#the djs are so good about so many other societal issues lol. and on generally advocating for good improvements lol
mejomonster · 3 years
So like NFTs people are really paying for like. A very unique url? That costs a lot of energy to create? Hence why NFTs are so bad for the environment right? (I know nothing about NFTs so I could be wildly wrong, but I do know theyre bad for the environment)
Ok so. Why can't we just lie? Why can't we transform "NFT" sales into just regular commissioned art sales, and say there's this unique Thing associated with it? Heck, there's ways to generate a unique url without doing a ton of damage I am assuming (like how youtube makes unique urls for all its videos and another url for the Share button etc). Or if it's not the url thing that's unique, couldnt we just.... either make something less environmentally destructive that's unique, or just. Again lie. Tbh
Because I think NFTs are being marketed basically like Commisioned Art but "fancy." It's just a bunch of rich people and companies jumping on the "oh a trendy new way to buy commissioned art" train! It's just commissioned art they feel is uniquely theirs, rather than something the artist can then later share or that other people could right click and save (even tho NFT images still ARE all this, it's just their like unique aspect info attached can't be copied). Couldn't like? Artists just fucking sell "hi I saved ur art with a specific pixel/signature transparent on a higher layer making ur commission unique from any other since u get the layer copy but if u share it people will only ever see the Flattened copy"? Like... its still a wholly unique item only the buyer can have... no one can replicate that transparent layer content (or say the artist puts some design on layer 2 then unchecked the layer visibility, sells the layered file to buyer, so they can check thar layer but no one else can unless they get the buyers specific file saved on their device etc). Only u know. Not a big environmental effect. Or an artist can say they wrote this buyers fucking name somewhere in real life and that buyer owned that specific instance which is wholly unique and can't be right click saved even tho the NFT art can. Which is pretty much what the unique NFT identifier is, but in digital form.
My point is just like... why can't we just lie and make regular ass commissioned art "NFTs." It's fucking infuriating to me that NFTs are basically popular right now because they're the Cool Hip New kind of commissioned art. And that New Kind happens to be very destructive. Wooh. Which is fucking mind-blowingly pissing me off. Cause digital commissioned art absolutely does not need to be environmentally destructive and there's a million alternative Hip New kinds of digital art commissions we could have gotten popular that would've just been a net positive on society or neutral.
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