how to “act” and they aren’t trying, and a lot of them “try” more as they get older. finn’s acting made me ??????? this whole fucking season. most of the cast just went hammy af. this season was so fucking weird. (2/2)
Hey friend! Thanks so much for dropping by and giving you’re unique view.
I agree there are definitely a few contributing factors going on here - writing, directing, the actors own performance choices.
And what you said about children’s “naturalistic” approach to acting is SO TRUE.
But I want to present another theory that I was discussing with my friend the other day. I also have experience working with actors (used to work in talent management) and so I’m coming to this with at least a little bit of background experience and knowledge.
I’m wondering was the fact that the Duffers are such novice directors might have had an influence on their ability to “wrangle the actors”.
As I’m sure you know, once actors spend a lot of time with each other, the more friendly they get and the more their chemistry outside of work grows. Their non-work interactions become a lot more intimate and sillier. Suddenly theres a lot more joking around in the rehearsal stage. They have a whole world of inside jokes that they now bring to work with them.
And sometimes, that “bonding stuff” bleeds into the work. They are much more willing and comfortable to improv and “play with each other” through their performance.There can even sometimes be friendly competition to “out perform” each other. Sometimes its as simple as actors who are already friends are finally getting to act in a scene together for the first time and they are bloody excited about it.
And this is fine. This is not a bad thing. Its certainly not unprofessional or anything like that. Its all part of the process of getting a performance to where it needs to be. And USUALLY, there is a good director there to pull an actor back when things start to go too far off course. 
So what I’m proposing is that perhaps these actors, who now have known each other for at least 4 years now… have reached new heights and depths in their personal relationships with each other and that has come through in the work ANNNNND the Duffers, being relatively new and green to the directing game, perhaps had a bit too much fun playing around with the actors instead of leading them. (also I’m aware the Duffers weren’t the only directors this season - but I think its definitely fair to say that their directing of the first two episodes would have set the direction and tone for the whole season).
As an actor, what are your thoughts on this? Would love to know if you get what I’m trying to say - I certainly don’t pretend to be an actor and to fully understand the “acting experience”, so I’d be really interested to hear your thoughts.
And of course I’m not saying this is the ONLY reason the acting in the season seemed so different from previous seasons. Again, just another possible contributing factor.
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gone-cotta · 6 years
Finn Wolfhard x Reader First Appearances
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4
wow I’ve finally been on tumblr long enough to learn how to link stuff! improvement!
After Sadie explained her idea, you were immediately on board with it. A half hour later, you had perfectly arranged everything to annoy to boys. 
You and Sadie had started with Gaten. Grabbing numerous items from the room, you set his sleeping form into several ridiculous positions to take pictures, the best one of which was featuring him holding one of his slides like a pillow against his cheek. Millie walked in on you two laughing and carefully taking the slide back, and after standing in the doorway for a moment looking confused, she just threw her hands in the air and walked away. After taking a few pictures, you two moved on to Noah and Finn.
Opening the door quietly to make sure they were both still asleep, you turned back to Sadie and nodded. You both stepped carefully into the room, before starting to search for objects that would make good pictures. First, you took pictures of Noah. There was a potted plant on the shelf, you set it between his arms so it looked like he was hugging it. Satisfied with the results, you moved onto Finn. Seeing a hat sticking out of Noah’s bag, and setting it on Finn’s head backwards, Sadie paused.
“hmmm...it still needs something...” she said, before clicking her fingers. You shushed her, and she turned to you. 
“I need you to get in the picture and do a thumbs up” She said, and you obliged. Plastering a smile on your face, and sitting next to the sleeping Finn, you posed for her as she began taking pictures.
“Okay, done!” she exclaimed, after taking pictures from both phones, forgetting that the two boys were literally sleeping 5 feet away. Finn stirred beside you, and opened his eyes. 
“What-What’s going on? Y/N” the boy yawned, and sat up before realizing he had a hat on. He tugged it off his head, ruffling his curls so they were even more unruly.
You giggled, and made a move to stand up. Finn however, saw the phone in Sadie’s hand, and caught on to what they had done. “No no no!” He shouted, and he moved forwards, grabbing your hand and pulling you backwards. You lost your balance, falling back to him with a small shriek.  Sadie was silent, hiding her phone behind her back.
“Delete it!” He breathed, and you turned to face him. Inches away, the boy looked at you with playful eyes. You shook your head. Finn loomed closer, sitting forward. A grin played his face, and you felt like you were barely breathing.
You responded after a moment. “Make me”
As Finn drew closer, you could feel your face heating up. He reached out with his hand halfway to your face when you heard the clicking of Sadie’s phone, which she had forgotten to silence. You both turned to her, and she looked at you with a guilty expression. 
A couple minutes later, after tackling Sadie, you three agreed on a truce, for now. Finn allowed you two to keep the pictures, as long as you sent him the ones of Noah and Gaten. You and Sadie happily obliged. Both Noah and Gaten had woken up during your noisy conversation, and now Dacre was the only one asleep. 
When you and the other kids walked out into the living room, the second you saw him you caught Finn and Sadie’s eye, and you all knew you were thinking the same thing.
“That one’s my favorite” Sadie laughed, looking at her phone. You looked at her screen to see you, Finn, Sadie and Noah with your elbows on the couch, looking at Dacre as he had a sombrero placed on his sleeping head. Gaten had happily taken the picture, but he might not have if he had known there were pictures of him sleeping as well...
You let out a small laugh. The five of you were sitting in a circle on the carpet. “You need to send that to me!” Finn exclaimed, when Millie walked into the room. She surveyed the room before sitting on a chair and crossing her legs. She had on a tank top and baggy ripped jeans, her hair curled and tied half up. You immediately noticed Finn’s eyes darken, and the girl seemed to be doing everything to try and ignore him.
“Whoah Finn, you look like you wanna kill someone” Sadie said, surprise lighting her face. She crossed her legs, and looked at the boy, who lightly exhaled.
“Its nothing really. We got into a fight about..the events of yesterday” he said carefully, his eyes flitting over to you. You flushed, and guilt began to swirl inside your stomach. What if the fight lasted for a while? It was because of you that was happening, and Finn and Millie had always seemed like such good friends. What if this fight ruined it?
“Well, this is Millie we’re talking about. It’ll be over in a few days at most” Gaten assured Finn, but he looked uncertain. 
After the next few minutes of laughing at photos, Matt called out from the kitchen. “If anyone’s hungry, I’m making eggs. Come tell me if you want any” 
At once, Sadie dragged you over to the kitchen, followed by Finn, Gaten, and to Finn’s displeasure, Millie. As Matt stood with a notepad, like a waiter, listening to what the kids wanted, you hung back. You didn’t feel like eating for once. Maybe it was nervousness or something. 
As Sadie thanked Matt a million times, she headed back over to you, but you had just noticed Millie talking with Finn. “G-Go back to Noah real quick. I think I will get something...” You ushered, and she gave you a look before walking back to the brunette.
You drew closer to the two, who were behind Gaten, who was talking to Matt about the long lost art of frying eggs or something like that.
“Why do you even care? You have Jacob, as we all know because you won’t shut up about him” Finn hissed, and the girl spiked up, her eyes flaring. She crossed her arms over her chest before spitting out her response.
“The fans. They ship us not you two! The show might lose popularity if-” she started, but Finn cut her off. 
“Thats what this is about? “Popularity”? Christ, the fans know we have personal lives, and they can’t control our descisions, especially these kinds” He said in disbelief. You stood in shock, forgetting to try and look like you weren’t listening to the quiet argument. “Besides, if it were about fan ships, why are you dating Jacob?” he finished, leaving Millie with a furious expression on her face. 
“Y’know what? Thank you Matt, but I’m not that hungry” She said to the director, interrupting his conversation with Gaten. You didn’t hear his response, too shocked by the conversation you had overheard.
After a moment, you realized it was just you standing next to Matt. Finn and Gaten had gone back to the group. “Umm, just 1 scrambled egg is fine for me, thanks” you said to Matt, and he looked at you with concern as you looked distractedly back to where Millie had crossed the room, tapping angrily at her phone. 
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Matt asked and you looked back at him. “I’m fine, just...a little distracted is all” you said, and turned to go back to the cast.
The rest of the talking done by the group was mainly done by Noah, Sadie, and Gaten. Finn remained quiet, his dark eyes focused on the floor. You kept casting anxious glances at him and Millie, kneading the soft carpet with your palms.
Soon, group members began to leave. Noah was the first to leave, at around 10. Then Millie, Gaten, and Dacre. Finally, it was Sadie’s time to go. 
“Bye Y/N, Finn” She hugged each of you in turn, grabbing her bag and throwing it over her shoulder. Sliding on her light blue sandals, she went to thank and say goodbye to Matt. Finally, as she went to walk out the door, she turned back to you. 
“See you in two days” She smiled. Oh yeah, the interview. The Duffers had scheduled an exlusive interview with the cast of kids for the day after tomorrow, and it would be the first interview since the entire season was released that they would all be seen in public together.
“Oh thats right! Now I won’t have to miss you as much” you teased the girl, and she stuck her tongue out at you before getting into her dads car that had pulled up on the street. You both waved your goodbyes, and as she pulled away you head back into the house.
You sat down on the couch, pulling out your phone. A moment later, Finn sat next to you. You instantly remembered it was just you two alone now, and your heart began to beat quicker.
“Today and yesterday were fun” you said lamely, at an attempt to start a conversation. To your delight, Finn didn’t seem to think it was a weird thing to say. “Yeah. It was pretty awesome...” he said, but his voice trailed off.
“What? Is it about that Millie thing?” you questioned, and he looked up in surprise. 
“Actually...no...i’m fine with her being mad at me for now, it’s just...” he sighed.
“I wish yesterdays conversation had gone a bit differently” He finished, and your breath caught in your throught.
“W-what do you mean?” you stuttered, and he noticed how nervous you seemed. 
“I dunno, it’ll sound really stupid” he muttered, but you found yourself leaning towards him. 
“No it won’t. What is it?” you said softly, and he met your gaze.
“I just-ugh. I really like you Y/N, and I know you said we should to get to know each other, but after this morning...last night...I just like you even more” the boy’s pale face was tinted a light pink as he scrambled to find the words that fit his thoughts.
“I just-just feel like....ugh I’m really no good at this” he smiled apologetically, and you were lost for words. Did that really just happen??
“Y/N? Did I weird you out or so-” The boy was cut off as you quickly moved forwards and pressed a chaste kiss on his lips, before getting up and running to the guest room. You ran around the corner, and shut the door almost all the way. Looking out through the small opening, you watched as Finn sat, frozen, before a blush lit his entire face. You assumed you looked the same. Checking your phone one last time, you saw a text from your mother saying she was here and outside waiting for you. 
Grabbing your bag, slipping on your sandals, and saying a quick thank you and good-bye to Matt, you headed for the door, when you saw Finn, still on the couch.
He lying on stomach, his face pressed into a pillow, presumably hiding his pink face. You held back a laugh. “Bye Finn. See you in two days” you called sweetly, and the boy just raised an arm feebly in a quick salute. 
It was nightfall. You now lay in bed, on your phone, reminiscing the day, replaying that moment over and over again in your head. You scrolled through Tumblr, looking at cute memes from the IT fandom, Reddie, when Sadie texted you.
“Look at Millie’s Instagram”
“Just do it”
And so you opened the app, only to find hundreds of notifications awaiting you. Half of them just seemed like random fangirls screeching stuff, so you closed out of that and went to Millie’s page. She had posted a collage of photos from the party, featuring the pool jump photo, and others with her and Dacre posing while everyone was watching IT. She posted 6 photos in all, and as you scrolled from the 5th to the 6th, you nearly dropped your phone. 
Furrowing your eyebrows, you stared at it. It was the photo of you and Noah by the pool, and Millie’s caption read  “My ship has sailed” with little hearts next to it. All the comments were screaming, and you could see they were confused, angry, and happy...
“When did she post that?” You asked Sadie after scrolling through the comments for a few minutes.
“A couple hours ago”
You sighed, tossing your phone aside and staring up at the ceiling. At least Sadie had known that it was fake. However, there will thousands of fans who didn’t, and you were just too tired to deal with that at the moment. So, you rolled over, plugged your phone in, and decided to try and get some sleep. You would just deal with this tomorrow.
Gag-what even was that ending? I was mid writing it last night, and when i started finishing it this morning it was like i didn’t even know how to write. Anyways, I moved the story along! :) 
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milliebobbybrownfan · 7 years
New Post has been published on Millie Bobby Brown Fan #MillieBobbyBrown #StrangerThings
New Post has been published on http://millie-bobby-brown.com/pressphotos-millie-for-parade-magazine/
Press/Photos: Millie for Parade Magazine
Netflix’s Stranger Things Serves Up Thrills and Chills in Season Two
Identical twin brothers Matt and Ross Duffer, the creators of the smash Netflix sci-fi horror series Stranger Things, grew up in North Carolina on a steady diet of pop culture—especially the stuff that was supposed to be off-limits.
Like scary movies.
“My babysitter in preschool told me the story of Freddy Krueger,” says Matt. “I was 4 years old! From then on, I just knew I had to watch A Nightmare on Elm Street. When we were young, we knew we weren’t supposed to be watching horror movies. That made the appeal of them so strong.
“It’s like forbidden fruit. You just want to taste it. I remember wandering into the horror section of the video store and just staring at the covers of these movies, feeling desperate to know what it was.”
“We fell in love,” says Ross.
The Duffers, now 33, have funneled much of their adolescent fascination with horror into their hit TV series. The spooky Stranger Things—which is less A Nightmare on Elm Street and more It—will stream all nine episodes of its second season on Netflix beginning October 27. (You can catch up on season one anytime on Netflix.) The first season was set in 1983—a year before the Duffers were born—and centered around a group of kids, the search for their vanished friend and the appearance of a psychokinetic girl. There was a monster, interdimensional paranormal forces and twisted laboratory experiments.
Part of the fun of the first season was meeting the young cast. Noah Schnapp, 13, plays Will Byers, whose disappearance spurred his friends Mike (Finn Wolfhard, 14), Lucas (Caleb McLaughlin, 16) and Dustin (Gaten Matarazzo, 15) into action. They aligned with a mysterious girl named Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown, 13) and confronted an alternative dimension, a dark, cold, forbidding place called the “Upside Down.”
Winona Ryder (Will’s mom), Matthew Modine (a research scientist) and David Harbour (their small town’s chief of police) received raves for their performances as the adults alongside the young actors. The entire cast won Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series at this year’s Screen Actors Guild Awards.
In season two, the ensemble is joined by Paul Reiser and Sean Astin. Sadie Sink, 15 (who played Annie on Broadway and appeared as one of the siblings in the movie The Glass Castle), will come aboard as Max, a tomboy, and Dacre Montgomery, 22 (from the movie Power Rangers), will portray her older stepbrother.
Shades of Spielberg Sharp-eyed fans have enjoyed finding nods in the show to many of the Duffers’ movie idols and influences—Steven Spielberg’s E.T. and Stephen King’s It, bits of DNA from The Goonies and Stand by Me, even shades of Ridley Scott’s Alien. The tone of the show, often pitch-black but laced with wicked humor, echoes director Wes Craven’s Scream, while the retro look of the show (and the music) recalls John Carpenter’s Halloween or The Thing.
“We had this idea of a kid getting pulled into a different dimension,” Matt says.
“There were a lot of real-life experiments going on at the tail-end of the ’70s and early ’80s. We thought if we set the show in that era, it would allow us to pay homage to those movies.”
Stranger Things is also a throwback to movies like Spielberg’s Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and Joe Dante’s Gremlins, which were something of a rite of passage for braver kids—never going too far over the edge, but still offering plenty of thrills and chills.
“That’s what we really wanted,” says Ross. “Some of our most memorable experiences were those films. Those movies really affected us as kids, and not in a bad way. We really loved how dark they would get.”
And the Duffers—like many folks—have always loved to be scared.
“Fear is one of the strongest emotions,” says Matt. “It’s an incredible adrenaline rush.” Movies and TV shows, he says, are especially safe ways to experience fright without any serious consequences. “Part of your brain knows, ‘This is completely fine and safe.’ But when you’re in it, you get lost in it, completely immersed in it.”
Scary Things The show’s young cast members agree—sort of.
“People love the thrill of something dangerous if they know they’re safe,” says Schnapp.
McLaughlin disagrees, at least about movies. “I don’t watch scary movies,” he says. “I don’t like putting that in my head.”
“I love The Conjuring,” says Matarazzo. “I love Insidious. Those movies don’t scare me, though. What scares me are movies like Saving Private Ryan and Schindler’s List, where the human mind takes over in its most evil form and causes tragedy that could happen any day.”
“I think it’s all about the moment you get scared,” says Sink. “Then you laugh about it. It’s fun!”
Why do we laugh after we get scared, anyway?
“It’s a release of tension,” says Ross. “It’s a realization that you got terrified of make-believe; your brain is trying to tell you that. I think it’s a defense mechanism, a mask: You make fun of the thing that scared you. It’s a shield.”
The fact that the show’s young cast are the central players in the thick of all sorts of horrific goings-on is somewhat unique. The Duffers make sure the kid actors are treated as professionals even during the darker, creepier and scarier elements of the episodes they’re shooting, and they’re determined to make the kids authentic on the screen. “When I was little and watching movies like The Goonies and Stand by Me, I felt like I was watching myself on the screen. It never felt like adults writing kids; it felt like kids writing kids,” Ross says.“That’s our goal. We want it to feel like a bunch of 12-year-olds sat down at the keyboard, and we just organized it.”
The show is unusual in that the young cast is on set almost all of the time, Matt says. “We spend a lot of time with these kids. If I’m around them for 20 minutes, I forget I’m 33,” he says. “I think they think we’re kids too, which is great. Sometimes you have to remind them that it’s a serious job we’re doing, but for the most part I treat them like everybody else. I think reconnecting me to what it was like to be that age has done nothing but improve the show.”
This new season, promises Brown, will be “exceptional.”
Will Byers, who was trapped in the Upside Down through most of the first season, will take center stage. “We’re really excited for people to see what this kid [Schnapp] can do. He blew us away the way Millie [Eleven] did in season one,” says Ross.
And season two will get darker. “We want to push that line, and for these kids to feel like they’re really in danger,” Ross says. “We wanted to treat this like a movie sequel, and up the ante in the way that our favorite movie sequels did so well.”
“Last year, we were more like normal kids. But now that these things have happened, we’re a little different,” Wolfhard, who also starred in the recent remake of It, hints. “We’re always sort of on edge.”
And so are we—counting the days until Stranger Things can scare us all over again. – Source
2017: Parade Magazine 2017: Photo Session #022
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