#the difference is that the indigenous population is STILL LIVING HERE. they didnt leave for hundreds of years!!!!
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tibli · 1 month ago
i will say, i think ive previously used the word "ethnostate" or reblogged posts using that term to refer to israel, and i am starting to think that that's probably not a fully correct term to use, regardless of my anti-israel sentiments. i dont think its wrong because its a country composed of largely a specific group of people, its wrong because its enacting a genocide and displacing the palestinian population that was already living there.
also, ethnostate apparently has two different definitions, which further muddies the waters. it can just mean a country largely composed of one ethnicity (which honestly most countries would probably fit into this definition), or a country that restricts citizenship only to certain groups of people.
based on my research, israel allows citizenship for non-jews, and even though jewish foreigners get preferential treatment because the end goal is specifically a jewish state, i dont think 'ethnostate' is a fully accurate term to use, so i think I'll avoid it in the future. i dont think i have enough knowledge on the laws of citizenship there to make that claim
im still fully against israel as an existing country, by the way, i just want to be accurate in my criticisms so that that cant be used as a talking point against them. and i dont hate israeli people for being israeli, especially if they are actively against what their government is doing. im hating the ones that are actively participating in the stealing of palestinian land that does not belong to them.
regardless of who you believe lived in the area first (ive seen some sources say it was hebrews, and some say it was arabs), that was literally CENTURIES ago, and WELL out of personal family memory. what matters is that it has been palestinians living there for hundreds of years, and european/american-jewish citizens thinking they had any claim on that land is ridiculous. i am not denying that the formation of israel was largely due to countries not wanting their jewish population after the holocaust. that is a tragedy. but that does not give those people the right to then steal the homes of others. plenty of jewish people today recognize and understand this, but those that dont have likely been brainwashed and deluded into thinking they have an ancestral claim to land their families havent lived on for hundreds and hundreds of years.
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hurt-spock · 7 years ago
Here’s an old fic. Not finished. 
An alarm was sounding and the noise pierced through Spock's consciousness.
He opened his eyes through a blur of green and the smell of copper in the air made him realise it was his own blood that impaired his vision. Wiping the blood from his eyes, he took in the scene in front of him. The craft viewscreen was cracked, a rocky grey terrain spilled out in front of him.
Spock recalled the planet closest to their last known location that matched the terrain before him. Beta Fillon 4. The life forms on the planet were very primitive and only populated the densely woodlands on one part of the planet. They would not have been close enough to have seen the crash. There would be no help from beyond the craft.
Spock rcalled that the doctor was on the craft with him. He turned to seek out his fellow passenger when a sharp pain drew Spock's eyes downwards. A large piece of metal was protruding through his upper chest and shoulder on the right hand side. Where had McCoy been sat? Had the piece of metal from the craft also struck the Doctor?
“Doctor McCoy?” Spock called, trying to turn the little he could without causing pain.
“Spock-” Came the Doctor's reply. “What the- Oh, God, we crashed didn't we?”
“If I had just.... Spock, tell me your not still in the front seat.”
“I am afraid I can tell you nothing else, Doctor.”
“Is that thing all the way through?”
“There is a large piece of metal in front of me. I could, attempt to break it-”
“No, no, just. Let me come over to you.”
“Are you injured? Your voice sounds strained.”
“I'm a little banged up but don't worry about me.” McCoy replied.
It took McCoy longer to get to Spock than would be required in any normal circumstance. Clearly, the Doctor was injured also. While McCoy struggled over to him, Spock tried his communicator.
McCoy reached him just as Spock dropped it to the ground.
“That good, huh?”
“It has been irriversably damamged in the crash.” Spock replied. “Though I did press the emergency beacon as we became distressed. If it is still working, it is the best chance we have of being found.”
“Are we like to get attacked? We're pretty much a sitting suck out here.”
“No, Doctor. There are no indigenous species in this area of the planet.”
McCoy had dragged a medical bag along with him as he made his way over. “Well, the good news is, I think the huge metal thing in your chest is probably stopping you from bleeding to death.”
“That is the good news?” Spock asked.
“Well, it's about as good as it gets. Now, if I were here with a full medical team, ready to beam you up to the Enterprise, I'd cut you free and leave that hunk of metal until we got to sick bay. Besides from that, looks like a few superficial cuts. Can you move that arm?” McCoy asked, poiting to the right arm that was affected.
“Very limited movement, doctor. What is the prognosis for yourself, may I ask?”
“Oh well, maybe a fractured leg.”
“You have taken nothing for it?”
“I have you to tend to first.” McCoy reminded him. “Now, I can give you a shot for the pain-”
“I would rather not, Doctor. I can control the pain. I do not want to deal with nausea as well.”
“Well, I can patch up that cut on your head, but that's about it.”
“Save the medicine, doctor. It is not of importance and it will hardly make much difference.”
McCoy settled himself as comfortably as he could on the floor near Spock's chair. “So how long until we're rescued?”
“Four hours until we reached the ship. If they're alert, they're realise we are missing when we don't turn up on the long range scanners. If the crew are at their very best, five hours from now. If not, our wait could be considerably longer.”
“Well, we have the best crew, so I'll stick with five hours.”
“It is not only their competance that may hold them up. If they get another call, an urgent one and do not realise we are in peril they may have to react to it to save lives. And if they believe we are safely on route, they will have no choice but to respond.”
“Hope that doesn't happen then, huh?”
“Doctor, I feel you would be more comfortable on one of the chairs rather than the floor.”
“I'll get there soon enough. Getting up isn't going to be easy and dragging myself all the way over here took it out of me.”
“You should probably eat to regain some strength.”
“I will if you will.”
Spock sighed. “Very well.”
They ate and drank in relative silence. McCoy felt tired afterwards, and Spock was restless. Being pinned to his seat didn't help.
“Spock, I think I'm going to get to a seat, maybe close my eye's for a little while.”
“Would you stay, doctor? I find I am in some discomfort.”
“What's wrong?”
“I feel my breathing may be somewhat impacted by the crash.”
“Does it hurt?”
“No, there is no pain. Just I am unable to draw significant air into my lungs unless I take a deep breath.”
“Okay,” McCoy said. Without pain, he didnt believe it was an injury causing the issue and wondered if it might be a result of feeling trapped, Spock verging on a panic attack of sorts. He did ask McCoy to stay with him, most out of character for the Vulcan.
He needed a distraction from their current situation.
The problem with Spock was he didn't really do lighthearted conversation. And he didn't want to draw him into a conversation that might lead to him becoming distressed over something else
Having your home planet destroyed and your Mother die in the same day was pretty catastrophic. McCoy was surprised the man could still function.
“What are you thinking about, Doctor?” Spock asked. His breathing sounded a little ragged, strained.
“You, actually.” McCoy informed him. He was certain that for just a breath or two, Spock's breathing seemed to increase. “I don't know, I was thinking to try and take your mind off things and I just thought about what you've been through.”
“I-” Spock's brow srinkled slightly. “I believe the whole crew has been through quite a substantial trauma over the years.”
“Very true. But while watching a planet be destroyed is distressing to everyone, I can't imagine how much worse it would be if it were Earth- if it were everything I'd ever known.”
Spock sighed quietly. “That is just how it is.”
McCoy moved closer, just mere inches, and he lowered his voice, as though anyone else could here them. “How do you do it? How do you go on when you lost so much.”
Spock remained quiet  for a longer time than seemed neccesary before coming back with an answer. “I keep in mind the reason why I lost so much was because of the action of one man. I remember that there are many more out there just like him with vendettas or agendas that mean to do harm. And that despite all of that, it was the actions of the crew of the Enterprise that stopped Nero. That stopped Krall and Khan. Our actions have saved planets. I go on, because it is neccesary. And the alternative is to do nothing.”
“Well- that's a good enough reason. I guess.”
“My Mother died when I was seventeen. I was dating already and losing her it made me want more. Made me try and settle down with my own family before I was ready. That's why I'm divorced.”
“Grief is something that one does not know how to deal with until it is upon them.”
“Yeah. And there's no right or wrong way to deal with it.”
“All of the crew has their own burdens that they bare. They were just not so public. I am sure there are many that have gone through much worse than I, and they are still functioning.”
“Yeah your right.”
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