#the drawing is helping me calm down so thats good . yay. and also the music too. double yay. thank u tariq my friend tariq
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rainbowsparklecur · 21 days ago
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save me vagrant song
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kim-drawings · 8 years ago
these are my vacation updates and i could only post them on my rp blog because the wifi there sucks. so have fune reading :3
leaving and arrival at parc.
(so lol still under way with the car. So we wanted to take a stop but thanks to mom we missed that stop and had to wait for an hour and a half for the next one. Funny thing is that everyone needed to go badly but not me XD. So anyways i just ate and we are back underway since we still have a long way to go)(welp we have arrived at the parc so see you guys laters oke?)(alright lol everyone is settled and we also installed the free wifi here. though its very slow and doesent react quickly. the house wasnt very well cleaned but the scenery is beautiful and near a lake. i love it. though i wish that my brothers gf would stop nagging about alot of things. she’s kinda bumming everyone out here. so i instantly ignore her. the dog is beeing very weird here but i geuss its normal since she hasnt travelled to anywhere in a long while. did some sketches in the car wich i am going to blackline and color in later, dont have a scanner so i’ll take pictures of it with my phone. hope you guys are having fun to x3)(soooooo we found the dome here wich is were the store’s are, the info center and the swimmingpool. tomorrow we are going to explore more and hopeffully the weather will stay dry and the dog will be more used to the new surroundings cause she’s panting like crazy. im actually looking forward to swim x3 even though i get shy everytime i go there. lol thats how i work aparantly XD. we discovered there is a zoo nearby, i wonder how that is like x3 cause i do wanna go there. i’ll be probably sketching things rick and morty related and maybey not XD. anyways i hope you’re all having fun to :3.)
day 1 (oke so last night was pretty crazy i swear. so first off all my brothers gf was to fucking afraid to do something about the spiders in her room. she dint want to wake mom who wasnt even sleeping yet, so she went to bother me and i had a headache and was tired from the trip. so she tried to do it herself with my brother but she kept screaming and yelling so my mom came and dealt with every spider that was there. so finally it was quiet again. well i already talked about those geese and about this morning so i can skip that. so i went shopping with mom, my brother and hiss gf and it was pretty fun. now we are resting and maybey we will swim today cause i really want to x3)(alright im back and imma do another update thing. so eum i did a morning one, after midday wasnt so spectacular since it was raining so we decided to go and swim after dinner. i was so exited. but once there i kinda got dissapointed since it wasnt as big as im used to when we go to centerparcs. buuuuut i just shoved those thoughts aside and just had some fun exploring wich wasnt so great actually. but i kept on looking for the positive things wich i did, there were even funny moments were either one of us got stuck on the wild water slide, because they dint put enough water in it, or because my brother did something fucking hilarious. anyways after exploring we just went to the outside pool, water was nice and warm like sheesh if you dint watch yourself you could fall asleep because of the warmth itself. but since we were outside the air feels a bit colder XD. when i was swimming and relaxing wich i love to do most of all in those pools. it felt peacefull and nice if you block out all the noise :3 . so after that we went back to our cottage or house and played some UNO EXTREME, and i won 3 times x3 hehehe, those who play fair win fairly more :3. it was fun but sadly enough after dinner i dint feel so good so it kinda influenced my mood but i just ignored it most of the time. now im relaxing while they play poker, i dont like playing poker with my brother and hiss gf because they take it to seriously wich then infects my dad and i dont need that, so i was glad i played UNO with them before they changed it to poker. i still have one sketch to finish from my car trip but that’ll be for tomorrow. my mom wants to plan sertain things for us to do wich is always fun :3.)
day 2 (so little update thing for today. so like yesterday the dog was awake at 07:00 again. i think she hass a hard time adjusting to her new enviroment, but thats oke my brother got up and took her outside and then stayed with her wich im glad he did because he finally shows some responcebillity for hiss dog. anyways the birds woke me up at 10:22 AM wich is good because i dont wanna sleep the rest of the day away. my brother made an error wich im not going into detail in, lets just say she wasnt happy at all and my brother got the harsh treatment. so anyways they went to walk the dog while me and mom went to walk around discovering things some more. we found the little petting zoo, i believe thats how they call it in english. anyways so it was alot of fun and we found out they keep racoons there to that are not fit for the wild anymore. they arent tame but they arent fit for the wild anymore. thats all the explanation gave us. but i swear that fluffy one kinda reminded me of a rick. x3, later we are going to an evening market)(another update thing of today. so i went to an evening market here andit was fun. i also saw an old lady painting beautiful things onto candles and wooden shoe’s and i couldnt help but compliment her. she was so sweet and kind and overly happy that we liked her art. we also bought some of her stuff. she was so happy. so once we came back we played uno during almost the rest of the evening wich is also the reason of my abscence. so im sorry for my dissapearance. but i had fun playing uno, i laughed alot wich in turn will be bad for my voice in the morning XD.)
day 3 (so i know i dint do an update part thingy today and the reason for that is because most of the day i was on my laptop or drawing because it was rainning. so we couldnt do much during the day. also i really hate my brothersince he’s infected everyone in here with hiss cold and he doesent even wanna put hiss hand infront of hiss mouth when he coughs. ontop of that my brothers gf got infected because of him and im still in the clear yay for me x3. he’s been sick since monday but dint wanna get medication for it until tuesday when we went shopping with mom. anyways so they both have been so annoying and ruining alot of great moments with their negativity. thats why i told mom and dad that i dint want them with us because they have this thing to turn everything into a negative thing especially hiss gf. like today she was telling how much beeing in fashion was important and all. my parents told her that its not that important and that people are wearing clothes that they are feeling comofrotable in these days and she is right. but the gf just told my parents they were old fashioned and stuff and that people should think about fashion because it makes them look cooler and such and that it is important. until i opend my mouth and told her that they arent old fashioned, she is because of the way she is thinking and that she needs to get her nose out of the expensive clothing and judgemental negative thoughts and look around herself. alot of people are wearing the clothing they feel comfortable in these days, wether it is fashionable or not, wether its expensive or not. boy did she dim down he fucking mouth cause i swear she was bad mouthing my parents, infront of them, infront of my useless brother who cant even open hiss mouth to her and infront of me. anyways so i tried blocking her out with music, wich helped but then we had to go and get pizaa from the dome. like we went to get some information on how it works, does it get delivered or not. so we got the information but i wanted to go shopping peacefully since we had an hour before they start making pizza’s. but my fucking brother and hiss gf had to nag about choosing a pizza now in the bussy and loud house of games. they decided their pizza’s mom did to but i told them i wanna go back into the dome where its peacefull and quieter. so finally went out of the house of games and i could read the fucking menu we got from the bar. i decided on a pizza and told mom we should go shopping. the shopping calmed me down alot since they shut their mouths. so after shopping we ordered some pizza to take home and went home. we ate the pizza and i dint feel so good afterwards. idk what they did with the pizza but it made me feel so freaking bad. so i just wanted to draw peacefully and listen to some music before we went bowling. but she wanted to play uno again and it was only 30 minutes before we had to leave back to the house of games. like seriously she dint have the patience to relax and wait. so we went bowling and it was alotta fun. it made my stress go away and i laughed alot. we went to drink at a restaurant and i also ate some ice cream wich was yummy. we went hom and i went straight to my bedroom to relax and draw and that was my day. today wasnt so much fun as yesterday but i try to block out their negative behavior to make it a happy day x3)
day 4 (oke another update thingy. so today was another rainy day but i woke up in a happy mood. my brother and hiss gf were giving alot of negative vibes again and their attitude was negative. but then we went for a swim and it was all nice and relaxed and funny. but we stayed in the pool for like 4 hours and i felt drained and weak. i was shaking softly and overall not so good. we went grocery shopping before we came home. i ate a brownie and a muffin now. but still feeling a bit weak but atleest alot more relaxed and happy. i also discovered that my parents were also having enough of my brother and hiss gf’s bad attitude and such but they are doing what im doing and thats trying not to get affected by them. they are still sick but atleest taking their meds. we are going to a dinner thing at 18:00 soon)(so we went to this restaurant were you can get and choose the food yourself, but there wasnt much to choose from like holy shit. i was like ‘is this it?’ like normally with this open buffet thing you can choose from 3 different categories or even more but mostly its 3 for the warm food, also soup and in the middle cold food. but this was more everything to do with barbique and also a tiny bit of cold food and alot of fries. i dint eat much so i had room for dessert. wich wasnt alot either. like not much fruit , more soft ice cream with sprinkles and some cookies and marshmallows and a chocolate fountain. i dint mind though since i like marshmallows and the chocolate fountain x3. i ate well but i just hated it that you have to pay extra for softdrinks while tea and coffee are included with you’re reservation. we ended up paying 110 euro’s for 4 people pluse 2 softdrinks. softdrinks here are fantas, coca cola, soda and such stuff. anyways we got home and i just wanted to relax in the bedroom cause damn my stumach had a hard time digesting XD. so my bro and hiss gf and my parents played poker again. i dont like playing poker with them cause they take the game waaaaaaaaay to seriously and i dont know so well how to play the game well so i avoided playing that game with them. the other games are fine but not the poker one. anyways thats why i was online so much in the evening and even a bit during the night. i also found a new brand of cider to drink, it only hass like 5 procent alcohol in it. wich is great cause i dont like to drink high percentages of alcohol :P i can always taste the alcohol through the other tastes + i love sweet types of alcohol to. anyways i had tons of fun and beeing on here distracted me from the other two who were coughing themselves blus, sort to speak)
day 5 (so today was a good day. i woke up with a happy feeling. i went for a 3 or 4 hour dog walk with mom. wich was great because she could vent out to me about my brother and hiss gf’s actions and how sick and tired she was getting. like for instance if you know you’re going on vacation tell the people that are helping you get a job that you’re on a 2 week vacation so you can relax. but she dint and hass been nagging about not getting any wifi for work related things, while we are looking at her like ‘are you stupid or something or just ignorent’ anyways, she vented out i vented out, we saw alot of doggies to there and some baby ducks and baby water chickens. it was so much fun. after that i drew a little bit, then we went to eat at the pancake house. i must say i was dissapointed. they dint let the pancakes fully bake so it looked like a pancake but once you cut into the pancake you could see it wasnt fully baked. im glad i actually survived that D: lol. so we went to the souvenir store again. bought another cute souvenir. once home i’ll take some pictures of them and post them on here or on my art blog, better on my art blog cause i have some pretty scenery pictures and all. anyways so we went home and i went drawing again and beeing on here x3. because they wanted to do poker again and i dont like playing poker with my brothers gf cause she seriously takes the whole thing to serious and that makes it no fun at all. i never told them why i dont wanna poker everytime they wanna poker, so my brother and hiss gf finally asked but i just dint reply cause im not obliged to do so XD. but atleest i could finish my drawings x3. )
day 6 (alrighty im back from swimmng. so gonna do an update of today wich is the last day. we are going to leave tomorrow in the morning. so morning nothing special, i got woken up at 10:00 AM by some kids who were playing outside, but i heard things better on the right side of this bedroom since the window is there XD. also the dog was beeing a smart little girl since she whined to me to go outside so i let her outside on a leash since i dont want her to chase those pack of geese XD, but thats not the smart part, the smart part is because aparantly she already was let outside to do her thing at 07:00 AM XD. so yeah lol. we had breakfast but we dint know what to do afterwards since they dont present so many activities here for adults at this parc since the other parc’s do. so i suggested to go to the house of games. we spend a few hours in there playing one game there wich was fun cause mom was there and she was getting slightly exited about this game. XD then my brother and hiss gf found us and we played a bit of billiarts me vs my brother we hiss gf and mom made a few pictures i really wanna see but that will happen tomorrow. i also drew a but before the house of games and posted it. we came home we ate and relaxed a bit as i drew a little bit again. we went swimming for 1 or 2 hours and a half. it was very relaxing and we had those waves again. whenever i get relaxed mentally and fysicly i somethimes go to fantasy mode lol. and during the waves i was like ‘omg that would be so cute if Morticia went here  along with Ace, Katherine, @daycare-miami-r-ick and @ricktactoe and hiss morty. whenever Morticia is swayed along the wave towards @daycare-miami-r-ick she would push him under water and then swim away giggeling alot and i bett he would’ve caught her and did something silly to her’ XD dont ask why my brain just does that oke. anyways during the swim a guy came up behind me grabbing and fondling my breasts before laughing hard and swimming away. im not a fast swimmer so i stood there kinda scared and violated buuuuuut my brother XD my brother XD he swims alot fast then i can so he saw what happend aparantly and he swam after the guy yelling ‘YOU SON OF A BITCH HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY BIG SISTER LIKE THAT’ i swear he caught him and beat him up even though i wanted to do that to i would’ve gone to one of the poolwatchers there of what happend instead of beating him up. but eventually i had to cause the guy tried to get my brother banned from the pool but i told this poolwatcher lady what happend and aparantly i had to go with her and say my statement again and they had to ask that guys name and aparantly he did this to 5 other women in the diffrent pools there and he got banned from the pool so he had to go change and leave. i swear that moment when my brother zoomed by it was kinda like a Morticia and @daycare-miami-r-ick moment there seriously. so we swam some more and i relaxed again. we got some icecream after swimming and then went straight to the cottage x3)
leaving parc (this one is from today)
(update lol. so today i stood up at 08:30 AM with my parents we all could leave at 09:00 AM since we packed up everything already. but geuss who decided to stay asleep until 09:30 AM and still had to pack their things? yeah my brother and hiss gf. so eventually we left around 10:00 AM and decided to let my brother take the lead with hiss car since he sais that hiss gps is better then our dads. it fucking isnt. he did 2 pitstops, one at 10:15AM and the other at 12:20 AM. my dads gps said that we would arrive at that time but thanks to my brothers gps and hiss 2 pitstops we ended up home at 13:30 PM. atleest i slept for an hour in the car cause i was tired. anyways we unpacked the dog was acting up again due to the change again. i unpacked my stuff im still organizing a little bit. gonna put all the updates on my other blog since the wifi there sucked i could only post the updates on here. so imma scan the drawings i made and post them on my art blog to and then imma take pictures of all the souvenirs and post them there to along with some other pictures i see fit to post there. the rest of the week i still have vacation so imma see if i cant do some drawings because i’ve been procrastinating on a few. :P)
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healingmorticia · 8 years ago
(so i know i dint do an update part thingy today and the reason for that is because most of the day i was on my laptop or drawing because it was rainning. so we couldnt do much during the day. also i really hate my brothersince he’s infected everyone in here with hiss cold and he doesent even wanna put hiss hand infront of hiss mouth when he coughs. ontop of that my brothers gf got infected because of him and im still in the clear yay for me x3. he’s been sick since monday but dint wanna get medication for it until tuesday when we went shopping with mom. anyways so they both have been so annoying and ruining alot of great moments with their negativity. thats why i told mom and dad that i dint want them with us because they have this thing to turn everything into a negative thing especially hiss gf. like today she was telling how much beeing in fashion was important and all. my parents told her that its not that important and that people are wearing clothes that they are feeling comofrotable in these days and she is right. but the gf just told my parents they were old fashioned and stuff and that people should think about fashion because it makes them look cooler and such and that it is important. until i opend my mouth and told her that they arent old fashioned, she is because of the way she is thinking and that she needs to get her nose out of the expensive clothing and judgemental negative thoughts and look around herself. alot of people are wearing the clothing they feel comfortable in these days, wether it is fashionable or not, wether its expensive or not. boy did she dim down he fucking mouth cause i swear she was bad mouthing my parents, infront of them, infront of my useless brother who cant even open hiss mouth to her and infront of me. anyways so i tried blocking her out with music, wich helped but then we had to go and get pizaa from the dome. like we went to get some information on how it works, does it get delivered or not. so we got the information but i wanted to go shopping peacefully since we had an hour before they start making pizza’s. but my fucking brother and hiss gf had to nag about choosing a pizza now in the bussy and loud house of games. they decided their pizza’s mom did to but i told them i wanna go back into the dome where its peacefull and quieter. so finally went out of the house of games and i could read the fucking menu we got from the bar. i decided on a pizza and told mom we should go shopping. the shopping calmed me down alot since they shut their mouths. so after shopping we ordered some pizza to take home and went home. we ate the pizza and i dint feel so good afterwards. idk what they did with the pizza but it made me feel so freaking bad. so i just wanted to draw peacefully and listen to some music before we went bowling. but she wanted to play uno again and it was only 30 minutes before we had to leave back to the house of games. like seriously she dint have the patience to relax and wait. so we went bowling and it was alotta fun. it made my stress go away and i laughed alot. we went to drink at a restaurant and i also ate some ice cream wich was yummy. we went hom and i went straight to my bedroom to relax and draw and that was my day. today wasnt so much fun as yesterday but i try to block out their negative behavior to make it a happy day x3)
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