#the dn fic revival
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ash-etherwood · 4 years ago
just roleplayed the entire epic dialogue for the next AI chapter in the shower and then ran out to type it into my outline as a nearly complete and fully functional scene and boy i’m so fucking excited for it;;; finally things are happening in this bitch of a fanfiction!!!
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thebooki3h · 4 years ago
I can't stop thinking about a Lukadamianette fic that starts with
“She looked at the carnage around her, and knew one thing, she will NEVER let herself be that weak EVER again”
This is after years of fighting Hawkmoth and getting no where. Hawkmoth progressively got to be as bad as Joker or Scarecrow. The lasting psychological damage that he left on Paris’s citizens would be a permanent scar in France’s history. Marinette has been isolated from her class for years. Lila’s reign of terror completely destroyed her self worth as Marinette and all of the pressure she has been under from all aspects of her life have taken a SERIOUS toll on her.
Her parents don’t trust her anymore after Lila’s lies got to them. At first they didn’t believe them, but Marinette lied to them because of her ladybug duties and they couldn’t trust her anymore. They basically don’t let Marinette do anything outside of school activities and working at home (somehow , thank Kwami, she convinced them to let her keep her online boutique as MDC). Jagged has been dn always will be a major supporter of her MDC brand. He truly becomes uncle jagged and he and penny are the only adults that Marinette trusts completely. They are always there to support her even if they are not always physically there. Uncle J has introduced her to many other big names so she can design for them for big events. She has even designed for the avengers. (it started out as designing for Tony and Pepper for a red carpet event and Tony liked it so much he had her design the avengers suits especially Peter’s because Peter is a huge fan of hers.) She now talks to Tony about once a month, because she and Peter grew to be close friends and talk regularly. She even thought about giving him he spider miraculous, but she deduced that he was Spiderman from his measurements and knew he didn’t need it.
Luka, Kagami and Chloe are Marinette's only friends in Paris . They all have their corresponding miraculous. They all know their identities as part of team miraculous. Marinette is known to them as the user of the mouse miraculous, because after Chat Noir’s advances and eventual defection to Hawkmoth’s side she can’t trust anyone with Ladybug’s identity. Team miraculous have all become apart of the Order and are Guardians in training. Ladybug being Grand Guardian ofc. Any other miraculous users are no longer a part of the team because if Marinette can’t trust them as a civilian she can’t trust them as heroes.
Chat Noir defected to Hawkbitches side because he was suffering from an imbalance in the miraculous. Ladybug is a true holder for her miraculous, but Chat Noir was not a true holder. He was in fact supposed to be a temporary solution, but Fu didn’t think that Hawkmoth’s reign of terror would last as long as it did. (he also lost his memory pretty early on). The imbalance lead to increasing madness which fueled the delusion that Ladybug and Chat are soulmates because of the balance of their miraculous. 
Hawkmoth gets defeated the summer before Marinette's senior year of high school. The battle lasts for days and most of Paris is rubble by the time the battle is over. Marinette has suffered years of mental abuse at the hands of her classmates, and with everything she has had to deal with she forced herself to stay positive. Once hawkmoth and Mayura(who has been largely inactive bc of the damage to the peacock miraculous) and Chat were defeated she allowed herself to feel the betrayal, anger and hurt that she kept locked away. This is where she makes herself a promise to never let herself be weak again. Vulnerable, sure, but never weak. 
She then casts the cure, which revives dead Parisians and fixes Paris. Unfortunately bc Adrien’s mom had been in the coma for so long Ladybug can’t heal her with magic alone. Amelile goes to a hospital and ladybug visits her regularly to heal her slowly. Adrien runs off without the cat miraculous (he will be seen again) because Mari took it away using her guardian powers.
Without all of the pressure of fighting Hawkmoth Marinette final tells Luka how she feels and how she kept that inside for years and why. They both need healing from the whole ordeal, but they agree to take it REALLY slow and see where things go. (Marinette confirms that Luka means that they will be exclusive, and he says he has also loved her for years and he could never do that to her)
Without the looming presence of Hawkmoth Marinette can final be the person she has become since becoming ladybug. She spends the rest of the summer getting thearpy outside of Paris and working on herself. She remakes herself to be the person that ladybug and the toxic class have made her be. She still believes in being kind and helping others, but her outlook on life is much darker than it was before Lila destroyed her reputation. No one sees her except for Luka Kagami and Chloe and sometimes penny and Uncle J over Ft. Not even her parents.
She adopts a darker, more punk rock look (thanks to Luka and uncle jagged). Her once bright a bubbly personality is no longer reflected in her clothing. With help from Luka and UJ she designed a leather jacket that replaces her siginiture cherry blossom blazer. It is reinforced with all of the protective spells she has learned over the years. (she even learned how to sew dimensional pockets and now she has magic pocket that function like her yoyo. She also made gear for the rest of her team bc she wants to protect them) she starts riding the bike her Nona got her because it matches the aesthetic and she can’t just walk to school like she could in middle school. 
Marinette now takes no BS and is fully prepared to put people in their place. When her senior year starts people are shocked to see bubbly Marinette turned to quiet, bully Marinette has become (visually) the bad influence that they all thought she was. Busiter’s class has been together since the Hawkmoth Sitch started because they were known as the Akuma class and it was just easier to keep track of them. Kagami was allowed to transfer to this class. (her mother thought it would help strengthen her emotional resolve after she got Akumatized) Thus toxic habits from bustier were enforced. Marinette was forced to remain class president bc bustier thought it would help Lila mature (which obviously didn’t happen). Marinette now has more time so she apples to the Wayne scholarship program to see if they can get a sponsored trip. (they do bc Marinette is awesome. she really applies to have a class trip to Gotham because she wants to uphold that promise to herself and training under the bats would do that and she wants to check Gotham out before she commits)
By the time they go on the trip Luka and Marinette are official but have discovered that they feel like something is missing in their relationship. (they have tried different forms of polyamory, but haven't found anything that fit them yet) Luka has been working with Jagged for almost a year at that point bc Jagged is his dad and its a good way to reconnect. So he flies to Gotham before the class bc he can take that time off so he can spend time with his girlfriend uninterrupted by jagged or her parents. He also planned a bunch of dates bc most everywhere in Paris holds a dramatic memory.
I am going to make a part 2 bc this is long and they haven’t even met Damian yet
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deathnotemasterlist · 6 years ago
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Deathnotetober is a celebration of the fandom characters and themes using a prompt list for every day of October! Join your comminity in celebrating your fandom -  Please tag your pieces with #deathnotetober (within the first 5 tags) and/or tag this blog (@deathnotetober) to have your work reblogged! [x]
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MattxMello Week is Oct. 14-20th, celebrating the ship of Matt and Mello with art and writing prompts for each day of that week! [x]
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A new ambitious, artistic project has started! Support your community in animating an PMV of your favourite parts of the Death Note Musical! This project celebrates artists and the music of the Death Note musical by combining works into a beautiful mosaic of our community! [x]
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Some of our community’s incredible artists have created a Death Note calendar for 2020!  preorder yours before Oct. 20th to get some incredible sticker sheets! [x]
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Our community will be holding a Super Smash Bros Ultimate tournament; 1v1 battles with your favorite character! Must have Nintendo online to play! We still need more participants so please sign up!! [x]
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Death Note Kink Meme -- LiveJournal (LJ) used to have a community, DN-Kink, which indexed the requests for fics/art featuring DN ships & kinks that had been fulfilled (x) and not (x). These requests for a piece (art or fic) were made anonymously and replied to (with a completed piece) anonymously. This new page is attempting to revive that community sharing! -- [X]
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Death Note’s 2019 One Shot (previewed at the Never Complete Exhibit) is a comic featuring the rising of the new Kira, Minoru Tanaka. Some of our community members are dedicating their time and skills to translating the comic (English) and in the near future will be applying the translated text to the completed pages! Support your community members and join in on the project! [x]
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Some of our community members want to translate and scan all the dn trading cards, come support your community members! [x]
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re: Birth - Prodigia, a fancomic featuring Beyond  Birthday and Detective Believe ~ [x]
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Two Day, Ongoing Wammy's Comic; Solve the clues and earn a character! [x]
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Death Note Board game - Playing as members of L’s Kira Investigation Team, each with their own unique set of skills, the investigation is being undermined from within.  -- Support your community members project! [x]
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An outstanding podcast covering topics from death note by two of our community members!  [x]
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Secret shinigami is a community gift exchange of art and writing to celebrate holidays and significant DNevents! - We are now celebrating B’s Birthday in July! [x] Entries to be posted!
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July 20th-22nd get creative & share something for the MelloxLight Pairing! [x] -- Late Entries are Welcome!!
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An exchange dedicated to the pairing of L & Matsuda (Romantic or platonic) !! sign ups were from July 7 to July 14, entries to be posted! [x]
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One of our community members has recreated the The Legend of Kira Website! ( from ch.2) [x]
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On June 7th, we had a DN Meetup where members of our community shared something about themselves and meet others in the same fandom! [x] reoccurring 
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A 15 episode podcast on the manga Death Note, taking a close look at each volume of the series to explore questions about morality, human nature, potato chips, and more. This project is complete! [x]
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The DNprojects blog is THE blog to follow to keep up to date on projects in your community! [x]
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The Teru/Light Gift Exchange is another community gift exchange, focused on the pairing of Mikami and Light! [x]
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The NearxMello Winter Gift Exchange, focused on the pairing of Near and Mello! [x] 
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Mello week occurs in December, a Gift Exchange, focused on Mello! [x]
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Again, check out the Death Note Projects blog for all of our community’s projects! -- [x]
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> List Series for the Death Note community
> Leave a name: Do you have another to add?
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13eyond13 · 6 years ago
I've only been in the fandom for a year, and I'm curious. On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being reeeeeaally obscure and 10 being on the Directioners' level, how big do you think the DN fandom is?
lol ngl I had to look up what Directioners even were because I’m just a weird person who has only ever been involved in the Death Note fandom and don’t know what anything else is ever, BUT
I would say Death Note had a pretty massive fandom when it was new, and still has a surprisingly active fandom considering how old the manga/anime is now! I think the new spin-offs and adaptations like the Noteflix movies inject a little life into it and give it mini-revivals now and then, and also it’s getting old enough that there are lots of folks like myself who are coming back to relive their teenage nostalgia once again, or discovering it a bit late for the first time and being like WTF this is great
It’s pretty hard to get an accurate handle on any fandom as a whole, but I do know that Death Note has some of the most fanfic written of any anime/manga fandom ever on fanfiction.net (over 35k+ fics), which is fairly impressive to me considering what a short series it is:
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And last time someone on Tumblr did a survey of the fandom a few months back there were nearly 500 responses from people who consider themselves actively involved in the fandom, which seemed surprisingly large to me!
Pretty much everyone knows what Death Note is, and it’s considered the most popular anime of all time, isn’t it? So it’s definitely not obscure at all. But right now I would say this fandom was probably pretty close to the One Direction fandom on the scale at some point, but is a lot smaller and chiller now because it’s pretty old. But still unusually active in certain ways because of how timeless it is, too!
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ash-etherwood · 5 years ago
Characterdings für Cinna und Taiga >:^3c
My OTP for them: Ja, also das ist jetzt einfach. 8D Cinna und Taiga 5 ever! *__* Sie sind beide absolute Bi/Pan-Chaos-Bommel und ihre Dynamik ist einfach ein Fest zu schreiben! Ich liebe es vor allem, wenn sie ihre Smugness-/Sarkasmus-/Schlagfertigkeits-Battles haben und Taiga jedes Mal kampflos gewinnt, weil Cinna einfach zu flustered wird, wenn er länger mit ihr in einem Raum ist und ahhhh. :///D Sie ist einfach zu gut darin, seine selbstbewusste Fassade zu durchbrechen und das Awkward Baby darunter freizulegen und das finde ich sehr powerful und sexy von ihr. uwu Ich könnte stundenlang über die beiden schwadronieren tbh … und ihre Moral … ich meine, sie sind beide shady as fuck und sind literally zu jeder Schandtat bereit, aber Taiga ist halt einfach noch so ein Stückchen abgebrühter als Cinna und ich liebe es, wie er im ersten Moment immer total offended davon ist, wenn sie was moralisch fragwürdiges vorschlägt und dann langsam realisiert, dass er sich diese Empörung eigentlich gar nicht leisten kann … ^^; Und ich finde es auch so faszinierend, dass ihre Beziehung auch eigentlich nur in dieser super speziellen Chain of Events, in der sie sich treffen, funktioniert … hätten sie sich als Kinder gekannt, wäre das super unangenehm geworden, weil Taiga halt legit ein Bully war und Cinna wahrscheinlich nicht wirklich liebevoll behandelt hätte, von daher ist der Long-Distance-Schulfoto-Crush, den er auf sie hatte, echt eine meiner besten Ideen gewesen. 8D Ich liebe ihr erstes Treffen aber trotzdem. Ikonischer geht’s einfach nicht. Da will man das einflussreichste Crime-Syndikat der Westküste hopsnehmen und dann vergisst man einfach seine Waffe und seinen Bolzenschneider. :-/ Peinlich, Cinna, einfach nur peinlich.
My BROTP for them: Cinna und Erika! Ich liebe die beiden so sehr und ihre Dynamik ist so vielschichtig? Er ist für sie halb ›cooles‹ Elternteil, halb großes Geschwisterkind und halb Gay Uncle und das ist einfach nur großartig. 8D Die beiden motivieren sich immer so schön gegenseitig, was noch mal besonders süß ist, weil sie beide Lob und Komplimente gar nicht mehr wirklich gewohnt sind und dann jedes Mal total erschrocken sind, wenn der andere was Nettes über sie sagt. :-D Und ich mag den gegenseitigen Respekt, den sie füreinander haben … eigentlich ist Cinna nur so ’n gammeliger Furz-Privatdetektiv, aber für Erika ist er der klügste Mensch der Welt und Erika ist nur ein fünfzehnjähriges Nervenbündel mit Mega-Anxiety, aber für ihn ist sie ein vollwertiges Mitglied des Ermittlerteams und das ist einfach nur ahhhh. <3
Und Taiga … äh … keine Ahnung, ich schätze, Evgeny oder Kaplan? :-D Eigentlich die ganze Mafiatruppe tbh … die waren eine einzige Found Family und das ist auch gut so. uwu Ich glaube, mit Evgeny hatte sie neben Kate aber damals wirklich die engste Beziehung. Und mit Kaplan wäre es wirklich nur ein rein platonisches BROTP, weil er superduper ace war, und ich glaube, Taiga hat ihm auch viel bedeutet, aber er war eine Tsundere, deswegen ähhh you know how it is. 8D
Any other ships: Tbh, Cinna hat innerhalb der Story echt wenig Beziehungen fällt mir gerade auf. (-:, Das ist sehr untypisch für mich … aber das gibt mir wenigstens Gelegenheit, um über seine Backstory zu schwadronieren, die ich sonst irgendwann tausend Jahre später auf der offiziellen Website veröffentlichen und hin und wieder mal besoffen tweeten würde … 8D Also, erstens shippe ich ihn lowkey mit Matt, seit Bianca mal so einen mega süßen, kleinen Oneshot über die beiden geschrieben hat (und vielleicht auch ein bisschen, weil Matt noch immer mein One True Teenage Animu Boyfriend ist,,,), ebenfalls ein bisschen mit Mello (das ist der Moment, in dem uns wieder einfällt, dass AI eigentlich eine Death-Note-Fanfiction ist :^B), einfach, weil Cinna früher canonically einen super verwirrenden Crush auf ihn hatte und auf Leute steht, die ihn verprügeln könnten, und ähhh … 8D Ebenfalls shippe ich ihn mit dem Undercover-FBI-Typen, mit dem er irgendwann mal ganz kurz ein Thing hatte und der noch nicht mal einen richtig festen Namen hat, aber ich hab dir neulich mal davon erzählt, glaub ich. ^^;
Taiga tho? Wie wär’s mit ›Die komplette Mafiatruppe‹?! :-D Ich meine, ich liebe ihre tragische, backstabby Beziehung mit Kate und bevor sie Taigas ganzes Leben zerstört und dafür gesorgt hat, dass alle ihre Freunde sterben, waren die auch echt cool zusammen … halt ein absolutes Powercouple. *Hit And Run playing in the distance* Aber tbh ich bin auch ein großer Taiga/Evgeny-Fan. Allein ihre Interaktionen in ›Seattle‹ sind schon super adorable, und er ist auch definitiv derjenige, den sie am meisten vermisst … keine Ahnung, der Typ hat einfach so viel Respect-Women-Juice getrunken, der weiß genau, was er tut! Und außerdem ist es auch lowkey eine Bodyguard-Romance, und das ist sexy. ;-D Und ich mag es, mir vorzustellen, wie er auf ihrem Schoß sitzt (so wie so ziemlich alle Mafiaidioten, das ist einfach, wie Taiga ihre Liebe ausdrückt) mit seinen zwei Metern und hundert Kilo purer Muskelmasse und ihre Beine zerquetscht und sich total Sorgen macht und sie nur so »Mir geht’s super, ich spür nur meine Zehen nicht mehr. (-:,«
Their best friend: Das Traurigste, was ich gerade realisiert habe, ist, dass Cinna keinen besten Freund hat. )‘: Ich meine, im Prinzip sind es Taiga und Erika, aber vor AI? Er hat da so einen Kumpel aus Seattle namens Gavin, mit dem er damals zusammen seine Detektivausbildung gemacht hat und sie haben irgendwann angefangen, übers Transsein zu bonden und ihre peinlichen Cis-Kollegen abfällig anzugucken, wenn sie mal wieder Scheiße gelabert haben, aber so wirklich sein bester Freund war der jetzt auch nicht. 8D Vielleicht noch Tante Virge … die One True Butch Lesbian Aunt AKA their mom’s girlfriend who helped raising them for the first few months of their life … truly iconic. uwu
Taigas beste Freunde sind natürlich ihre Wuffelhundis! :-D Und früher wahrscheinlich Kate und Evgeny … Wuffelhundis liefern dich und deine Freunde wenigstens nicht an irgendwelche fanatischen Kira-Fanboys aus. (----:,
My favourite nickname for them: Boah, Cinna hat so viele goldene Spitznamen … 8D Katz mein Schatz, Detecive Babyface, Detective Triggerfinger, Vogel, Clown, Kittykatz, Mäuschen, Vollidiot, irgendwann hat Taiga ihn bestimmt auch mal Sin-a oder so genannt … ;-D
Für Taiga natürlich *in a slavic accent* Der Taschenmann™! Und wer könnte sie vergessen … Fräulein Schweiger-Schmiernowski. :^B
My favourite AU of them: Ohh, gute Frage … wir brauchen mehr AUs für die beiden? O: Eigentlich ist das nicht wirklich eine AU, weil es basically einfach straight up nach der Hauptstory passiert, aber sie werden irgendwann zusammen ein super shady Privatdetektiv-/Kleinkriminellen-Duo und pilgern durch Amerika, um da reiche Arschlöcher auszurauben und Aufträge von Leuten anzunehmen, denen sonst niemand zuhört? :-D Be gay, do crime. There is nothing more romantic tbh. Ach ja, und ebenfalls die Blacklist-AU, wo Erika Liz ist und Taiga Reddington. (Was in gewisser Weise ja auch schon fast wieder canon ist … rip, ich habe zu viel Power.) Cinna, keine Ahnung, was der da macht. Einfach ein bisschen viben, denke ich.
My favourite outfit they wear: Alles, was Cinna trägt, ist iconic und beautiful. Guck einfach in mein Pinterest-Board tbh? 8D Aber ich glaube, am liebsten mag ich seinen kuscheligen Flannel-Schlafanzug mit den Frottee-Pantoffeln und dem Seductive-Widow-Morgenmantel, das Outfit vom Cover, das er auch auf dem Poster trägt, seine Mori-Girl-Outfits und natürlich die Krone des Ganzen: das Outfit aus dem Fake-Dating-Stripclub-Arc. *__* (Bonus: Nichts, nur Taigas Flannel (-; )
Ja, und Taiga … die Frau sieht geil aus, egal was sie trägt. :-/ Wahrscheinlich muss ich auch hier einfach das gute, alte Pimp-Outfit aus dem Stripclub-Arc nehmen … und vielleicht noch das, was sie anhatte, als Cinna sie in Kapitel zwei zuhause besucht hat und schon wieder fast erschossen wurde … ach, ich liebe Taiga. 8DD
Defining colour: Cinna ist natürlich sand-/zimtbraun und Taiga bordeauxrot. :3c
Would I date them: Cinna ist ich, aber mit sehr viel mehr Confidence, Sozialkompetenz und besseren Augenbrauen … und ich habe mir vorgenommen, mehr Selflove zu betreiben, also muss ich wohl! 8DDDD Ich glaube, es könnte teilweise sehr anstrengend werden, vor allem, weil ich so sensibel bin und Cinna manchmal unbewusst andere Leute runtermacht und ihre Insecurities ausnutzt, um selbst besser dazustehen, aber immerhin würde er sich danach wahrscheinlich entschuldigen. :^B
Ganz ehrlich? Taiga muss leider ein unerfüllter Crush bleiben. u_u Erstens ist sie mir zu alt (:-D) und zweitens bin ich wie gesagt sensibel as fuck und mit ihrem Bad-Girl-Lifestyle würde ich auch nicht klarkommen. ^^;
First impression: Bro, lies einfach Zimttränen, das beantwortet diese Frage nun wirklich zu Genüge …
Current impression: My Babies who I love and cherish. uwu Sorry, ich werd langsam faul. 8D
Hogwarts House: Gut, dass wir das schon mal irgendwo aufgeschrieben haben, wir Genies! Cinna kommt nach Slytherin, weil er ein sly motherfucker ist und das wohl irgendwie einfach in der Wammy-Erziehung mit inbegriffen ist, und Taiga nach Gryffindor, wobei ich mir da aber inzwischen nicht mehr ganz so sicher bin, weil sie, zumindest im Gegensatz zu Cinna und Erika, die immer sofort mit dem Kopf durch die Wand rennen, um alle zu retten, gar nicht wirklich so … initiativ ist? ^^; Keine Ahnung, sie chillt einfach lieber und agiert in den meisten Fällen nur, wenn sie muss. Ach, ich will hier gar nicht so tief ins Detail gehen, die kommen schon klar! 8D
Which Pokemon starter they’d be: Bei Cinna ist die Wahl klar wie Kloßbrühe, er ist canonically eine Eule, deswegen Rowlet! uwu Und ich denke, Taiga wäre ein Glumanda, weil Feuer zu ihr passt und ähm, es ist die erste Generation und sie ist … alt … upps. 8D
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ash-etherwood · 5 years ago
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Today is Cinna's 32nd birthday and I had this finished outfit sketch of them lying around so here you go. :^B
Cinna's fashion sense is literally soooo good I love drawing their dark academia/gay history teacher/nerdy grandpa/noir detective/mori girl aesthetic ahhhhh,,, absolute icon of androgyny tbh. I lowkey wanna draw them in all the outfits I put on their pinterest board ahhh.
oh yeah also I gave them my wide hips to be dysphoric about as well when trying to look masc no need to thank me *dabs*
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ash-etherwood · 5 years ago
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I’m having a bit of a writer’s block atm and scanned some old sketches today and honestly this headshot of Setsuko with a braid that I drew while writing chapter 12 looks really good imo. B)
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ash-etherwood · 6 years ago
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First come the (main) characters of my current project, a death note fanfic.
Setsuko and Megumi are both lesbians. They are in the same class but only started talking recently. At first they became friends, but after some awkward dancing around and being shy and socially anxious they eventually start dating and move in together after they finish high school! (I hope none of my readers ever find my blog because that's a big fuckig spoiler lkjhgfghj) Setsuko is depressed as fuck and Megumi has big anxiety but they help each other heal and be strong! <3 (Also, Setsuko loves listening to her gf infodump about her special interests and stutter and talk 300% faster than anyone else. :3c)
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ash-etherwood · 6 years ago
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May I present: Monster gay.
Yago is a) a Shinigami, because Death Note and b) a nonbinary monster lesbian who uses any pronouns because gods of death don't need gender!!!! She's basically what I always wanted Rem to be, I guess ........ they fall in love with a human girl, save her life multiple times and and are generally just a good, nice, caring and kinda reckless friend. Also I hate drawing his body because it's complicated so I just wrapped him up in pride flags. :---D
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ash-etherwood · 6 years ago
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More gay OCs!!
Taiga (who belongs to @lets-face-it-im-cute and who I've drawn before last week) is bisexual and Cinna is intersex, agender and pansexual. They're big in love and honestly this is the best art I've ever drawn of them ..... Taiga is a nasty crime lady and also a major edgelord and Cinna is a private detective who doesn't really care for the law either and just wants to dress up, make up new identities for themself, play minecraft and smooch their tall, handsome gf .....
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ash-etherwood · 6 years ago
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I have some more garbage for you. (-:
Cinna with 18 years first deciding they want to be a detective and NATURALLY the first thing they do is break into some murderous sexy lady's underground lair and try to outsass her ... they almost died.
On the other hand, Cinna with 39, first deciding they want to wear high heels on literally every occasion, especially while running, also deciding that crime is sexy and that they DEFINITELY should drag their wife into more illegal shit, wear suits all the time and be an insufferably seductive annoyance and absolute clown. They grew into a healthy dumbass thot. (-:
AND last but not least, Cinna with 29 something, covered in smorches because their gf is very sexy and very good and they love her. ((((-:
ALSO HEY GUYS REMEMBER JACKSON????? I SURE DON'T!!!!!! fuck jackson. honestly fuck him and bury him in a ditch. Or don't because that's exactly what he wants you to do. I hate him so much. He's a toxic, selfish, manipulative piss boy whose kink is being murdered and I HATE him. yeah.
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ash-etherwood · 6 years ago
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I started reading my friend Break's last big fanfiction project and it's really, really good and the antagonist is a silver haired maniac who wears lots of leather and I'm stupid and gay and I like evil boys so I drew him for her birthday. 8DDD Predictable me. ich liebe günther lol.
(if you wanna impress a girl you gotta shade for her)
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ash-etherwood · 6 years ago
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my crush wrote me the most self indulgent ficlet about cinna and matt smoking as teenagers and i felt like a needed to draw the small owl,,,,,, and suddenly overlay mode.
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ash-etherwood · 6 years ago
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I think I drew this about two months ago or something but it’s kida ugly ... :-D
Anyway, Erika belongs to @lets-face-it-im-cute and she is lucky enough to work alongside some pretty hot women and a pretty hot enby I guess. (Yeah far right is Cinna in a wig. 8D)
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ash-etherwood · 6 years ago
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Aaand the last one for now! (I didn't wanna put them all in one post because it'd look awkwardly formated sorryyyy)
Erika (who belongs to @lets-face-it-im-cute again!), who is biromantic and demisexual, going to pride with her weird aunt Nagori, who is not actually her aunt and aromantic-asexual. Erika is a small neurotic baby who just wants everyone to get along and Nagori's life is a fucking mess, she doesn't know what pride is and just kinda wants to go home I think. (---:, (Also Taiga probably threw a glass bottle at her while screaming "NO COPS AT PRIDE YEEHAW BITCH" or something) (I used the general ace flag for Erika because the black triangle on the demi flag kinda rubs me the wrong way,,,,)
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ash-etherwood · 6 years ago
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a present for one of my readers on FF.de because she likes my stupid gay shinigami OC so much and it makes me happy. (---,:
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