#the dipshitery
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waywardwendy · 1 year ago
Unpopular (Popular?) Opinion?
I want to see Crowley do more weird drugs throughout history. Boy was having a WILD time in Edinburgh.
Anthony Jtime-of-his-life Crowley over here.
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Laudanum Crowley is a gift that keeps on giving.
Huggy hug hug
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juniperberrypipebomb · 10 months ago
Guy eating pussy for the 1st time but he's using tounge he borrowed from his lesbian android friend
oh and also he was listening to the lesbiancore that robotgirl recommended to him prior,
"i wont be able to tell you what to do, [using TTS makes her dysphoric bc she is yet to find TTS voice that would fit her in case her verbal system gives up on her] bc, duh, so i need you to study the passion behind girlloving for now" lesbian told him "once you'll be able to do it on your own ill tell you more"
Guy eating pussy but he's got one of those Bluetooth earpieces on and on the other end is a lesbian instructing him how to do it.
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hunter-rodrigez · 2 years ago
As sketchy as the oceangate submarine was... you can bet your ass every single one of musky's endeavors would look just as sketchy if it wasn't for the fact that he's forced to work with government regulators.
Hell, most of his projects are this sketchy if you look a bit closer. For example: the tesla tunnels.
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No fire suppression system, no emergency exits, no emergency lighting, no way for EMS to get through, no fucking nothing. I am pretty sure it's not even big enough to open the car's doors.
Or the Cybertruck that's a deathtrap for both the people on the outside and the people on the inside because it utterly disregards the last 50 or so years of advancements in car safety technology such as crumple zones or safety glass
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Or the tesla model 3 where you can't even open the back doors without power. So if you're in an accident and lose power... good luck getting your kids out of the back, especially when the huge battery is turning into a huge, unextinguishable flamethrower.
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Or the fucking starship launchpad that was utterly destroyed by the rocket and threw huge concrete chunks and other debris around for miles... which, incidentally, also destroyed the rocket.
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That's what all these self-proclaimed Silicon Valley tech bro geniuses are like.
They all think they know better than everyone else, and that rules or consequences don't apply to them, and they see safety as little more than an afterthought.
It's why Ai and social media algorithms are used sooooo ethically. It's why amazon and facebook try to find out everything about you and happily sell that data with no disregard for what it could be used for.
It's about damn time one of these CEO dipshits got killed by their own dipshitery, I just wish it had been musk or bezos instead...
Once again, in conclusion:
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yourapple56-blog · 2 months ago
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Doesn't it feel like everyone is capitulating to Donald Trump before he even gets into office?
Buckle up, ppl.
It's going to be a very bumpy ride of utter dipshitery.
But as for me, I will never comply.
Especially in advance.
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richard-lengthenhancer · 1 year ago
People who wish death on others deserve to die.
Reported, babygirl.
Well, I love when people contradict their own statement within the same sentence. Congratulations random anon! You win this game of internet dipshitery
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sirensquid · 2 years ago
Omg I saw your tags tell me about your ADHD wet rat?! I have a genuine cat character that I’ve got like 4 multi classes at this point just cuz I wanted my DM to herd cats.
Hi hello thank you for asking, and please tell me of your multi-classing dipshitery it's what I live for.
My soggy trash man is named Lalo Huerta Valdez. He's human, trans, twice widowed/divorced (it's complicated), and has been drifting around the Astral Sea for 70 years. He has a lucky golden tooth that is secretly a magic pocket, and his actual pockets are stuffed with mostly used weird magic consumables. He's a wild magic sorcerer dipped into drunken master monk. The original idea was to have the majority of the party multi-class in monk and I fell in love with the idea of this idiot having to gain ki points by taking shots. Our friend is playing a very DBZ inspired character that was raised in a Hadozee monastery and is the golden retriever to Lalo's half-drowned feral cat vibe. If I was playing with any other group I'd be so wary of these annoying ass characters going badly, but I'm super lucky to fuck around with good friends and not worry about that.
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annyankers · 4 days ago
I will also say that ex-watcher!Spike hasn't lost all his impulsivity and dipshitery from canon!Spike it's just that he's much better at controlling his detrimental impulses and better trained mentally/tactically out the gate. His impulsivity tends to come out more and more when he gets invested in a slayer hunt which has both won him some kills and cost him some.
He's also quite good at obfuscating his intelligence behind the image of an impulsive battle hungry glory hound. But at the end of the day this is a Spike who'd fit right in with Giles and Wesley, both of whom are cold blooded killers who will go to extremes that would make even Buffy and Angel shudder (well, it varies with Angel lol).
But also that background as a Watcher probably makes his distaste for apocalypses even higher. He likes the world as is and also he didn't go through all that bullshit and shatter his collarbone when he was 21 getting the amulet of Imhara just for you to summon Gythrazenxarum and end all life as we know it. It's just RUDE. It also means that while he does target Watcher he probably lays off during apocalypse season and has even stopped one or two on his own with Dru on the principle of it lol. Like he'd fucking planned a couples vacation to Greece in July ofc he's not letting the world end in fucking May get bent.
and he is ofc still a big massive cringe simp.
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iventshitsorrylmao · 9 months ago
not all men, but not all lotto tickets either. not all bingo cards either. not all bears either.
bears 500% don't use sweet words to manipulate
mankind there is a chance, and it's not looking too good, victims of abuse or sa are more likely to become victims again. so really not looking good.
bears won't utilize the fact you need cooperation to have a higher chance to survive
there are some of mankind who would.
bears don't draw caricatures supposed to represent you, your friends, your sisters, your mother, getting mauled violently and making perverted jokes about rape because people chose man over the bear. saying how much it would be deserved in comment sections over a fucking hypothetical scenario. then immediately have the audacity or dipshitery needed to claim "not all bears, certainly not them, they're good bears." in the same breath. bears would NEVER.
bears are predictable predators
mankind are not predictable
the aftermath of a potential attack is worth considering
if a bear attacks you people will believe you. it will be obvious a bear attacked you
if your fellow man attacks you then mankind are sadistic, clever, with tools and knowlege at their disposal to make it look like nothing happened, and even if this dude gets caught there's a chance the guy is rich enough to afford a good lawyer and will also get off on good behaviour.. there is also the chance that this man you've scorned by being a victim will take steps to find you and seek vengence for having gone to court for, again, attacking YOU. theres a chance other members of mankind will start to attack you or send you stalker threats and harrasment on behalf of him, and cops won't step in until it's too late.
bears can maul you and you'll either die within three hours, or live with ptsd chronic pain infections. and you can spend your life avoiding bears forests, zoos and the north pole.
mankind you can either die within five minutes or fifteen years in captivity in the most extreme cases, or more likely, in three days if he's feeling sadistic. you have a chance to get ptsd AND even cptsd, that's a two for one deal. oh joy. mankind can also give you the chronic pain and infections and even diseases. you cannot go on your entire life avoiding your fellow man to avoid having your trauma triggered, there's even a chance you'll be drawn to abusers after subconciously as a way to come to terms and gain control of the traumatic event (this is dangerous but happens)
of course not all men are jefferey donner not all men are bob mr rogers either, statistically it's those closest to you that will abuse you. let me make something clear. if we're lost in the forest alone together then that means we ARE the closest people in eachothers lives. with no outside perspective, to let us know if shit is getting toxic volitile or downright abusive. there is only two of us.
so yes i would prefer to be lost in the middle of the woods alone and come across a single bear over a single person regardless of gender.
were this to be just a regular forest trail and we are not lost just passing by, then i say hi in passing to my fellow man all the time. just last week two men were birding hoping to get an owl checked off their list. unfortunately i couldnt help them with that.
were we to find like, ten random people, even all men, none of us know eachother then yeah i'll go with the group of men, shenanigans will likely ensue. maybe one of them has a potato launcher he has hoping to try out or some shit.
i would choose a random bear over a random woman. but funnily enough the question is never about that. it's almost like people are looking for something to be angry about.
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dearjohnnyz · 1 year ago
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Which is why they spent the entire time allowing and encouraging local and beyond law enforcement to terrorize me for reporting child sexual abuse trafficking under multiple identities other than my own. Knowing full damn well. Riiiight. TEXAS DIPSHITERY.
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cinematic752 · 1 year ago
#cher #madonna et al… 🤦🏻‍♀️mindboggling “dipshitery”🤣 🙏thankful for #hollywood good guys.
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anasianfriend · 11 months ago
Well, seeing Velika’s barely present in GSR’s history, it leads credence that he did nothing to earn the reverence he had envisioned all of them to have for being the root cause of their sentience. In fact, Velika’s dipshitery barely impacting a majority of the inhabitants really solidifies the fact that Matoran Civilization and all of their sentience is completely their own, it’s something they have made their own even with the machinations behind it in the first place. Unity, Duty, and Destiny may feel like precepts programmed into them from the get go, but we’ve seen from the Matoran Civil War and the various other contentions that they have made those tenants into actual values.
My personal hot take about the post-restoration bionicle story serials is that I'm very glad they exist, but also having them introduce foundation-shattering reveals and concepts, and then also being unfinished, was the literal worst combination of things they could've been.
I don't hold that against them, because like, obviously they weren't intended to be unfinished, but like...
imagine how much more seamless the whole thing woulda been, finished or not, if the serial killer murder storyline had just been a murder mystery story, and not a retroactive explanation for the concept of sentience itself lmao.
I know the topic has been talked to death, and there's a lot of opinions about those stories, but I just think about it a lot. like... having the basic foundations of the storyline restructured in a way that all lore will have to take it into account, and then also not having any closure on them, is like... the worst combination. which is super unfortunate! because I do still love that they even just exist, and I don't wanna take that for granted! but also now the concepts of mortality and consciousness themselves have been reshaped in a vaguely defined way oh no!
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acapelladitty · 3 years ago
I really don't mind people adding comments to my posts but some of you cunts on here genuinely lack any decent comprehension skills and it shows your ignorance of certain terms and ideologies.
Have a helpful link:
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clowndemon · 4 years ago
I don't really do fic recs, but this one is a BoKuroo fic with pining Bokuto and past KuroSugu (ft. Scumbag Daishou)! It scratches my niche BoKuroo brain itches so good! Absolute dipshitery. I love it!
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nvwu-moved · 4 years ago
Just when my dipshitery couldn’t sink further.. I’ve just left the door unlocked all night 🤡
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evilelitest2 · 5 years ago
Why do you think it will be harder for the UK to get out of its respective mess than the US? Will it also be harder for Russia and Brazil?
Basically I think the US has a pretty good of ending our national nightmare by November 3rd (everybody fucking vote), but even if there was a snap election in the UK tmmrw, you still have  Brexit.  The problem for the UK is 
1) Unlike with Trump, who lost the popular vote by 3 million (you could argue more), Brexit...got majority support.  And in both of the post Brexit elections, the Tories won a majority, especially in this  in this latest election.  So most of the population of Britain (though not each part of it) actually supports the right wing authoritarian dipshitery of Brexit.  The UK is basically divided 50/50 and you cannot be a king of two people.  
2) Brexit itself is....kinda irreversible.  Like, once it happens, its over, and the UK is in a post EU economic meltdown
3) Also fuck the British press
The US by contrast, the majority of the population supports the left, and every year that goes by makes the country more left wing, so if we can get Trump out of office (and especially if we win in 2020) then we might see the collapse of the Republican party, as the GOP White Nationalist slowly shrinks into a regional party 
So Russia is in trouble no matter what, there best chance at stability was lost when Putin took power, and the longer he is in power the weaker Russia becomes long term.  ONce he dies, i think the country itself might fall apart, especially with weakening Oil prices.  But Russia is always a mess so that isn’t a surprise.  
I don’t know Brazilian politics as well as I do European/North American, so I don’t know exactly, but Brazil is a relatively young democracy so i’m much more legitimately scared of a military coup or civil war in Brazil than I am for the US or UK.  
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spacechild-glitchypix · 6 years ago
Makoto’s a nice inbetween of Shuichi’s genuine competence and Hajime’s brick-dumb dipshitery 
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What’s the meat teens Makoto. Makoto. Makoto, what is the meat teens. Makoto
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