#the doctor patched him up and the dealer took him home
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smoresie · 1 year ago
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The aftermath of their first meeting
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yanderes-galore · 2 years ago
Yandere 2bdamned with 5 and 6 prompts thanks
Sure! I put this one on hold before because people wanted more violent fics and this one gave off forced domestic vibes. Yet here it is! Sorry it took months :(
Yandere! 2BDamned Prompts 5 and 6
"Manipulation? No, dear, I'm just encouraging you!"
"A good partner must be willing to make sacrifices for their beloved! Don't you agree?"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Forced relationship, Forced domestic scenario, Manipulation, Isolation.
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You haven't seen others outside of your group in a long time. It was always these same lab walls. It was always the same mercenary group. Your days of freedom were gone by now.
You remember what you used to do. You used to learn how to survive in the ruined lands of your home. You were fine by yourself.
So how did you get here? How did you become a lab assistant to someone who wasn't even technically a doctor? Hell, how did you become "romantically involved" with said grunt.
In your eyes it was a series of unfortunate events that got you to this point. In the eyes of your partner, it was probably something more akin to fate. Either way... you weren't sure if you could consider yourself happy in these conditions.
2B, or Doc as everyone called him, said you were out of trouble here with him in his lab. Working in the lab used to just be your job or something you did out of kindness. Now it was all you knew.
You surprisingly didn't forget how you met. You had found 2B fighting off A.A.H.W agents and watched from afar. It was never a good idea to get too close.
Funnily enough, that was a warning you ignored once the agents were dispatched one way or another. Did you suddenly decide to be kind because he was bleeding heavily? Maybe your original intention was to take advantage of him... but it never came to fruition.
No, instead with some tense negotiation from a distance, you gave him the supplies he needed and watched as he patched himself up. The interaction ended with a brief thank you before you parted ways. That was all.
Until you found yourself caught in another firefight with either agents or bandits. You can barely remember as by the end of it you were the one bleeding to the point of being... light-headed.
You quickly accepted death. It was bound the happen at some point, right? However... it seems someone was looking out for you.
By the time you woke up you found yourself in a lab, the very same one you occupy today. It appears the world decided to give back to you as you woke up to the very same grunt you saved a long time ago.
Turns out he has medical knowledge and saved your life. By this point you've both proven yourself to each other and gained trust between yourselves. When you were healed, you made a suggestion.
"How about I work with you. I can find supplies and bring them here. You seem trustworthy enough."
With a gruff voice, 2B answers.
"Fine. Just don't get yourself killed out there."
That was the deal. You brought back supplies in order for him to heal his team comprised the Nevada's most wanted. In exchange you were allies and were able to relax in the lab he occupied.
It was great. Obtaining allies in a world such as this is helpful. Until things escalated between you two.
Pretty soon you began to playfully flirt with the older grunt. A poor decision as you'll find out later but it was your way of affectionate teasing. Turns out this affected 2B more than you thought...
On one of your trips back to 2B with supplies, 2B greeted you at the door. None of his crew was here as of now. It was just you two.
Which is why he found this the perfect time to admit how much he cares for you. Turns out... 2B saw you as a potential partner. A partner more intimate than just a supply dealer.
You got so caught up in the idea of a relationship you didn't think of the issues this may cause...
So you said yes.
It was from there 2B managed to take over your life just because he made your heart flutter. You suspected something odd when he said he'd have Deimos and Sanford collect supplies instead. You even accused him.
"There's no need for you to get yourself killed on a pointless mission. I suggest you stay here with me."
"What the hell, Doc!? I've done this for a long time now! ... Are you trying to manipulate me?"
His response?
"Manipulation? No, dear, I'm just encouraging you!"
"I just felt you would be of better use in the lab. Then you don't have to leave my side."
Maybe it was the fact you've never seen 2B so caring, because you agreed after he carefully picked out his words.
A decision which leaves you to where you are now.
Nowadays you act like a married couple who lost its spark despite never being married. You're personally tired of being cooped up in a single place all because 2B likes your company. As expected, arguments are often and you begin to despise the man who saved your life countless times.
You never went outside. Outside may be dangerous but you still miss it. Now you felt like you were being parented by your supposed partner.
You try to express these concerns to him but he always acts like he knows better. You try to tell him you want it like it used to be! His response?
"A good partner must be willing to make sacrifices for their beloved! Don't you agree?"
Sacrifices? Was your lack of individual freedom just a sacrifice to him? It makes your blood boil!
Yet no matter how hard you try to leave him and his lab, you find yourself back here. He either locks the doors or if you did somehow escape he sends someone after you. You weren't a partner to him...
You're a prisoner.
You're a prisoner just for 2B to adore. His affection of tired hugs and kisses feel like he's using you. 2B doesn't want the best for you...
He just wants you, even if it means locking you with him in a life that makes you unhappy.
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themaskedwriter · 6 years ago
To Bucky With Love
Despite considering Marvel one of my main fandoms, my url was based on a certain show about two brothers hunting supernatural creatures for a long time.
My first language is not English and I’ve only been writing on here for a bit over two years.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Finding yourself travelling back to all the places your relationship with Bucky went through big changes, you send letters to the one you love, reminiscing in everything you went through together.
Warnings: Guns, injuries, a bit of blood and cursing. Cursive is the letter, the rest is the flashback.This is also the first part of a new series which will be continued on my account :)
Word Count: 2772
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Dear Bucky, it’s been about a week since I left home. My first destination had to be the place where we met for the first time…well, the place where we were forced to spend time together. I remember the mission like it just happened yesterday, the way our eyes met during the fight, the way your body shielded mine and the way I dragged you through the streets of Jujuy. I hate you so much back then, I hated the fact that you single-handedly ruined my mission just to prove yourself. God, how much I wanted to kill you back then…
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Barnes. What the hell are you doing here?” you snapped at the brunette man that stood across from you, a dangerous twinkle in his eyes as his face was illuminated by the computer screens that covered the wall next to you.
“I’m doing my job, doll, just as you should be doing,” he replied, raising his brows in challenge.
As you were about to open your mouth to reply to the agent in front of you, you heard a low moan coming from your right, seeing the man on the ground reach for his gun. Without hesitation both Bucky and you raised your guns, your bullets hitting the centre of his head before he slumped backwards, finally out cold.
Huffing you strapped your gun back into its holster, “What even is your mission? What could possibly be more important than blowing this base into pieces?”
“I’m looking for a man. Drug-dealer, high risk. Has been killing everyone that got in his way for the last 20 years. Eduardo Lòpez, ever heard of him?”
You quickly nodded your head as your eyes scanned the room before settling on the man in front of you, “You are aware of the fact that he’s not in Argentina right now, yes?”
Bucky’s expression wavered, his lips pursing as he reached up to scratch his jaw, his eyes flickering away from you.
“I can’t believe it. You’re manipulating my entire mission, risking my life while you’re at it just for a single person that’s not even in this goddamn country! Low blow, Barnes, low blow. If you have a problem with me, you better say it now before I accidentally shot you and leave you in this facility before I blow it up,” you jabbed your finger into his firm chest, your anger rising with every passing second, the smug smile that returned onto Bucky’s face only aggravating you even more.
Before Bucky got to send another comeback into your direction the door to the monitoring room flew open, revealing several agents with their guns pointed at you.
“Lower your weapons and raise your hands, now,” the broad-shouldered man in front yelled at you in Spanish.
Raising your hands you slowly reached for your gun, pulling out of its holster and getting ready to place it on the floor in front of you. Glancing over to Bucky you met his eyes, nodding your head ever so slightly before quickly aiming your gun at the men, shooting two of them before kicking a chair in their direction to throw them off guard. Dropping beneath one of the many tables you crawled towards the door, hoping the guards would run towards you, which, luckily, they did, allowing you to shot them from close distance before you hurried through the door, Bucky leaning against the wall opposite of it, his hand pressed against his side, blood seeping through the space between his fingers. Once you were through the metal door you quickly kicked it shut, lifting the chair you had previously kicked in the direction of it against the door, locking the remaining guards inside and hopefully giving you at least some time to get out of the hallway and into a safer part of the facility.
“You okay?” you panted, pressing your hands to your knees as you leaned against the wall to catch your breath.
“Could be better,” Bucky huffed before removing his hand from the bullet wound on his side, taking a look at it just to press his hand back against it.
Looking left and right you made sure no one was entering the hallway you were in as you took a few steps towards the agent that had successfully ruined your mission, “We need to get you to a doctor. Come, I know a way out of here.”
“Well…that didn’t go as smoothly as I planned,” you tried to chuckle but all that came out were raspy breaths and your squeaky voice as you pressed yourself against the white wall of the hallway, bullet firing against the wall opposite of you, coming from where you were just standing a few seconds ago.
“Oh, you don’t say?” Bucky glanced at you from the other side of the stream of bullets flying your way.
You tried to fire your gun at the approaching guards but all you managed to do was hit the walls and floor, not having any sight on your targets.
“Do you have one of those explosives left?”
Patting down your body you soon found the device, pulling it out you held it up for Bucky to see, “Yeah, but I was planning to save this for getting us out of here.”
“To get out of here we need to survive first, doll, this might be our only way,” he yelled as the sounds of guns grew louder, the guards getting closer and closer to you by the second.
“Ugh, fine,” you groaned as you got ready to toss the explosive in the hallway to your right.
You waited for Bucky to nod before you threw the little device as far as you could without properly aiming, hoping and praying to every divine force that it wouldn’t miss its mark. Crossing your fingers you began counting in your head.
The red emergency light immediately went off, the alarm loud and shrill in your ears as you risked a glance into the hallway you threw the explosive into only to be greeted by the sight of bloodied and hurt guards laying scattered on the floor, rubble and debris covering most of the floor, leading to the gaping hole in the wall.
“Let’s go.”
Before you could react Bucky took your hand into his, dragging you towards your way outside of this hellhole, climbing over the guards and rubble in your way until you finally felt the warm breeze from outside brush against your dusty face.
“Finally,” you mumbled to yourself as your feet hit the green grass outside of the facility, casting a glance upwards to wait for Bucky to drop down beside you.
As soon as you heard the low thud of his feet colliding with the ground you began moving, eager to get out of this godforsaken place and away from the agent that ruined your mission. Just as you wanted to tell him to hurry up you felt his body colliding with yours, “Watch out!”
You heard the sound of the gunshot even before your body hit the ground, Bucky falling down somewhere beside you as you reached for one of your guns, firing it in the direction of the shots while hoping your bullet wouldn’t miss.
Risking a look you saw the machine gun slip from the guards hands, his body collapsing and falling out of the whole you had crawled through just a few moments before, allowing you to stand back up, brushing the dust from your pants while keeping your gun firmly in your hand in case of another unfortunate mishap.
“Alright, Barnes. Ready to get-“
The words you wanted to say got stuck in your mouth once you saw Bucky laying on the ground beside you, blood pooling around his thigh as he clutched his hand to the wound on his side.
“No. No, no, no. Goddammit, Barnes!”
“Come on, Barnes, we gotta get moving. I’m not letting you die in the middle of the street,” you hissed as you dragged the agent with you, one of his arms slung across your shoulders while the other continued to press against the bullet wound on his side.
“Oh, but you’re willing to let me die anywhere else?” he grunted out, his feet dragging over the uneven and bumpy pavement beneath you, stumbling over a loose stone.
Speeding up your steps you silently cursed him out, “Continue talking like that and I might just leave you right here.”
“You wouldn’t, doll, try explaining that to everyone back home.”
“Oh…for fuck’s sake. Just shut up,” you groaned, completely fed up with him.
First, he decided to ruin your mission, which was going perfectly smooth until he came crashing through the door, guns blazing, causing all sorts of hell to break loose and then he had the audacity to get shot, forcing you to ditch any sort of plan you had and improvise your way out. Your mission was supposed to be easy, sneak in, get the data, plant the explosives and get back out. But no, Mister Metal Arm had to ruin it for you. And then he even dared to push you to put of harm’s way, leaving you to drag him through the abandoned streets of the outskirts of San Salvador de Jujuy, your broken phone clutched in one hand while you were desperately looking for a way to get Bucky patched up.
Every house you passed seemed abandoned, the windows barricaded and dust collecting on their sills when you finally saw a single person at the end of the road, the woman idly sweeping the dirt and dust off her entrance, the windows of her house open and inviting. Letting out a sigh in relief at the sight of her you sped up your steps, Bucky barely being able to keep up with you but that didn’t matter to you in that moment, desperate to get off the street and take care of his wounds.
“Excuse me, señora? Please, we need help,” you asked in Spanish, not wanting to force her to adjust to a foreigner.
The woman looked up at you, her eyes widening at the sight of two beaten up agents at her doorsteps, before she quickly opened the door for you, ushering you inside as she locked the door and closed the curtains.
Dropping Bucky on the floor you took off your heavy gear, kneeling down beside him to take a look at the damage in front of you. Carefully you ripped off Bucky’s shirt, your hands hovering over the bullet wound before you collected yourself, your training reminding you of what to do in a situation like this.
“Could we get-“
Before you could finish your question she kneeled down beside you with a wet towel in her hands, holding it for you to take. Throwing a quick smile in her direction you took it out of her hands and began wiping away the blood that coated Bucky’s skin. Just as you wanted to ask for a needle and a threat the woman in front of you offered to you just what you needed. With shaking hands you tried to stitch up the wound on his side but as the adrenaline slowly wore off you couldn’t help but feel the effect of the past few hours get to you. A hand on your shoulder ripped you out of your thoughts, the woman whose place you crashed gently pushing you aside and taking the utensils from your hands, getting to work on Bucky’s injury, the man grunting slightly as the needle pierced through his skin.
“I-We’re sorry for barging in on you…”
“Maria, my name’s Maria. And you’re more than welcome here, child,” she said while quickly finishing the stitches.
Hours later you were both sitting on Maria’s couch, Bucky more slouched against the back to go easy on his treated wounds, both of you eating Empanadas while you explained your situation to her. You were left in a country you weren’t familiar with, no backup on their way to get you out of the small town and no way of contacting them since your communication devices got destroyed in the fight. Fortunately for you, Maria was familiar with injured people crashing at her place, whether it was kids that scraped their knees or adults with serious problems, she was the one everyone consulted first; that was until people started to move away due to the treat of Eduardo Lòpez and his gang as well as the Hydra base close by.
“You need to rest before you’re going anywhere on your own,” Maria scolded you both as you bought up the topic of getting back home, her eyes lingering especially on Bucky who was trying to stay awake, not showing in how much pain he was in.
“Do you have a phone I could borrow, so I can contact a friend to pick us up?” you asked, worried about your fellow agent, even if you never worked with him before, him basically behind a stranger to you, you still cared about him. He saved your life after all, and he seemed nice enough, the fact that he wasn’t bad to look at was only another nice extra.
“Sure, follow me.”
Maria led you into her kitchen, handing you her phone before grabbing a glass of water and some painkillers to give to Bucky before heading back into the living room, leaving you alone in her kitchen.
You dialled the number you knew like the back of your hand, tapping your foot as you waited for the person on the other end to pick up the phone.
“Oh, thank god, Nat. We’re stranded in Jujuy in Argentina and I can’t make contact with anyone else since my phone got hit. Can you get us out of here?”
“Wait, wait, who’s ‘us’? I thought you went on a solo mission,” your close friend and mentor asked at the other end of the line.
Sighing you ran a hand over your face, “Bucky Barnes. He…kinda ruined my mission and got shot in the process. We found shelter at the place of a local but we don’t wanna bother her too much.”
You could hear some papers being moved around, the clicking of a keyboard and Natasha speaking to someone through the phone before she picked it back up, “Alright, I’ll see what I can do. Do you have your coordinates? I’ll try to get to you as soon as possible.”

“Thank you, Nat,” you sighed in relief, happy someone would get you back home soon.
“No problem. Oh, and (Y/N)?”
“Do me a favour and punch Barnes for me. Also, tell him to get his shit together, he’ll know what that means,” Natasha chuckled slightly before saying her goodbye, prompting you to hang up the phone and give it back to Maria who was leaning against the doorframe to her living room.
“You are more than welcome to stay until your friend picks you up,” she smiled at you.
After heading back to the living room you let yourself fall onto the sofa next to Bucky, softly punching his arm.
“Hey! What’s that for?”
You shrugged as you leaned back against the back of the couch, tugging your feet underneath you, “From Natasha. She also told me to tell you to, and I’m quoting her here, ‘get your shit together’. Apparently, you’ll know what that means.”
I didn’t thank you enough for what you did back then because even though you ultimately ruined my mission you also saved my life, and made it less miserable by stepping into it. For all I know, it was Nat who just set it up but even if it was all her planning, I’m happy things went the way they did. You were willing to sacrifice your life for me without even knowing me and for that, I will be grateful until the day I die.
I’m gonna stay with Maria these next few days, her arms have welcomed me once again. She was beyond sad to hear that you wouldn’t be making it but she gave me some Empanadas for me to take back home.
Home. I won’t be home for some time.
Anyways, I’m gonna write you another letter from my next destination, the city we had our first date in. Oh, I still remember how nervous I was. But that’s for the next letter.
I love you and I can’t wait to see you again, (Y/N)
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bullet-proofgirlscouts · 7 years ago
J-HopeXReader- Injury
Disclaimer: (Inspired by the Brooklyn 99 episode where Holt gets injured and doesn't tell his husband about it) Angst, fluff and angry Hoseok.
Summary: Reader is a cop who gets injured on duty and decides not to tell Hoseok about it. Hell breaks loose when he finds out.
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“Fuck.” you cursed as the doctor plunged the needle into your skin.
“Language.” your Captain, Namjoon scolded as he loomed over you, standing by your bed.
“Sorry.” you mumbled, gritting your teeth as the thread attached to the needle slid into your flesh, getting pulled.
“She got stabbed captain.” Yoongi said, giving you a supportive smile, “Cut her some slack.”
“You’re right.” Namjoon agreed sympathetically, wincing as he watched your waist getting patched up, “Luckily it’s not too serious. Still must have hurt, right?”
“Yeah.” you groaned out, tears welling in your eyes, “how did we not notice that the drug dealer had a knife?”
“Well,” Yoongi replied, “Probably because we were too excited about finally catching him that we got careless, and unfortunately, you paid the price for it.”
“It’s alright.” you said, “All comes with being a cop, right?”
The doctor stood up from his crouched position, standing up from his chair. He looked down at your form, lying down on the hospital bed. “It’s done.” he said, pulling the hem of your hospital shirt down slightly, covering the stitches that patched up your wound, a total of six stitches. “Make sure to take care of yourself,” the doctor said, “don't do any stressful activities for awhile, until you’re completely healed or else the wound will open up. Be back to remove them in a weeks time. Keep it sanitary, take your medication and everything should be fine.”
“Thank you doctor.” Namjoon said, walking forward to shake the man's hand, “Please keep this under wraps, information about this case is classified.”
“I am aware.” he replied, “And don't worry Captain. My lips are sealed.” saying that, he then left the room, giving the three of you some private time.
You grunted in exertion as you tried to get up, pushing yourself up by your elbows. Yoongi quickly rushed to your side and helped you. Sitting up, you took a few deep breaths as the pain slowly started to fade away, for now.
“Proud of you, detective.” Namjoon said, ruffling your hair, “we managed to catch the leader of the drug ring thanks to you. Take the next few days off at home and rest.”
“Thank you Captain.” you replied, smiling, “besides, I doubt Hoseok would let me go to work anyway.”
Yoongi grunted in approval, nodding, “knowing him, he’d probably lock you up.”
“Take it easy on him.” Namjoon said, “Wouldn't want him to faint in response.”
You simply chuckled, “Don’t worry, he’ll be fine.”
You collapsed on the sofa slowly, groaning in exhaustion as you sunk into the soft cushions. Letting out a loud sigh, you glanced at the hall clock and saw that Hoseok would be home soon. You pulled out your phone and texted him.
To: My Hubby
Hey, ordering dinner tonight. What do you want to eat?
A minute later, you received a reply
From: My Hubby
Pizza! And Jungkook and Jimin are joining us so order stuff for them too.
You frowned but sent back an affirmative. It’s not that you didn't like the younger boys, your husband would always bring his dance crew around without warning (At Least this time you got a heads up) it’s just that you didn't want to tell Hoseok about your incident until after they’ve left. You weren't comfortable talking about an issue like this in front of his friends, you wanted it to be a private matter. Calling up the pizza place, you ordered a bunch of food, knowing how tired the boys would be once they came back.
Ten minutes passed by, with you ideally browsing through your phone when the doorbell rang. You stood up a bit too fast, forgetting about your wound instinctively and cried out softly, tears welling your eyes. Taking a few deep breaths, you limped over to the door and opened it.
“We’re home!”
You forced out a grin as the three boys yelled simultaneously, throwing their hands in the air.
“Hey.” you said, moving out of the way to let them enter, smiling as the younger boys greeted you, “Sweetie, you know you have a key.”
“Yeah, but we wanted to do the whole ‘we’re home thing’” Hoseok said with a grin, “Why? Is something wrong?”
You glanced over at Jimin and Jungkook who had sat down on the couch before replying, “No, just lazy.”
The pizza arrived (and you had to painfully grab it as the others were busy) and the four of you had a great dinner together, with the boys bragging about how they came up with ‘the best dance routine ever’. Hoseok and the boys were professional dancers, with Hoseok also being a choreographer, making up dance routines for famous k-pop groups and was even nominated and won several awards for ‘best choreographer’.
After the dinner, the two of them left, thanking you for the food (and laughing when you jokingly called them freeloaders). You smiled as Hoseok came up to you and kissed you, his hands coming up dangerously close to your wound but luckily, not close enough.
The two of you broke apart and you sighed happily. “Welcome home.” you said softly.
Hoseok chuckled and pecked you on the lips again, “i’m home.” he said.
“So i’m guessing your day was great?”
“So great.” he said with a giant grin, “we managed to nail down the new choreo and teach the basics to the group. They’re working hard so i’ve no doubt they'll get it eventually.”
“They’re not giving you any trouble?”
“Nope. Talented bunch of girls. They keep telling me their debut will be a massive hit because of me.”
“...are you nervous?”
“My heart beats so fast just thinking about it.”
“My Hobi,” you said, sweetly (he always loved it when you called him that) “Don’t worry. You’re the best choreographer i know.”
“I’m the only choreographer you know.”
“True. And I have excellent taste in people.” you leaned forward and placed a light kiss on his nose, “They’re going to be fine, because you’re looking after them.”
Hoseok smiled, “Thanks baby. Anyways, how was your day.”
“Well, we ended up catching this drug lord that we’ve been chasing for a month. However, I ended up…” you trailed off, looking up at Hoseok’s bright eyes. It was filled with so much childlike wonderment and shined even brighter when you mentioned your win. You knew that if you told him, all that happiness would be sapped away and he might not go for work tomorrow because he would be too worried to leave you alone, you knew how possessive and upset he would get. Especially since it wasn't the first time you got injured (never this severely though) and you knew his patterns by now.
“...being the one to catch him. I managed to tackle him to the ground and get him in handcuffs.”
Hoseok’s eyes grew wide in wonderment, “Woah!” he exclaimed, grabbing you by the shoulders, “That’s great! I’m proud of you!”
You let out a loud sigh, scolding yourself inside your head, promising that you would tell him tomorrow.
Namjoon was in his office, busy filing his papers when he heard someone enter the precinct, followed by a few gasps. Raising an eyebrow, he walked out of his room only to find his best detective, one who was ordered to stay home, walking into the precinct.
“Hey Cap’n!” she said cheerfully, giving him a half-assed salute.
“What the hell are you doing back?” Namjoon asked sternly, quickly walking towards her.
“Wow. That’s hurtful.” she said, blandly “but i’m back because justice never waits, Captain. As long as criminals are out there, it’s my duty to put them behind bars.” He simply raised an eyebrow in response, calling bullshit. He heard footsteps by his side and saw Yoongi join the two of them, seemingly just as surprised.
“Did you heal that quickly?” he asked, looking her up and down.
She sighed, annoyed, “You guys really aren't buying the whole ‘justice thing, huh?”
Namjoon simply folded his arms.
“Ok, fine” she relented, “I wasn't able to tell Hoseok what happened. He’s leaving for work later in the day so it would have been suspicious if I stayed home.”
She walked past the two of them, making her way to the break room, “I’ll tell him today, so for now, just let me rest here.”
Namjoon and Yoongi simply stared after her, watching her enter the break room and carefully lie down on the couch. The two of them looked at each other before Namjoon sighed and went after her.
Closing the door behind him, Namjoon looked down at his best friend who was looking up at him.
“You know you could have just called me? I would have let you rest at my place.” he said, pulling up a chair to sit beside the couch.
She simply dismissed it with a wave of her hand, smiling, “Thanks for the offer, but I was planning on getting some work done too so it’s better if I stay here. There’s a lot of paperwork, right?”
Namjoon nodded in response. A bust this big required as many hands they could get to help with finishing the work. But he still wasn't comfortable with having her here, he wanted her to rest and heal, not worry about these things for now. Almost like she could read his mind (she probably could at this point. More than ten years of friendship is a long time.) She reached a hand out and looped it through his, intertwining their fingers. “I’m ok Namjoon.” she said, smiling.
He smiled back, squeezing her hand. “So why didn't you tell Hobi?” he asked.
She pouted and said, “he was in a great mood yesterday so I didn't want to ruin it.”
“That’s no excuse.” he reprimanded, “He’s your husband, you have to tell him.” Namjoon and Hoseok were great friends. In fact, he was the one who introduced them to each other.
“I know.” she consoled, “and I will tell him today.”
You didn't tell him that day. Or the day after that. Or the day after that.
Before you knew it, five days rolled by without you telling Hoseok you got stabbed. Luckily, he came back home everyday exhausted from all his dancing and work so he was too tired to suggest any intimacy in the bedroom so he wasn't able to see your injury. Not to mention, you were quite good at hiding it so he wouldn't see you with your waist exposed. Plus, as it was healing relatively well, things became a bit easier for you. The two of you hardly saw each other these past few days, with you being busy with filing the paperwork and Hoseok being busy teaching the choreography to the group that was going to debut soon. To say he was frustrated would be an understatement. After three continuous nights of coming home and immediately ranting about how ‘these kids even managed to be rookies’ (despite him fawning over them days ago) made you conclude that he didn't need the added bonus of him stressing over you.
You grunted as you slowly sat into your chair, your wound causing you problems whenever you needed to sit down. Taking deep breaths, you waited for the pain to fade away before you settled down. Grabbing the files on your desk, you were about to browse through them before you heard fast footsteps behind you, followed by a shadow looming over your figure.
“Did you tell him yet?” Namjoon’s voice rang above you. Sighing, you turned away from your desk, plopping the files back onto the table and swung the chair to face the man behind you, looking up at him.
“...Not yet.” you confessed, bashful.
Namjoon sighed, annoyed, shooting you a glare. “You promised you would tell him yesterday!”
“I know, i know.” you reasoned, standing up slowly to meet your captain in the eye, “But he’s practicing so hard for his dancing, if I tell him what happened he’d freak out and cancel everything to look after me. I don’t want to do that.”
“So you would rather lie to him?” Namjoon asked, giving you a look that said ‘are you serious?’
“It’s not lying, it’s keeping a secret.” you said with a grin, trying to lighten the mood, but failed, miserably. “Ok, listen.” you said with a sigh, “He has a week off from choreographing starting tomorrow, i’ll tell him tonight. I promise.”
Namjoon was quiet for a second before he said, “Listen, is Hoseok treating you well? Are you...scared of him or something?”
Your eyes widened at Namjoons implication, surprised that it was taken in such an awful way. “No!” you exclaimed, “No, absolutely not! Hoseok wouldn't be able treat me better if he tried, trust me. I am the luckiest woman alive because he’s the sweetest most wonderful person on Earth, which also means-”
Yoongi interrupted from his cubicle, listening in on the conversation “He’s terrifying when he’s angry.”
You hummed in agreement, “At this point, if he finds out, he’s going to be quite mad. But, that’s not going to stop me, i’m going to tell him today.”
“You’d better,” Namjoon warned, firmly, “Let him know or i’m calling him up myself and telling him you got stabbed.”
“You got what?” a voice suddenly called out from the entrance of the office, startling both of you.
Turning around, you saw Hoseok standing by the door, wearing a simple light blue shirt with beige pants, a matching beanie with sunglasses (that you loved on him) with a shocked expression on his face, his mouth agape.
“H-Honey!” you stammered out, your heart suddenly beating faster, “What brings you here?”
“You forgot your phone.” he simply stated out as he broke out of his daze. Walking towards you, his expression changing to one of disbelief, he handed you the said object once he was close enough, standing right in front of you. Hesitantly, you brought your hand up and took it from him.
“Thanks.” you mumbled, drowning under the whole awkwardness of the situation.
“You got stabbed?” Hoseok asked, ignoring your thanks, shooting you with a glare. Folding his arms over his chest, he froze you with a stern look that you’ve come to recognize as him delving into the realm of getting furious.
“...Yes.” you admitted slowly, “But!” you said quickly, as you saw Hoseok getting more riled up, “It wasn't a big deal, just a small scratch.”
Suddenly, Yoongi spoke up, wanting to spice things up as he enjoyed the drama unfold, “We took you to the hospital and you got six stitches.”
“Dude!” you cried out, sending the older man a frustrated look, to which he simply shrugged his shoulders in response, smirking.
“When did this happen?” your husband asked, still glaring at you.
You hesitated before saying, slowly, “Five…” your voice got stuck as Hoseok raised his eyebrows, his eyes wide in rage, “...minutes?” you completed stupidly.
You heard Namjoon sigh behind you before he clarified, “Five days.”
“Five days!?” Hoseok yelled, causing a lot of people to stop an stare at the commotion. You flushed red in embarrassment, wanting nothing more than to bury a hole and hide.
“How could you?” he asked in disbelief, “you’ve been injured for five days and you didn't think to tell me about it? You didn't think to call me when they took you to a damn hospital?” his voice raised in volume as he yelled at you, the veins in his neck popping out.
“Ok, sweetie, ugh...” you drifted off, glancing at the people who were staring at the commotion, thoroughly embarrassed, “Now’s probably not the time, or place, to talk about this.” you brought your hand up and held onto his bicep gently. He glared at the hand touching him and brought his eyes back upto you. Begrudgingly, you removed your hand slowly, “So i’ll explain everything when it's just the two of us, ok?”
His expression softened a bit before he nodded his head, “Yeah, ok.”
“Great!” you said, clapping your hands,  “Head on home and i’ll- OW!”
The detectives watched in awe as Hoseok grabbed your ear, faster than their eyes could see, and started twisting it in his hand. Your knees gave out slightly, making your body bend down to accommodate for his grip on your extremely sensitive ear.
“Ow ow ow ow ow ow!” your chanted out as Hoseok, pulled you towards him, glaring at you. “Namjoon,” he said, looking up at the captain who stiffened in response, “Is there an empty room here we could use?”
“Uh…” Namjoon hesitated, trying to get over the fact that his best detective could be brought down to her knees by a simple tug on the ear, “I-I think an interrogation room is free.”
“You know that’s really not- Aaa!” you got cut off by Hoseok twisting your ear a bit more in response.
“That’s perfect.” he said, with a blank expression, almost like this was normal, “where are the rooms?”
Namjoon simply pointed towards one of the hallways behind him, “Second room on the left.” he said.
“Great, thanks.” Hoseok marched towards the hall, dragging you with him, still holding you by the ear. The precinct simply stared at the two of you as the hall was silent save for the sound of fast footsteps and a series of ‘ow’s’ echoing through the hall.
You rubbed your reddening ear and groaned as the pain started to fade a bit. Hoseok slammed the door shut behind you harshly before he turned towards you, furious.
“You're unbelievable, do you know that?” He asked, mockingly.
You didn't reply, simply looking away in response.
“How did it happen?” He asked after a pause, “who stabbed you?”
“...That drug dealer.” You confessed, sitting on the table that was in the room, pushing yourself up, “we were chasing after him and once we caught him I got careless and let my guard down. Didn't realize he had a knife on him. He really did just create a small wound Hoseok, it's not serious.”
He simply brushed that off, listening carefully.
“So this happened five days ago. Why didn't you tell me?”
“...I was going to. Really, I was." you clarified as you saw him scoff, “but that night you came back in such a great mood. You were so happy about how well the routine was going I didn't want to take that away from you.”      “And every day after that I wanted to tell you but I just...just never got the right time to do it. Either I came home late or you were too tired so i kept putting it off. I was also worried that if i told you, you would put off your dancing to look after me.”
“Which would be a bad thing because…?”
“Because things are going so well for you, you came back home everyday with a huge accomplishment under your belt, I didn't want to ruin it for you.”
Hoseok grit his teeth, saying, “Well, that’s not really your decision is it? You’ve managed to take care of yourself for the past few days, I wouldn't have had to fawn over you once I knew you would be fine.”
“...Sweetie you freaked out when i injured my knee, and that happened when i fell down.”
“That was years ago, when we started dating and I found out you were going to be a cop and anything hurting you terrified me, that doesn't count. Even if it did, still doesn't give you the right to make those kind of decisions on my behalf.”
“I know but I- i’m sorry Hoseok, but can you take your sunglasses off? It’s hard to take you seriously.” you said, trying to lighten the mood.
He raised an eyebrow and scoffed in frustration, annoyed that you were treating this like a joke. Gritting his teeth, he made a motion to head for the door and leave.
“Wait, wait, Ow!” You jumped off the table, wanting to stop him from leaving. However, as soon at your feet touched the ground a wave of pain washed over you, the stress on your feet shot up your leg and into your wound. You bent down in pain, your right hand lightly cupping the spot on your hip, the other one grasping the table tightly so you wouldn't fall. Your felt dizzy as dark spots covered your vision as the sharp pain took you by surprise. You faintly heard fast footsteps before you felt a pair of hands grab your shoulders tightly.
“What’s wrong? You ok?” Hoseok asked, worry filling his eyes.
You grinned painfully at him and nodded, “Yeah, i’m fine. Shouldn't have moved that fast.”
He didn't reply, simply raking his eyes over your bent stature. Removing a hand from your shoulder, he brought it down to lift up your shirt, exposing the bandage that was covering your wound. His expression darkened for a second but was quickly replaced with him worrying over you.
“You’re not bleeding, so your stitches are holding up.” he muttered, making sure your wound was not agitated.
“Well, five days is a lot of time to heal.”
You stood up straight, Hoseok following you as you stood in front of each other. Calming down for a few seconds, you brought your hands up to lightly cup his face, your thumbs brushing over his soft cheeks. He closed his eyes at the feeling, bringing his own hand up to grasp onto yours.
“...I know how stressed you’ve been about this.” you said softly, “We’re having more cases than ever, crime rate has gone up and i’ve hardly been home these last two weeks.”
You moved forward, bumping your forehead against his,
“I’m sorry I didn't tell you, but I didn't want you to worry more than you already do.”
Hoseok let out a long sigh, his anger leaving him. Jutting his chin out, he placed a light kiss to your nose. “You’re a cop.” he said, “i’m always going to be worried. But just because i never hope for bad news, doesn't mean you keep them from me.”
His arms moved around your waist, hugging you lightly, careful to not hurt your wound. You in turn, wrapped your arms around his neck, enjoying the moment.
“Alright. Next time I get hurt, you’ll be the first to know.” you said, with a smile, “Now do you want every sort of injury or just police related stuff? Cause yesterday i stubbed my toe and that hurt like a bitch.”
“Shut up and kiss me.” Hoseok said, rolling his eyes.
“There’s my Hobi.” you said with affection. You leaned forward and the two of you kissed, soft, sweet and short.
“We should probably get out now.” he said, breaking off the kiss.
You untangled yourself from him, shoving your hand in your pockets as you remembered the scene the two of you had left behind, “Back to the people who saw you break me with a tug on the ear?”
“Yes. That was fun.”
You groaned in response. You held onto his outstretched hand, looping your fingers through his, “Yoongi’s never going to let me live that down.” you said.
“Probably.” Hoseok leaned forward and planted a kiss on your forehead, “...but you deserve it.” immediately after, he leaned down towards you ear and whispered, “And if you think i’m letting this go so easily, you’re wrong. When you get back home you’re going to get it.” he emphasized it with a sharp bite to your ear before he detached from you, walking out of the room like nothing happened, leaving you flushed and dazed.
“Well, fuck.” you muttered, a grin growing on your face, excited to get work done with and go home.
Inspired by B99 and that clip of Hobi pulling Jungkook and V by the ear. His annoyed acting face is the cutest XD
Check out my AO3 account! I basically post the same stuff i post here.
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movieexpert1978 · 7 years ago
Help Me
Tumblr media
Day 22 Idol challenge Christoph waltz 
I hit a little rough patch so I’m venting a little. 
I need King cuddles. 
King schultz is not my character 
The car accident damaged her arm so badly she almost lost it. The other driver hit her so hard and so fast that her car basically caved in on her. She spent a long time in the hospital and she was covered in bandages from head to toe. It was a very rough time for her, but thankfully she had one constant during that time and right now he was sitting next to her half asleep as she was getting ready to go home.
“Hmmm?” He said waking up and blinking. She had her paperwork in her bag and was given the all clear.
“Can you help me up, they’re taking me out in a wheel chair.” She said. King was gently, but her legs weren’t really hurting. It was mostly her upper right side that was hurting her still. Her legs were bruised and she had small cuts, but other than that her legs were fine. The nurse came in with the wheelchair and took her to the front where King pulled up his car and took her home. “I’m so glad to be home.” She groaned as she sat down.
“I’m glad your home too.” King smiled sincerely. He helped her around the house for the rest to the night. He stayed to help her for the weekend and he was a bit reluctant to return to his home and work on Monday. She managed just fine and she had a long road ahead of her for healing. She had some family check up on her, but they were in another state and Elisa wasn’t asking for help. Things started to look up a little bit when she was able to go back to work. Bartending wasn’t easy work, especially with one arm, but she was going crazy just sitting at home all day doing online art commissions on end. However, work turned out to be more difficult than expected. People kept bumping into her and sometimes the crowd noise made her ears ring. Tonight was rough as she almost dropped a few drinks and the pain in her arm made her fingers shake.
“Move over cripple.” Someone grumbled. She looked to see her coworker looking over at her smugly.
“At least I’m doing work Michael.”
“Oh fuck you.”
Elisa turned away with a roll of her eyes and mustered a smile to a customer. She was cleaning some glasses a little later when Michael bumped into her hard.
“Ow fuck! Michael!” She snapped, glaring at him.
“Hey both of you knock it off.” The manager ordered. “Mike leave Elisa alone.”
“Work clearance my ass. You’re hardly working anyway cripple.” He mocked.
“Hey what the hell did I say?” The manager said coming up to Michael.
“Yeah whatever, fucking bitch.” He snapped under his breath as he left.
“You ok?”
“Yeah…just hurts.”
“Ok, go home E. Get some rest. I know he’s an asshole.”
She only nodded as she pocketed her tips and retreated to her car. She closed the door and felt tears start to blur her vision as she started driving. She had been given a rental car from her insurance as they worked out the little details for a check to give her, not to mention that she was going to get a settlement because the driver had been impaired when he hit her. Once she got the car dealer’s check she would go out and put a new down payment and then some on a new car. She kept quietly crying as she drove, but she didn’t go home. She surprised herself when she found herself at King’s door. She was shaking as she rang the doorbell as it was so late, but she didn’t know who else to go to. A few minutes later the door opened with King in a robe.
“Elisa…oh darling come on.” He gasped, gently pulling her inside. “What’s the matter? Are you cold?” He asked.
“It was…it was…he called me a cripple.” She cried. King wrapped his arms around Elisa as she started sobbing into his chest. He was silent as he held her and let her cry. “I’m sorry…it’s just Michael at work. He kept going after me.” She explained between sobs. “He kept calling me crippled.” She sobbed crying hard.
“Elisa…I know you want to go back to work. I know you’re doing short shifts, but you need more darling.” King said sincerely.
“I know…I’ll talk to the doctor…I’ll talk to him about it.” She nodded.
“Come on, let’s get you to bed.” He smiled talking her battered hand and kissing it. With his help he managed to get her into bed with him following close behind her.
“I’m sorry I wok you.” ‘
“Oh nonsense. It’s no problem. I’m glad you’re here. I worry about you.” He whispered. He caressed her face and she leaned into his embrace as he wrapped his arms around her carefully. She closed her eyes after a few moments and started to quickly fall asleep.
“Thank you King.”
“You’re welcome Elisa.”
He rubbed her back to help her fall asleep before he kissed her forehead.      
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s1xthhouse · 8 years ago
there goes my hero
Ship: GwenxDakota (Heroes of Olympus)
Description: Superhero AU. Gwen has been secretly helping the masked crusader known as The Jager for months, fixing up his battle scars as he cleans up crime. But when the hero comes in with a more serious injury, Gwen is faced with something more than she can handle.
Note: I have no medical expertise so this was weird and probably horrible but I tried my best. Wrote this just in time for Valentine’s Day! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve written Gwenkota, kind of happy about this one. Enjoy!
If you attract the attention of a vigilante, you could be a few things: a super villain, a crooked cop, or a simple civilian that happens to know first aid. Gwen happened to fall under the later category, and wasn’t expecting to be it. The masked crusader had started showing up at Gwen’s apartment a couple of months ago, after he offered to walk her home from a party gone wrong. After being stalked by someone who attempted to mug her, the Jager swooped in took care of the creep, and needed some medical aid afterwards. Gwen felt safer with his stranger, even if she couldn’t really see his face.
Apparently the Jager had just taken care of another serious drug den, the police had been struggling with a way to get rid of them for weeks. The police were now trying to hunt down the vigilante, probably for making them look bad. He has been for weeks. Gwen contemplated turning the tv off, it was getting late and she was thinking about going to bed, her cat sleeping in her lap. A part of her was hoping he’d show up, a lot of the drug dealers in the den had gotten hurt, it’s possible he got hurt as well. At least, Gwen was pretty sure the Jager was a man, maybe it didn’t matter.
Switching the tv off, Gwen heard the rain starting to fall down outside, she’d have to shut her fire escape window. Turning around in her couch she saw someone sitting out on her fire escape, the sight made her jump out of her skin. There he was, his dark red and brown costume made of a flexible yet durable leather-like material. He looked like hell, his costume was ripped around the knees, a bloody lip.
“Oh my god,” Gwen gasped. “You scared the hell out of me!”
“That’s my job,” The vigilante grinned. “Though, you don’t look like criminal. I’m only supposed to scare the criminals.” He then winced, or at least his mouth and bit of his eyes showed that he winced. Gwen hardly noticed that he was holding his side, the blood wasn’t obvious as it seemed to blend in with his costume but he clearly was bleeding. Her heart fell, the Jager was never that seriously injured, a few bullet grazes and bruises. This was very serious.
Gwen quickly ran to her first aid kit, her fifth one this year, checking to make sure she had enough for a more serious injury. She then went to the fire escape and tried to help the Jager into her apartment. With one hand holding onto his side and the other gripped onto Gwen’s forearm, she hauled him through the window and onto the window seat, his usual spot in the apartment. He was soaked from the rain and shivering from the cold.
“We’re going to have to take the costume off,” Gwen opened her kit, grabbing the bandages first.
“You could at least buy me a drink first,” He joked. Gwen gave him a look, he was known for his smart ass jokes but now really wasn’t the time. Regardless, she started to unzip the costume, but he stopped her. “Whoa, what part of secret identity don’t you get?”
“You’re bleeding onto my IKEA cushions!” Gwen countered. “Possibly dying!”
“Then I’d rather die than you take my outfit off,” He paused for a moment. “Okay in a different circumstance I’d love you to take my costume off but I really can’t have you taking it off.” Gwen sighed frustratingly.
“Why did you even come here if you didn’t want me to patch you up?” Gwen asked. In all of the other instances where Gwen’s had to bandage or sew some stitches it’s been on his arm or on the bit of skin across his face, but Gwen knew this was more severe and his stubbornness wasn’t helping. “Do you think if I see you’re chest I’ll instantly recognize you?”
Jager shrugged, then cried out in pain. “Maybe,” he replied in pain. “Can’t you fix this without taking it off?”
“I could cut a piece of the costume off where you’re hurt?”
He looked up at her, clearly dissatisfied with that suggestion. “Okay, take it off,” He gave up. “But just open up.” Gwen zipped it down, it was much like a leather jacket where it folded across the chest on the inside as well. The metallic smell of blood grew stronger as she opened up his costume, it was almost too hard for Gwen to look at his wound. This wasn’t very deep bullet wound but it was very bloody, a weak sound escaped Gwen’s mouth when she saw it.
“That bad, huh?” Gwen started to work hastily without replying, she didn’t know how to do something like this, working the first aid tent at the Renaissance Fair hadn’t prepared her for bullet wounds. All she could rely on was Grey’s Anatomy reruns, she had to get the bullet out first. “Hey, doc,” The Jager startled her again. “What’s the prognosis?”
Gwen’s mouth was dry, she couldn’t speak. Instead of answering she grabbed bandages and started to disinfect the wound, he yelped. “Hey! A little warning next time!”
“Shut up,” Gwen hissed. “You really should go to a hospital.” She scolded as she continued to treat the wound. “I’m not a doctor, I’m not even a real nurse, and I don’t know why you keep coming to me for your wounds I’m not qualified to do this.” She sniffed, trying to hold back her tears. Gwen didn’t have tongs to take the bullet, not like the ones real doctors have, it’s not something one would get in an everyday first aid kit.
“Okay,” Gwen gulped. “This is going to hurt.” Gwen then tried to pull the bullet out with her fingers, grabbing the sides of it. It kept slipping from her grip, it was far too bloody. The crusader was breathing heavy, he wasn’t to cry out but was trying to stay quiet. Little whimpering sounds came out of him, just a little more and Gwen would get the bullet out. Finally, the bullet gave way and came out of his side, slick with blood. Gwen and Jager sighed with relief, but she didn’t stop.
She disinfected his wound again and pulled out curved needle and thread, he hands were shaking as she tried to thread the needle. “Don’t say a word,” Gwen warned him.
“Quiet as a mouse, doc.” He replied weakly, the corner of his mouth curving a little. Gwen took a deep breath, ready to attempt to sew his wound. This probably wasn’t the proper procedure for a bullet wound but Gwen knew there wasn’t any internal bleeding from organs, or at least she hoped there wasn’t. With a couple quick stitches, his wound was sealed, Gwen then put a bandage over it. In that whole ordeal Gwen hadn’t once taken notice of the tattoos that adorned his chest: a hyper realistic human heart where his would be, the roman numerals XVII on his left collarbone, and creeping grape vines across his ribcage on his right side.
Picking up a blanket, Gwen covered the vigilante. “Stay still, get some rest or something.” Gwen got up and went into the bathroom. She began to wash her hands in a rigorous fashion, desperate to get his man’s blood off her. The reddish-pink water washed down the drain, taking some of her tears with it. Her breath shuddered, someone almost died in her apartment, still could if she didn’t do things right.
Looking into the mirror, Gwen looked pale and pasty, as if she was the one that had gotten shot. There was a bit of dried blood on her forehead, she must’ve subconsciously whipped her sweat at some point. Leaning over the sink she started to wash her face, feeling better as she splashed cold water on herself. She clearly needed to start locking her window more often, she technically should have been doing that long ago but now more than ever. Gwen was going to be done with the Jager, for good.
Gwen looked up into the mirror again, and there he was, standing in the doorway. She whipped around and grabbed his shoulders, dragging him into her bedroom. “I told you to stay put!” He stopped her as they reached the bed, grabbing her hands that gripped his half open costume. They were inches apart from each other, the scent of rain and sweat was pungent. “Why do you do this? Why do you get hurt and then run to me to patch you up, what’s so special about me? Huh?”
Jager squeezed her hand, through his mask Gwen saw a look of bafflement in his eyes. “To be honest, I don’t know.” He breathed a sigh, attempting to sit down on the bed, but Gwen had to help him down, propping him against the wall. “I just… When I helped you out all those months ago, I had just started this ‘vigilante’ business, and I felt something when looked at me.”
“Felt what?” Gwen asked, sitting next to him.
“Felt like… A hero.” Jager looked at Gwen, a small smile on his face. The Jager wasn’t an average superhero, he wasn’t even super, that Gwen knew about. His victims were mostly rapists and human traffickers, he patrolled the docks constantly. He was far from being a hero, but for Gwen that one night, he really had been.
Gwen noticed the bruising around his neck, it must’ve happened during his drug heist, and his lip was still split. “Okay,” Gwen started. “I don’t think it’s safe for you leave, you still have to rest and I’m pretty sure you’ve got more than a bullet wound to deal with.”
“So…” Jager tilted his head. “What? I stay the night?” Gwen got up in a huff.
“No, you’re right that’s a dumb idea.” Gwen started to leave the room, but Jager objected.
“I just uh-” He shrugged. “I can’t show you my face, and I can’t really sleep with my mask on.”
“Then I sleep on the couch.” Gwen offered.
“I’m not going to make you sleep on the couch in your own apartment.”
“Well you can’t move, and you won’t let me sleep on the couch, yet I can’t see you without your mask.” Gwen raised her arms in frustration. “What do you suggest?” Jager slowly turned the light off, the only light coming into the room was the door to the rest of the apartment. Gwen was one of the unlucky few that didn’t have windows in a bedroom, but it just meant it was always dark in there, which was perfect for sleeping in.
Catching on, Gwen turned to close the door, and she was then engulfed in darkness. She was alone in a room with a stranger, someone kind of a stranger to her. She was in a room with one of the most wanted vigilantes in the city. Knowing the space well enough, Gwen began to walk back to the bed, the sound of zipping guiding her. His sword fell to the ground in a crash. “I hope you’re wearing underwear.” She joked.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Jager laughed. “Of course I have underwear, I kill pedophiles for a hobby, you know.”
“I know.” Gwen found the other side of the bed and lifted the blanket, settling into it. It had been a while since Gwen had shared a bed with someone, she didn’t count her cat that slept with her occasionally, specifically it had been a while since a man had shared a bed with her. Gwen felt him try to lie down further into the bed, he groaned a little in pain. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he replied. “Probably bruised my tailbone.”
“Is there anything that doesn’t hurt?”
“Just be careful of my heart, it’s fragile.” Gwen giggled at his comment. They were then silent, lying down in the dark. Slowly, Gwen’s hand reached over to him, her hand touching his bare shoulder. So much with being done with Jager, she thought, now he’s naked in my bed. Gwen moved in the bed, facing away from him, maybe if she just pretended he wasn’t there it would be less weird. She couldn’t think about him being this close to her, that he was ridiculously in shape under his costume, that he was probably very handsome under his mask.
Over the last few months of helping Jager, Gwen had developed this weird relationship with him, she saw him more often than she saw some of her friends. They talked about their lives when he was there, how he’d worried that the league of superheroes known as The Seven were going to take his job, or worst, that his day job was going to interfere with his crime fighting. The Jager fought for his own personal reasons, wanting to rid the streets of creeps that harbored ill will to other women, even if that meant a cop that was giving a prostitute a hard time. “Gwen,” she heard her name whispered behind her, then the feeling of someone getting closer, moving on the bed.
An arm wrapped around her chest, resting there. “Thank you,” he whispered, his breath tickled her neck. “For everything.”
“You’re welcome.” She answered. Gwen then moved her arm so that it rested on top of his, her hand brushing his forearm as she went to hold his hand, her palm over the back of his. There was feeling of scabs over the knuckles, like he had broken the skin there too many times, possibly had broken the bones there, too. Her fingers interlocked with his, squeezing his hand. It was then Gwen was pulled into him, her back touched his chest, his face buried into the crook of her neck. She felt the faint tickle of his hair, his breath running down her back. Gwen felt like he was being too liberal with his touch, taking too many chances, but a part of Gwen wanted this. There was all this weird tension between them, and she yearned for his touch, for him to hold her.
So she wouldn’t be over him, she couldn’t be now that this was what they were. Gwen wasn’t a sidekick, if anything Gwen was Alfred Pennyworth, Claire Temple, Lois fucking Lane. Was this masked crime fighter her boyfriend? They had kissed once, but it wasn’t ever brought up again, partly because Gwen was pretty drunk when she did it. But here they were, sleeping together, spending a lot of time together, sharing secrets and feelings. Maybe this could be discussed later, Gwen felt like she was being weird, overthinking this situation with a well known vigilante sleeping next to her. She let the feeling of sleep wash over, feeling warm and cared for, the slight caress of his calloused hands on her mid-drift. Gwen could get used to this, sleeping like this.
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foulfurywombat-blog · 7 years ago
washington insurance laws
"washington insurance laws
washington insurance laws
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""Im looking or an affordable health insurance, please help?""
hello, I need to see a doctor as soon as possible but i don't have insurance. anyone know any good affordable health insurance. thank you in advance""
I am planning to get a health insurance?
I need to get a health insurance, anyone can give me suggestions?, any company on the internet that gives me affordable health insurance?
How much does a Triple AAA insurance agent make on average?
How does Triple AAA pay their agents? Their agents don't sell Life Insurance right? What all do they sell? How does this job compare to...say a State Farm agent?
What's the cheapest insurance i can get?
I live in NYC, i'll be 18 in feb next year and i want to know how much i would have to pay for it. I can't be under someone else's insurance. I don't even have a car yet but it probably won't be anything over 7000 and probably 1990's or early 2000's. Thanks.""
Can I put my motorcycle on my moms insurance?
For my 18th birthday im going to get my self a Ninja 250R, but I already have a 2009 Toyota and my mom also has a 2009 Toyota, because i am much younger my insurance will be very expensive... i was wondering if I can put the bike under my moms name so that I can give her money to pay it at a lower rate? or can it only be the owner of the bike? Also could I have her buy it under her name so it looks like she is the only owner or does that matter?""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I pay $380 a month for my car insurance. more than anyone else i know. Just curious what everyone else pays Im a 20 year old male, single, living in California, have a 2002 bmw and a 1998 lexus, with 4 speeding tickets""
Do you pay a lot of money for car insurance where you live?
Wher so you live an dhow much does it cost. I live in NY it the sh*t is HIGH.
How much would an abortion cost without insurance in colorado?
my freind is 14 and prego. she needs an abortion and if she doesnt it might hurt her bad. plz no no abortion stuff. i really need your help!
Buying car insurance for a used car?
im buying my first car, used. and all i have knowledge from are from the internet. i live in California. when i see tv commercials, i often see the buyer being able to purchase their insurance when they are on the CAR dealer. my question? when is it do you get insurance? BEFORE OR AFTER YOU PURCHASE A CAR? also when getting quotes online, you have to add the car that you OWN, so im guessing you have to buy the insurance after AFTER?, BUT the policy seems to start the day after you purchase your insurance, so does that mean your driving the car illegally for a day?? if you were to buy the insurance (online) before and have to add your car, im guessing you have to be SET AND SURE you are getting the car when your policy starts? none of my friends knows about this because their parents own it and they don't care about their insurance... im so confused. help me.""
Can insurance companies tell me what car would be the cheapest for me to insure?
I was just thinking, it would be handy if websites such as Gocompare.com could just tell me what car would be the cheapest for me to insure. Based on the Information i already gave for a quote. Instead of me having to go through every car i can think of getting a quote for each one individually to find which car is the cheapest for me to insure. Dose any one no if there is a site that dose this?""
""Cheap insurance cars, help me choose.?
I'm looking for a 2002 car and I'm thinking of: Ford fiesta 1.1 Vauxhall corsa 1.2 Toyota yaris 1.0 Nissan Micra 1.0 I would welcome other options and choices And your opinion will count! I want to get a cheap insurance and I can afford up to 2.300
My insurance is too high?
I'm 19, in ireland (south) i pay 300 a month and i just changed address to the next county, my ins. has gone up to 450 a month.. Is there a speed restrictor policy i can get or has any1 my age managed to lower insurance somehow? My engine size is 1.2 also is that too high for my age? Thanx in advance ;)""
What will happen with my car insurance?
ok so i was driving my brothers car and i have my g1 i went to money mart and back home about an hour later police came knocking on my door asking if my brother was in a car accident so we went down to the station and the officer asked if i was driving his car i said yes , he then said that the other man that was sitting in the station got my plates and said i hit his car and cracked his bumper (very minor crack) so i said no and then officer assumed i was lying and made me write up an accident report. after when i was leaving the station the other guy asked if we could solving this without going through insurance so we exchanged numbers (their was no damage at all to my brothers car & no paint or anything on their car to prove i hit it) the next day they called and said the want a whole new bumper they dont want it patched up and they would get me a price quote they then got me a quote for $1475 for a while new bumper from ford i told them im not paying that much the only way im replacing the bumper is if my mechanic does it he said ok so i went to my mechanic told him the whole situation and he said i shouldnt be replacing the whole bumper for somthing that small but he still ordered the bumper for me i had to put a $400 down payment for the bumper and $300 after its put on. the bumper came in 2 days later and they brought their car for it to be put on when we got there they got pissed off and said this isnt a bumper straight from ford and they dont want it and left ( the bumper was brand new for the same model car and had the exact paint coat match just that it wasnt from ford) they then call me threating to take it through insurance if we dont get it from ford so i lost the $400 down payment for the bumper because they cant return it after its painted so i told my mechanic to order it from ford. but when he called for they said the dont have bumpers for that model anymore, i then call the people back and told them to take it through insurance because my mechanic cant get that bumper. So what will happen to my brothers insurance hes under 25 with his g2, and i had my g1 but it was on private property where they said the incident occurred the officer even said he cant charged me because its private property PLEASE HELP!""
A good reasonable priced inclusive car insurance?
Hello there are that many companies selling car insurance .Which one,s stand out for good value for money.""
Do you need full coverage insurance for a new motorcycle?
I am planning to get a new 07 triumph daytona 675 in Minneasota, and i was wondering since i would it would on a loan would you have to have full coverage on it or can i just have liabilty? since i would be making payments on the bike and the bank owns it . Kinda like cars ?""
About what would the insurance be on a '94 Camaro V6?
This doesn't apply to me...one of my friends asked me to post this--long story Anyway, he wants to buy this '94 Chevy Camaro base model; not the Z28!! He's gonna buy it off a local guy for $3000...it was 3200 something but he gave him a break for cash. So I'm supposed to ask what kind of insurance that he, a 16 year old will a spotless driving record and good grades, could expect to pay. His parents would like to put liability only on it to keep the cost down. Does anybody have any estimates???--remember liability ONLY..... Oh and we're here in Iowa if location makes any difference....""
How much could my car insurance increase if I pay a 90.00 fine that included 1 point on my record?
I have a clean driving record so would it be worth paying the ticket and watching my insurance go up a few bucks? I can't imagine my insurance going up too much for a single point, but maybe I am totally wrong. Any advice on this matter would be much appreciated.""
I Had A Crash Can Anyone Recommend A Cheap Car Insurer?
Whilst learning to drive I took out learners insurance on my own car which meant I could drive around with someone who was over 21 and had been driving for atleast three years.. During the period of learning I had crash which I was liable for. I am 20 years old and will trun 21 in January. I have now passed my test and am looking to insure my car, can anyone recommend a good cheap insurance company? Thanks""
Is it too risky to be a homemaker even if spouse has good life insurance?.?
We both agree that I should be with kids but I'm worried about financial risks.
I need to sue someone who hit my car with no insurance or license?
however I live in Arizona and I need to know the statute of limitations... I couldn't find anything online unfortunatly. Can anyone help ? My accident was Feb 2009
Is Texas a no-fault insurance state?
My G-Friend recently met with a car accident and we are still waiting for the accident report to determine the fault. She was not hurt but the other driver was hospitalized. Your opinions and suggestions welcome about how to handle this with Insurance company and attorney if required.
Integra to Mustang: how much will my car insurance go up?
I am currently insured with ING for my acura integra '1992 at $55 a month. I'm 23 years old with a clean driving record and the insurance is one-way (damages to my car in an accident are not covered, but damages to another car/property are covered) and is also protected from theft and attempted theft + vandalism. I am planning on switching to a 95 Mustang. Can I expect a small or significant jump in my insurance premium? I would apply the same coverage. (The car has an alarm system and I put on a steering wheel lock when I leave it parked.)""
Car insurance in new york?
if i hold a junior driver licence in new york do i need to have insurance if i drive my moms car? also if i do does my mom insurance go uo? i am 16 with a jr driver licence! http://1proxyweb.cn/car-insurance.html
""Car insurance, i only drive for 3 months or so? any options?""
I currently have a BMW m3, i will be moving to new york city where it makes no sense to have the car, but i love the car and intend on keeping it locked in my parents garage and covered for the majority of the winter. during the summer months it will be down at there vacation house but again, it will only be driven by me maybe twice a month and for two weeks one month. the only other time i could see me using it would be every once in a while when i visit home to go to the store and back, literally like 5 other days out of the year. is there any insurance for this? i have a loan on the car, but it's used and old and in pristine condition so i'd rather keep it, i have considered selling it. soo what options would i have? i also go to school in another state from wher the car is stored.""
How much will my auto insurance go up for speeding?
i live in iowa. im 20. i have had my licence for 4 years. i have geico insurance just the state minimum. this is my first violation. i was going 41 in a 30. how much will my auto insurance go up? right now im paying about 40 a month
washington insurance laws
washington insurance laws
Car insurance and CVT?
What is insurancegroup 13? how much would insurance be for a 16yr old first time driver on Mazda MX-5 2.0i 2dr Powershift Convertible. And cvt means the gears change by them self? good/bad? thanks
What are some affordable health insurance for california citizens?
I'm 22 years old. I have not had health insurance since i was 19. im a babysitter and i only get paid about $800 a month, im a full time student and that's the only job i can obtain because of my school. My schedule changes every 9 weeks. keep in mind i also have school loans to pay and personal bills like cell phone and car / car insurance.""
Do insurance companies insure themselves?
My wife and I were wondering this this morning. If an insurance office is broken in to/has a fire/etc, do they cover themselves?""
What are peoples opinions of the affordable care act?
I am not that informed about it and curious how people feel about it
I am 18 and i got disqualified for 3 months and i was wondering if anyone knows cheap car insurance for me?
ive tried things like confused and the comparing sites but i didn't know if anyone knew of smaller or more independent companies which are good at these types of quotes.
Will my car insurance be able to transfer over to another car without extra fees?
My mother-n-law has an extra car that she doesn't have insurance on because she doesn't drive it shes letting me use it for a month. If i get my own policy and pay the 6 month premium in full and add that car to it when I take that car off after i give it back to her will i have a credit that I can transfer over to my car when i get one in a couple months without paying anything extra?
""If you take drivers ed online, will it still reduce your insurance cost?
I am fifteen almost sixteen and i want to take drivers ed online instead of during the school year. If i take it online will it still reduce my insurance cost? I also live in the state of Montana.
Car insurance - if 2 people are going to drive the car are 2 seperate insurance policies required?
My roommate is looking into getting a car and wants to give me access to driving it. Do we need to get 2 seperate insurance policies to drive the car. How does insurance on a car work?
Is Texas a no-fault insurance state?
My G-Friend recently met with a car accident and we are still waiting for the accident report to determine the fault. She was not hurt but the other driver was hospitalized. Your opinions and suggestions welcome about how to handle this with Insurance company and attorney if required.
How much will my ticket be? I'm a little nervous to see since he gave me 4 months to pay it..?
I got in a wreck about 2 weeks ago. I wasn't at fault but because I had no insurance I got my car taken anyway. It's out of impound now, they didn't hold my tags, and I now have insurance and a nice size scratch/dent going from my front fender to my back door. So now all that's left is the ticket that he gave me for driving a vehicle with no insurance. How much will the ticket cost? And does it cost more because the vehicle was in an accident?""
What is the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old driver?
What is the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old driver?
Where can i get car insurance for over 50?
looking for a good company that deals with car insurance for 50 years old and over
Car Insurance Advice - Florida Needed?
I have been going over my policy and lowered my PIP. I have a 9 yr old SUV so no comp and collision, I would like someone with insurance or legal experience to look over my coverage and tell me if sufficient. I am a home owner with no equity. I have no other assets other than an ROTH IRA and bank accounts with about $1000. or detailed coverage descriptions, hover over the associated below 2003 MITSUBISHI MNTROSPXLS Total Vehicle Premium: $466.00 Protects you and your passengers Bodily Injury Liability [Edit] Current Limit: $20,000/$20,000 $167.00 Property Damage Liability [Edit] Current Limit: $50,000 $136.80 Personal Injury Protection-Insured [Edit] Current Deductible: $1,000 Ded. $162.20 Personal Injury Protection-Insured & Relative [Add] Current: Not Carried Not Carried Personal Injury Protection -Insured with Excluded Work Loss [Add] Current: Not Carried Not Carried Personal Injury Protection -Insured and Relative with Excluded Work Loss [Add] Current: Not Carried Not Carried Additional Personal Injury Protection Insured [Add] Current: Not Carried Not Carried Additional Personal Injury Protection Insured and Relative [Add] Current: Not Carried Not Carried Medical Payments [Add] Current: Not Carried Not Carried Uninsured Motorist - Nonstacked [Add] Current: Not Carried Not Carried Uninsured Motorist - Stacked [Edit] Current Limit: I Reject this Coverage $0.00 Protects your vehicles 2003 MITSUBISHI MNTROSPXLS Comprehensive [Add] Deductible Not Carried Collision [Add] Deductible Not Carried Emergency Road Service [Add] Not Carried Rental Reimbursement [Add] Not Carried""
Cheap car insurance in Texas?
Hii i don't have a job right now, the car insurance bills are very high, can somebody suggest me cheaper insurance , currently i am with geico and am in Texas. Thanks in advance""
Renting a car without insurance?
I am planning a trip in a couple months with a friend of mine. We will need to rent a car. I do not have a license, so she'll be the driver. She doesn't own a car, so she doesn't have any kind of car insurance. We'll be renting with a debit card, so there won't be any coverage from a credit card either. Will we need to buy the rental insurance from the rental car company (most likely Thrifty)? Any idea how much it would cost?""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, How much is it per month? How old are you? What kind of deductable do you have? Feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance, also, do you support obamacare?""
I paid car insurance...?
I paid car insurance monthly, so I cancelled it today and they say there is a cancellation fee...is that correct and if so how much is it usually? Ontario Canada""
Car insurance help (UK ONLY)?
my mums car insurance company is tryin to screw her over... i need opinions please! the car got wrote off due to something smashing it from the back as it was parked therefore perpitrator was never found! the car was worth 500 which was 100 deducted for policy... then the insurance compony took the whole wak of 12 months insurance aswell when we only had the car for a month! is that fair? deucting that for 500 leaving us with 154.77... IS THIS LEGAL????
Car insurance switching cars after 2months?
Bought a car from auction and got it insured ( my first car) but not liking it so looking to re-sell at auction. Just wondering how the insurance will work if i wan tto change it to a new car after such a short time??? willl it cost me alot to change ] thanks
If information on your insurance is wrong.?
if there is a mistake on your insurance say for the length of time you have passed your test or if you have penalty points what will happen if you gave false information will you be found out when applying for a quote or will the insurance company say nothing until you try to claim? Will they take your word for it until you try to claim? or will they pull you there on the spot or will they give to u then ring the police?
Do you need insurance to register a car under your name?
Im a bout to buy a used car but im curious to know if you need insurance before the dmv can register the car under your name? thanks alot for taking the time to help me out, its all appreciated""
Can you put car insurance on a car for only a month?
Can you put car insurance on your parents car for only a month? The car is owned by my mom and she has insurance on her car and i want to drive her car for the last month of my summer vacation, so is there any way i can get insurance on the car too? and then take it off after a month?""
Im 15 in texas (male) how much would it cost for insurance on 2005 mustang/2004 audi tt/2003 g35/2004 acura tl?
please leave separate answers example... 2005 mustang $999999999999/month...
If 2 cars fall into the same insurance group will they cost more or less the same?
regardless of how much fuel they use? I ask because I have been looking at both the Vauxall Corsa and Astra, and both models fall into insurance group 4 but the Astra is a 1.4L and the Corsa a 1.3L (They are diesel versions).""
Vespa Insurance Help...!?
So I've just got a new Vespa LX50, 2009 - I'm 16 and have a provisional license and CBT. Does anyone know who the cheapest/best insurance providers are for scooters for young people - all the price comparison websites say different things, and that's no good. I'm looking for answers based on pass experience. If you're a young person and ride a moped/scooter - who do you use?? Thanks!""
washington insurance laws
washington insurance laws
Which insurance license test is easier for California?
which insurance license test is easier for California? -Auto -Health/Life -Real Estate I want to get a license, but not sure which..""
Should i have to pay for my moms car insurance?
Now i am 18 and just graduated high school and i still live with my mom. She says since i have a drivers license and i live in her house her car insurance goes up and because of it she wants me to pay her like $150 every few weeks or something. Now its her car and i dont see why im having to pay anything i never hear from other people or my friends about their parents car insurance going up and them having to pay anything. So do you guys think i should have to pay for my moms car insurance or is she just making that up to bum money off me cause shes cheap like that and always wants money from me.
Health insurance in California?
My wife and I will be moving to California in December. We've heard that health insurance is more expensive there than in other states. My question is this: If I'm unable to get a job that offers health insurance as a benefit and I'm forced to buy my own policy - about (exact quotes not necessary) how much should I expect to pay monthly? I know there are a lot of different kinds of policies. I am open to any information you may have about whatever kind of policy you are familiar with. Please indicate what kind of policy it is. I'm a 37 year old male (non-smoker, average BMI) My wife is 30 (non-smoker, good BMI) Any information would be appreciated! Thank you!""
""Health insurance, deductible or no deductible?""
I'm looking at the Blue Shield of California Active Start 35 plan for me and my 2 year old son. It's going to cost around $200/month through ehealthinsurance Here's a link: http://askoleg.com/Blue_Shield_Active_Start_Plan_35_ppo.htm The plan features: No individual deductible Annual Copayment Maximum $7,500 Annual Physical Exam, Well-Baby Care $35 (Not subject to deductible) Laboratory, X-Ray, Major Diagnostic Services 40% (Not subject to deductible) Physician Office Visits $35 (Not subject to deductible) I do not have insurance at the moment and my son has a PPO with Anthem and a $1,500 deductible with almost the same listed here. The only difference is there is no deductible with the plan above. I'm really in need of some help, if anyone can give me good advice, I would appreciate it very much!""
Is bike insurance cheaper then car insurance?
Is bike insurance cheaper then car insurance?
What is a fast economical car for a low insurance group?
I have been driving for a nearly and year now and would like to upgrade my car, I have a 1.6 16v VW Golf and was looking for something faster, economical for a low insurance group, thanks. Around insurance group 4 - 7. Nothing any higher.""
What insurer would insure me for around 200?? And what car would that be?
My friend had a ford fiesta as her first car and her insurance was 180 a month There are now kids in my school and their insurance varies between 210-250 Their cars are peugeot 3 doors and stuff I've been looking at cars between 300-700 to buy and every time I check the insurance is HUGE I am talking 800 a month nearly!!!!! The lowest I found was 360 once but then the car was sold Does anyone what car I can get so that the insurance will be around 180-250?? All the people at school I've asked don't want to tell not does my friend. I need serious help ;( The cats I've been looking at are peugeot, Nissan, ford All between 1998-2002 years 3 doors - anyone have any ideas? Or can help me with posting links?? Of cars and then insurance I am a new driver, passed my test YESTERDAY I live in the UK West Middlands Thank you!!""
I want cheap auto insurance?
I am from canada and i want cheap auto insurance from where i will get this.
Approximate insurance rate for a 2011-2012 Chevrolet Camaro?
Alright so im just looking around and i saw the new lease for the camaro's msrp is aprx 23k and that is a little in my price range. But i would like to know the apprx insurance rate. Im in a family plan with my mom and brother. My brother has 2 major accidents and my mom might have 1 both at fault accident. My age is 16 almost 17. I dont plan on getting the SS just the basic model ( auto ) our insurance company is mercury. I know i wont get anything exact im just looking for an aprx. And please no comments on im too young for this car. im just considering this option. BTW i was given a quote for $140 for a 2002-2004 BMW 325 coupe and i know American car insurance is usually cheaper?
Cheap car insurance for first time drivers????!?
im from the UK, and the insurance for first time drivers can be about 1000+ for the first year.... i know someone who got theirs lower but the company has strings that come with it.... Does anyone know any companies that a fairly reasonable for first time drivers???? Thank you if anyone answers =)""
Student Car insurance?
Does anyone know of a good insurance company that is suitable to students? I am off to university in september, I'm not taking my car with me however, I will be home every other weekend and will want to use it then as well as when i'm home for christmas etc. I am looking for an insurance company that is suitable for this kinda thing as I dont want to be payin lots for insurance when I hardly use the car. Thanks""
Car Insurance Settlement?
Ok about 3 weeks ago I was rear ended while my car was stopped on the freeway. The guy hit me doing about 30mph. I have had back and neck problems ever since. I have been seeing a chiroprator on a weekly basis. Also it was a hit and run but I was able to get his license plate number. I live in California. Ok so his insurance company called me trying to settle for 1000 plus my medical expenses. The problem is I don't now what my conditions will be like in the future. Also how many times will his insurance call me and change the offer?
Individual health insurance?
if i can get health insurance from my employer but can get better and cheaper coverage from as an individual do i have to take coverage from my job
How much will your insurance go up by if you get a brand new car?
im thinking about getting a Honda civic 2012 and if my insurance is going to rise like by 100-150 $ im not going to get it but i was wondering how much will it rise by if a get a new car i also have been in minor accident and my insurance is about 250 one way and it is with statefarm im a toronto citizen so only in toronto prices
What is the best insurance company?
I am buying a Cadillac Cts and need a good and cheep insurance company. I am 16 and have taken my drivers Ed. Should I get Gieco, allstate, state-farm, or nation wide. please help what do you have. I live in florida 32967""
What are homeowners insurance rates for mobile homes?
What are homeowners insurance rates for mobile homes?
""Im 20 years old and a full time student and work part time, if i move out, can i stay on my dad's insurance?""
Im 20 years old and a full time student and work part time, if i move out, can i stay on my dad's car and medical insurance even though i do not live at home but im under 25""
How much car insurance do you pay? - public survey?
What kind of car do you have, and how much insurance do you pay? (( General interest ))""
Car insurance: Hybrid or conventional?
For a vehicle that is available in hybrid HEV and conventional drive train, which one costs more in vehicle insurance? and what is the difference?""
Car insurance for married couple!?
Hey there! My wife and I both used to have our own car insurances until a few months ago when we decided to drop hers and add her to my policy to save some money. She got into an accident the other day; everyone's okay and it hasn't been determined who was at fault yet. I was wondering if this is going to affect MY driving record as well considering that we are sharing a car insurance policy? I realize that our premium might go up but I guess I want to know if the premium would go up even if we decided to get her off of this policy and find her a separate one with another insurance company. Do insurance companies look at which driver and which vehicle (we each have our own car) was involved in the accident or does it all just go by the policy number?
Which family car has the lowest insurance rates in Toronto and why?
Which family car has the lowest insurance rates in Toronto and why?
Affordable health insurance?
The company where I work has just informed me that they will be canceling our medical benefits at the end of this month. What are some decent plans that I can get on my own that arent too expensive. I was paying $100.00 per month thru my job and would like to keep my premium around the same. I live in Wisconsin. Thanks for any advice.
How much is insurance for under ground pools?
How much is insurance for under ground pools?
How much does baby life insurance cost on average?
I am doing an anatomy project and we are supposed to research the cost of a baby for the first six months. If you could just give an estimate that is fine too.
Whats a cheap major health insurance plan?
im paying way too much right now and need a cheaper plan
washington insurance laws
washington insurance laws
How can I get my nose surgery?
I have a schnoz and I had it operated on like 6 years ago when it was broken. I've grown into it badly I think and it's holding me back from being pretty. And I alwaaaays think about it in public and I am very self conscious. Does anyone know doctors in California who could try and run it through insurance? I feel so ugly.
Car insurance claim farce?
my son narrowly avoided an accident when a driver braked very suddenly they missed a junction, although he swerved to avoid hitting the car he hit a barrier at the edge of the road. a truck behind him then hit him and the insurance company says its my sons fault and are going to repair the truck under his insurance. In my opinion the truck should have been travelling at a safe distance to stop. I know my son did not stop safely either but now i have the opinion he should have just hit the first car and claimed the same way the truck is !! has any body got experience with this and do you think i should fight the claim? his insurance is already 1800, i don't want to see it go up!""
Insurance for student?
I am currently a student, and saved up enough to buy a car, but the problem is the insurance. As a student, the insurance premium is very high since I have to be the primary driver. I cannot be under my parents insurance, I am not in good terms with them. Is there any way to reduce the premiums? I already did the driveres ed course which gives you a 10% discount. Do you know any cheap insurance companies? I am just looking for basic coverage. Thanks! PS - I live in Ontario.""
What is a car insurance down payment?
I see these commercials for cheap car insurance with a low down payment . I've had three car insurance companies in my life and not a single one has required a down payment. Why would anyone choose a company that did?
Are you supposed to have car insurance at 15?
i just thought of this just now and i remember having to pay for auto insurance at 15 just for a school permit for school and back and i hear some people dont have insurance was i right to pay for it or was i tricked because he says you have to be 16 and said he'll accidentally put that i am and say it was a mistake to the company, i think this is a trick but idk and again others dont pay for insurance but were they just too cheap to do it and risk the consinquence? or did i get tricked back then by my insurer""
Why do i have to have my car inspected by my insurance company?
I just changed insurance companies and the new one wants to inspect the car which I never had to do before. How come?
What would be the highest insurance group car i could insure when im 17?
What would be the highest insurance group car i could insure when im 17? like the 1-20 ratings?
Help finding a car insurance quote?
I'm doing a project for my economics class where I have to pretend to be a 22 year old living on my own and make a monthly budget for myself. I have to find a car insurance and health insurance quote, but everywhere I search asks for personal information and has to search through my records and credit to give me the right quote. I'm only 17 so they wouldn't find anything on me. I need it for a 22 year old making 27,000 a year. Please help me! 10 points to the best answer :)""
Car insurance for age 17?
Well going sound awkward but i want a car without out parents knowing, been working for 2 years got enough money can prove to insurers where i got the money from im 17 and is it possible to get insurance at my address (real address where i auctally live) but i want the paperworks to be sent to another address or they contact me by email because family wants me to get a car when im 25 however im going uni so i really need a car also im not going to any fraud everything will be legit just need to make sure if i can insurance and only i know about it thanks""
What is the cheapest company for a 17 year Old's car insurance in the UK?
I am 17 and looking around on sites the car insurance is around 2500 but this is too expensive for me, if I was to get car insurance I would probably drive a ford fiesta or something like that.""
I am 18 years old and going to lose my insurance NH?
My father lives in California and I was under his insurance until he got laid off, now I have about a month to get insurance and I am kinda screwed. I have to have allergy shots every three weeks and I am on a plan to control my allergies and asthma so having no insurance is not an option. My grandparents did have guardianship of me but since I am 18 I no longer qualify for their insurance.What do I qualify for and how do I apply?""
Car insurance costs help?
I am an 18 year old looking to buy a car, so i need car insurance.. I live in Indiana. I have never recieved any tickets or warnings. Last year someone hit me, but it was her fault. Both insurances involved in that and the police have said it wasn;t my fault. The lady passed out while driving and hit me. Will that have an impact on me? What would be the cheapest place for me to get car insurance? For basic coverage and full coverage?""
How much would insurance for a 2008 Honda CBR 125cc?
I'm only a 16 year old, 5'3 115 pound girl... I've got my g1, my driving course and I'm more than willing to take the motorcycle course. I'm looking at buying a 2008 Honda CBR 125cc. I'm wondering ON AVERAGE what I'll be paying for insurance? Thanks in advance!""
Car insurance help!!!?
Hi me and my boyfriend are both new drivers. We bought a car together a few months ago a renault clio. We insured the car as me as the main driver. Fully comp. Our insurance costs 1885 annual. We have now decided to get another car... another Renault clio exactly the same. Are we insured to drive the second car? Do we have to add it on? Get another policy? Can we cancel? So confused please help xx
How much is pilots insurance ?
First of all is there such a thing as pilots insurance, if so how much is average""
What's the cheapest option for car insurance for a teen?
I just recently passed my driving test and I'm completely taken away by the prices I've saw for car insurance on my parents Astra, I'm getting prices up at 7K. I've decided to go out and buy a category 1 insurance car (or any that's a low category) so it will be cheaper to run but the only problem is, I don't have a job at the moment so only have savings. It wouldn't bother me not taking out my own policy because I understand that can be more expensive but is there an alternative for me until I get a job and earn money to get the policy so I can collect NCD's? One of my friends use to have his own policy on his family car, a big car like ours, until he had an accident and the price shot up. Now because he can't afford the monthly costs he just takes out 1 weeks insurance at a top when needed and this costs him around 40. What I don't understand though is that he's 18, the same age as me, and I thought you werent able to do short term insurance as a new driver? Although I think he somehow takes it under his parents policy? I'v no idea how this works if someone could shine a light on it? Another friend also had a Nissan Micra and was paying around 80-90 per month which I thought was very cheap (also the same age as me) for an insurance which makes me wonder if he is on his own policy? My dad will be getting insured on my own car also and be using it for work at nights. If anyone could come up with some solutions for me that would be great!! :) Thanks""
Who's best for impreza insurance? i'm 28 with a clean licence?
full comp keeps coming back around 1000, on a 98-2000 wrx""
What is best in LIfe Insurance?
How to choose the best insurance conpany.. This website says many which one can i prefer http://www.insurance-assurances.110mb.com/
Approximately how much does car insurance cost for a typical 18 year old female?
Approximately how much does car insurance cost for a typical 18 year old female?
Car insurance ireland?
hi there does any 1 know of any insurance companys in southern ireland who specalise in people who have been banned for drink driving
Failed driving test...will insurance go up?
I took my driving test today and I was just wondering if my dad's insurance rates will go up(I am 16).
What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old girl?
i am looking at buying a car when i pass my test, was just wondering what would be the cheapest way to insure a car and what cars are cheap for insurance?""
Does anyone know of any life insurance companies that will let you take out a term life policy for one age 69?
My grandfather and I are really close. He keeps telling me that he wants me to get a insurance policy on him which makes me feel bad, because I get the feeling there's something else serious he is not telling me. If something happens to him I don't want to be in a situation where I can't afford to bury him & I know that that type of stuff is important to get taken care of. I have checked into it a little bit online, but from what I have read & been told....when someone is over the age of 65, life insurance companies will not let you get a term policy for someone that age. My grandfather is 69 years old and will be 70 yrs old this month. I really don't have a whole lot of money to pay for whole life insurance & believe that I can only afford to get a term life insurance policy. The problems I think I am going to have is that he smokes & is 69 yrs old. Does anyone know of any good insurance companies that will let me get term life insurance on him being that he is already 69 and smokes?""
What's a good insurance company for motorcycles?
I live in Halifax, NS and looking for good insurance rates. Also, what type of insurance should I get? Full coverage? I would like to insure my soon-to-be 2000 Kawi Ninja 250.""
What to put in to get the lowest/best insurance rate quotes?
Do I need to be honest? I own the vehicle. I am starting to get a new quote. For primary use of vehicle what should I put; Commute (school), Commute (work), Pleasure, or Business? I use it to get to work. I am also being asked how many mileage driven to go to work or mileage one-way, and the annual mileage. Is there a trick to getting the lowest rate on what to put? I am a very careful driver. I have not had any accidents in the past 3 years (nor anything major prior). I know these insurance companies only want to know about the last 3 years of my driving history. I am clean. I only need the legal state (Maryland) minimum amount to insure. Any advice on how to get the best rate quotes? I'm currently with Progressive, but might switch to Geico.""
washington insurance laws
washington insurance laws
0 notes
If i get a toad alarm for my car will it make my insurance cheaper?
"If i get a toad alarm for my car will it make my insurance cheaper?
If i get a toad alarm for my car will it make my insurance cheaper?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Is insurance lower on an rx8 or 350z?
and how much of a difference is there on average? im 23, got a few speeding tickets, thats about it""
Car insurance?
Are there any cars which are very cheap to insure? I have at several but insurance is still quite high, how do i know which will be lower than others?""
My son-19- is a full time college student.His Ga peach care insurance ends august 3.can he get medicaid?
He is receiving student aid in the form of scholarships and the pell grant for low-income families. I don't want him to be without insurance coverage. His only income is back child support that will end in a few months. What are my choices? Please help. Thank you. I only receive disability income from social security disability.
Am having two different auto insurances on two different cars but are both in my name.Is it legal?
I have 2 cars, I just bought one cash. So I already have full coverage on one car and its paid for 6 months, and I want to add insurance on the other but with a different insurance company because it is cheaper and I will be getting only liability. Is it legal to be carrying different insurances or are they required to be both with the same company? I live in Texas! Thanks in advance!""
How much does it cost to replace an in-dash navigation system and does insurance cover it?
So here's the story. I was driving in my 2012 Honda Civic today and got angry and punched my navigation system (I know. It was unbelievably stupid. I know.) Anyway, the screen is shattered now, but the system still works. I called up a Honda dealer who said it would cost $3600 not including parts and labor. When I search online, the navigation systems seems to cost between $250 and $700. So what I want to know is, how much should I expect to pay to get this fixed. How long does it take? Will my insurance cover it? If my insurance covers it, will my rates change? Is the dealer the best way to get it fixed? I'm also under my warranty still, is there any way this is covered in my warranty?""
My car insurance has been cancelled?
i need to know if i have to pay more or is the same amount in my billing if i pay for it this is for a car insurance the insurance company is aig
Insurance? Risks? Help!?
Can somebody give me 4 benefits of using risk reduction methods.. For insurance :/
Insurance coverage question?
I was involved in a three car accident, the car that started it came in to main street and got hit by one car, consequently he lost control of his car went across the next lane and hit me. His insurance already told me they are taking liability and will pay both drivers' damages, but he said that California minimum liability is only $5000, so they are planning to divide the $5000 to cover both drivers. However the damage in my car and the other guy's car exceeds $5000. I thought the limit if indeed is $5000 it should be $5000 for each driver and not for both. What do you think? Maybe they're just giving my the short end of the stick or twisting things for their convenience. Anybody knows for sure how it should work?""
I'm 19 years old and i was wondering if anybody uses rodney d. young for their insurance? is it cheap?
I'm 19 years old and i was wondering if anybody uses rodney d. young for their insurance? is it cheap?
How can I get low-cost affordable medical care in Oklahoma?
I recently moved to Oklahoma. Can't afford health insurance -- and am worried about what to do if I need to go to the doctor. What are my options? (I have no Indian blood and ...show more
Legal question about car insurance?
I bought a car off of my coworker a few months back, and everything is in my name. I had paid for insurance but I was going through a rough patch and it lapsed. My mother, whom is living with me, decided to be nice and pay for a month of insurance, through a new company. This is a new policy, as my old one had lapsed. Recently though, my mother and myself have had a falling out. She's holding my car over my head. She says since she paid for a month of insurance she has free reign over using my car. The car is in my name, and as far as I'm aware based on documents the insurance is as well. The only difference is she paid for that one month of insurance for me. And that month she paid for is still active. So like I said, she is holding the car over my head. I left my house the other night with my car key so she couldn't use it - This is after everyone I asked that I knew told me to take the keys. She is also living with me, I am renting the home. She is making threats through text messages saying that if I don't return the car key she will cancel my policy. Is that possible for her to do? She just paid for a month of insurance, and I believe I'm completely in control of my policy. I don't believe it can be cancelled through her calling. Is that possible? Anyone know? So not only do I own the car, I also rent the house. Legally I don't believe she can hold my own car over my head. Also, to add... After taking my keys, I left my home and went to a my girlfriends to get away for a while. Since I have taken my car keys, she has taken and hid my car battery to insure that I am unable to remove my car from my property. She refuses to give it back because she paid for my one month of insurance to start my policy again... So my questions... 1. Is it possible for her to cancel my insurance is the car is in my name, and if the policy, I believe, is also in my name? 2. Legally, can I call the local police department and have her surrender both my car, as well as it's car battery to me? I don't have my registration information on me, she removed that from the car as well. But a quick look up on my license, as well as my car insurance card that I have should be enough to validate it is indeed my car, correct?""
What kind of insurance would I need for renting out my backyard for parties/events/weddings etc?
is there any company that specializes in this insurance or an agency that deals with event rental properties?
How much is New driver insurance for an 1988 chevy sprint?
How much is New driver insurance for an 1988 chevy sprint?
How much life insurance should we have on each other at our age?
My husband is 27 turning 28, I am 24 turning 25. We own a home owe roughly 98,000 on it still, have two children. No credit card debt at all. (don't have any cards) Our cars are 2,000 away from being paid off so I don't think that should be figured in at all. I have 100,000 on my husband and 150,000 on me. I took more on me because he has no family here and though my family of course will help him if I passed away but I thought because I stay at home and he would have to find daycare and all he would need more. My sister said I should take out at least 2x my pay off on my house so that I could pay it off and still have 100,000 to cover financial issues until the parent left could settle in to taking care of a house hold alone. Do you agree? Should we increase our policies? I just don't know...it is hard to think of these things but I want to make sure that if one of us pass away my family will be taken care of and not have to worry about money.""
What does it cost for $1000000 contractors liability insurance?
what does it cost for $1000000 contractors liability insurance in texas.
Do you know how much insurance is for a Porsche Cayenne ?
I am 15 1/2 years old and i am planning to buy a Porsche Cayenne S. I was wondering how much insurance is going to cost???
Cost to insure brand new Range Rover Sport at 17 years old?
To start off, money is not a problem in this situation for me so dont tell start saying - Its unreliable - It'll be too expensive etc... Anyway! just wondering what a brand new range rover sport would cost to insure as a new driver with a full UK license as a named driver whilst im 17 years old? Thanks""
How should i select PIP in car insurance...?
Hi.. I am going to take a car insurance and i am not very much clear about PIP. what is the best option to take as there are 4 PIP options given to me I have a health insurance that covers me till 80 % of the expenses. So if i take PIP option in my car insurance will it cover me the rest of the 20 %? will both the insurances work together? Please let me know. Thanks
How long after an accident can I file an insurance claim in NY?
About 2 weeks ago I slipped off an icy road, drove my van into the woods on state land. There was no property damage, this is a very rural area (as in no homes within 5 miles at least). It did take out my rear corner window, crushed my headlights and damaged my hood. I drove right out of the woods afterwards. I was going to do the repairs myself, but found out the window repair would be over $500 and for that price I might as well file a claim and get the rest fixed. My questions are: Is it too late to file a claim? Are there any legal ramifications for not reporting this accident?""
Classic car insurance?
I am looking at buying a classic car but i don't know where is best for classic car insurance.
I was wondering how much insurance would cost for a 05 mustang gt im 14 and have my permit cause i live in SD?
i would like to know how much per month (Preferably State Farm) insurance rates would cost for a first time car buyer for a young teenager getting a sports car my mom is alright with the price of the car alone and monthly lease but wants to know the monthly insurance fee.
Health insurance options for low income adults?
I am currently putting my husband through school. Our household runs on my pay check alone. My children qualify for free insurance with healthwave,which we are very grateful for. but I was shocked to find that my husband and I don't qualify. There is no way in hell we can afford to buy our own health insurance so I was wondering if there are any other options for us.""
Auto insurance quotes?!?!?! please help!!!!?
i need a rough estimate and i really dont feel like typing in my information online and getting a real quote lol i just want a real rough quote with average coverage. if anyone could help that would be great. insurance for a new driver with good grades better than B's and all that junk. the car is a 2003 cadillac deville DTS with like 101,000 miles on it. anything could help!!!!! :)""
International health insurance question. ????
I'm planning on moving to Finland this March-October and have been looking online for health insurance while I am away from the US. Can anyone recommend some companies which offer good coverage, but is also affordable?""
Selling my car an confused about insurance?
I have a car from a dealership. It has to have full coverage etc. If I sell this car I got from the dealership & I don't pay off the loan an buy a car off craigslist. What will happen insurance wise when I take the car from the dealership of my insurance? Will there be a hassle? Should I call my dealership? Please help me
If i get a toad alarm for my car will it make my insurance cheaper?
If i get a toad alarm for my car will it make my insurance cheaper?
What's the best way to maximize how much an insurance company will pay for my totaled car?
My well-loved 10 year old Honda Accord was hit today by another driver. Both the other driver and myself are OK but my car was totaled. The other driver's insurance company will be reimbursing me for my vehicle. But I'm afraid that what they will offer for my car will be less than its worth to me in running condition. What's the best way to maximize how much I'll be reimbursed?
What is The Cheapest Auto Insurance for A Beginner?
First time getting insurance?
I'm going to study abroad in the UK and my university sent me an email about my insurance. In the attachment, there was a document that stated my name, one of the attachments was the policy and the other one was titled Statement of Insurance, it states my insurance date and holder, the holder was my uni. Its my first time getting insurance so I was thinking this might not be my insurance document since it had no data about me.""
Anybody know anything about NYS car insurance?
My car insurance lapsed and I didin't know about it, because I misunderstood my policy. My car is registered in my name, but my boyfriend still has current insurance for both of us through his (Geico.) Am I still covered? I'm scared I've been driving around uninsured, but I'm also scared to call the DMV, because I don't have an alternate means of transportation to work and school events. Please answer only if you're sure of your answer, this is a nerve racking situation. Thanks for the help!!""
How can i get an sr22 if my insurance company does not issue them?
I have a collector car and I have insurance through a collector car insurance company, and they do not offer SR22 vouchers. How can I get the SR22 endorsement that DMV needs if my current insurance company does not offer it? I don't want to have to pay for a whole additional policy when I have already paid the premium for the entire year on this policy. HELP!""
I hit a deer and did a little damage to my car. I reported it to insurance company and brought the car to shop for an estimate. they gave me a quote of $1500. I have a $500 deductible so i dropped the car off to get fixed the next day i got a check from the insurance company. Is this my money the check is made payable to me. I don't get it
Are classic American cars cheap to insure?
I am a resident of the UK and was thinking about purchasing a classic American car.
""What are some inexpensive, yet reliable auto insurance companies?""
I need a new auto insurance company, Allstate just raised my rates through the roof. But I don't want it to be an unreliable company that will drop me for one little crack in my winshield. State Farm and all those companies are too expensive for me (I am a teenager and work part-time). I live in CA. Any suggestions?""
How Much Liability Insurance Should a Typical Middle Class Family Have on Their Car?
What are good amounts of coverage to have? How about bodily injury coverage, etc?""
How much is your car payments/insurance total?
For a month. Cause everyone is saying I need my license. I want to but I will be moving to Philly and I will take public transportation.
Car insurance company's do they make you angry!!!!?
My car insurance compnay (Hastings Direct ) dont use them there sh!t, anyway on the 22nd april I asked for them to send my Insurance certificate as I only had a temp one that ran out 2 weeks before the date I needed to tax my car wich was 31-5-06, but i never got it so I rang again on the 25th of may and they said there sorry but forgot to send it in april & said we will sent it today . still not got it and my car tax ran out on 31st! rang again today and asked were the hell is my insurance certificate .. there reply oh it must of got lost in post we will send it out today!! how bad is that!!! has this or anything like this happen to you.? if so what compnay s I know not to move to them""
Do mopeds in California require insurance?
Do mopeds in California require insurance?
Pregnant and no insurance?
Im 16, And im pregnant. My father doesn't qualify for insurance. and cant afford for insurance. I Live in California what do i do?""
""On buying a new car, should I get insurance for it immedliately?""
I am buying a new car in a day or so. Am I legally required to get insurance before I take it out of the dealership? I heard that dealer should keep insurance for 1 month. Is that true? If it is true, what is covered - just the car? Driver? Passengers? New-car buyer in Texas""
What happens to your insurance once you get married?
I am currently under my parents insurance (I am 21years old), both for car and health/dental. My fianc has no insurance because his family cannot afford it. We are thinking about getting married this summer but want to figure out the details first before we committ to anything. I was wondering, once we get married what happens to my current insurance? Are we going to have to purchase our own insurance? And if so is there any marriage packages that would be pretty low budget? Thanks!""
How old does one has to be to buy car insurance and what is the average price?
How old does one has to be to buy car insurance and what is the average price?
Using car insurance comparison sites?
Hi, I'm 18 years old and taking my lessons. I've been trying to get a quote on a couple of cars that I would like to buy for when i pass or to get provisionaly insured on, I got a quote as having a full driving licence on a 2000 3door 1.2L for fiesta, I filled in all the relevant information no modification, using for social and commute to one place of work etcetc and its comes up with the cheapest being aroud 7000, this cannot possibly be right can it? Ive checked over the details and used different cars and the same price always comes up.""
Car Insurance? There has to be a way.?
My X has had two accidents and a speeding ticket in the last two years. Her insurance company dropped her. The car she is driving now is financed and as everyone knows, it must carry full coverage, but the quotes are crazy. From $200 a month to $430 a month. She used to pay $65 a month. Can anyone suggest how to get full coverage and still keep her pocketbook happy?""
Which car insurance company is best with a teenage driver?
i am 16 and i am considering buying a 1999-2004 mustang or maybe a firebird or camaro from about the same time and i know the insurance is going to be high. 1) how much of a difference will it make if its listed as my parents' car and im just a driver rather than it being my car and 2) which auto insurance company is best for discounts from drivers ed, my gpa(4.0 thank you very much),and maybe a defense driving course or something like that. thanks in advance everyone!!!""
Car Insurance Renewal Why Did It Make That Much Of A Difference?
My partner had his renewal quote through and we've been shopping around and haven't even come close to getting it cheaper elsewhere so he decided to ring them thinking by taking me off the policy it would make it cheaper still since I've only had my license just over a year and would think still be considered a high risk but it in fact increased the price by about 60 my partner got a speeding fine last year which gained him 3 points too so we knew that would have an impact on the price this time but the only explanation I can think of was that me being female and at 31 i'm not what is classed as a young driver either and a named driver on his policy helps to keep the cost down but aren't the insurance companies doing away with that criteria as it was discriminating? Can anyone shed some light on this as its all a bit confusing and am just curious to why I actually help to keep his insurance cheaper
Can you please tell me of a insurance company that will give me insurance even if i have?
a pre existing medical condition i need critical illness insurance with a 6 months waiting can you give a link please to some insurance company's
How much will the insurance cost?
Yamaha DT50MX, how much will the insurance cost, Monthly or yearly also monthly wise how much do people spend on petrol?""
Costs purchase health insurance?
i am about to get married, and right now i am on my mothers health insurance because i am in college. however, when i get married this coverage will end. i am used to having health coverage and my fiance told me to look into how much it will cost to purchase it for just me. there are no numbers anywhere just forms to fill out contact information, which i did, still no contact. anyone pay for their own insurance? how much does it cost you?""
Business names?What is a good name for an insurance agency?
What is the best name for an insurance agency
I am a police officer and I want cheap car insurance...any company suggestions?
I am a police officer and I want cheap car insurance...any company suggestions?
If i get a toad alarm for my car will it make my insurance cheaper?
If i get a toad alarm for my car will it make my insurance cheaper?
Whats is the best life insurance policy for me?
I'm 20 years old and I'm married with 2 children. My husband and I are wanting to buy life insurance but our research is confusing. I need the basics and the best option for my family
Who carries the best homeowners insurance?
What company carries the best homeowners insurance and how do you even go about comparing them to other comapinies? Is it just by the monthly cost? I live in Hermitage.
Why are my insurance quotes higher when I list an accident I was not at fault for?
I've been getting online insurance quotes lately because I am getting a new car that will be more expensive to insure and I think my insurance now is already too high. So as part ...show more
Young rider needs insurance help (motorcycle)?
Hello I am completing my motorcycle course this week and will be obtaining my m2 license, I was considering buying a motorcycle. I am a 18 year old male and was wondering if anyone could give me advice or some help for insurance in ontario?. I am aware it will be costly but was wondering if someone had any motorcycle suggestions that would be cheap on insurance or even insurance companies. Recent personal experiences would be nice. Thanks for the help!""
Which car insurance company allows you to make the cheapest one year payment?
I have esurance but they force you to make 2 payments a year,and the second payment AWAYS shows up at the worst time lol""
""My 18-year-old brother is addicted to meth. He wants to quit, but can't afford rehab, no insurance.?""
He is not interested in NA or any faith-based program. Are there any proven state-funded programs or at least semi-affordable programs? He lives in Cali. He dropped out of high school and has little motivation to do anything, despite being smart and good-looking. My parents basically let him do whatever he wants, and I don't trust them to change or be able to help. He wants to learn to discipline himself and get a job, etc. but first he needs to kick the drugs.""
Good insurance companies for renters insurance in Florida?
I live near Jacksonville in Florida where State Farm does not provide renter's insurance. 1. What companies are good for renter's insurance in Florida? I will need coverage for Hurricanes also since I am in Florida. Geico gave me a rate of 131/year or about 11$ per month with a deductible of 100$. 2. Should I take an inventory of all my personal valuable items(bed, computer, chair/table), send copy of receipts/photos to the insurance company for their records as evidence that I have N items whose total value is M$ before I buy renters insurance from them or I should take an inventory and keep it in a safe place for my records in case i have to submit any claims later on? 3. By replacement cost coverage used in insurance policy ,does it mean if a laptop purchased worth 900 before five years had a config of 1.7GHz, 4GB RAM, 500GB disk and a claim is filed now(five years after its purchase) with a purchase receipt of a laptop for the same/similar config(but, whose cost would be 650 as tech products come down in price typically after five years and more so for an outdated config/model), that will be honored? Or, I could get any laptop worth 900(cost of original laptop) today and claim reimbursement for it from the insurance company? I am guessing it is the first scenario, but can someone please clarify? 4. Since my total assets are less than 5K and I don't have a car, is choosing a low deductible of 100$ a good idea? Or, I should hike to bring my premium down? 5. For items, like clothes, utensils I don't have any receipt since they are old(more than three years). Will that be OK in case I have to file a claim? The clothes are mainly 15-20$ pant/shirts I got from Walmart. Thanks""
How much is car insurance in schaumburg illinois?
How much is car insurance in schaumburg illinois?
Health Insurance in RI?
Im 25, married, with a 1 year old baby.Im trying to find a family health insurance plan for my family.The company that I work for offers health insurance but the rates are very high, I can not afford what they offer, however it is hard to find Health Insurance elsewhere because my employer does offer it.What are my options?(I live in RI.)""
What car insurance would one recommend that's good and not too expensive?
I currently have geico but paying too much and looking for something more of low cost,any ideas?""
Need insurance help please?
I got into a car accident a few months ago (my fault). My insurance company denied my claim and didn't pay for the damages. Fast forward to today I get a letter saying that the insurance company of the guy who hit me are demanding that I pay them 6129 dollars. I don't have that kind of money im only 22 and I live with my parents. What will they do to me if I cant pay them? What can I do? (I live in california btw)
Why is car insurance so higher in UK than other countries?
In my home country, I did not even think about car insurance cost when I bought a car. It was just a small amount of money. In UK, when I try to buy a cheap secondhand car, the insurance cost higher than the car price. 2002 Nissan Primera cost 900 pounds while insurance quoted me 1169 pounds for that car. Why insurance cost more than the car price? I am not intending to claim by knowing the amount of excess money (higher than the car price) I have to pay in the first place if I want to claim.""
Need insurance and sr22 for suspended license?
A friend of mine lost his license for driving without insurance. He needs to get insurance and provide an sr22 to get his license back. We live in Ohio and are having a hard time finding any kind of affordable insurance plans. Any ideas? What is a good price for min. state coverage, anyways? Thanks for the help.""
How much would car insurance be for me? (teen)?
I'm 16. Driving a Honda Accord 2001, with 130,000 miles. I live in the state of Delaware. I'm a male, with about. 3.0 average in school. If you had to guesstimate , how much do you think my insurance would be?""
Were would i find price range for car insurance?
im doing a power point on insurance and i need to find the best price range for car insurance
Which car insurance companies offer temporary insurance?
I'm a 20 yr old male that has had his license since age 18 but has never been insured. My mother would prefer to simply add me on hers, but her insurance company does not offer temporary insurance, which is what I need since I will be going back to school in late September. Which car insurance companies offer temporary insurance (3 months)?""
What does new car replacement mean on car insurance?
I am buying a new car and thinking about taking new car replacement instead of gap insurance Thanks
What is the best company for Maternity Health insurance?
I'm not looking to go on medicaid, I don't want to use taxpayers money if I can afford a reasonable individual health insurance plan. I am very early on in pregnancy and would like to know if anyone knows of a good plan with reasonable rates. I would appreciate it if you had details (plan names). We can afford a deductible of around $4000 or less.""
""I bought a good life insurance for my family, Just how much does McCain loves 303 million Americans?""
I bought a good life insurance for my family, Just how much does McCain loves 303 million Americans?""
How do I get insurance when.....?
No one wants to give them to me? I recieved a letter in the mail saying I need to show proof of insurance or my registrations will be cancelled. Well I let my insurance expire because I wasn't driving my car at the time, and now I need my car and every insurance company is telling me I can't get them. I'm guessing because it's been more than thirty days since I last had some? I don't know, but do you know where I can get some insurance where they are not so strict?""
16 Year old Illinois Insurance Rates?
Im 16 now, and i may be buying a truck soon. Its a 1994 Ford f-150. Im trying to find where the cheapest rates are. I only want liability insurance because im short on $$$$$. Im not doing so hot in school so that will raise my rates a bit, but what would be my best bet and finding insurance?""
Massachusetts Health insurance?
I am in fifties and currently living in California. Due to the California high cost of medical insurance, My wife and I are thinking of moving to Massachusetts state, get a small home there and retire there eventually. The reason that we are thinking about is that we overheard Massachusetts have a much lower health insurance cost ($50/month ?). Please advise us if you are currently living in Massachusetts state or other states that have less expensive health care insurance and housing cost. You advise is greatly appreciated. Jo""
Is insurance needed in WA state?
im 16 and have a r1 and insurance would be hundreds. I never insured my 250 sportbike that i had but dont want insurance for my new one. Is it illigal to drive a motorcycle without insurance?
Car insurance for young drivers?
hi, im turning seventeen this year and im thinking of getting a car so i can get a job to support my family and my girlfriend i was wondering how much it would cost me to insure a 1999 ford fiesta as my first car, i just need a rough idea so i know how much im looking at thanks in advance""
How much will my dads insurance go up?
my dad himself has only been insured for 2 years and his insurance is currently 2400 for 12 months. im 17 yeas old and want to be added to the insurance and add a car. how much extra do you think it will be?
If i get a toad alarm for my car will it make my insurance cheaper?
If i get a toad alarm for my car will it make my insurance cheaper?
""What is classic car insurance, what cars are eligable and how much would it cost?""
basically i was told that classic car insurance is dead cheap and im a first time driver at the age of 18 and was wounderung how mcuh it would cost?, what cars are eligable ? and is this a cheaper option also my favorite car is vw golf mk 2 gti would this car be eligable for this insurance seen as tho it is quite an old car""
How much roughly will my car insurance go up if I make a claim to have it resprayed due to vandalism?
How much roughly will my car insurance go up if I make a claim to have it resprayed due to vandalism?
""Non owner SR22 insurance, a cheap website?""
Non owner SR22 insurance, a cheap website?""
How much does commercial auto insurance cost?
I just recently got a job delivering pizza's at papa johns and know that neither the store or my current insurance will cover me if I get into an accident while on the job. Is comm insurance worth it? I heard it was expensive. And would I be covered if another car hits me while I'm on the job?
Car accident-how much will my insurance premium go up?
I was in a car accident today, driving the speed limit at about 30 miles per hour in a residential neighboorhood, not paying attention and struck the car to the left of me, damaging the driver's door of my car and the other car's passenger door. He was driving his company's truck. I already have an accident on my record from 1/06 that was my fault (not a huge accident, but not a super minor one, no injuries). Today's accident caused no injuries. I can tell my car door and the front bumper will need replacing. I assume that the other car needs the passenger door replaced. My annual insurance premium is $3,240, but last month a traffic ticket just came off my record. My car is a four door 2004 Honda & I am a 42 year old female who lives in Fremont, CA. I'm fearful my monthly car insurance payment will go up a lot! Does anyone know how much it will go up? Thank you so much!""
Should Obama be impeached for saying you can keep your insurance?
Should Obama be impeached for saying you can keep your insurance?
I was stopped by police for no car insurance which I thought was covered on my other car. What's the fine?
I'm 28 and have been driving for 9 years but have no record against me before. It will go to court but does anyone know a ballpark figure of the fine/points, etc...?""
""Desperately need help/advice on Car Insurance - 18 years old, lives in Muskegon, Michigan?""
I am going to be getting a car soon from my mother, and I need to pay for the insurance on it..... and I don't know the first thing about car insurance. I am looking for by far the cheapest option, but one with decent to good coverage. I've heard there are certain companies that offer discounts if you meet certain requirements, so here are things that might make me qualify.... I think? 18 years old I've taken drivers training Part time job B+ Average Not dependent on parents Thanks in advance.""
Driving Friends' cars with no insurance?
I have no insurance, but if it is true that insurance covers the car, not the driver, would I be safe driving my friends' cars with their permission, despite the fact that I *personally* have no insurance? Is it also true that if I wreck their car, would their insurance company go after me personally, and sue me, when they would normally go after my own insurance if I had it?""
Saving up car + insurance HELP !?
My partner is having driving tests every week, and she is a more advanced driver. I just like to get advice on this matter, financial ? I do got a job, part time mainly. I do earn around 180 +- a week if I am lucky, She has student loan, 800 every three months and that's not much since she has to pay university fees. normally around 9k. now it's around 4.5 thousand pounds I guess. She wants to get a car insurance and a car, we are troubled what to do since if she wants all of that it will be loads more. Since insurance is 600 pounds every year ? petrol and other costs MOT. Road tax ? Just some examples, there might be lots more to worry about. I will help her to get all these things, She thinks it would be easier to get a second hand car, that will hopefully handle 2/3 years ? I do not believe that's a wise choice since that would be much more expensive for extra costs and repairs. On top when she is done with Uni and she has to get a job, it's more sufficient to still owning a proper car to get you everywhere. The body could be damaged, and the chance of a accident is higher + extra costs. Can anybody help us out ? A second hand for 2/3 thousand with a insurance of 600 a year ? or not ? Lemme know ! Thank you !""
I just got a speeding ticket how much will insurance go up?
Im 18 i was speeding to get to school, 50 in 35... The ticket was worth 50 dollars, i pay 1200 a year for insurance and i was wondering how much it goes up, and my insurance company is farris insurance in Hickory NC, and my sister works there.""
Two-thirds of one months insurance coverage has expired?
I need accounting homework help! I'm stumped. Two-thirds of one months insurance coverage has expired? 2500 premium for 12 months. Please!
What sports cars have low insurances?
im 19 so insurances are an absolute drag and im looking to buy a sports looking car but the insurances for everything are so high. so is there any good sports looking cars with a relatively low insurance group preferably below 15. my previous cars have been a ford focus 1.6 titanium 09reg , Puegeot 206 1.1 T reg, ford fiesta zetec s 1.6 59reg and im driving a puegeot 207 1.6 59reg at the moment and i want to get out this style of car. and i have a budget of around 14,000 - 15,000""
Why are insurance companies under the Obama health care plan allowed to not cover existing medical problems?
How is this making health care affordable? My physician wrote a letter stating I have no complications, but the letter BC/BS sent me was that under the Obama health care plan they do not have to cover my thyroid or anything related to it. I am a widow, unemployed for 1 1/2 years and pay for my own health insurance. Will you do anything to change or eliminate this health care plan?""
Car insurance price estimate?
Im getting a car this summer but I am concerned about my car insurance. I know that some I'm a teen it's going to be pretty ridiculous, but I will be able to benefit from the good grades discount and the defensiive driving course discount. My insurance company is state farm. I plan on driving a used car, (not red, I've heard red cars are more expensive to insure). Also, will it be cheaper to have my own policy, or be added to my moms? And if I go under my mom's policy, would it be possible to have the car under her name and have me listed as the oocational driver even though ill be using it more than she will?""
What does maternity and complications of pregnancy mean for insurance coverage?
I am looking into getting health insurance and the policy I am currently considering says that maternity and complications of pregnancy are covered as any other sickness. They are in the same section on the same line so I am wondering if this means they cover maternity expenses or if they only cover complications like any other illness. Any help would be great. Thanks!
""Can someone suggest a good fertiltiy clinic in the Bay Area, California? What Insurance is good?
Has anyone researched on success rate of fertility clinic in Bay Area? Which are the top / best ones? Also what type of insurance should I take up to ensure everything is paid for? Did anyone use Kaiser Vs Aetna?
How much was your insurance co-pay for your hospital stay to deliver a baby?
...assuming you have good health insurance.
""If I reported someone for a hit-and-run, can my insurance company raise my rates?""
My Dad takes care of our family car insurance policy with Mercury. Recently, they have asked about an incident which matches the date of a hit-and-run which I reported to police. Someone backed up into my car while I was not-in-motion, waiting to turn left at a four way intersection. They refused to pull over or get out of their car, and sped off soon after, so I reported it to the police. Now, Mercury wants to talk to me about it. The problem is that my Dad is convinced they will use this against me to get more money from us, because I was the only party who reported the incident. I did not file a claim with my insurance company because the only damage was minimal. How should I best handle this? It seems absurd that doing the right thing-- reporting an irresponsible driver-- could result in a penalty for me, doesn't it?""
""On average, how much will my insurance cost?""
I'm 17 and female. on average how much do you think my insurance would cost on a 1.2L corsa 2003 model, with a black box fitted? Also would it be cheaper if i put the insurance in my dads name (9 years no claims) and me as a named driver? I'm struggling to find quotes as i haven't passed my test yet, just wondering whether it's worth buying this car thanks in advance BQ: do you know of any cars which are fairly cheap for teenagers to insure?""
Individual vs group health insurance?
If an individual with wife (including 6 month old son) and sister work as a small business owners/employees and would like to get a group insurance through BCBS, would it be feasible to go through as a Group or as an individual/family healthcare plan, perhaps family and an individual for the sister?""
How much is does it cost for insurance of a driving instructor (roughly)?
It is for my A-Level business coursework where I am producing a business plan to set up a driving school. It doesn't have to be exact. Regards
Auto insurance company wants to check my credit and past infractions.?
My auto insurance company (which i've been using for 6 months now) wants to check my credit history and past infractions in order to benefit from new lower rates i have good credit, but a couple of speeding tickets, could this actually increase my rate?""
Does full coverage motorcycle insurance cover other riders on my bike if they have an accident?
Does full coverage motorcycle insurance cover other riders on my bike if they have an accident?
Is it best to cancel your car insurance or have the company cancel you out?
i paid for car insurance for 6 months and now i fould cheaper insurance. should i cancel my insurance or have them cancel it for me. which will cost me more money
If i get a toad alarm for my car will it make my insurance cheaper?
If i get a toad alarm for my car will it make my insurance cheaper?
0 notes
voyagerafod · 8 years ago
Star Trek Voyager: A Fire of Devotion: Part 2 of 4: Louder Than Bells: Chapter Four
Chapter Four:
    After a month of not being allowed to take the Delta Flyer out for a spin, the now Ensign Tom Paris had been happy when he finally got the chance again, going on a mission with Tuvok and Samantha Wildman. A few days in however, he suddenly found himself missing the safety of his cell in the brig.
    “We’ve got another ion storm coming in,” he said, checking his sensors. “Great. We still haven’t gotten ourselves patched up from the last one. No way we’re making it back to Voyager today.”
    “I am never leaving the ship again,” Samantha said. “I get stranded by the Kazon, Naomi gets sick, dipshit weapons dealer nearly blows Seven’s hand off; every time I step off Voyager something bad happens.”
    “That is not wholly accurate,” Tuvok said. “I can recall with little effort at least two occasions where you were off Voyager, and nothing that could be described as negative occurred.”     “Yeah, two,” Samantha said. “That doesn’t disprove my point. Leaving that ship is just bad luck.”     “To be fair Sam,” Paris said, “it’s not like every day on Voyager herself is sunshine and bunnies.” He checked his console one more time to make sure the Flyer was stationary as trying to move during an ion storm only made it more dangerous. “We’ve got several minutes before it hits, better contact Naomi, let her know you’ll be delayed so she won’t worry.”
    Naomi Wildman beamed with pride as she left the holodeck, having quickly and triumphantly solved the problem presented her in the current Flotter chapter on the holodeck she was on, and she was looking forward to sharing her accomplishments with her mom. She wasn’t going to have to wait too long though, because the reason she’d left the holodeck when she did was because Neelix had called to let her know that her mother was contacting from the Delta Flyer, and that Neelix had set up a visual communications link in her quarters.
    Once she got there, Neelix simply stood back while Naomi sat at the table and looked at the screen. She’d asked where Seven of Nine was, but Neelix said that Seven was being kept busy on the bridge. Naomi thought it was kind of weird that her mom’s girlfriend wouldn’t be here, but figured maybe they’d talk later, and talk about the kind of grown up stuff she didn’t like being in the room for.     “Hi Mom,” she said.     “Hey sweetie,” Samantha replied. Naomi wasted no time in detailing how she’d helped the Flotter character make peace with a character named Trevis, even though deep down she knew that her mom probably knew these characters already since she’d also played in those holonovels as a kid.     “I can show you how I did it tomorrow when you get back,” Naomi said, finally finished. Her mother sighed as the static on the channel got worse.     “I’m sorry, Naomi, the away mission is taking longer than planned. It may be a few more days.”     “Days?” Naomi said, frowning.
    “‘Fraid so. But don’t worry, I’ll be bringing back some beautiful sillenite crystals for you and for Seven. Now I know what time it is there, so I want you to get ready for bed while I talk to Neelix, okay?”     “All right,” Naomi said, sadly, getting up to do as her mother told her. ---
    Neelix could tell even through the static that Samantha Wildman was putting on a brave face. As soon as Naomi went to her room to change, Neelix sat down.     “Samantha?” he said. “What’s wrong?”     “We got hit by an ion storm,” she said. “We took a beating, but I imagine it would be worse if we were in a regular shuttle.”     “How bad?”     “We’re trying to make repairs, but there’s another storm on the way.” The static got worse. Neelix saw Samantha look down. It was probably just as bad on her end too. “I need to go. Say goodnight to Naomi for me.”     “Of course,” Neelix said. “Do you want me to say anything to Seven of Nine as well, or-”     “I’m sure the Captain’s already briefed her on the situation. But thanks. The signal’s getting worse, I have to go.”     The screen went black. Neelix sighed. For a moment he considered telling Naomi the truth about why her mother was delayed, but decided against it. Samantha hadn’t said anything, probably not wanting Naomi to worry unnecessarily.     I won’t tell her yet, he thought. I just need to figure out when. Or maybe I’ll get lucky and Samantha, Tom, and Tuvok will all be home before it even becomes an issue.
    Neelix, along with the rest of the senior staff still on-board listened quietly in the briefing room as the static-marred mayday message from Tuvok played for them, the sound cutting out just after his voice told them that they were looking for an emergency landing site for the Delta Flyer.     “That was the last transmission we got from them,” Chakotay said. “We haven’t heard anything since. We’ve tried hailing them but they aren’t responding.”     “If they’re looking for a place to land,” the Doctor said, “it must be pretty bad.”     “Exactly what I was thinking,” B’Elanna said. “Can we pick them up on long range sensors?”
    “We lost their energy signature when the second ion storm hit,” Harry Kim said. “But we’ve triangulated the coordinates of the distress call. They’ve entered a planetary system about 0.6 light years from here. That’s the good news. The bad is that another ion storm blocking our path. It’s a level five.”     “Hmm,” Janeway said. “We’ve been through worse than a Level 5. And since Edwin’s shield reinforcements are still in place, we should be able to ride it out just fine. We’re not going to let a little bad weather get in the way of our rescue mission. Dismissed.”     “What should I tell Naomi?” Neelix said, speaking up for the first time since the briefing started. “Or should I tell her anything for that matter?”     Chakotay shrugged. “If you don’t feel comfortable handling that Neelix, perhaps I could help.”     “That won’t be necessary Commander,” Neelix said. “I know she needs to be told, and it probably should come from me. Except for her mother and maybe Seven of Nine, I’m closer to her than anyone. I’m just worried about how she’ll handle it.”     “Understandable,” Janeway said. “Look, just keep her occupied for awhile while we handle the rescue mission. If things go sideways, it’ll be my job to deliver the bad news.”     “This reminds me,” B’Elanna said. “Has anyone told Seven yet?”     “She’s aware of the Flyer’s damage from the first ion storm,” Harry said. “But us in this room are the only ones with the latest information. I’m sure she’ll handle it fine though. This is the woman who was able to save us all from a killer nebula, while in the middle of a nervous breakdown no less,” he added, referring to last year’s month-long period where all but Seven and the Doctor had to sleep in stasis tubes.     “This is different though,” Janeway said.     “How so?” Neelix said, wondering where the captain was going with this.     “It’s a matter of scale,” she said. “The larger the number of people in danger, the easier it is to detach and focus on the task at hand. There’s a huge difference between a hundred and twenty plus, and three. And when one of those three is someone you’re emotionally attached to…”     “I would remind you that my boyfriend is one of the people in danger,” B’Elanna said. “And I don’t see anyone worrying about me not being able to focus.”     “I’ve known you longer, I know I don’t need to,” Janeway said. “We’ve all gone through something like this before. But for Seven this is still new, she’s never had to perform with these kinds of stakes before.”
    “With all due respect Captain,” Harry said, “I think you’re selling her short. I’m confident Seven of Nine won’t let her connection to Sam cloud her judgement, and we’ll probably need her skills on this mission.”     “I agree,” Neelix said.     “Same here,” the Doctor said. Janeway shrugged.     “You’re probably right,” she said. “Harry, let her know the situation. Neelix, keep Naomi occupied, like I said. Everyone else, let’s start putting a rescue plan together.”
    Seven of Nine was slightly confused. When Janeway summoned her to the bridge and updated her on the Delta Flyer’s situation, Seven began to feel a sense of panic, not unlike the one she’d had weeks before when Edwin was allowing himself to die in sickbay. She couldn’t quite understand why though. The concern for Samantha, of course was natural, and she imagined that B’Elanna Torres felt much the same way about Tom Paris, whose life was also in danger aboard the Flyer. During her time on the ship however, the entire ship had been in danger more times than should have been statistically probable. By extension, Sam was in danger then too. Seven just could not discern what made this different.
    Maybe it’s because I helped design the shuttle, she found herself thinking as she went over schematics on a PADD that Harry had handed her. If I’d been more involved perhaps it wouldn’t be so badly damaged.     “Has Naomi been informed?” she asked Lieutenant Kim.     “Neelix is going to handle that,” Harry said. “but not just yet. I can’t blame him for being reluctant, no one wants to be the bearer of bad news.”     “Perhaps that is for the best,” Seven said. “I would offer to tell her myself, but as Sam as pointed out to me more than once I still require improvement in the, to use her words, ‘tact department.’”
    Harry chuckled at that. Seven had not intended the statement to be amusing, but she decided to keep that to herself.
    “I should probably steer clear of Naomi for the remainder of the operation,” she said. “If I see her she will likely ask me about the status of her mother, and much like Sam I do not like deceiving her.”     “You’ve had to lie to her before?” Harry said.     “Yes,” she said. Harry looked for a moment like he might ask for further details on that, but he didn’t, for which Seven was grateful as she would not have given him any. None of the falsehoods were large ones, it was simply a matter of there being things that Sam felt it was in Naomi’s best interest that she not know about until she was an adult. Seven was skeptical, but chose to defer to Samantha on the matter.
    What will I do if she doesn’t come back? she thought. She tried to push the intrusive thought aside, but it kept nagging at her quietly in the back of her mind, so she instead tried to focus harder on the information on her PADD, working to put together a rescue mission.
    As Tom Paris pushed the thrusters on the Delta Flyer to their limits, Samantha kept her focus on the console screen, trying to find somewhere, anywhere, to land the ship. With warp drive and even impulse engines off-line though, she knew they were only delaying the inevitable and that the ion storm was going to hit them.
    “And to think that being demoted and having to spend a month in the brig would end up not being the worst thing to happen to me this year,” she heard Paris mutter.     “The storm is throwing off my readings,” she said, “but there is definitely a big rock nearby, I just can’t find it.” The ship shuddered.     “The wave front is accelerating,” Tuvok said. “Less than two minutes to impact.”     “Great, so I’ve only got about thirty seconds to land this thing,” Tom said. “Samantha, I hate to rush you-”     “Got it,” she said, “Finally. I read a class-M atmosphere, and a benamite mantle.” She quickly transferred the distance and coordinates to Tom’s console.     “Benamite? I want to land this shuttle, not bury it,” he said as he turned the shuttle towards the planet which would hopefully protect them from more ion storms.     “Well, we could always just try to surf the ion storm,” Samantha snarked, her patience starting to waver as the shuddering got worse.     “We’ve entered the upper atmosphere,” Tuvok said a few seconds later. Samantha continued her scans.     “Nothing but impact craters and volcanoes,” she said, “this is not a good landing place.”     “The storm is closing,” Tuvok said. “Shields are already at maximum.”     “It’s gonna have to do,” Tom said. “So long as we don’t land in a volcano we should be fine.”     “Starboard thrusters are down,” Tuvok said.     “Damn,” Tom said. “This is just not my day.”     “We’re going in too fast,” Samantha said, finally starting to panic.     “Hang on!” Tom yelled.
    The ship shook violently, there were loud clanging noises, Samantha felt her head hit something, and her vision became fuzzy. She didn’t remember being unconscious, but when she opened her eyes, she saw that she’d been moved from where she’d been sitting, and she was very, very sore.
    “Wha-what happened?” she said, touching a sore spot on her head, and seeing blood on the tips of her fingers.     Tom was scanning her with a medical tricorder. Samantha found herself glad that he had agreed to be trained as a field medic.     “We made it. -ish,” Tom said. “The Delta Flyer’s first real planetary landing wasn’t exactly an auspicious one. We’re three kilometers under the surface. At least our primary hull is still in one piece.”     “Wish I felt the same way,” Samantha said.     “You’ll be okay,” Tom said. “Minor fractures, a concussion, nothing I can’t handle.”     “You’re a better nurse than you are a liar, Ensign,” Samantha grunted and clutched her side, which was hurting worse now.     Tom closed the medical tricorder and sighed. “You have a punctured kidney,” he said. “You need surgery.”     Samantha nodded.     “I have transmitted another distress call,” Tuvok said. “So far, no response.”     “I’ve got to talk to Naomi,” Samantha said, feeling scared. “And Annie. My girls, they’ll be so worried about me.”
    “Conserve your strength, Ensign,” Tuvok said. “Mr. Paris and I have the situation under control.”
    “Sam, I’m going to give you a mild sedative and something for the pain, okay?” Tom said, holding up a hypospray. Samantha nodded. She felt a little woozy after Tom applied the hypospray, but she could still hear him and Tuvok as they discussed their situation. Were she not drugged, it might’ve made her panic more.     “Any chance we could abandon ship and walk out of here?” Tom said.     “Unlikely,” Tuvok said. “We’re far too deep underground, and the cavern behind us has filled up with fluorine gas.”     “Seriously?” Tom said, sounding incredulous. “Fluorine? How did it not all ignite when we crashed?”     “Unknown,” Tuvok admitted.     Samantha, not wanting to fall asleep, tried to remember everything she could about fluorine gas and had to agree with Tom. That type of gas was so reactive water would ignite it, and now there was a huge cave full of it right behind them.     Three ion storms in one day, a crash landing, and surrounded by a gas that can explode if you look at it wrong. Welcome to the worst day of my life, she thought.
    “Our best option,” she heard Tuvok say, “is to wait for Voyager.”
    Naomi kept thinking about how her mom hadn’t contacted her in awhile, how Seven of Nine seemed to be avoiding her, and how nervous Neelix seemed to be. Something was going on, and no one was telling her and it was making her mad enough that nothing the Doctor was telling her about botany was registering.
    The Doctor was saying something about organelles when Naomi finally just said what was on her mind.     “My Mom was supposed to call me today. Why hasn’t she?”     The Doctor paused for a moment.     “Well,” he said, “she’s probably just busy.” The Doctor was still smiling like he was when he was giving his lessons, but Naomi felt something was a little off with the smile, like it was there just to make her feel better. “Now let’s have a little look at the cell wall,” the Doctor said, tapping a button on the console screen in front of her.
    “Can we try to call her?” she said. The Doctor didn’t answer right away.     “Well,” he started to say but was interrupted when the door to sickbay opened. “Neelix, so happy to see you,” the Doctor said. Neelix seemed surprised at that.     “Um, okay,” Neelix said. “I was just coming by to pick up Naomi. We’re going to do another Flotter story on the holodeck today. I’m not too early am I?”     “I was just asking the Doctor if we could call Mom on the Delta Flyer,” Naomi said. Neelix sighed. He looked at the Doctor, who nodded and stepped into his office, leaving her and Neelix alone.     “I should have said something sooner,” Neelix said. Naomi suddenly felt very nervous. “The Delta Flyer got hit pretty bad by some ion storms and had to land on a planetoid to make repairs. We can’t talk to them right now because of the damage. I’m sure you’re scared right now, and it’s okay to be scared, but I want you to know that everyone is doing everything they can to make sure the Flyer and everyone on it comes home safe. Okay?”     Naomi didn’t say anything. She just sat there. She did feel a little scared, like Neelix said she would, but she was also mad. Mad at him for not telling her right away that her mom was in trouble, mad at her mother for not saying she was in trouble the last time she called, mad at ion storms…
She got out of her chair and just left sickbay. Neelix followed her, asking her if she was okay but she just ignored him. She wanted to go somewhere where she could feel safe, so she went to holodeck one and activated the Flotter program. When Neelix tried to follow her in she just yelled “No!” at him and asked the computer to seal the door. She walked as far as the nearest tree, which wasn’t very far since the simulation was of a forest, leaned against it, and cried.
Seven of Nine worked at her console in the astrometrics lab. She was concerned for Sam, but she wasn’t allowing her fear to cloud her judgement. If pressed, she would have to admit that she just didn’t know if she could emotionally handle losing her, but that was all the more reason not to be reckless. She imagined that being allowed to work on the rescue mission played a large part, if not the largest, in helping maintain her calm.
“Computer, switch to polythermal imaging and enhance resolution,” she said. As she said so she heard the door open behind her. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Neelix enter.     “Do you require assistance, Neelix?” she said.     “Maybe. I’m worried about Naomi,” Neelix said. He sighed, then added, “I messed up. I should’ve told her sooner, but I didn’t and I think waiting only made it worse.”     “How much did you tell her?” Seven said.     “Not much, just that the Flyer was in trouble and had to land. I didn’t tell her it crashed though.”     “I’ve found that Naomi is more clever and resilient than many on board Voyager give her credit for. She may well be angry that she wasn’t informed sooner about her mother’s situation, but I doubt that will hold for long. She will understand that you were only trying to protect her.”     “I could’ve done a better job of it, but thanks anyway Seven. Since she knows now, maybe you should talk to her before going down there to join the rescue team. She noticed how you weren’t saying much to her the past few days.”     “I will do that. Currently I am mapping the caverns around the crash site.” Seven stopped, and looked up from her console. “Do you have any experience mapping caverns, Neelix?”     “Not using technology like this, but I see where you’re going with that. Just tell me which buttons to push and I’ll keep the program going while you talk to Naomi.”     “Thank you,” Seven said. She gave Neelix a pat on the shoulder, a reassuring gesture that Samantha had done for her on numerous occasions. “If it is any consolation, the fact that you are willing to admit you were in error means you are unlikely to make a similar mistake in the future.”
“It doesn’t make me feel much better, Seven,” Neelix said. “but thanks for trying anyway. I suppose it’s a good thing I’m only a godparent and not a real parent.”     “That is not for me to say,” Seven said. As she started to leave, her comm badge chirped.     “Commander Chakotay to Seven of Nine.”     “Yes, Commander,” Seven said.     “Rescue Team Alpha needs that data,” Chakotay said, his voice suggesting urgency. Seven sighed. “I will meet you at the transporter site.” She closed the communication and turned to Neelix. “I don’t think I’m going to have time to talk to Naomi after all. Keep looking after her Neelix. She’ll need someone to talk to once the initial shock has worn off, if it hasn’t already.”
“Okay. And Seven? Bring them home.”     “I intend to.”
    “Ready, Tuvok?” Tom said.     “Ready,” Tuvok said. Samantha heard much of what was going on since the crash, but wasn’t sure what they were ready for. She had been drifting in and out of consciousness the whole time since they’d crashed, and the painkillers Tom was giving her were still working but they were also making it hard to focus.
    “Cross your fingers,” she heard Tom say. He reached into an open panel, touched something, and something on the panel up at the front where Tuvok was seated sparked.     “Damn,” Tom grunted.     “The magnetic relays have overloaded,” Tuvok said.     “We’d better find another way to polarize this hull, or Voyager’s sensors won’t be able to pick us up,” Tom said.     “Do not give up hope,” Tuvok said. “Probability of rescue is admittedly low, but it is not statistically impossible.”     “Comforting,” Tom said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.     “If we don’t make it,” Samantha said softly, “who’s going to look after Naomi?”     “The most likely outcome would be that Neelix and Seven of Nine would share that responsibility,” Tuvok said. “That is, of course, assuming we do not get rescued, which you should not rule out.”     Samantha scoffed, followed by a wince as the pain in her side flared up again.     “Our ship has Borg enhanced sensors and they still haven’t found us yet. If my honey’s tech can’t find us-”     “I’d hate to be the one who gives Seven the order to abandon the search,” Tom said under his breath, not realizing that Samantha could hear him.     “Shut up, Tom,” she said.     “Sorry,” he replied, looking embarrassed.     “You are concerned for your daughter, this is understandable,” Tuvok said. “I would remind you however that I am also a parent. My youngest child has been without her father for four years. Yet I am certain of her well-being. Your child will likewise survive and prosper, no matter what becomes of us.”     “He’s right,” Tom said, the first time she’d heard him say anything to or about Tuvok that wasn’t dripping with sarcasm since the crash. “There’s not a sentient on Voyager that wouldn’t take a phaser blast for that kid and you know it.”     Samantha felt tears well up, but not from the pain.
“Thank you,” she said.
    Seven of Nine walked around the cavern with her tricorder out, trying to learn everything she could about the cavern they were in. She, along with Chakotay, Joe Carey, and the rest of Rescue Team Alpha had found a piece of one of the Delta Flyer’s nacelles. While Chakotay informed the captain, Seven put together the data she collected. The cavern ahead of them had collapsed, but there was a hull signature behind the debris. She almost smiled, certain that not only had Sam and the others been found but they were likely alive, albeit trapped. Trapped however was preferable to dead under the majority of circumstances.
    Soon the other rescue teams were there, as were the phaser drills. She continued scanning as the drills operated, making sure that the activity didn’t cause another cave-in that would kill them as well. As progress was made, Seven was able to get more information in her tricorder about the cavern ahead of them, including the composition of the gas…     “Oh no,” she uttered before yelling at the team to stop the drills.     “What is it?” Carey asked. She handed him her tricorder.     “Fluorine gas,” she said. “If we pierce the final layer with a phaser it will ignite, destroying the cave, the Delta Flyer, and us with it.”     “Son of a bitch,” Carey said. “How did that even happen?”     “We could name this whole solar system after Murphy’s Law,” Chakotay said in exasperation. “We can’t just give up and leave them there, but long range sensors show yet another ion storm coming which would likely cause another cave in cutting off all hope.”     “Another ion storm?” Seven said, not even hiding the shock in her voice. Ion storms were not a rare thing in the galaxy, but for a single star system to have four of them, four of massive size, in less than an Earth standard week was so ridiculous that she felt like punching something, regardless of the fact that doing so would accomplish approximately nothing.     “Beaming through rock isn’t impossible,” Carey said. “It’s the amount that’s keeping us from getting our people out of there. Maybe if we keep drilling, but stop just before we reach where the gas is-”     “Except the transporter beam would likely ignite the gas as well,” Seven said.     “Possible,” Carey admitted. “But I don’t have any other ideas.”
    “Nor do I,” Seven admitted.     “Alright,” Chakotay said. “you two try to come up with a way to bleed that gas out of the cave without igniting it. But work fast. We’ve got a few hours at best before the Captain gives the order to abort the mission.”
    Inside the Delta Flyer, Tom Paris was recording a goodbye message for B’Elanna. Samantha didn’t want to eavesdrop, but it was difficult giving how she couldn’t move, and the ship, while larger on the inside that a standard shuttlecraft, just didn’t have enough room for there to be much in the way of private space. Tuvok was writing out his message to his family on a PADD. Sam wasn’t sure which way she was going to go with that just yet, or even if she should bother. Would anyone ever see or hear my last words anyway? she thought.
    “Warning. Life support has fallen to critical levels,” the computer said, cutting off Tom mid-sentence.     “Don’t mind the computer, she’s just jealous that I’m spending my last few moments talking to you. So long,” Tom said. As he hit the button to end recording, Samantha let out a bitter laugh.     “There are men who can’t say ‘I love you.’ And Tom Paris is their God-king,” she said.     “Do you really want to spend your final moments on the mortal coil being a smart ass, Sam?” Tom said, though there was no real anger to speak of in his voice, just resignation. She believed he didn’t really care how she spoke to him at the end, just that he was used to being the one to come back with a quip, so why stop now.
    “I’m sorry,” she said, and she meant it. She chalked up this uncharacteristic pettiness to the slowly fading sedatives and painkillers in her system. Tom had offered her more as there was still several doses worth in the Flyer’s medkit, but she refused. She did not want to be doped up when she made her own goodbye message, which she finally decided would be a visual one, like Tom’s. With Tom’s helping her up since she still couldn’t walk, she got into the chair and started the recording.     “Computer, encode message for delivery to Naomi Wildman, and Seven of Nine.”     “Acknowledged,” the computer said.     “Hi,” she said. “I know you’re both feeling very sad right now but I want you to listen to me very carefully, okay? First of all, I love you. Both of you. Naomi, I am so proud of you. How smart you are, how funny, how kind, how determined to learn new things. You are going to grow up to do extraordinary things. And you listen to Seven of Nine and to Neelix, they’ll be taking care of you now.
“Seven, Annika, I know that this will be harder on you than anyone. But don’t let it stop you from continuing to explore your humanity. Don’t be afraid to keep learning new things, about other organics and about yourself. Don’t use me as anchor. Mourn for however long you feel is right, but if another girl comes along who makes your heart beat faster the way I did, don’t pass on that chance.” Samantha stopped talking for a moment, wiping tears out of her eyes.     “Goodbye, Naomi. Goodbye, Annika Hansen. I love you both, so much.”     “Warning. Oxygen depletion in ten minutes,” the computer said just before Sam ended the recording.
Sam heard a sniff, and turned to see Tom Paris wiping his eyes.     “Okay, I want a do-over,” he said.
    Neelix walked onto the holodeck, the forest from the Flotter stories still smoldering from when the trees had been burned in the last chapter. From what he knew of the story there was at least one way, if not more, to restore it, but it appeared that Naomi had not done so yet. He considered for a moment that maybe she just hadn’t figured out how, but realized that far more likely was she wasn’t even trying. She was probably too upset about everything that was going on with her mother and the Delta Flyer.
    “Naomi?” he called out.     “Go away!” Trevis, a character from the holonovel yelled at him. The anthropomorphized tree looked as angry as his voice suggested he was, though if it was at him or at the fact that he was still partially smoldering he wasn’t sure.     “She doesn’t want to talk to you,” Trevis continued.     So he’s mad at me then, Neelix thought. Can’t say I blame him.
    “You lied,” another voice said. Neelix saw Flotter, a water elemental type character,  standing just behind and the to the right of Trevis.     “I thought you were vaporized,” Neelix said.     “Naomi re-liquified me. Now leave!”
    Neelix sighed. He didn’t have time for this, so he told the computer to delete the characters.     “Unable to comply,” the computer’s voice said. “Holodeck controls have been encoded.”     “Great, probably something Seven taught her,” Neelix said. “Look, Flotter, Trevis, I know I made a mistake. I should’ve told her sooner. That’s why I’m here to apologize, to try and make things right.”
    “I wonder if the liar can swim,” Flotter said.     “We could always hang him from one of my branches,” Trevis said.     Good gods who wrote this thing? Neelix thought. This is supposed to be for children.     “Naomi,” Neelix called out. “Please let me talk to you.”     “It’s okay,” he heard Naomi’s voice say. She stood from behind the fallen tree she’d been hiding behind.     “You be nice,” Trevis said.     “No more lying,” Flotter said, pointing a finger in Neelix’s face. Neelix walked around the two characters and went and sat next to Naomi.     “Is my mother dead?” she asked, not looking him the eye.     “We don’t know,” Neelix said. “The rescue operation is still going on.”     “What happened?”     “The Flyer was hit by an ion storm. They tried to land on the planet below us to do repairs, but crashed.”     “I saw debris. Fires. A crater.” Neelix noticed that Naomi still wasn’t looking at him when she talked, like she couldn’t bear to look at him after he’d kept her mother’s situation from her.     “But not the hull. Until we know for sure, I am not giving up on them being alive. Seven of Nine hasn’t, she’s down there helping with the rescue effort right now.”     “Do you really think they might find her?”     “Yes, I do. Your mother has Tom Paris and Tuvok with her, and they’ve survived worse than a shuttle crash before.”     “How do I know you’re telling me the truth this time?”     Neelix thought about it for moment.     “I never told you this before, but when I was younger, I lost my mother. My whole family. There was a war, and they died.”     “Who started it?” Naomi said, looking at him now.
    “It doesn’t really matter,” Neelix said, not wanting to admit that his people had been the aggressors. “Not anymore. Either way, it was still the worst thing that ever happened to me. I wanted to tell you the truth, but every time I came close, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I don’t know if I was protecting you, or myself. I let you down Naomi, and I am so sorry.”     “Why didn’t Seven tell me? She loves my mom, why didn’t she tell me?”     “Seven is still learning about what it’s like to be human,” Neelix said. “I don’t think she was ready for that kind of responsibility, having to be the one to tell a child that their parent was in danger. So she just stayed focus on the rescue effort. I think it helped her stay sane. Though I imagine she’s as scared as you are.”
    Naomi reached out and touched Neelix’s hand. Neelix was sure she was about to say she forgave him, but the ship suddenly shuddered.     “All hands to emergency stations,” Janeway's voice said over the comm. “The approaching ion storm has just upgraded to level eight.”     “Ion storm? What’s that?” Flotter said.
    “Level eight? What the hell is wrong with this star system?” Joe Carey shouted when the rescue team in the cavern received the call from the captain.     “No, no, no,” Seven muttered. Progress on the rescue had been slow, but they were so close, she just knew it, even though the data on her tricorder told her it was even odds at this point. For the first time since she’d heard about the Delta Flyer’s troubles several days ago, Seven of Nine crossed the line from fear for her girlfriend’s safety into full blown anxiety. Her hand shook, unwanted visions of Samantha being crushed by kilotons of rock filled her mind, and she was pretty sure she was about to cry.
    “Just a few more meters,” Chakotay told the captain over his comm badge.     “When that storm hits, your cavern is going to destabilize,” Janeway said. “You’ve got six minutes, make the most of it.”     “All right,” Chakotay said. “Keep going, we’ve almost cleared enough rock to be able to beam the whole shuttle out through the rock.”     “But we haven’t been able to clear the fluorine gas yet,” B’Elanna said.     “We’ll have to risk it,” Chakotay said. “It’s that or we lose them for good to another cave-in.”     “I swear, it’s like this system is cursed,” B’Elanna said.     “I was thinking the exact same thing,” Carey said.     “Focus,” Seven snapped at them. Rather than getting mad at her as they usually did when she was so curt, they did as she asked. She actually felt bad for having yelled at them, but this task was just too important. She made a mental note to apologize later, once Samantha was safe and sound.
    “Warning. Oxygen depletion in two minutes,” the computer said.     “You know, I think I’m just gonna turn that damn thing off. I don’t need a stopwatch running on my impending death,” Tom said.
    “In accepting the inevitable,” Tuvok said, “one finds peace.”     “Yeah, I suppose you’re right. I guess this isn’t how I figured it would all end.”     “Did you envision perhaps a more heroic death?”     “Yeah, why not? Why not go out like Captain Kirk, saving the Enterprise-B and a bunch of refugees from an anomaly? Or Captain Garrett, paving the way for peace with the Klingon Empire by going down fighting against the Romulans? I can think of worse ways to go.”     “Like bleeding out from your kidneys?” Samantha coughed out.     Tom was debating whether to not to reply to that, considering that he didn’t want to risk the last words Samantha Wildman ever heard would be sarcastic ones, when he heard a sound that it took him a second to recognize. When he did, he laughed.     “They did it,” he said after laughing. “They found us. Those are phaser noises, I’d recognize them anywhere!”
    Seven of Nine and the rest of the team was beamed aboard just seconds after the Delta Flyer had been beamed to the shuttle bay with the aid of pattern enhancers. Seven did not wait to be dismissed before just dropping her gear on the pad and running, heading for the shuttle bay. When she got there, she saw Ensign Brooks helping Tom Paris step down. He looked a little dizzy and clearly needed the ensign’s help staying upright, but appeared otherwise unharmed, Tuvok climbing out of the shuttle right behind him.     “Sam?” she said. Tom looked at her.     “We had to have her beamed directly to sickbay,” he said. “She needed surgery for internal bleeding. I’m sure the Doc-”     Seven didn’t wait for Tom to finish. She slapped her comm badge so hard it nearly fell off.     “Seven of Nine to Naomi Wildman, meet me outside sickbay,” she said, running again, and nearly knocking over several crewmen as she made her way to sickbay. When she got there, Naomi was already outside, and Neelix was with her. The latter leaning against the bulkhead while the former was pacing until she spotted Seven.     Without saying a word, Naomi ran to her, wrapping her arms around her.     “Is she…” Seven said, but couldn’t bring herself to finish the question.     “The Doctor told us to wait outside,” Naomi said, trying not to sob as she spoke. Seven couldn’t blame her. “Seven, it’s okay that you didn’t tell me Mom was in trouble. I know you were scared. I’m scared too.”     “I’m sorry,” Seven said. “I was so focused on bringing Sam home I didn’t think about what was happening to you.”     “I’m sure she’ll be fine,” Neelix said. “She was still conscious when they beamed her on board. That has to be a good sign, right?”     “I believe it is,” Seven said, though she had to admit she wasn’t one hundred percent sure of that. The three of them waited outside in the hall, moving to let people past them when they had to but mainly waiting quietly. When the quiet got to be too much for Seven, she started to ask Naomi about how her holonovels were going, when the door to sickbay opened. The Doctor stood there, smiling.     “Naomi, Seven, you can come in. Mr. Neelix should wait out here so as not to crowd her.”     “No problem,” Neelix said, smiling himself. Seven followed behind Naomi, who quickly ran into her mother’s arms. Seven moved more slowly, not wanting to interrupt the reunion. When Sam saw her, she reached out an arm and motioned for Seven to join them in a group hug, which she did gladly.     “Good to see you again, Annie,” Sam whispered in her easy.     “Likewise,” Seven said.     “I think it goes without saying,” Sam said, “that I am never getting in a shuttle ever again.”     Seven of Nine, for the first time in what had felt like an eternity, laughed.
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