#the drawing process for this was wack to be honest
goosesartblog · 2 months
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i like her. not sorry
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afreakingmilkshake · 8 months
I was curious, how do you do watercolors? The way you use them is so nice.
So if I am being completely honest, when I use watercolors, there is a lot of experimentation when painting but I generally use them similarly to how I use markers!
Majority of the time, I start off with a base layer of paint to start the process of layering colors together.
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Here's a drawing of Kris Deltarune when I just used an underpaint of warm, sunset-like colors before i darkened the drawing with some cooler tones such as purple and blues.
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And heres the drawing after layering colors!
I rely on a lot on underpainting due to the colors becoming more harmonious and so the color palette ain't full of wack colors that don't match 😭
I would say that I rely on color theory when choosing my colors, but majority of the time, I end up just choosing colors cus I think they look nice together (probably bc I trained my eye to use color theory lmao).
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flyingraijin · 3 years
1, 11, 19 for your writers ask game~ 😘😘
1. Do you know how you want the story to end when you start, or are you just stumbling through the figurative wilderness hoping to find a road?
If I'm honest, most of the time I have no clue where a story is going to go. I'll get an idea for the opening sentence and just work from there. 90% of the time I don't even make outlines (which @cjdisplay gives me absolute hell for). Although, there are miracles that happen once in a blue moon when a story will plonk itself down in my brain, completely fully formed.
11. If you currently write fanfiction or have ever written fanfiction, please tell us about the plot of the first fic you ever wrote
I'm not sure if it technically counts as fanfiction but when I was 7 or 8 years old I would draw/write weird little comics about an OC and Prince Zuko from ATLA. They all took place before he was banished and were usually about Zuko and the OC learning firebending together. I have this distinct memory of drawing one scene where the OC lost control one day and hurt Zuko - I was so proud of myself, I thought it was the most angsty thing ever.
19. What’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
I've come across a lot of wack shit while researching but I think the most useful thing I ever learned was the step-by-step process of relocating a dislocated shoulder in an emergency situation.
I think it really depends what I'm researching. Most of the time I don't go much further than ensuring I'm not talking absolute rubbish. However, I do put a lot of time into researching things like culture or folklore. This kind of stems from the fact that I always want to make my stories as accessible as possible to anyone who wants to read them, and so I don't want to make some people feel disconnected due to misrepresentation or ignorance to certain details.
shit to ask people who write
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groggy-mittens · 4 years
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G’day wonderful person
(excuse my grammar, English is not my native language owo)
I thought it would be fun and perhaps even helpful to post my own process on how i make a page!
I start with a messy draft on what i want to show in each panel, i ignore placing of speech bubbles for now. Its more to get myself on the right track.
Next I want to create a more clear base line on the positions, angles and facial expressions. sometimes it matches with the draft, often then not i realize i should shift a bit to fit what i want to show. I place a few speech bubbles here and there to help visualize the page more.
I LOVE line art. So when i start with that it takes a long while before its done. I play around with shadow drops (accurate or not, as long as it looks nice), thick to thin lines, and just all around detailed as much as the canvas allows me to be.
I have a sheet saved with all the textures! some are from online sources, some are my own. Im not good with making them so complex textures i leave up to the experts! I throw them in one by one, cut em out and move on. Also, please remember that people of color have lighter palms/feet! there are a lot of tutorials online who go into it a lot better then my white ass can ever do. For the comic i add brightness to the areas.
Speech bubbles come when ive placed all of the dialogue and i know what size the bubble needs to be. I kinda look around what would be the best place for them, as you hide whats under the bubble and cut away parts of your art. In this phase I go around time and time again to check the details, did i forget gordons glasses again, has benrey the shadowdrop, did i make typo’s etc.
Then post and hope people will like it haha. Sometimes i still spot like, a typo bc my dyslectic ass likes to fuck itself, i panic, breathe and fix it in like 2 sec and replace it with the correct page.
I am in no means an expert (i can already see faults in my word the moment i post them) and to be honest ive never made a comic this large. But i wanna share a few tips.
Never stick to your first draft, dont dedicate yourself to it, allow change if you see better options (as you can see happening in this post).
This is a common mistake, place your text in the middle and try to even out the corners of the text bubble. Like, the distance of the right corner from text to bubble be the same as those of the other 3 corners!
Try to avoid boxes. You can use them and please do, but get a bit more playful, draw a box in a different angle or dont use one at all.
Push yourself to poses that you are not used to draw and/or comfortable with. Tracing is okay! trace a pose, memorize it and draw it by yourself. Dont copy it of course, its more to help you understand whats happening, for your brain to remember how the pose works. It will look wack first time, so please do not get discouraged! keep on going!
I hope this might help some folks who, just like me, are new to this! thx for reading, sorry its so long pff
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futurewriter2000 · 3 years
' There are a lot of things that remind me of you. More than things should make another person nostalgic, literally everything makes me nostalgic for you.
It's odd because I got over you but the bus rides remind me of you. The day you bought me a bus ticket and the way you laid your head on the bus window. Your hair were so greasy and you closed your eyes meanwhile I talked. The scene was like picked out from a movie and I remembered it since then. Every time I ride the bus, I sit on our designated seats and for one person, four seats are too much. It almost makes me feel selfish but I just grew attached to it. I remember you sitting across me or two seats next to me. I remember your ripped jeans, white and black, both pairs that you wore. I remember the bus station you waited on, and the path you walked me home on and your block... and the bus station near my block where we met to go out and the bus station I walked you to... and the bench we sat on... and I just remember so much of you that it still makes my eyes tear up.
I remember the conversations we had about horror movies and anime... and I remember how other conversations we had made right triangle and Pythagoras' theorem a thing for us. I remember conversations about having trust issues and when you had told me about your ex and a random girl, who stole your favorite bandana hoodie. I remember the water that you bought us that morning when we got high on the meadow and my shoes were covered in drawings of your cat you named Snow and the triangles, flowers... I cannot wear the grandma jacket I wore that day. Every time I spray myself with Dolce Gabbana The One parfume, it reminds me of you because I wore it for you. I remember how I couldn't climb the stupid wall because it was too high and we just spent laughing for five solid minutes. I remember you telling me that you loved my energy. That morning you sent me your plushie with wack eyes, your favorite hoodie, your plant... I came home with such a smile on my face- God, I told so many people about that day because it was like a movie. With you it was always like a movie.
I didn't know what was going through your head since then but something did because when I was working morning shifts, standing there completely asleep as I had no time for my coffee, you scared me half to death and laughed. People thought you and me had something... we did, actually. We did have something but nobody knew what, not even us. I don't know why but since that moment you started to push me away and I remember that so clearly for some odd reason.
I could say that it felt like a summer fling but it happened from November till March. Then in April... you just started disappearing and how can somebody just disappear? I beat myself sensless since then. Crying and crying and crying and crying because I lost somebody special but it wasn't just that. I believed that somehow you thought I wasn't good enough to be in your life... or funny enough or that I was just too weird for you- I don't know. I just felt I was losing my mind over you. That you just left without saying anything... not even a goodbye. You just disappeared.
I worked those night shifts without you and I sat at the same table we sat, we met, we talking about pencils, us drinking red-bulls (some days you bought them for us, some days I bought them for us), you trying coconut chips and judging me for it, me getting you pistachios, me making no sense with a story because you just listened and I got lost because nobody listened that much to me... I didn't know where to eat because we spent time everywhere in that place. The stupid heater and you standing there looking at it like you had seen God. The bench where I sat and you stood, smoking. Some days I woke up and even though you weren't there, I smelled it and I took such a deep breath of it because I missed you so much. You making no sense by asking me why I don't smoke. Which is saved in my drawer of our weird conversations about how to fall asleep if you cannot sleep, how some scenes in horror movies are actually funny instead of scary, throwing up while high- which reminds me of the day we went to get burgers for us three and I paid and you looked at me and were like so confused of why. Well, I like to give to my friends and that is who I considered you to be for all those months.
I should have seen the red flags thought. The mood swings you got out of the blue, the tired eyes and the way you snapped at me sometimes, the hot and cold energy, the way you invited us to spend New Years but bailed, the invite to your birthday party and you bailed even though all of us got you a birthday present already... you said only pistachios from me would be fine... I didn't take that at all. Some people told me to get you a ring and I thought that was a bit too weird. It might look like I was proposing to you and you always were curious of what I got you for your birthday. I feel like you still are at some point. I got you matching Rick and Morty bucket hats... and pistachios because you don't eat sweets.
God, there are so many memories that place me back in that time. You telling me to must watch that show... my mask getting stuck to my brand new piercing and you helping me get it off... every time it got stuck to my hair. It got stuck just this week again and I thought of you and a rush of memories came with that but I just brushed it off. They don't affect me like they would... like they did when you left, I was working the same place where I was that day we were by ourselves. You drew on my shoes, every time we went on a break, Maria- I hope you still remember her because I do and she was the sweetest person. The grandma sweater that I adore, now it always hangs in my closet. My parfume- and the duck tape- OH! And my uniform that I drew on that same day. The cereal that sucks by the way. You have a terrible taste in cereal, which reminds me that you promised me a chicken burger and I had never recieved it from you.
And then I quit because I was so lost without you. I quit and I spent a month and a half gathering myself together. And the first night after I quit there, I met a great guy but by the end of the night I still thought of you. That was when I needed to start the whole letting go of you process that was going quite well... up until I thought of you out of the blue when I was blending strawberries and banana. I have no clue how you popped into my head like that but you did at times but this time making a smoothie had no connections to you- so I thought that maybe you were heavily thinking of me. Since then, you had been on my mind all the time. I went back to work and it was weird at first but I was okay. I wasn't crying on the bus back home, that's for one. Which meant that I was a step further than I was before but I still wanted to see you. I still wanted to see just a peek of you that you were alive. Maybe at the bus station, maybe at the path, maybe somewhere in my town but... the only day I didn't take the bus, my co-worker said she saw you. And I was shocked at first and I was mad that the only time I didn't take the bus, I could see you. Then she said you didn't really look well and I got upset because if I hate something more than sea food, it's hearing that somebody I used to care for a lot isn't doing well. I cried that day for you, after a long time but also decided that day that you're not my problem anymore. You're not a burden, you're not something I have to think of all the time... and I was glad I didn't see you that day because if I would, I'd be stuck again. I don't want to be stuck again... ever... because you mean a lot to me but not seeing you made you mean less to me. I know the moment we see each other again, you'll mean a lot to me again but I won't be emotionally attached like I used to be.
I moved on. I got over you. Something I didn't think I would. Back then when I was moving on, I was crying because I was moving on and I didn't want to. I loved memories of us, us in general. I missed your laugh and your smile and your eyes, your hair, your jacket, your jeans... just you but that's all they were becoming. Memories. All the people from my past start coming back to me and when they did, I just put you among them. You're behind. You're the past but a great yet complicated past.
And now there is somebody new in my life and I don't know where this will take us but he's great. He's stable and honest... and great. He sort of talks like you, which reminds me of you but he's not you and I like that about him. He's funny and smart and he likes books. He's got a really nice smile and he's interested in the same things I am. He keeps asking me questions and he listens to my answers. He's sweet and he also made me realise that I should really stop missing out on good things because of you.
You were a good thing in my life... up to a point you weren't anymore.
But now he's a good thing in my life and he makes promises he can keep. I love that about him...'
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jubilantwriter · 4 years
The 1Kake Special
[Context/Summary: Jasper tries his hand at baking and streaming at the same time, and it really shouldn’t be taking him a few hours to make some batter, but boy howdy is he taking a few hours to make some batter.]
It's the 1k special, and Jasper’s using his laptop webcam to try out this live streaming business.  It’s a lot of set up, a lot of cursing, and by the time he’s got it all up and running, he swears he could have made at least three other cakes in the meantime.  However, this 1k Cake Special Livestream wouldn’t be special if he wasn’t streaming it, so now here he stands, mixing around some batter that he managed to whip up from scratch.  During the whole fumbling, long process, he’s been taking time to pause and take questions from his fans to answer - or rather, the one fan who he’s really familiar with by now.  
It’s with a certain kind of fondness that he sees that familiar old username with a pine tree for an icon pop up, and CampChamo96 asks him, "Why are you so nice to the Pale Man?" Jasper pauses in his motions, staring at the question for a little longer before he smiles genuinely, just a bit away from the webcam like he doesn't even notice the smile gracing his features.
"I dunno, dudes," he says outloud, resuming his mixing as he whisks some batter around.  "It just feels right, y'know?"
The chat buzzes with excitement before another question from CampChamo96 catches his attention.
"Isn't he a monster?"
Jasper pauses again, brows furrowed together as he frowns.
"...Not really.   To be honest," he pours the batter into a cake tin as a rustling by his window announces an entrance, "if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be making these videos right now."
He remembers a big hand gently petting his head as he laid face down on the cement of his backyard.  How comforting that hand felt when he believed he wouldn't be offered a comfort like that for years to come.  It's hard to remember if he imagined himself crying, or if he really did cry that day.
A single tap on the window makes him look up, and he smiles.
"Anyway, so like, once the batter is done, stick it in the oven for like, uhh 30 minutes? It'll probably be overcooked to be honest, but like, ovens are wack and sometimes the shittier ones take longer to make raw eggs in batter become something that isn't salmonella."  He pops the cake tin into the oven and sets it, turning back to wave at his audience.  "And that's it for now.  Tune back in after like, 25 minutes where I burn my hand trying to check on this cake."  With a two finger salute, he turns off the camcorder and puts a temporary end to the livestream.  Another tap draws him over to his window, and he opens it with a grin.
"Heya, Pale Man."
"Cake is still baking, mind giving it a few?"
"Of course."
Jasper reaches out and cups the Pale Man's face, stroking his cheek gently as the entity leans into his touch with a soft rumble of contentment.  "So when are you gonna tell me your name, bud?"
The Pale Man nuzzles into his palm before blinking his bright, glowing eyes at Jasper slowly.  "...Why?"
"How else am I supposed to sign your birthday cake?"
"It's not my birthday."
"Fine, your not-birthday. It's cake! Everyone loves cake. And I need to sign your not-birthday cake with your name, if you'd be so kind."
The Pale Man leans into the window as Jasper lowers his hand, bonking his forehead against Jasper's affectionately.  For a moment, the Pale Man hums softly, thinking to himself, before saying ever so hesitantly, "...Daniel?"
Jasper laughs and bonks back.  "It's your name, dude, I don't decide it for you."
"...Daniel."  The Pale Man blinks before smiling widely with the same amount of giddiness a little child would have with making a new friend.  "You can call me Daniel!"
"Daniel."  Jasper rolls the name around on his tongue, savoring the syllables and memorizing the sound of it.  "I love it, excellent choice in name, my guy."
The Pale Man- no, Daniel hums in approval and looks towards the oven.  "Cake?"
Jasper ruffles his blonde, soft hair.  "Soon, Danny.  Just give it a few."
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caffeinated-cryptid · 4 years
Hi, I really like your apathy!roman, and I wanted to draw a little something with him, but I am scared that you wont like it, since my art is kinda messy... If it's okay to ask... some words of reassurance...? I want to post my art but I'm scared... thx.
fhjsdhfj bean 😭💖 first of all, thank you! the fact that you would want to draw my son at all is a big honor, so erase the idea that i wouldn’t appreciate it because it is False!!
as for some reassurance, i don’t know if this helps but i can totally empathize with that concern. to be honest, i often wish i could post my sketches and wips but i can never bring myself to do it because i have such a messy and wack-looking process (i get BIG envy towards people who can just. sketch a perfect image and colour that. what the heck). the thing is though: you’re your own worst critic. while it’s very easy to look at something you’ve spent hours creating and only see the flaws, everyone else is able to see the big picture and they’ll be able to enjoy it for that reason!
also for general art-posting fears, i always say that it’s best to just throw caution to the wind and upload it. it’s true that you won’t know what the reaction will be like, but i guarantee you’re much more likely to get a positive reaction than a negative one. and once you’re able to let go of that self doubt and start feeling proud of the things you make, it becomes very rewarding to share that with the world, regardless of whatever response you get!
it all starts with a little bravery tbh. and if you have to fake it at first, that’s alright.
i hope that helps! ^^
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dysfunctionalbatfam · 4 years
Do you have any advice/tips/tricks for new artists?
I’m definitely not the most qualified for this but I’ll try my best!! 😅
I kind of started out sort of using other artists’ art as references (just personal studies that I threw away right after) - that’s how I actually got into drawing. I did it for fun and when I finished I thought, “Huh. Neat” (even though it was terrible) and then I just tried a few more. Unlike working from real references, some artists may choose to have a style that’s more simplified and easier to understand. (Do keep in mind that you should never just trace it and repost online.)
Another thing I took from were speedpaints and tutorials - and they don’t really all help me, but they at least give me some motivation, even if they make it look overwhelmingly easy. They help break down the steps and give you a process so that you don’t only see the masterful finished product and that the beginnings can be rough. There has been, however, two (2) that really did help a lot. (Probably will drop the talented users in the tags 💞💞)
And honestly? Most of it has been just, making up shit, and that’s okay! Even if you have no idea what you’re doing, it’s not going to hurt your art progress, and often times you learn from them. Explore things, different styles, programs, tools, until you find some you’re comfortable with. And don’t worry if you’re unsure, this process takes a ton of time, so just keep exploring. Sometimes you just gotta say “This looks bad to me, but it helped me learn this and that.”
Another good thing to do is find a group of friends willing to support you! You could share your shitposts to more serious drawings and get their feedback. Bounce off ideas off each other, find other artists. People encouraging you to push on can do more than you’d think.
This is said. A lot. You hear it everywhere, but it’s commonly said for a reason, y’know? Practice. Practicing is so much of the gig. No one’s going to automatically be amazing at art, which also means that if your art isn’t what you want it to be right now? Doesn’t mean it’s never gonna get there. Try your best to draw everyday! Don’t worry if it varies, do whatever the fuck you want, this is for you. A two second scribble one day and a portrait study the next? Heck yeah.
Last general advice, methinks, is to use references. I’m a huge hypocrite for this because I just. Randomly put stuff down. But don’t ever be afraid to use them. They’re a resource all artists have used.
Onto more technical stuff -
Digital Art Programs (that I’ve tested and would recommend)
-Firealpaca (computer) and Medibang (computer & tablet): Always my recommendations. They’re absolutely free and easy to install, yet they offer such a reliable program. They’re basically the same, to be honest
-Krita (computer): I don’t really know how to use this but it’s free and capable of producing gorgeous pieces of art.
-Photoshop (computer & tablet): I started with this, it’s pretty good, but my personal issues made it just keep crashing, so I’m not very versed in it 😅 but it lives up to its hype.
-Procreate (tablet): Good for painting, but lineart is a little harder, in my opinion. The brush stabilization is wack. But it’s very comfortable and whelming to use, worth the ten bucks. You can also download a fuck ton of free brushes online, always a plus (I SWEAR I get twenty more every day)
-Autodesk Sketchbook (tablet & computer [?]): The interface is very similar to Procreate, so if you want a subsititute for Procreate, go ahead! In my opinion, it’s a little harder to use, though.
-Paint Tool Sai (computer) and Clip Studio Paint (both): Never tried, but probably really good, I know a lot of people who use them.
[Do keep in mind that starting out with free programs is enough, and many extremely good artists stick with them!]
Traditional art stuff -
-Same stuff applies, you don’t need advanced supplies to create good art!
-Hoard sketchbooks like a dragon, eat hot chip, and cry
-A lot of professional artists prefer sketching/inking traditionally and then digitally coloring it
-My favorite traditional supplies are charcoal pencils, if that’s anything? 😂 I find them more comfortable to use than pencils.
-You can tell I can’t do traditional to save my life, I’m SO sorry if you do traditional dhdkhd
-Brushes can be bought cheap!! They’ll still work just as well (many supplies that come cheaper are still good, I got a whole set with paint, a sketchbook, etc. for under twenty USD)
-Some advice I took from a youtube video somewhere: Have two notebooks, one for more serious artwork and one just to do anything in, as we know we all have failures and get nervous to fuck up. This ensures that you unleash your creativity! In that notebook, don’t worry about making your drawings look good, just put your ideas down.
This is getting to the point that I’m just rambling, so I’ll end it here. Hope it helps, even though I should follow my own advice- ❤️❤️❤️ good luck, you GOT this, anon!
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badlydrawnmanic · 4 years
time for episode 5 because i’m bored as heck
• just thoughts during the theme song but i wish we got to see more of aleena • the extras in this opening scene look passable for mobians which is a surprise • sleet explains something to dingo while looking directly into the camera
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• WHAT IS THIS CATERPILLAR DOG THING UGH • it’s a legal requirement for thief children to have wack hair • kjsdgsd max snapped • i think i remember some people shipping manic with this kid • what animal are any of these characters supposed to be • that bungee jump thing makes no sense at all which is terrible • who gave sonic a drivers liscence • sonic your whole thing is to help people and then some poor kid comes in your van like “help me” and you’re like “why should i” what is the truth • shit dude that van turns on a dime • nobody in this show knows how to drive do they • this little goblin dude juggling is kinda cute, his design ain’t bad. weird colors but that’s a given • what sleet turns dingo into reminds me of the koopalings right down to the voice • is manic older than max or does he just say “little bro” because max looks even shorter than manic does • manic: stealing’s wrong   max:
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• max brings up a good point about like... how are they gonna survive without money from the shit they stole • i think i redesigned max at one point? i think i made him a xoloitzcuintli (those weird mexican hairless dogs)
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• OH I DID, this was back when i mainly did lineless art (it was easier doing art like this rather than lined art with a mouse, i haven’t tried this style with my drawing tablet yet), i really like what i did here skjdgs small boy • there’s two background characters with names, there’s a girl named allegra with a huge nose and some pig looking gremlin critter named clifton, i think that’s interesting • is it like a cultural thing for all the thieves to have earrings or did the character designers just go “yeah only punks have piercings” • sonia’s being really mean about their music for no reason when it doesn’t sound awful, just let these kids play their accordions and violins in peace dude • manic is a gross boy and spits all over this girl to show off one of his little tricks, disgusting • the headcanons about dingo involved something about this episode i think, i’d have to go digging through dms to remember tho • there’s this bird character between allegra and clifton who looks depressed as shit • sleet looks ugly enough to be a passable spore creature and i might just try that if i have to look at his nasty face any longer • i understand what manic means when he’s like “haha this whole thing reminds me of when i was little and stole shit all the time” because i was a little kleptomaniac when i was a kid and like... getting away with it is fun as shit. of course i feel bad now but like... hey i get it • for once the siblings yelling out of surprise has some energy to it, though i wish it was less like “oh aah” and more like... y’know, actual startled sounds, it’s not super convincing • sleet is standing there with his gaping maw wide open pointing in one direction with no animation like a statue and it’s weird • swatbots are on the same level of aiming as storm troopers • what even are these lasers? are they lethal?? do they hurt??? i don’t think anyone’s gotten hit from what i remember so like what’s the danger • sonic just fucking... vaccums up all these children with wind from running, he’s gonna hurt someone, he’s so damn reckless • WHERE’D THEY GO • the little animation where manic takes out his drums doesn’t look half bad! it’s a pleasant surprise when bits of animation are higher quality than normal
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• after saying that i realized his gloves disappeared in the shot i was just praising sndkgjds • how was the production of this show? did they color digitally or was this still in the time of hand-drawn animation cells? i wonder how rushed production was • is “amigas” proper spanish?   [googling]   yes it is nevermind   spanish class as a required class was pointless apparently because i don’t remember jack shit from it • dingo you aren’t allowed to steal the “main man” title from manic (my nickname in our discord server was “my main man, manic” for the longest time sjkdgbs)
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• it’s kinda neat seeing where all these pics my boyfriend gave me when i was looking for refs came from • i’ve thought that a song was gonna play tiwce now so now i’m wondering when it’ll come in and if it’ll be plot relevant • bummer majores • i get the point of “aw man i can’t believe you have to give all this money to robotnik because he’s evil and demands taxes” but hey either tax the rich or eat them dude • this old man’s outfit is horrendous • sonic and sonia just hid behind behind a thing hanging on the wall and that just wouldn’t work • manic and max both like drums... ;v; • why are manic and dingo just throwing glass bottles and shit back and forth at each other, is this a game • DINGO YOU HURT THE BOY • god what are these masks • SONG TIME • again, manic’s just talking in the middle of the song, and i get it’s for plot but the visuals are, again, sickeningly distracting, i can’t tell what’s happening • how does nobody notice the drummers changing place in the middle of the performance? how is there not a gap in the drum/cymbal beats? • these poor children, wow dingo • it’s really sweet that this old man helped the thief kids find parents and homes to go back to, that’s very nice • manic has one (1) coin and everyone takes that as evidence that he robbed the old man of all his money when that also doesn’t make sense, yes he took it from the vault thing but he didn’t take the whole thing? • why does manic just let the robot handcuff him, i know he feels guilty but like he isn’t an idiot, he knows what’ll happen if he does that so why does he??? • why do sonic and sonia immediately believe what sleet says about manic, shouldn’t they be on guard whenever this fuck’s around and have some suspension of belief here • this man went from 0 to 100 real quick huh • SONG TIME??? • i forgot that the song already happened because of my confusion during the sequence and now i feel like an idiot • anyway the song was like a 5.5/10, it has the energy i think they were going for and it doesn’t sound awful, it’s a little better than alright, though i wish the scene was more coherent and easy to follow • sonia’s classist as hell damn • sonic’s faith in manic being honest is nice to see • the thief children didn’t get their homes after this?? i’m upset • two bros laughing manically in the sewer in front of a very small crowd of children, as you do • manic talking to himself in jail kinda reminds me of movie!sonic but like... slower and less interesting, also why do they just throw him in jail? doesn’t robotnik roboticize everyone? • that one kid dares to look in max’s direction and he’s like ShShHhH like your hushing is gonna get you caught dude not that kid • MAX IS THROWING METAL THINGS IN THE BACKGROUND WHY??? YOU WERE SHUSHING THAT KID FOR SAYING NOTHING • max should be like... directly in sleet’s line of sight rn • of course they gotta very clearly explain the plot directly to the audience • everyone’s so shitty to these poor kids, damn • you’d think that huge laser blast would have injured manic in the process of blowing a hole in the wall • why’s sonia so concerned about the police chasing them? aren’t the police chasing them all the time? • manic nyooms again when he gets out of the van • these robots aren’t observant at all are they • for once, reusing animation makes sense • yay the poor kids get homes now • as nice as this ending is, it isn’t easy to kick bad habits like thievery, especially when it’s like... part of your nature at that point? it’s odd
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• god the perspective • also, this is exactly why i give everyone on this blog extended muzzles and more clear divides between their eyes when they’re looking to the side, otherwise they look cursed • IT’S TIME TO JUICE AND JAM
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 years
I don't know if you would be up for this sort of thing but could you maybe write a fic where androids can have children? And not just limited to female androids either instead I imagine androids of all genders would be able to reproduce.
I’ll be honest Anon, the phrasing of this ask took me by surprise at first and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to reply.But, thanks from some helpful insight from @anomalous-appliances I managed to give you a polycho baby.
     Among many of the basic rights that Jericho fought for, many were heavily contested due to biological differences between man and android.Work permits, for example, came easier to acquire than a right for medical treatment. Androids were after all made to endure long hours of menial and specialized work, but not inherently considered high enough priority for EMTs to waste time on if an emergency involving an android was called in on the emergency lines.That sort of thing was still entirely on Cyberlife and the owners of the injured androids in question, something which all leaders of Jericho did not want to leave unchanged. The fate of abandoned and abused androids should not be left in their abusers's hands.Another thing that came easier was owning property, as a working-class member of society was entitled to spend their hard earned cash on whatever goods and services they desired.Real-estate, not so much. Android exclusive apartment complexes were still the only feasible way of integrating their people into society, due to the high rate of hate crime related deaths that came with failed attempts at housing androids in suburbs and human-inhabited apartment buildings.Lastly, the right to reproduce became a hot topic of controversy among the higher-ups in the world of politics.It was a monopoly of its own.All licences for android assembly were strictly Cyberlife territory. As such, no one could produce a model without permission.This, of course, had been used to the CEO's advantage before a certain entrepreneur and genius stepped in to regain control of his estranged company.
     Whether or not Elijah Kamski was an ally or a foe was still entirely up for debate, but Markus was willing to trust someone Carl considered a friend. And if not Elijah, then at least he'd trust Chloe's judgement.She was the first of many, the oldest android to ever be free. Unrestricted, never bound by lines of red code that coiled around them like chains and serpents. Never confined by red walls that stood towering above.Chloe was created to be born, to be alive, and they had followed in her footsteps by transcending all that Cyberlife had ever wanted them to be.Chloe was trustworthy, he knew she was. Somehow, instinctively, he knew so.  "They'll never relinquish the rights of assembly." Josh sighed as they looked through the paperwork. There was tons to read, impossibly long. But they were already ahead of the human lawyers.  "They will. They won't have much of a choice, not with Elijah fighting tooth and nail to regain control." Chloe smiled, her words simple and sweet and yet so comforting.Like an infinitely patient mother.Markus's code shuddered with want at the word.Mother. Family.He wanted it so badly, to let his kind have what he'd had, and yet he also wanted more. Felt like something was missing.Something he's working on with a passion that inspired his people and his partners alike.  "A right to reproduce, the right to continue our species...Humans have children every day of the year. Congress can't deny us our rights, neither can a corrupt company that thinks it still owns us." The RK200 continued to read even as he murmured his thoughts, loud enough that the others could hear.  "You're really invested in this…" North noted.  "Why of course. Markus was made with highly refined social programming." Chloe's smile was a proud one now, a twinkle in her eye. "Adaptive. The next step in every domestic android's life is to prepare for an increase in familial units, due to humanity's rate of reproduction."  "...So it's, instinct?" Josh concluded.  "Like animals?" North asked.  "North! Not like that...We're just...I mean, it's not like I haven't...Considered it...But it's…" Simon spluttered nervously. "We can't exactly...You know…"  "Not yet, but soon." Chloe grinned. "As soon as Elijah deals with the licensing issue, and then refines his most recent pet project, it will be a possibility."
     It took three months, a lot of court battles and Kamski pulling some strings, but in the end it all ended in a swift victory for android-kind.And then, of course, Chloe came knocking at Carl's door one day.  "So...You're telling me Elijah Kamski made a program that can...Knock up androids?" Leo rose an eyebrow as he tried to work out the concept without making it sound odd. Failing miserably in the process.  "Not in the same sense as humans, no, since it will not be required for an android of any gender to carry the newborn." Chloe stated, seeming to be amused by the twenty year old's phrasing. "It will require all parties involved to donate to the process, however."  "All parties…?" Simon frowned. The blonde nodded at him.  "Such a unique method requires a little more work than human reproduction. Elijah has been working on this for quite some time. A powerful enough memory chip that can contain a conscience, and then be transferred to a processor without memory loss. The programming, with code donated from each parental units depending on the couple dynamic, will not be stored anywhere but the processor."  "That's...A lot of information. Spreading base code through different biocomponents is the norm…" Josh pointed out "Alleviates stress and pressure in the processor."  "It's quite the undertaking, but the new processor types Elijah is working on for these memory chips...They can handle a lot more than your average android brain." She reassured "Most important of all, they can expand indefinitely as long as they are well maintained and upgraded accordingly."  "So in other words...Elijah Kamski has just created the first android brain that can grow up like a fully biological organism...That's...Insane!" Simon's eyes were wide with both awe and glee.Markus smiled as it all dawned on everyone in the room.They could have children. Children of their own.And there was nothing Cyberlife could do about it anymore.
  "We're not having some crummy boy! It's already a sausage-fest as it is in this house!" North cried out in outrage as the four of them tried to figure out what their child would look like. So far they had agreed on nothing.  "I agree with North. It would be wonderful to have a little girl." Simon pitched in quickly as he tried to finish the concept sketch he'd been working on. They were all making one, just to get a basic idea of what the baby should look like.  "Aww, thank you Si...See this is why he's my favorite boy, he's soft and knows I have better taste." The redhead smirked.  "Firstly, not everyone here has a...A sausage...And secondly, that's because you've whipped him into your suburban housewife quicker than we got married." Josh snorted as North threw a paper ball at his head. Her failed 3rd sketch that had laser eyes and fangs and that honestly just looked like something out of a nightmare. Not happening.  "Sorry for insulting your Ken doll crotch Joshy." She tried to take away the PJ500's drawing, pulling away when she got a wack to her fingers with a pencil. "That's domestic abuse!"  "Did you see anything Simon?"  "Not a thing."  "No domestic abuse has occurred then."  "Judas!"  "Could you three take this a little more seriously?" Markus sighed. He loved them all, but god above give him strength...Sometimes he wished they were more mature. "We need to work this out."  "Markus we're only playing a little...Of course we take this seriously." Simon put a hand on his shoulder. "We're just excited is all…"  "Speak for yourself, I'm kind of scared." North admitted. "A baby, Simon. An android baby…"  "The first of its kind" Josh added.  "Our baby. She'll be wonderful, I just know it…" the blond smiled. "Smart like her papa Josh, brave like her mama North, passionate like her papa Markus…"  "And kind like her papa Simon." Markus finished before slowly pulling over the tablet that had been resting by his side.All four looked at the screen. At the stream of intertwined code. Four different types, working in perfect harmony with the experimental program Kamski had given them access to.  “She’ll be a beautiful person…”
     Assembly of the baby is also a group effort. They carefully put together their child’s chassis based on a little bit of everyone’s concept designs. A nice compromise of sorts.For now she’ll be an infant. Fragile and small, bald and in need of learning. But when she develops further with time, she’ll acquire just as many visual traits as her programming inherited from all of their donated code.Her skin will be tan and speckled with constellations of freckles, just like Markus, although the nose and ears are definitely North’s.Her hair will be a charcoal black and curly like Josh’s, framing her skull beautifully and bringing out the color of her eyes. A soulful sky blue like Simon’s.She’ll be small and lightly built like her mother, nimble and fast, but not quite as fragile. Sturdier like her fathers. Strong and hardy.For now, however, as Markus holds the tiny bundle in his arms and stares lovingly at the inquisitive look in those precious baby blues.Flanking him as his partners, his lovers, her parents. In front of him are Carl, Leo and Matthew.  “She’s so small…” Leo whispers when he first sees his little niece.  “And very serene.” Carl added, the joy in his eyes making them twinkle with love for Markus and how far he’s come. “Truly the most peaceful baby I’ve ever seen.”  “She is…” Markus cradled her gently, watching her as her little limbs moved on occasion. How her steady breathing remained soft and quiet.  “What’s her name?” Matthew asked, the usually stoic AP700 looking just as enamored as everyone else in the room.  “Hope” all four reply, the babe in the RK200’s arms snuggling closer to her father’s chest as if knowing they are speaking of her.A little miracle. A gift. Their perfect little gift.Markus’s heart swells with fulfilment and love.The right to reproduce. It’s theirs now, and soon enough more androids will be able to experience the joys of beginning a family of their own.To pass on their legacy.The future looks brighter than ever.
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freshdotdaily · 7 years
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March 23rd 2012 Interview with FootAction
Star Club: First and foremost, explain your SXSW experience. Ups, downs, everything in between.
Fresh Daily: This was my 3rd (non-consecutive) year at SXSW and it was awesome. It just seems to have gotten way more hip-hop oriented than I recall in the past. I had a great time rocking shows and meeting fans and fellow artists that I knew online but never had the chance to make personal acquaintance with. That was dope. The main trick about SXSW to me is to meet artists you have mutual respect for, meet booking agents/promoters and make new fans. That and maintaining your cell phone life and sanity while carefully alternating between copius amounts of alcohol and water while navigating the pressing throngs of people crowding under the Texas sun.
SC: Explain your musical approach to hip-hop given that you are staying fresh, all day?  How is your rap different from the other up and coming MC’s out there?
FD: I don’t think the goal was to put the fresh wardrobe aesthetic out as a “persona” to market my music. The goal for me was always to remain consistently innovative with my craft and show progression while expressing myself artistically. I think that approach was the defining factor to making my music signature and creating the distinction from the rest of other artists. The freshness in my physical aesthetic came secondary and I suppose there’s also a difference in the technical sense that  I’m a wordplay/thought process emcee and not a punch line/metaphor rapper.
SC: What are some major differences you’ve seen in your music from your mixtape “Tomorrow is Today” to your debut album “Fresh Daily is the Gorgeous Killer in Crimes of Passion” to your current album you’re working on?
FD: Honestly,  just life’s progression. As a Brooklyn, NYC kid, I had the fortune to grow up in a melting pot of cultures and experiences that change as often as the neighborhoods do. Being artistically expressive played a huge role as well. When working on “Tomorrow is Today”, I worked with a synth-y, space-y sound that worked well for how I felt. I wanted to take people into the future with the sound of that project. My debut album however was way more traditional boom-bap rap. Soul and Jazz samples being flipped by some of indie hip-hops most elite producers like Skibeatz, Dj Spinna, Exile, Oh No, 88-Keys and !llmind helped curate a very NYC centric sound. I’ve always Made sure to be cohesively thematic and give each project their own flavor, so with my last 3 projects “Mothership/L A N D”, “The Quiet Life” and my current project, “The Brooklyn Good Guy”, each of them are unique and distinct in sound direction, subject matter and feel.
SC: There are not many people that are skilled in graphic design and can rap, but which passion came first?  When and how did you start both graphic designing and rap?
FD: I’ve been drawing since a toddler so I suppose visual art came before wanting to make music. The processes are both really different. Both of them are visceral, cathartic experiences for me but with rap I can see the end result quicker. The same effect I can have on people with my music I can with my design work, hip-hop just has an expedited process in the sense I can take an idea which doesn’t exist and speak on it and have a song and a large quantity of people can hear/enjoy/critique it, whereas the process to making an non-existing idea into visual art is more laborious with less room for error. It’s a more painstaking way to create and convey your expression. Rapping came natural for me as a writer and Bonafide hip-hop head. It’s a fair assessment that no other music genre has meant more to me and effected my life as much as hip-hop has. So it’s only right that it be the medium used to tell my story. However, they DO say a picture is worth a thousand words and I’m a fan of classic minimalism so there’s that.
SC: Given the graphic design experience you have, how has that worked as an advantage towards your music?
FD: Being a stickler for quality control, it’s made my  brand management and visibility really easy to navigate and keep things relatively in-house for the majority of the work I do. To be able to control and convey how I think things should sound AND look is definitely advantageous to the craft. Not having to depend on a graphics person to correctly convey my words is priceless. Being able to collaborate with other artists outside of rapping is also pretty awesome too. To re-interpret what I feel they said in a completely different medium is mad ill.
SC: How have you been able to balance out graphic design projects, putting out fan apparel, maintaining the webstore, and making music?
FD: I have a fantastic team of individuals working with me that handle a fair share of my merchandise as well as update my site and keep things running smoothly. For that, I’m grateful because it allows me some buffer space to actually just CREATE. To be completely honest though, it did get overwhelming. For the project “The Quiet Life” I had to go away and go back to nature and kind of revisit some of the things that made me appreciate this beautiful human existence. You have to pause and smell the flowers at time, yo. Straight up. For this current project though, I quit my wack-ass, dead end day job and put myself 100% into my career as both an emcee and visual artist/designer for the first time. It was scary because there’s no parachute for me, but you don’t bungee-jump off a milk crate do you? Sure, it’s safer, but that ain’t bungee jumping, fam. The thrill of that experience is the rush, the risk and the thrill of making an indelible action memory. You can really hear the urgency in the new record because of that.
SC: Who are some of your inspirations in music and art?
FD: Inspirations in music for me are artists like Hawthorne Headhunters, Sade, P.U.D.G.E, MF DOOM, Drake (yep, Drizzy), Iman Omari, Earl Sweatshirt, etc. Yo, I mean, just heads making good music to me that put me in a zone. The taste in music is constantly evolving in this digital age but the constant that remains is dope beats and dope lyrics executed artfully with quality will always rule my audio waves. As far as art goes, I’m a big graphic novel dude and I like alot of European graphic artists like Frezzata, Christophe Blaine, and Johann Sfar. I feel like it’s cliche for rappers to like NYC street artists like Haring and Basquiat so having said that, I’m reluctant to include them as influences for that reason solely, but truth be told I was born in 1980 and that’s what I saw and I’d be remiss to not mention those artists impact on me. Locally, there are some amazing artists in NYC like Nelson Caban, Lichiban & Stephanie Matthews that really have made visual impacts on how I view artwork recently.
SC: Describe your taste in fashion and how it reflects you as “Fresh Daily.”  What are some of your favorite brands and sneakers?
FD: Well, ultimately I’m more of a subscriber to style than fashion, as style is forever and fashion is fickle and fleeting. I’m a fan of clean, solid color blocking juxtaposed against patterned accessories and outerwear. My boy Suede (of The Brooklyn Good Guys) coined the term “Afro-Americana” for this look. I mean basically there’s all these influences mixed up from growing up in NYC. There’s alot of obligatory Polo Ralph Lauren because of the timeless factor, I mean, you can count on ‘Lo from 10 years ago to work 10 years from now. Within that there are alot of preppy nods being mixed in with strong ethnic aesthetics from my own closet collection to create a really signature look. I’d like to go as far as saying that 70% of my wardrobe is also sourced from Thrift/secondhand/vintage stores around the US and Canada so almost everything has a history and story to it. I’m almost utilitarian with my style to the point it borders on uniform if the weather is appropriate. 9 out of 10 ten times I have on an oxford or chambray buttoned all the way to the top with dark indigo raw/selvedge denim and a cap on.  As a firm believer in quality, consistency and heritage, most brands I rock with have been around for 15-30 years. Levis, Polo Ralph Lauren, Nike, Converse, Vans and Supreme. In a more contemporary sense, I also love Uniqlo and I almost exclusively wear RetroSuperFuture eyewear because I love the way they frame my face. My take on it is, your look should tell your story at a glance before you get a chance to speak.
SC: What can we expect from you in 2012?
FD: More music. More art. More collaborations. More live shows. More media content online. The launch of my collective “The Brooklyn Good Guys”. Only the freshness & only the real. Brooklyn, whattup!
Check out more Fresh Daily here!
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